HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-04-08 - Agendas - Final • MEETING NOTICE The Advertising and Promotion Commission will meet on Monday, April 8, 2002 at 2:00 p.m. at the Town Center Conference room. AGENDA ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION April 8 !2002 2:00 p.m. Town Center I. Call to Order II. Reports A. Approval of Minutes for March 11 , 2002 B. Financial Report 1 . HMR Revenues 2. Financials - Tom Lonon, Scarbrough and Murtishaw 3. Update from City Attorney on Delinquent Tax Collection Efforts C. Convention and Visitor Activity — Marilyn Johnson D. Town Center Activity Report — Denise Bembenek E. Agency Report — Brian Clark, Sells/Clark, Inc. • III. Old Business A. Acoustics in Town Center — total cost $87,800 IV. New Business A.Funding Requests for April 2002 Arkansas Air Museum — Airfest 2002 - $4,000 Northwest Arkansas BEST — robotic competition in NWA - $750 Arkansas BEST — regional robotics competition - $5,000 Downtown/Dickson Enhancement Project — festival support - $21 ,500 Advertising campaign during construction - $43,800 Lights of the Ozarks — expand festival - $5,000 North Arkansas Symphony — season ticket brochure - $4, 191 .74 Ozark Blues Society of NWA — appearance fees - $5,000 V. Other Business VI. Adjourn Informational Items DDEP newsletter — article on Town Center parking deck token sales . GROUP: ADVERTISING & PROMOTION COMMISSION DATE: March 11 , 200E PRESENT: Bob Davis, Pat Gazzola, Ching Mong, Curtis Shipley, and Marilyn Johnson. ABSENT: Joe Fennel, John Gilliam, and Kevin Santos The regular meeting of the Advertising and Promotion Commission was called to order at the Fayetteville Town Center conference room at 2:00 p.m. by Commissioner Curtis Shipley. MINUTES Moved by Gazzola, second by Mong to approve the minutes of the February 11 meeting. Motion carried. FINANCIAL REPORT Gail Foster from Scarbrough and Murtishaw reported that the financials for the Town Center and the A & P Commission for February were not ready. She reported that she would deliver financials t6the Town Center on Tuesday. Marilyn will mail them to Commissioners. City attorney Kit Williams presented the report of the City Prosecutor's office regarding delinquent HMR collection action through his office. Collection efforts are at 95%. • CONVENTION AND VISITOR DEVELOPMENT REPORT Marilyn Johnson presented the Convention and Visitor Development monthly report. The Bramley Gospel Sing has been successfully moved from the Tyson complex to Barnhill arena. Marilyn arranged the Governor's Community Forum Luncheon at the Town Center as well as the schedule for the First Lady the same day. Approximately 450 attended the luncheon. The trip to Travel South was most successful. Marilyn had appointments with 24 buyers. Kaleo Tours (Oklahoma City) has scheduled 3 motor coaches for May. Terry's Tours (Houston) wants to being in approximately 50 coaches next year. Texas Travel (Denson, Texas) has a group scheduled in April. Cherokee Friends (Park Hill, OK) will be bringing a group in June. Grand Opening of Boston Mountains Scenic Loop is scheduled for April 26 at 10 a.m. A group of Travel Writers was hosted on a FAM tour. April 6 is scheduled for a tree give-away on the Town Center plaza in conjunction with Farmer's Market opening day. Denise Bembenek presented the Town Center monthly report. February was a slow month. American Express capabilities were added to credit card capabilities. She is working with the UARK Bowl that should be a complementary facility for the Town Center. 56 contracts have been contracted for this year. Acoustic Tile Solutions for Exhibit Hall — In order to comply with fire regulations, the sprinkler heads must be lowered as the acoustic panels are installed. Moved by Davis, second by Gazzola . to waive competitive bidding requirements for fire protection under the ceiling panels to Simplex Grinnell of Springdale for $8,967.00. Motion carried. • Parking Tokens — Thus far, 110 tokens have been sold. A programmable timer which will raise the parking arm at 5 am on Saturdays and lower it a 5 pm has been installed on the parking system. Denise distributed marketing materials that have been sent out this month for the Town Center. She is working with staff, Cox Communications, and DDEP to plan a children's event for the fall in conjunction with Autumnfest. AGENCY REPORT Brian Clark with Sells/Clark, Inc. reported that Marilyn had been working with staff on the marketing concept. Brian presented an oversized % page four-color ad and brochure cover layout for Dining and Lodging Guide. They are on schedule to finish the art this week for the Dining Guide and go to the printer this week. OLD BUSINESS Agenda item covered under Denise's report. NEW BUSINESS Governor's Conference on Tourism Marilyn reported that the Town Center had been nominated for the Community Tourism Development Award. There are three finalists. The award will be presented at the Governor's • Conference on Tourism on March 19 in Springdale. i Fill Commissioners term exnirine 4/1/06 Two applications were received, Pat Gazzola and Ann Gray. Ms. Gray was ineligible for appointment because she is not the owner or manager of a hotel, motel, or restaurant. Moved by Davis, second by Pat Gazzola to recommend Pat Gazzola to City Council for ratification. Motion carried. OTHER BUSINESS Bootsie Ackerman to Conference Shipley presented a request from City Hall to send Bootsie Ackerman to New York to a conference "Developing Retail and Entertainment Destinations" on March 25-26. Moved by Mong, second by Gazzola to agree to spend up to $ 1200 and split costs with City. Motion carried. