HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-08-11 - Agendas - Final MEETING NOTICE The Advertising and Promotion Commission will meet on Monday, August 11 , 2003, at 2:00 p.m. at the Town Center. AGENDA ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION August 11 , 2003 2:00 p.m. Town Center I. Call to Order H. Reports A. Approval of Minutes for July 14, 2003 B. Financial Report 1 . HMR Revenues 2. Financials - Tom Lonon, Scarbrough and Murtishaw 3 . Update from City Attomey on Delinquent Tax Collection Efforts C. Director's Report — Marilyn Johnson D. Convention and Visitor Activity — Allyson Twiggs E. Town Center Activity Report — Denise Bembenek • F. Agency Report — Sells/Clark, Inc. III. Old Business A. Smoking Ordinance IV. New Business V. Adjourn • • GROUP: ADVERTISING & PROMOTION COMMISSION DATE: July 14, 2003 PRESENT: Dan Coody, Neal Crawford, Pat Gazzola, David McGeady, Curtis Shipley and Marilyn Heifner. ABSENT: Bob Davis and Ching Mong The monthly meeting of the Advertising and Promotion Commission was called to order on July 14, 2003, at the Fayetteville Town Center conference room at 2:00 p.m. by Commissioner Curtis Shipley. MINUTES Moved by Gazzola, second by Coody to approve the minutes of the June 9, 2002 meeting. Motion carried. FINANCIAL REPORT HMR tax collections for June were $ 132,436.46, an increase of 2.66% over one year ago. In the absence of Scarbrough & Murtishaw representative, Marilyn Heifner presented the financial • statements for June, 2003 . Marilyn presented budget adjustments for A & P Commission and Convention Visitor Bureau. Moved by Gazzola, second by Coody to approve financial statements and budget adjustments. Motion carried. City Attorney Kit Williams presented delinquent tax collection efforts. Collections for the month are $ 13,263.82. Year to date collections are $29,460.24. Richard Sykar, Catering Concepts of Bentonville, addressed the Commission regarding the policy decision of collecting HMR tax for out-of-town caterers. He has spoken to Senator Bisbee and Representative Bledsoe to request an attorney general's opinion regarding constitutionality of policy. Kit reported that he had been contacted by Bentonville A & P Commission attorney and Kit still felt that his interpretation was correct of charging at place of sale rather than at place of delivery. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Marilyn Johnson reviewed her activities for the month of June. Report was included in agenda. . CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU REPORT Allyson Twiggs reported working with All-Stars and Coach's Clinic was successful. She complimented Sharon Crosson and City staff's work with the CVB for Coach's Clinic and Great Race. Speakers are getting lined up for Governor's Conference on Tourism — Frank Broyles is a • definite. Spencer Johnson's Who Moved My Cheese is a possibility. The AAU Track is coming back next year. • The CVB in their first year has generated 14 confirmed motor coaches through September 2004. Estimated economic impact of CVB activity in their first year is $6,296,000. TOWN CENTER REPORT Denise Bembenek presented the Town Center report. Year to date executed sales contracts are up 18.5%. Completed events are up 35 .5%. AGENCY REPORT Brian Clark of Sells Clark reported on 6570 unique visits to the website in June. The average is 219 per day. July to date indicates 222 average per day visits. That indicates more unique visits to the site in fist half of July than in all of January. The library of new photography will be presented next month. OLD BUSINESS Joe Martin Stage Race Video Bruce Dunn presented video produced by Trey Marley of this year's Joe Martin race. USA Cycling has asked Fayetteville to bid on Olympic Trials in 2004 and the Amateur Championships in 2005. • NEW BUSINESS Smoking Ordinance Neal Crawford said he has concern for this issue and has been contacted by restaurants that want to know where the A & P stands on the ordinance. Commissioners decided to postpone discussion until August meeting. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, es Marilyn Johnson Heifner Director, Convention and Visitor Development • Advertising and Promotion Commission For month of July 2003 HMR revenues collected $ 130,575.30 Interest revenue 9,325.08 Misc. revenue 0.00 Total Revenues $ 139,900.38 Collection expense -$29611 .51 CEC Bond Payment -31 ,381 .67 Town Center Bond Payment -9,743. 