HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-03-14 - Agendas - Final �. MEETING NOTICE The Advertising and Promotion Commission will meet on Monday , March 14 , 1994 at 2 : 00 p . m . in the Chamber of Commerce Conference Room , ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION March 1*, 1994 2 : 00 p . m . Chamber of Commerce I . Call to Order II . Reports A . Approval of Minutes B . Financial - Ben Mayes Co Convention and Visitor Activity - Marilyn Johnson D . Blackwood/Martin Agency Report - Susan Stirewalt E . Convention Center Study Committee - Bill Clodfelter III . Old Business Q't' A . $ 20 , 000 loan to Lights of the Ozarks — B . Continuing Education Center request - $ 200 , 000 — Ld 9 � N9tte-r � IV . New Business • A . Washington Regional Medical Foundation - Bill t Rogers V . Adjourn y< GROUP : ADVERTISING 6 PROMOTION COMMISSION • DATE : February 10 , 1994 PRESENT : Coy Kaylor Woody Bassett Joe Fennel Steve Ward Fred Hanna Marilyn Johnson Bill Clodfelter Ben Mayes Jim Waselues Susan Stirewalt Linda McBride ABSENT : None CALL TO ORDER : The meeting was called to order by Chairman Coy Kaylor at 2 : 00 p . m , at the Chamber of Commerce . INTRODUCTION OF COMMISSIONER Coy Kaylor introduced Linda McBride as a member of the Advertising and Promotion Commission . She replaces Fred Vorsanger . MONTHLY REPORTS : MINUTES • Moved by Hanna , second by Fennel to approve the minutes of E . the January meeting . Motion carried . FINANCIAL Ben Mayes presented the financial report for January . HMR collections were $ 71 , 070 in January , an increase of 31 . 258 over 1993 collections . This can be attributed to the Lights of the Ozarks , the basketball games in Walton Arena , and the movie " Frank and Jesse " which used Fayetteville as its headquarters . The only budget total expenses for January were $ 50 , 000 for the Chamber of Commerce contract . For informational purposes the revised 1994 budget with rollovers from 1993 budget was included in the agenda . It will be presented to the Council on March 1 . Motion by Hanna , second by Waselues to approve the financial report . Motion carried . ACTIVITY REPORT Marilyn Johnson reviewed January activities of Convention Visitor Development . 800 number inquiries indicated an increase in calls over 1993 . Total inquiry responses for January were 959 , an increase of 81 . 68 over last year . Johnson reviewed upcoming conventions and festival activity . • Placement in January was noted . She will be attending Travel South and meeting with tour operators regarding including -' Fayetteville in their destinations . Moved by Clodfelter , second by Hanna to approve the Convention Visitor Report . Motion carried . BLACKWOOD MARTIN AGENCY REPORT Susan Stirewalt reviewed agency activity . They are in the middle of placement now . New parks brochure was distributed . Motion by Waselues , second by Clodfelter to approve Agency report . Motion carried . CONVENTION CENTER STUDY SUBCOMMITTEE Bill Clodfelter reviewed the work of the committee and their recommendation that a study of the financial feasibility ( Can we afford to build an exhibit hall / convention center with present HMR income ? ) be conducted . The committee had interviewed the three firms which submitted an RFP and chosen Wittenberg , Delony & Davidson , Inc . to perform the work . Bassett asked about waiting until March 1 to do the study to see if Hammonds exercises his option on the land in Springdale . Fennel said the study was needed now to determine if we can afford to even talk about building a convention center . We need to build something which will generate income . Kaylor indicated if the study showed that neither Fayetteville or Springdale can afford to do a a facility , then other options might have to be pursued . The study will put us in a good bargaining position . McBride asked if funds could be co-mingled between cities . Clodfelter said this is the most conservative thing we can do besides wait . We have one basic question - Can we afford to build it ? Kaylor said if the economic impact is so great , we need to know where we go from here . Motion by Fennel , second by Clodfelter to hire Wittenberg , Delony & Davidson , Inc . to perform a limited scope financial feasibility study for $ 10 , 750 . 