HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-03-15 - Agendas - Final MEETING NOTICE The Advertising and Promotion Commission will meet on Monday, March 15, 2004 at 2:00 p.m. in the Town Center Conference room. AGENDA ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION March 15, 2004 2:00 p.m. Town Center I. Call to Order — Chairman Bob Davis II. Reports A. Approval of Minutes for February 9, 2004 regular monthly meeting B. Financial Report 1 . HMR Revenues 2. Financial Statements - Scarbrough and Murtishaw 3 . Update from City Attorney re: delinquent tax collection efforts C. Report from Executive Director — Marilyn Heifner D. CVB Report — Allyson Twiggs E. Town Center Report — Denise Bembenek F. Advertising Agency Report — Brian Clark III. Old Business A. Plaza Lighting N. New Business A. Commissioner Appointment — McGeady expires 4/1/04 V. Adjourn Enclosed: Governor's Conference registration packet • ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING February 9, 2004 Commissioners Present: Chairman Bob Davis, Dan Coody, Neal Crawford, Pat Gazzola, David McGeady, Ching Mong, and Curtis Shipley. Commissioners Absent: None Staff Present: Denise Bembenek, Marilyn Heifner, and Allyson Twiggs Chairman Bob Davis called the regular monthly meeting of the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission to order on February 9, 2004 at the Fayetteville Town Center conference room at 2:00 p.m. MINUTES Moved by Gazzola, second by Shipley to approve the minutes of the January 12, 2003 regular meeting. Motion carred. FINANCIAL REPORT • Marilynn Heifner presented financial report for January. Interest income was down significantly. Steve Davis reported on the City investments needed for the library construction being pulled out and a penalty being charged for premature withdrawal. He said the construction fund would be monitored more closely in the future. Moved by Shipley, second by Coody to approve the financial statements. Motion carried. HMR collections for the month of January were $ 135,929.90, representing a 12.75% increase. CITY ATTORNEY City Attorney Kit Williams reported that collections of unpaid taxes in January were $950. There are twelve active criminal summons issued for various restaurant owners/managers and there are eight failure to appear warrants for those arrested and failed to appear for arraignment or trial. Kit commended the Town Center staff for their work on the Martin Luther King dinner in which he was a participant. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Marilyn Heifner discussed her A & P activities for January. The Town Center will host a • joint civic club luncheon with Jones Loflin as speaker on March 10. Loflin will be in town to address the Governor's Conference and the Walton College of Business • Keith Lee, Sales Manager for the Town Center has resigned. Denise and Marilyn are receiving applications and interviewing to replace Keith. There is a leak in the Peace Fountain liner. Pat Pinnell has been contacted about repairing the liner. CVB