16 Total Expenses -$43,736.34 Total Check to A&P $969164.04 • • City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Monthly HMR Tax Collections 2000-2003 • 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 2003 Total Total Total Change Over Total Change Over HMR Taxes HMR Taxes HMR Taxes Prior Year HMR Taxes Prior Year January $ 100,334 $ 98,397 125,718 $ 27.76% $120,555 -4.11% February 91,330 95,810 113,207 18.16% $115,941 2.41% March 102,971 104,748 118,209 12.85% $117,285 -0.78% April 108,747 107,624 126,006 17.07% $125,309 -0.55% May 107,975 103,545 115,354 11.40% $129,663 12.40% June 107,963 106,217 128,998 21.44% $132,436 2.66% July 103,894 109,223 128,607 17.75% $130,575 1.53% August 105,417 112,743 119,426 5.92% September 104,980 115,765 131,412 13.52% October 105,820 115,771 126,802 9.53% November 117,106 120,282 135,777 12.30% December 97,771 125,971 * 119,627 -0.05% • Total $ 1,254,310 $ 1,316,096 11489,144 13.150/9 $871,764 1.830/a • \filename Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission Fayetteville Town Center Fayetteville Convention and Visitors Bureau Financial Statements July 31 , 2003 • • SCARBROUGH • MURTISHAW, CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, P.A. 2039 Green Acres Rd., Fayetteville, AR 72703.2619 • Telephone (479) 521-1771 - Fax (479) 442-0062 • Home Page S-MCPAS.com Wesley D. Murtishaw, CPA Tommy L. Lonon, CPA Fayetteville Advertising & Promotion Fayetteville Town Center Fayetteville, Arkansas We have compiled the accompanying balance sheet and income statements of the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission, The Fayetteville Town Center, and The Convention and Visitors Bureau as of July 31 , 2003 and for the seven months then ended in accordance with Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. A compilation is limited to presenting in the form of financial statements information that is the representation of management. We have not audited or reviewed the accompanying financial statements and, accordingly, do not express an opinion or any other form of assurance on them. • Management has elected to omit substantially all of the disclosures and the statements of retained earnings and cash flows ordinarily included in financial statements. If the omitted disclosures and the statements of retained earnings and cash flows were included in the financial statements, they might influence the user's conclusions about the entity's assets, liabilities, equity, income, and expenses. Accordingly, these financial statements are not designed for those who are not informed about such matters. Scarbrough & Murtishaw, CPAs, P.A. Certified Public Accountants Fayetteville, Arkansas August 5, 2003 • Members: American Institute of CPAs Private Companies Practice Section Arkansas Society of CPAs Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission Balance Sheet • As of July 31 , 2003 ASSETS Current Assets Cash in Bank of Fayetteville - Town Center $ 38,853.02 Cash in Mcllroy Bank - A & P General 223,849.16 Cash in Mcllroy Bank - A & P Payroll 9,251 .49 Cash in Bank - Conv & Visitor Bureau 9,623.54 Investments 2,083,146.68 Investment Adjustment to Market 22,933.05 Accounts Receivable 61499.24 Accrued Interest Receivable 10,205.45 Due from City 59667.29 Total Current Assets $ 21410,028.92 Property, Plant, & Equipment at Cost Furniture and Fixtures 91602.98 Building Additions 181 ,875.24 • Equipment 160,725.88 Less: Accumulated Depreciation (64,094.61 ) Net Property and Equipment 2889109.49 Total Assets $ 21698, 138.41 LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL Current Liabilities Payroll Taxes Payable $ 81 .36 Accounts Payable 58,467.72 Accounts Payable - Parks HMR 31249.62 Due to Other Funds 65,386.73 Total Current Liabilities $ 1279185.43 Capital Unrestricted Fund Balance 213471192.63 Current Year Earnings 2237760.35 Total Capital 21570,952.98 • Total Liabilities and Capital $ 2,698, 138.41 See Accountants' Compilation Report. Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission Income Statement • Actual vs Budget Month of 2003 Year to Date July 2003 Budget Actual Remaining Actual Revenue HMR Tax Revenue $ 1 ,478,000.00 $ 860,816.75 $ 617, 183.25 $ 132,436.46 Refunds 400,000.00 - 400,000.00 Less Returns & Allowances (400,000.00) (400,000.00) Total Revenue 11478,000.00 860,816.75 617, 183.25 132,436.46 Materials and Supplies Office Supplies/Printing 39500.00 224. 15 3,275.85 Total Materials and Supplies 31500.00 224.15 31275.85 General Expenses General Expenses (See Schedule) 674,455.00 346,031 .12 328,423.88 21 ,822.99 • Capital Outlay Minor Equipment 50,000.00 31595.93 46,404.07 Other Income (Expense) Interest Income - Investments 50,000.00 449372.61 51627.39 91671 .59 CEC Bond Excess 208,050.39 (208,050.39) TC Bond Arbitrage Calculation (11100.00) 1 ,100.00 Bonds CEC (45,000.00) (45,000.00) Bond Payments - Arts Center (85,000.00) (85,000.00) Bond Payments - Town Center (375,000.00) (186,791 .28) (1889208.72) Bond Payments - CEC (380,000.00) (219,671 .69) (160,328.31 ) (31 ,381 .67) Transfers to Other Funds (259,400.00) (135,000.00) (124,400.00) Total Other Income (Expense) (11094,400.00) (290, 139.97) (8049260.03) (21 ,710.08) Net Income (Loss) $ (344,355.00) $ 220,825.58 $ (565,180.58) $ 88,903.39 • See Accountants' Compilation Report. Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission Schedule of General Expenses • Actual vs Budget Month of 2003 Year to Date July 2003 Budget Actual Remaining Actual General Expenses Salaries & Wages $ 60,000.00 $ 32,625.08 $ 27,374.92 $ 41776.44 Payroll Tax Expense 13,200.00 2,866.08 10,333.92 368.91 Insurance 12,000.00 5,262.46 6,737.54 769.48 401 (k) Company Match 12800.00 11011 .33 788.67 139.24 Car Allowance 3,600.00 2, 100.00 11500.00 300.00 Publications & Dues 11000.00 991 .95 8.05 Postage 151000.00 8,546.97 61453.03 - Professional Services 12,200.00 79000.00 51200.00 1 ,000.00 Taxes and Licenses 500.00 (500.00) - Collection Expense 309000.00 17,216.33 12,783.67 2,648.73 Miscellaneous Expense 150.87 (150.87) - Kamensky Fountain Maintenance 31000.00 21606.66 393.34 13.01 New Brochures 30,000.00 71084.07 229915.93 Travel and Training 21500.00 775.90 1 ,724. 10 8.00 Depreciation Expense - 11 , 135.97 (11 ,135.97) 11590.85 Air Museum 25,000.00 18,750.00 61250.00 61250.00 Bikes, Blues, BBQ 81000.00 81000.00 - • Botanical Garden Society 45,000.00 31250.00 41 ,750.00 = Town Center Garden Maintenance 17,500.00 21916.66 14,583.34 Walton Arts Center 21400.00 11500.00 900.00 North Arkansas Symphony 61000.00 31000.00 31000.00 H . S. Coaches Clinic 15,000.00 15,000.00 Sturday of Champions 3,000.00 31000.00 - State Soccer Championship 13000.00 - 11000.00 Holiday Hoops 10,000.00 - 10,000.00 Joe Martin Stage Race 20,000.00 20,000.00 All Star Games 5,000.00 5,000.00 - Ozark Blues Society 10,000.00 71366.20 21633.80 Brumley Gospel Sing 15,000.00 - 15,000.00 Downtown Dickson Enhancement Project 17,600.00 14,077.96 31522.04 First Night Fayetteville 10,000.00 10,000.00 - Don Glass Charity Classic 61300.00 - 69300.00 Hogeye Marathon & Relays 1 ,500.00 11500.00 - Natural State Games 975.00 975.00 America in Bloom 21500.00 21500.00 City of Fayetteville - Plaza Gardens - 10,504.98 (10,504.98) 11458.33 Rural Mountain Producers Exchange 3,000.00 655.00 21345.00 DDEP Fine Arts Festival 3,000.00 - 31000.00 Ozark Valley Triathlon 21500.00 21500.00 21500.00 Advertising and Marketing 250,000.00 109,563.10 140,436.90 • Airport Information Booth 41800.00 21400.00 21400.00 Interspace Airport Advertising 51080.00 39698.55 1 ,381 .45 Total General Expenses $ 674,455.00 $ 346,031 .12 $ 328,423.88 $ 219822.99 See Accountants' Compilation Report. Fayetteville Town Center Income Statement • Actual vs Budget Month of 2003 Year to Date July 2003 Budget Actual Remaining Actual Revenue Rental Income $ 282,350.66 $ 129,301 .58 $ 153,049.08 $ 14,861 .94 Daily Parking 2,400.00 21295.00 105.00 301 .00 Parking Revenue 33,600.00 15,216.00 18,384.00 Other Income - 221 .23 (221 .23) (24.62) Less Returns & Allowances (1 ,000.00) (9.00) (991 .00) Total Revenue 317,350.66 147,024.81 170,325.85 15,138.32 Materials and Supplies Office Supplies/Printing 61125.00 11996.84 41128.16 10.65 Total Materials and Supplies 61125.00 11996.84 41128. 16 10.65 • General Expenses General Expenses (See Schedule) 476,948.32 205, 166.69 271 ,781 .63 32,121 . 