HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-09-08 - Agendas - Final MEETING NOTICE The Advertising and Promotion Commission will meet on Monday, September 8, 2003, at 2:00 p.m. at the Town Center. AGENDA ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION September 8, 2003 2:00 p.m. Town Center I. Call to Order II. Reports A. Approval of Minutes for August 11 , 2003 B. Financial Report 1 . HMR Revenues 2. Financials - Tom Lonon, Scarbrough and Murtishaw 3 . Update from City Attorney on Delinquent Tax Collection Efforts C. Director's Report — Marilyn Johnson D. Convention and Visitor Activity — Allyson Twiggs E. Town Center Activity Report — Denise Bembenek • F. Agency Report — Sells/Clark, Inc. III. Old Business IV. New Business A. Loan request — Ozark Blues Society B. Funding request - Cyrus Sutherland, Preservation Services Grant for Nathan Combs house first phase - $ 1500 C. Funding request - Bikes, Blues, and BBQ concert V. Adjourn • • GROUP: ADVERTISING & PROMOTION COMMISSION DATE: August 11 , 2003 PRESENT: Dan Coody, Bob Davis, Neal Crawford, Pat Gazzola, David McGeady, Ching Mong, Curtis Shipley and Marilyn Heifner. ABSENT: None The monthly meeting of the Advertising and Promotion Commission was called to order on August 11 , 2003, at the Fayetteville Town Center conference room at 2 :00 p.m. by Chairman Bob Davis. MINUTES Moved by Shipley, second by Gazzola to approve the minutes of the July 14, 2002 meeting with the correction that under financial report, paragraph 3, last sentence should read, "Kit still felt that his interpretation was correct of charging at the place of delivery." Motion carried. FINANCIAL REPORT HMR tax collections for July were $ 130,575 .30, an increase of 1 .53% over one year ago. Tom • Lonon (Scarbrough & Murtishaw) presented the financial statements for July, 2003 . Moved by Shipley, second by Gazzola to approve financial statements for July. Motion carried. City Attorney Kit Williams presented delinquent tax collection efforts. Collections for the month are $8,250.82. Year to date collections are $37,711 .06. Collections in 2002 totaled approximately $96,000. Williams addressed the HMR ordinance regarding caterers being charged HMR tax at the place of delivery indicating that he would leave the ordinance as is unless directed otherwise by the HMR Commission or the City Council. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Marilyn Johnson reviewed her activities for the month of July. Report was included in agenda. Restaurant collection comparisons for 2001 -2003 indicated a slight increase in HMR revenues each year and a larger increase in the number of restaurants collecting the HMR tax. The report is attached. Top 20% of restaurants representing 42% of the total revenue results were that 34 of the restaurant's revenue decreased in 2003, and 31 restaurants showed an increase in 2002. McGeady asked that Marilyn prepare a report comparing hotel revenue. • • CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU REPORT Allyson Twiggs reported working with Kaleo Trade Show and AED Conference. Brumley Gospel Sing went great. Camall Hall is open. August 22-23 will be the Blues in the Natural State Festival. TOWN CENTER REPORT Denise Bembenek presented the Town Center report. July sales are down 54.2%. Year to date executed sales contracts are up 1 . 1 %. Collections are up year-to-date 41 .4%. Average per event sales are down 39.9% for the month, down 12. 1 % year-to-date. Denise reported on repair of sewer line leak. We are still working with Northwest Controls on the air conditioning. Roofing leaks were fixed by Harness Roofing at no cost because they are still under warranty. AGENCY REPORT Brian Clark of Sells Clark reported that inquiries are down 650 year to date. An Internet recap of January to July 2003 to same period in 2002 shows an 80% increase in Internet usage. The agency presented a photo slide show of new photography. • OLD BUSINESS Smoking Ordinance Neal Crawford expressed his concern for the loss of revenue if a smoking ban is passed. Curtis Shipley reported that Santa Fe restaurant sales are down 15% following passage of their no smoking ordinance. A Chamber resolution encourages further study before the ordinance is passed. Pat Gazzola favors putting the question to a vote of the people. Ching Mong reported that Dallas had restaurants moving to Plano and that Springfield is relooking at its ordinance because of loss of revenue. New York is looking at revoking its ordinance because of the negative impact economically of people going to New Jersey. California is making a comeback but most independent restaurateurs went bankrupt. