HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-01-12 - Agendas - Final MEETING NOTICE The Advertising and Promotion Commission will meet on Monday, January 12, 2004 at 2:00 p.m. in the Town Center Conference room. AGENDA ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION January 12, 2004 2:00 p.m. Town Center I. Call to Order A. Election of Chairman for 2004 II. Reports A. Approval of Minutes for November 10, 2003 regular monthly meeting 1 . Add to minutes for November 3 approval of NWA BEST funding and budget adjustment in 2003 - $ 1300 B. Financial Report 1 . HMR Revenues 2. Financial Statements - Scarbrough and Murtishaw 3. Update from City Attorney re: delinquent tax collection efforts • C. Report from Executive Director — Marilyn Heifner 1 . Reconsider request for All-Star Games D. CVB Report — Allyson Twiggs E. Town Center Report — Denise Bembenek F. Advertising Agency Report — Brian Clark 1 . Media Placement — outdoor signs III. Old Business IV. New Business V. Executive Session for Personnel Matter — Marilyn Heifner review VI. Adjourn s ' ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING November 10, 2003 Commissioners Present: Chairman Bob Davis, Neal Crawford, Pat Gazzola, David McGeady, Ching Mong, and Curtis Shipley. Commissioners Absent: Dan Coody Staff Present: Denise Bembenek, Marilyn Heifner, and Allyson Twiggs Chairman Bob Davis called the regular monthly meeting of the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission to order on November 10, 2003 at the Fayetteville Town Center conference room at 2:00 p.m. MINUTES Moved by Shipley, second by Gazzola to approve the minutes of the October 13, 2003 regular meeting and the November 3, 2003 special meeting. Motion carried. FINANCIAL REPORT • Tom Lonon, Scarbrough & Murtishaw presented financial report for October. Moved by Shipley, second by McGeady to approve the financial statements. HMR collections for the month of October were $ 136, 161 . 14. This represents a 3 .6% increase over October of last year. Excess CEC bond revenue returned in October was $437,335. 10. Property insurance for the CEC was $8,967.31 . Moved by Shipley, second by Gazzola that the financial statements be accepted. Motion carried. CITY ATTORNEY City Attorney Kit Williams reported that City Prosecutor Casey Jones had an excellent month collecting $ 11 ,389.40 in overdue HMR taxes. Yearly total for his collections to $529379.46. Kit explained that the A & P Commission and/or the City would likely be challenged in court from the Bentonville caterer objecting to our ordinance. It appears that this is the only way to settle the issue. Kit discussed a possible Hotel, Motel, Restaurant business license to help in the enforcement area. • DIRECTOR'S REPORT • Marilyn Heif tier discussed her report in the Commissioner's agenda packet. She explained 2004 budgets for the A & P, CVB, and Town Center. Moved by Shipley, second by Mong to approve the budgets. Motion carried. Shipley asked that at the next meeting staff prepare and present accomplishments for 2003 as well as future dreams, aspirations and what we could do better. Marilyn explained proposed health insurance plan that would raise deductible for each employee from $500 to $ 1500 with the A & P covering any deductible above $500. This would be the most cost effective change and would have the least change for our employees. Moved by Shipley, second by Gazzola to accept the proposed plan to change health insurance. Motion carried. CVB REPORT Allyson Twiggs reported that approximately 500 kids and 45 businesses participated in Trick or Treat on the Square promoted by the CVB. The staff is beginning to focus on the Governor's Conference on Tourism in March. A tally has been made of NWA hotel rooms as follows: Fayetteville — 1633 rooms Johnson — 48 rooms • Springdale — 1218 rooms Rogers — 1027 rooms Siloam Springs — 144 rooms Total rooms in NWA are 5090. Survey after Bikes, Blues, and BBQ, War Eagle and football weekends indicated that most hotel rooms in NWA were filled and 80% were occupied in Ft. Smith. Allyson announced that Lighting Night for Lights of the Ozarks would be November 26 and would include the Jingle Bell Jog, Holiday Parade, as well as the lighting of the square. TOWN CENTER REPORT The Town Center sales for October were up 23%; however