HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-08-14 - Agendas - Final • MEETING NOTICE The Advertising and Promotion Commission will meet on Monday, August 14, 2000, at 2:00 p.m. at the Chamber of Commerce office. ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION August 14, 2000 2 :00 p.m. Chamber of Commerce office I Call to Order H. Reports A. Approval of Minutes for July 8 1 . Revise minutes of May 8, 200 meeting to reflect that Botanical Garden Society money be taken from budget allocation for legal fees B. Financial Report C. Convention and Visitor Activity - Marilyn Johnson D. Blackwood/Martin/CJRW Report — Susan Wallace III. Old Business • A. Town Center — Richard Alderman 1 . Change Orders 2. F. F. & E B. Draft ordinance revising HMR collections to comply with state law IV. New Business A. Support for Pep Rally for UA games/tailgating V. Adjourn Informational Items — 1 . Trolley Operations Report • • ACTIVITY REPORT July, 2000 INQUIRY RESPONSES July 2000 Tourist - 163 2000 Year to Date —1;420- 2251 July 1999 Tourist — 200 1999 Year to Date — 1 ,911 July 2000 Advertising Response — 855 2000 Year to Date — 23,506 July 1999 Advertising Response — 1 ,986 1999 Year to Date — 20,376 July 2000 Relocation — 119 2000 Year to Date — 691 July 1999 Relocation — 122 1999 Year to Date — 923 July 2000 Total Inquiries — 1 , 137 July 1999 Total Inquiries — 2,308 Year to Date Total Inquiries 2000 — 25,617 Year to Date Total Inquiries 1999 — 23,210 ACTIVITY Bus Tours — Oswego Commercial Bank (Oswego, KS) Helen - Hanna's Candles (Travel South) • Conventions/Meetings — Reunion 2000 Arkansas State DARE Conference Bikers for Babies — Candace Hoggatt Historic Preservation Alliance — Missy McSwaim Brumley Gospel Sing Foretravel Motorcade Club — fall 2001 rally Brumley Gospel Sing Tourist Activities - Bikes, Blues, and BBQ UA Tailgating — Matt Lindsey Relations with other Tourism — Organizational meeting Washington County Restaurant Assn. Arkansas & Missouri Railroad Open House Lights of the Ozarks with Springdale Downtown Group Northwest Arkansas Tourism Association Julie Crocker — Student Alumni Board Homecoming Plans Relations with Media - Bill Bowden — Business Journal Cyd King — Arkansas Demo Gazette Lori Harrison — Business Ink (Northwest Arkansas Times) Kim Phillips — Tayalor Mack • Marilyn Collins — Ozark Life Rob Smith — Arkansas Democrat Gazette • Town Center — Dean Evans & Assoc. — EMS Software Kaminsky Fountain Jim Webber — Moser Corp Howard Norman — The Norman Company Miscellaneous — Red Roof Inn Ribbon Cutting NBC tour for new anchors N. Y. S. P Board Meeting Fayetteville A. M. Patrick D' Sa — International Hospitality Advisors Alexander Hunter — Rotary Traveling Scholar in Italy HMR Ordinance from Little Rock and Pine Bluff Evergreen Enterprises Nedra Forrest — A Moment's Notice Ray Dotson — Amish Buggy Rides Michel Strange — Clinical Hypnosis Pam King — Victory (Parade Floats) Carrie Larsen — Common Grounds (Christmas Lights) Top HMR Collections — July • Hilton Jose's Red Lobster Clarion Chili's Ryan's Ozark Brewing Co. Applebees McDonald's 50 Chartwell Dining A. Q. Chicken Powerhouse • • GROUP: ADVERTISING & PROMOTION COMMISSION DATE: July 10, 2000 PRESENT: Heather Daniel, John Gilliam, Fred Hanna, Alex Jerde, Ching Mong, Steven Davis, John Maguire, Lisa Lee and Marilyn Johnson ABSENT: Joe Fennel and Curtis Shipley The regular meeting of the Advertising and Promotion Commission was called to order at the Chamber of Commerce conference room at 2 :00 p.m. by Mayor Fred Hanna MINUTES Moved by Jerde, second by Mong to approve the minutes of the May 8 meeting. Motion carried. FINANCIAL REPORT John Maguire presented the financial reports for May and June. Collections for May were $ 107,975, a 12.33% increase and collections for June were 107,963, a 3. 