HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-03-11 - Agendas - Final MEETING NOTICE The Advertising and Promotion Commission will meet on Monday, March 11 , 2002 at 2:00 p.m. at the Town Center Conference room. AGENDA ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION March 11 , 2002 2:00 p.m. Town Center I. Call to Order II. Reports A. Approval of Minutes for February 11 , 2002 B. Financial Report 1 . HMR Revenues 2. Financials - Tom Lonon, Scarbrough and Murtishaw 3. Update from City Attorney on Delinquent Tax Collection Efforts C. Convention and Visitor Activity — Marilyn Johnson D. Town Center Report — Denise Bembenek E. Agency Report — Brian Clark, Sells/Clark, Inc. • III. Old Business A. Acoustics for Town Center 1 . Fire Protection under ceiling panels IV. New Business A. Governor's Conference on Tourism — Springdale — March 17- 19 V. Other Business VI. Adjourn • • GROUP: ADVERTISING & PROMOTION COMMISSION DATE: February 11 , 200L PRESENT: Joe Fennel, John Gilliam, Curtis Shipley, Kevin Santos, and Marilyn Johnson. ABSENT: Bob Davis, Pat Gazzola, and Ching Mong The regular meeting of the Advertising and Promotion Commission was called to order at the Fayetteville Town Center conference room at 2:00 p.m. by Chairman Joe Fennel. MINUTES Moved by Shipley, second by Gilliam to approve the minutes of the January 14 meeting. Motion carried. FINANCIAL REPORT Tom Lonon from Scarbrough and Murtishaw reviewed the financials for the Town Center and the A & P Commission for January. January income for the A & P Commission was $ 125,970.74 with expenditures of $32,067.00. Income for the Town Center was $ 17,534.28 with expenditures of $33,965 .21 . Because there is no history of expenses for the Town Center, budget numbers are guestimates. Commissioners requested that Scarbrough and Murtishaw prepare over/under budget percentages on a quarterly basis. • Staff was directed to watch utility costs. Shipley moved to accept financials, second by Santos. Motion carried. End of the year financials were presented from Chamber of Commerce contract. Chamber returned a check for $862.40. City attorney Kit Williams presented the report of the City Prosecutor's office regarding delinquent HMR collection action through his office. Fat Toney's check for HMR tax was returned for insufficient funds. City Prosecutor has sent it to the State Prosecutor. Kit suggested investigating a restaurant permit. Moved by Shipley, second by Santos to approve budget adjustments for 2001 . Motion carried. CONVENTION AND VISITOR DEVELOPMENT REPORT Marilyn Johnson presented the Convention and Visitor Development monthly and the Town Center monthly report. AGENCY REPORT Brian Clark with Sells/Clark, Inc. reported that the media plan had been placed. They have used existing creative for the first quarter placements. The new creative will be ready for media placements that appear in May. They will use the Internet for a jump page to the Tourism website to capture inquiries. • Creative for brochures is next goal. Dining and Lodging will be the first one out. OLD BUSINESS Acoustical Solutions for Town Center Three bids for acoustic panels were presented to the Commission. Shipley moved to accept the low bid of $77,800 from Built-Well Construction Company, second by Santos. Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS Town Center Parking Deck Sharon Crosson presented a report of Town Center Parking Deck Revenues and counts. She reported that there are 15 open spaces in the City Parking Deck near the Radisson. There are many open parking spaces downtown. The cost of (pay as you exit) timed parking equipment is $ 150,000. The City is developing a map marketing all downtown parking spaces. To encourage more parking in the Town Center parking deck, Sharon suggested selling tokens to downtown merchants Shipley moved to sell tokens for a 3-month trial period at the following rates: $3.00 individual tokens $2.00 for 25 or more $ 1 .50 for 50 or more $ 1 .00 for 100 or more Second by Santos, Motion carried. • Program will be evaluated at the end of three months for effectiveness. Commission requested that gate be opened for non-event weekends for Farmer's Market traffic and so that people could get used to using deck. Denise and Sharon will work together on this. A & P will market program. Contract with City of Fayetteville to collect HMR tax Moved by Shipley, second by Santos to approve the contract with the city to collect the HMR tax. Motion carried. OTHER BUSINESS Mardi Gras on Dickson Street Joe Fennel announced that Mardi Gras Fat Tuesday activities would be Tuesday night on Dickson Street. SEC Track and Field Championship and NCAA Championships SEC Track and Field Championships will be Feb. 22-23 at the Tyson Track Center. NCAA Championships will be March 8-9. EXECUTIVE SESSION Commission adjourned to Executive Session for the purpose of annual review of Marilyn Johnson. • • Commission reconvened and Joe Fennel announced that Marilyn would be rewarded with a 3% raise. Marilyn's goals for 2002, which she prepared, were approved and in addition, she will be given the responsibility of developing a CVB. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, �, �b,--L� Marilyn Johnson Director Convention and Visitor Development • City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Monthly HMR Tax Collections 2000-2002 is 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 Total Total Change Over Total Change Over HMR Taxes HMR Taxes Prior Year HMR Taxes Prior Year January $ 100,334 $ 98,397 -1.93% $ 125,718 27.76% February 91,330 95,810 4.91% 113,207 18.16% March 102,971 104,748 1.73% April 108,747 107,624 -1.03% May 107,975 103,545 -4. 10% June 107,963 106,217 -1.62% July 103,894 109,223 5. 13% August 105,417 112,743 6.95% September 104,980 115,765 10.27% October 105,820 115,771 9.40% November 117,106 120,282 2.71% December 97,771 125,971 28.84% • Total $ __1 254,L310 $ 1,316,096 4.93% $ 238,925 23.02% • Advertising and Promotion Commission • For month of February 2002 HMR revenues collected $113,207.29 Interest revenue 51171 .82 Misc. revenue 0.00 Total Revenues $118,379. 11 Collection expense -2,264. 15 CEC Bond Payment -$31 ,526.46 Town Center Bond Payment -30,952.71 Total Expenses -$64,743.32 Total Check to A&P $53,635.79 • • • ACTIVITY REPORT March, 2002 INQUIRY RESPONSES Tourist Inquiries February 2002 — 108 Year to date 2002 — 194 February 2001 — 26 Year to date 2001 — 109 Advertising Responses February 2002 — 563 Year to date 2002 — 1220 February 2001 — 384 Year to date 2001 — 797 Relocation Inquiries February 2002 — 70 Year to date 2002 — 163 February 2001 — 30 Year to date 2001 — 106 February Total Inquiries 2002 — 741 2001 - 440 Year to Date Total Inquiries 2002 — 1577 2001 — 1012 • ACTIVITY Conventions and Meetings — Coaches Clinic meeting with Dick Johnson and David McGeady (Radisson general manager) Arkansas Alumni Association — International Student Reunion Arranged relocation of Brumley Gospel Sing to Barnhill Arranged Governor's Community Forum Luncheon at Town Center Arranged First Lady schedule for Community Forum Day Coaches Clinic Committee Meeting Mother to Mother Ministries conference at Mt. Sequoyah — Danielle Dickerson Brumley Gospel Sing — Duane Brumley Dennis Ledbetter, fire marshall — fire codes for Brumley Gospel Sing Jay Hunnicutt/Scott Turley — architectural drawings of Barnhill for Brumley's J. L Jean — Road Hog R. V. Park Joe Martin Memorial Stage Race — Bruce Dunn Bus Tours — Travel South Tourist Activities — Tulsa Boat, Sport and Travel Show FHS Homecoming Activities — Pam Jones & Anita Proffit • Mardi Gras Parade — A. J. Bellard, sound system on square Bikes, Blues, and BBQ meeting • Relations with Other Tourism — Jason XIII press conference (Walton Arts Center) Career Fair — Walton College, U of A Boston Mountain Scenic Loop partner meeting Arkansas Hospitality Association — regional meeting Airport Information Booth — 5 cities Downtown Dickson Enhancement project — guide NATA travel show to Des Moines — Ed Smith Arkansas and Missouri Railroad — Brenda Brown Relations with Media — Travel Writers FAM Tour Leisure Group Travel — Delores Ridout Group Travel Magazine — Linda Umphress Arkansas Democrat Gazette — Doug Wallace Oklahoma Today magazine — Walt Disney Trip South — Dwight Town Center Staff /Operations — Acoustics Bid Sharon Crosson - parking Miscellaneous — Meeting with Kim Hesse re: Arbor Day on April 6 Meeting with Desmond Pinto — International Hospitality re: Crown Plaza • Chamber Chat Leadership Fayetteville — speaker Meeting with Laura Gollen - Sassafras Meeting with Brian & Amy - Sells Clark U of A Ring Announcement Jeri Todd - Wedding TOP HMR COLLECTIONS Red Lobster Chili's Ryan's Clarion Jose's Radisson Shorty Small's Chic-Fil-A — NW Village Applebee's McDonald's — Joyce Ozark Brewing Company A. Q. Chicken • Atf TOURIST INQUIRIES 2002 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCTNOV DEC TOTAL AL 11 11 AK 0 . AZ 1 1 AR 5 5 CA 5 6 11 CO 0 CT 0 DE 0 DC 0 FL 3 3 GA 0 HI 0 ID 0 IL 4 4 8 IN 4 1 5 IA 11 31 1 4 KS 31 31 1 6 KY 0 LA 2 2 4 ME 0 MD 0 MA 0 MI 1 2 3 MN 1 6 7 MS 1 1 MO 2 4 6 MT 0 • NE 0 NV 0 NH 0 NJ 0 NM 0 NY 1 4 5 NC 0 ND 0 OH 2 2 OK 3 41 7 OR 1 11 2 PA 1 1 2 PR 0 RI 0 SC 1 3 4 SD 0 TN 1 2 3 TX 5 11 16 UT 0 VT 0 VA 0 WA 1 1 2 WV 0 WI 1 7 8 • AP 0 APO 0 CAN 1 1 FOR 0 49 78 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 127 C H Am j3 P - Tourists Inquiry 2002 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OC11NOVIDECITOTAL AL 1 1 1 AK • AZ 1 1 AR 11 4 15 CA 4 2 6 CO 1 1 CT 0 DE 1 1 DC 1 FL 1 1 2 GA 1 1 HI 0 ID 0 IL 1 1 2 IN 0 IA 1 1 KS 2 2 KY 0 LA 1 1 ME 0 MD 0 MA 0 MI 1 1 MN 1 1 MS 0 MO 2 4 6 MT • NE 2 2 NV NH 1 1 NJ 0 NM 0 NY 1 1 2 NC 0 ND 0 OH 1 1 2 OK 3 4 7 OR 0 PA 1 1 PR RI Sc 1 1 SD TN 0 TX 2 5 _ 7 UT 1 1 VT VA 0 WA 0 WV WI 0 • WY 0 APO CAN 0 FOR 0 37 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 0 01 