collections year-to-date are — 13%. The Town Center Haunted House "Terror on the Square" was very successful and $2,000 was donated to the United Way. Sandra Bennett and the UA Housing did an excellent job. Denise said all inspections are up-to-date. AGENCY REPORT • Brian Clark reviewed advertising for Lights of the Ozarks that will run statewide and played radio advertisement which will run in Little Rock market. The creative for "Step • into Fayetteville" campaign in the NATA advertisement and the Arkansas Tour Guide was presented. Brian discussed media placement and budget overview for 2004. Moved by Davis, second by Mong to approve the media placement as proposed. Motion carried. The agency was asked to bring back billboard drawings and locations of boards to December meeting for consideration by Commission. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, P] Marilyn Heifner Executive Director • • • Advertising and Promotion Commission For month of November 2003 HMR revenues collected $154,821 .72 Interest revenue 91040.77 Excess from CEC Bonds 0.00 Total Revenues $163,862.49 Collection expense -$3,096.43 IRS-Interest Series 1998 Final Arbitrage -61 ,639.95 Bond Resource-calculation of above IRS Arbitrage -11125.00 Bank of OK-1998 Bond Excrow Final Trustee -907.00 Bank of OK-2003 Bond Fund Interest -11125.00 CEC Bond Payment -31 ,575.00 Town Center Bond Payment -24, 125.96 Total Expenses -$123, 594. 34 • Total Check to A&P $409268.15 • • Advertising and Promotion Commission For month of December 2003 HMR revenues collected $ 128,205.00 Interest revenue 81351 .63 Excess from CEC Bonds 0.00 Total Revenues $136,556.63 Collection expense -$21564. 10 CEC Bond Payment -31 , 575.00 Town Center Bond Payment -249125.96 Total Expenses -$58,265.06 Total Check to A&P $78,291 .57 • City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Monthly HMR Tax Collections 2000-2003 • 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 2003 Total Total Total Change Over Total Change Over HMR Taxes HMR Taxes HMR Taxes Prior Year HMR Taxes Prior Year January $ 100,334 $ 98,397 125,718 $ 27.76% $120,555 -4.11% February 91,330 95,810 113,207 18. 16% $115,941 2.41% Mardi 102,971 104,748 118,209 12.85% $117,285 -0.78% April 1080747 107,624 126,006 17.07% $1250309 -0.55% May 107,975 103,545 115,354 11.40% $129,663 12.40% June 107,963 106,217 128,998 21.44% $132,436 2.66% July 103,894 109,223 128,607 17.75% $130,575 1.53% August 105,417 112,743 119,426 5.92% $132,966 11.33% September 104,980 115,765 131,412 13.52% $132,600 0.90% October 105,820 115,771 126,802 9.53% $136,161 7.30% November 117,106 120,282 135,777 12.30% $154,822 14.00% December 97,771 125,971 * 119,627 -0.05% $128,205 7.00% • Total $ 1,254,310 $ 1,316,096 1,4891144 13,15% $1,556,517 4,52% • \filename Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission Fayetteville Town Center Fayetteville Convention and Visitors Bureau Financial Statements December 31 , 2003 • 40 SCARBROUGH • MURTISHAW, CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, P.A. 2039 Green Acres Rd., Fayetteville, AR 72703.2619 • Telephone (479) 521.1771 • I= (479) 442-0082 • Home Page &MCPAS.com Wesley D. Murtishaw, CPA Tommy L Lonon, CPA Fayetteville Advertising & Promotion Fayetteville Town Center Fayetteville, Arkansas We have compiled the accompanying balance sheet and income statements of the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission, The Fayetteville Town Center, and The Convention and Visitors Bureau as of December 31 , 2003 and for the twelve months then ended in accordance with Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. A compilation is limited to presenting in the form of financial statements information that is the representation of management. We have not audited or reviewed the accompanying financial statements and, accordingly, do not express an opinion or any other form of assurance on them. • Management has elected to omit substantially all of the disclosures and the statements of retained earnings and cash flows ordinarily included in financial statements. If the omitted disclosures and the statements of retained earnings and cash flows were included in the financial statements, they might influence the user's conclusions about the entity's assets, liabilities, equity, income, and expenses. Accordingly, these financial statements are not designed for those who are not informed about such matters. 