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, iyp4ldl 90L_*L� Marilyn Johnson . Director Convention and Visitor Development Fayetteville A & P Commission and Town Center Balance Sheet As of February 28, 2002 • Assets Current Assets Due from City $ 45,095.90 Cash in Bank of Fayetteville - Town Center 74,372.37 Cash in Mcllroy Bank - A & P General 84,355.08 Cash in Mcllroy Bank - A & P Payroll 21084.89 Investments 1 ,440,637.54 Investment Adjustment to Market 71183.17 Accounts Receivable 79548.38 Unbilled Accounts Receivable (1 ,022.00) Total Current Assets $ 11660,255.33 Property, Plant, & Equipment at Cost Fixed Assets 172,540.84 Building 54,390.04 Minor Equipment 144,214.58 • Net Property and Equipment 371 . 145.46 Total Assets $ 21031 ,400.79 LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL Current Liabilities Accounts Payable $ 20,052. 13 Accounts Payable - Parks HMR 3,487.54 Due to Other Funds 77,231 .78 Total Current Liabilities 100,771 .45 Capital Unrestricted Fund Balance 1 ,874,951 .71 Current Year Earnings 55,677.63 Total Capital $ 11930,629.34 Total Liabilities and Capital $ 2,031 ,400.79 • See Accountants' Compilation Report u l Fayetteville A & P Commission Town Center Income Statement Actual vs. Budget • 1 Month Ended 1 Month Ended 2 Months Ended 2 Months Ended February 28, 2002 February 28, 2002 February 28, 2002 February 28, 2002 Actual Budget Actual Budget Sales Rental Income $ 19,055.81 $ $ 290286.56 $ 32,130.59 Parking Revenue 400.00 400.00 30000.00 Service Charge - - 6,426.00 Parking Leases 7,301 .40 Pay Phone Rebates 2.13 Total Sales 19,455.81 - 36,990.09 41 ,556.59 General Expenses Salaries & Wages 127116.18 24,329.86 16,916.00 Commissions 1 ,235.32 - 2,233.91 - Payroll Tax Expense 1 ,035.10 2,045.86 - Credit Card Discounts 50.83 69.40 Public Notification 48.48 151 .19 Publications & Dues - 125.00 - Postage 50.00 • Water 174.09 250.00 694.47 450.00 Gardens Water 7.91 10.00 23.73 20.00 Gas 1 ,429. 12 1 ,500.00 21723.89 21000.00 Electricity 4,032.79 4,000.00 8,643.87 71500.00 Telephone 584.40 600.00 11189.88 19200.00 Long Distance Telephone 75.00 193.09 150.00 Insurance 1 ,995.71 Contract Services 7,815.00 15,630.00 Linens 875.72 11500.00 2,760.40 3,000.00 Skirting 500.00 11000.00 Plants 205.00 512.50 Other 109.00 559.34 - Repairs and Maintenance 2,745.99 3,166.00 3,323.91 71332.00 401 (k) Company Match 362.58 - 543.87 - Special Projects 21378.88 21378.88 Advertising and Marketing 375.00 1 ,750.00 3,659.97 3,500.00 Materials and Supplies 901 .67 2,400.00 4,474.54 4,800.00 Total General Expenses 28,668.06 23,566.00 627633.27 63,548.00 Other Income (Expense) Interest Income - Checking 91 .71 206.82 - Total Other Income (Expense) 91 .71 206.82 . Net Income (Loss) $ (97120.54) $ (239566.00) $ (25,436.36) $ (21 ,991 .41 ) See Accountants' Compilation Report Fayetteville A & P Commission Income Statement Actual vs. Budget • 1 Month Ended 1 Month Ended 2 Months Ended 2 Months Ended February 28, 2002 February 28, 2002 February 28, 2002 February 28, 2002 Actual Budget Actual Budget Sales HMR Tax Revenue $ 125,718.33 $ 125,718.33 $ 251 ,689.07 $ 224,115.33 Total Sales 125,718.33 125,718.33 251 ,689.07 224,115.33 Materials and Supplies Office Supplies/Printing 165.00 - 165.00 - Total Materials and Supplies 165.00 - 165.00 General Expenses Salaries & Wages 4,420.42 6,375.00 8,712.08 12,750.00 Car Allowance 300.00 333.00 600.00 666.00 Payroll Tax Expense 324.47 652.79 Publications & Dues 125.00 335.00 200.00 Postage 1 ,250.00 132.95 21500.00 Insurance 4,379.93 4,379.93 Professional Services 645.00 1 ,000.00 1 ,395.00 21000.00 . Collection Expense 2,514.37 11916.00 5,033.78 3,884.00 Convention Development 2,465.05 833.00 20864.05 1 ,666.00 Miscellaneous Expense - 180.00 Repairs and Maintenance - 892.50 401 (k) Company Match 132.62 196.99 Chamber of Commerce (862.40) - (862.40) Travel and Training 350.00 500.00 350.00 500.00 Air Museum 61250.00 61250.00 Bikes, Blues, BBC 10,000.00 10,000.00 Botanical Garden Society 21409.75 109000.00 5,515.08 10,000.00 Town Center Garden Maintenance - 1 ,458.00 21916.00 Advertising and Marketing 11943.73 32,000.00 1 ,943.73 33,200.00 Airport Information Booth 11200.00 2,432.85 1 ,200.00 Total General Expenses 20,347.94 55,665.00 51 ,004.33 87,732.00 Other Income (Expense) Interest Income - Investments 51112.65 51552.59 BondPayments - Arts Center - (71084.00) - (14,168.00) BondPayments - Town Center (30,952.71 ) (30,953.00) (619905.42) (61 ,906.00) Bond Payments - CEC (31 ,526.46) (2,500.00) (639052.92) (5,000.00) Total Other Income (Expense) (57,366.52) (40,537.00) (119,405.75) (81 ,074.00) . Net Income (Loss) $ 47,838.87 $ 29,516.33 $ 81 ,113.99 $ 559309.33 See Accountants' Compilation Report Advertising and Promotion Commission For month of March 2002 HMR revenues collected $ 118,208.91 Interest revenue 51136.75 Misc. revenue 0.00 Total Revenues $123,345.66 Collection expense -21364. 