HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-12-09 - Agendas - Final i MEETING NOTICE The Advertising and Promotion Commission will meet on Monday, December 9, 2002, at 2:00 p.m. at the Town Center Conference room. AGENDA ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION December 9, 2002 2:00 p.m. Town Center 1. Call to Order II. Reports A. Approval of Minutes for November 18, 2002 B. Financial Report 1 . HMR Revenues 2. Financials - Tom Lonon, Scarbrough and Murtishaw 3 . Update from City Attorney on Delinquent Tax Collection Efforts C. Director's Report — Marilyn Johnson D. Convention and Visitor Activity — Allyson Twiggs . E. Town Center Activity Report — Denise Bembenek F. Agency Report — Brian Clark, Sells/Clark, Inc. 1 . Sells/Clark review 2. Presentation of 2003 media plan III. Old Business A. Alcohol Service Lease and Contract B. Approval of 2003 Budgets for CVB, Town Center, and A & P C. Approval of Special Project funding IV. New Business A. Appointment of Commissioner to replace John Gilliam V. Announcements A. Last meeting for Kevin Santos VI. Adjourn Informational Item — Holiday Hoops brackets & schedule • • GROUP: ADVERTISING & PROMOTION COMMISSION DATE: November 18, 2002 PRESENT: Bob Davis, Joe Fennel, Ching Mong, Kevin Santos, and Marilyn Johnson. ABSENT: Pat Gazzola and Curtis Shipley The November meeting of the Advertising and Promotion Commission (rescheduled from November 11 when a quorum was not present) was called to order at the Fayetteville Town Center conference room at 2:00 p.m. by Chairman Joe Fennel. MINUTES Moved by Mong, second by Santos to approve the minutes of the October 11 , 2002 meeting. Motion carried. FINANCIAL REPORT Marilyn reported that total collections for October were $ 126,802.28 a 9.53% increase. No one was present from the accounting firm to present financials. • DIRECTOWS REPORT Marilyn Johnson reviewed activities for the month of October. She expressed appreciation to Commissioners who worked for the defeat of Amendment 3. CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU REPORT Allyson Twiggs reviewed CVB activities. Homebuilders again have their Show in the old Food For Less building on 6's Street. The CVB 's Trick or Treat on the Square was a success. It was developed as a result of CVB Advisory Board suggestion. Allyson will attend the Arkansas Cattlemen's Association convention this weekend in Ft. Smith. She is working on a Music Festival with various venues and genres. An article on Fayetteville will be featured next month in Meetings South as a result of an interview with Marilyn and Allyson. TOWN CENTER REPORT Denise Bembenek reviewed the Town Center activities. Cityscapes magazine reader's poll named the Town Center the "Best Meeting and Special Event Meeting Venue". The Town Center has negotiated contracts with the University of Arkansas and Wal-Mart, which will make booking their events easier. The Fulbright Guest Series - German and American Celebration was a great success. A letter has been written to Richard Alderman re: air conditioning units. AGENCY REPORT Michael Clark with Sells/Clark, Inc indicated that they would present their media plan for 2003 next month. The Lights of the Ozarks media has been placed. • OLD BUSINESS Alcohol Lease and Concession Contract Denise reviewed the contract with changes made as suggested by Commissioners. Item 4. 1 Revenues to Fayetteville Town Center is weighted proposal (a minimum of 3% with mean drink price). This contract will get someone in the Town Center to run the liquor service, will take the Town Center out of the picture, and doesn't price the Town Center out of the liquor business. Moved by Davis, second by Mong to approve the RFQ and proposal with Denise and Marilyn setting the deadline for the proposal submission. Motion carried. Date for Special Proiect Presentations Commissioners agreed on December 2 at 2:00 p.m. for presentations. NEW BUSINESS Proposed 2003 budgets Marilyn reviewed items on Town Center, CVB and A & P budgets for 2003. Budgets will be voted on at December meeting. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Marilyn Johnson Director, Convention and Visitor Development • • Advertising and Promotion Commission For month of November 2002 HMR revenues collected $135,777.06 Interest revenue 3, 144.66 Misc. revenue 0.00 Total Revenues $138,921 .72 Collection expense -$2,715.54 CEC Bond Payment -319381 .67 Town Center Bond Payment -319131 .88 Total Expenses -$65,229.09 Total Check to A&P $73,692.63 Monthly HMR Tax Collections 2000-2002 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 Total Total Change Over Total Change Over HMR Taxes HMR Taxes Prior Year HMR Taxes Prior Year January $ 100,334 $ 98,397 -1.93% $ 125,718 27.76% February 91,330 95,810 4.91% 113,207 18. 16% March 102,971 104,748 1.73% 118,209 12.85% April 108,747 107,624 -1.03% 126,006 17.07% May 107,975 103,545 -4. 10% 115,354 11.40% June 107,963 106,217 -1.62% 128,998 21.44% July 103,894 109,223 5. 13% 128,607 17.75% August 105,417 112,743 6.95% 119,426 5.92% September 104,980 115,765 10.27% 131,412 13.52% October 105,820 115,771 9.40% 126,802 9.53% November 117,106 120,282 2.71% 135,777 12.30% Secember 97,771 125,971 * 28.84% Total $ 1,254,310 $ 1,316,096 4.93% $ 11369,517 10.12% \filename DIRECTOR'S REPORT November, 2002 INQUIRY RESPONSES Advertising Responses November 2002 — 531 Year to date 2002 — 20615 November 2001 — 939 Year to date 2001 — 27662 Tourist Inquiries November 2002 — 76 Year to date 2002 — 1548 November 2001 — 37 Year to date 2001 — 1004 Relocation Inquiries November 2002 — 45 Year to date 2002 — 732 November 2001 — 53 Year to date 2001 — 728 November Total Inquiries 2002 — 652 2001 — 1029 Year to Date Total Inquiries 2002 — 22895 2001 — 29394 NOVEMBER ACTIVITY Conventions and Meetings — Brumley Gospel Sing Tourist Activities — Veteran's Day Parade Lights of the Ozarks Julie Johansen — Partytime Ponies Bikes, Blues and BBQ First Night — Jim Mitchell Relations with Other Tourism — NATA Advertising Committee Siloam Springs Chamber Retreat — speech about HMR and A & P Commission Chamber of Commerce Contractors' and Developer's Dinner Arkansas Hospitality Association — NWA chapter meeting Relations with Media — Doug Wallace, Arkansas Democrat Gazette Wanda Freeman, Northwest Arkansas Times Matt Wagner Darlee Chalopek, Arkansas NBC Miscellaneous — Wal-Mart Recruiters tour of Fayetteville U of A Tourism Class — committees, sponsorships, and promotions lecture • Meeting with City and Accountants re: GATSBY Randy Rhine — Billings, MT Mean Alcohol Pricing • (average from menu prices at Jose's, Ozark Brew Pub, Liquid Lounge, and James at the Mill) Cash Bar pricing: Mean Maximum Pricing Domestic Beer 2.875 $3.37 Imported Beer 3.75 $4.25 Wine by glass (house) 4.0625 $4.56 Well Liquor 4.25 $4.75 Premium Liquor 5.50 $6.00 Executive Liquor market price per request Host Bar pricing: Suggested by-the-drink consumption pricing should not to exceed maximum pricing. Special requests and by-the-bottle consumption will be determined by provider and client and based on market price at time of purchase. Other Charges: Bar set-up: up to $ 150.00 per bar Servers & Attendants: up to $ 15 per hour actual time plus Ihour for setup and teardown. Due to equipment limitations, frozen and specialty drinks will be available only on request by the client and will incur additional charges. • Monthly Advertising Inquiries by State - 2002 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC TOTAL AL 18 16 14 19 29 46 13 19 25 17 2 218 AK 3 1 1 2 7 AZ 5 5 7 8 7 6 2 3 11 6 60 AR 35 41 610 136 196 120 40 43 421 161 19 1822 CA 22 15 28 65 53 28 19 12 24 15 7 288 CO 5 3 11 15 15 14 12 6 9 6 5 101 CT 3 1 6 9 6 3 4 1 2 2 37 DE 4 2 