HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-01-10 - Agendas - Final • MEETING NOTICE The Advertising and Promotion Commission will meet on Monday, January 10, 2000, at 2 :00 p.m. at the Chamber of Commerce office. ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION January 10, 2000 2 :00 p.m. Chamber of Commerce office I Call to Order A. Election of Chairman for 2000 II. Reports A. Approval of Minutes for December 13 B. Financial Report C. Convention and Visitor Activity - Marilyn Johnson D. Blackwood/Martin/CJRW Report — Susan Wallace III. Old Business A. Town Center Update — Richard Alderman • IV. New Business A. Contract with Chamber of Commerce B. Budget 2000 1 . Approval of budget rollforwards C. NCAA Indoor Track Championships D. Resignation of Carl Maguire V. Adjourn Informational Items — 1 . Trolley Operations Report • GROUP: ADVERTISING & PROMOTION COMMISSION DATE: December 13, 1999 PRESENT: Heather Daniel, Joe Fennel, Fred Hanna, Curtis Shipley, Jim Waselues, and Marilyn Johnson ABSENT: Alex Jerde and Carl Maguire The regular meeting of the Advertising and Promotion Commission was called to order at the Chamber of Commerce conference room at 2:00 p.m. by Commissioner Joe Fennel. MINUTES Moved by rde, second by Shipley to approve the minutes of the November 8 meeting. Motion carred. FINANCIAL REPORT John Maguire presented the financial report. Expenses in November were $45,028 with major expenditure for advertising. Collections for November were $ 109,561 , up 10.91 % over last November. Year to date collections are $ 1 ,073,531 , up 6.69%. • Moved by Shipley, second by Daniel to approve the financial report. Motion carried. CONVENTION AND VISITOR DEVELOPMENT REPORT Marilyn Johnson reviewed activity report in agenda packet. She reviewed activities of the March of the Century parade and highlighted events scheduled for Lights of the Ozarks. ADVERTISING AGENCY REPORT Creative for 2000 was presented in December. OLD BUSINESS Town Center — Sales Manager Report of the sub-committee meeting on November 17 was presented. Moved by Shipley, second by Hanna to pay accept the report and recommendations of the sub-committee. Motion carried. Town Center Construction Report — Richard Alderman Alderman reported that construction was going well. The lower level of parking is in and the plaza is poured. Foundations are begun on the lower part and they are erecting a tower crane. Archer Fountain • Preliminary drawings from Jane Longfellow for the Archer Fountain were presented. Julian and Jane Archer are bringing forward the proposal to the Advertising and t • Promotion Commission for a fountain with a small plaque. Moved by Daniel, second by Shipley to have Richard Alderman contact the Archers to proceed with design. It was the consensus of the Commission that because of the Kaminski proposal and this proposal, all others who wish to donate to the Town Center should be directed to look inside of the structure (perhaps a mobile, etc.) Architectural inspection of concrete Funding Requests for 2000 Fennel presented $256, 184.20 in requests received by the Commission. The Committee recommended funding $82,900. A list is attached. Moved by Daniel, second by J, to approve the recommendations of the committee. Motion carried. NCAA Baseball Regional Tournament funding equest Commissioners decided to wait on April deadline to consider this funding request because their deadline is not until May 1 . Other Business 1 . Daniel said that according to contract the city would not help with maintenance. It was • pointed out that day to day the city could do the job cheaper than anyone else could. An outside contractor could do cleaning up. 2. Shipley encouraged the city to go forward with more parking in the downtown area. Perhaps a lot could be built north of Center Street, west of the E. J. Ball Building. 