3 Scarbrough & Murtishaw, CPAs, P.A. Certified Public Accountants Fayetteville, Arkansas January 6, 2004 • Members American Institute of CPAs Private Compania Practice Section Arkamas Society of CPAs Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission Balance Sheet • As of December 31 , 2003 ASSETS Current Assets Cash in Bank of Fayetteville - Town Center $ 19,482. 17 Cash in Mcllroy Bank - A & P General 623,977.03 Cash in Mcllrcy Bank - A & P Payroll 10,655.40 Cash in Bank - Conv & Visitor Bureau 41731 .58 Investments 2,083,146.68 Investment Adjustment to Market 22,933.05 Accounts Receivable 61509.24 Accrued Interest Receivable 10,205.45 Due from City 51667.29 Prepaid 2004 Travel & Training 11150.00 Total Current Assets $ 21788,457.89 Property, Plant, & Equipment at Cost Furniture and Fixtures 9,602.98 • Building Additions 1819875.24 Equipment 160,725.88 Less: Accumulated Depreciation (80,003.11 ) Net Property and Equipment 272,200.99 Total Assets $ 3,060,658.88 LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL Current Liabilities Payroll Taxes Payable $ Accounts Payable 58,487.72 Accounts Payable - Parks HMR 3,249.62 Due to Other Funds 65,386.73 Total Current Liabilities $ 127,124.07 Capital Unrestricted Fund Balance 21347, 192.63 Current Year Earnings 5859742.18 Unearned Income - 2004 Partnership 600.00 • Total Capital 21933,534.81 Total Liabilities and Capital $ 3,060,658.88 See Accountants' Compilation Report. Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission Income Statement • Actual vs Budget Twelve Months Ending December 31 , 2003 2003 Month of 2003 Year to Date December 2003 Budget Actual Remaining Actual Revenue HMR Tax Revenue $ 1 ,478,000.00 $ 19547,940.28 $ (69,940.28) $ 154,821 .72 Refunds 400,000.00 400,000.00 Less Returns & Allowances (4009000.00) (400,000.00) Total Revenue 11478,000.00 11547,940.28 (69,940.28) 154,821 .72 General Expenses General Expenses (See Schedule) 716,504.00 709,342.03 71161 .97 66,203.05 Capital Outlay Minor Equipment 50,000.00 14,352.04 35,647.96 31415.15 • Other Income (Expense) Interest Income - Investments 50,000.00 83,577.49 (33,577.49) 91040.77 CEC Bond Excess 645,385.49 (645,385.49) TC Bond Arbitrage Calculation (29225.00) 21225.00 (11125.00) CEC Washington County Property Tax (48,988.10) 48,988. 10 Bonds CEC (45,000.00) (45,000.00) Bond Payments - Arts Center (85,000.00) (85,000.00) Bond Payments - Town Center (375,000.00) (264,272.68) (110,727.32) (24, 125.96) Bond Payments - CEC (380,000.00) (376,966.70) (3,033.30) (31 ,575.00) Interest Expense (1 ,125.00) 19125.00 (1 ,125.00) Arbitrage Expense (61 ,639.95) 61 ,639.95 (61 ,639.95) Transfers to Other Funds (275,950.00) (185,000.00) (90,950.00) Total Other Income (Expense) (1 ,110,950.00) (211 ,254.45) (8999695.55) (110,550.14) Net Income (Loss) $ (3993454.00) $ 612,991 .76 $ (11012,445.76) $ (25,346.62) • See Accountants' Compilation Report. Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission Schedule of General Expenses • Actual vs Budget 2003 Month of 2003 Year to Date December 2003 Budget Actual Remaining Actual General Expenses Salaries & Wages $ 60,000.00 $ 55,832.28 $ 41167.72 $ 41641 .44 Bonuses 31248.48 31248.48 Payroll Tax Expense 13,200.00 41883.22 81316.78 602.26 Insurance 12,000.00 81269.58 31730.42 401 (k) Company Match 1 ,800.00 11707.53 92.47 139.24 Car Allowance 31600.00 3,600.00 300.00 Materials and Supplies 3,500.00 383.31 3,116.69 Publications & Dues 1 ,000.00 1 ,156.95 (156.95) Postage 15,000.00 18,235.64 (3,235.64) 88.30 Building Insurance 9,488.18 (9,488. 18) Professional Services 12,200.00 13,761 .20 (1 ,561 .20) 11000.00 Taxes and Licenses 500.00 (500.00) Collection Expense 30,000.00 30,958.80 (958.80) 39096.43 Bond Paying Agent Fees - 11569.00 (11569.00) 907.00 Miscellaneous Expense 650.00 150.87 499.13 Kamensky Fountain Maintenance 61000.00 51856.66 143.34 New Brochures 49,500.00 519060.83 (11560.83) 91629.98 Travel and Training 21500.00 19072.66 11427.34 - Depreciation Expense 19,090.22 (19,090.22) 11590.85 • Air Museum 25,000.00 25,000.00 Bikes, Blues, BBQ 15,500.00 15,500.00 Botanical Garden Society 45,000.00 45,000.00 6,031 .32 Town Center Garden Maintenance 17,500.00 19,254.96 (1 ,754.96) 1 ,458.33 Walton Arts Center 21400.00 21100.00 300.00 300.00 North Arkansas Symphony 6,000.00 39000.00 31000.00 - NWA B.E.S.T. 1 ,300.00 (11300.00) H. S. Coaches Clinic 15,000.00 15,000.00 Saturday of Champions 31000.00 3,000.00 State Soccer Championship 11000.00 11000.00 Holiday Hoops 10,000.00 10,000.00 Joe Martin Stage Race 20,000.00 20,000.00 All Star Games 51000.00 51000.00 - Ozark Blues Society 15,899.00 15,897.81 1 . 