11 % increase. Year to date collections are $619,321 , a 9.70% increase. Expenses for the month of May were $32,941 and for June were $37,999. • CONVENTION AND VISITOR DEVELOPMENT REPORT Marilyn Johnson reviewed May and June activity of her office. Inquiries are up for year. Convention business and bus tour groups are increasing. Coordination following hepatitis A has resulted in development of a restaurant association and cost effective procurement of vaccination serum for restaurant employees by Chamber of Commerce. Marilyn has worked with 5 Northwest Arkansas cities (either Chambers or A & P Commissions) to have an information booth at the Northwest Arkansas Regional airport. She attended a heritage tourism workshop. Work with the advertising agency on the coordination and development of new brochures and collateral pieces has been done. ADVERTISING AGENCY REPORT Susan Wallace reported that the All Season's Trail and the Historic Walking Tour brochures would be delivered on July 19. Work will begin shortly on concepts for 2001 advertising. OLD BUSINESS Town Center Richard Alderman reported that the construction schedule is going good. Recent rain slowed down the progress a bid. Concrete and steel testing allowance change order • (approximately $ 15,000) will come a bit later. A small problem with the gas utility lines has been resolved. Alderman presented the color presentation board for the Commission to approve. Moved by Daniel, second by Gilliam to approve architectural colors. Motion carried. FF & E list was discussed. Marilyn will get with Peggy from the city to go over items which city can assist in purchasing. Commissioners then can evaluate hiring a decorator or the architect to write specs and help with bidding. Funds have not been procured for Kaminski Fountain. Contractors estimate for putting in mechanical and electrical now are $ 14,920. Moved by Gilliam, second by Jerde to proceed with installation with money to be reimbursed to contingency when funding is procured. Steve Davis was requested to provide a list of money spent from contingency funds. NEW BUSINESS John Gilliam again asked about CVB. Marilyn will contact Barry Travis and set a meeting to discuss concept with Commissioners. Marilyn will be looking at revisions to HMR tax to bring into compliance with state law. Those changes will be taken to City Council. • Computer, server and software for Town Center have been received. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Marilyn Johnson Director, Convention and Visitor Development • Advertising & Promotion Commission Financial Report - Expenditures For the Month Ending July 30, 2000 • 2000 YTD July Budget Item Budget Expenses Remaining Expenses 800 Telephone Number (Chamber of Commerce) $ 10,000 $ 79500 $ 2,500 $ 29500 Audit Expense 150 150 0 Brochure Development 63,531 24,346 39,185 Chamber of Commerce Operations Contract 100,000 100,000 0 25,000 Collection Expense - City of Fayetteville 25,000 14,464 10,536 2,078 Convention Support 7,357 2,552 41805 Public Notification (BMA Contract) 250,779 117,393 133,386 Town Center Architectural Services 124,399 70,988 53,411 Town Center Equipment & Furnishings 200,000 0 200,000 Town Center Marketing Manager (Salary/Expenses) 57,040 36,850 20,190 8,950 Special Proiects AAAAA State Basketball Tournament 0 0 0 Air Museum 25,000 189500 6,500 6,000 Airfest2000 3,000 31000 0 Annual Champions Day (State High School Championship) 3,000 3,000 0 Ark. State High School Cross Country Championships 11200 0 11200 Botanical Garden Society - Master Plan 50,000 50000 45,000 First Night 2,000 0 21000 • Committee for Mardi Gras 500 500 0 Fine Arts Festival and Autumnfest 22,655 91890 12,765 Historic District Commission - Brochures 2,000 0 21000 Holiday Hoops t0,000 0 100000 Professional Services - Legal Fees 23,995 0 23,995 Joe