HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-07-11 - Agendas - Final MEETING NOTICE The Advertising and Promotion Commission will meet on Monday , July 11 , 1994 at 2 : 00 p . m . in the Chamber of. Commerce Conference Room , ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION July 11 , 1994 2 : 00 p . m . Chamber of Commerce I . Call to Order II . Reports A . Approval of Minutes B . Financial - Ben Mayes C . Convention and Visitor Activity - Marilyn Johnson D . Blackwood /Martin Agency Report - Susan Stirewalt III . Old Business A . High School Invitational Basketball Tournament B . Lake Fayetteville Project IV . New Business • A . League of Women Voters brochure - $ 5 , 000 B . Razorback signs - $ 1505 V . Adjourn A copy of a agreement to renew the advertising agreement between the A & P Commission and Blackwood /Martin & Associates is attached . • • GROUP : ADVERTISING 6 PROMOTION COMMISSION DATE : June 13 , 1994 PRESENT : Coy Kaylor Susan Stirewalt Joe Fennel Ben Mayes Woody Bassett Marilyn Johnson Jon Davidson Steve Ward Linda McBride Jim Waselues ABSENT : Fred Hanna CALL TO ORDER : The meeting was called to order by Chairman Coy Kaylor at 2 : 00 p . m . at the Chamber of Commerce . MONTHLY REPORTS : MINUTES Moved by McBride , second by Waselues to approve the minutes of the May meeting . Motion carried . • FINANCIAL Ben Mayes presented the financial report for May . HMR collections were $ 72 , 077 in May , an increase of 23 . 088 over 1993 collections . Total year to date collections are $ 338 , 036 , an increase of 20 . 55 % . May expenditures were $ 253 , 707 . Year to date expenditures $ 544 . 612 . Motion by Fennel , second by Davidson to approve the financial report . Motion carried . ACTIVITY REPORT Marilyn Johnson reviewed May activities of Convention Visitor Development . 800 number calls received in May totaled 892 calls . Year - to -date calls are up 36 % over 1993 . Inquiry responses for April were 4 , 251 . Year to date inquiries received are 18 , 803 . Convention activity has been strong in May . Articles have been submitted for the American Bus Association Top 100 Events in North America and the SEC Preview Magazine for Basketball and football . NATA advertising sales and NATA fall calendar of events have received assistance . A relocation guide is being bid for printing . - The design will coordinate with our other brochures . • Moved by McBride , second by Waselues to approve the Convention Visitor Report . Motion carried . • AGENCY REPORT Susan Stirewalt introduced Shelly Reinders who will be the account assistant . The Agency is proceeding with placement approved by the A & P Commission at its last meeting . They are waiting on sales of the NATA ads to determine whether they will have 1 or 2 pages for the Fayetteville ad . They are working on a press release of fall activities and a separate press release on Lights of the Ozarks . After discussion , a motion was made by Waselues to extend the agency contract for one year beginning July 1 , 1994 , second by Fennel . Motion carried . OLD BUSINESS : RECONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FROM ASSOCIATION OF INTERNATIONAL EDUCATORS Jon Davidson moved to reconsider request from Association of International Educators for promotional train ride used as a drawing card for participants to conference , November 2 - 4 , 1994 . Expected attendance is 260 people for 2 1 / 2 days . Overall impact of conference is $ 125 , 000 . Davidson explained that he felt this was a true use of A & P dollars to promote Fayetteville , to increase travel , and a way to increase attendance at the conference . Motion died for lack of a • second . NEW BUSINESS HIGH SCHOOL INVITATIONAL BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT FHS Coach Barry Gebhart presented a proposal for host a high school invitational basketball tournament in December of 1995 . Profits from the tournament would be used to upgrade high school sports facilities . $ 50 , 000 was requested to pay for brochures , t - shirts , newspaper advertising , tv , radio and other media . McBride requested that Coach Gebhart identify specifics of where money will be spent . Fennel said tournament could be added to Lights of the Ozarks festival . Bassett said the third week in December was an excellent time to boost hotel and motel revenue . Gebhart was requested to come back with a more detailed plan . Fennel said a group should be put together and that group should visit Bristol , TN tournament . GARY HAMPTON MEMORIAL GIRLS SLO-PITCH SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT McBride noted that money was to be spent advertising and promoting the tournament that the request should be submitted in advance of the tournament which was June 4 - 5 . No motion was received regarding the request for $ 2 , 000 . • LEAGUE OF WOMEN BROCHURES No one was present to discuss the League request . No written materials were received . • NCAA CHAMPIONSHIP BANNERS John Cox , operations supervisor at Drake Field request that the Advertising and Promotions Commission pay $ 495 for 2 double - sided vinyl banners to celebrate the Razorback NCAA championship victories in basketball and track and field . The University will pay $ 835 . Waselues moved to provide $ 495 for 2 banners , second by Davidson . Motion carried . CCE REQUEST Donnie Dutton reported that bids would be open tomorrow on audio editing system ( $ 40 , 000 - $ 50 , 000 ) . They are writing specs for mixing board and video editing system . Fennel reflected that the HMR tax was passed to build the CCE . There does not seem to be sentiment to support building another convention center if Springdale builds one . CCE proved that they can build convention business and increase profits to Fayetteville . Support of CCE by taking care of what we have and paying back some of the $ 1 . 1 million dollars in state turnback money which the CCE has generated deserves a look for uses of the reserve funds . Bassett said the CCE has been a great thing . It was • .impressive that Dutton has already matched the money allocated by A & P . It is fair to consider more money for CCE . McBride would like to consider CCE . The A & P Commission needs to set priorities of large amounts of funds needed . She suggested a " think tank " to talk about long term needs . Kaylor said he could appoint a committee to look at the big picture . No action was taken on CCE request . OTHER BUSINESS Bassett said he wanted more time before voting to spend money on specific projects but he wanted to move money from present escrow for convention center . He said the city is strapped for funds . It is faced with a tremendous growth of city . There are few uses legally of A & P funds . Public recreation funds and square gardens are legal uses . Bassett introduced Susan Driver , chairman of the Parks and Recreation Board . She discussed the 5 year projected needs for ball facilities . Funds from A & P would allow Parks and • Recreation to complete the projects in the 5 year period . The plan is for organized sports only . They are turning teams away because of the lack of fields . There will be no deficit costs for A & P and will provide revenue year after • year for A & P . Bassett moved that the commission remove $ 700 , 000 in escrow and that the money be freed up for other purposes , second by McBride . Bassett indicated that he would wait until July for a specific proposal on how to spend the money in escrow . Fennel said that $ 600 , 000 was short term progress for Fayetteville . The City Council needs to go to the city voters for money . The parks problems is a problem for the city of Fayetteville not an Advertising and Promotion problem . The issue needs to be looked at from a broad perspective not just for baseball . Look at basketball as an example . Bassett said he was not personally wedded to any particular sport He was just trying to get money for public recreation . The city has debt problems , growth needs . It is an excellent point " asking the public to look long range . " Steve Ward inquired about Lyn Edens proposal for 1 mil property tax ' to be used for parks and recreation . It was reported that it was on the agenda . Davidson said he was concerned about his two young children • who were approaching the age of playing sports . However , he was also concerned about what would happen to HMR revenues in the future . He preferred maintaining a small escrow for the next 2 - 3 years to see if the