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, nilA Marilyn Johnson Heifner • Director, Convention and Visitor Development • Advertising and Promotion Commission For month of August 2003 HMR revenues collected $132,965.50 Interest revenue 41731 .58 Misc. revenue 0.00 Total Revenues $137,697.08 Collection expense -$2,659.31 Travelers-Boiler Machinery Insurance -$520.87 Bank of Okla-Qtrly Fee for 6/30/03 1998 Bond Acct. -$662. 00 CEC Bond Payment -310381 .67 Town Center Bond Payment -91743. 16 Total Expenses -$44,967.01 Total Check to ASAP $929730.07 • • City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Monthly HMR Tax Collections 2000-2003 • 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 2003 Total Total Total Change Over Total Change Over HMR Taxes HMR Taxes HMR Taxes Prior Year HMR Taxes Prior Year January $ 100,334 $ 98,397 125,718 $ 27.76% $120,555 -4.11% February 91,330 95,810 113,207 18. 16% $115,941 2.41% March 102,971 104,748 118,209 12.85% $117,285 -0.78% April 108,747 107,624 126,006 17.07% $125,309 -0.55% May 107,975 103,545 115,354 11.40% $129,663 12.40% June 107,963 106,217 128,998 21.44% $132,436 2.66% July 103,894 109,223 128,607 17.75% $130,575 1.53% August 105,417 112,743 119,426 5.92% $132,966 11.33% September 104,980 115,765 131,412 13.52% October 105,820 115,771 126,802 9.53% November 1170106 120,282 135,777 12.30% December 970771 125,971 ' 119,627 -0.05% . Total $ 1,254,310 $ 1,316,096 11489,144 _ 1 AS% i $1,004,730 2.990/0 • \filename • DIRECTOR'S REPORT August, 2003 INQUIRY RESPONSES Advertising Responses August 2003 — 617 Year to date 2003 — 12,666 August 2002 — 655 Year to date 2002 — 15,332 Tourist Inquiries August 2003 — 194 Year to date 2003 — 2, 147 August 2002 — 129 Year to date 2002 — 1 , 140 Relocation Inquiries August 2003 — 64 Year to date 2003 — 615 August 2002 — 67 Year to date 2002 — 572 August Total Inquiries 2003 — 875 2002 — 851 Year to Date Total Inquiries 2003 — 15,428 2002 — 17,044 • AUGUST ACTIVITY Tourism Activities — Alan Alton, Council for Advancement of Science Writers Autumnfest — Lisa Leonard Cindy Knott — Hogeye Marathon Mark Pryor — BBB funding Relations with Other Tourism — Camall Hall opening Northwest Arkansas Heritage Trail meeting Terra Studios — Dianna Carpenter Kerry Kraus — Arkansas Parks & Tourism State Calendar of Events Relations with Media — CJRW — Michael Dandurand Lori Harrison Stone - Business Journal Lonnie Gibbons — Clear Channel radio New York Times — Travel brochure showcase Randy Dodd — Internet terminal kiosk Sarah Terry — Northwest Arkansas Times Danielle Alford — USA Weekend Kathleen — Leisure Plus Escapes • Steve Carraway — Morning News Cristal Cody — Arkansas Democrat Gazette • Tony Christy — Billboard Advertising Sales Wendy Reed — Get Out! Magazine Mike Guman — S WB phone book A& P — Mary Margaret — Conway A & P Commission Carrie White — Jonesboro Chamber of Commerce Town Center/CVB — Fred Fox, WRMC about defibulator for Town Center Merlyn Augustine — M & N Foundation awards Miscellaneous — Katie Brewer, LOTO poster Tracey Williams — Volunteer Community of the Year Top HMR Tax Collectors reported in August for July 2003 sales Olive Garden Red Lobster Clarion Chili's Radisson Jose's Ryan's Chick-fil-A — Northwest Village • Penguin Ed's McDonald's — Joyce Holiday Inn Express Noodles Powerhouse Seafood Shogun Applebees • ADVERTISING INQUIRIES - 2003 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC TOTAL Tourist AY 217 217 BT 35 122 73 5 235 CNT 2 2 FC 2 120 777 989 471 156 44 61 2620 H&A 0 MP 0 ML 203 99 716 547 