1 4 3 14 DC 1 1 2 1 5 FL 26 29 25 41 46 181 30 32 58 27 16 511 GA 21 18 19 15 40 63 18 17 17 9 6 243 HI 2 3 2 1 2 1 1 12 ID 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 12 It. 46 37 299 376 463 300 103 39 319 202 101 2285 IN 24 15 77 194 209 168 57 21 184 101 39 1089 IA 24 17 119 166 100 69 38 18 151 68 18 788 KS 13 10 158 155 67 77 22 22 107 43 18 692 KY 13 13 25 24 38 64 23 16 24 9 6 245 LA 27 33 105 29 67 86 31 34 91 25 10 538 ME 2 1 2 2 3 1 11 MD 6 7 3 7 12 16 11 7 8 4 3 84 MA 3 1 4 7 5 4 1 2 5 2 34 MI 22 16 73 450 165 211 66 21 225 168 45 1462 MN 18 14 77 268 95 115 30 13 60 90 22 802 MS 22 23 38 22 25 63 12 28 72 9 4 318 MO 32 30 622 530 142 109 43 33 387 125 42 2095 MT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 NE 9 2 35 31 54 41 14 8 21 14 9 238 NV 2 2 2 7 1 2 1 3 1 1 22 NH 1 4 5 8 1 3 2 24 NJ 5 2 3 26 20 8 8 1 6 6 2 87 NM 3 6 2 3 4 2 1 3 24 NY 10 7 14 45 30 14 16 10 17 10 6 179 NC 14 11 22 25 26 60 15 11 29 3 3 219 ND 2 2 5 2 9 8 3 3 3 9 4 50 OH 15 14 55 253 216 202 62 15 125 125 47 1129 OK 32 33 254 71 138 101 29 23 193 24 13 911 OR 3 6 4 7 5 3 5 2 35 PA 15 7 11 30 29 22 20 12 8 12 3 169 RI 2 1 1 1 2 7 Sc 7 15 11 1 13 43 11 9 13 5 1 129 SD 6 1 8 8 16 20 5 3 11 7 3 88 TN 26 21 96 11 56 71 25 34 81 20 6 447 TX 79 56 385 46 181 218 83 95 345 60 18 1566 UT 2 124 3 2 1 132 VT 8 1 1 10 VA 15 14 6 2 23 20 14 8 23 6 2 133 WA 1 5 5 15 7 5 5 3 7 3 56 WV 5 1 1 12 3 4 5 4 2 5 3 45 WI 17 17 97 11 202 169 64 24 151 82 32 866 WY 3 196 4 2 1 3 209 APO 1 1 1 1 2 6 CAN 8 4 3 1 1 1 1 19 FOR 2 1 2 3 6 14 3 1 3 35 • TOTAL 657 563 3355 3497 2846 2785 974 656 3253 1499 531 0 0 20615 • Advertising Inquiries Pubs by State - November 2002 AB AY FC ML MVG NATA MC/Rosie MG OkT SL SNI MN ParadlUSA VG TOTAL AL 1 1 2 AK 0 AZ 0 AR 1 5 4 1 1 7 19 CA 4 2 1 7 CO 1 3 1 5 CT 0 DE 0 DC 0 FL 6 2 7 1 16 GA 1 4 1 6 HI 0 ID 1 1 2 It. 1 84 3 13 101 IN 1 31 1 6 39 IA 18 18 KS 14 1 1 2 18 KY 5 1 6 LA 2 3 5 10 ME 1 1 MD 1 2 3 MA 1 1 2 MI 38 2 1 4 45 MN 1 15 1 5 22 MS 2 2 4 MO 1 37 1 1 1 1 42 MT 1 1 NE 9 g NV 1 1 NH 0 NJ 1 1 2 NM 0 NY 3 1 1 1 6 NC 1 2 3 ND 3 1 4 OH 30 2 2 13 47 OK 4 7 1 1 13 OR 1 1 2 PA 1 1 1 3 RI 0 SC 1 1 SD 3 3 TN 3 3 6 TX 5 6 2 4 1 18 UT 0 VT 0 VA 2 2 WA 2 1 3 WV 1 1 1 3 WI 28 1 3 32 WY 0 APO 0 CAN 1 1 FOR 1 1 1 3 TOTAI 0 0 12 363 0 47 7 0 0 42 10 0 0 50 0 531 • ADVERTISING INQUIRIES - 2002 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC TOTAL Tourist AY 98 96 194 BT 0 FC 1 1 1 4 66 12 85 H&A 0 MP 1 ML 147 116 706 865 853 320 271 146 670 323 363 4780 MT 0 MVG 1623 365 348 2336 NATA 119 128 202 195 170 155 147 117 94 71 47 1445 OK 35 35 Parade 781 165 116 43 1105 MC/Rosie 88 451 298 87 92 37 39 16 7 1115 SL 390 318 184 141 398 366 274 336 556 104 42 3109 SNI 1983 222 213 134 1017 124 10 3703 ST 0 TA 0 TM 191 191 USA 1723 25 11 390 307 50 2506 MN 8 2 10 TOTAL 657 563 3355 3497 2846 2785 974 655 3253 1499 531 0 20615 20614 AY - Active Years ST - Budget Travel FC - Family Circle H & A - Home and Away MC - McCalls MG - Meeting Guide ML - Midwest Living NM - Meeting News MT - Midwest Traveler MVG - Midwest Vacation Guide NATA - NATA Tour Guide OK - Oklahoma Today Parade - Parade SL - Southern Living SNI - State Newspaper Insert ST - Southern Traveler TA - Travel America TM - Texas Monthly TM G-Travel Marketing Group USA - USA Today VG - Vacation Guide A & P TOURIST INQUIRIES 2002 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP JOCT NOV DEC TOTAL AL 11 2 3 2 1 2 21 AK 1 1 2 • AZ 1 2 3 1 1 1 9 AR 5 24 19 11 9 4 17 11 22 4 126 CA 5 6 4 2 8 2 2 4 3 3 39 CO 1 2 1 3 1 3 3 14 CT 1 1 DE 0 DC 0 FL 3 2 4 8 5 1 1 1 7 32 GA 2 2 2 1 1 1 9 HI 1 1 ID 1 1 1 3 IL 4 4 12 8 13 12 9 1 142 3 82 IN 4 1 3 2 6 6 2 8 7 3 42 IA 1 3 12 2 8 5 1 2 10 2 2 48 KS 3 3 37 4 5 6 5 5 11 5 2 86 KY 1 1 1 1 4 LA 2 2 2 2 13 7 5 7 4 7 2 53 ME 1 1 2 MD 2 2 MA 1 1 MI 1 2 5 3 12 4 3 1 14 4 5 54 MN 1 61 10 4 31 51 1 11 4 1 46 MS 1 1 5 2 1 2 1 1 3 16 MO 