67 • ADVERTISING INQUIRIES - 2002 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC TOTAL Tourist AY 0 BT 0 FC 1 1 2 H&A 0 ML 147 116 263 MT 0 MVG 0 NATA 119 128 247 OK 0 Parade 0 MC/Rosie 0 SL 390 318 708 SNI 0 ST 0 TA 0 TM 0 USA 0 MN 0 TOTAL 657 563 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1220 • 1220 AY - Active Years BT - Budget Travel FC - Family Circle H & A - Home and Away MC - McCalls ML - Midwest Living NM - Meeting News MT - Midwest Traveler MVG - Midwest Vacation Guide NATA - NATA Tour Guide OK - Oklahoma Today Parade - Parade SL - Southern Living SNI - State Newspaper Insert ST - Southern Traveler TA - Travel America TM - Texas Monthly TM G-Travel Marketing Group USA - USA Today VG - Vacation Guide • • Advertising Inquiries Pubs by State - February 2002 AY FC ML MVG NATA MC/Rosie OkT SL SNI MN USA VG TOTAL AL 1 15 16 AK 0 AZ 1 2 2 5 AR 6 15 20 41 CA 1 6 8 15 CO 2 1 3 CT 1 1 DE 0 DC 0 FL 1 3 25 29 GA 18 18 HI 2 2 ID 1 1 IL 25 6 6 37 IN 9 6 15 IA 10 6 1 17 KS 3 3 4 10 KY 5 8 13 LA 1 4 28 33 ME 0 MD 1 6 7 MA 1 1 MI 10 3 1 14 MN 4 7 3 14 MS 5 18 23 • M8 7 130 MTT 1 1 1 NE 1 1 2 NV 1 1 2 NH 1 1 NJ 1 1 2 NM 0 NY 1 1 4 1 7 NC 1 10 11 ND 1 1 2 OH 8 6 14 OK 2 10 21 33 OR 0 PA 6 1 7 RI 1 1 2 Sc 2 13 15 SD 1 1 TN 6 1 14 21 TX 1 18 38 57 UT 0 VT 0 VA 14 14 WA 3 2 5 WV 1 1 WI 11 5 1 17 WY 0 APO 1 1 CAN 0 • FOR 1 1 2 TOTAL 0 1 116 0 128 0 0 318 0 0 0 0 563 • Monthly Advertising Inquiries by State - 2002 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC TOTAL AL 18 16 34 AK 0 AZ 5 5 10 AR 35 41 76 CA 22 15 37 CO 5 3 8 CT 3 1 4 DE 0 DC 1 1 FL 26 29 55 GA 21 18 39 HI 2 2 ID 1 1 IL 46 37 83 IN 24 15 39 IA 24 17 41 KS 13 10 23 KY 13 13 26 LA 27 33 60 ME 2 2 MD 6 7 13 MA 3 1 4 MI 22 16 38 MN 18 14 32 MS 22 23 45 • M32 3 . 62 MTT 1 1 1 2 NE 9 2 11 NV 2 2 4 NH 1 1 NJ 5 2 7 NM 3 3 NY 10 7 17 NC 14 11 25 ND 2 2 4 OH 15 14 29 OK 32 33 65 OR 3 3 PA 15 7 22 RI 2 2 Sc 7 15 22 SD 6 1 7 TN 26 21 47 TX 79 56 135 UT 0 VT 0 VA 15 14 29 WA 1 5 6 WV 5 1 6 WI 17 17 34 WY 0 APO 1 1 CAN 0 FOR 2 1 3 • TOTAL 657 563 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1220 AAP RELOCATION 2001 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCTNOV DEC TOTAL AL 0 • AK 0 AZ 0 AR 1 1 CA 4 2 6 CO 0 CT 0 DE 0 DC 0 FL 0 GA 0 HI 0 ID 0 IL 3 3 IN 0 IA 0 KS 1 1 2 KY 0 LA 1 1 ME 0 MD 0 MA 0 MI 0 MN 0 MS 1 1 MO 1 1 2 • NE 0 NE 0 NV 0 NH 0 NJ 0 NM 0 NY 1 1 NC 0 ND 0 OH 0 OK 1 1 OR 0 PA 1 1 PR 0 RI 0 SC 2 2 SD 0 TN 1 1 TX 2 2 UT 0 VT 0 VA 0 WA 0 WV 0 WI 3 3 • WY 0 APO 0 CAN 1 1 FOR 0 28 TOTAL 13 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 Relocation Inquiry 2002 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN IJUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC TOTAL • AL 1 1 AK 0 AR 14 11 25 AZ 1 1 2 CA 1 5 6 CO 2 3 5 CT 0 DC 0 DE 0 FL 4 1 5 GA 2 2 HI 0 ID 0 IL 2 1 3 IN 1 1 IA 2 2 KS 1 1 2 KY 2 2 LA 1 1 ME 1 1 MD 1 1 2 MA 0 MI 1 1 2 MN 1 3 4 MS 2 2 4 • MO 2 MT 1 1 1 1 NE 1 2 3 NV 0 NH 2 2 NJ 0 NM 1 1 NY 2 1 3 NC 0 ND 0 OH 1 3 4 OK 4 2 6 OR 2 2 PA 0 RI 0 SC 1 1 SD 1 1 2 TN 4 3 7 TX 10 5 15 UT 1 1 VT 0 VA 0 WA 0 WV 0 WI 2 1 3 • WY 1 1 APO 0 CAN 0 FOR 1 1 77 55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 132 rro FAYETTEVILLE TOWN CENTER ACTIVITY REPORT — February 1 , 2002 to February 28, 2002 Previous Month Current Month YTD Number of Contracts from 1 /1 /02 45 12 56 Number of Completed Events from 1/1/02 9 4 13 Contracted Charges from 1 /1 /02 74,523.97 15,342.90 89,866.87 Collections - Non-taxable 11 ,455.75 11 , 128. 19 229583.94 Collections - Taxable 50.00 160.00 210.00 Collections - Taxes 4.06 13.00 17.06 Credits 00.00 0.56 0.56 Average Income per event (charges/contracts 1 ,656.09 1278.56 1604.77 Proposals sent 38 12 50 Contracts sent 1 131 5 18 General Activity • AMEX — set-up card service •• UARK Bowl, Nedra Forest — consult re: policies/procedure setup • Acoustic Bids — solicit and submit proposals for A&P consideration • Childrens' Event Planning — Cox Communications, DDEP, TC • Bull/Sandlin reception, Becky Bull — planning (Intents, Garner Catering) • Eclipse Displays, Brandon Andrews — NOArk HR Association planning • Fayetteville Police Department, Rick Hoyt — Watson Retirement Reception planning • Dan Coody — coordinate Town Meeting for 540 Business park • Timesaver Software, Willie Kim — RoomViewer upgrade • SICO — stage exchange (damaged piece) • Chamber of Commerce — Business After Hours • Chamber of Commerce — Teen Leadership Presentation and Tour • Builtwell Construction, Phillip Fletcher — order panels, coordinate installation • Campbell Electric/Cox Communication — coordinate cable installation • Nabholz, Larry Nixon — concrete repair • Governor's Forum — luncheon setup, event mgmt • Governor's Forum — Jim Picken's meeting re: area development • Chamber of Commerce — Government Relations Committee Meeting • Chamber of Commerce — Governor's breakfast (Fayetteville AM) • American Securities, Stella Moga — facility tour with Mountain Inn owner and lenders • SBC