3. Fayetteville should be applauded for taking the two-day minimum off for football. Shipley moved that the A & P Commission go on record encouraging our sister cities in Northwest Arkansas including Ft. Smith to do the same. Second by Daniel, motion carried. 4. Shipley moved that the A & P Commission adopt a resolution to encourage the U of A Trustees to do what is best for the students, the athletic program, and the University as a whole regarding moving the football games to Fayetteville. Second by Hanna, motion carried. There being no further business, the meeting was adjoumed. Respectfully submitted, � a 99, • Marilyn Johnson Director, Convention and Visitor Development City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Monthly HMR Tax Collections 1997-1999 • 1997 1998 1998 1999 1999 Total Total Change Over Total Change Over HMR Taxes HMR Taxes Prior Year HMR Taxes Prior Year January $ 73,809 $ 82,157 11 .31 % $ 89, 125 8.48% February 73,099 83,759 14.58% 88,757 5.97% March 769808 80,815 5.22% 91 ,271 12.94% April 88,050 89,603 1 .76% 94,588 5.56% May 87,221 97,309 11 .57% 96, 120 -1 .22% June 843417 98,318 16.47% 104,709 6.50% July 79,784 94,621 18.60% 1029279 8.09% August 84,099 91 ,336 8.61 % 103,688 13.52% September 82,984 93,903 13.16% 97,609 3.95% October 95,030 95,649 0.65% 95,824 0.18% November 88,147 98,784 12.07% 109,561 10.91 % December 79,492 88,266 11 .04% 96,583 9.42% Total $ 992.939 $ 1 .094,521 10.23% $ 1 ,170,114 6.91% • HMR Tax Collections By Month 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 January February March April May June July August septembe October November December 1997 ® 1998 M 1999 • \HMRTAX Advertising & Promotion Commission Financial Report - Expenditures For the Month Ending December 31 , 1999 • 1999 YTD December Budget Item Budget Expenses Remaining Expenses 800 Telephone Number (Chamber of Commerce) $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 0 $ Audit Expense 150 150 0 Brochure Development 17,000 3,469 13,531 Chamber of Commerce Operations Contract 100,000 100,000 0 Collection Expense - City of Fayetteville 22,500 23,402 (902) 1 ,932 Convention Support 6,100 3,743 2,357 Public Notification (BMA Contract) 232,375 206,596 25,779 7,741 Town Center Architectural Services 336,784 212,385 124,399 Town Center Equipment & Furnishings 100,000 1000000 Town Center Marketing Manager (Salary/Expenses) 21 ,240 21 ,240 Special Projects AAAAA State Basketball Tournament 32200 3,200 0 Air Museum 32,000 32,000 0 Annual Champions Day (State High School Championship) 3,000 3,000 0 Ark. High School Baseball Coaches All-Star Game 800 800 0 Ark. Overall High School Baseball Finals 0 0 Ark. State Boys Golf Tournament 0 0 Ark. State High School Cross Country Championships 1 ,200 1 ,200 0 1 ,200 • Basketball Congress Int. State Basketball Tournament 800 800 0 Botanical Garden Society - Master Plan 8,000 80000 0 Fay. Public Library Genealogical Collection 21 ,094 21 ,094 0 First Night 2,800 2,800 Gary Hampton Memorial Tournament 1 ,600 1 ,600 0 HAWKS AAU Basketball Tournament 10600 1 ,600 0 Holiday Hoops 9,600 9,600 0 Professional Services - Legal Fees 9,328 9,328 0 Joe Martin Memorial Stage Race 960 840 120 North Arkansas Symphony Society 1 ,248 1 ,248 0 Ozark Classic Cup XVI Soccer Tournament • 2,160 2,160 Razorback SAMS 3,480 3,342 138 Square Gardens 16,338 15,562 776 Trolley Operations 20,000 20,000 0 Univ. of Arkansas Museum 5,724 5,628 96 Walton Arts Center - Brochures 11 ,200 1 ,100 100 500 Washington County Historical Society - Roof Repl. 10,400 10,400 0 Wood Bat Classic 800 800 0 Rim Reapers (not to exceed) 4,620 4,620 0 Air Museum (Air Fest) 3,000 3,000 0 - Razorback Baseball NCAA Tournament 3,001 3,001 0 Subtotal Special Projects 167,953 161 ,762 6,191 1 ,700 • TOTAL USES $ 1 ,014.102 $ 721 .507 $ 292.595 $ 11 .373 ' A&PEXP99 • ACTIVITY REPORT December, 1999 INQUIRY RESPONSES December 1999 Tourist — 59 1999 Year to Date — 2,682 December 1998 Tourist - 53 1998 Year to Date — 3,035 December 1999 Advertising Response — 701 1999 Year to Date — 26,938 December 1998 Advertising Response — 688 1998 Year to Date — 23,336 December 1999 Relocation — 60 1999 Year to Date — 1 ,367 December 1998 Relocation — 31 1998 Year to Date — 1 ,699 December 1999 Total Inquiries — 820 December 1998 Total Inquiries — 772 Year to Date Total Inquiries 1999 — 30,987 Year to Date Total Inquiries 1998 — 28,070 ACTIVITY Bus Tours — Home National Bank (Arkansas City, KS) Tourist Activities - Lights of the Ozarks events • First Night events Mardi Gras Parade — A. J. and Penny Ballard Relations with Media — NBC News, Shawn Withers - story on holidays Successful Meetings, Brian Kofer Miscellaneous — Taylor Event Mangement Chamber Annual Meeting Tour Promotions Top HMR Collections = November Clarion Hilton Jose's Red Lobster Chili's Ryan's Ozark Brewing Company Dixie Caf6 A. Q. Chicken Chartwell's Dining • Applebee's Rio Bravo • AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS AND THE FAYETTEVILLE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE DATED JANUARY 4, 1993 WHEREAS, the Advertising and Promotion Commission of Fayetteville, Arkansas, hereinafter called "_4 & P" and the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce, a nonprofit corporation, hereinafter called "Chamber", entered into a contract on January 4, 1993 to combine and coordinate efforts to provide and support an effective Convention & Visitor Development Program for Fayetteville; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to amend the contract to provide for one additional renewal term for the year 2000. NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS • set forth herein, and in consideration of the mutual benefits which will accrue to each of the parties, hereof, as well as to general citizenry of Fayetteville and its environs, the parties have agreed and do hereby agree as follows: 1 . TERM. The last paragraph of the contract between the A & P and the Chamber dated January 4, 1993 is hereby deleted and the following shall be inserted in its stead: IT IS AGREED between the parties that this agreement is not assignable. This agreement shall commence on January 1 , 1993, with the A & P having the option to renew yearly for seven (7) additional one (1) year terms. Notice of intent to renew shall be subject to the A & P Commission's approval of the yearly budget. RENEWAL. The A & P exercises the option of renewal contained in the • A.eement between the A & P and the Chamber dated January 4, 1993, as hereby • renewed for a one (1) year period commencing on January 1 , 2000, and terminating or. December 31 , 2000. 