2 4 26 8 6 14 3 9 13 5 4 94 MT 1 1 2 4 NE 4 4 3 2 2 1 1 1 18 NV 2 1 3 NH 1 1 NJ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 NM 2 12 NY 1 41 2 11 3 1 2 1 1 16 NC 3 2 3 1 9 ND 1 1 2 OH 2 6 4 8 3 1 1 5 4 1 35 OK 3 4 6 5 9 12 5 13 6 9 3 75 OR 1 1 2 1 1 1 7 PA 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 PR 1 1 RI 0 SC 1 3 2 1 2 1 10 SD 1 1 1 3 TN 1 2 1 1 4 7 1 1 1 3 1 23 TX 5 11 7 10 11 20 13 22 21 18 8 146 UT 1 1 2 VT 0 VA 1 1 1 1 1 4 9 WA 1 1 1 1 2 6 WV 1 1 1 3 WI 1 7 13 2 12 9 51 2 10 6 1 68 WY 1 1 APO 0 CAN 1 2 3 FOR2 2 1 1 6 49 78 181 109 161 163 72 99 160 121 60 0 0 1253 kFamilyCircle 2 4 1 3 6 11 5 21 7 15 6 14 2 7 6 1 2 4 5 3 Midwest Living 4 2 3 News aper Insert 82 5 9 8 7 ra Pade 12 1 2 1 So.Liv 5 19 7 3 2 Rosie 2 4 USA 22 3 Women's Da 1 96 87 31 2611 Tourists Inquiry 2002 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCTNOV DEC TOTAL AL 1 1 2 AK AZ 1 1 2 AR 11 4 5 7 9 2 7 6 9 6 3 69 CA 4 2 3 3 2 3 1 1 19 CO 1 2 1 4 CT 0 DE 1 1 DC 1 FL 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 8 GA 1 1 2 HI 0 ID 0 IL 1 1 1 1 1 5 IN 1 1 1 3 IA 1 3 1 1 6 KS 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 10 KY 1 1 1 1 4 LA 1 1 3 3 1 1 10 ME 0 MD 0 MA 0 MI 1 1 1 1 1 5 MN 1 2 1 4 MS 1 1 2 1 5 MO 2 4 1 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 21 MT NE 2 1 3 NV 1 NH 1 1 2 NJ 1 1 NM 1 1 2 NY 1 1 1 3 NC 0 NO 0 OH 1 1 1 3 OK 3 4 3 1 4 3 2 3 4 3 3 33 OR 1 1 1 1 4 PA 1 1 1 1 4 PR RI 1 Sc 1 1 SD TN 1 1 1 3 TX 2 5 2 5 6 2 4 5 8 2 2 43 UT 1 1 VT VA 1 1 WA 1 1 1 1 1 5 WV WI 1 1 WY 0 • APO 1 CAN 1 1 FOR 2 2 TOT 37 30 21 331 151 311 30 32 21 16 01 01 297 Relocation Inquiry 2002 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC TOTAL AL 1 1 1 1 4 AK 0 AR 14 11 10 12 17 14 12 13 13 10 8 134 AZ 1 1 1 1 1 2 . 2 1 1 11 CA 1 5 5 5 1 1 9 6 5 1 39 CO 2 3 2 1 2 1 3 14 CT 1 1 2 DC 0 DE 0 FL 4 1 2 2 3 2 1 3 2 4 2 26 GA 2 1 1 3 1 31 31 14 HI 1 1 2 ID 1 1 1 IL 2 1 2 1 3 2 4 2 3 2 21 24 IN 1 1 2 1 3 1 9 IA 2 2 2 2 1 9 KS 1 1 1 1 1 4 5 1 5 20 KY 2 1 1 1 5 LA 1 2 2 2 1 1 3 3 15 ME 1 1 2 MD 1 1 2 MA 1 2 3 MI 1 1 1 1 1 2 7 MN 1 3 1 2 2 3 1 3 16 MS 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 31 15 MO 7 2 6 5 4 1 4 3 3 21 31 40 MT 1 1 1 2 NE 1 2 1 2 2 8 NV 1 1 1 3 NH 2 2 NJ 1 1 NM 1 1 3 1 1 7 NY 2 1 1 1 2 1 8 NC 4 1 1 1 1 8 ND 0 OH 1 3 1 5 OK 4 2 4 2 41 21 41 5 4 4 1 36 OR 2 1 1 1 2 1 5 PA 1 1 1 3 RI 0 Sc 1 1 1 3 SD 11 2 TN 4 3 2 2 3 1 3 3 21 TX 10 5 6 7 6 8 13 6 4 7 6 78 UT 1 1 2 1 1 6 VT 0 VA 2 1 1 4 WA 1 1 2 WV 0 WI 2 1 3 2 1 1 10 WY 1 1 2 APO 1 1 CAN 1 1 FOR 1 1 Total 77 55 53 61 58 45 57 67 58 57 45 833 • o 7 C y Na O m O O 2.' 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Awards Dinner • Odom and Elliot Deposition • UA Women's Athletics, SEC Volleyball Banquet • BBBBQ/Council on Aging Reception • Benchmark Group Holiday Party • Tucker/McLarty Wedding Reception • cC o a m • w J 3 m 'mO fi a N y § F Cf) B ce) $ g LL n m a8 N $ Q, r co m n N m N ww > > as a as o R m N N N Cl O � L d y d C > 3 O w o Z cn t0 $ N N r x U) � p 7 H m m N W $ t0 N T f v 7 is 0 L g N °D r U c 3 w H y 0 E m N to (D N T m m o LL N • 2003 BUDGET 6 mo budget 3 mo total 3 mo anticip. Yr End projec 2003 Budget 2002 I COME Transfer from A & P $65,326 509000.00 134,400.00 Interest 103.44 75.00 178.44 150.00 EXPENSES Salaries & Wages $41 ,300 10,463.05 16,500.00 26,963.051 91 ,000.00 Payroll Tax Expense 19019.84 1 ,275.00 2,294.84 Insurance 11453.59 4,400.00 5,853.59 401K Match 289.85 500.00 789.85 Unemployment Ins. Publications and Dues $500 525.00 0.00 525.00 750.00 Utilities Rent $3,000 19250.00 1 ,500.00 2,750.00 61000.00 Phone $3,476 930.83 19050.00 Ig980.831 31600.00 cell 35.00 125.00 160.00 11200.00 Post Office Box $50 150 Postage $1 ,500 3,000.00 Convention & Tourism Developme $2,500 11896.59 500.00 29396.59 15,000.00 Travel & Training $1 ,500 251 . 