REPORT Allyson Twiggs reported that a new partner had been signed — Day Spring Cards. Governor's Conference on Tourism will be March 7-9. A copy of the agenda is in the agenda packet. If Commissioners wish to attend, they should notify Marilyn and she will make reservations for them. The Tyson Invitational Track meet will be February 14. Marilyn and Allyson are still working with the Chamber to get the 800 line transferred from the Town Center to the CVB. TOWN CENTER REPORT The Town Center executed contracts (sales) for January were up 41 .37% over last January; completed events were down 37.50%. Pretty in Pink, a Susan G. Komen metropolitan fashion show on Feb. 7 was a tremendous success with over 1200 people • here. AGENCY REPORT Brian Clark reported that they had been working on the creative approved by the Commission. Web hits indicated 225 unique visits per day, 199% increase in web traffic over last year. They are also working with the Governor's Conference media. OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS Li ting for Plaza Richard Alderman presented two schemes for lighting the plaza — streetlights like those on Dickson Street or bollards. He recommended the 12-foot poles with 75-watt streetlights. Moved by Shipley, second by Coody to go forward with 8 streetlights with a cost not to exceed $25,000. Motion carried. • Alderman said they would solicit 3 bids. Shipley recommended putting the lights on a timer and including an outlet to decorate with lights. A & P Meeting in March March meeting will be moved to March 15 because of the Governor's Conference on Tourism. EXECUTIVE SESSION Commission moved into Executive Session to review Marilyn Heifner. At the end of the Executive Session, Commission reconvened and recommended a 3% increase for Heifner. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, "a Marilyn Heifner Executive Director • • • Advertising and Promotion Commission For month of February 2004 HMR revenues collected $129,922.56 Interest revenue 81031 .28 Total Revenues $137,953.84 Collection expense -$21598.45 CEC Bond Payment -31 ,575.00 Town Center Bond Payment -24, 125.96 Total Expenses -$581299.41 Total Check to A&P $79,654.43 • • • DIRECTOR'S REPORT February, 2003 INQUIRY RESPONSES Advertising Responses February 2004 — 489 Year to date 2004 — 856 February 2003 — 402 Year to date 2003 — 953 Tourist Inquiries February 2004 — 189 Year to date 2004 — 322 February 2003 — 293 Year to date 2003 — 514 Relocation Inquiries February 2004 — 46 Year to date 2004 — 92 February 2003 — 51 Year to date 2003 — 104 February Total Advertising Inquiries 2004 — 724 2003 — 745 Year to Date Total Advertising Inquiries 2004 — 1270 2003 — 1571 • Internet Inquiries February 2004 — 436, 182 hits Year to date 2004 — 542,665 Unique visits — 7,539 Per day average visits — 259 FEBRUARY ACTIVITY Tourism Activities — Bikes, Blues, and BBQ planning meeting — Sharon Crosson, Bill Ramsey, Mark Pryor Home Builders Expo Governor's Conference planning meetings Designer House — press conference NWA Heritage