2. FUNDING. Paragraph 2.0 Funding, of the contract between the A & P and the Chamber dated January 4, 1993, is hereby deleted and the following shall be inserted in its stead: 2.0 FUNDING.--Subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this agreement, the A & P shall compensate the Chamber for services rendered as follows: For the period January 1 , 2000, to December 31 , 2000, compensation shall be in the amount up to but not to exceed One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($ 100,000.00), subject to the A & P's approval of the yearly budget. Said compensation is to be paid in three (3) installments. The first installment, in an amount lip to but not to exceed Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) shall be paid on • or about the fifteenth day of January. The second installment, in an amount up to but not to exceed Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00) shall be paid on or about the fifteenth day of April. The third and final installment, in an amount up to and not to exceed Twenty-five Thousand ($25,000.00) Dollars shall be paid on or about the fifteenth day of July. Any monies that are not expended for documented authorized expenditures shall revert back to the A & P. 2. 1 SALES MANAGER. In addition to the compensation set forth above the A & P shall compensate the Chamber for the salary and benefits necessary for providing a Town Center Sales Manager at a cost not to exceed $35,800 for salary and benefits for a one year period and office and travel expenses for such position at a cost not to exceed $21 ,240. A copy of the Job Summary of the position of Town • Center Sales Manager is attached hereto as Exhibit A and made a part hereof. • 3. RE-ADOPTION OF TERMS OF AGREEMENT DATED JANUARY 4, 1993. With the exception of the changes set forth herein, the agreement between the A & P and the Chamber dated Januay 4, 1993 is hereby re-adopted and agreed to by the parties and is attached hereto and made a part hereof as if set forth herein, word for word. WITNESS OUR HAND on the day of 2000, at Fayetteville, Arkansas. ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION By: Chairman ATTEST: • By. Title: FAYETTEVILLE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE By: President/CEO ATTEST: By: Title: • • TOWN CENTER/EXHIBIT HALL SALES MANAGER JOB SUMMARY The Sales Manager works directly under the direct supervision of the Convention and Visitor Development Director. This position is responsible for the advertising and promoting Fayetteville and the Town Center/Exhibit Hall to various groups. JOB DUTIES 1 . Contact prospective facility users through direct mail, telephone, or in-person meetings. 2. Responds to potential facility user inquiries 3 . Responds to all inquiries from magazine, ads, and the Arkansas Department of Parks and Tourism 3. Coordinates FAM trips and other special promotional events. 4. Design and implement special receptions, blitzes, telemarketing campaigns and • other outside projects. 5. Prepare weekly sales reports — update reports. 