10 900.00 1 ,151 .10 91000.00 Materials & Supplies $2,000 11259.64 600.00 1 ,859.64 21400.00 Advertising & Promotion - yellow $500 500 er $900 500.00 500.00 1 ,800.00 Ex ense 510. 19 510.19 Fixed Assets $8,100 91712.69 9,712.69 $65v3261 29,700.81 27,925.00 57,625.81 134,400.00 • TOWN CENTER - 2003 PROPOSED BUDGET 9 mo Actual Yr. End Projection 2002 BUDGET TOTAL 2003 BUDGET INCOME tal incl Service charge 462,679.08 $175,292.22 2359292.22 282,350.66 Phone Rebate $2. 13 2. 13 Interest - Checking $676.25 826.25 750.00 Miscellaneous $97.96 97.96 Parking Revenue 36,000.00 36,000.00 Dail $31007.00 31907.00 Tokens Leases $22,053.72 29,553.72 Sales Tax Expense (refund) -$519.00 -819.00 -1 ,000.00 TOTAL 498,679.08 $200,759.28 2699009.28 318,100.66 Depreciation $10,689.08 26,722.70 32, 100.00 EXPENSES Salaries & Wages 202,992.00 $113, 167.38 161 ,167.38 218,475.00 Commissions 58,100.00 $13, 118.33 18,518.33 27,500.00 Payroll Taxes $11 ,475. 19 15,975. 19 16,000.00 Credit Card Discounts $381 .98 531 .98 500.00 Insurance $16,352.84 23,852.84 26,237.20 401KMatch $2,735. 18 3,860. 18 41000.00 Utilities 96,180.00 95,886.12 Water $2,449.94 31349.94 Gardens Water $703.91 1 ,003.91 Phone $6,050.32 81150.32 Long Distance $325. 19 325. 19 Affiectricitv $39,786.43 53,286.43 s $5, 142.03 69042.03 Cable $355.08 485.08 Post Office Box 100.00 125.00 Contract Services 500000.00 Linens $5,662.20 91162.20 109000.00 Skirting $392.50 392.50 0.00 Plants $2,217.92 21832.92 0.00 Other $450.34 450.34 Repairs and Maintenance 359000.00 $6,839.00 909.00 249000.00 Materials & Supplies 289800.00 $2,620.86 5,620.86 61000.00 Advertising and Promotion 219000.00 $4,797.94 10,797.94 10,000.00 Public Notification $212.62 312.62 500.00 Travel & Training $481 .27 841 .27 11000.00 FF & E Publications & Dues $499. 18 499. 18 750.00 Building Insurance 6,600.00 61600.00 15,600.00 Taxes and Licenses $1 ,500.00 11500.00 11500.00 Special Projects - T. C. Projects $14,031 .37 14,031 .37 TOTAL 4980772.00 $251 ,749.00 358,079.00 458,073.32 Re uest A & P subsid of $125,000 0 A & P COMMISSION - 2003 BUDGET 9 month actual AnOct ated Yr. EndPro ected 2003 Budget 2002 BUDGET 3 months INCOME HMR Tax Revenue 1 ,286,655.00 1 ,101,495.66 332,583.00 1,434,078.66 1 ,478,000.00 Interest 50,000.00 41,292.85 13,500.00 549792.85 50,000.00 Bond Refund 212,859.37 200,000.00 412,859.37 4009000.00 lianeous 2,693.13 29693.13 1 ,336,655.00 1,3580341.01 5469083.00 1,904,424.01 1,9289000.00 Depreciation 24,050.43 8,016.72 32,067.15 33,000.00 EXPENSES Transfers Arts Center Bonds 85,008.00 85,000.00 85,000.00 85,000.00 CEC Bond Fund 30,000.00 285,238.14 94,581.00 379,819.14 380,000.00 Town Center Fund 371,436.00 279,574.39 92,859.00 372,433.39 375,000.00 CEC Taxes 44,905.76 44,905.76 45,000.00 Transfer to CVB 50,100.00 34,900.00 85,000.00 134,400.00 Transfer to Town Center 125,000.00 Kamensky Fountain Maintenance 3,000.00 Salaries 76,500.00 1 39,880.02 13,500.00 53,380.02 60,000.00 Payroll Tax Expense 3,349.78 1 ,050.00 4,399.78 13,200.00 Insurance 8,695.59 3,000.00 11,695.59 12,000.00 401K Match 1 ,507.63 400.00 1,907.63 1,800.00 Car Allowance 4,000.00 2,700.00 1 ,200.00 3,900.00 3,600.00 Advertising and Markebng 245,200.00 183,095.75 62,104.25 245,200.00 250,000.00 Brochures 50,000.00 58,636.95 589636.95 30,000.00 Airport Information Booth 4,800.00 4,800.00 49800.00 4,800.00 AI rt Advertising 4,931.40 4,931.40 5,080.00 Publication and Dues 500.00 790.00 790.00 1,000.00 Travel and Training - 2,500.00 1 ,081.94 1 ,418.06 2,500.00 2$ 00.00 Office Supplies and Prinflng 3,099.78 3,099.78 3,500.00 Postage 15,000.00 7,174.80 6,000.00 13,174.80 159000.00 Professional Services Accounting 12,000.00 8,638.33 4,000.00 12,638.33 12,000.00 Legal 80.00 80.00 Collection Expense 26,212.00 22,029.92 60452.00 28,481 .92 300000.00 Expense 150.00 200.00 noon Develo mann 10,000.00 9,889.38 90889.38 Mus Tours 714.60 714.60 Miscellaneous Expense 180.00 180.00 Special Projects Air