527 304 122 87 2605 MN 9 9 MS 6 6 MT 0 MVG 0 NATA 48 137 138 164 191 117 57 122 974 OK 0 Parade 0 MC/Rosie 0 SL 66 46 393 380 484 239 117 273 1998 SNI 1002 274 29 48 1353 ST 0 TA 0 TH 63 132 136 217 74 622 • TM 0 USA 1836 97 27 1960 VG 43 43 24-7 V 22 22 TOTAL 551 402 2059 5146 2249 1013 629 617 0 0 0 0 12666 12644 AY - Active Years BT - Budget Travel CNT - Conde Nast Traveler FC - Family Circle H & A - Home and Away MC - McCalls MG - Meeting Guide ML - Midwest Living MN - Meeting News MS - Meeting South MT - Midwest Traveler MVG - Midwest Vacation Guide NATA - NATA Tour Guide OK - Oklahoma Today Parade - Parade SL - Southern Living SNI - State Newspaper Insert • ST - Southern Traveler TA - Travel America TH - Travel Holiday • Monthly Advertising Inquiries by State - 2003 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC TOTAL AL 2 6 39 57 35 16 14 19 188 AK 3 3 5 3 2 4 1 21 AZ 1 6 12 28 19 7 7 9 89 AR 189 38 78 434 188 43 19 37 1026 CA 21 12 73 87 63 36 33 22 347 CO 3 6 25 22 12 4 2 74 CT 1 3 3 19 8 6 6 4 50 DE 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 11 DC 1 2 2 1 1 2 9 FL 9 7 64 235 85 49 30 28 507 GA 9 5 35 101 40 29 13 16 248 HI 5 2 2 4 2 15 ID 1 4 6 5 2 18 IL 49 32 233 504 215 105 41 42 1221 IN 15 18 100 236 69 37 27 16 518 IA 24 8 74 153 53 25 9 9 355 KS 9 15 55 151 56 27 17 17 347 KY 4 10 18 68 29 14 10 12 165 LA 11 10 71 112 59 26 21 26 336 ME 1 2 4 4 1 1 2 15 MD 3 5 18 24 20 7 4 3 84 MA 6 7 24 15 9 4 3 68 MI 25 20 122 282 118 47 27 22 663 MN 17 13 67 131 64 31 14 10 347 MS 4 7 33 89 36 23 7 23 222 MO 30 19 171 409 147 63 38 45 922 • MT 1 2 5 5 1 1 15 NE 4 1 18 50 17 8 5 3 106 NV 1 6 14 13 2 3 2 41 NH 1 2 2 8 8 3 1 3 28 NJ 4 4 24 52 13 12 12 9 130 NM 2 6 6 17 3 4 2 40 NY 8 22 52 92 54 19 23 12 282 NC 3 8 50 118 19 23 5 11 237 ND 1 1 3 12 37 1 1 56 OH 12 21 76 245 78 58 24 13 527 OK 12 6 64 252 81 24 24 21 484 OR 1 3 8 9 24 6 2 3 56 PA 4 12 46 63 34 23 23 16 221 RI 1 1 7 14 0 23 Sc 2 5 26 52 11 12 3 11 122 SD 2 3 4 20 19 2 2 1 53 TN 13 6 60 128 89 23 18 10 347 TX 24 13 150 482 199 106 73 91 1138 UT 1 1 7 6 6 4 3 28 VT 1 3 2 12 18 VA 3 14 36 34 22 19 7 11 146 WA 2 5 11 21 12 3 6 6 66 W V 4 3 7 66 16 3 3 2 104 WI 17 20 86 170 79 32 22 15 441 WY 1 2 1 1 5 APO 3 1 1 5 CAN 1 4 16 4 2 2 29 FOR 1 2 12 17 10 2 5 3 52 • TOTAL 551 402 2059 5146 2249 1013 629 617 0 0 0 0 0 12666 • Adveitsing Inquiries Pubs by State - August 2003 As AY CNT ST FC ML MVG NATA Rosie MG MS OkT SL SNI TH 24.7 Parade USA VG TOTAL AL 1 1 1 15 1 19 AK 1 1 AZ 2 4 3 9 AR 3 16 17 1 37 CA 2 10 1 9 22 CO 1 1 2 CT 1 1 2 4 DE 1 1 DC 1 1 2 FL 2 1 6 19 28 GA 1 15 16 HI 1 1 2 ID 0 IL 5 19 10 1 7 42 IN 2 10 1 2 1 18 N 2 2 2 1 2 9 KS 1 8 4 4 17 KY 1 3 7 1 12 LA 7 17 2 28 ME 0 MD 1 2 3 MA 2 1 3 MI 5 9 1 4 3 22 MN 2 2 1 2 3 10 MS 1 4 18 23 MO 4 12 10 18 1 45 MT 1 1 NE 1 2 3 NV 2 2 NH 2 1 3 NJ 1 3 5 9 NM 1 1 2 • NY 4 3 1 4 12 NC 2 2 7 11 NO 0 OH 1 7 2 1 2 13 OK 1 1 5 14 21 OR 1 2 3 PA 2 1 4 9 16 RI 0 Sc 8 3 11 SO 1 1 TN 1 1 7 1 10 TK 1 16 68 6 91 UT 0 VT 0 VA 1 2 6 2 11 INA 2 2 2 6 WV 1 1 2 WI 3 8 1 2 1 15 WY 0 APO 0 CAN 0 FOR 1 1 1 3 TOTAI 0 0 0 0 61 87 0 122 0 0 0 0 273 0 74 0 0 0 0 617 • A & P TOURIST INQUIRIES 2003 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCI NOV DEC TOTAL AL 4 3 7 9 5 4 3 11 46 AK 2 2 • AZ 1 2 2 7 2 4 2 1 21 AR 23 28 27 46 19 32 28 12 215 CA 17 4 9 15 8 11 22 5 91 CO 3 2 3 3 2 2 4 3 22 CT 1 2 6 1 1 1 12 DE 1 0 DC 1 1 2 FL 7 8 6 12 7 4 9 13 66 GA 2 7 5 15 4 1 3 1 38 HI 1 1 ID 1 1 2 IL 15 16 261 20 14 11 8 7 117 IN 5 8 121 9 7 3 5 4 53 IA 12 11 10 6 61 31 21 4 54 KS 6 13 9 11 8 23 91 7 86 KY 1 5 8 9 3 2 11 1 29 LA 9 14 11 8 10 9 81 6 75 ME 1 2 2 31 1 9 MD 1 1 1 1 3 MA 3 1 1 1 1 1 8 MI 6 9 81 12 5 6 5 2 53 MN 4 12 111 10 7 4 2 2 52 MS 3 7 61 7 4 3 2 8 40 MO 12 21 231 11 11 31 13 11 133 MT 1 1 1 1 4 • NE 2 7 4 2 5 1 1 22 NV 1 2 3 NH 1 1 2 NJ 1 1 1 7 1 2 4 2 19 NM 2 1 2 1 31 8 NY 3 3 5 13 6 5 131 5 53 NC 11 2 71 8 2 2 21 1 25 ND 1 3 1 1 5 OH 5 11 10 13 1 1 21 6 49 OK 7 8 11 12 8 19 61 8 79 OR 3 4 1 3 2 2 11 16 PA 2 8 7 8 4 3 1 33 PR 1 1 RI 1 2 1 1 5 SC 21 3 11 4 2 1 1 14 SO 2 11 2 1 1 7 TN 10 5 111 9 4 3 4 4 50 TX 22 29 261 31 17 23 30 22 200 UT 2 1 3 VT 