Martin Memorial Stage Race 500 0 500 North Arkansas Symphony Society 2,000 0 2,000 Razorback SAMS 2,000 0 21000 Square Gardens 89776 60755 2,021 Trolley Operations 15,000 61285 8,715 1 ,056 USSSA - Arkansas Chapter 3,000 0 31000 U of A Athletic Department - Track & Field 5,000 59000 0 Walton Arts Center - Brochures 1 ,200 900 300 300 Washington County Historical Society - Brochure 2,000 0 2,oOo Wood Bat Classic 500 0 500 Subtotal Special Projects 183,326 580830 124,496 7,356 TOTAL USES $ 7 .021 .582 $ 433,073 $ 588.509 $ 45.884 • H:1BU DGET\PROJECTS\HMR_TAXW&P2000.WK4 City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Monthly HMR Tax Collections 1998-2000 • 1998 1999 1999 2000 2000 Total Total Change Over Total Change Over HMR Taxes HMR Taxes Prior Year HMR Taxes Prior Year January $ 82, 157 $ 89,125 8.48% $ 100,334 $ 12.58% February 83,759 88,757 5.97% 91 ,330 2.90% March 80,815 91 ,271 12.94% 102,971 12.82% April 89,603 94,588 5.56% 106,747 14.97% May 972309 96, 120 -1 .22% 1079975 12.33% June 989318 104,709 6.50% 107,963 3.11 % July 94,621 102,279 8.09% 103,894 1 .58% August 91 ,336 103,688 13.52% 0 September 93,903 97,609 3.95% 0 October 95,649 95,824 0.18% 0 November 98,784 109,561 10.91 % 0 December 88,266 96,583 9.42% 0 Total $ 1 ,094,521 $ 1 ,170,114 6.91% $ 723.215 $ 8.450/a • HMR Tax Collections By Month 120 100 t 1 1 { t 1 4 60 y f e y y � 6 � 40 )1 t y 20 ! t t i ' 0 t 9 e January February March April May June July August Septembe October November December 0 1998 ® 1999 O 2000 • H:\BUDGET\PROJECTS\HMRffAX\HMRTAX.WK4 • Advertising Inquiries by State July, 2000 FC MC ML NATA SL ST TA TOTAL AL 2 1 1 4 8 AK 1 AZ 3 4 7 AR 3 2 5 20 33 63 CA 7 6 6 9 1 1 4 34 CO 2 2 1 5 CT 1 1 1 1 4 DE 0 DC 0 FL 10 6 8 3 3 4 34 GA 3 1 3 5 1 1 14 HI 1 1 ID 1 1 IL 4 3 48 7 4 66 IN 1 3 15 4 1 24 IA 1 12 3 1 17 KS 2 16 8 1 1 28 KY 3 1 6 10 LA 5 4 1 9 4 39 62 ME 1 2 3 MD 3 2 1 2 1 9 MA 1 1 2 MI 3 4 18 4 1 2 32 MN 2 1 17 4 1 25 MS 1 2 2 2 15 2 24 • M5 3 34 15 3 3 1 64 MT 0 NE 9 3 1 1 14 NV 2 2 1 5 NH 0 NJ 3 3 1 1 1 9 NM 1 1 2 NY 5 3 2 2 12 NC 2 5 4 2 3 1 2 19 ND 2 1 1 4 OH 4 6 21 3 2 3 1 40 OK 3 9 10 1 1 24 OR 2 2 4 PA 4 5 4 1 14 RI Sc 6 1 1 2 10 SD 1 1 2 TN 1 4 8 2 2 3 20 TX 14 4 3 25 16 6 1 69 UT 1 1 VT 1 1 VA 4 2 2 1 9 WA 3 1 4 2 10 WV 2 2 2 1 1 8 WI 1 2 24 6 1 34 WY 1 1 2 APO CAN 0 • FOR 0 TOTAL yY 83 271 180 54 110 40 RELOCATION 2000 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OC NOV DEC TOTAL AL 3 1 1 11 1 1 1 8 • AK 1 1 1 111 2 AZ 4 4 41 31 1 21 2 19 AR 13 18 161 111 161 141 241 112 CA 13 5 6 31 91 71 71 50 CO 1 41 2 2 21 1 41 I I 15 CT 1 I 11 11 11 4 DE I 1 0 DC I 1 0 FL 1 5 61 31 1 21 31 21 GA 2 31 3 51 21 11 16 HI 1 1 1 11 3 ID 2 1 1 1 15 IL 2 6 41 4 8 4 91 37 IN 1 1 1 1 31 7 IA 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 11 KS 2 2 3 4 5 16 KY 1 1 1 3 LA 7 3 3 3 4 1 5 26 ME 1 1 MD 1 1 MA 0 MI 2 1 1 21 1 11 5 MN 2 1 11 31 21 11 3 1 13 MS 4 2 21 31 1 1 3 16 MO 6 61 5 7 21 51 91 11 40 • NE 1 I 1 1 1 1 NE 2 3 2 21 1 9 NV 1 1 2 21 1 1 6 NH 21 3 NJ 1 31 1 1 5 NM 1 21 1 4 il 21 10 NY 1 1 4 21 31 11 NC 3 4 1 2 21 12 ND 0 OH 1 3 4 OK 3 6 5 3 2 5 6 30 OR 2 2 3 1 2 10 PA 2 5 1 8 PR 0 RI 0 SC 1 41 5 SD 1 11 1 2 TN 3 1 3 1 21 3 13 TX 10 151 11 11 171 101 131 1 87 UT I 21 11 3 VT I I 1 1 flo VA 1 1 3 1 1 WA 1 4 2 1 3 2 WV 1 1 WI 2 4 8 2 1 • WY APO 1 CAN FORTOTAL 89 117 108 91 97 70 119 0 0 0 0 WITTENBERG , DELONY & DAVIDSON , ITC CHANGE ORDER Northwest Arkansas Office 100 West Center , Suite 102 Fayetteville , AR 72701 501 - 443 - 6666 Fax : 501 - 443 - 9515 PROJECT : CHAN E OR R NO : 04 FAYETTEVILLE TOWN CENTER AND EXHIBITION HALL PROJECT NO : 95059 FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS TO : DATE : 8 - 07 - 2000 NABHOLZ CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION CONTRACT DATE : 7 - 29 - 1999 P . O . BOX 277 ROGERS , ARKANSAS CONTRACT FOR : General Construction You are directed to make the following change ( s ) in this Contract : 1 ) Increase the Testing Allowance $ 10 , 000 . 