Datacom, Brad Sheppard — mock meeting with longdistance video Conferencing • Staff (Avery, Bennett) - Set pricing structures for video conferencing • Marketing — direct mail pieces to area law firms for video conferencing • Marketing — NWA Bride Fair mailer to booth visitors • • Marketing — Parking letter re: tokens to Downtown merchants • Sharon Crosson — order timer for parking gate for "free" Saturday parking. • Monthly Activities — weekly staff meetings, GL updates, event management scheduling and planning, customer quotes/proposals/contracts, monthly reports, etc. Fayetteville Town Center Activity Report, February 2002 • Page 2 Events • Zeta Tau Alpha Winter Formal • Ferguson "Welcome Home" party • Governor's Forum — Civic Club luncheon • City of Fayetteville Town Meeting — 540 Business Park discussion 13-34 INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLER SYSTEMS 54.9 Special Sprinklers. 5-5.3 Sprinkler Spacing. • 54.9.1 * Special sprinklers that are intended for the protec- 5-5.3.1 Maximum Distance Between Sprinklers. The maxi- tion of specific hazards or construction features shall be per- mum distance permitted between sprinklers shall be based mitted where such devices have been evaluated and listed for on the centerline distance between sprinklers on the branch performance under the following conditions: line or on adjacent branch lines. The maximum distance (1 ) Fire tests related to the intended hazard shall be measured along the slope of the ceiling. The maxi- mum distance permitted between sprinklers shall comply (2) Distribution of the spray pattern with respect to wetting with the value indicated in the section for each type or style of floors and walls of sprinkler. (3) Distribution of the spray pattern with respect to obstruc- tions 5-5.3.2 Maximum Distance From Walls. The distance from (4) Evaluation of the thermal sensitivity of the sprinkler sprinklers to walls shall not exceed one-half of the allowable maximum distance between sprinklers. The distance from (5) Performance under horizontal or sloped ceilings the wall to the sprinkler shall be measured perpendicular to (6) Area of design the wall . Special sprinklers shall maintain the following charac- 5-5.3.3 Minimum Distance from Walls. The minimum dis- c teristics: Lance permitted between a sprinkler and the wall shall comply (1 ) Orifice size shall be in accordance with 3-2.3. with the value indicated in the section for each type or style of I sprinkler. The distance from the wall to the sprinkler shall be (2) Temperature ratings shall be in accordance with Table measured perpendicular to the wall. 3-2.5.1 . (3) The protection area of coverage shall not exceed 400 ft2 5-5.3.4 Minimum Distance Between Sprinklers. A minimum (36 m2) for light hazard and ordinary hazard occupancies. distance shall be maintained between sprinklers to prevent (4) The protection area of coverage shall not exceed operating sprinklers from wetting adjacent sprinklers and to 196 ft2 (17 m2) for extra hazard and high-pile stor- prevent skipping of sprinklers. Theminimumdistancepermit- ted between sprinklers with the value indicated in shall cora I age occupancies. p ' p y the section for each type or style of sprinkler. 5-5 Position, Location, Spacing, and Use of Sprinklers. 5-5.4 Deflector Position. 5.5.1 General. Sprinklers shall be located, spaced, and posi- tioned r-5.4.1* Distance Below Ceilings. The distances between the in shall accordance with the requirements of this section. sprinkler deflector and the ceiling above shall be selected area consistent with the overall objectives of this standard by Sprinklers positioned provide protection of the based on the type of sprinkler and the type of construction.o controlling the positioning and allowable area of coverage for 5-5.4.2 Deflector Orientation. Deflectors of sprinklers shall I each sprinkler. The requirements of 5-5.2 through 5-5.6 shall be aligned parallel to ceilings, roofs, or the incline of stairs. II` apply to all sprinkler types unless modified by more restrictive rules in Sections 5-6 through 5-11 . 5-5.5 Obstructions to Sprinkler Discharge. 5-5.2 Protection Areas per Sprinkler. 5-5.5.1* Performance Objective. Sprinklers shall be located so as to minimize obstructions to discharge as defined in 5-5.5.2 5-5.2. 1 Determination of the Protection Area of Cover- and 5-55.3, or additional sprinklers shall be provided to ensure age. The protection area of coverage per sprinkler (A,) shallI adequate coverage of the hazard. (See Figura A-5-5.5. 