0 VA 2 2 1 61 2 13 WA 1 2 1 1 2 2 9 WV 1 1 1 4 7 WI 51 4 12 13 3 9 2 5 53 • WY 2 1 1 4 APO 1 2 3 CAN 3 5 1 6 1 2 1 19 FOR 1 1 1 3 208 267297 363 186 235 218 165 0 0 0 0 1939 Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug AAA 2 2 1 2 1 AARP 3 1 3 4 1 1 5 AR Tourism 63 60 18 12 8 8 6 • BBB 2 3 4 Brumle 5 7 3 8 12 10 5 e-mail 19 9 11 13 11 7 8 Family Circle 21 171 1 61 2 4 4 intemetj 1 6 8 9 15 9 3 LOTO 11 NATA 3 1 2 2 1 Midwest Living 5 6 4 2 Newspaper Insert 2 9 3 1 Parade So.Liv 3 11 8 2 3 5 4 Rosie USA 45 12 Places Rated 2 4 Travel Holiday 1 HGTV 1 24/7 Vac 36 114 132 119 7 82 85 43 39 Tour Packets 114 233 180 98 355 268 these aren't in the inquiry count • • Tourists Inquiry 2003 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OC NOV DEC TOTAL AL 1 1 1 3 AK • AZ 1 1 AR 1 3 1 6 6 12 9 38 CA 2 1 3 1 7 CO 2 2 1 1 6 CT 0 DE 0 DC FL 1 2 2 1 1 2 9 GA 1 1 HI 0 ID 0 IL 1 1 1 1 2 6 IN 1 2 3 IA 1 3 1 5 KS 3 1 3 1 3 2 13 KY 1 1 LA 1 4 1 1 2 9 ME 0 MD 0 MA 1 1 MI 1 1 3 1 6 MN 1 1 1 1 4 MS 1 1 2 1 2 7 MO 2 3 1 1 6 1 3 3 20 MT • NE 1 1 NV NH 0 NJ 0 NM 1 1 NY 1 1 2 NC 0 ND 0 OH 1 1 OK 1 6 2 3 4 4 20 OR 1 1 2 PA 1 1 1 3 PR RI Sc 1 1 2 SD TN 1 1 1 3 TX 2 1 5 5 1 4 6 2 26 UT 0 VT VA 1 1 WA 1 1 WV WI 0 WY 1 1 2 • APO CAN 1 1 2 FOR 1 1 TOTALI 13 26 191 301 281 251 381 291 01 01 0 0 01 208 Relocation Inquiry 2003 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC TOTAL AL 2 2 1 1 6 • AK 0 AR 14 6 10 15 9 7 13 11 85 AZ 1 4 2 1 2 2 4 4 20 CA 2 2 1 6 8 5 13 3 40 CO 2 1 1 5 2 5 3 19 CT 1 1 2 DC 0 DE 1 1 FL 2 8 4 1 4 3 22 GA 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 13 HI 1 1 2 ID 1 2 2 1 6 IL 4 3 3 3 2 3 3 1 22 IN 4 2 1 7 IA 2 3 3 1 9 KS 3 2 4 2 1 1 4 17 KY 2 1 1 1 1 1 7 LA 1 1 4 3 3 2 6 20 ME 1 1 MD 1 2 3 MA 3 1 4 MI 1 1 2 4 MN 1 1 2 3 2 2 11 MS 2 2 1 2 7 MO 2 2 4 4 6 3 4 3 28 • MT 1 1 2 NE 5 2 2 1 10 NV 1 1 1 3 NH 1 1 2 NJ 1 1 2 1 2 1 8 NM 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 9 NY 2 1 3 3 4 1 2 16 NC 1 4 2 1 1 9 ND 1 1 1 3 OH 1 1 4 2 1 1 10 OK 2 7 2 3 7 1 12 3 37 OR 1 1 1 3 PA 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 10 RI 0 SC 1 1 1 3 SD 1 1 2 TN 1 1 2 1 5 6 3 19 TX 6 5 5 11 15 8 19 6 75 UT 1 2 1 4 VT 1 2 3 VA 1 2 3 WA 5 2 1 1 9 WV 1 1 WI 2 2 2 2 1 9 • WY 1 1 1 3 APO 1 1 2 CAN 2 1 3 FOR 1 1 Total 53 51 53 107 106 75 106 64 0 0 0 0 615 • C CccO c O > O m m p) .c = 0 E y N 'y O) c ( ) N L C co C O 'N a) O m 0) w .L.. 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Update definitions and run scans • Update on AC failures — August failures reported to Trane, Mountain Mechanical, NW Controls and SWEPCO • Repairs and Maintenance — updated maintenance log available upon request. Event List: • Pacheco/Serrano Wedding Reception 0 Carenbauer Rehearsal Dinner • Swinging Door Reunion • Kaleo Tours Trade Show • Hernandez Birthday Party • AR Economic Developers Banquet • ACUL Reception for Senator Pryor • Junior Cotillion Mothers' Tea • Kienzle Attnys — deposition • M&N Augustine Foundation Awards Banquet Miscellaneous Activity: • Event Management, sales, tours, cleaning and building maintenance as needed. • 8/27/03 • Lost Business information we are aware of due to the opening of the Embassy Suites, and the new usage of the UA House. These tentative bookings were in what has historically been the final stages of confirmation when their cancellations were received. Lost to Embassy: 1 . Walmart Summit / was a tentative July Razorback 2 day booking. $8400.00 2. Tyson / was a tentative September Ozark 4 day booking. $8400.00 3. Tyson / was a tentative September Dogwood 3 day booking. $2520.00 • 4. Mott / Emeterio was a tentative November Ozark 1 day booking. $2100.00 5. Shackelford / Ivy was a tentative November OZarkA day booking. $2100.00 Lost to the UA House: 1 . UA Chancellors Society / was a tentative Ozark booking. $2100.00 Total $23,520.00 • Fayetteville Town Center & University of Arkansas • Haunted House 2003 Mission : Organize and execute an annual community Haunted House and Halloween Dance with the University of Arkansas as a United Way fundraiser. 