18 CEC Bond Payment -$31 ,526.46 Town Center Bond Payment -309952.71 Total Expenses -$64,843.35 • Total Check to A&P $58,502.31 • "r City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Monthly HMR Tax Collections 2000-2002 • 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 Total Total Change Over Total Change Over HMR Taxes HMR Taxes Prior Year HMR Taxes Prior Year January $ 100,334 $ 98,397 -1.93% $ 125,718 27.76% February 91,330 95,810 4.91% 113,207 18.16% March 102,971 104,748 1.73% 118,209 12.85% April 108,747 107,624 -1.03% May 107,975 103,545 -4. 10% June 107,963 106,217 -1.62% July 103,894 109,223 5.13% August 105,417 112,743 6.95% September 104,980 115,765 10.27% October 105,820 115,771 9.40% November 117,106 120,282 2.71% December 97,771 125,971 28.84% • Total $ 1,254,310 § 1,316,096 4.93% $ 357,134 19.46% • • ACTIVITY REPORT March, 2002 INQUIRY RESPONSES Tourist Inquiries March 2002 — 201 Year to date 2002 — 395 March 2001 — 176 Year to date 2001 — 285 Advertising Responses March 2002 — 3355 Year to date 2002 — 4575 March 2001 — 4494 Year to date 2001 — 5291 Relocation Inquiries March 2002 — 64 Year to date 2002 — 227 March 2001 — 98 Year to date 2001 — 204 March Total Inquiries 2002 — 3620 2001 — 4768 Year to Date Total Inquiries 2002 - 5197 2001 — 5780 • ACTIVITY Conventions and Meetings — NCAA Indoor Track and Field Jackie McMorris — Intl. Alumni Reunion Alicia Demarest — Arkansas Realtors Convention Becky Kossover — Prostate Cancer Association Bus Tours — Kaleoscope — Kaleo Tours and Charters in Tulsa, OK Adult Day Services of OK — Lucille Musgrove Don Babb — Strawberry Patch Tour Joye Williams — Denton TX group Pat McKinsey — McKinsey Tours of Kansas City, MO Tourist Activities — Terry Gulley — Lights of the Ozarks Bill Springer, U of A Mechanical Engineering "BEST competition" Brian Jackson — Bikes, Blues, and BBQ Bill Smith — U of A Women's Athletics Jan Treat — Ozark Charity Horse Show Relations with Other Tourism — Governor's Conference on Tourism Carl Acuff— concert series • Marietta — Botanical Garden Society of the Ozarks Meryl Koeth — Van Buren A & P 9 • Mary Lou Davenport — North Little Rock A & P Bill Walker — A. G. Russell Knives Mayor Coody — Farmer's Market issues Relations with Media — Discover America, Melissa Hume Crystal Cody — Arkansas Democrat Gazette Alicia Smith — Arkansas Business April Bliss — Southern Living Ethan Nobles — Morning News Cassandra — Southern Living Magazine article Justin Early — Arkansas NBC Katie Demaree — Southern Living article Jennifer Miller — HMR Marketing (June issue — convention issue) Town Center Staff/Operations — Marie Gentry (U of A Interior Design) contract Brian Holt — NARTI banquet Lisa Shelton — NOARK convention Sherry Hams — Heart Gala Miscellaneous — CVB Organizational Meeting Boston Mountains Scenic Loop Partners meeting UARK Bowl grand opening • Cathy Foraker — SWB grant letter Water Park Feasibility Study Katie Snodgrass — City of Oxford MS —job descriptions Genealogical researcher — Kessler Mountain Inn Susan Boling — Leadership Fayetteville program TOP HMR COLLECTIONS Radisson Red Lobster Clarion Jose's Chili's Shorty Small's Ryan's Applebee's Ozark Brewing Co. Chic-Fil-A — NW Village McDonald's — Joyce Powerhouse • l0, • Advertising Inquiries Pubs by State - March 2002 AY FC ML MVG NATA MC/Rosie OkT SL SNI MN USA VG TOTAL AL 1 1 1 10 1 14 AK 0 AZ 1 5 1 7 AR 16 28 6 13 547 610 CA 4 9 5 3 7 28 CO 2 2 1 6 11 CT 1 3 2 6 DE 0 DC 1 1 FL 4 6 6 8 1 25 GA 2 3 13 1 19 HI 0 ID 1 1 2 IL 148 10 5 1 113 22 299 IN 61 3 2 1 10 77 IA 62 8 4 1 44 119 KS 31 7 3 109 8 158 KY 15 1 1 7 1 25 LA 4 5 7 15 74 105 ME 1 1 MD 1 1 1 3 MA 2 2 4 MI 50 7 4 2 2 8 73 MN 34 12 3 28 77 MS 1 2 1 13 21 38 • MO 79 20 6 10 461 46 622 MT 1 1 NE 27 7 1 35 NV 2 2 NH 0 NJ 2 1 3 NM 2 1 3 6 NY 1 5 4 3 1 14 NC 1 5 4 10 2 22 ND 5 5 OH 45 3 3 2 2 55 OK 11 8 1 14 220 254 OR 1 4 1 6 PA 4 2 2 1 2 11 RI 3 1 4 SC 1 3 1 4 9 SD 6 1 2 9 TN 10 4 10 13 67 104 TX 8 12 1 22 333 376 UT 1 1 VT 1 1 VA 1 3 1 5 WA 2 2 1 5 WV 1 1 WI 62 7 2 1 25 97 WY 1 2 3 APO 0 CAN 0 • FOR 1 1 2 TOTAL 0 1 706 0 202 88 0 184 1983 0 0 191 3355 • ADVERTISING INQUIRIES - 2002 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC TOTAL Tourist AY 0 BT 0 FC 1 1 1 3 H&A 0 ML 147 116 706 969 MT 0 MVG 0 NATA 119 128 202 449 OK 0 Parade 0 MC/Rosie 88 88 SL 390 318 184 892 SNI 1983 1983 ST 0 TA 0 TM 191 191 USA 0 MN 0 TOTAL 657 563 3355 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4575 • 4575 AY - Active