Trail presentation to Parks and Tourism Commission meeting Relations with Other Tourism — Autumnfest meeting NATA Advertising Committee Northwest Arkansas Tourism Association meeting Northwest Arkansas Hospitality Association meeting A. D. Poole — Heritage Trail Partners • Relations with Media — Jason Schultz — Arkansas Democrat Gazette Cranford Johnson Robinson Woods — Michael Dandurand • 24-7 Vacations.com Associated in Chicago — Gem Worth Sparkman — Business Journal Jill Carroll, Serendipity — Packaged Travel Insider Vicki Vowell — Active Years A & P — Alcohol Service Training — Rebecca Gibson Arkansas Hospitality Association — Montine McNulty (legislative issues) Arkansas Hospitality Assn. — ad in magazine Nancy Clark — Arkansas Parks and Tourism re: Governor's Conference Downtown Partnership (L.R) — Sharon Priest Sora Chung — President Clinton's office Wes Murtishaw — accounting Susan Bolding — AFLAC Michael Thomas — Fayetteville Public Library Cy Sutherland, Dr. Harvey Smith — funding for Evergreen Cemetery Mardi Gras impact — KFSM-TV 5 (Charlotte) and 40/29 (Jonathan Betz) John Bradbury — lighting on plaza Lindsey — A & P laws Chuck Harralson — Arkansas Parks & Tourism Travis Wood — Fayetteville Athletic Club (HMR taxes) • CVB — Lisa Sageley (credit card machine for CVB) Mike Bishop — Sweet `N Sassy Town Center — Interviews with Sales Manager candidates Miscellaneous — DDEP annual meeting Leadership Fayetteville — panel discussion U of A Alumni — House advisory committee Heritage Trail Partners meeting Secretary of State — incorporation of Heritage Trail partners Top HMR Tax Collectors reported in February for January sales Olive Garden Red Lobster Chili's Clarion Ryan's Radisson Ruby Tuesday Jose's Penguin Ed's • Chick-Fil-A Noodles • Colton's Steakhouse Applebee's McDonald's — Joyce Street McDonald's Shogun Sodexho Operations Catfish Hole Powerhouse Seafood & Grill Taco Bell • • • Monthly Advertising Inquiries by State - 2004 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC TOTAL AL 15 16 31 AK 0 AZ 7 3 10 AR 12 23 35 CA 16 10 26 CO 2 2 4 CT 2 2 4 DE 0 DC 1 1 FL 16 12 28 GA 7 50 57 HI 0 ID 0 IL 22 24 46 IN 12 14 26 IA 8 17 25 KS 10 5 15 KY 5 10 15 LA 17 22 39 ME 1 1 MD 3 4 7 MA 4 5 9 MI 21 24 45 MN 12 11 23 MS 10 17 27 MO 30 25 55 • MT 0 NE 3 8 11 NV 1 1 NH 0 NJ 1 5 6 NM 1 1 NY 4 6 10 NC 7 13 20 ND 2 2 OH 15 17 32 OK 8 15 23 OR 1 4 5 PA 3 7 10 RI 2 2 Sc 5 7 12 SD 2 2 TN 16 20 36 TX 24 56 80 LIT 0 VT 1 1 2 VA 8 3 11 WA 2 2 4 WV 2 4 6 WI 25 15 40 WY 1 1 APO 0 CAN 2 3 5 FOR 3 2 5 • TOTAL 367 489 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 856 . Advertising Inquiries Pubs by State - February 2004 AB AY CNT BT FC ML MVG NATA Rosie MG MS OkT SL SNI TH 24-7 Paradr USA VG TOTAL AL 3 1 3 9 16 AK 0 AZ 2 1 3 AR 4 3 13 3 23 CA 4 3 3 10 CO 1 1 2 CT 1 1 2 OE 0 DC 1 1 FL 2 9 1 12 GA 2 2 45 1 50 HI 0 ID 0 0. 