1 ) Primary Purpose a) Coordinate and manage a ticketed event. b) Organize a community-based event. c) Contribute to the United Way. d) Generate income for Fayetteville Town Center. 2) Estimated Goals a) Sell 2,000 tickets - $5 .00/each. b) $3 .00 paid to Fayetteville Town Center = $6,000. c) $2.00 paid to United Way = $4,000 for United Way. • d) University Dance in Ozark Room = $ 1 ,500.00. e) Total FTC income = 7,500.00. 3) Schedule of Event a) Wednesday, October 29, 2003 7 pm — 10 pm b) Thursday, October 30, 2003 7 pm — 10 pm c) Friday, October 31 , 2003 7 pm —midnight 4) Materials Needed a) Wood, rubber cement and other building supplies — a portion to be donated by Lowe's. b) Black material from FTC. c) Spot Lights for outside. d) Various props donated from Spencer' s. e) Various props donated from Eventures. 5) Community Resources • a) Haunted House Committee Members b) Fayetteville Police c) Fayetteville Fire d) University Volunteer List e) Fayetteville Boys and Girls Club 6) Advertising Plan a) 104.9 — Live Remote — Costume Contest - $ 1 ,000.00 Sponsorship b) Citiscapes — No Charge c) All About Town — No Charge d) Chamber of Commerce Calendar e) 29/40 Public Service Announcements — No Charge f) CAT TV — No Charge g) Flyers — Posters h) Arkansas Democrat Gazette — $ 1 ,000.00 Sponsorship • 7) Budget Request a) $500.00 for building materials. b) $200.00 for posters. 8) Sponsorship Levels a) Goblin $ 100.00 b) Vampire $500.00 c) Dracula $ 1 ,000.00 Usage Slatisfi s for Fayetteville .A&P w .fayettevillaowism.w - Last 12 Months T2103 10:56 AM Usage Statistics for Fayetteville A& P www. fayettevilletourism .com mmary Period: Last 12 Months rated 01-Sep-2003 23:59 CDT Usage sumary for wmu . fayet:. : l�1 M CID m IC] ei d LL Oct Nov Oec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Summary by Month Daih A3 (� Monthly Totals Month r ���� g Hits I Pilc. Pa��c.c visits Sites I KB es Visits Pa es Files F 11 1 , �cl 2 ( ' 11 101 , W) F xKoIF—;— � i ? 7 _"_ 7 364 40235 227 5427 8863 111369 to ' 00'� N12250 10211 5477 229 4665 1509819 7114 169815 316545 379773 003 10910 5964 243 4720 1587085 7533 184897 338210 _411893 003 10084 5254 219 4641 1411932 6570 157643 302539 376016 - '003 9016 4872 208 4419 1274058 6450 151061 279526 341145 _ ' 003 8586 4563 198 4152 1181251 5958 136905 257589 315978 ' 003 5194 2817 113 2087 525222 2500 61983 114281 141378 F ' 003 5694 3071 124 2738 724526 3484 86234 159451 195845 6732 ' 5415 ' � 79 133 2734 717741 386683515 157035 195252 � 0 74-F27 (,3 131 2402 75695Oo 11 85663 148385 176004 Nu , onl�� � '_ 1 .'_ .— I44� 2381 767333 4345 91760 157283 181947 6392 537 ' II(D 140 2477 7885491 42101 930121 1613311 191760 '. Rials 11284706 563181 13079151 24010381 360 Generated by Webalizer Version 2.111 • Ntp:/./a .fayenevilletounsm.com/logs/ Page 1 of 1 • A Modest Proposal Ozark Blues Society of Northwest Arkansas, Inc. requests the assistance of the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotions Commission in planning the upcoming Fayetteville Music Festival in June 2004. Ozark Blues Society will take the lead in a partnership with the developmental organization already formed to explore the Fayetteville Music Festival. Having completed the artistically successful festival "Blues In The Natural State" during August 2003, Ozark Blues Society brings experience and knowledge of running a large scale festival to the table. In exchange for undertaking the chief logistical, scheduling, booking, coordinating and staffing of the event, we will ask for consideration from the organization including, but not limited to, all revenue derived from tickets, beer, food and concession sales outside established night clubs and/or restaurants. As the first step in planning the upcoming Fayetteville Music Festival, Ozark Blues Society must address financial concerns arising out of a shortfall in projected income from the recent "Blues In The Natural State" festival. Although the event garnered praise from attendees, artists and city officials, there were factors beyond • the control of Ozark Blues Society that negatively impacted event attendance. These factors included a record heat wave, extension of the