00 add 2 ) Adjust cut & fill requirements $ 620 . 00 add 3 ) CMU changes at passenger elevator shaft $ < 2 , 132 . 00 > deduct 4 ) Adjust Floor Boxes in Exhibit Hall per PR# 12 $ 2 , 575 . 00 add 5 ) Change storage level doors $ < 3 , 850 . 00 > deduct 6 ) Delete Changes to Gas Piping in CO# 2 $ < 4 , 263 . 00 > deduct 7 ) Revise Storm Drainage per PR# 09 $ 8 , 519 . 00 add 8 ) Change Lobby door heights to match $ 829 . 00 add 9 ) Provide Ramp at Lower Level of Bradberry Bldg . $ 2 , 939 . 00 add 10 ) Add junction box to Storm Drainage $ 750 . 00 add • Total Changes $ 15 , 987 . 00 add CONTRACT RECAP The original Contract Sum was : $ 71346 , 408 . 00 Net change by previously authorized Change Orders : 11003 , 841 . 00 The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order : $ 8 , 350 , 249 . 00 The Contract Sum will be increased by this Change Order : $ 15 , 987 . 00 add The new Contract Sum including this Change Order will be : $ 81366 , 236 . 00 The Contract Time will not change due to this Change Order . Not valid until signed by both the Owner and Architect . Signature of the Contractor indicates his agreement herewith, including any adjustment in the Contract Sum or Contract Time . WITTENBERG, DELONY & DAVIDSON, INC . NABHOLZ CONSTRUCTION CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE 100 West Center, Suite 102 P.O. Box 277 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 Rogers, Arkansas 72757 Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 0 BY: BY: DATE: DATE: DATE: '• I ORDINANCE NO. • AN ORDINANCE AMENDING §35.20 OF THE CODE OF FAYETTEVILLE (ORDINANCE NO 23105 AS AMENDED), TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX, LEVY OF TAX TO ADD DELIS , DRIVE-IN RESTAURANTS , CARRY-OUT RESTAURANTS, CONCESSION STANDS, CONVENIENCE STORES, GROCERY STORE RESTAURANTS AND SIMILAR BUSINESSES TO THE LIST OF BUSINESSES TO WHICH THE CITY'S GROSS RECEIPT TAX OF 1 % (HOTEL, MOTEL AND RESTAURANT TAX) APPLIES (A.C.A.§26-75-601 ET SEQ); ADDING OFF-PREMISES CONSUMPTION BUSINESSES TO THE LIST OF BUSINESSES SO TAXED AND EXCLUDING FROM TAXATION GROSS RECEIPTS OR GROSS PROCEEDS OF ORGANIZATIONS QUALIFIED UNDER §501 (c)(3) OF THE FEDERAL INTERNAL REVENUE CODE. WHEREAS, the current gross receipts tax of 1 % on Hotel, Motels and Restaurants (A.C.A.§26-75-601 et seq.) established by Ordinance No. 2310, as amended (HMR tax) levys the tax only upon restaurants, cafes, cafeterias and all other establishments engaged in the business of selling prepared food for consumption on the premises of such establishment in the city, and; WHEREAS, the City wishes to also apply the HMR tax to delis, drive-in restaurants, carry- out restaurants, concession stands, convenience stores, grocery store restaurants and similar businesses and all taxable businesses selling prepared food for on or off premises consumption as allowed by A.C.A.§26-75-602 and; WHEREAS, the City wishes to exclude from HMR taxation the gross receipts on gross proceeds of organizations qualified under §501 (c)(3) of the federal Internal Revenue Code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 . That §35.20 of the Code of Fayetteville, Tax, Levy of Tax, is hereby repealed and the following inserted in its stead: §35.20 Levy of Tax. There is hereby levied, a tax of 1 % (the tax) upon the gross receipts or gross proceeds from the renting, leasing, or otherwise furnishing of hotel or motel accommodations for profit in the City and upon the 'portion of the gross receipts or gross proceeds received by restaurants, cafes, cafeterias, delicatessens, drive-in restaurants, carry-out restaurants, concession stands, convenience stores, grocery store-restaurants and similar businesses as may be defined from time to time by ordinance from the sale of prepared food and beverages for on or off-premises consumption, but such tax shall not apply to such gross receipts or gross proceeds of organizations qualified under section §501 (c)(3) • of the federal Internal Revenue Code. Page 2 • Ordinance No. PASSED AND APPROVED this _ day of APPROVED: By: Fred,Hanna, Mayor ATTEST: By: Heather Woodruff, City Clerk • • I . 