HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-03-03 - Agendas - Final GROUP: ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION Town Center Sub Committee DATE: March 3, 1998 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Joe Fennel , Jim Waselues, Carl Maguire, Alex Jerde, Kit Williams, and Curtis Shipley OTHERS PRESENT: Richard Alderman, Lyn Schaper, Kely Sutterfield , Kinley Johnson, Jeff Erf, Donna Pettus, Lamar Pettus, Rusty Garrett, Jill Rohrbach , and Marilyn Snapp. The subcommittee was called to order at 1 : 00 p. m . in the conference room of the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce. Richard Alderman (WDD) presented eight cost saving options for the Fayetteville Town Center and discussed each. A list of those is attached . • Following presentation of each option, Commissioners presented the following proposals: Fennel - 1 . Exterior materials $450,000 2. Plaza - reduce by 250, 000 3. Lower height of hall 1251000 7. Change roof over lobby 80,000 8. Reduce tower 50,000 Waselues - agree with Fennel and delete parking last level $450,000 Williams - 1 . Exterior materials 100,000 2. Plaza 300, 000 3. Lower height of hall 125, 000 4. Delete parking 450,000 7. Change roof 50,000 8. Tower 150,000 Maguire - 5. Parking 450, 000 1 . Exterior Materials 450,000 2. Plaza 300, 000 3. Lower height 125, 000 • • Jerde - 1 . Exterior Materials 450,000 2. Plaza 300,000 3. Lower height 125, 000 5. Delete parking 450,000 7. Change roof 80,000 Shipley - 1 . Exterior materials $450,000 2. Plaza 300,000 3. Height of hall 125,000 5. Delete parking 4501000 6. Delete Second level storage 75,000 Shipley requested number of parking spaces available within a minute and a half of Town Center. Following Commissioner input, Richard Alderman proposed the following : Change exterior materials 450,000 Delete parking - 3rd level 450,000 Lower height of hall 1253000 Simplify design of plaza 3009000 (Ask city to help with plaza and tower or do private contributions.) Miscellaneous changes 1501000 • TOTAL $1 ,475,000 Committee discussed options and agreed to call a special meeting to adopt options and prepare to send to city council . Marilyn will schedule meeting and notify Commissioners and press of meeting . Respectfully submitted , d qan. 04L e4e Marilyn Snapp Director, Convention and Visitor Development • a - o O O O O O y 00 O O p O O CJ . CM %0 c O v p Chic 0 c h Q K K fr9K K } It y v v 0 O O O L L L O O U3 coo ton= c pp to C v V y • y _ � Oto to L•.1 C Otn to toR CS to p p O 000 .t - 0000 b p _ C C O < O w '70 W; 5 W to to vi r • • • • vs • • • • w se ++ 0 0 0 0 0 to oCD N0 O oN0 O O O O O V yn m m m 3 o � E., to n y o to U � _ _ � ON i C1 c • � _ 0 s cd +�+ y i � ,U W a a F U `� FFA i it I . . .n 0 0 0 S o 4i O O O O O O O O O O O C 0 0 0 0 C O ' vi N O N O of O vi t� vi I � � ' I /� •r'r n n i"� • � vci rn 00 c '. I Iy Li. 0 L•. 00 �� h LL N C• Nr 'C C4 O O O y O O h 7 . •• _ N u w d cv y d c � _ N W C 7 L' o o c o a v pp a po V o oti c a o c n �'SC:da c ° Sa) C4 q w+' 3 c op sy C . p c � .. M � v •� c O d C ro O 69 O O c . o c y Ir O X .2 .2 g y a� O ;a Qvpi �/ . 64 , 6'i v Vf v vi v 69 i•1 W V. w x > c Gi L. N o QI y V v 0 c Imo. D\ __ •? �� •p :v se a `� o x c CSI. O v x L ^ > c W U � a w O 0 i DELONY& DAVIDSON, Architecture Planning .Interior Design (_ Northwest Arkansas Office • 100 West Center / Suite 102 • Fayetteville, AR 72701 • FAX 501/443-9515 • 501/443-6666 FAYETTEVILLE TOWN CENTER Budget Review _ 11-10-1997 1) ' BUILDING Main Level 24,000 sq. ft. public areas @ $ 150.00/sq.ft. $ 3 600,000.00 8,000 sq. ft. support areas @ $80.00/sq.ft. $ 640,000.00 Service Level 7,500 sq.ft. support areas @ $50.00/sq.ft. $ 3757000.00 Freight Elevator $ 80 000,00 Serving Kitchen Equipment $ 50.000. 