1 14 4 4 1 24 IN 9 1 4 14 IA 2 9 2 2 2 17 KS 4 1 5 KY 1 8 1 10 LA 3 16 3 22 ME 0 MD 4 4 MA 2 3 5 MI 17 3 3 1 24 MN 9 2 11 MS 2 1 12 2 17 MO 2 5 4 10 4 25 MT 0 NE 1 4 2 1 8 NV 0 NH 0 NJ 3 1 1 5 NM 0 • NY 1 3 2 8 NC 12 1 13 NO 1 1 2 OH 8 7 1 1 17 OK 1 4 9 1 15 OR 1 2 1 4 PA 1 2 1 3 7 RI 1 1 2 Sc 5 2 7 SO 0 TN 4 1 1 10 4 20 TX 1 1 10 40 4 56 UT 0 VT 1 1 VA 1 2 3 WA 1 1 2 WV 4 4 WI 7 3 4 1 15 WY 0 APO 0 CAN 3 3 FOR 1 1 2 TOTAI 0 0 0 0 39 97 0 66 0 0 0 0 238 0 0 49 0 0 0 489 • • ADVERTISING INQUIRIES - 2004 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC TOTAL Tourist AY 0 BT 0 CNT 0 FC 9 39 48 H&A 0 MP 0 ML 125 97 222 MN 0 MS 0 MT 0 MVG 0 NATA 67 66 133 OK 0 Parade 0 MC/Rosie 0 SL 145 238 383 SNI 0 ST 0 TA 0 TH 0 • TM 0 USA 0 VG 0 24-7 V 21 49 70 TOTAL 367 489 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 856 AY - Active Years BT - Budget Travel CNT - Conde Nast Traveler FC - Family Circle H & A - Home and Away MC - McCalls MG - Meeting Guide ML - Midwest Living MN - Meeting News MS - Meeting South MT - Midwest Traveler MVG - Midwest Vacation Guide NATA - NATA Tour Guide OK - Oklahoma Today Parade - Parade SL - Southern Living SNI - State Newspaper Insert • ST - Southern Traveler TA - Travel America TH - Travel Holiday Tourists Inquiry 2003 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC TOT AL AK • AZ 1 1 AR 13 1 14 CA 2 1 3 CO 1 1 CT DE DC FL 1 1 GA HI 1 1 ID IL 1 1 IN 11 1 IA 1 1 KS 3 1 4 KY 1 1 LA 2 1 3 ME MD MA MI 11 1 MN 1 1 2 MS MO 3 3 6 MT 1 1 • NE NV 1 1 NH NJ NM NY NC ND OH OK 6 1 7 OR PA 1 1 PR RI Sc SD TN 1 1 TX 3 2 5 UT VT VA WA WV WI 1 1 WY • APO CAN FOR 1 1 TOTAL411 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 59 A & P TOURIST INQUIRIES 2003 JAN FEB MAR JAPR MAY JUN IJUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC TOTAL AL 1 1 AK 0 • AZ 2 2 AR 24 15 39 CA 3 4 7 CO 1 2 3 CT 0 DE 1 1 DC 0 FL 3 5 8 GA 3 3 HI 0 ID 0 IL 5 3 8 IN 1 2 3 IA 2 2 4 KS 9 4 13 KY 0 LA 3 4 7 ME 0 MD 0 MA 1 1 MI 2 1 3 MN 1 1 MS 1 1 MO 6 4 10 MT 1 1 • NE 2 1 3 NV 0 NH 0 NJ 1 1 2 NM 1 1 2 NY 0 NC 0 ND 0 OH 2 2 OK 5 41 9 OR 1 1 PA 1 1 2 PR 0 RI 1 1 SC 1 1 SD 1 1 TN 1 1 TX 9 ill 20 UT 0 VT 0 VA 0 WA 3 3 WV 0 WI 2 4 6 WY 0 • APO 0 CAN 0 FOR 1 1 92 79 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 171 Jan Feb Mar jApr May June July Aug AAA 1 AARP AR Tourism 4 2 • BBB Brumle 3 3 e-mail 7 9 Family Circle 2 internet 6 LOTO NATA 1 2 Midwest Living 21 1 Newspaper Insert Parade So.Liv Rosie USA Places Rated Travel Holiday HGTV 24/7 Vac 25 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tour Packets 206 96 1 1 these aren't in the inquiry count • • Relocation Inquiry 2004 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC TOTAL AL 1 1 2 . AK AR 8 8 16 AZ 2 3 5 CA 4 3 7 CO 1 2 3 CT 1 1 p I p 1 1 DC DE FL 2 3 5 GA 1 1 HI ID IL 1 1 2 IN 1 1 IA 3 3 KS 1 1 KY 1 1 LA 1 1 2 ME MD MA 1 1 MI 1 2 3 MN 1 1 2 MS 1 1 • M 3 3 6 MT NE 1 1 NV 2 2 NH NJ NM 2 2 NY 1 1 NC 1 1 ND OH OK 5 2 7 OR 2 2 PA RI SC SD 1 1 2 TN 3 3 6 TX 1 2 3 UT VT VA 1 1 WA WV WI 1 1 • APO CAN FOR Total 46 46 g2 Fayetteville A & P www.fayettevilletourism . com • Summary Period: Last 12 Months Generated 29-Feb-2004 23:59 CST Usage sunnary for uuujagettevilletourisn . Con nom+ = m r N Y � N ll Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Summary by Month MOnM Daily Avg Monthly Totals s1NIM0 � 41w 1Pages Visits Sites KBytes Visits _— Feb 2004. 