12 Capital Outlay - - Other Income (Expense) Interest Income - Checking 750.00 141 .88 608. 12 24.21 Transfers From Other Funds 50,000.00 Total Other Income (Expense) 750.00 50, 141 .88 (49,391 .88) 24.21 Net Income (Loss) $ (803,173.98) $ (91996.84) $ (793,177. 14) $ (16,969.24) • See Accountants' Compilation Report. Fayetteville Town Center Schedule of General Expenses • Actual vs Budget Month of 2003 Year to Date July 2003 Budget Actual Remaining Actual General Expenses Salaries & Wages $ 218,475.00 $ 89,704.12 $ 128,770.88 $ 15, 182.59 Payroll Tax Expense 169000.00 81759.79 71240.21 11087.54 Insurance 26,237.20 10,528.59 15,708.61 11564.36 401 (k) Company Match 41000.00 29311 .34 11688.66 314.26 Commissions 27,500.00 119888.65 15,611 .35 11303.50 Credit Card Discounts 500.00 303.21 196.79 74.48 Public Notification 500.00 500.00 Publications & Dues 750.00 73.65 676.35 Water 6,875.00 2,583.07 4,291 .93 Gas 11 ,300.00 5,016.23 61283.77 - Electricity 66,211 . 12 273623.53 38,587.59 4,854.86 Cable 11200.00 404.52 795.48 Telephone 10,300.00 43857.87 51442. 13 594.68 Insurance - Vehicles 15,600.00 159600.00 - • Legal Services 25,000.00 5.67 249994.33 Taxes and Licenses 1 ,500.00 11000.00 500.00 Linens 10,000.00 51319. 13 41680.87 797.04 Repairs and Maintenance 24,000.00 18, 108.90 5,891 .10 31181 .21 Special Projects 1 , 198.77 (11198.77) 11000.00 Advertising and Marketing 10,000.00 4,281 .70 51718.30 575.75 Travel and Training 1 ,000.00 62.00 938.00 Depreciation Expense 11 ,135.95 (11 ,135.95) 11590.85 Total General Expenses $ 476,948.32 $ 205, 166.69 $ 271 ,781 .63 $ 32,121 .12 • See Accountants' Compilation Report. Fayetteville Convention and Visitors Bureau Income Statement • Actual vs Budget Month of 2003 Year to Date July 2003 Budget Actual Remaining Actual Revenue Bus Tours $ $ 982.50 $ (982.50) $ Sponsorships $ $ 225.00 $ (225.00) $ Total Revenue 11207.50 (19207.50) Materials and Supplies Materials and Supplies 21400.00 2,167.54 232.46 Office Supplies/Printing 11950.00 41739.67 (2,789.67) 354.13 Total Materials and Supplies 41350.00 6,907.21 (21557.21 ) 354.13 • General Expenses General Expenses (See Schedule) 130,050.00 66,466.65 63,583.35 7,755.48 Capital Outlay Other Income (Expense) Interest Income - Checking 150.00 97.97 52.03 8.57 Transfers from Other Funds 134,400.00 85,000.00 49,400.00 - Total Other Income (Expense) 134,550.00 85,097.97 49,452.03 8.57 Net Income (Loss) $ 150.00 $ 12,931 .61 $ (12,781 .61 ) • See Accountants' Compilation Report. Fayetteville Convention and Visitors Bureau Schedule of General Expenses • Actual vs Budget Month of 2003 Year to Date July 2003 Budget Actual Remaining Actual General Expenses Salaries & Wages $ 70,000.00 $ 34,588.32 $ 35,411 .68 $ 3,091 .66 Payroll Tax Expense 7,000.00 31717.84 31282.16 432.92 Insurance 13,000.00 73598.64 51401 .36 11130.82 401 (k) Company Match 11000.00 11098.94 (98.94) 170.24 Publications & Dues 750.00 11025.00 (275.00) Postage 31000.00 126.00 21874.00 Mileage 922.59 (922.59) 238. 14 Telephone 41800.00 11763.87 3,036. 13 - Rent 61000.00 3,000.00 31000.00 Convention Development 15,000.00 10,681 .63 41318.37 21641 .31 • Repairs and Maintenance - 105.67 (105.67) Advertising and Marketing 500.00 500.00 Travel and Training 91000.00 1 ,838.15 71161 .85 50.39 Total General Expenses $ 1309050.00 $ 66,466.65 $ 63,583.35 $ 7,755.48 • See Accountants' Compilation Report. • DIRECTOR'S REPORT July, 2003 INQUIRY RESPONSES Advertising Responses July 2003 — 629 Year to date 2003 — 12,049 July 2002 — 974 Year to date 2002 — 14,677 Tourist Inquiries July 2003 — 256 Year to date 2003 — 1953 July 2002 — 103 Year to date 2002 — 1011 Relocation Inquiries July 2003 — 106 Year to date 2003 — 551 July 2002 — 57 Year to date 2002 — 505 July Total Inquiries 2003 - 991 2002 - 1134 Year to Date Total Inquiries 2003 — 159544 2002 — 16, 193 • JULY ACTIVITY Tourism Activities — America in Bloom international judges visit Relations with Other Tourism — Positive Ideas, Eureka Springs Convention and Visitor's Committee Heritage Trail Partners meeting NATA meeting Arkansas Hospitality Association — Renee Borchert Donna Perrin, Dept. of Parks and Tourism — golf trail package development Louann Tannenberger — Mt. View Chamber of Commerce