6. Prospect groups to book open dates and for solicitation 7. Research special markets, i.e. religious, ethnic, military, etc. Other duties as assigned KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES 1 . Knowledge of convention/tourism industry 2. Knowledge and above average command of the English language 3. Basic knowledge of Fayetteville and surrounding area 4. Ability to effectively communicate both orally and in written form. 5. Ability to convince, persuade, and close a sale. • 6. Ability to travel on short notice and/or weekends • 7. Ability to travel to contact potential customers 8. Ability to work under stressful situations 9. Ability to speak before large and small groups 10. Ability to organize, prioritize, and follow-up on assignments on a daily basis. 11 . Ability to communicate with diverse groups and individuals 12. Ability to delegate when required. 13 . Ability to make decision using sound logic 14. Ability to supervise and train, both initial and follow-up EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE Degree in Marketing or related field preferred; three (3 years) of progressive experience in convention sales or related field. • PHYSICAL DEMANDS The physical demands described here are representative of those that must be met by an employee to successfully perform the essential functions of this job. While performing the duties of this job, the employee must frequently stand, walk, talk, and hear. Occasionally sit; use hand to handle objects, and reach with hands and arms. Specific vision abilities required by this job include close and color vision. The employee is occasionally required to lift up to 50 pounds. • Advertising & Promotion Commission Amounts to Rebudget from 1999 to 2000 • 1999 YTD Amounts to Budget Item Budget Expenses Remaining Rollforward/Rebudget 800 Telephone Number (Chamber of Commerce) $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 0 $ Audit Expense 150 150 0 Brochure Development 17,000 3,469 13,531 13,531 Chamber of Commerce Operations Contract 100,000 100,000 0 Collection Expense - City of Fayetteville 22,500 23,405 (905) Convention Support 6,100 3,743 2,357 2,357 Public Notification (BMA Contract) 232,375 206,596 25,779 25,779 Town Center Architectural Services 336,784 212,385 124,399 124,399 Town Center Equipment & Furnishings 100,000 1000000 100,000 Town Center Marketing Manager (Salary/Expenses) 21 ,240 21 ,240 21 ,240 Special Prolects AAAAA State Basketball Toumament 3,200 3,200 0 Air Museum 32,000 32,000 0 Annual Champions Day (State High School Championship) 3,000 3,000 0 Ark. High School Baseball Coaches All-Star Game 800 800 0 Ark. Overall High School Baseball Finals 0 0 Ark. State Boys Golf Tournament 0 0 Ark. State High School Cross Country Championships 1 ,200 1 ,200 0 Basketball Congress Int. State Basketball Tournament 800 800 0 • Botanical Garden Society - Master Plan 8,000 8,000 0 Fay. Public Library Genealogical Collection 21 ,094 21 ,094 0 First Night 2,800 2,800 Gary Hampton Memorial Tournament 1 ,600 1 ,600 0 HAWKS AAU Basketball Tournament 1 ,600 1 ,600 0 Holiday Hoops 9,600 9,600 0 Professional Services - Legal Fees 9,328 9,328 0 Joe Martin Memorial Stage Race 960 840 120 North Arkansas Symphony Society 1 ,248 1 ,248 0 Ozark Classic Cup XVI Soccer Tournament 2,160 2,160 Razorback SAMS 3,480 3,342 138 Square Gardens 16,338 15,562 776 776 Trolley Operations 20,000 20,000 0 Univ. of Arkansas Museum 5,724 5,628 96 Walton Arts Center - Brochures 1„200 1 ,100 100 Washington County Historical Society - Roof Repl. 10,400 10,400 0 Wood Bat Classic 800 800 0 Rim Reapers (not to exceed) 4,620 4,620 