15040 u642 7031 159 46i - 17383 7539, _20392-4 36661q . 436182_ • an 2004 1312 m1 9 6392 225 4270 1600854 6980 19816S=344694 4o64Ri_ Dec 2oo3 9390 7972 4826 _ 186 3626 tu6b7 5778 14g61t 247162, zgto94 Nov zoo3 10052 8630 5317 n8 4046 n65o47 6567 159515 258905 30168 �0=3 �83 12275 71st 277 5174 1755512 6616 221699 3805331 448979 Sep 2003 14898 126o6 —6886F---28-6 5186 1782303 8596 206599 378194 446958 Aug 2003 12250 lozn 5477F 229 7466sF 109819 7114 F 69615 316545 379773 u12003 13286 10910 5964F 243 4720 1587085 7533 184897 338210 411893 Jun 2003 12533 10084 5254 219 4641 14-11 93-21 65701 15764731302539 376016 May 2003 no04 9016 48F2 208 4419 u74058 6450 151061 279526 341145 Apr 2003 �o 532 - 8586 4563 198 4152 r nR+ 251 r W'8 136905 257589 315978 Mar 2001 6426 5194 2817 113 2087 r - - - 61983 114281 141378 CWs 1665&341 , 80201 2001817 �6M787 4987147 Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01 • • y 3 d o r Co d Om C U m o 0 C E E U m' c o Vmo O wV Co> a) L m y 0 m aO o Na rd O) d CL > m c 0 Y 0 '0 y a) T 3 .L_. r(D 0L.• E Y .L-. a) > > `O w U L N (6 E — O a7 N V d 0 7 cc 4 Oo d 3 -0 c h w E o aa)) w C) m aci v L O 3 � o 3 v O ' c � c 0) 0 '� 3 N Y 3 d 3 m 000E oC 0 cd °Q m � c ao . o Ec > N N U 0. � o C N Q o o m Lo. 0 m L y E -o o E c w 0 .0 — 0 0 O N E o m LL U a) 0 0 U o — G U O > +. 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This amount leaves us at 14.24% of our 2004 goal ($268,623.27) and represents an increase of 21 .41 % over February 2003 collections and an increase of $52.97% over 2003 YTD collections. Operations: • Maintenance and Cleaning o Paint Ozark o CAS — problems with Dogwood connectors. Bidding remote, stationary system for rooms. o SBC — move 800 line to CVB (Allyson) • o New Staff administration — change phones, business cards, email accounts, employee benefits, notify accountant, insurance and retirement personnel o Excessive cleaning charges assessed for Zeta Tau Alpha and Pretty In Pink events. o HMR Report (attached) • Administration o Computer viruses repaired; administrative update of computer systems for staff changes o Jamey Goddard — promoted to Senior Sales Representative/Event Coordinator o Julie Pennington — hired as Sales Representative/Event Coordinator o General bookkeeping, collections and event tracking, payroll, benefits, etc. Event Coordination/Management and Sales: • Pretty In Pink • Woodland Jr. High School — band concert • Courtney Wilson Wedding Reception • Jr. Cotillion '04 — requested change to their schedule for BBBO function. • 2005 Towers — UA Special Events Marketing and Public Relations: • UA Hospitality Student's tour and meeting re: Governor's Conference • Arkansas Business Journal — 10 largest events at FTC (attached) Event List: • St. Joseph's — Mardi Gras banquet 0 ZTA Winter Formal • Pretty In Pink • Bolin/Wright Reception • Harp's Bakery — seminar • ADA — Kiss A Pig Banquet • UA, Duck's Unlimited — banquet & auction • • Miscellaneous Activity: • Event Management, sales, tours, cleaning and building maintenance as needed. � k 2 £ 0 \ 71 a @ c � 27 | * # | 0 ` | k | | f77 ! k / ) f ] | k ! ) ) ! f ! \ k s § § ! § ! ° ! ; E | ! ! � c ! � 2 k \ \ | ! ! j ! a ! ! k % o ! Ek § ! ) 2 ! ! ) | ) k ® j ) 2 k } k « # § \ k . 