19 Brumley Gospel Sing 15,000.00 15,000.00 Downtown Dickson Enhancement Project 19,600.00 21 ,315. 12 (11715.12) First Night Fayetteville 10,000.00 109000.00 - Don Glass Charity Classic 6,300.00 41500.00 11800.00 Hogeye Marathon & Relays 11500.00 11500.00 Natural State Games 975.00 975.00 America in Bloom 21500.00 21500.00 Rural Mountain Producers Exchange 3,000.00 21999.56 0.44 DDEP Fine Arts Festival 31000.00 11587.09 1 ,412.91 • Ozark Valley Triathlon 2,500.00 21500.00 - Advertising and Marketing 250,000.00 224,622.83 25,377. 17 31 ,936.57 Airport Information Booth 41800.00 41800.00 - Interspace Airport Advertising 51080.00 6,164.25 (11084.25) 11232.85 Total General Expenses $ 716,504.00 $ 7099342.03 $ 71161 .97 $ 669203.05 See Accountants' Compilation Report. Fayetteville Town Center Income Statement • Actual vs Budget Twelve Monthe Ending December 31 , 2003 2003 Month of 2003 Year to Date December 2003 Budget Actual Remaining Actual Revenue Rental Income $ 282,350.66 $ 239,150.96 $ 43,199.70 $ 19,447.61 Daily Parking 21400.00 41126.00 (11726.00) 264.00 Parking Revenue 33,600.00 32,690.75 909.25 Other Income 4,027.85 (41027.85) Sales Tax Expense (693.00) 693.00 (693.00) Less Returns & Allowances (19000.00) (9.00) (991 .00) - Total Revenue 317,350:66 279,293.56 38,057.10 199018.61 General Expenses General Expenses (See Schedule) 483,073.32 360,416.67 122,656.65 31 , 118.07 • Capital Outlay Other Income (Expense) Interest Income - Checking 750.00 229. 13 520.87 14.64 Transfers From Other Funds 50,000.00 (50,000.00) - Total Other Income (Expense) 750.00 50,229.13 (49,479.13) 14.64 Net Income (Loss) $ (164,972.66) $ (30,893.98) $ (134,078.68) $ (12,084.82) • See Accountants' Compilation Report. Fayetteville Town Center Schedule of General Expenses • Actual vs Budget 2003 Month of 2003 Year to Date December 2003 Budget Actual Remaining Actual General Expenses Salaries & Wages $ 2189475.00 $ 1499263.35 $ 69,211 .65 $ 13,750. 14 Outside Services 170.00 (170.00) Payroll Tax Expense 16,000.00 14,524.40 11475.60 1 ,221 .78 Insurance 26,237.20 17,103.19 91134.01 (177.37) 401 (k) Company Match 4,000.00 31882.64 117.36 314.26 Commissions 27,500.00 22,026.37 51473.63 1 ,962.67 Materials and Supplies 6,125.00 31649.78 21475.22 729.46 Credit Card Discounts 500.00 539. 11 (39.11 ) 41 .28 Public Notification 500.00 500.00 Publications & Dues 750.00 73.65 676.35 - Water 61875.00 51649.41 19225.59 420.12 Gas 11 ,300.00 61687.80 4,612.20 900.25 Electricity 66,211 .12 45,848.81 209362.31 31203.51 Cable 1 ,200.00 741 .62 458.38 67.42 Telephone 10,300.00 8,371 .99 1 ,928.01 783.73 • Insurance - Building 159600.00 71913.00 71687.00 Legal Services 259000.00 5.67 24,994.33 Taxes and Licenses 1 ,500.00 1 ,395.00 105.00 - Linens 10,000.00 109139.90 (139.90) 1 ,116.26 Miscellaneous 330.88 (330.88) 330.88 Repairs and Maintenance 24,000.00 28,751 .78 (41751 .78) 870.96 Special Projects 81592.01 (81592.01 ) 39169.46 Advertising and Marketing 10,000.00 5,604.11 4,395.89 822.41 Travel and Training 11000.00 62.00 938.00 Depreciation Expense 193090.20 (19,090.20) 11590.85 Total General Expenses $ 483,073.32 $ 360,416.67 $ 122,656.65 $ 31 ,118.07 • See Accountants' Compilation Report. Fayetteville Convention and Visitors Bureau Income Statement • Actual vs Budget Twelve Months Ending December 31 , 2003 2003 Month of 2003 Year to Date December 2003 Budget Actual Remaining Actual Revenue Bus Tours $ 57.50 $ 1 ,282.50 $ (11225.00) $ Brumley Shuttle - 1 ,575.00 (11575.00) Sponsorships 525.00 (525.00) Total Revenue 57.50 31382.50 (31325.00) General Expenses General Expenses (See Schedule) 137, 130.67 134,877.17 2,253.50 71765.57 Capital Outlay • Other Income (Expense) Interest Income - Checking 150.00 139.07 10.93 4.42 Transfers from Other Funds 1509950.00 135,000.00 15,950.00 - Total Other Income (Expense) 1519100.00 135, 139.07 15,960.93 4.42 Net Income (Loss) $ 14,026.83 $ 3,644.40 $ 10,382.43 $ (7,761 .15) • See Accountants' Compilation Report. Fayetteville Convention and Visitors Bureau Schedule of General Expenses f• Actual vs Budget 2003 Month of 2003 Year to Date December 2003 Budget Actual Remaining Actual General Expenses Salaries & Wages $ 70,000.00 $ 66, 130.00 $ 11870.00 $ 51675.00 Payroll Tax Expense 71000.00 51882.44 11117.56 432.92 Health Insuance 13,000.00 11 ,940.72 1 ,059.28 401 (k) Company Match 21000.00 11950. 