1.) be determined as follows: 5-5.5.2* Obstructions to Sprinkler Discharge Pattern Devel- III (a) Along Branch Lines. Determine distance between spit n- opment. klers (or to wall or obstnction in the case of the end sprinkler on the branch line) upstream and downstream. Choose the 5- Continuous or noncontinuous obstructions less larger of either twice the distance to the wall or the distance to than or equal to 18 in. (457 mm) below the sprinkler deflector the next sprinkler. This dimension will be defined as S. that prevent the pattern from fully developing shall comply (b) Between Branch Lines. Determine perpendicular dis- with 5-5.5.2. Lance to the sprinkler on the adjacent branch line (or to a wall Sprinklers shall be positioned in accordance with or obstruction in the case of the last branch line) on each cirle the m;nimnm dictanrr. and special exception= of Crrrions 5-6 of the branch line on which the subject sprinkler is positioned. through 5-11 so that they are located sufficiently away from Choose the larger of either twice the distance to the wall or obstructions such as cuss webs and chords, pipes, columns, obstruction or the distance to the next sprinkler. This dimen. and f s. ��I I sion will be defined as L 'I* Obstructions that Prevent Sprinkler Discharge N' I 5- The protection area of coverage of the sprinkler from Reaching the Hazard. Continuous or noncontinuous II shall be established by multiplying the S dimension by the L obstructions that interrupt the water discharge in a horizontal dimension, as follows: A. = S x L plane more than 18 in. (457 mm) below the sprinkler deflec- 5-5.2.2 Maximum Protection Area of Coverage. The maxi- for in a manner to limit the distribution from reaching the mum allowable protection area of coverage for a sprinkler (A,) rotected hazard shall comply with 5-5.5.3. shall be in accordance with the value indicated in the section 5.5.3. 1 Sprinklers shall be installed under fixed obs[ruc- ggglll��� for each type or style of sprinkler. The maximum area of cov- I 'ons over 4 ft ( 1 .2 m) wide such as ducts, decks, open grate emge of anv sprinkler shall not exceed 400 ft2 (36 m2) . floorine, en in g tables, and over doors. 1999 Edition NCO SimplexGfinnell LP f.�ir^O P0. Box 987 Springdale, AR 72 765-098 7 Fire & .SBCUr/fy Tele: 479- 751-8453 * Fax.p/exGrinn i// Fax.. 4 79.751-84 79 wKrov.simplexgnnnell. om March 5, 2002 I Ms. Denise Bemben'ek Fayetteville Town Center 15 W. Mountain St. Fayetteville, AR 72701 Re: Fire Protection under Ceiling Panels Dear Denise : We are pleased to offer our proposal in the amount of $8,967.00 for the above referenced project. This price includes material, labor, delivery, and taxes for a complete job. Our scope of work is below: — design and asbuilts drawings 2 — tap the existing 'sprinkler mains and install mechanical tees 3 — drop below the new ceiling panels with fire sprinkler protection per NFPA 13, paragraph 5-5. 5.3 and 5-5. 5.3 . 1 4 — coordinate with Builtwell Construction for installation of pipe 5 — install black pendent sprinkler heads for less obvious appearance Our price does not include the following : 1 — provide scissor lift to install pipe 2 — painting of pipe 11 3 — overtime labor is not estimated We appreciate this opportunity to offer our proposal . Please let me know if you have any questions or require additional information . Sincerely, -4- Lee Dunk Sprinkler Manager • I LD/kb p File,- Edit Lahel special Help March 2002. , 40ringAale 28th Annual Arkansas Governor's Conference on Tourism ► Arkansas Tourism: Marketing Makes it Click ► • 28 Program onference on Tourism o >< a, nn ort west cansas Convention Center Springdale, Arkansas • March 17 . 19, 2002 Sunday, March 17, 2002 Communication Overload" 11 :00 am- 5 :00 pm: REGISTRATION Salon E, Arkansas Ballroom, Holiday Inn Atrium, Holiday Inn Featuring: Jeff Davidson, Founder & Director, Breathing Space Institute Arkansas pnsass BEarly Bird Party B. "Work for a Living & Still Be Arkaallroom, Holiday Inn Free to Live" (See separateflverfordetails.) Salon F, Arkansas Ballroom, Holiday Inn Hosted by: Springdale Chamber of Commerce Featuring: Eileen McDargh, President, McDargh Communications Monday, March 18, 2002 2:45 pm- 3 : 15 pm: BREAK 8:00 am- 5:30 pm: REGISTRATION Atrium, Holiday Inn Registration Area, Northwest Arkansas Convention Center Hosted by: Springdale dale Chamber of Commerce 10:00 am 11 :00 am: 3 : 15 pm- 5:00 m: 2002 STATE GENERAL SESSION TOURISM MARKETING REPORT Salon E, Arkansas Ballroom, Holiday Inn Halls II & III , Northwest Arkansas Convention Center Address: "Connecting the Human Web" Featuring: Arkansas Department of Parks & Tourism, Cranford Johnson Robinson Woods • Featuring: Eileen McDargh, President, and Aristotle McDargh Communications 5 : 15 pm: "Auction & St. Paddy's Day 11 : 30 am: OPENING CEREMONIES/ Celebration Continued" RIBBON CUTTING Hall IV, Northwest Arkansas Convention Center Hall I, Northwest Arkansas Convention Center (See separate flyer for details) Noon- 1 :30 N flffifi SOS TOURISM . Tuesday. LUNCHEON • March 19, 2002 Halls II & III, Northwest marketing makes it Ctick Arkansas Convention Center 7: 30 am- 5:00 ppm: a View Jebel Special Help March 2002 ® REGISTRATION Presiding: Richard W. Arkansas 110 Davies, Executive TheNatural5tate . Registration Area, Director, Arkansas Northwest Arkansas Department of Convention Center