Museum 27,000.00 14,500.00 12,500.00 27,000.00 All Star Games 5,000.00 Ackerman conference expense 1,200.00 767.39 767.39 H. S. Coaches Clinic 10,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 H. S. Cross Counoy 1,200.00 Bikes, Blues, BBO 13,500.00 13,500.00 13,500.00 Botanical Garden Society 16,906.00 70306.91 9,599.09 16,906.00 Brumley Gospel Sing 25,150.00 25,150.00 25,150.00 Committee for Mardi Gras 1,000.00 767.08 767.08 Downtown Oldmon Enhanoement Proj. 27,500.00 7,407.16 20,092.84 27,500.00 First Night 12,500.00 12,500.00 12,500.00 Holiday Hoops 8,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 Joe Martin Stage Race 1 ,000.00 1 ,000.00 1 ,000.00 Lights of the Ozarks 5,000.00 1 ,000.00 5,000.00 69000.00 Mid America Youth Basketball Toumament 1 ,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 NCAA Indoor Track and Field/SEC 5,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 North Arkansas Symphony 3,000.00 750.00 750.00 Northwest Arkansas B. E. S. T. 750.00 1 ,000.00 1,000.00 Ozark Blues Society 1 ,000.00 1 3,000.00 3,000.00 Saturday of Champions 2,800.00 State Soccer Championship 1 ,000.00 11 ,666.66 11,666.66 Town Center Garden Maintenance 17,500.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 179500.00 University Museum 20,000.00 600.00 600.00 Walton Arts Center 1 ,200.00 1,117.95 11117.95 Minor Equipment - Capital Ougay 89,260.58 89,260.58 500000.00 Repairs & Maintenance - Aceus0c Fix 114,800.00 2,409.75 2,409.75 ses for Town Center 24,400.00 1,912.95 24,400.00 26,312.95 ted Revenues 55,943.00 301 ,647.20 235,420.00 11336t655.00 1 556 857.79 T90,556.24 1,745,766.83 1 928 000.00 fgWefteville Advertising and Promotion Commission eclal Projects - 2003 Requests 2002 Received 2003 Request MJ Recommends Commission Appr. Arkansas Air Museum $29,000.00 $30,000.00 $25,000 $25,000.00 Botanical Garden Society of the Ozarks $16,906.00 $75,000.00 $150000 $45,000.00 Brumley Gospel Sin $15,000.00 $152000 $15,000.00 Don Glass Charity Classic $0.00 $6,300.00 $69300 $6,300.00 Downtown/Dickson Enhancement Project $21 ,500.00 $319000.00 $17,600 $17,600.00 High School Coaches Clinic $101000.00 $15,000.00 $159000 $15,000.00 High School All Star Games $5,000.00 $8,000.00 $59000 $5,000.00 High School Saturday of Champions $2,800.00 $3,000.00 $29000 $3,000.00 High School State Soccer Champions $10000.00 $1 ,750.00 $1 ,000 $10000.00 Hogeye Marathon & Relays $0.00 $29600.00 $1 ,500 $1 ,500.00 Holiday Hoops $8,000.00 $21 ,500.00 $89000 $100000.00 Joe Martin Memorial Stage Race $1 ,000.00 $25,000.00 $20,000 $20,000.00 Natural State Gaames $0.00 $975.00 No recommendation $975.00 North Arkansas Symphony $3,000.00 $6,000.00 $6,000 $6,000.00 UwQsSA Tournament Baseball $0.00 $750.00 0 - included in Glass req. $0.00 on Arts Center $10200.00 $2,400.00 $1 ,200 $2,400.00 Walton Arts Center - DDEP $36,000.00 0-agency responsibility $0.00 $99,406.001 $280t275.001 $138,6001 $173,775.00 • Application t•orm for appointment to City Boards, Commissions, and Committees Jame AICAL 2-ATtIF640 / Soc. Sec. # If married, please give spouse's first name 06 /0 AJ, wAL IJUOI� Length of residency in Fayetteville /1� yLS Resident Street Address FOAW Teylae� 7o I How did you find out about opening(s)? ;ity State Zip Code / t3rtc /1A7, sEY Jut MYeRfFlUr"t� /WE 7.27d 1 Aailing Address Zip Code 3�bC F�&WA/6G References: n 'elephone Number: Home: L/NN � G/G Name / lowo A/A- soj Business: 51l - d / 9V Address 1. 57 CLv4A!FAu Fmwromarlfoe 7»* 1 )ccupation/Employer Name Phone y /j '9G7 52dStS IAJC • Name Jia rz-nAje7. :hoice of Committee Address 1655 Qj. 4VeL5,Y /+1A11d7ftAE /be 2.7701 4 4 P Phone 501 - 86-3 '/ t�•s q "Lt G•• P f `�,"� , i kx � ' �'ar '"� ° < s .�� 7n ,'S. er�zpves ,_ '• � ° � � ��" �;"`Y `Replaced� .