0 z Jf / I kfJ / k kkE rrO FAYETTEVILLE TOWN CENTER MEMORANDUM To: FTC Staff From: Denise Bembenek CC: Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commissioners Date: 3/4/04 Re: Barred Caterers Following is a list of caterers with delinquent HMR tax payments. As specified by Fayetteville City Ordinance, and as directed by the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission, the staff of • the Fayetteville Town Center will prohibit service at the Town Center by caterers delinquent in paying local HMR taxes. Effective today, the following caterers are denied access to service at the Fayetteville Town Center until current on HMR payments. Big Daddy's Butcher Block Steakhouse Cafe Santa Fe (downtown) Casa Torres Cowboy's BBQ Dadoo's Pizzaria Hoffbrau Steaks Judy's 15th Street Diner La Huerta Madame Wit's Pesto Cafe Sassafras The Gypsy Wes' Bar-B-Que Willy D's M 0&AJ 1,Jc 010P— VS' Clients should be notified of prohibited caterers at the point of sale. A client may use any caterer not on this list at the time of their contract execution. This memo is based on infom ation provided by the City of Fayetteville HA4R report ending January 31 , 2004. • 1 BEKKA BEKKA DEVELOPMENT CO. EXECUTIVE SQUARE ONE WEST MOUNTAIN, FAYETTEVIT Y AR 72701 T&IR.PHONE 4479) 442-7972 February 25, 2004 Marilyn Heifner Executive Director Fayetteville A & P Commission 15 West Mountain P.O. Box 4157 Fayetteville, AR 72702 Dear Marilyn: • This refers to your letter to John Bradberry on February 23, 2004. Please accept this letter as our approval for installation of street lights outlined in your attached memorandum. As you know certain areas of the plaza have been retained for development by Bekka Development and none of these lights fall within that area. As a matter of information to you we have no plans at present for development. Thank you for your letter and we feel that the plans outlined in you letter will be an asset to the Town Center Plaza as well as the surrounding areas. Yours Very Truly, Mdin Bradberry Bekka Development Co. • Application Form for appointment to City Boards, Commissions, and Committees NameC6/„AC (l l /40A ;IL. Soc. Sec. # If married, please give // spouse's first name Length of residency in Fayetteville esident Stre t ddress (/5rIXr/// G(Ar 49 How did you find out about opening(s)? -City State Zip Code Mailing Address Zip Code COQ li 1/Ss:w./ �i ✓�i2 �fC �z�o� References: 1 Telephone Number: Home: y77� SJS—pS3 (p NameCV _ Business: �/ �f5�as�S� Address Jrg3 rel ) V'1Oc/.Jt�cIAJ //O''ccupation/Employer Name nn Phone �j(� f - / 7/0 V1Z.yfnAeL, / -,� ' ) f UX &C53o^j Name `. o C" n f Choice of Committee Address /Q /F [ y/ d[S / 611C A • C�o/yn /Ss/c� �J S Phone 7 J� - a Use On .y