HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-02-09 - Agendas - Final MEETING NOTICE The Advertising and Promotion Commission will meet on Monday , February 9 , 1998 at 2 : 00 p . m . at City Hall Council Chamber . ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION February 9 , 1998 2 : 00 p . m . City Hall Council Chamber I . Call to Order II . Reports A . Approval of Minutes for January 12 meeting B . Financial - Ben Mayes C . Convention and Visitor Activity - Marilyn Snapp D . Blackwood/Martin Agency Report - Susan Stirewalt III . Old Business • A . Exhibit Hall / Town Center IV . New Business A . Funding Request - AAAA State Baseball Tournament $ 2 , 000 B . Funding Request - H . A . W . K . ' s AAU Basketball Tournament - $ 2 , 000 V . Miscellaneous VI . Adjourn Informational Items - Trolley Operations Report • GROUP : ADVERTISING & PROMOTION COMMISSION DATE : January 12 , 1998 PRESENT : Curtis Shipley Ben Mayes Kit Williams Susan Stirewalt Carl Maguire Marilyn Snapp Alex Jerde Jim Waselues Joe Fennel ABSENT : Fred Hanna CALL TO ORDER : The meeting was called to order by Joe Fennel at 2 : 00 p . m . in the City of Fayetteville Council Chamber . SELECTION OF CHAIRMAN : It was moved by Shipley , seconded by Williams to re - elect Joe Fennel chairman of the A & P Commission . Motion carried . MONTHLY REPORTS : MINUTES It was moved by Williams , second by Shipley to approve the minutes of the December 8 meeting . Motion carried . • FINANCIAL Ben Mayes presented the financial report for December . The HMR collections were $ 79 , 388 , a decrease of 0 . 90 % from December 1996 collections . Total collections year to date are $ 992 , 835 , a 3 . 848 increase . December expenditures were $ 26 , 911 . Moved by Shipley , second by Jerde to approve the December financial report . Motion carried . ACTIVITY REPORT Marilyn Snapp presented her 1997 annual report on Convention and Visitor Activity . A copy of her report is attached . Moved by Jerde , second by Shipley to approve the 1997 annual report . Motion carried . AGENCY REPORT Susan Stirewalt reported on 1998 advertising . It is about one month before ads will begin appearing in spring creative . Ads should increase internet and 800 number responses since physical address has been dropped in ad . • The agency will be releasing a press release to gain more publicity for the spring travel season . Commission requested investigation of running entertainment page on the web ninety days out . Arts Center and U of A activities should have information upgraded weekly . Moved by Shipley , second by Waselues to approve Susan ' s report . Motion carried . OLD BUSINESS : TOWN CENTER / EXHIBIT HALL Richard Alderman reviewed recent actions regarding Town Center including building design , public subcommittee design groups , tower design to potentially accommodate a community room and observation areas . He also discussed the next steps including design development planning being 858 complete , a public review meeting scheduled for February 4 , and presentation to City Council before approving design development phase and moving into construction document phase . Three issues are outstanding 1 ) tower program and decision on whether to add usable spaces to the Tower , 2 ) Land Use • Agreement with Southside Owner , 3 ) Land Purchase of remaining parcels on Site . A copy of his report is attached to the minutes . NEW BUSINESS AGREEMENT BETWEEN A & P COMMISSION AND CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Moved by Shipley , second by Jerde to approve the extension of the agreement between the A & P Commission and the Chamber of Commerce . Motion carried . MISCELLANEOUS ARCHITECT SELECTION FOR REMAINDER OF TOWN CENTER PROJECT A meeting was scheduled for January 19 , 2 : 00 p . m . at the Chamber of Commerce for selection of architect for remainder of Town Center project . There being no further business , the meeting was adjourned . Respectfully submitted , Marilyn Snapp Director , Convention and Visitor Development • I i I City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Monthly HMR Tax Collections 1995-1997 • 1996 1997 1997 1998 1997 Total Total Change Over Total Change Over HMR Taxes HMR Taxes Prior Year HMR Taxes Prior Year January $ 76,738 $ 73,809 -3.82% $ 82, 157 11 .31 % February 68,507 73,099 6.70% 0 March 72,521 76,808 5.91 % 0 April 82,155 88,050 7. 