-� . _ What are your qualifications for serving on this committee, including education and expertise in the subject matter? .r 14AtC O&wrJ la Ttfe gesrA4+24 i iA/ovs-,X f Fd,4 0d YrrYzS Alia 1mw& &v w#r# FAytwr v cmc Rcs7A,AA rr BUSr.VtSS Fol 14 YlrVS . T 04,d A Pt74t(_ RdSrdL"St: AF So . O S GcT A 6bD 0 Pc14sPttT/ 6 drI 1414d Ant*YL7isa/G t ?/f6n177bA1 of 64Y6TIZT1444c CA+J 1APAoi T1?t �enno�lr rf T A,AVe Fitt SToa/EO *CC. MAJa6 (;[ lJL r C 8bsla &-54 P n T7*5 Crtz s )vC T?lf .l't/drvsc�oG6 Ta APPLY Cos-r VS . ImP/IT a.J Aus/JrSS ln4rWS. Why would you like to be considered for appointment to this committee? 30 A} SA:9V.A/6 TMS PasmeJ /// 6QOc* 'Z 6 (kC dAck /4/v �.Qacri.�✓ 6W TNt' CAaw7t eF As A C.mr+u. //TY r44,0 A A✓5tAJZSS• 1 Br3iErF 7 rArY - rvIwG 94s 14 1-o i 7a dGFC/L #+AjY t:oalSumgm A-xty 2 4A rzr 7abf At #O&Lff 6r'- myikeltl-lal MY Ca*Aur.urY . T 6j6ZIVE T7I75 C/W tic 06.Jc turbo PRo-X CTAJ6 Vir I.JfT�RrFY OF T7� ctT12ews rF r-AYt-77cy,r c;:70• leasgfill out application COMPLETELY and return to: Heather Woodruff City Clerk's Office 113 W. Mountain Street, Fayetteville 72701 you have any questions call 575-8323 11 /26/02 1 .What are your qualifications for serving on this committee, including education and expertise in the subject matter? I have been in the hospitality industry for twenty plus years of those four here in downtown Fayetteville. I am currently the General Manager of the Radisson Fayetteville Hotel, which was previously the Hilton Hotel. All of my hotel positions have always incorporated managing, sales and marketing regardless of the geographic location. I feel that my background is conducive to contributing to this commission and certainly hold stock in how revenue is directly spent, which directly effects all of Fayetteville and the business that I am responsible for. 2. Why would you like to be considered for appointment to this committee? My interest in the A&P Commission is rather broad brushed. As a Hotel General Manager I would appreciate the opportunity to play a role in the expenditure of the A&P revenues that we contribute to. Secondly, my interest in Fayetteville as a businessman is to assist all of the business' s in the city in attracting and retaining group business that benefits all of the city and our residents. I feel my qualifications as a resident of this city • and my background of twenty plus years in the hospitality industry can only lend itself as a positive influence to said commission. As a resident and family man I want only the best for Fayetteville and my family. I feel that Fayetteville can become a destination point for convention business that would continue year round, and I would like to be part of the corner stone that makes that happen. It is my belief that the commission can help bring that to fruition, however it is the people, quality of service and hospitality that will retain and spark interest in future business. Hence I feel that it would be positive for the commission to have a member of the community and an hotelier as part of the decision making process! T nk Y u, cYedyDavid G. M General Manager Radisson Hotel Radisson Hotel Fayetteville 70 North East Avenue • Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 11adit Telephone: 479-442-5555 • Fax: 479-442-2105 www.radisson.com �- TOURNAMENT HOME'd"lt SPONSORS ,'ii!O�.ABWT_THETOURNAMENT 'I SOHOOLSflie l'y',ipRgOKETS,6 SCHEDULE;, Brackets and Schedules Parkview LR Game 1 IhunJ:.W Loser #1 Winner #1 • Game 5 Fri. J:JO Booker T. Ga„K 7 fr;.6� Washington (Tulsa) Winner #5 Winner #7 Game 10 Sat. 1.00 5 rin dale fwnm 7YSa i90 Loser #2 Game 1MUM 3.Al Winner #2 estbury Christi ♦♦ Loser #5 Dls� Consolation Cham ion 3rd PlaceChampion p Luser #6 • Ro ers ♦ Game 3lhun. 6:70 Loser #3 Winner #3 Game a F1590 East (Memphis) Gamy a tri. ago Winner #6 Winner #8 Fa etteville Luser #4 Games man ego Winner #4 A. Fair LR) FAYETTEVILLE THE CITY OF FAYEVEVILLL ARKANSAS • KIT WILLIAMS, CITY ATTORNEY DAVID WMTAKER, ASST. CITY ATTORNEY LEGAL DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE TO: A & P Commission City Council cc: Casey Jones, Fayetteville City Prosecutor FROM: Kit Williams, City Attorney DATE: December 9, 2002 RE: HMR Collections • Since last month's A & P Commission meeting was on Veterans Day, I could not attend. Accordingly, I have enclosed City Prosecutor Casey Jones' reports of both November 8 and December 6 in this report. As you see, the City Prosecutor collected $1,729.04 during this period. There are numerous active warrants and contempt citations outstanding. Because of Casey's previous aggressive prosecuting, the vast majority of businesses are now fully complying with our Hotel, Motel and Restaurant tax law. It looks like our total collections of back taxes over the last twelve months is $96,196.23 (over $8,000.00 per month). , CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE OFFICE OF THE PROSECUTING ATTORNEY CLINTON K. JONES HOT CHECK ADMINISTRATOR CITY PROSECUTOR Hesll: hotcheck@ouayettev9k.arxs 749 W. ROCK W. BRANT WARRICK FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 72791 DEPUTY CITY PROSECUTOR PHONE: (479) 676-8377 MEMO (479) 676-837 _ (479) 676-83744 (479) 676-8376 Hot Checks: (479) 676.9264 FAX # : (479) 6768373 TO: K. Williams Fayetteville City Attorney FROM: Casey Jones Fayetteville City Prosecutor DATE: November 8, 2002 RE: Status of HMR cases 1 . Fat Toneys Tony Goucher Active Contempt Summons 2. Fat City James Roberts Active FTA warrant • 3. Corky's Ben Clark Contempt filed 4. Back Porch BBQ Keith Kidd Paid $ 1000.- Reset to 12/4 5. Cafd Santa Fe Sad Abu-Haleema Active warrants x 2 8. Hog City Diner Richard Byrne FTA arr. Date 11/4/02 — NS 10. Tones, Inc. D. Heerwagon Active FTA warrant 11 . Dominoes Pizza Lloyd Hardison Active FTA warrant — Closed Reportedly filed bankruptcy 12. Dickson St. Diner Michael Starkey TD of 1/29/03 Nick Jefferies TD of 1/8/03 Deonna Darnell TD of 11/20/02 13 . Quizno's Classic Subs John Ford Active Criminal Summons 14. IHOP Kathy Lewis Active Criminal Summons • Page ,2 • Kit Williams November 8, 2002 15. Olde Town Deli Mahmoud Boroujeni Active Criminal Summons 16. Morning Glory's William Reeves Letter sent 17. Frullati Caf6/Bakery Todd/MaryMcNeill Forms turned in — Owes $6, 191 . 10 Collected a total of$ 1 ,000.00 • • CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE OFFICE OF THE PROSECUTING ATTORNEY MANCLINTON K. JONES HECK ADMINISTRATOR NOT CHECK ADMINISTRATOR CITY PROSECUTOR EK all: hotcheck@c1.1ayettev111e.ar.u3 W. BRANT WARRICK +40w. ROCK FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 77701 DEPUTY CITY PROSECUTOR PHONE: (479) 676-377 MEMO (4479) 6765-474 (479) 676.9376 Not Checks (479) 676-0264 FAX # : (479) 675-M73 TO: K. Williams Fayetteville City Attorney FROM: Casey Jones Fayetteville City Prosecutor DATE: December 6, 2002 RE: Status of HMR cases I . Fat Toneys Tony Goucher Active Contempt Summons 2. Fat City James Roberts Active FTA warrant • 3 . Corky's Ben Clark Contempt Sled 4. Back Porch BBQ Keith Kidd T. D. 12/4 — Did not appear 5. Cafe Santa Fe Sad Abu-Haleema Active warrants x 2 8. Hog City Diner Richard Byrne Active FTA warrant 9. Tones, Inc. D. Heerwagon Active FTA warrant 10. Dominoes Pizza Lloyd Hardison Active FTA warrant — Closed Reportedly Sled bankruptcy 12. Dickson St. Diner Michael Starkey TD of 1/29/03 Nick Jefferies TD of 1/8/03 Deonna Darnell TD of 11/20/02 13. Quizno's Classic Subs John Ford Active Criminal Summons 14. IHOP Kathy Lewis Arr. Date of 12/16/02 • i Page 2 • Kit Williams December 6, 2002 15. Olde Town Deli Mahmoud Boroujeni Active Criminal Summons 16. Morning Glory's William Reeves Criminal Summons filed 17. Frullati CafdBakery Todd/Mary McNeill Criminal Summons filed 18. Cajun Gypsy Lyn Defelice Letter sent — Paid $540.96 Current 19. Gloria Jean's G. Tanner Paid $188.08 - Current Collected a total of $729.04 • •