Washington County Fair to nine days which encroached on event dates, Razorback Fan Appreciation Day, the Bluegrass Festival in Eureka Springs and Frisco Fest in Rogers. The amount of the shortfall is approximately $24,000. Approximately $11 ,000 has been covered by member contributions, which leaves $13,000 in unpaid accounts with local vendors. Ozark Blues Society recognizes our financial responsibility to maintain harmonious working relationships with our vendors by making timely payment. So that we may meet our current obligations to local vendors, Ozark Blues Society requests consideration for a loan in the amount of $13,000 to pay outstanding invoices. We propose repayment of the loan from revenue generated from the upcoming 2004 Fayetteville Music Festival. We ask that the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotions Commission grant conditional approval of the proposed loan based on the following to be provided by Ozark Blues Society within 60 days: • Statement of all outstanding Accounts Payable • Resolution of governing body of organization exploring Fayetteville Music Festival 2004 approving revenue arrangements with Ozark Blues Society • 9/4/2003 jxrca C4. D iMItexlavied AIA 1926 HASKELL HEIGHTS FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72701 • 8-29-03 Marilyn Johnson, Executive Director A and P Commission P. O. Box 4157 Fayetteville, AR 72701 Dear Marilyn: I'm in the process of applying for a Preservation Services Fund grant from the National Trust for Historic Preservation. My regional office of the NTHP says very explicitly in the guide for preparation of the application for the PSF that the applicant must match the amount of the grant dollar for dollar. At this stage of my application the amount of the PSF grant has not been established precisely; I am therefore estimating the amount to be about $ 1500. This will be a fairly accurate sum required for the first phase of the planned restoration of the Nathan Combs House at 3245 Black Oak Road in southeast Fayetteville. It is for this sum that I am making application to the A and P Commission. At the appropriate future date the PSF grant will pay for measured drawings of the existing Combs House, a historically significant structure. The drawings will be accompanied by preliminary structural specifications of the various phases of the restoration contract, including restoring brick work, wood structural elements outside and . inside, roofing structure, renewal of floor elements; replacing the all-important mechanical systems — electrical, plumbing, and HVAC; and final finishing of door and window trim, and finishing of surfaces including paint and/or paper. I will repeat, for emphasis, that my application for the Preservation Services Fund grant is for advanced planning of the final project. The more complex portions of the project will be the seeking of major funding required by the actual building contracts for the various phases of the restoration. The connecting property of the house is extensive; landscaping will be involved, as well as considerations of public access and tourism. Please contact me by telephone if the commission has any further questions regarding this application. Sincerely, Cyrusx Sutherland Professor Emeritus School of Architecture University of Arkansas Phone: 442-9983 • • Fayetteville Advertising & Promotion Commission Funding Request 1 . Organization : Bikes, Blues, and BBQ, Inc. Tax ID #03-0426716 2. Contact: Mark Pryor 479.957.8947 P.O. Box 712 Fayetteville, AR 72702 3. Purpose of the event: To benefit the Council on Aging. The 2002 Bikes, Blues and BBQ Motorcycle Rally raised $50,000 on behalf of the Council on Aging Meals-On-Wheels program. Status of Sponsorships: As of September 3, 2003, Bikes, Blues, and BBQ has received sponsorships from 48 business for over $90,000 : see attached C. 4. Period of operation : October 2-4, 2003 5. Location : The Walton Arts Center Parking lot at Dickson and West Street in Fayetteville will be the central location . During the event, at times determined by the Fayetteville Police Department, Dickson Street will be closed off to traffic. Many Dickson Street merchants will • participate in the event as official vendors and sponsors. 