regional airport would be built and what its effects would be on the A & P budget . Fennel said that based on 210 , 000 passengers at Drake Field and 80 % of those going to Wal -Mart , Fayetteville would lose . There are economic things to look at . Motion carried . PRIORITIES MEETING McBride moved that a meeting be held to set priorities with the reserve money , second by Fennel . Motion carried . Marilyn was instructed to set day long meeting on Saturday or Sunday for commissioners to sit down and plan . Diane Bostick , chairman of Convention Visitor Committee of the Chamber of Commerce , said her committee had been discussing such a meeting and would like to be involved in long range plan to market Fayetteville and to set long range goals . • Davidson said the Hilton was preparing target market for next 3 years and was looking for convention business to replace lost corporate travelers . A new airport removes Fayetteville from the focus of the target market . He anticipates having to replace a significant loss of business . Kaylor said there was still to come a push for the Clinton Presidential Library . There would be a certain economic benefit to having that here . John Kalagias announced the acquisition of a TBM avenger from Pensacola which was approved by the Air Museum Board . The next step is getting approval of the airport board to construct a building to house the plane in a natural setting as it sat on the floor of Lake Michigan . There being no further business , the meeting was adjourned . Respectfully submitted , � r I aAl&t.) 94AA&,1 Marilyn Johnson Director Convention and Visitor Development • City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Monthly HMR Tax Collections 1992- 1994 0 1992 1993 1993 1994 1994 Total Total Change Over Total Change Over HMR Taxes HMR Taxes Prior Year HMR Taxes Prior Year January $ 50,826 $ 54, 149 6.54% $ 719070 31 .25% February 440489 51 ,929 16.72% 609389 16.29% March 489140 54,606 13.43% 64,306 17.76% April 58,202 61 , 155 5.07% 70, 193 14.78% May 55, 172 58,564 6. 15% 72,787 24.29% June 55,826 57,092 2.27% 73,001 27.87% July 551276 58,219 5.32% 0 August 55$ 39 70,637 27. 18% 0 September 59,275 68,287 15.20% 0 October 55,410 67,710 22.20% 0 November 68,243 749385 9.00% 0 December 52,797 590364 12.44% 0 • Total $ 659, 193 $ 736,097 11 .67%' $ 411 ,746 go HMR Tax Collections By Month 70 l 6031 50 .,i 9 40 30 31 i I i 20 10 i 0 January February March April May June July August September October November December • D 1992 I ! 1993 1994 \HMRTAX Advertising & Promotion Commission Financial Report - Expenditures For the Month Ending June 30, 1994 • 1994 YTD June Budget Item Budget Expenses Remaining Expenses 800 Telephone Number (Chamber of Commerce) $10,000 $5,000 $5,000 Air Museum 50,000 25,000 25,000 Audit Expense 100 100 Chamber of Commerce Contract 100,000 75,000 25,000 Collection Expense 30,000 16,470 13,530 21920 Convention Development 47,500 11 ,257 36,243 51857 Convention Folders 61474 3,927 2,547 Convention Services 51000 19565 3,435 11565 Public Notification (BMA Contract) 200,000 120, 119 79,881 229616 Trolley Program - Ozark Public Transit & Misc. 71 ,500 12, 112 59,388 21449 Trolley Purchase 52,500 22, 179 30,321 Festival Support: Springfest 91000 91000 0 Music Festival 91000 91000 0 643 Autumnfest 91000 91000 0 Lights of the Ozarks 299000 20,000 91000 Brochures: University Museum 49555 49555 • Parks Brochure 61842 6,035 807 Brochures 23,158 11 ,946 11 ,212 11 ,946 Special Projects: 4 Corners Ancestor Fair 2,000 21000 0 AAU Region IX Track Meet Advertising 550 391 159 391 Air Museum - Aircraft Transportation 3,500 21988 512 2,988 Airport Brochure Rack 257 257 American College Theatre Festival 39000 31000 Am. Legion Mid -South Regional Tournament 132120 12, 120 11000 12,120 Ark. Federation of Gymnastics T-Shirts 11500 19425 75 11425 City Entrances 21100 2,100 CEC Equipment Replacement 200,000 200,000 0 Fay. Lakes Restoration Project 25,000 25,000 0 File Photo Updates 21500 313 21187 Henry Awards Contribution 500 500 0 Joe Martin Memorial Stage Race (Fay. Wheelmen) 11955 11955 0 Lights of Ozarks - Dismantling 170 100 70 Mayors Conference on Tourism (Carryover) 31000 39000 NATA Co -op Advertising 61048 6,048 NCAA Championship Banner 495 495 NCAA Women's Regional T- Shirts 19500 1 ,500 0 Sound System - Downtown Square 10,000 10,000 Square Gardens/Dickson Street Parking Maint. 