0 Air Museum (Air Fest) 3,000 3,000 0 Razorback Baseball NCAA Tournament 3,001 3,001 0 Subtotal Special Projects 167,953 161 ,762 6,191 TOTAL USES $ 1 .014,102 $ 721 ,510 $ 292.592 $ 288,082_ • 1A&P_Rollforward 2000 NCAA and Southeastern Conference Indoor Track Championships University of Arkansas, Fayetteville Sponsorship Packages Premium Package $5000 or more • Full Page Recognition in a championship Tabloid Section to be distributed through The Morning News and at Tyson Indoor Track Complex with the offi- cial championship program" • Recognition on corporate sponsor signage displayed at banquet • 8 Banquet Tickets with Reserved Seating • 8 Championship Tickets to ALL Events • 4 Championship Parking Passes • 8 VIP Passes for the Hospitality Lounge • . 2 NCAA Track Championship Golf Shirt Gold Package $3000 • HALF Page Recognition in a championship Tabloid Section to be distributed through The Morning News and at Tyson Indoor Track Complex with the offi- cial championship program" • Recognition on the Corporate Sponsor Signage displayed at Banquet • 4 Banquet Tickets with Reserved Seating • 4 Championship Tickets to ALL events • 2 Championship Parking Passes • 4 VIP Passes for the Hospitality Lounge • 2 NCAA Track Championship Golf Shirt • City of Fayetteville - Trolley Operation Regular Route • 1998 Activity 1999 Activity Average Average Trip Days of Trips Per Trip Days of Trips Per Month Count Operation Day Count Operation Day Jan. 11600 23.50 68.09 1 ,457 22.00 66.23 Feb. 11609 22.00 73.14 11529 22.00 69.50 March 11630 24.00 67.92 1 ,899 25.00 75.96 April 19728 24.00 72.00 1 ,884 24.50 76.90 May 11804 22.50 80.18 11996 23.50 84.94 June 10857 24.00 77.38 2,314 24.00 96.42 July 1 ,930 23.00 83.91 2,276 24.50 92.90 Aug. 1 ,844 23.50 78.47 21852 24.00 118.83 Sept. 19678 23.00 72.96 2,213 24.00 92.21 Oct. 10973 24.50 80.53 21343 23.50 99.70 Nov. 1 ,438 21 .00 68.48 21377 23.00 103.35' Dec. 1 ,644 23.00 71 .48 21308 23.50 98.21 20.735 278.00' 74.54 25.448 283.50 89.76 Average Trips Per Day 140 120 100 • 80 60 40 20 0 Jan. March May July Sept. Nov. Feb. April June Aug. Oct. Dec. 01998 01999 Trip Summary of Other Trolley Trips (December. 1999) Count Paige Hardin 20 U of A Athletics 40 U of A Athletics 40 City of Fayetteville - Planning Commission 16 Chamber of Commerce 26 City of Fayetteville - Mayors Office 16 U of A Athletics 26 U of A Athletics 14 U of A Athletics 40 Mike Thompson 20 1st Night Fayetteville 2,741 • TOTAL - OTHER TROLLEY TRIPS 2,999 H:\BUDGET\PROJECTS\HMRffAX\TROLLEY.WK4 ADVERTISING INQUIRIES BY STATE - 1999 • JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC Tourist Reim TOTAL AL 2 2 46 48 42 45 43 33 28 15 11 4 18 15 350 AK 0 0 1 4 4 4 1 0 1 1 2 3 21 AZ 1 3 17 48 32 27 21 8 9 5 7 2 18 35 233 AR 7 20 547 201 108 162 208 64 387 83 89 9 544 222 2651 CA 14 17 72 187 120 143 80 38 25 21 29 14 86 98 944 CO 1 4 14 43 20 24 13 12 13 8 8 2 21 33 216 CT 0 1 11 26 25 22 9 3 2 1 1 5 9 6 121 DE 0 1 14 9 8 5 2 1 0 0 0 1 1 42 DC 0 0 3 1 0 5 1 1 0 1 1 2 1 16 FL 8 10 70 165 113 139 83 51 31 24 21 10 46 52 823 GA 4 5 42 81 46 51 41 27 17 7 7 4 21 27 360 HI 1 0 22 5 6 12 5 2 3 2 2 1 2 63 ID 0 1 9 10 10 9 2 2 0 1 0 3 4 51 IL 24 18 158 868 438 215 160 72 182 140 75 116 151 72 2689 IN 11 3 56 346 226 76 47 29 62 62 22 61 43 12 1056 IA 7 13 29 396 158 76 46 22 57 48 20 16 67 29 984 KS 6 7 47 232 166 61 45 20 102 52 5 8 108 29 888 KY 4 3 37 63 41 56 30 17 10 15 6 5 25 16 328 LA 8 13 129 