00 $ 4,7452000.00 2) SITE WORK & PARKING LEVELS Site Work $ 4007000.00 • Parking Levels 220 cars @ $8,500.00/car (90,000 sq. ft @ $21) $ 1 , 870,000.00 Exterior Deck Levels 8,000 sq. ft. @ $50.00/sq. ft. $ 450-000.00 $ 2 ,720,000.00 3) PLAZA Plaza 12 ,000 sq.ft. @ $35.00/sq.ft. $ 420,000.00 CONSTRUCTION COSTS $ 738852000.00 4) FIXTURES FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT Allowance $ 2001'000.00 5) SOFT COSTS Allowance $ 500,000.00 TOTAL PROJECT COSTS $ 81585,000.00 ' i i FAYETTEVILLE TOWN CENTER / EXHIBITION HALL SCHEMATIC DESIGN * CONCEPTUAL BUDGET JUNE 10, 1996 LOW HIGH EXHIBITION HALL 141400 SQ. FT. $ 19728,000.00 $ 2, 1609000.00 ($ 120.00 SQ. FT.) ($ 150.00 SQ. FT.) SUPPORT SPACES 10,600 SQ.FT. $ 901 ,000.00 $ 11272,000.00 ($ 85.00 SQ.FT.) ($ 120.00 SQ. FT.) BUILDING TOTAL 259000 SQ. FT. $ 29629,000.00 $ 314329000.00 • PARKING 250 CARS $ 311259000.00 $ 377507000.00 ($ 121500.00/CAR) ($159000.00/CAR) CONTINGENCY $ 4001000.00 $ 500,000.00 & EQUIPMENT OVERALL $ 6, 1549000.00 $ 71682,000.00 CONSTRUCTION BUDGET SOFT COSTS (FEES, PRINTING, ETC. Q 7 %) $ 430,780.00 $ 537,740.00 TOTAL BUDGET $ 67584,780.00 $ 8,2191740.00 Fayetteville Town Center Cost Savings Options March 12•, 1998 1) Exterior Materials: Parking Deck, Standard Concrete - delete masonry $ 3002000.00 Exhibit Hall , EIFS - delete precast $ 150,000.00 2) Plaza Simplify design - basic paving and landscape areas $ 300,000.00 3) Lower Overall Height of Exhibit Hall Interior height at 20'-0" , lower overall by 3' $ 125 ,000.00 • 4) Delete Square Footage 20' of Exhibit Hall $ 348,000.00 Alternates: 20' off entire south side $454,000.00 Reduce support areas $ 120,000.00 5) Delete Parking Delete last level , including storage & elevator stop $ 450,000.00 parking �ccoount at 180 6) Delete Second Leveltorage Storage & service elevator stop $ 75 ,000.00 7) Change Roof over Lobby Roof to become part of building mass $ 80,000.00 8) Delete Tower • Entry to remain, delete tower above $ 200,000. 00 -- - - . GROUP: ADVERTISING & PROMOTION COMMISSION DATE: March 24, 1998 PRESENT: Joe Fennel, Fred Hanna, Alex Jerde, Jim Waselues, Kit Williams, and Marilyn Snapp ABSENT: Carl Maguire OTHERS PRESENT: Richard Alderman, Dennis Hunt, Dennis Whitaker, Ben Mayes, Jill Rohrbach, Rusty Garrett, Jennifer Pinkerton, Jeff Erf, and Jim Bemis. The special meeting of the Advertising and Promotion Commission was called to order at the Chamber of Commerce conference room at 1 :30 p.m. by Chairman Joe Fennel. Richard Alderman presented the original plan of the Town Center with 2 schemes for adaapting the $ 150,000 miscellaneous changes of adapting the roof over the lobby and the tower. Following discussion, it was moved by Williams to adopt scheme A without the brick and with raised tower and to approve construction cost estimates with changes in exterior materials, delete marking on third level, lower the height of the hall by 3 feet, and simplify the deisgn of the plaza. Second by Waselues. Motion carried. Scheme A plans are attached to these minutes. Bruce Dunn expressed his concerns for parking. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. • Respectfully submitted, TY Ore Marilyn Snapp Director Convention and Visitor Development • n CD EFF [ LL - I TM - TAT ] 5 OT IF E031 n o D O 0 C� i a -HIE s � ny k °z 'al �Clh N I � O s � r o zEEM EEM1111111 lull 0 0 0 �l fl now Eal 111 E=1 Del �1 � y IT, HillIN I 0 � 0 � r