40,000 40,000 Walton Arts Center Advertising 41000 31657 - 343 • Washington County Historical Society 12,500 12,500 12,500 WRMC Benefit Gala Advertising 21000 2,000 0 2,000 Unallocated 77,577 77,577 TOTAL $1 ,076,901 $624,061 $452,840 $79,421 ACTIVITY REPORT • JUNE , 1994 800 NUMBER June 1994 : 614 YTD 19994 : 4565 3 7 June 1993 : 493 YTD 1993 : 3395 June_1992 : 349 YTD 1992 : 2016 INQUIRY RESPONSES - June 94 Tourist - 282 1994 YTD 2465 June 93 Tourist - 316 1993 YTD - 2937 June 94 Advertising Response - 1313 1994 YTD - 15 , 984 June 93 Advertising Response - 2047 1993 YTD - 13 , 738 June 94 Relocation - 387 1994 YTD - 2336 May 93 Relocation - 358 1993 YTD - 2306 June 1994 Total Inquiries - 1982 June 1993 Total Inquiries - 2721 YTD 1994 Total Inquiries - 20 , 785 C0 YTD 1993 Total Inquiries - 18 , 981 CONVENTION ACTIVITY Conventions - Good Sam ' s Camper Meeting ( bid for 95 ) American Legion baseball tournament Hoopin ' It Up in the Ozarks Women ' s Basketball Association Jet Tours Economics and Tourism Trade Show - Arkadelphia Arkansas Municipal League Industrial Developers of Arkansas Meetings - Lights of the Ozarks Chamber Business After Hours Autumnfest Wendy ' s grand opening Walton Arts Center season rollout Convention Visitor Committee Meeting with architect on Exhibit Hall Northwest Arkansas Tourism Association Downtown Fayetteville Unlimited Chamber Quarterly Luncheon Northwest Arkansas Hospitality Association Monthly master Calendar of Events printed in Northwest Arkansas Times Media Relations - Relocation guide prepared and printed • Canadian Business News - August issue Ozark Guide Book - Stuart Silverman Statesman - article on tourism f Mike Echols - book on CPT Program 11 Corporate Meetings and Incentives - Dianne Voris New Choices Magazine - Terest Brain U of A Journalism - video on tourism Media ( June placement ) - Arkansas Alumni Arkansas Tour Guide Friendly Exchange Tri HMR COLLECTION COMPARISON June 1994 : $ 73 , 001 June 1993 : $ 57 , 092 Percent Increase 27 . 878 YTD 1994 : $ 411 , 746 YTD 1993 : $ 337 , 495 Percent Increase 22 . 00 % MAY Top 10 HMR COLLECTIONS Hilton Clarion Ryan ' s Chili ' s Kirby ' s • Jose ' s Red Lobster A . Q . Chicken McDonald ' s 50 ' s Taco Bell AGREEMENT TO EXERCISE THE OPTION TO RENEW THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS AND BLACKWOOD/MARTIN & ASSOCIATES , INC . DATED 12 JUNE 1994 WHEREAS , the Agreement made and entered into between the Advertising and Promotion Commission of Fayetteville , Arkansas , hereinafter called " Client " and the Blackwood/Martin & Associates , Inc . , hereinafter called "Agency" , dated 12 June 1992 provides that the contract is for a period of one year beginning July 1 , 1992 , and that the Client shall have the option to renew the contract under the same terms and conditions for two additional one year periods ; and , WHEREAS , the aforementioned agreement was extended by the Client for a period of one year beginning July 1 , 1993 ; and , • WHEREAS , the Client wishes to exercise said option and extend the term of said agreement for the remaining one year period . NOW , THEREFORE , IN CONSIDERATION OF THE COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS stated herein , and in consideration of the mutual benefits which will accrue to each of the parties hereof , the parties have agreed and do hereby agree as follows : 1 . 0 Renewal , The Client hereby exercises the option of renewal contained in the Agreement between the Client and the Agency dated 12 June 1992 for a one ( 1 ) year period commencing on the 1st day of July 1994 and terminating on June 30 , 1995 , 2 . 0 Re-adoption of terms of agreement dated 12 June 1992 , The Agreement between the Client and the Agency . dated 12 June 1992 is hereby re-adopted and agreed to by the parties and is attached hereto and made a part hereof as if set forth herein , word for word . WITNESS OUR HANDS on the c;?3 day of 94ii„ 1994 , at Fayetteville , Arkansas . ADVvnTISING P OMOT ON COMMISSION - Chairman CK OOD/ A CIATES , INC . President ATTEST : U !an= Title : cin d U.ia.�.tez. .&�.e cpmu