145 81 143 99 69 70 75 17 3 128 45 1025 ME 0 1 4 16 4 6 2 0 0 1 0 3 2 2 43 MD 3 6 26 53 26 27 16 8 4 7 5 2 11 7 201 MA 3 3 28 30 30 24 9 2 3 4 1 2 11 9 159 MI 13 12 63 377 205 104 54 41 66 85 36 57 47 27 1187 MN 10 6 50 434 214 68 30 22 43 68 16 17 71 37 1086 MS 4 5 64 61 40 57 32 35 50 17 8 2 39 14 428 MO 16 9 344 572 366 218 133 92 286 176 36 20 243 58 2569 MT 1 3 4 5 12 8 3 1 1 0 2 5 7 50 NE 4 3 9 90 57 41 17 7 20 21 9 6 19 11 314 NV 0 0 14 16 8 6 9 1 1 1 1 6 10 73 NH 0 0 10 6 4 6 3 2 0 1 0 1 2 6 41 NJ 0 5 27 77 47 57 24 10 1 3 4 1 11 13 280 NM 1 5 11 13 21 20 8 3 9 3 4 1 11 22 132 NY 5 18 64 155 113 111 60 11 5 6 18 8 13 14 599 NC 5 4 60 89 78 78 54 26 7 9 9 7 13 13 452 . NO 0 0 28 18 9 19 6 1 1 5 1 1 2 91 OH 14 7 53 363 243 141 71 32 43 80 27 61 62 30 1227 OK 23 9 233 244 170 107 52 34 267 20 19 83 237 65 1563 OR 2 5 15 31 21 27 13 5 6 2 0 7 6 140 PA 4 7 52 114 101 81 42 15 8 11 6 5 15 11 472 RI 0 0 6 7 4 4 1 1 0 0 0 2 2 27 Sc 3 7 35 38 29 37 21 8 9 6 1 1 7 11 213 SD 1 1 57 46 21 8 7 4 1 8 0 5 9 9 177 TN 3 7 107 85 fib 59 40 52 80 10 8 7 52 36 610 TX 20 32 476 742 292 310 215 324 543 86 125 78 372 172 3787 UT 1 2 7 10 16 12 8 3 4 0 3 3 3 3 75 Vi 0 0 7 8 2 4 0 1 1 1 0 1 3 28 VA 1 6 42 60 55 43 36 32 16 5 11 4 15 10 336 WA 2 3 24 33 29 25 22 6 10 1 1 3 10 10 179 WV 2 1 17 28 18 16 4 3 4 1 5 3 4 5 111 WI 14 14 38 469 213 105 41 33 84 54 30 46 65 36 1242 WY 0 0 4 9 7 4 3 1 3 0 0 1 3 35 APO 0 0 3 2 2 4 0 1 0 0 0 2 2 4 20 CAN 0 1 3 16 15 10 9 2 5 0 1 11 4 77 FOR 2 2 5 13 14 23 5 4 10 5 2 8 5 2 100 TOTAI 255 303 3314 7188 4194 3145 1986 1294 2588 1258 712 701 2680 1367 30985 • • Advertising Inquiries by State - December , 1999 Jour ML NATA OK SL TM USA TOTAL AL 4 4 AK 0 AZ 1 1 2 AR 1 4 3 1 9 CA 3 3 6 2 14 CO 2 2 CT 1 2 1 1 5 DE 1 1 DC 1 1 2 FL 1 3 2 1 1 2 10 GA 2 2 4 HI 0 ID 0 IL 23 3 4 1 85 116 IN 8 1 52 61 IA 5 1 2 1 7 16 KS 4 1 1 2 8 KY 2 1 2 5 LA 2 1 3 ME 1 2 3 MD 1 1 2 MA 1 1 2 MI 12 3 3 1 38 57 MN 5 3 9 17 MS 1 1 2 MO 11 1 4 2 2 20 . MT 0 NE 3 3 6 NV 0 NH 1 1 NJ 1 1 NM 1 1 NY 2 3 2 1 8 NC 2 2 3 7 ND 1 1 OH 1 9 1 50 61 OK 3 1 73 2 4 83 OR 0 PA 1 2 2 5 RI 1 1 2 Sc 1 1 SD 2 1 2 5 TN 1 2 1 1 1 1 7 TX 3 3 4 13 4 48 3 78 UT 1 2 3 VT 0 VA 3 1 4 WA 1 1 1 3 WV 3 3 WI 9 1 36 46 WY 0 APO 1 1 2 CAN 0 • FOR 8 8 TOTAL 4 107 52 140 23 71 304 701 • ADVERTISING INQUIRIES - 1999 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC TOTAL Tourist 0 ACW 1 1 2 AY 118 74 192 BH 18 28 26 72 CWT 0 FC 4 500 802 726 1094 396 20 3542 FBT 332 262 313 907 HT 70 10 182 47 36 5 10 1 361 H&A 151 138 43 332 Journey 11 84 65 21 98 21 5 4 309 MC 415 446 611 355 290 36 2153 ML 104 87 1429 728 274 233 231 394 431 114 107 4132 MT 146 77 19 127 369 MVG/TMG 773 535 359 54 1721 NATA 45 167 358 533 245 306 167 238 178 79 199 52 2567 OK 21 97 63 107 35 140 463 SL 43 33 454 383 250 259 130 493 221 116 53 23 2458 SNI 1304 183 38 15 1082 19 2641 ST 66 74 8 99 247 TA 12 12 TM 7 4 160 525 70 20 13 189 88 20 110 71 1277 T50&B 58 130 29 217 • USA 1257 399 231 112 304 2303 Vac 188 58 39 245 29 31 45 26 661 Meetings SM 0 TOTAL 255 303 3314 7188 4194 3145 1986 1294 2588 1258 712 701 26938 ACW-Am. Civil War BH-Better Homes & Gardens CWT-Civil War Times D-D Magazine FC-Family Circle HT-Historic Traveler H&A-Home and Away MC-McCalis ML-Midwest Living MVG-Midwest Vacation NG-Nati Geog Traveler NTG-NATA OK-Oklahoma Today SL-Southern Living SMI-State Mag. Insert SM-Successful Meetings SV-Summer Vacation • TA-Travel America TJ-Texas Journal