14 49.86 170.24 Materials and Supplies 7,200.00 61440.22 759.78 - Office Expense/Printing 11950.00 21282.95 (332.95) Publications & Dues 11500.00 1 , 169.46 330.54 Postage 150.00 126.00 24.00 Telephone 41000.00 31486.88 513.12 385.84 Rent 6,000.00 51500.00 500.00 - • Convention Development 150000.00 19,175.09 (4,175.09) 144.26 Special Projects 225.00 225.00 Repairs and Maintenance 105.67 203.21 (97.54) - Travel and Training 91000.00 81590.06 409.94 957.31 Total General Expenses $ 137,130.67 $ 134,877.17 $ 21253.50 $ 71765.57 • See Accountants' Compilation Report. • DIRECTOR'S REPORT December, 2003 INQUIRY RESPONSES Advertising Responses December 2003 — 517 Year to date 2003 — 17,340 December 2002 — 468 Year to date 2002 — 21 ,083 Tourist Inquiries November 2003 — 46 Year to date 2003 — 2,677 December 2002 — 81 Year to date 2002 — 1 ,629 Relocation Inquiries December 2003 — 57 Year to date 2003 — 818 December 2002 — 32 Year to date 2002 — 764 December Total Advertising Inquiries 2003 — 620 2002 — 581 Year to Date Total Advertising Inquiries 2003 — 205835 2002 — 23,476 • Internet Inquiries December 2003 Year to date 2003 — 73,032 Unique visits — 5,778 Per day average visits — 186 DECEMBER ACTIVITY Tourism Activities — Governor's Conference meeting Relations with Other Tourism — Coop luncheon with Radisson, CCE, CVB, and Agency Heritage Trail partners meeting LOTO Choirs on the Square NATA media plan Relations with Media — Elise Brown, Washington D. C. — HMR tax Adam Wallace, Northwest Arkansas Times — BBB article Bill Bowden, Northwest Arkansas Business Journal — HMR tax collections Sarah Terry — NWA Times — CVB article Steve Carroway — Morning News — HMR tax collections Lori — Meetings South • Greg Harton — NWA Times — editorial Mark Cosby — Ladies Home Journal I • Miscellaneous — Keep Arkansas Beautiful award with City Fayetteville Community Development Foundation press conference Chamber of Commerce annual meeting Director Charles Wallace retirement from Mt. Sequoyah Shiloh Museum — spinning wheel placement W. R. M. C. — pharmacist recruitment conference (Lisa Whitaker) Stan Morris, UA Music department brochure Walt Eilers — private label water/customer service survey Top HMR Tax Collectors reported in December for November 2003 sales Chartwell's Dining Olive Garden Radisson Clarion Red Lobster Chili's Ryan's Jose's Chick-Fil-A i • Sodexho Noodles Italian Kitchen Ruby Tuesday McDonald's — Joyce St. Inn at Carnall Hall McDonald's Top HMR Collectors — 2003 i The Olive Garden Radisson Hotel Red Lobster Clarion Inn Chili's j Jose's Chartwell's Ryan's Chick-Fil-A Noodles Italian Kitchen Penguin Ed's Applebee's McDonald's — Joyce St. • Shogun of Fayetteville Holiday Inn Express • HE2m w a O N $ o co c Ev y CD C d m y d y > p C f0 aci �' ayi c °m = cg N E .N. 7 w o $ °� d Q w r m y 3 0 ° E y o o .� E m o. 3nm w L 8 w c C L N O y V N S m N Y L O �c(p� L c N > y W C CL OHS O p a c U O >` o N is C > C y C 7 p 7 .N.. G "°' N N E N m d U E p �NQ L p C L p >` O N N °l O co ` c N J C C `� O .N. m '� CN N n m a1 8. 0 C 0 LL C O N >� C N N LL E m N U m La 7 V fa C U y CL a) tz O C • �N N N NjEOC a�mCN 8 n CL Cato y Cy m C D 0> .O 7 ~N mC9 m m4o � hNcMCCcl n m($ o � cm N o V a OC) vm C c 7 0 C O y 0 y ( ) O �j d Z v CO M@ Y C a) y a) y O C 6m m L BwcmE3 � mmE � � � � �' Em '� c� IEEo Emc8 °rn rami z y o 0 O N y a) X Z 8 c zr a y C G E _� p N > • Eco u o m o H U � U 0 h = ami E A2 C CO V N C p m d .� ? O U a N O U to E J = fL co {Up a x C d Q t r O a O S N Y N C a1 CL y CO y .7-. m N a) a) dd N c a`pi E w w '-�� m a (L U m �m E > m Q °d a m o E m > d z7 0 � ¢ a ¢ m U a x° ao m` o m cl c d "> a m w c c LXL N y L V V c d L N O C C d d O O a H E U E m E d 2 E E r cl t d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Im a a ama o 0 o a � U Y CL E � C C . Im O O C C H m > Ccc 0 � � U S Fayetteville Town Center Activity Report December 1 , 2003 to December 31 , 2003 • Sales: Dec Dec Month YTD YTD YTD 2003 2002 % Change 2003 2002 % Change Sales 12 7 +41 % 167 166 +.5% # executed contracts b to date — GL Complete Events (Paid/Sponsored) 22 19 +13.6% 177 153 +13.6% EMS Calendar - attached Sales $ executed contracts by log date — GL 12,085.15 107525. 