90d 31dol : v0 86 - EZ - ZO 1 � 210 211 MUNICIPAL SALES AND USE TAXES 26-75-602 ay�dthis aCtbein g mergency is 26.75-602. Gross receipts taxes authorized. modiste preservation (a) Any city of the fust class, city of the second class, or incorporated ealth redfro andayshas town may, by ordinance of the governing body thereof, le feet from and atter its g g y levy a tax not to I." exceed three percent (3%) upon the gross receipts or gross proceeds § 5: Mar. 28, 1997 identified in subsection (c) of this section. ovided; "It is hereby (b) Any city of the first class in which is located a city park of one I by the Eighty-I Yrst thousand (1,000) acres or more may, in a like wanner, levy an additional the State of Arkan- tax of one percent ( 1%) upon the gross receipts or gross proceeds ror�id representt aas ana promotion s ., identified in subsection (c) of this section. Revenues collected from this of the community as additional tax shall be used by the city parks and recreation depart- restricts somewhat ;' ment for the promotion and development of city parks and recreation s to serve; and that areas. t� for this pro- .z (c) The tax authorized in this subchapter shall be upon any one (1) or broaden cornum4 more of the following, as specified in the levying ordinance: aergency is hereby (1) The gross receipts or gross proceeds from renting, leasing, or this act being neo otherwise furnishing hotel, motel, or short-term condominium rental ate preservation of accommodations for sleeping, meeting, or party room facilities for profit :h, and safety shall hin such city or town, but such accommodations shall not include the �to of its ap bill is nei- rental or lease of such accommodations for periods of thirty (30) days or Mfe Governor, more; and e on the expiration (2) The portion of the gross receipts or gross proceeds received by during which the restaurants, cafes, cafeterias, delicatessens, drive-in restaurants, car- bill. If the bill is ry-out restaurants, concession stands, convenience stores, grocery and the vote to ,come effective on store=restaurants, and similar businesses as shall be defined in the .•C ,verrides the vote.^ levying ordinance from the sale of prepared food and beverages for on or off-premises consumption, but such tax shall not apply to such gross receipts or gross proceeds of organizations qualified under section 501(c)(3) of the federal Internal Revenue Code. Sent: City of Hot (d) [Repealed]. 88 Ark- 286, 705 L 63. History- Acts 1965, No. 185, § 1; 1969, and restaurant tax is not a "tax" as taxes No. 123, § 1; 1971, No. 534, § 1; 1977, No. are normally understood and intended.for 178, § 1; 1979, No. 926, § 1; 1981, No. 20, government support but is a special levy § 1; 1981, No. 957, § 1; A.S.A. 1947, paid and collected by those persons and §§ 19-4613, I9.4613.1; Acts 1989, No. entities peculiarly associated with and ent (1%) gross 626, § 2; 1991, No. 726, § 1; 199$, No. benefited by tourism. However, since the 364, § 1; 1955, No. 300, §§ 1, 2; 1995, No. Local Government Revenue Bond Act of 3y cities of the 931, § L 19x5, § 14-164-301 et seq., makes specific 1 (1,000) acres Publisher's Notes. Acts 1985, No. 976, reference to hotel and restaurant taxes ar day for each confirmed and continued the authority of ' and the Local Government Capital Im- ue date, municipalities to levy the hotel and res- provement Revenue