Parks &- Tourism 8 :00 am-9:30 am: Keynote Address: "w3 °" BREAKFAST "Relaxing at High Speed" Halls II & III, Northwest Arkansas Convention Center Featuring: Jeff Davidson, Founder & Director, . Hosted by: Arkansas Breathing Space Institute Tourism Development 1 :45 pm-2:45 pm: Foundation CONCURRENT Address: "Living • SESSIONS Leadership—The Foundation of Peak A. "Managing Note: Hospitality rooms tvill be open Performance" Information St all three nights of the conference at the conclusion of scheduled activities. Featuring: Tom Flick, President, Outlook Featuring: Gerald A. Fernandez, President, Consulting Group & Tom Flick Communications MultiCultural Foodservice & Hospitality Alliance • 9:45 am- 10:30 am: B. "The Goals of a Champion: Nine CONCURRENT SESSIONS Variables of Focus & Passion" A. "Keep the Change—New Thinking for Salon C, Arkansas Ballroom, Holiday Inn Changing Times" Featuring: David Cook, Ph.D., President, Salon D, Arkansas Ballroom, Holiday Inn Mental Advantage, Inc. Featuring: Tom Flick, President, Outlook C. "Using Research to Better Understand Consulting Group & Tom Flick Communications the Marketplace: Branson, A Case Study" B. "Tourism and the 2003 Louisiana Salon D, Arkansas Ballroom, Holiday Inn Purchase Bicentennial Commemoration: Featuring: Jerry Henry, Corporate Director of What's in it for You. Research, Silver Dollar City, Inc. Salon C, Arkansas Ballroom, Holiday Inn D. "Interstate Rehabilitation—Drive the Featuring: Ann Clements, Project Director, Message Home to Your Customers" Louisiana Purchase Bicentennial Salon E, Arkansas Ballroom, Holiday Inn Commemoration C. "Arkansas Tourism Research Featuring: Farrell Wilson, Special Projects Update—Get the Facts" Coordinator, Public Affairs Office, Arkansas State Highway & Transportation Department Salon E, Arkansas Ballroom, Holiday Inn 2:45 pm-3: 15 pm: Break Featuring: D.K. Shiftlet & Associates Atrium, Holiday Inn D. "Follow the Yellow Brick Road to Hosted by: Fort Smith 2003 Arkansas the Future" Governor's Conference Host City Salon F, Arkansas Ballroom, Holiday Inn • Featuring: Nita Jones, Co-owner, 3 : 15 pm-5:00 pm: GENERAL SESSION Salon E, Arkansas Ballroom, Holiday Inn Jones World, Inc. 10:30 am- 11 .00 am: BREAK Address: "The Mindset of a Champion Atrium, Holiday Inn Featuring: David Cook, Ph.D. , President, Hosted by: Aristotle Mental Advantage, Inc.6:30 pm: GOVERNOR?S RECEPTION 11 :00 am- 11 :45 am: Hall I, Northwest Arkansas Convention Center CONCURRENT SESSIONS REPEAT Noon- 1 :30 pm: REGIONAL 7: 15 pm: ARKANSAS HOSPITALITY ASSOCIATION LUNCHEON ASSOCIATION/GOVERNOR'S Halls II & III , Northwest Arkansas Convention Center BANQUET Halls II & III, Northwest Arkansas Convention Center Presiding: Joe David Rice, Tourism Director, Featuring: The Honorable Mike Huckabee Arkansas Department of Parks & Tourism g' Address: "The Economic Dynamics of Governor of Arkansas Multiculturalism and Diversity" Special Recognition: Arkansas Tourism Industry Featuring: Gerald A. Fernandez, President, Henry Awards MultiCultural Foodservice & Hospitality Alliance Sponsored by: Participating Media, City Promotion Organizations, and the Arkansas 1 :45pm-2:45 pm: Tourism Development Foundation CONCURRE T SESSIONS 9:00 pm: GOVERNOR'S DANCE A. "Diversity Economics: Turning Difference into Dollars Hall IV, Northwest Arkansas Convention Center Salon D, Arkansas Ballroom, Holiday Inn Music by: Joe Giles & The Homewreckers • Mansas. THE NATURAL STATE s FAYETTEVI LLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVIUL ARKANSAS • KIT WILLIAMS, CCrY ATTORNEY DAVID WHITAKER, ASST. CITY ATTORNEY LEGAL DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE TO: A & P Commission FROM: Kit Williams, City Attorney DATE: March 11, 2002 RE: Collection of overdue HMR taxes Attached is City Prosecutor Casey Jones' latest update on HMR cases handled through his office as well as my February 19thMemo to • the City Council about our collection efforts. As you see, the City has attained a high rate of collection (95 % plus). We will continue to strive to collect all taxes due and we have made some notable collections since the last reporting including being paid for previously issued " insufficient funds" checks. I believe we collected about $7,350.00 since the last memo. The City Council Ordinance Review Committee has decided to wait for about six months prior to determining the advisability of requiring any type of restaurant or HMR tax license. At that time, they can review the effectiveness and any problems encountered with the ordinances in Little Rock and North Little Rock. With our high rate of collections and the continued efforts by our City Prosecutor, the Aldermen are not convinced a new license should be required at this time. r CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE OFFICE OF THE PROSECUTING ATTORNEYMAN1 CLINTON K. JONES HECK ADMINISTRATOR HOT CHECK ADMINISTRATOR CITY PROSECUTOR EK ail: hotcheck@c1.tayettevI1Ie.ar.us 740 W. ROCK W. BRANT WARRICK FAYEITEVILLE, ARKANSAS 72707 DEPUTY CITY PROSECUTOR PHONE: (479) 676-8377 MEMO (478( 676.8378 (478) 676.8374 (479) 676-8376 Not Checks: (478) 676-8264 FAX N : (479) 676-8373 TO: K. Williams Fayetteville City Attorney FROM: Casey Jones Fayetteville City Prosecutor DATE: March 11, 2002 RE: Status of HMR cases 1 . Fat Toneys Tony Goucher Motion for Contempt Filed 1/30/02. Check for $300 bounced was picked up timely. • 2. IHOP Herbert Lewis Paid $4272.32 - presently current 3. Fat City James Roberts Paid $706.26 - Reset TD to 8/21/02 4. Corky's Ben Clark Paid $3423.00 per agreement. $1200 check bounced - was picked up timely. 