Relations with Media — Michelle Town, Inviting Arkansas Ray Pissell, senior producer, Business Odyssey Suzanne, Northwest Arkansas Times Melissa, Channel 40/29 interview TRIP media group, Rick Ozark Today Magazine, Springfield, MO Jackie Batey, Inviting Arkansas Pete Hartman, KUAF Crystal Cody, Arkansas Demo Gazette • Anita French, Morning News Sarah Terry — Northwest Arkansas Times • Mike Disney — Family FM Terry Herren — Northwest Arkansas travel section A& P — Neopost meeting Anne Jenkins — atty for Little Rock CVB Town Center/CVB — TAP Luncheon Brumley Shuttle meeting Johnson Plumbing — sewer leak at T. C. Miscellaneous — NYSP Board Meeting Debbie Blume, Arkansas Alumni Association Fayetteville, N. C. request for photos for comparison article Top HMR Tax Collectors reported in July for June 2003 sales Olive Garden Radisson Clarion Red Lobster Jose's Chili's • Ryan's Noodles Chick-fil-A — Northwest Village Penguin Ed's Applebees Powerhouse Seafood Catfish Hole McDonald's — Joyce St. Holiday Inn Express • • ADVERTISING INQUIRIES - 2003 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC TOTAL Tourist AY 217 217 BT 35 122 73 5 235 CNT 2 2 FC 2 120 777 989 471 156 441 2559 H&A 0 MP 0 ML 203 99 716 547 527 304 122 2518 MN 9 9 MS 6 6 MT 0 MVG 0 NATA 48 137 138 1641 191 117 57 852 OK 0 Parade 0 MC/Rosie 0 SL 66 46 393 380 484 239 117 1725 SNI 1002 274 29 48 1353 ST 0 TA 0 TH 631 132 136 217 548 • TM 0 USA 1836 97 27 1960 VG 43 43 24-7 V 22 22 TOTAL 551 402 2059 5146 2249 1013 629 0 0 0 0 0 12049 12049 AY - Active Years BT - Budget Travel CNT - Conde Nast Traveler FC - Family Circle H & A - Home and Awa MC - McCalls MG - Meeting Guide ML - Midwest Living MN - Meeting News MS - Meeting South MT - Midwest Traveler MVG - Midwest Vacation Guide NATA - NATA Tour Guide OK - Oklahoma Today Parade - Parade SL - Southern Living SNI - State Newspaper Insert • ST - Southern Traveler TA - Travel America TH - Travel Holida • Monthly Advertising Inquiries by State - 2003 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC TOTAL AL 2 6 39 57 35 16 14 169 AK 3 3 5 3 2 4 20 AZ 1 6 12 28 19 7 7 80 AR 189 38 78 434 188 43 19 989 CA 21 12 73 87 63 36 33 325 CO 3 6 25 22 12 4 72 CT 1 3 3 19 8 6 6 46 DE 1 2 3 1 1 2 10 DC 1 2 2 1 1 7 FL 9 7 64 235 85 49 30 479 GA 9 5 35 101 40 29 13 232 HI 5 2 2 4 13 ID 1 4 6 5 2 18 IL 49 32 233 504 215 105 41 1179 IN 15 18 100 236 69 37 27 502 IA 24 8 74 153 53 25 9 346 KS 9 15 55 151 56 27 17 330 KY 4 10 18 68 29 14 10 153 LA 11 10 71 112 59 26 21 310 ME 1 2 4 4 1 1 2 15 MD 3 5 18 24 20 7 4 81 MA 6 7 24 15 9 4 65 MI 25 20 122 282 118 47 27 641 MN 17 13 67 131 64 31 14 337 MS 4 7 33 89 36 23 7 199 MO 30 19 171 409 147 63 38 877 • MT 1 2 5 5 1 14 NE 4 1 18 50 17 8 5 103 NV 1 6 14 13 2 3 39 NH 1 2 2 8 8 3 1 25 NJ 4 4 24 52 13 12 12 121 NM 2 6 6 17 3 4 38 NY 8 22 52 92 54 19 23 270 NC 3 8 50 118 19 23 5 226 ND 1 1 3 12 37 1 1 56 OH 12 21 76 245 78 58 24 514 OK 12 6 64 252 81 24 24 463 OR 1 3 8 9 24 6 2 53 PA 4 12 46 63 34 23 23 205 RI 1 1 7 14 0 23 Sc 2 5 26 52 11 12 3 111 SD 2 3 4 20 19 2 2 52 TN 13 6 60 128 89 23 18 337 TX 24 13 150 482 199 106 73 1047 UT 1 1 7 6 6 4 3 28 VT 1 3 2 12 18 VA 3 14 36 34 22 19 7 135 WA 2 5 11 21 12 3 6 60 W V 4 3 7 66 16 3 3 102 WI 17 20 86 170 79 32 22 426 WY 1 2 1 1 5 APO 3 1 1 5 CAN 1 4 16 4 2 2 29 FOR 1 2 12 17 10 2 5 49 • TOTAL 551 402 2059 5146 2249 1013 629 0 0 0 0 0 0 12049 • Advertising In uiries Pubs by Slate - Jul2003 AB AY CNT BT FC ML MVG NATA Rosie MG IMS lOkT ISL SNI TH 24-7 Pared USA VG TOTAL AL 1 7 1 4 1 14 AK 2 1 1 4 AZ 1 2 2 2 7 AR 2 2 6 6 3 19 CA 1 1 1 3 2 3 21 1 33 CO 1 3 4 CT 1 1 3 1 6 DE 2 2 DC 1 0 FL 5 3 8 1 12 1 30 GA 5 7 1 13 HI 2 1 1 4 ID 0 IL 2 21 4 2 10 2 41 IN 3 17 2 4 1 27 IA 5 4 9 KS 7 3 2 1 3 1 17 KY 2 2 3 3 10 LA 2 12 3 4 21 ME 1 1 2 MD 1 1 2 4 MA 1 1 2 4 MI 1 8 31 1 3 2 9 1 27 MN 1 7 1 1 4 14 MS 2 4 1 7 MO 2 14 3 2 4 12 1 38 MT 0 NE 1 2 1 1 5 NV 2 1 3 NH 1 1 NJ 1 1 9 1 12 NM 1 2 1 4 • NY 2 21 23 NC 3 1 1 5 NO 1 1 OH 2 10 2 3 2 5 24 OK 2 2 1 11 4 3 1 24 OR 1 1 2 PA 1 2 1 17 2 23 RI 0 Sc 2 1 3 SO 1 1 2 TN 2 2 5 5 4 16 TX 4 1 12 28 11 15 2 73 UT 1 2 3 VT 0 VA 1 1 1 3 1 7 WA 2 4 8 WV 1 1 1 3 WI 2 15 2 3 22 WY 1 1 APO 0 CAN 2 2 FOR 1 3 1 5 TOTA 0 0 2 0 44 122 0 57 0 0 0 0 117 48 217 22 0 0 0 629 • Tourists Inquiry 2003 