00 . Attached amended proposal request is attached . Motion carried unanimously . OLD BUSINESS : LIGHTS OF THE OZARKS LOAN Marilyn Johnson requested that the commission make a decision of the loan for Lights of the Ozarks festival since there had been discussion subsequent to the loan that it be made a grant . Commissioners requested that George Smith appear at the next meeting and see what the Lights committee want to do with the loan . • NEW BUSINESS : • NCAA WOMEN ' S MIDEAST REGIONAL ' Bill Smith and Kelly Hyne of the University Women ' s Athletic Department requested $ 1500 to pay for T- shirts for NCAA Regional Tournament t- shirts which will be presented to participants . Motion by Bassett , second by Hanna that the A & P Commission pay for the shirts which will advertise Fayetteville at the four schools which participate . Motion carried . JOE MARTIN MEMORIAL STAGE RACE John Lewis made a presentation for the Fayetteville Wheelmen . 266 racers and their families attended the race last year and they are expecting more than 300 this year . Fennel mentioned that attaining the status of a sanctioned race puts this race back on course . Moved by Clodfelter , second by Hanna to fund $ 1 , 955 . 00 for an ad in Velo News , direct mail to 2400 potential riders . Motion carried . HENRY AWARDS CONTRIBUTION A letter was received from Bob Purvis , Eureka Springs Chamber of Commerce requesting support from the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission for the Henry Awards to be presented at Governor ' s Conference . Motion by Joe Fennel to send them $ 500 , second by Linda McBride . Motion carried . • OTHER BUSINESS Linda McBride inquired if we had looked into a private investor to build a convention center and hotel . We have not at this time . Coy assigned Linda to the Exhibit Hall / Convention Center subcommittee . Commissioners were asked to respond to Marilyn by Friday if they wished for her to make reservations for Governor ' s Conference in Ft . Smith for them . There being no further business , the meeting was adjourned at 3 : 00 p . m . Respectfully submitted , Marilyn Johnson Director Convention and Visitor Development City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Monthly HMR Tax Collections 1992- 1994 1992 1993 1993 1994 1994 Total Total Change Over Total Change Over HMRTaxes HMR Taxes Prior Year HMR Taxes Prior Year January $ 50,826 $ 543149 6.54% $ 71 ,070 31 .25% February 44,489 512929 16.72% 60,389 16.29°%o March 48, 140 54,606 13.43% 0 April 582202 61 , 155 5.07% 0 May 55, 172 58,564 6. 15% 0 June 55,826 57,092 2.27% 0 July 552276 58,219 5.32% 0 August 552539 70,637 27. 18% 0 September 592275 68,287 15.20% 0 October 55,410 67,710 22.20% 0 November 68,243 74,385 9.00% 0 December 52,797 59,364 12.44% 0 • Total $ 659, 193 $ 736,097 P11 .67% $ 131 ,459 80 HMR Tax Collections By Month 70 60 50 0 40 r F 30 20 10 0 January February March April May June July August September October November December D 1992 D 1993 1994 1H M RTAX Advertising & Promotion Commission Financial Report - Expenditures For the Month Ending February 28, 1994 • 1994 YTD February Budget Item Budget Expenses Remaining Expenses 800 Telephone Number (Chamber of Commerce) $10,000 $2,500 $7,500 $2,500 Air Museum 50,000 129500 37,500 12500 Audit Expense 100 100 Chamber of Commerce Contract 100,000 509000 502000 Collection Expense 30,000 5,258 24,742 21416 Convention Development 47,500 479500 Convention Folders 6,474 31927 21547 3,927 Convention Services 51000 51000 Public Notification (BMA Contract) 200,000 22,004 177,996 22,004 Trolley Program - Ozark Public Transit 71 ,500 21235 69,265 21235 Trolley Purchase 