Bond Act of 1985, taurant tax and to pledge the proceeds of § 14-164401 et seq., does not, it is unser, that tax to tourism bonds by ordinance tain which act was intended to be referred subject to referendum but without a prior to by Acts 1985, No. 976. vote of the people. It declared the proceeds Acts 1981, No. 957 became law without of any hotel and restaurant tax pledged to the governor's signature on April 8, 1981. tourism bonds issued under Acts 1971, Acts 1989, No. 626, § 1, provided: "It Is No. 380, or, bonds issued under the Local hereby found and determined by the Gen- Government Capital Improvement Reve- eraI Assembly that: nue Bond Act of 1985, for tourism projects, '(A) Tourism is the second largest in- to be project revenues of the project fl- dustry in the United States with revenues nanced. It further provided that the hotel totaling over two hundred billion dollars; ORDINAN NO . - 2310 AN ORDINANCE ' LEVYING A TAX• UPON THE GROSS RECEIPTS OF i - - BOTELS , MOTELS , RESTAURANTS , CAFES AP?D CAFETERIAS IN THE i CITy ; - PRESCRIBING THE PROCEDURE FOR THE COLLECTION AND EN - FORCEMENT- OF N - FORCEMENT- OF THE TAX ; PRESCRIBING THE PURPOSES FOR WHICH . OVE'NUES DERIVED FROM COLLECTION OF THE TAX MAY BE USED; CREATING A CITY ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION- COMMISSION ; PRE- SCRIBING OTHER MATTERS PERTAINING THERETO; AND ' DECLARING All URGENCY .: . 1 )P WHEREAS , the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ( the "City" ) has many benefits to offer visitors. to the City and is presently not taking full advantage of its resources for the attraction of visitors;^ and l � WHEREAS , the development of such resources would result in many economic and other benefits to the City and its inhabitants ; and =een WIMIMAS,. the City does not have funes available but the i - ed ; General Assembly of the State of Arkansas has adopted Act No . '•angor 195 o£° 1965 . ( "Act, Now 185 " ) ,, as .amended by Act No . 123 of 1969 j ig as ( Act No : • 123P ) . providing a means by which . the City can obtain the needs& funds j.: NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS )nflic; OF THZ'.Cl=, OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section le There is hereby levied , effective April 1 , 1977 , .hat a tax of, one per cent ( the " tax" ) upon the gross receipts roa t,e changtt renting , leasing or otherwise furnishing of hotel or motel accom- modations for profit in the City -and upon the gross receipts of y for restaurants , cafes, cafeterias and all other establishments engaged in the business of selling prepared food for consumption on the premises of such establishment in the City , + (b) ' ' The tax shall be collected from the purchaser or user : Ing of the food or accommodations by the person , firm , corporation , and association , . trust or estate (or other entity of whatever nature ) S selling such food or furnishing such acconnnodations ( the " taxpayer " ) , and the taxpayer shall remit to the City on the fifteenth day of each month all collections of the tax for the preceding month , accompanied by reports on forms to be prescribed by the City 1977 , Manager. . . (c) , As provided in Act No , 185 , the provisions of Act . No . j 386 of 1941 ? as amended , together with the rules and regulations thereunder , shall , so far as practicable , apply to the administra- tion , collection , assessment and enforcement of the tax, E ii Section 2 . There is hereby created the City Advertising and Promotion- Fund , to which fund there shall be credited all c,,llections of the tax . Section 3 , The City Advertising and Promotion Fund shall be used , in the manner determined by the City Advertising and Pro- .motion Commission , exclusively for the advertisement and promotion of the City and its environs and/or for the construction , main- tenance , repair and operation of a convention center , including the pledge of revenues therein to the payment of bonds issued under Act No . 