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCTNOV DEC TOTAL AL 1 1 2 AK • AZ 1 1 AR 1 3 1 6 6 12 29 CA 2 1 3 6 CO 2 2 1 5 CT 0 DE 0 DC FL 1 2 2 1 1 2 9 GA 1 1 HI 0 ID 0 IL 1 1 1 1 2 6 IN 1 2 3 IA 1 3 4 KS 3 1 3 1 3 11 KY 1 1 LA 1 4 1 1 2 9 ME 0 MD 0 MA 1 1 MI 1 1 3 5 MN 1 1 1 3 MS 1 1 2 1 2 7 MO 2 3 1 1 6 1 3 17 MT • NE 1 1 NV NH 0 NJ 0 NM 1 1 NY 1 1 NC 0 ND 0 OH 1 1 OK 1 6 2 3 4 16 OR 1 1 2 PA 1 1 1 3 PR RI Sc 1 1 SD TN 1 1 2 TX 2 1 5 5 1 4 6 24 UT 0 VT VA 1 1 WA 1 1 WV WI 0 WY 1 1 2 • APO CAN 1 1 2 FOR 1 1 TOT77 731=61 191 30 28 25 381 01 01 01 01 01 0 179 A & P TOURIST INQUIRIES 2003 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCTNOV DEC TOTAL AL 4 3 7 9 5 4 3 35 AK 2 2 • AZ 1 2 2 7 2 4 2 20 AR 23 28 27 46 19 32 28 203 CA 17 4 9 15 8 11 22 86 CO 3 2 3 3 2 2 4 19 CT 1 2 6 1 1 1 12 DE 0 DC 1 1 2 FL 7 8 6 12 7 4 9 53 GA 2 7 5 15 4 1 3 37 HI 1 1 ID 1 1 2 IL 15 16 26 20 14 11 8 1 1 1 1 110 IN 5 8 121 9 7 31 51 49 IA 12 11 101 6 6 31 21 50 KS 6 13 9 11 8 23 9 79 KY 1 5 8 9 3 2 1 29 LA 9 14 11 8 10 9 8 69 ME 1 2 2 3 8 MD 1 1 2 MA 3 1 1 1 1 7 MI 6 9 8 12 5 6 5 51 MN 41 121 11 10 7 41 21 50 MS 3 71 6 7 4 31 2 32 MO 12 21 23 11 11 31 13 122 MT 1 1 1 1 4 • NE 2 7 4 2 5 1 21 NV 1 1 NH 1 1 2 NJ 1 1 1 7 1 2 4 17 NM 2 1 2 31 8 NY 31 31 5 13 6 51 131 48 NC 11 21 7 8 2 21 21 24 ND 1 3 1 1 4 OH 5 11 10 13 1 1 21 43 OK 7 8 11 12 8 19 61 71 OR 3 4 1 3 2 2 11 16 PA 2 8 7 8 4 31 32 PR 1 1 RI 1 2 1 4 SC 21 31 1 4 2 1 1 14 SD 21 1 1 2 1 1 7 TN 10 51 11 9 4 3 4 46 TX 22 29 26 31 17 23 30 178 UT 2 1 3 VT 0 VA 2 2 1 6 11 WA 1 2 1 1 2 7 WV 1 1 1 4 7 WI 5 4 12 13 3 9 21 48 • 21 1 3 APO I I 1 2 3 CAN 3 5 1 6 1 2 18 FOR 1 1 1 3 208 267 297 363 186 235 218 0 0 0 0 0 1774 Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July AAA 2 2 1 2 1 AARP 3 1 3 4 1 1 AR Tourism 63 60 18 12 8 8 • BBB 1 2 3 Brumley 5 7 3 8 12 10 e-mail 1 19 9 11 13 11 7 Family Circle 21 17 6 2 4 internee 6 8 9 15 9 3 LOTO 1 1 NATA 1 3 1 2 2 Midwest Living 5 6 4 Newspaper Insert 2 9 3 1 Parade So. Liv 3 11 8 2 3 5 Rosie USA 45 12 Places Rated 2 4 Travel Holiday 1 HGTV 1 24/7 Vac 36 114 132 119 7 82 85 43 Tour Packets 114 233 180 98 355 these aren't in the inquiry count • • Relocation Inquiry 2003 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC TOTAL AL 2 2 1 5 • AK 0 AR 14 6 10 15 9 7 13 74 AZ 1 4 2 1 2 2 4 16 CA 2 2 1 6 8 5 13 37 CO 2 1 1 5 2 5 3 19 CT 11 11 2 DC 1 0 DE 0 FL 2 1 8 4 1 4 19 GA 1 1 11 1 2 2 2 10 HI 1 1 2 ID 1 2 2 1 6 IL 4 3 3 3 2 3 3 21 IN 4 2 6 IA 2 3 31 1 9 KS 3 2 4 21 1 1 13 KY 2 1 1 1 11 6 LA 1 1 41 3 3 2 6 20 ME 1 1 MD 1 2 3 MA 3 3 MI 1 1 2 4 MN 1 1 2 3 2 9 MS 2 2 1 1 5 • MO 2 2 4 4 6 3 41 25 MT 1 1 2 NE 5 2 2 1 10 NV 1 1 2 NH 1 1 2 NJ 1 1 2 1 2 1 8 NM 1 1 2 1 1 2 8 NY 2 1 3 3 41 1 14 NC 1 4 1 21 1 8 ND 1 1 11 3 OH 1 1 4 2 1 9 OK 2 7 2 3 7 1 12 34 OR 1 1 1 3 PA 1 1 2 2 1 2 9 RI 0 Sc 11 1 1 3 SD 1 1 2 TN 1 1 2 11 5 6 16 TX 6 5 5 11 151 8 19 69 UT 1 2 3 VT 1 2 3 VA 1 2 3 WA 5 2 1 8 WV 1 1 WI 2 2 2 2 8 • WY 1 1 1 3 APO 1 1 2 CAN 2 2 FOR 11 1 Total I 53 511 531 1071 106 7511061 01 01 01 01 01 551 • _ OO U coC_ ' N w 7 N T N .O. 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MM M O O O O O O N 0 CD CD N N N N N N O r r O O N M (\ r r r V CO r • Fayetteville Town Center Activity Report July 1 , 2003 to July 31 , 2003 •sales: July July Month YTD YTD YTD 2003 2002 % Change 2003 2002 % Change Sales 11 24 -54.2 88 89 -1 .1 # executed contracts by log date — GL Complete Events (Paid/Sponsored) 10 9 +11 . 1 94 71 +32.4 EMS Calendar - attached Sales $ executed contracts by log date — GL $11 ,470.00 41 ,616.03 -72.4 $114,057.88 $131 ,233.48 -13.1 Collections $14,861 .94 18,074.76 -17.8 $133,869.08 $94,669.55 +41 .4 $ - Payment Lo Credit ($1 ,000.00) ($264.91 ) N/A -$81230.00 -$1 ,127.50 N/A $ - GL Average per event $1 ,042.73 $1 ,734.00 -39.9 11296.11 $1 ,474.53 12.1 $ Sales / # Sales Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations: • Brian Crowne, entertainment promoter — looking at other revenue sources • Convention South directory listing Operations: • HMR delinquencies for out-of-town service providers. Delinquent HMR memo attached. • • Administration — Payroll, monthly reporting, budget/goal tracking, staff meetings, collections, employee benefit tracking. • AIB assistance • Employee Insurance enrollment • Sales Brainstorming and Planning — staff • Update on AC failures — July failures reported to Trane, Mountain Mechanical, NW Controls and SW EPCO (unable to retrieve info from monitor unit. Will re-install). • Repairs and Maintenance — NW Controls (air supply to admin offices), Commercial Audio Systems (retune backhouse equipment), Harness Roofing (leaks), Event List: • Fayetteville Freedom Festival Dearien Reception • Culp Reception • Salgado Baptism • Inside Cancer Lecture • JDRF Luncheon • Cisco/SBC product demo • State Volunteers Mutual Training • Cox Reception Rotton Reception • State Volunteers Mutual Training (2nd event) Miscellaneous Activity: • Event Management, sales, tours, cleaning and building maintenance as needed. • \ !, � � | co j 5 k £ § co ! ! a ■ 2 | / ) k C'4 _ ) § | / | Nr = a m � k k k | ) k n ■ a » 04 g # 2 § 75 2 & \ § N » e a2 R ) 2 � k | � | | = a § m 00 § | 0 E � \ C) & m k S k � § k k I = = a N ; Activity Report for Denise Bembenek Date ]Contact/Activity Notes July 1 , 2003 Out of office July 2, 2 03 Commissions - 6/16-6/30 Reconcile FTC deposits Month end reports Financials and A&P report Walker Bros. Insurance Schedule enrollment for Rachael Came by to check E freight - not going all the way down. Will come back 7/3 to do TheisenKrupp, Rich regular 6 mo. Maintenance. Payroll correction - Jeremy was left off the 6/30 payroll. Adjusted and paycheck Scarbrough and Murtishaw issued. Requested change - Marilyn's name HMR tracking updated Simplex Grinnell Rick. LMTC re: discrepancy invoice 158-74419 July 3, 2003 Out of office July 4, 2003 Fayetteville Freedom Festival Work event July 7, 2003 Sandra's computer Re-map G drive. Purchase Spam-Block Marilyn and Denise's systems Mail/papers New contracts Update GL HMR tracking Update July Staff Memo (cc: to commissioners) Retrieving data from elec. Monitor. He will call Mountain Mechanical, Trane and NW Controls. No outages since monitor installed. I asked him for detail report re: what SWEPCO, Adian Zachry has been done and when Event Schedule Update info to Shellie July 8, 2003 Staff Meeting Update Maintenance List Rachael Ptimer for Mondays. Sales Brainstorm Meeting Schedule Keith and Jamey for Wed, July 16 @ 2pm Help Rachael with cleaning/reset Mark wlSwinging Door Reunion Info re: Alcohol Service policy June numbers - % of goal July 9, 2003 Lee - no way to get someone down here this week. Gave me suggestions on how to Darraugh Company get panel into place temporarily. America in Bloom unzip pies and email to Phyllis Update GL New contracts Employee Benefit Tracking update through 6/30/03 July 10, 2003 Payroll Richard Alderman Notice of inefficient air in Administrative Offices Josh. He will dial into system and check each office to determine what can be done w/air problem in offices and women's bathroom. He says this is an air-Flow problem NW Controls we've had since the beginning SBC, Christy Long distance dialing codes. Brian Crowne Promoter referred by Allyson - 973-4428. Meeting with Keith and 1 7/15 Jul 11 , 2003 Per Meg, Joe will be out next week to enroll Rachael and talk to Sandra about Walker Bros. Insurance signing up Lindsay. • Josh - checking roof units and trying to see if there is a way to fix air flow in my office and women's bathroom. Per Josh - the unit is working at full capacity. There is not enough air coming through the system to cool all east side rooms. Josh closed vents down Keith's office and Director's room for a short time to cool off my office then opened them back up. He said Mike (NW Controls) would come out to look at unit to see if there is anything we can do mechanically to produce more air. He also NW Controls suggested tinting windows to help cooling from direct sun in mornings. JoEllen Bach Contract Michelle Ross Proposal, Info. - scheduled tour for 7/15 at noon Carla Culp Event load in. Monday, July 14, 2003 Setup Mock for ASP Setup Lobby for CVB Birthday ASP Meeting Tuesday, July 15, 2003 AIB Stuff Payroll deposit Staff Meeting Brian Crowne Brainstorm meeting to discuss in-house productions. Mountain Mechanical Gary Harvey - AC failure in Ozark. Also - SW EPCO and Jim Bradford Walker Bros. Ins. - Joe Harriman Insurance enrollment for Rachael and Sandra Scarbrough and Murtishaw Tommy re: pre-tax