11 +12.9% 219,283.06 247,419.49 -12.8% Collections $ - Payment Lo 16,541 .85 21 ,094. 11 -27.5% 242,606.70 209,026.40 +13.8% Credit 0.00 ( 10.27) N/A -8,219.97 -21940.95 N/A $ - GL Average per event 1 ,007. 10 821 .80 +18.4% 1 ,313.07 11490.48 -13.5% $ Sales / # Sales Operations: • Maintenance and Cleaning o Lighting system repair o Lobby painted o Bids for installation of electric lines in service alley o HVAC repair o Building leak in lower storage • Administration • o Aflac — billing correction — ongoing o Allstate — looking at alternative cafeteria plan (comparable to Aflac) for employees o 2004 filing system and archive 2003 files o Hispanic Documents (Contract, Policies & Procedures, Check-out lists, etc.) review o General bookkeeping, collections and event tracking, payroll, benefits, etc. Marketing and Public Relations • West Memphis A&P Commission re: FTC rates and floorplans Event List: • World AIDS Day Open House • Newell/Rubbermaid Holiday Party • Levi-Strauss Video Conference • Tyson IT Holiday Party • Benchmark Holiday Party 0 Collier's Drug Stores Holiday Party • Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting • Hanson Pipe and Product Seminar • SWEPCO/AEP Holiday Party 0 WRMC Marketing Holiday Event • UA Law School Reception • JB Hunt Holiday Party • NWA Apartment Association Holiday Party • First Federal Bank Holiday Party • ThompsonMurray Holiday Party • Tyson Foods Business Meeting • Lindsey & Associates Holiday Luncheon • Athletic World Advertising Holiday Party • Health South Holiday Party 0 Covington/Rogers Wedding Reception • Dorman/Haines Wedding Reception 9 First Night Fayetteville 2003 Miscellaneous Activity: • Event Management, sales, tours, cleaning and building maintenance as needed. • r-a,rtt�16 ASP - tet iz Mn t415 Ve/o+ n:%AM Fayetteville A&P www.fagettevilletourism .com Oummand Period: Last 12 Months Generated 07-Jan-2004 23:59 CST Usage sunnary for www.fayettevilletourisu. con / m 'o Ok a � � S a x a X00 0 Feb Mar Rpr May Jun Jul Rug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Summary INJ Mo • Mont�l Dai y Avg F-- Monthly Totals Hits Fi es Paves Visiles Sites K5 Visits Paves Fi Jan 2004 10969 9544 513-7 Wo II '_4 X02°4c 1575 �'',,'c, 00513 76784 Dec Z003 9390 7972 4a2, Ism ����- ua,i�s 577s ++-Icn 247162 291094- Nov 200 10052 5650 5517 _Is404v,i n65o47i 6567 159515 258905 301568 Oct 2003 14485 12275 ,1sl 27T 5174 175551z F::6 16zz1699 58M35 4` 8979 1+898 126o6 6ss� 2B6 5181 pszso3 8596 zo6599 175194 44695s � � , 200 11250 102U 54 229 4 << s 50041 "n4 169515 116545 379775 Jul zoo 3286 1o910 5964[;F72 158;2�s� -- 154897 '138210Jun 200 12535 10084 5254 141193'_ 6570F1176471, 302559 376016 Ma 200 11004 9016 48 208, 49i > 1274053 6450 z795z6 541145 ai2r zooi 1o53zIt 3586 4563 193 r2 ns12�1 5955 136905 257559 315978 q+Z65194 281 113 ZOS� 52`2' 2 2500 �I=9i114181 141578 00 � 5694 3079 124 :-�3 724526 3+84r . 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"y/ rage 141 In f FAYETTEVILLE 4V CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. ARKANSAS KIT WILLIAMS, CITY ATTORNEY DAVID WHITAKER, ASST. CITY ATTORNEY LEGAL DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE TO: A & P Commissioners FROM: Kit Williams, City Attorneac DATE: January 5, 2004 RE: HMR Taxes collected Attached is the City Prosecutor's Report of January 2, 2004, detailing his work in December and cases pending in 2004. During • 2003, over $50,000.00 in unpaid, overdue HMR taxes were collected primarily by the City Prosecutor's Office. With the help from the Town Center Staff, out of town caterers are now in compliance with our HMR ordinances. After I assumed office, I moved collection of HMR taxes collected from customers but withheld from the City Parks Department and A & P Commission to a high priority for our City Prosecutor. Without additional personnel, City Prosecutor Casey Jones, with assistance from the City's Accounting Department and my office, increased collection of those unpaid taxes from almost nothing to over $150,000.00 during 2002 and 2003. We shall