Te ina e APpoihted Ex 'r Replaced 1 . What are your qualifications for serving on this committee, including education and expertise in the subject matter? U(t/t ..i /o -I' T4* ii} G . is 72Yr A9, ?. Why would you like to be considered for appointment to this committee? — O rJ A.P.A �- 424=11z: A J-e / /� d )]ell fill out application COMPLETELY and return to: Heather Woodruff City Clerk's Office 113 W. Mountain Street, Fayetteville 72701 f you have any questions call 575-8323 . . . . . . : . . . . . . . F _ INIA WFAMPIr I i — i a s fir/ % 'off e- r 00 �✓ 1 i — a it �et�r� �l� s d `! Yt s v�[ }, ` , r.', 111 "tl, n` dn't,�.` `'• ' _om l : �j -Y" ° 7+" a. S .g �� ,g„ +i' '�` , l r-�''� iia stir ,�T � � t $�c�a, tIk �{i5—t i — -G' �`' �11 f� ,r liy • �rT'.� +. ,+�z, •d:�iirE' b°t .alp "k� '}j{' 3�{ri'l � air tl�:r 'rir Tt.£�'�F }. jy` *..Y.. MR.! "� t1T •4 ' 1 t5�i !. '� t,� yf; T"' it �P� Y �x tWJ dt���a�� .l R I fl • / / /7 • • ►� . 1 . . is h ' �•.a • • • G h � i _ L , . s• 'iiO wo a MUM • • • wal •Iry •l . / / lis pf h Y r +'y U7 �tirX 11 Ili' I , i I I 1 v7 1I r f t I •1 1• f fl I�11'�. YIt f�l1w 'V { 1. 41l r1 j1 _ 117 ( fll 9I 1f♦•Stlf lr � �' �II , �fl�� 1111 � 1 "lijfl 71�I�iI .Ln' Y . 1Y h h P7n++ti rf I' � IJ 1 i fl f .N. {� w � u )�i . 11 rlr ' I U ,.,;! . Fr i. r 'F '•: � I . ,I , � � r �J . r., 1 1 d 41 ,.i, Mfr tea, , . . 1 � , - -- r FAYETTEVI LLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS • KIT WILLIAMS, CITY ATTORNEY DAVID WHITAKER, ASST. CITY ATTORNEY DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE LEGAL DEPARTMENT TO : A & P Commissioners Casey Jones, City Prosecutor Rick Hoyt, PoliceChief FROM : Kit Williams, City Attorne(�/ DATE: March 1 , 2004 RE: HMR Taxes collected • The Fayetteville City Prosecutor' s Office collected "$2,763 .00 in overdue Hotel, Motel and Restaurant taxes in February, 2004. The total for 2004 is $3 ,713 .00. Six arrest warrants or criminal citations were served last month leading to trial dates and payment of back taxes. The City' s Accounting Department, Police Department and City Prosecutor's Office all work together to ensure compliance with the HMR tax law passed by the Fayetteville voters. �d CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE • OFFICE OF THE PROSECUTING ATTORNEY CLINTON K. JONES MANDY FINKLEA HOT CHECK ADMINISTRATOR CITY PROSECUTOR Email: h0tchmk@d.layettev111e.aLUS W. BRANT WARRICK 140 W. ROCK FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 72701 DEPUTY CITY PROSECUTOR PHONE: (4791575-83T7 (479) 575-837B (479) 5765774 MEMO (479) 5768375 Not Chmks: (479) 575.9254 FAX # : (479) 576.8373 TO: K Williams Fayetteville City Attorney FROM: . Clinton K Jones Fayetteville City Prosecutor DATE: March 1, 2004 RE: Status of HMR cases 1 . Fat Toney's Tony Goucher TD: 3-31-04 (� • 2. Fat City James H. Roberts Warrant Served, Paid $1080 �`: . t;iif k.