Years BT - Budget Travel FC - Family Circle H & A - Home and Away MC - McCalls ML - Midwest Living NM - Meeting News MT - Midwest Traveler MVG - Midwest Vacation Guide NATA - NATA Tour Guide OK - Oklahoma Today Parade - Parade SL - Southern Living SNI - State Newspaper Insert ST - Southern Traveler TA - Travel America TM - Texas Monthly TM G-Travel Marketing Group USA - USA Today VG - Vacation Guide • � Z • Monthly Advertising Inquiries by State - 2002 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC TOTAL AL 18 16 14 48 AK 0 AZ 5 5 7 17 AR 35 41 610 686 CA 22 15 28 65 CO 5 3 11 19 CT 3 1 6 10 DE 0 DC 1 1 2 FL 26 29 25 80 GA 21 18 19 58 HI 2 2 ID 1 2 3 IL 46 37 299 382 IN 24 15 77 116 IA 24 17 119 160 KS 13 10 158 181 KY 13 13 25 51 LA 27 33 105 165 ME 2 1 3 MD 6 7 3 16 MA 3 1 4 8 MI 22 16 73 111 MN 18 14 77 109 MS 22 23 38 83 MO 32 30 622 684 • MT 1 1 1 3 NE 9 2 35 46 NV 2 2 2 6 NH 1 1 NJ 5 2 3 10 NM 3 6 9 NY 10 7 14 31 NC 14 11 22 47 ND 2 2 5 9 OH 15 14 55 84 OK 32 33 254 319 OR 3 6 9 PA 15 7 11 33 RI 2 1 3 Sc 7 15 11 33 SD 6 1 8 15 TN 26 21 96 143 TX 79 56 385 520 UT 2 2 VT 0 VA 15 14 6 35 WA 1 5 5 11 WV 5 1 1 7 WI 17 17 97 131 WY 3 3 APO 1 1 CAN 0 FOR 2 1 2 5 • TOTAL 657 563 3355 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4575 13 A & P TOURIST INQUIRIES 2002 JAN FEB MAR IAPR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCTNOV DEC TOTAL AL 11 11 AK 0 • AZ 1 2 3 AR 5 24 29 CA 5 6 11 CO 1 1 CT 0 DE 0 DC 0 FL 3 2 5 GA 1 21 2 HI 0 ID 0 IL 4 4 12 20 IN 4 1 3 8 IA 1 3 12 16 KS 3 3 37 43 KY 0 LA 2 2 2 6 ME 0 MD 0 MA 1 1 MI 1 2 5 8 MN 1 6 10 17 MS 1 1 MO 2 4 26 32 MT 1 1 • NE I 1 0 NV 0 NH 0 NJ 1 1 NM 0 NY 1 4 5 NC 3 3 ND 0 OH 2 6 8 OK 3 4 6 13 OR 11 11 21 4 PA 1 1 2 PR 1 1 RI 0 SC 1 3 4 SD 0 TN 1 2 1 4 TX 5 11 7 23 UT 1 1 VT 0 VA 0 WA 1 1 2 WV 0 WI 1 7 13 21 WY 0 • APO 0 CAN 1 1 FOR 0 49 78#181 0 0 01 0 01 01 01 01 01 0 308 Tourists Inquiry 2002 — JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OC NOV DEC TO AL AL 1 1 AK • AZ 1 1 AR 11 4 5 20 CA 4 2 6 CO 1 1 CT 0 DE 1 1 DC 1 FL 1 1 2 4 GA 1 1 HI 0 ID 0 IL 1 1 2 IN 1 1 IA 1 1 KS 2 1 3 KY 0 LA 1 1 ME 0 MD 0 MA 0 MI 1 1 MN 1 1 MS 1 1 MO 2 4 1 7 MT • NE 2 2 NV 1 NH 1 1 NJ 0 NM 0 NY 1 1 2 NC 0 ND 0 OH 1 1 1 3 OK 3 4 31 10 OR 1 1 PA 1 1 PR RI Sc 1 1 SD TN 0 TX 2 51 21 9 UT 1 1 VT VA 0 WA 1 1 WV WI 0 WY 0 • APO CAN 0 FOR 0 371 301 201 01 01 0 0 0 0 Fo 0 0 0 87 l5 • Relocation Inquiry 2002 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC TOTAL AL 1 1 AK 0 AR 14 11 10 35 AZ 1 1 2 CA 1 5 5 11 CO 2 3 2 7 CT 1 1 DC 0 DE 0 FL 4 1 2 7 GA 2 1 3 HI 0 ID 0 IL 2 1 2 5 IN 1 1 2 IA 2 2 4 KS 1 1 2 KY 2 2 LA 1 2 3 ME 1 1 MD 1 1 2 MA 1 1 MI 1 1 2 MN 1 3 1 5 MS 2 2 21 6 • MO 7 2 61 15 MT 1 1 1 1 NE 1 2 1 4 NV 1 1 NH 2 2 NJ 0 NM 1 1 NY 2 ' 1 3 NC 0 ND 0 OH 1 3 4 OK 4 2 4 10 OR 2 2 PA 0 RI 0 SC 1 1 2 SD 1 1 2 TN 4 3 7 TX 10 5 6 21 UT 1 1 2 VT 0 VA 0 WA 0 WV 0 WI 2 ' 1 3 WY 1 1 APO 1 1 • CAN 0 FOR 1 1 [To- l 77 55 53 185 LIP A & P RELOCATION 2001 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP JOCT NOV DEC TOTAL AL 0 • AK 0 AZ 1 1 AR 1 1 2 CA 4 2 6 CO 1 1 CT 0 DE 0 DC 0 FL 0 GA 0 HI 0 ID 0 IL 3 1 4 IN 0 IA 0 KS 1 1 1 3 KY 0 LA 1 1 ME 0 MD 0 MA 0 MI 0 MN 2 2 MS 1 1 MO 1 1 2 • MT 0 NE 0 NV 0 NH 0 NJ 0 NM 0 NY 1 1 NC 1 1 ND 0 OH 0 OK 1 1 OR 0 PA 1 1 PR 0 RI 0 SC 2 2 SD 0 TN 1 1 TX 2 1 3 UT 1 1 VT 0 VA 0 WA 0 WV 0 WI 3 1 4 • WY 0 APO 0 CAN 1 1 FOR 0 39 TOTAL 13 15 11 i0o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 39 F7 rro , FAYETTEVILLE TOWN CENTER ACTIVITY REPORT - March 1 , 2002 to March 31 , 2002 Previous Month Current Month YTD Number of Contracts from 1/1/02 12 5 62 Number of Completed Events from 1 /1/02 4 9 22 Contracted Charges from 1 /1 /02 15,342.90 $99159.0 $99,025.90 Collections - Non-taxable 11 , 128. 19 $9,648.63 $32,232.57 Collections - Taxable 160.00 $1 ,275.00 $19485.00 Collections - Taxes 13.00 $101 .56 $118.62 Credits 0.56 $2.03 $2.59 Average Income per event (charges/contracts 1278.56 $19831 .81 $19597.19 Proposals sent 12 25 75 Contracts sent 5 1 35 General Activity • Marketing — NWA Bride Fair mailer to all registrants (copy attached) Marketing — Matt Davis, Light Media Services for production of mini-cd mailers. To provide quotes Marketing — Outline monthly plan for 2002 with objectives, targets and next steps • Marketing — DDEP directory • Marketing — Children's event planning . Cox has elected not to participate. Meeting with DDEP and FTC planning on 4/2 • Marketing — AR Business News • Marketing — develop UA faculty and administration database • CVB Development — met with initial planning team • Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce — Community Development • Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce — Government Relations • Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce — Membership Luncheon • Governor's Conference on Tourism — Henri Award Dinner • City of Fayetteville — special pricing and conditional use for Town Hall Meeting (letter attached) • Acoustic panel installation • Sprinkler system adjustments • Nabholz — Letter re: refusal to pay plumbing invoice • Nabholz — Refund check for hotboxes to be sent to FTC • Nabholz — Leak repairs • UARK Bowl reception • Hutchinson Fund Raiser — planning • Hutchinson Fund Raiser — planning • FFD, FPD - Pre'p for Vice President Cheney's visit • US Secret Service — prep for Vice President Cheney's visit. •• United Way Kick-Off Cook-Off — tour, proposal • NOARK HR Association — planning • University of Arkansas, General Counsel — Scott Varady, working on contract specific to UA • Aaflac, Aaron Bunch providing supplemental insurance to FTC employees I � Fayetteville Town Center Activity Report, February 2002 • Page 2 • Mighty Lite — Order more table carts • Virco — return chair trucks • David Garner, Bull/Sandlin Reception — setup, manage • City of Fayetteville Communications — install Director's Room analogue phone line • Commercial Audio Systems — take down projectors for acoustic tile install • Cox Cable — installation for FTC is being drawn up. Should begin install Win a couple of weeks • Complete inventory for FTC banquet items • Thyssen Elevator, Scott Bloom, new rep for NWA. Discussed ongoing challenges with our freights. • Payroll, monthly reports, management schedules, weekly staff meetings, collections, employee benefits Events • Chief Watson Retirement Reception • Bull/Sandlin Wedding Reception Proctor & Gamble Awards Banquet • NWA Solid Waste Division Business Meeting • Town Hall Meeting — 1540 Business Park • AR Ethics Commission Business Meeting • Chi Omega Awards Banquet • City of Fayetteville/Town Hall Planning Meeting • Prairie Grove HS Prom • • [ 9 40 FAYETTEVILLE TOWN CENTER March 13, 2002 Best Wishes to you on your upcoming wedding. As you plan your Perfect Day, we hope you will keep us in mind! Although we missed seeing you at our booth at the 2002 NWA Bridal Fair and Showcase, we would like to extend a SPECIAL OFFER to you. The Tayetteviffe Town Center is quickly estabfishing itself as Northwest Arkansas's premier location for wedding receptions, ceremonies and rehearsal dinners. Whife many of you have already included us in your wedding plans, we stiff have a few open dates for 2002 - including some dates in ,dune! With that in mind, we are extending this special offer to you! When you make your reservation for your reception at the • TFayetteviffe Town Center 6eforeAprif30, 2002°, you wiffreceive 10% off of our standard room rate. I have included our special wedding brochure with this mailer. It will give you basic information about the Fayetteville Town Center facility and the services we offer. Please call me at ( 479 ) 587 -9944 to set up an appointment and tour . Or, call me for a phone consultation . We are looking forward to working with you and hope to be an important part of your Perfect Day! Respectfully, Niki Avery Sales Manager Fayetteville Town Center • *Discount applies only to reservations guaranteed with deposit by 4/30/02 . P.O. BOX 4157 • 15 WEST MOUNTAIN • FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72702 -4157 1 -479-587- 9944 • 1 -800- 766-4626 • WWW.TWNCENTER.COM 20 ■ 40 FAYETTEVILLE TOWN CENTER March 13, 2002 Mayor Dan Coody City of Fayetteville 113 W. Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 Dear Mayor Coody: The purpose of this letter is to clarify comments I made during our discussion a few weeks ago. We talked about use of the Fayetteville Town Center for public, city meetings. At that time, I offered free room rental for such meetings excluding equipment rental and operations costs. The following will define those parameters. ♦ Public, city meeting will include any meeting of the Fayetteville City Administration in which the public, at large, is invited to attend and in which advertisement or public notice of invitation is made either in print or electronically. ♦ The Fayetteville Town Center will waive daily room rental for these meetings but will assess the standard 20% service charge of published, government room rates (noted in parentheses below) to the City of Fayetteville to • cover operations expenses by the Fayetteville Town Center. Expenses include, but are not limited to, provision of event personnel, utility costs, linen rentals, set-up, tear-down and cleaning. • Director's Room ($200) - $20 per day • Mockingbird Room ($400) - $80 per day • Dogwood Room ($800) - $ 160 per day • Ozark Room ($2000) - $400 per day • Razorback Room ($3500) — $700 per day ♦ The City of Fayetteville will be charged for equipment rentals at published rates. ♦ Meeting participants must comply with Fayetteville Town Center Policies and Procedures. ♦ Reservations must be made no more than 30 days from the date of the event and are contingent on space availability. ♦ Special pricing, per the terms outlined in this letter, will end on December 31 , 2002. ♦ This pricing applies only to public meetings of the City of Fayetteville and shall exclude any individual, organization, corporation or entity affiliated with the City of Fayetteville. I hope this clarifies