52,500 219705 30,795 21 ,705 Festival Support: Springfest 93000 9,000 Music Festival 91000 11428 71572 1 ,428 Autumnfest 91000 91000 0 91000 Lights of the Ozarks 91000 91000 Brochures: University Museum 49555 41555 • Parks Brochure 6,842 61842 Brochures 23, 158 23, 158 Special Projects: 4 Corners Ancestor Fair 21000 21000 0 • 2,000 Airport Brochure Rack 257 257 American College Theatre Festival 31000 31000 Am. Legion Mid - South Regional Tournament 13, 120 13, 120 City Entrances 29100 21100 Fay. Lakes Restoration Project 259000 25,000 0 25,000 File Photo Updates 21500 313 29187 313 Girl's Softball Tournament 10,000 10,000 Henry Awards Contribution 500 Joe Martin Memorial Stage Race (Fay. Wheelmen) 11955 Lights of Ozarks - Dismantling 170 100 70 100 Mayors Conference on Tourism (Carryover) 31000 39000 NCAA Women's Regional T-Shirts 11500 Sound System - Downtown Square 10,000 10,000 Square Gardens/Dickson Street Parking Maint. 40,000 40,000 Walton Arts Center Advertising 49000 41000 Unallocated 94,170 94, 170 TOTAL $856,901 $157,971 $694,975 $105, 128 ACTIVITY REPORT • e 1994 800 NUMBER February 1994 : 370 YTD 1994 : 658 February 1993 : 248 YTD 1993 : 393 February 1992 : 198 YTD 1992 : 306 INQUIRY RESPONSES Feb . 94 Tourist - 231 1994 YTD - 428 Feb . 93 Tourist - 329 1993 YTD - 618 Feb . 94 Advertising Response - 217 1994 YTD - 641 Feb . 93 Advertising Response - 366 1993 YTD - 429 Feb . 94 Relocation - 339 1994 YTD - 677 Feb . 93 Relocation - 555 1993 YTD - 731 February 1994 Total Inquiries - 787 February 1993 Total Inquiries - 1250 CONVENTION ACTIVITY Conventions - White Rock Enduro & 2 day I . S . D . E . Qualifier , sponsored by Razorback Riders , Inc . NCAA Women ' s Mideast Regional Basketball 4 Corners Ancestor Fair Japanese Tour Group Festivals - Lights of the Ozarks meeting with Springdale , Rogers , Siloam Springs Meetings - Convention Center Feasibility Study committee meetings Business After Hours -Chamber Fayetteville AM - Chamber Northwest Arkansas Hospitality Association meeting Northwest Arkansas Tourism Association meeting Downtown Fayetteville Unlimited meeting Conferences - Arkansas Festival Association ( Hot Springs ) Misc . - Travel South Showcase ( Nashville , Tennessee ) Brochure Ambassadors Meeting with Jose ' s re : brochures and employee training Monthly master Calendar of Events printed in Northwest Arkansas Times Media Relations - Southeastern Group Tour Magazine ( spring • issue Media ( January placement ) - Arkansas Alumni Arkansas Tour Guide Convention South Democrat Gazette Destinations Ft . Smith SW Times Record Southern Living Travel Guides Trip Vista USA HMR COLLECTION COMPARISON February 1994 : $ 60 , 389 February 1993 : $ 51 , 929 Percent Increase 16 . 298 YTD 1994 : $ 131 , 459 YTD 1993 : $ 106 , 078 Percent Increase 23 . 928 APPLICATION FORM For appointment to City Boards , Cortaissions , and Coanittees 1or, \ ***Please Print or Type all Answers• V '• • NAME : �• I� AVII� S O YI / Stn5An1 soe . sec . i y -) �7 - -10 - zZ93 ( If married, please give spouse ' s first name ) eAS? AYE.NV6 Curcul uon: ( Do not write in this spate . ) .Resident Street Address 1 �Ay6 1WV) 0 72 01 City IZip Code Terminate : 5 rot Yn 17 Appointed: Mailing Address Zip Code Tern Expires : // Replaced: TELEPHONE NUMBER : Home : 15EjZ442 ^ SSSS Business : 514 hl.} � REFERENCES : / 1' OCCUPATION/EMPLOYER NAME : f7Ayt fB V+ ULE ); L' ro /Y Wax .1 ) D !i T��iLplrk LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN FAYETiEVILLE 1r+ Dn� ns Address S 1DI�X �ALLS � 5 ,] ll�� l Phone MMCbcs� '33� - 231 I CHOICE OF COITTEE : 1 -Y'1tJ` 1S112A Y Ybrn-04) V Mex 1'Yl '.NA6L YYI111LL619D1� LOMm75S � 6 5 Address W ) �}171g2r mN Phone�blz � z3s — 6 o G a 1 . what are your qualifications for serving on this committee, including education and expertise in the subject matter? l • �LEt456 RE'F�14 � Pr � cttso fL6oenxg • 2 . why would you tike to be considered for appointment to this comittee7 - P Lv 145re R�•F'�z. '�a R-'NNC �.