� TD: 4-23-04 3, Corky Ben Clark Paid $150, TD: 5-5-04 i. 4. Cafe Santa Fe Sad Abu Haleema 2 Active FTA warrants V 5, Hog City Diner Richard T. Byrne Active FTA warrant 6. Tones, Inc. D. Heerwagon Active FTA warrant 7. Dominoes Pizza Lloyd Hardison Warrant Served, arraignment ' 3-22-04 8, Dickson St. Diner Nick Jeffries Active FTA warrant Deonna Darnell Active FTA 9, Quizno's John Ford Active Criminal Summons 10, Quizno's Tim Ford Summons Served, Arraignment 3-22-04 • 11 . IHOP Kathy Lewis Active FTA warrant 12. Old Town Deli M. Boroujeni Active Criminal Summons , • 1 Y CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE OFFICE OF THE PROSECUTING ATTORNEY MANDINKLEA CLINTON K. JONES HECK ADMINISTRATOR HOT CHECK ADMINISTRATOR CITY PROSECUTOR Et all: hotcheck&l.fayetteville.ar.us W. BRANT WARRICK too R FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANKAN SAS 72701 DEPUTY CITY PROSECUTOR PHONE: (479) 676x377 (479) 576.9379 (479) 576-8374 (479) 576-8375 Hot Checks: (479) 676.9264 FA% # : (479) 576-8373 13. Morning Glory's William Reeves Paid $500, TD: 4-14-04 14, Frullatie Cafe Todd/Mary McNeill Paid$500, TD: 3-17-04 15. Reuben Delight Larry Flowers Active Criminal Summons 17, Pepper's Pepper/D. Glass TD: 5-5-04 C - 18, La Familia Virgina Amaral Paid $50, TD: 3-3-04 19, Taco Shack Mario Underhill Summons Served, Arraignment `- 3-22-04 20. EI CaminoReal Mea Santo O'Campo Active Criminal Summons ) >;: '" • Isamael Martinez 21, Madame Wu Christina Wu Summons served, Arraignment CA 4-5-04 22, Heavenly Ham Robert Flocks Active Criminal Summons Q-P /' (t; ! % 23. XtremePizza/ William Acklin Active Criminal Summons ? DBA: Dominos 24, The Skate Place Davis, Laurie Summons served, arraignment 3-22-04 The Skate Place Davis, Ernie (Sr.) Issued Criminal Summons 25, The Ramada Inn Curley, Jerry Active Criminal Summons 26. Tiendo EI Progresso Herrea, Alfonso Issued Criminal Summons 27. Shakey's @ U of A Horton, Jerry Issued Criminal Summons 28. Fast Boys #16 Carr-Munzar, Amy Sent Warning Letter, paid in full $483 TOTAL COLLECTED: $2763.00 • p. 2 Kit Williams HMR 3-1-04 PI 'Xyryy�1��y PPUPUSEO COO R flOUiiNG fl[IOW. / DINI1 1NIIWLN 1NNCP fIC At ECN W PULL ETCHES UUOM ASD "WIRED PI M vi i - L6a1ML METE s 200 "P •wiUMN rEsr v41EL OELM ARVY C)MT UO TNTX, Pfl0M0E NEIL BRUNER W PANEL TD EEEO NCM LN.NIS At PLAZA. &W PRCMME NEN LIGHTING CONIAGTOR/HMMOCN NTH PE 5WIr 1 _ 6 HOA SWHC IN NEW 3A ENCLOSUPE. MUNE W COLUMN NEM PMEL. PLAZA LIGHTING PLAN u L 3/12/04 PROP05ED PLAZA LIGTING FAYETTEVILLE TOWN CENTER EXHIBITION HALL 95059 EAYMEVUE, AW-AM E0 /E0 39E7d N0SJ30NV N3369 ETVOZVV640 TZ : ST 400Z /ZT /E0 vl L . pl vi PROPOS(D CIX10NI RDUIIFIO BELOW. OMt UDOULN EANCACf LIAR LOCM1IM PMOViDE NNCIIDH b --II TH1 M0 S eELPN AS RCOIMCO. 1 PI PI y — PI Pi 3 (%ISiNG NCf(A h 200 ANP 'AUTUMN IER1 PAx[l 0[LOW, VEIT" EINLI LOLWON. PROWS NEW BREMER N PANEL TO FEED NEW OONIS AT PLAZA. µS0 PRONDE NEW t"Fi C C0.VIKI011/iME0.0LR MIN PE SWITCH _ 6 NO% SWICH IN HENA JR ENCLOSURE. W"T ON COLUMN NEM PMEL ^ PLAZA LIGHTING PLAN akk r, Scale: t/8" = 1 �-0" • ( platelobw • 1 3/12/04 PROPOSED PLAZA LIGTING FAYETTEVILLE TOWN CENTER 77 EXHIBITION HALL 9$059 FAYMEVILLE. AFMSAAS EO /Z@ 39Cd NOSaGGNC N3389 ETPOZbb60 TZ : ST DOBZ /ZT /E0