17% 0 May 78,771 87,221 10.73% 0 June 79,880 84,417 5.68% 0 July 83,337 79,784 -4.26% 0 August 78,651 84,099 6.93% 0 September 85,514 82,984 -2.96% 0 October 80,031 95,030 18.74% 0 November 89,882 88, 147 -1 .93% 0 December 80, 107 79,492 -0.77% 0 • Total $ 956,093 $_____992,939 3.85% $ 82,157 11 .31% �M- Tax Collections lay Month 100 60 60 c � S 0 40 20 0 ' January February March April May June July August September October November December 0 1996 ® 1997 1998 ' • \HMRTAX CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS Schedule of Hotel, Motel, Restaurant Taxes December 31 , 1997 • HMR TAX CUMULATIVE PERCENT YEAR COLLECTIONS TOTAL INCREASE 1977 $ 90,102 $ 90, 102 1978 185,514 275,616 N/A 1979 210,583 486, 199 13.51 % 1980 235,547 721 ,746 11 .85% 1981 276,336 998,082 17.32% 1982 303,269 1 ,301 ,351 9.75% 1983 344,217 11645,568 13.50% 1984 3945034 23039,602 14.47% 1985 394,818 2,434,420 0.20% 1986 437,419 29871 ,839 10.79% 1987 452,387 33324,226 3.42% 1988 470,323 31794,549 3.96% 1989 5133094 41307,643 9.09% 1990 555,694 4,863,337 8.30% 1991 5785348 51441 ,685 4.08% 1992 659, 193 69100,878 13.98% 1993 736,097 6,836,975 11 .67% 1994 866,253 73703,228 17.68% 1995 932,916 81636, 144 7.70% 1996 9565093 93592,237 2.48% 1997 992,939 109585, 176 3.85% • Average increase from 1978 to 1997: 9.35% Partial year - collections for 6 months HMR Tax Revenues 1200 1000 800 a c 600 z 400 200 ,0 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 • Year \HMRSCHED.WK3 Advertising & Promotion Commission Financial Report - Expenditures For the Year Ending December 31 , 1997 •(Preliminary - Subject to Year End Adjustments) 1997 YTD December Budget Item Budget Expenses Remaining_ Expenses Chamber of Commerce Operations Contract $100,000 $95,054 $4,946 ($4,946) Collection Expense - City of Fayetteville 19,560 19,859 (299) 11590 Audit Expense 150 150 0 800 Telephone Number (Chamber of Commerce) 10,000 102000 0 Public Notification (BMA Contract) 227,040 2232192 3,848 16,876 Trolley Operations 40,000 402913 (913) 61605 Convention Support 5,391 51087 304 629 Town Center/Exhibit Hall 123,059 59,692 63,367 48,845 Brochure Development 50, 157 48,297 12860 Music Festival 2,000 25000 0 Air Museum 40,000 40,000 0 10,000 Square Gardens 28,588 26,668 1 ,920 307 Special Projects •AAAA State H.S. Basketball Tournament 31000 31000 0 Fay. Public Library Genealogical Collection 313175 30,877 298 Fay. Wood Bat Classic 1 ,983 11983 0 Gary Hampton Memorial Inv. Tournament 11999 11999 0 H.A.W. K.S. Basketball Tournament 2,000 21000 0 Holiday Hoops 21 ,500 21 , 500 0 Joe Martin Memorial Stage Race 32620 21566 11054 Northern Tourist Information Center 29, 172 29, 172 0 72293 State High School Cross Country Meet 21000 2,000 0 2,000 Wash. Co Historical Society - Brochures 21000 21000 0 TOTAL USES $7442394 $668,008 $76,386 $892199 • 1A&PEXP97 Advertising & Promotion Commission Financial Report - Expenditures For the Month Ending January 31 , 1998 • 1998 YTD January Budget Item Budget Expenses Remaining Expenses Chamber of Commerce Operations Contract $100,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 Collection Expense - City of Fayetteville 19,800 1 ,643 $18, 157 11643 Audit Expense 150 $150 800 Telephone Number (Chamber of Commerce) 10,000 $10,000 Public Notification (BMA Contract) 225,000 $225,000 Trolley Operations 40,000 702 $39,298 702 Convention Support 51000 $5,000 Town Center/Exhibit Hall 58,460 24,491 $33,969 24,491 Brochure Development 16,859 $16,859 Air Museum 40,000 $405000 Square Gardens 21 ,920 $21 ,920 Special Projects Fay. Public Library Genealogical Collection 35,522 $35,522 • Univ. of Arkansas Museum 5,724 $5,724 TOTAL USES $5782435 176 836 $501 ,599 $76,836 • \A&PEXP98 ACTIVITY REPORT January , 1998 INQUIRY RESPONSES January 98 Tourist - 190 1998 YTD - 190 January 97 Tourist - 183 1997 YTD - 183 Jan 98 Advertising Response - 384 1998 YTD - 384 Jan 97 Advertising Response - 343 1997 YTD - 343 January 98 Relocation - 151 1998 YTD - 151 January 97 Relocation - 202 1997 YTD - 202 Jan 1998 Total Inquiries - 725 Jan 1997 Total Inquiries - 728 YTD 1998 Total Inquiries - 725 YTD 1997 Total Inquiries - 728 Internet Hits this month - 30 , 317 Internet Hits since Sept . 