5. Back Porch BBQ Keith Kidd TD of 4/3/02 for Contempt 6. Caf6 Santa Fe Sad Abu-Haleema Active warrant x 2 for FTA. 7. Taco Casito Marlo Underhill Owes September/October/November - Criminal Summons active 8. Schlegel Bagels Leslie Treat Paid $822.00 for Oct - Dec. - Owes for July, thru September and January thru closing - Criminal Summons issued. • • Page 2 K Williams City Attorney March 11 , 2002 9. Hog City Diner Balance $808.00 - Check for $800 bounced. CPA notified accounting that check would be picked up on March 11 - 13. Balance would be paid by March 15. Liquor license was pulled by State. 10. Fuzzy's Rest. James Blakemore FTAS on 2/25 - Warrant Issued. 11 . Ann's Rest. Ron Welker Paid $ 108.00 - Paid in full. 12. KJ's Pizza Kenley Johnson Reset TD to 4/24/02 to pay. Paid $40. 13. Everybody's Foods David Rodriquez No response to letter. Criminal Summons. Filed 14. Humble Onion Chad Hammontree No response to letter. Criminal Summons • Sled. 15. Dart Room Club Duke Welsh Paid $649.00 - presently current 16. Tones, Inc. D. Heerwagon Letter sent 3/7/02 - Owes Aug. to Jan. Respond by 3/18/02 17. Madam Wu's Hunan David/Gina Wu Letter sent 3/7/02 - Owes Sept. thru Jan. Chinese Rest. Respond by 3/18/02 18. Quizno's Classic Jeanne Sawatzky Letter sent 3/7/02 - Owes Aug. thru Jan. Respond by 3/18/02 19. LaHuerta Mex Rest. Meliton O. Montes Letter sent 3/7/02 - Owes Aug. and Sept. Respond by 3/18/02 20. Dominoes Pizza Lloyd Hardison Letter sent 3/7/02 - Owes July thru Jan. Respond by 3/18/02. 21 . Wes's BBQ Wesley Whitmore Owes November 2001 thru January - Criminal Summons filed • 22. Tuesday Eastlack Paid $540.00 - TD 3/13/02 1 • FAYETTEVILLE • THE arr or cArErreviu[, uiuNsAs • KTr %ILLIAMS, CITY ATTORNEY DAVID MUTAKER, ASST. CITY ATTORNEY LEGAL DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE TO: Dan Coody, Mayor City Council Members cc: Casey Jones, City Prosecutor Marsha Farthing, Accounting FROM: Kit Williams, City Attorney DATE: February 19, 2002 RE: HMR Tax collections • The City of Fayetteville collected $2,632.82 (2.6 million dollars) in Hotel, Motel, and Restaurant taxes in 2001 . The Parks Department and Advertising and Promotion Commission are currently owed over $62,000.00 (from known to be due, but presently unpaid tax collections) . Although this represents a collection rate of over 971/2%, there are several other restaurants that are late or for which we do not yet have accurate figures on which to base the amount of back taxes owed. Even with estimates of taxes that might be owed by these late or non-reporting restaurants, I believe our tax collection rate should exceed 95 % . The City Prosecutor's Office and my office will continue our efforts to ensure we continue to improve our collection rate of HMR taxes. 11 1 The City Prosecutor and our City Accounting Department • certainly deserve A's for creating and enforcing a very efficient tax collection system that is obtaining a 95 % collection rate in the difficult and volatile world of restaurants, concession stands, etc. In the last two months, we have been able to collect almost $20,000.00 in overdue taxes. Even in these economically challenging times for local businesses, we must continue working to ensure that restaurants turn over to the proper authority the taxes that they are collecting from their customers. J 1. APPLICATION FORM for appointment to City Boards, Commissions, and Committees *AME: PAT GAZZOLA / JANIE Sot. Sect! (if married, please give spouse's first name) . 356- East Fairwav Lane Length of residency in Fayetteville 7 ; years Resident Street Address How did you find out about opening(s)? Fayetteville , AR 72701 City State Zip Code same as above References: Name: Curtis Shipley Mailing Address Zip Code Address: Phone: Telephone number. Home: 479-443-7577 Name: Joe Fennell Address: Business: 479-521-7008 Phone: OCCUPATION/EMPLOYER NAME: Office Use only: self—employed ak �,1.�iP.