setup for Rachael and Sandra's insurance Wednesday, July 16, 2003 SBC, Sharon Clayton Checking minute rate for ISDN lines. Charged 52.91 per month for each line. Update GL New contracts Cauley Geller Video Conference - 4 hours Collection Letters Incidental Charges for Culp, Dearien, Gessler, Short Sales Meeting Keith and Jamey. F/U memo to staff Thursda 1, July 17, 2003 AIB Stuff PP presentation - setup for dinner tonight Update Employee Benefit Time SBC, Sharon Clayton Checking on long distance codes Jullian Meyer, WAC Change date for POPS concert Contracts for Keith Friday, July 18, 2003 Out of office SaturdaJuly 19, 2003 , Salgado Baptism Party Work event Monday, July 21 , 2003 New employee Ross Hurley Southwestern Energy Co. Anita Thrasher - checking dates for awards banquet Staff Meeting Update HMR SpringStreet Grill, Denton's Troutline payments posted Roz Ingersol RE: artists putting holes in walls. CAS, Jim Crews Coming out today to check sound system, equipment and connections. Staff Communication Principal Insurance Group's disease management program. Newspapers LD codes have been put through their system and should take about 72 hours to be SBC Long Distance in effect. Gary Harvey - thinks they have found problem but wants to wait to make sure if it Mountain Mechanical kicks off again. Event Schedule Ray Dotson, Shelley and Miles Bakewell Industries Order dishwasher detergent - 756-6723 Amplifiers adjusted. Training with Jim, Sandra and Jamey about different ways to CAS, Jim Crews manipulate the sound system. Tuesda , July 22, 2003 Ray Dotson fax event schedule Elevator Inspection, Mark White Billing @ $40/elevator. Will call Rich about oil spill cleanup in engine room Long Distance Codes lAssigned to staff. Fayetteville Public Library I Georgia - checking dates for event Nick Watson Tour of facility Mark Enlow Info request Johnson Plumbing Leak in Diamond closet. Not fixed. Will come check out in am. Wednesda , Jul 23, 2003 Leak in Diamond closet is not from pipes. He found a hole in the ceiling that doesn't 41 - go through to the roof, but thinks rain water may be coming in somewhere and Johnson Plumbing making it's way to that hole. Will call Jr. Nabholz Construction Jr. re: leak. Out on vacation until next week Harness Roofing Will come out tomorrow to check leak. Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Luncheon - Dogwood. AN problems, banners - Jamey worked event SVMIC Setup for Thursday. Thursda f, July 24, 2003 Update GL New contracts SVMIC Event and tear-down Cisco Event - phoneline needed (analogue) Collection Letters Friday, July 25, 2003 Setup Cox/Simmons Reception, Rotton Receptions Payroll Allyson's B-day party Update GL Men have been here since 6:30 fixing roof leaks. Rachael talked to guys who told Harness Roofing her that this stuff was under warranty Monday, July 28, 2003 Staff Meeting Mail/papers Dogwood A/C problem - Saturday Unit blowing hot air. Told Sandra to contact NW Controls. Sent tech. Trane, Jim Bradford Mountain Mechanical, Gary Harvey Out until Wed. 7/30. LMTC Cada Culp Payment for incidentals - GL posting Research PT wages through 6/30/03. Missing journal for 2/15/03. Requested copy Payroll Journal from Linda at S&M. Walker Bros. Insurance LMTC for Joe. Rachael hasn't received insurance cards Tuesday, July 29, 2003 Walker Bros. Insurance 2nd call re: Rachael's insurance card. 10.26 rental of Mock. Waive service charge for half day use 1 to to 6p (for cleaning). jennifer Hausel Will call back. NP @ 250.00 Mailoo Letter of Cancellation JoEllen Bach Redo contract for Ozark ACUL Contract American Red Cross Contract Wednesday, July 30, 2003 Rachael Out sick with child Update GL New contracts ACUL room diagram Walker Bros. Ins. Meg - Rachael's cards mailed on 7/21 Use display for October 5 - 10 event. Wants to pick up today. Cannot because Ray Boudreaux Allyson needs for trade show on August 14th Thursda , July 31, 2003 Update GL FTC Deposit Requesting comped space for 8/31/03. Gave him NP pricing and holding room in M & N Augustine Foundation EMS Commissions - 7/16-7/31 Employee Benefit Tracking City of Fayetteville Sharon and Jamie - parking money - deposited Jesus Ortiz Cancel wedding reception. No refund of deposit, but will not pay balance due.