3 , 1997 - 172 , 570 • CONVENTION ACTIVITY Conventions - Arkansas Festival Association Bus Tours - Arkansas Holiday Lights Tour participants AR Parks & Tourism Group Itineraries Miscellaneous - Northwest Arkansas Tourism Association Town Center technical advisory committees U . S . Chamber of Commerce president luncheon Arkansas Society of Association Executives Tulsa Boat , Sport and Travel Show Relations with Hospitality Industry - Hospitality training program updated Media Relations - Midwest Motorist article HMR COLLECTION COMPARISON Jan . 1998 - $ 82 , 157 Jan . 1997 - $ 73 , 809 Percent Increase 11 . 311 YTD 1998 : $ 82 , 157 YTD 1997 : $ 82 , 157 Percent Increase 11 . 31 % • • Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission Request for Funding 1 . The Event is the AAAA State Baseball Tournament. The organizer is Fayetteville High School (Tax I.D. #71-6021514) 2. Contact person: Dick Johnson - 973-8680 3. The funds generated by the event are limited. Profit sources will be program sales, 10% of concessions sales and 15% of T-shirt sales. It has been our practice in past events to allow the groups doing the sales work to retain the profits for providing the services. 80% of the gate receipts will go to the Arkansas Activities Association with the remaining 20%being used to offset personnel expenses (gate work, announcing, ect. ). 4. The tournament will run from Monday, May 11, through Friday, May 15. 5. The tournament will be held at Charlie Baum Stadium. • 6. The AAAA State Baseball Tournament is held each spring to determine the champion of the state's largest high school classification. 7. The tournament, by design, will draw from the four geographic comers of Arkansas. It will be a single elimination tournament. There will be in excess of 500 participants from sixteen schools. We expect to host more than 3000 visitors, many of them staying for several days. 8. This year's tournament will be the first at Charlie Baum Stadium and our opportunity to demonstrate the kind of baseball event we are capable of producing. It appears as if the Arkansas Activities Association will add a "Finals" weekend for baseball next school year. This will bring the finalists from all classifications to one site for a recognition banquet and two days of championship baseball. This event would be similar to the basketball championship weekend which has proved to be a huge economic success (46,000 attended last year) for Pine Bluff. Since we have the premier baseball facility in the State, I feel that this year's production would put us in a very strong position to get the bid for next year's Championship Weekend. 9 - 11 . We will be mailing information packets to every AAAA school in Arkansas featuring information about Fayetteville and the U of A. Since all major media centers of the state will be represented in the tournament, we expect strong coverage in the television and • print media. The event itself is the marketing tool for our community. Through it we are selling our town as a great place for state wide high school athletic events. With the • 9 - 1 I . (Cont. ) completion of highway 71 from Alma, we stand to be in a strong position to attract many future events. 12. We are requesting funding of $2000 for the following expenses: * Stadium rental ($ 1500) * Signs and Banners * Hospitality room costs not covered by donations * Security costs * Possible program costs not covered by advertisers * Personnel costs (gate work, announcer, score board, and official book keeper) • • Funding Request for the 2"v Annual HAWK'S (Hard at Work Kids) AAU Basketball Tournament • February 27, 28 & March 1, 1998 Name of Sponsoring Organization: The Conley Foundation, Inc. (Non-Profit) Mike Conley - (501 )575- 1877 5345 West Wheeler, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72704 (Makes Checks Payable to Conley Foundation, Inc.) Purpose of the Tournament The purpose of this tournament is to promote youth athletics in the Northwest Arkansas area and have a premiere tournament for youth ages 10 to 13. In addition to promoting Fayetteville, Northwest Arkansas, The University of Arkansas and the State of Arkansas. The youth that participate in this tournament is truly the future of America. They have drive initiative, ambition and are exceptional young men and women. We want to keep them ' focused in the right