the intent of my offer to the City during our discussion. Due to my delay in sending this letter, there will, of course, be no charge for today's meeting. Please feel free to contact me at 587-9944 with your questions or comments. Respectfully, Denise Bembenek Facilities Manager • Fayetteville Town Center Cc: Niki Avery, Fayetteville Town Center -Gary-Dumas;Gityof-Fayetteville P.O. BOX 4157 • 15 WEST MOUNTAIN • FAYETTEVILLE , AR 72702 -4157 1 -479.587-9944 • 1 -800- 766-4626 • WWW.TWNCENTER.COM 2 � ARKANSAS AIR MUSEUM VURAKIIELD M 4290 S. SCHOOL STREET FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 72701 (501) 521-4947 www.arkairmuseum.org March 29, 2002 Marilyn Johnson Fayetteville Town Center P.O. Box 4157 Fayetteville, AR 72702-4157 Dear Marilyn: The Arkansas Air Museum is requesting $4000.00 to help support and promote Airfest 2002. We are also ready to print new brochures for the museum as well. The brochures go to all Tourist Information Centers, hotels, and many of the eating places that have information centers in them. This is a full color tri-fold brochure with information on museum hours, directions, pictures of highlighted aircraft as well as the facility itself. • The brochures and Airfest publicity will recognize the Fayetteville A & P Commission support. Airfest continues to grow and interest grows as well. We are going to have a great mix of aircraft including WWII aircraft, classics, experimentals, military biplanes as well as other attractions that will delight the entire family. General Paul W. Tibbets will be here on Saturday and Sunday as part of his book signing tour. He was here once before several years ago and still says it was one of his best stops. Media Day will be on Friday, June 14 at 1 : 00 P.M. and most of the aircraft will be here as well as the General. All the media reps show up for this including television, newspapers, and radio. This always produces front-page coverage and great press for the City of Fayetteville. The A & P Commission support is most important so we can continue to have this event here at Drake Field. Thank you. X ias ZZ Funding Request Submitted To Fayetteville Advertising & Promotion Commission By Northwest Arkansas BEST March 15, 2002 For $750. 00 23 I nwa. . Boosting Engineering, Science, and Technology t � In Northwest Arkansas L?' William T. Springer 501.5752948 wts@engr.uark.edu Ms. Marilyn Johnson March 15, 2002 Fayetteville Advertising & Promotion Commission c/o Chamber of Commerce 123 West Mountain P.O. Box 4216 Fayetteville, AR 72702-4216 Ms. Johnson: As you may be aware, the Arkansas Science and Mathematics School (ASMS) began offering college preparatory courses over the Internet in the fall of 1998 to provide rural districts with courses they cannot offer themselves due to a lack of faculty and resources. What is lacking in this scenario is a demonstration for the average student that science and technology can be fun. To provide such a demonstration, a group of us organized the first BEST robotic competition in Northwest Arkansas that same year making us the first (and to date the only) Arkansas affiliate of BEST Robotics, Inc. (817 Simon Drive, Plano, TX 75025-2545, 972-562-3126). BRI is a nonprofit organization whose EIN is 75-2733350. • This competition exposes students to an entertaining and exciting means of applying technology in a real-world setting. BEST stands for Boosting Engineering, Science, and Technology and represents a very successful mechanism for getting young people excited about science and technology. The result of activities such as BEST is to allow students to discover new skills and interests, and then select their course of study accordingly. BEST hasspread from a local activity in Grayson County, Texas involving 15 schools and approximately 100 students to an activity involving over 2900 students in 285 schools in eight states. BEST is organized around local Hubs which are developed within particular geographic areas. Junior and senior high schools within each Hub's area are then invited to enter a team. Each team is given the same set of hardware and must build a small mobile robot within a six week period using only this hardware. The robots are designed to perform the specified task called for that year while competing on a game field against other teams that are also attempting to gain as many points as possible within the three minute time limit. This format simulates a real-world business environment and teaches the students to work as a team. In 1998 we had eleven teams from the Alma, Benton County Christian, Bentonville, Farmington, Fayetteville, Ozark, Pea Ridge, Rogers, Springdale, and Van Buren school districts. Last fall there were nineteen teams from as far away as Russellville, Bryant, and Crossett. Based on inquiries received to date, we expect to add teams from ASMS, Cabot, Camden, Nemo-Vista, Osceola, Harrison, Crawfordsville, Wynne, the Little Rock and Jonesboro areas, and Jefferson City, Missouri (among others) to