185 , as amended by Act No . 123 . li 213 ,. ' . .2- Section 4 .. (a) There is hereby created the City AdvertisinS and Promotion Commission (the " Commission" ) . The Commission shall have the powers and duties prescribed by Act No . 185 , as now or AN C • hereafter amended . The Commission shall be composed of seven members as follows : Four members shall be owners or managers of OF ORDINF hotels , motels or restautants ( or other establishments engaged in the business of selling food for consumption on the 'premises) (the BE I "hotel and restaurant members' ) who shall be appointed by the FaYETTEVI Mayor with the approval of the Board of Directors of the City; three members shall be the Mayor of the City and two members of the Board of Directors of the City, selected by the Board of Sect Directors of the City. dinances (b) The hotel and restaurant meau' ers shall at the first _ follows : mestiig of. the Commission draw lots for terms of one to four years ; all successors (except those appointed to .complete an unexpired term) shall serve a term of four years . Nati pro % Sectioa . 5.f ' 811 ordinances and resolutions , and parts thereof, in conflict,. in. whole or in part , with any of the provisions of this ordinanc& are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. holy Section, : 6►' The provisions of this ordinance are hereby . incl declared to be severable . If any provision shall be held to be wire _ invalid or to be inapplicable to any persons or circumstances , such invalidity of inapplicability shall not affect the . remainder of the provisions of this ordinance . port - - Section 7. ' It has been found , and it is hereby declared , appy that the City badly needs additional revenues for the advertising and promotion of the City and for the development of a convention center ; that this ordinance and the tax levied by it are the only disc reasonable means available for the alleviation of these needs; pro) and t:nt the advertisement and promotion of the City and the ..development of a convention center are essential to the . continued development of the City and to the welfare of the inhabitants ven: thereof . This ordinance , therefore , being necessary for the Pr? pl servation of the public peace , health and safety , an emergencYls les : declared to exist , and this ordinance shall be in effect frog and after its passage - and approval . n PASSED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF L/7tA � /,,,J _� 19 les : Sec- APPROVED , herewith PAS : MAYOR ATTTE,{SS :: ' CITY. CLERK �TT ' BEST : - SIT 214 . ;'. City of Fayetteville - Trolley Operation Regular Route • 1999 Activity 2000 Activity Average Average Trip Days of Trips Per Trip Days of Trips Per Month Count Operation Day Count Operation Day January 11457 22.00 66.23 1 ,684 22.50 74.84 February 1 ,529 22.00 69.50 11933 23.00 84.04 March 1 ,899 25.00 75.96 2,517 25.00 100.68 April 1 ,884 24.50 76.90 21345 22.50 104.22 May 1 ,996 23.50 84.94 1 ,895 25.00 75.80 June 29314 24.00 96.42 1 ,915 24.00 79.79 July 21276 24.50 92.90 19775 23.50 75.53 August 2,852 24.00 118.83 September 29213 24.00 92.21 October 21343 23.50 99.70 November 2,377 23.00 103.35 December 21308 23.50 98.21 25.448 283.50 89.76 14.064 165.50 84.98 Average Trips Per Day 140 • tza ,K 100 n 80 :ii cJ yr .j 40 20 a. JO r 0 January March May July September November February April June August October December t� 1999 B 2000 Trip Summary of Other Trolley Trips (June. 20001 Count City Planning 13 U of A E4 City of Fayetteville-Mayor's Office 20 Chamber of Commerce 24 B. Schustrausburg 55 City Planning 14 • TOTAL - OTHER TROLLEY TRIPS 150 H:\BUDGEnPROJECTS\HMR MTROLLEY.WK4