direction and teach them the team concept and ideals. • Period of Operation: February 27 - March 1 , 1998 Location of Event: Barnhill Arena, University of Arkansas Ramay Junior High School Gym Background & History: 2nd Annual Tournament - Spearheaded by Mike Conley, Olympic Gold Medalist (1992) Team Participation: 13 and Under AAU/BCI Girls & Boys 12 and Under AAU/BCI Girls & Boys 11 and Under AAU/BCI Girls & Boys 10 and Under AAU/BCI Boys Anticipating thirty teams from Arkansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Kansas (approximately 1 , 140 people for three days) Imane. • The area has a wonderful vacation setting , as well as the University of Arkansas and the quality of living in Fayetteville and Northwest Arkansas is equally wonderful. Mike Conley, Olympic Gold Medalist from the 1992 Olympics, sponsors this event giving the city of Fayetteville a great role model for these young athletes. Marketing Plan: • Mailed out over three-hundred flyers with packets of information on Fayetteville to participating teams. Advertised in the Kansas City Star, Arkansas Democrat Gazette, Tulsa World, Commerical Appeal out of Memphis, Tennessee, and St. Louis Post Dispatch . Exposure in all area newspapers as well as local television stations. KARK TV out of Little Rock, KidCam. Proposed Budget*: '(based on last year's figures with 24 team participation) Information Packets & Postage 286. 00 Equipment & Supplies 630.00 Scorekeepers and Referees 2240.00 Trophies and Awards 12980.00 Gym Rental 350.00 Site Directors (6 shifts at $80.00 per shift) 480.00 Head Official 150.00 Promotion and Marketing 280.00 Maintenance/Gym Site Cleanup 480.00 Endowment Scholarship 500.00 • Total Expenses $7, 196.00 Entry Fees (30 X$ 125. 00=$3,750 - *625.00 )_ -3125. 00 *Teams traveling over 225 miles entry fee free Gate Receipts -1000. 00 Deficit Balance 31071 . 00 Funding Request from A&P -2.000.00 Any outstanding expenses will be covered from contributions from other community resources. • a°arrih ,er A .ena AAU Tournament • Universitv of Ar_ ansas H . A . W . K . S "Hard At Work KidS" 4 State Championship $ 125 . 00 - February 28 - March 1 Games Played at Barnhill Arena on the University of Arkansas Campus Fayetteville , Arkansas Boys Ages: Girls Ages: 4u' Grade 10 & Under AAUIBCI 11 & Under AAU 5' Grade 11 & Under AAU/BCI 12 & Under AAU • 6`" Grade 12 & Under AAU/BCI 13 & Under AAU 7'hGrade 13 & Under AAU/BCI 3 Game Guarantee - Entry Deadline February 20, 1998 Contact: Mike Conley (501 )575-1877 or John Freeman (501 )521 -8698 • Mailing Address: H .A.W. K . 'S 1155 West 6' St. , Suite C9 Fayetteville, AR 72701 Fax: H .A.W. K. 'S (501 )443-6668 Come Play the Best Teams from Oklahoma , Arkansas , Missouri & Kansas City of Fayetteville - Trolley Operation Regular Route • 1996 Activity 1997 Activity Average Average Trip Days of Trips Per Trip Days of Trips Per Month Count Operation Day Count Operation Day Jan. 963 19.50 49.38 891 21 . 50 41 .44 Feb. 13010 22.50 44.89 11029 22.00 46.77 March 931 22.50 41 .38 11191 23.50 50.68 April 11045 24.50 42.65 11097 24.00 45.71 May 11056 24.00 44.00 11131 23. 50 48. 13 June 11149 23.00 49.96 11327 23.00 57.70 July 11218 24.00 50.75 11442 24.00 60.08 Aug. 11270 24.50 51 .84 11289 23. 50 54.85 Sept. 11113 21 .50 51 .77 11359 23.00 59.09 Oct. 11065 25.00 42.60 11727 25.50 67.73 Nov. 891 21 .00 42.43 11337 23.00 58. 13 Dec. 922 22.00 41 .91 11472 23.00 64.00 12 633 274.00 46. 13 15,292 279.50 54.53 Average Trips Per Day • 80 60 40 20 0 Jan. March May July Sept. Nov. Feb. April June Aug. Oct. Dec. 01996 m199 Trip Summary of OtheLT-roll€y Trips December 19977) Count Fayetteville Free Weekly 75 City of Fayetteville 2 • TOTAL - OTHER TROLLEY TRIPS 77 \TROLLEY MEETING NOTICE The Advertising and Promotion Commission will meet as a Committee of the whole on Monday , January 19 , 1998 at 2 : 00 P . M . at Chamber of Commerce for the purpose of selecting an architect for the remainder of the Town Center project . The Committee will follow the City of Fayetteville professional selection policy and select from qualifications of architects on file with the Purchasing Manager . The following will attend the meeting : Hanna , Williams , Fennel , Jerde , Waselues , Maguire , and Shipley . Peggy Best and Marilyn Snapp will attend as ex - officio members . • • I