� .:< . . ..... .. . . . . Choice of Comm flee: I , What are your qualifications for serving on this committee, including education and expertise in the subject matter? I have managed the Catfish Hole in Fayetteville since November , 1994 . I was graduated from the University of Arkansas School of Law in December , 1993 . Z, Why would you like to be considered for appointment to this committee? I am presently on the Commission and hope to see the payment for The Town Center in order . lease fill out application COMPLETELY and return to: Heather Woodruff City Clerk's Office, 113 W. Mountain Street, Fayetteville. If you have any questions, call 575-8323. J APPLICATION FORM • for appointment to City Boards, Commissions, and Committees — NAME: PAT GAZZOLA / JANIE Soc. Sec.N (if married, please give spouse's first name) . 356- East Fairway Lane Length of residency in Fayetteville 7 ; year— Resident Street Address How did you find out about opening(s)? Fayetteville , AR 72701 City State Zip Code same as above References: Name: Curtis Shipley Mailing Address Zip Code Address: Phone: Telephone number: Home: 479-443-7577 Name: Joe Fennell Address: Business: 479-521 -7008 Phone: OCCUPATION/EMPLOYER NAME: Office Use only: self-employed Cboice of Comm tutee: _.. .(9K7mop 1 , What are your qualifications for serving on this committee, including education and expertise in the subject matter? I have managed the Catfish Hole in Fayetteville since November , 1994 . I was graduated from the University of Arkansas School of Law in December , 1993 . 2, Why would you like to be considered for appointment to this committee? I am presently on the Commission and hone to see the navment for The Town Center in order . Please fill out application COMPLETELY and return to: Heather Woodruff City Clerk's Office, 113 W. Mountain Street, Fayetteville. If you have any questions, call 375-8323. V Have you ever wondered .just how the City of Fayetteville goes about selecting .-persons to serve an its • citizen advisory groups? The City council has adopted a "policies and i procedures" statement in order to (1 ) provide a broad cross-section of* qualified individuals for service on the appointed bodies; ( 2) provide an opportunity for participation in city affairs by interested citizens; and (3 ) provide a means for full Council involvement in the selection process. Applications for appointments come from two principal sources: 1 . Periodic paid news advertisements of on. edition of the Northwest Arkansas Times. These are generally placed -at least eight weeks in advance .of appointments, and they request that individuals notify the tity . Clerkis Office of their interest in being considered for appointment . Each applicant fills gutta short form which gives them an opportunity to specify why they think they' re especially qualified., for appointment to a particular group. ' 2.. Council members , city staff members , and interested organizations and individuals who know of qualified persons often encourage them to apply for appointment . Once the filled-outapplication forms are received, the City- Clerk!s office circulates copies to the Council Nominating Committee. The , Nominating committee meets in open session, sets up times for personal ' interviews, and recommends to the entire Council their recommendations for-each appointment. The City Councils again in open session. Imakes. the final selection. What are the.-qualifications for serving oria City committee? According to s policy adopted by the Board on January 7, . 1975; revised on October 21 , 1986, and on January 3, 1989: . The following criteria should generol.ly 'be considered in •making , appointments. Because of differences in the appointive bodies, however., the relative importance assigned to the various criteria Witt vary with different appointments. For . example,the Planning Commission . . = appointments would normally emphasize experience mrd expertise in the subject matter. Besides the general criteria below, special r" Iderstion ( such as being. an organizational representative) may be important for some appointments. 1 . 6pertise and experience in the subject matter. 2. Interest in the subject matter. Attendance at a meeting of . the committee is recommended prior to application (Yo: may contact the City Clerk for meeting time and location. ) 3. Balance of appointive body in terms of personal characteristics such, as occupation, age, sex and sections of the city residence. Io be eligible to serve on a committee, you must be a registered :voter residing in the coCporate_ limits of Fa etteville. . - Moving from residence within the corporate Limits of Fayetteville constitutes resignation of committee membership. 4 . Individuals ability to attend meetings of the appointive body. Absence from three consecutive meetings is generally considered a basis for termination of membership an a city committee. ' 5 . Willingness to serve. ' 6. Any person who has served two consecutive terms on any citizen commission or board is not eligible for re- appointment to the same group until one term of office has expired, unless there are an insufficient number of qualified applicants to fill ell vacancies. • . • . . . . . . : . . . . . . . • _ 1 w III • . � J. � 'rtR � �t�! f�'.V"\� u '�q�� t � �:. � \ \ . IN IN IN rr ol WN — — - .i . . . • w wAfa •