6. Background : Bikes, Blues, and BBQ Motorcycle Rally & Music Festival is a grand celebration of motorcycles, music and food that benefits the Washington County Council on Aging and its Meals-On-Wheels program. Last year's festival drew over 15,000 motorcycles (20,000 riders) and over 50,000 spectators. It quickly became of the largest non-Razorback events in the city's history. (The sponsors and their staffs were an integral part of the rally's success and we trust that will be so again in 2003.) With a larger advertising and public relations budget, the great word of mouth from last year's event, an expanded schedule, the growth in Northwest Arkansas' population, and the popularity with last year's attendees, we expect over 25,000 motorcycles (32,000 riders) and over 75,000 spectators. Bikes, Blues and BBQ 2002 was not only the fifth largest motorcycle rally in the nation, but also the fastest growing . While we expect a large number of visitors to the area during the 2003 event, we also anticipate a substantial portion of the attendance to come from the Northwest Arkansas area, as more people will attend due to the increased variety of unique entertainment offered and the increased awareness due to last year's success. The attendance at motorcycle rallies is growing at an unbelievable pace and there is no end in sight. The most successful events are the one's that plan a variety of fun activities in order to draw more than just cycle owner's. Our rally will feature great food, interesting vendors, a beer garden and 15 blues bands that will create such a festive atmosphere, • spectators will turn out in record numbers. In addition, a special concert with Blues Traveler, • the Neville Brothers, and Peter Mayer will be held at the Northwest Arkansas Mall with an excess of 10,000 tickets on sale. With Northwest Arkansas's fantastic scenery, winding back roads, wonderful autumn climate and exciting entertainment center of Dickson Street, we have an ideal place to stage a fun and festive event that will bring riders and spectators from throughout the area, as well as from surrounding states. In addition, bikers are well known for their camaraderie, especially when it helps a charity. Bikes, Blues, and BBQ 2003 is expected to be the largest single fundraiser in the Council on Aging's history, raising $50,000 in 2002! Mayor Dan Coody, Fire Chief Chris Bosch, Police Chief Rick Hoyt, Sheriff Steve Whitmill, City Hall officials, the Chamber of Commerce and every hotel, merchant and restaurant fully support this event. 7. Expected visitor draw: 60,000 attendees each day are expected, included in that number are 20,000 bikes with 26,000 riders. Bikes, Blues, and BBQ has become a national event—even bringing international visitors from Canada and Germany. Last year's rally brought 50,000 visitors. 8. Image : Bikes, Blues, and BBQ is outwardly associated with the unique atmosphere of the Dickson Street and Downtown area, but part of the appeal of Bikes, Blues and BBQ is in the bikers getting here. For this reason, the event is also associated with the surrounding areas, fall scenery, the highways, and the many distinctive features of Northwest Arkansas. This is one reason we expect visitors not only to return annually for the event, but to also . • make Fayetteville a destination during other times of the year. 9. Marketing Plan : See attached A. 10. Media exposure: See attached A. 11. Marketing Plan Budget: See attached A. & B. 12. Funding request: We would like to make a funding request of $30,000. It is estimated that the 2002 Bikes, Blues, and BBQ event brought over $ 10 million in revenues to city of Fayetteville and its merchants. Again, we expect as a reserved estimate of 75,000 visitors each day over the course of the three-day event. We would like to note that state and local tax will be collected from all vendors at the event. 