the list of long distance participants from last year. 40 Each BEST competition has three landmark dates. These are Game Kickoff, Mall Day, and Game Day. As you can see on the attached sheet, Game Kickoff will occur on September 2132 Victoria Lane Fayetteville, AR 72701 2.4 i Johnson Letter March 15, 2002 Page 2 7th and Mall Day October 6th. This year's game will take place in Fort Smith and is, therefore, • ineligible for support from your organization. Our expectations are to have between 350 and 400 people at both Kickoff, which will last from 8 a.m. to noon at the Bell Engineering Center, and Mall Day which will last from mall opening to closing ( 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.). A basic tenant of BEST is to provide this competition without placing a financial burden on the schools so that even the smallest schools in an area can compete. This makes it the responsibility of each Hub to raise all the funds needed to acquire the kits given to each team entering their local competition, the game field materials (which changes yearly), awards, programs, insurance, and other incurred expenses. Therefore, we are requesting funding support from the A&P Commission of $750.00 to purchase a portion of the expendable materials given to each team which have averaged approximately $250.00 per team for past competitions. Your support will help us add the teams that have asked to participate for the first time this year. Our list of contributors includes the College of Engineering and Graduate School from the UA, Green-Anderson Engineers, IBM, Upchurch Electric, Ozarks Electric, Carroll Electric, Arkansas Valley Electric, Electric Cooperatives of Arkansas, Marshalltown Tools, Hale Engineering, Larry Floyd State Farm Insurance, Baldor Motors & Drives, Tyson Foods, Wildheart Designs, Pace Industries, Society of Manufacturing Engineers (Beaver Chapter), Bank of America, and 1 st National Bank of Springdale. The rather large year end balance for 2000 is the result of some late contributions which resulted in our postponing some expenditures until • 2001 . The year end balance for 2001 is our normal situation. I believe that you can see the long-term benefits the BEST Robotics competition brings not only to the young people involved but also to the many efforts underway to bring technology based industry to Arkansas and agree to assist in our efforts. Best regards, William T. Springer Hub Director • 25 • chff olidetsd ZAY raponia9 Summery format for 2001 HUB NAME: nwa REST Name of Treasunrheporter - &II Springer RECEIPTS Ending Cash Balance 12.31.00 S 4,658.02 Balance carried forward E 4,858.02 Cash Donations $13,381.08 (Report orgy direct receipts, not hands payed directly hon sponsor accaads) Actual eVenaes of el by dor a " in Idnd ((( Do not report non Cash receipts))) TOTAL S18 019 m EXPETIDITURES Number of Schools Participating 20 Number of Schools to TX BEST 3 Kit Components: 10 Supplies Recuri g Cost $ 5.859.00 Kd Supplies Non-Reourb Cost $ 2,909.00 Kill Maintenance f SKIM Shipping Prototype Field CmatrrptimYStoragdTransyortation: Carpet Carne Field Supplies, tabs E 84200 Storage 8 Assembly Facil0ies Transportation (rental & gas) Omne FaCMWm & ins: • ir EEarlyB Early Bbd Ma0 Day $ 450.00 Game Day Team Awards: Tis $ 1,120.00 Certificates $ 35.00 Trawl Grants for TX BEST Teams E 500.00 Hospita ty & volunteer Recognition: E ZWD.0D Lurch $ 22200 Awards/Certificates/Plaques $ 35.00 Pronndonal Expenses: Web Site Projection Screen AnnouncenDJ BEST Videos to distribute to schooWcowhes S 125.00 Banrsra/Graphics P,hdh - Plograns S 779.00 BEST Reps: Trawl BEST Robotics, Inc Dues $ 1,840.00 OTHER — postage $ 102.00 MlsaWneous Reserve carryover BRI Program Expenses TOTAL $17491 .00 Ending Cash Balance 12.31.01 E 528.08 Notes: • NT - all handled through TI KS - all expenses handled through Dean's Circk/Wichite State Foundation Four Star - e0 openses handled through NHMCCC (community college) OK - all expenses handled through OCUSA, Lucent, and Conoco 240 • Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission Funding Request 1. University of Arkansas "Arkansas BEST" Tax ID: 71-6056774 2. Contact: Sarah Faitak 239 Physics Building University of Arkansas Fayetteville, AR 72701 479-575-3670 sfaitak(cbuark.edu 3. Funds will help provide a national high school robotics competition known as BEST (Boosting Engineering, Science and Technology). The competition is free to the participating schools and students and is sponsored by the University of Arkansas, a non-profit. Tax ID number: 71-6056774 4. To be held on a Saturday (exact date not determined) in November, 2002 • 5. Tyson Arena, University of Arkansas campus. 