continue to emphasize this area so citizens will know the HMR taxes they pay in restaurants will go to the City Parks Department and the A & P Commission pursuant to the city-wide elections authorizing these taxes. I �d`"°"►� CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE • OFFICE OF THE PROSECUTING ATTORNEY CLINTON K. JONESMANDY FINKLEA HOT CHECK ADMINISTRATOR CITY PROSECUTOR Ei ail: hotcheck@d.tayetteville.arms W. BRANT WARRICK 14ow. ROCK FAVETTEVILLE, ARKANKANSA572701 DEPUTY CITY PROSECUTOR PHONE: (479) 575.8377 (479) 575-8378 (479) 575.8374 M (479) 576-8375 EMO Hot Checks: (479) 5754254 FAX # : (479) 5754373 TO: K. Williams Fayetteville City Attorney FROM: . Clinton K. Jones Fayetteville City Prosecutorli DATE: January 2, 2004 RE: Status of HMR cases • 1. Fat Toney's Tony Goucher Paid $300, Court Date: 1-21-04 2, Fat City James H. Roberts Active FTA warrant 3. Corky Ben Clark Paid $150, Court Date: 5-5-03 4, Cafe Santa Fe Sad Abu Haleema 2 Active FTA warrants 5. Hog City Diner Richard T. Byrne Active FTA warrant 6. Tones, Inc. D. Heerwagon Active FTA warrant 7. Dominoes Pizza Lloyd Hardison Active FTA warrant 8. Dickson St. Diner M.Starkey Paid $262, File Closed Nick Jeffries Active FTA warrant Deonna Darnell Active FTA 9. Quizno's John Ford Active Criminal Summons 10, Quizno's Tim Ford Issued Criminal Summons • 11. IHOP Kathy Lewis Active FTA warrant 12. Old Town Deli M. Boroujeni Active Criminal Summons CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE OFFICE OF THE PROSECUTING ATTORNEY CLINTON K. JONES MANDY FINKLEA HOT CHECK ADMINISTRATOR CITY PROSECUTOR E mall: hotcheckgcl.tayetteville.ar.us W. BRANT WARRICK 140 W. ROCK FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 72701 DEPUTY CITY PROSECUTOR PHONE: (479) 675-0377 (479( 575-9379 (479) 576-0374 (479) 575-9376 Hot Checks: (479) 575-0254 FAX # : (479) 575-0373 13, Morning Glory's William Reeves TD: 2-11-04 14, Frullatie Cafe Todd/Mary McNeill TD: 1-28-04 15, Reuben Delight Larry Flowers Active Criminal Summons 17, Pepper's Pepper/D. Glass Paid $200, New TD: 5-5-03 18, La Familia Virgina Amaral TD: 3-3-03 19, Taco Shack Mario Underhill Active Criminal Summons 20, EI CaminoReal Mea Santo O'Campo Active Criminal Summons • Isamael Martinez 64 21, Madame Wu Christina Wu Active Criminal Summons 22, Heavenly Ham Robert Flocks Active Criminal Summons 23. XtremePizza/ William Acklin Active Criminal Summons DBA: Dominos 24. The Skate Place Davis, Laurie Sent Warning Ltr. The Skate Place Davis, Ernie Sent Warning Ltr. 25, The Ramada Inn Curley, Jerry Sent Warning Ltr. TOTAL COLLECTED: $912.00 p. 2 Kit Williams HMR 1-2-04 • • Monthly Advertising Inquiries by State - 2003 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC TOTAL AL 2 6 39 57 35 16 14 19 36 17 19 6 266 AK 3 3 5 3 2 4 1 2 1 1 25 AZ 1 6 12 28 19 7 7 9 8 5 5 5 112 AR 189 38 78 434 188 43 19 37 343 362 59 82 1872 CA 21 12 73 87 63 36 33 22 23 23 15 14 422 CO 3 6 25 22 12 4 2 5 8 2 2 91 CT 1 3 3 19 8 6 6 4 4 2 1 57 DE 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 3 14 DC 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 11 FL 9 7 64 235 85 49 30 28 68 115 22 28 740 GA 9 5 35 101 40 29 13 16 47 28 11 18 352 HI 5 2 2 4 2 3 1 19 ID 1 4 6 5 2 3 1 22 IL 49 32 233 504 215 105 41 42 115 90 37 18 1481 IN 15 18 100 236 69 37 27 16 51 52 12 12 645 IA 24 8 74 153 53 25 9 9 16 21 6 8 406 KS 9 15 55 151 56 27 17 17 23 19 7 10 406 KY 4 10 18 68 29 14 10 12 21 30 9 12 237 LA 11 10 71 112 59 26 21 26 89 72 22 21 540 ME 1 2 4 4 1 1 2 2 4 1 22 MD 3 5 18 24 20 7 4 3 11 9 5 3 112 MA 6 7 24 15 9 4 3 3 2 1 74 MI 25 20 122 282 118 47 27 22 46 56 14 20 799 MN 17 13 67 131 64 31 14 10 23 28 14 16 428 MS 4 7 33 89 36 23 7 23 42 50 13 11 338 MO 30 19 171 409 147 63 38 45 103 83 21 28 1157 MT 1 2 5 5 1 1 1 1 17 NE 4 1 18 50 17 8 5 3 11 6 2 4 129 NV 1 6 14 13 2 3 2 6 4 1 1 53 NH 1 2 2 8 8 3 1 3 1 29 NJ 4 4 24 52 13 12 12 9 13 13 2 4 162 NM 2 6 6 17 3 4 2 4 3 47 NY 8 22 52 92 54 19 23 12 12 16 5 8 323 NC 3 8 50 118 19 23 5 11 40 35 11 14 337 ND 1 1 3 12 37 1 1 2 2 1 2 63 OH 12 21 76 245 78 58 24 13 61 48 14 13 663 OK 12 6 64 252 81 24 24 21 168 110 30 17 809 OR 1 3 8 9 24 6 2 3 3 2 61 PA 4 12 46 63 34 23 23 16 19 14 6 10 270 RI 1 1 7 14 0 3 2 28 Sc 2 5 26 52 11 12 3 11 24 19 9 8 182 SO 2 3 4 20 19 2 2 1 5 1 3 62 TN 13 6 60 128 89 23 18 10 56 73 13 17 506 