13. Financial disclosure: See attached. • BIKES BLUES B B 2003 Marketing Plan Magazine Cost / Value Motorcycle Events Magazine • 1 /3 page, 4 color ad in the Summer/Fall edition $ 1 ,663 / $2,200 • Event listing in the Summer/Fall edition $35 / $41 • 1/3 page, 4 color ad in the Winter/Spring edition $ 19663 / $2,200 • Event listing in the Spring/Winter edition $35 / $41 The Ride Magazine • 5 count - 1/3 page, 4 color ad placements $ 1 ,490 / $2,400 • Full page, 4 color ad placement $800 / $ 1 ,400 CitiScapes Metro Monthly • 1 /3 page ad in July $285 / $510 • 1 /2 page ad in August $285 / $720 • Full Page ad in September $285 / $ 1 ,250 • Photo Calendar entry in September $0 / $ 130 • Full Page ad in October $285 / $ 1 ,250 • Photo Calendar entry in October $0 / $ 130 • Event promotion with link on citiscapesmetro .com $0 / $ 120 • Editorial Coverage o Feature Spread $0 / $2,500 o Post-event Spread $0 / $2,500 Ride Texas • 1 /3 page, 4 color ad in August / September issue $510 / $600 TOTAL $7.336 / $17.992 Newspaper Cost / Value Arkansas Democrat-Gazette • 800 inches in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette $0 / $ 12,000 • 100 inches in the Grand Slam program $0 / $2 ,500 • 4x — Color $0 / $600 • TOTAL $0 / $154100 Web Cost / Value Bikesbluesandbbq.org • • Registration and design • Development of email list • Weekly content updates TOTAL $1000 / $44000 Point-of-Purchase Cost / Value Official Bikes, Blues and BBQ Poster • Sent to all regional motorcycle dealerships o Including : AR, OK, MO, IL, IA, TN, KS, KY, LA, TX, NM o Approximately 174 Harley-Davidson dealerships within the region TOTAL $1.000 / $1.000 Radio Cost / Value 30 second commercial • Production by Five Star Productions NC / $ 19500 Clear Channel Broadcasting • • PAID Placement 0 45 - : 30 second spots on "The Eagle" $ 17682. 10 / $3 , 182. 10 0 39 - : 30 second spots on KKIX $ 1 ,457 . 82 / $29957 . 82 o Live 3 hr. remote on "The Eagle" on 10/3/03 $ 130 / $ 1 ,600 • Partnership o Promotional announcements on The Eagle $0 / $ 111520 o Promotional announcements on KKIX $0 / $ 127544 o Promotional announcements on KEZA $0 / 3 ,024 o Promotional announcements on Hot Mix $0 / 31306 o Ms. BBB promotional announcements & remotes $0 / 181918 TOTAL $3.269.92 / $584681 .92 Television Cost / Value 30 second commercial • Production by Five Star Productions NC / $3 ,500 • Placement with area networks and the local cable system $ 10,000 / $35 ,000 o Partnerships and bonus airings TBA •TOTAL $10.000 / $38.500 Advertising Services Cost / Value • Art / Ad Production • • Creative / Copy • Account Service • Photo Manipulation • Art Direction TOTAL $13.975 / $25,000 Concert Promotion (Radio) Cost / Value • Northwest Arkansas / Joplin $5 ,000 / $ 109000 • Fort Smith $4,000 / $89000 • Little Rock $39000 / $6,000 • Tulsa $5 ,000 / 10,000 • Springfield $3 ,000 / 61000 TOTAL $20.000 / $40.000 Cost / Value GRAND TOTAL $574580.92 / $200,27392 � ( c { \ �cwi \ { � to 7 § § - ta § « o a ) o $ 2 A ! Z � � " \ \ } ) } Ci m ! k ® _ 12 - C\l C4 ILn k § 0 @ 2 § § # $ _ ! - _ - . a ; a LD N ° ; ■ « = a k ) ) k / \ � ) � 0 c - / ! ! ! f £ k # J $ ; 2 � � & « 2 £ ! ! n � Bikes, Blues BBQ 2003 Sponsor List • COMPANY $ AMOUNT 1 A & M Railroad $5,000 V ' A & P Commission $8,000 Action Honda $29500 ANB Bank $ 15,000 Arkansas Self Storage In-Kind Arvest $5,000 Bank of Fayetteville $ 12000 Bargo Engineering $ 12000 Campbell Elec. $ 19500 Clarion Inn $250 Club West In-Kind Cobb-Vantress $500 Coca Cola $ 1 , 500 Collier Drug $ 1 ,000 Common Grounds $ 1 ,000 Custom Powder Coating & Happy Trails $500 Cycle Connnections $5,000 Dickson Theatre $500 • Fred Stucky $500 George's Majestic Lounge $500 Hanna's Potpourri $500 Hastings $ 10000 Heartland Honda $2,000 Houses Inc. $ 1 ,000 Impressions In-Kind J . B . Hunt $5,000 Johnson Plumbing $ 1 ,000 Jose's $500 JuJu's Biker Stuff $ 1 ,000 Kawasaki of Fayetteville $5,000 Knight Times Tattoos $22500 Leggett & Platt (Pace Industries) $500 Lewis Ford $500 Miami Wild Rides $5,000 Northwest Arkansas Mall In-Kind Ozark Blues Society In-Kind Powerhouse Seafood $500 Radisson comp rooms • Ramada Inn comp rooms Raven Foundation $250 RTM Factory Direct $500 Smith Two-Way Radio $500 Sonic $5,000