6. BEST (Boosting Engineering, Science, and Technology) is a technology contest for high school and junior high students that simulates real world experiences in a sports-like robotics competition. Student teams are given the task of designing, building, testing and reworking a robot in a six-week time frame using only specified materials. The robot must function competitively against other robots on the game field, accomplishing certain tasks and providing defensive maneuvers. Texas Instruments of Sherman Texas developed BEST in 1993 as a way to involve high school students and encourage them to pursue careers in engineering and technology. Since that time, BEST has grown to over 500 teams, organized in approximately 24 local "hubs" from Arkansas, Kansas, Oklahoma, Illinois, Kentucky, Alabama, New Mexico and Texas, under a non- profit umbrella organization known as BEST Robotics, Inc. (BRI). 7. Currently, Texas A&M sponsors the only regional play-off competition called "Texas BEST". All hubs across the U.S. send their top winners to the three-day event, which is held the weekend before Thanksgiving. With 24 hubs across the nation and growing, and a maximum capacity of 50 beams, an average of only 2 teams per hub are able to advance to the highest level of competition. Because the philosophy of BEST organizers • is that the competitions themselves are the "reward" for students who 27 • have already "won" merely by successfully building robots and participating in BEST, BRI has a strong interest in developing a second regional competition. A second regional competition at the University of Arkansas would be immediately provide 50 additional teams a place to compete. This means that approximately 1000 students plus their families (approximately 1300) will come to Fayetteville from Arkansas and across the country, stay in our hotels and eat in our restaurants for a three-day weekend. 8. The University of Arkansas considers the BEST regional competition as a wonderful opportunity to recruit high-level students from Arkansas as well as from across the nation, toward the goal of increasing student enrollment and retention. Students and their parents will be offered tours of the University and other attractive sites in the area. 9. While the public is invited to attend the event, the participants and their families will make up the greatest portion of those attending. A second regional site allows BRI to provide 50 additional teams with a place to compete. These teams will be provided registration and lodging information via an Internet web site. 10. Promotion for the event will be through press releases and photo opportunity announcements to all TV and radio stations and newspapers in the area. Because this is an exciting, up-beat event worthy of press coverage, an attempt to personally contact each press representative will be made prior to the event to be sure they understand the opportunity. 11. The promotion budget includes the cost of T-shirts and give-away items for the students and volunteers. No advertising will be purchased with event funds. If funding is secured, a video of the event will be produced for future fund-raising and promotional efforts. 12. This is a request for $5000 from the Advertising and Promotion Commission. These funds will be used to purchase the equipment needed to construct the playing field and provide furnishings for the venue. Please see the attached complete budget. A minimum of $56,500 is needed to hold the event. 13. An audit report for the University of Arkansas is attached. 2 b' • 2002 Regional Event High-end budget Mini mLon operational budget Task costs costs Volunteer Meals volunteer meals at event $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 Volunteer luncheon $ 750.00 $ 750.00 van rental $ 400.00 $ 400.00 total $ 40150.00 s 4, 150.00 Video Production Shoot $ 3,900.00 videotape $ 485.00 script $ 800.00 edit $ 2,775.00 graphics $ 600.00 audio $ 150.00 voice over narration $ 385.00 music $ 170.00 total s 9,265.00 Administrative assistant salary and benefits , $ 250000.00 total $ 25,000.00 Venue rental and dean up $ 4,250.00 $ 4,250.00 furnishings $5,950.00 $5,950.00 total $ 100200.00 $ 10,200.00 • Web site design and maintenance $ 6,300.00 $ 6,300.00 total $ 6,300.00 $ 6,300.00 Printed Materials signage $ 3,000.00 $ 31000.00 print materials $ 11 ,700.00 $ 11,700.00 general photographs $ 250.00 $ 250.00 total _ _ $ 14,950.00 $ 14,950.00 Recruiting promotional items $ 71100.00 $ 7,100.00 awards $ 2,600.00 $ 2,600.00 conoessions $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 accomodations $ 200.00 $ 200.00 university tours $ 11000.00 $ 1 ,000.00 team photographs , $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 total $ 15,900.00 $ 15V900.00 Contest Equipment equipment $ 800.00 $ 800.00 special Supplies $ 1 ,200.00 $ 1 ,200.00 special mailings $ 500.00 $ 500.00 game field , $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 total $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 BEST Book production and printing $ 10,000.00 • total $ 10,000.00 Total $ 1009765.00 $ 68,600.00 29 Request for Funding Year 2002 Presented to A & P Commission From Downtown/Dickson Enhancement Project, Inc . Contact: Bootsie Ackerman Downtown/Dickson Enhancement Project, Inc. PO Box 3573 • Fayetteville, AR 72702 501 -571 -3337 3o