TX 24 13 150 482 199 106 73 91 360 218 69 55 1840 UT 1 1 7 6 6 4 3 1 1 30 VT 1 3 2 12 1 19 VA 3 14 36 34 22 19 7 11 16 14 7 7 190 WA 2 5 11 21 12 3 6 6 3 1 3 2 75 WV 4 3 7 66 16 3 3 2 5 3 2 114 WI 17 20 86 170 79 32 22 15 39 57 15 22 574 WY 1 2 1 1 1 2 8 APO 3 1 1 2 7 CAN 1 4 16 4 2 2 3 1 1 34 FOR 1 2 12 17 10 2 5 3 6 1 1 60 • TOTAL 551 402 2059 5146 2249 1013 629 617 1945 1726 486 517 0 17340 I lAdvertislng_Lnqvides Pubs by State - December 2003 • AB AY CNT IBT FC ML IMVG INATA Rosie MG IMS lOkT ISL SNI TH 24-7 Pared USA VG TOTAL AL 6 6 AK 0 AZ 1 1 3 5 AR 56 1 3 21 1 62 CA 1 8 5 14 CO 1 1 2 CT 1 1 DE 1 2 3 DC 0 FL 1 1 1 20 5 28 GA 17 1 18 HI 1 1 ID 1 0 IL 11 4 3 - 18 IN 8 1 2 1 12 W 5 2 1 a KS 1 3 4 2 10 KY 1 2 9 12 LA 2 19 21 ME 1 1 MD 3 3 MA 0 MI 1 13 2 4 20 MN 1 6 3 4 2 16 MS 9 2 11 MO 2 1 7 3 14 1 28 MT 0 NE 1 2 1 4 NV 1 1 NH 0 NJ 1 3 4 NM 0 • NV 2 2 4 B I NC 1 2 11 14 NO 1 1 2 OH 1 4 1 5 2 13 OK 3 2 1 10 1 17 OR 1 1 2 PA 1 2 6 1 - 10 RI 1 1 2 Sc 8 8 SO 1 2 1 3 TN 1 1 2 12 1 17 TX 2 1 4 45 3 - 55 UT 1 1 VT 1 1 VA 7 7 WA 2 2 WV 2 2 W I 1 12 2 2 5 22 WY I I I I I 0 APO 0 CAN 1 1 FORff 1 1 TOTAI 0 70 0 0 6 85 0 44 0 0 0 0 273 0 0 01 01 391 0 517 I II • ADVERTISING INQUIRIES - 2003 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC TOTAL Tourist AY 217 85 180 70 552 BT 35 122 73 5 235 CNT 2 2 FC 2 120 777 989 471 156 44 61 77 16 13 6 2732 H&A 0 ! MP 0 ML 203 99 716 547 527 304 122 87 57 149 97 85 2993 MN 9 9 MS 6 6 MT 0 MVG 0 NATA 48 137 138 164 191 117 57 122 114 87 61 44 1280 OK 0 Parade 0 MC/Rosie 0 SL 66 46 393 380 484 239 117 273 595 412 250 273 3528 SNI 1002 274 29 48 614 369 65 2401 ST 0 TA 0 TH 63 132 136 217 74 10 632 TM 0 USA 1836 97 27 393 513 39 2905 �• VG 43 43 24-7 V 22 22 I TOTAL 551 402 2059 5146 2249 1013 629 617 1945 1726 486 517 17340 17340 AY - Active Years BT - Budget Travel CNT - Conde Nast Traveler FC - Family Circle H & A - Home and Away MC - McCalls MG - Meeting Guide ML - Midwest Living MN - Meeting News MS - Meeting South MT - Midwest Traveler MVG - Midwest Vacation Guide NATA - NATA Tour Guide OK - Oklahoma Today Parade - Parade SL - Southern Living SNI - State Newspaper Insert • ST - Southern Traveler TA - Travel America TH - Travel Holiday A & P TOURIST INQUIRIES 2003 JAN FEB MAR I APR MAY IJUN JUL AUG SEP OCTNOV DEC TOTAL AL 4 3 71 9 5 4 31 11 4 3 1 54 AK 2 1 2 • AZ 1 2 2 7 2 4 2 1 3 4 1 29 AR 23 28 27 46 19 32 28 12 39 20 6 4 284 CA 17 4 9 15 8 11 22 5 4 3 1 1 100 CO 3 2 3 3 2 2 4 3 2 1 1 1 27 CT 1 2 6 1 1 1 12 DE 0 DC 1 1 2 FL 7 8 61 12 7 4 91 13 51 61 1 1 79 GA 2 7 51 15 4 1 3 1 11 21 1 1 43 HI 11 1 ID 1 1 2 IL 15 16 26 20 14 11 8 7 5 7 4 133 IN 5 8 12 9 7 3 5 4 4 3 1 21 1 63 IA 12 11 10 6 6 3 2 4 4 2 60 KS 6 13 9 11 8 23 9 7 8 4 2 1 101 KY 1 5 8 9 3 2 1 1 2 1 33 LA 9 14 11 8 10 9 8 6 11 71 2 1 96 ME 11 2 2 3 1 0 1 10 MD 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 MA 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 MI 6 9 8 12 5 6 5 2 3 2 1 59 MN 4 12 11 10 7 4 2 2 5 4 1 1 63 MS 3 7 6 7 41 3 2 8 4 5 1 50 MO 12 21 23 11 11 31 13 11 19 13 3 2 170 MT 1 1 1 1 4 • NE 2 7 4 2 5 1 1 1 2 1 26 NV 1 2 1 1 5 NH 1 1 1 3 NJ 1 1 1 7 1 2 4 2 1 2 22 NM 2 1 2 3 1 1 10 NY 3 3 5 13 61 5 13 5 3 3 59 NC 1 2 7 8 21 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 29 ND 1 31 1 11 1 6 OH 5 11 10 13 1 1 2 6 5 3 1 58 OK 7 8 11 12 8 19 6 8 24 13 4 120 OR 31 4 1 3 2 2 1 3 19 PA 2 8 7 8 4 3 1 1 2 36 PR 1 1 RI 1 1 21 1 1 5 SC 2 3 11 4 2 1 1 1 1 16 SD 2 1 2 1 1 2 9 TN 10 5 11 9 4 3 4 4 4 6 1 61 TX 22 29 26 31 17 23 30 22 27 20 9 4 260 UT 2 1 3 VT 1 1 2 VA 2 2 1 6 2 1 2 16 WA 1 2 1 1 2 2 9 WV 1 1 1 4 7 WI 5 4 12 13 3 9 2 5 6 1 1 1 62 WY 2 1 1 4 • APO 1 2 3 CAN 3 5 1 6 1 2 1 2 21 FOR 1 1 1 3 208 267 297363 186 235 218 165 201 151 55 21 2367 Jan IFeb Mar Apr IMay June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec. AAA 2 2 1 2 1 AARP 3 1 3 4 1 1 5 3 Active Years 2 1 AR Tourism 63 60 18 12 8 8 6 7 5 2 1 • BBB 1 2 3 4 7 4 Brumle 5 7 3 8 12 10 5 1 e-mail 19 9 11 13 11 7 8 6 4 3 Family Circle 21 17 6 2 4 4 3 5 2 intern et 6 81 9 1 15 9 3 LOT O 1 NATA 1 1 3 1 2 2 1 4 1 1 Midwest Living 5 6 4 2 1 5 Newspaper Insert 2 9 3 1 21 3 Parade So.Liv3 11 8 2 3 5 4 6 5 3 1 Rosie USA 45 12 30 6 Places Rated 2 4 Travel Holiday 1 1 HGTV 1 24/7 Vac 36 114 132 119 7 82 85 43 39 84 37 17 Tour Packets 114123311801 98 -3-5-5 -2-68-f-66 8111 38 83 I I• • I I• i