� •2�SA�rS� RETURN THIS APPLICATION TO: Sherry Thomas, City Clerk' s Office, 113 W. Mountain St . , Fayetteville . If you have any questions , call 575.8523. if you are not appointed, your application will be kept for one year and will autoamtically be resutiitted during that time. After a year if you want to be considered for a position, you will need to reapply. The following are responses to items 1 and 2 from the preceding Advertising and Promotion application form . 1 . Attached is a brief history of my past employment and associated activities . I served in a similar capacity in St . Cloud , Minnesota , where I was a commissioner of the first Tourism and Convention Development Commission and participated in the creation of the criteria and application requirements . Being a new member of the community , as well as a "new player" in the region ' s hospitality industry , I inherit a vested interest in the city ' s advertising and promotion effort . I have had many opportunities in recent years to be associated with various civic events , as well as conventions and conferences and feel I can offer valuable information to the challenges that the commission is faced with . 2 . I would like the opportunity to be involved in enhancing the Fayetteville area ' s promotion effort . My family and I are very excited to be in this area and have valued the wonderful experiences Fayetteville has to offer . As a hotelier , directly affected by Fayetteville ' s overall success , I want to have the opportunity to play a part in it ' s continuing development . • IRuffM%m ®I7l� �II o ®IIT 727w WORK EUERIENCE GENERAL MANAGER 9 / 90 - 9 /92 Sunwood Inn and Convention Center St . Cloud , Minnesota 230- room full - service convention center in central Minnesota generating 3 . 6 million in annual revenue . ASSISTAAT GENERAL ?TANAGER 11 /89 - 9/ 90 Best Western Ramkota Inn Sioux calls , South Dakota 240- room full - service convention center in eastern South Dakota generating 5 . 6 million in annual revenue . ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER/ FOOD & BEVERAGE DIRECTOR 11 / 87 - 11 /89 • Canterbury Inn Shakopee , Minnesota 175- room full-service hotel generating 2 . 8 million in annual revenue . ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER 7/85 - 11 /87 Holiday Inn Burnsville , Minnesota 147- room full -service hotel generating 2 . 7 million in annual revenue . NIGHT AUDITOR/ FRONT DESK SUPERVISOR 6/ 83 - 7/ 85 Best Western Thunderbird Hotel Bloomington , Minnesota 257-room full-service convention hotel . NIGHT AUDITOR 2/83 - 6/ 83 Red Roof Inn Burnsville , Minnesota 85- room limited service property . • EDUCATION Reede Gray Elementary School Redwood Falls , Minnesota Redwood Falls High School Redwood Falls , Minnesota F & B Management Program Holiday Inn University Olive Branch , Mississippi ACCOMPLISHMENTS *Certified Food & Beverage Executive through Educational Institute *Steering committee member for Educational Institute *Advisory Board member for Educational Institute *St . Cloud Area CSB Advisory Board member *St . Cloud Tourism and Convention Development Commissioner *Minnesota Hospitality Association Joint Legislative Cmte member *Municipal Metro Affairs Division member *Legislative Affairs Division member • ^ _ • •O _ 'u ^ n P V 9 1 N ^ ^ ^ I N V qP •'i b O .-. .^. ry n 1 .. 1 ^ .N.. V 1 .•. ON N N I ?.•-1 N ^ N ^ n N � ".v vvN _ v 1 CI • ✓1 /'. V •"I 1 N V 6� N K v v O`+ y N V 1 r• N N Q 1 N n N 1 m N W Y P 0 C a 1 v N v 1 4 K v V m c O v P 4 N L F N V N L O O O O � _ K �. � C 0 E e QL = 9 ^ m C P O 1 w 1 0 L O O O M w O O Y U 6 O O N M o O Iq O N � f O N QQ m b Vi f m M A N O O h f O M N - C N O 6 w G � e 8 � a u . E 1 K a v H L Y b G O Y 9 � O d Ip 6 pa p W C V O O F r N 9 3 G m aG 3 N L L 1• 'O Y 9 O Y 4 J n pAl pm l N yQV e E CW 1 o C 11, 00 E ¢ OT 1 l� ■ p � S 3 _ Adm z �z � 03�ozwzlo da v 3� fi g O Ta G IBJ Z a �tl C C � 5 � oc N .y X3� KO C =q G O Z > t ¢ n O m c c U O CP15 N c �p CnN tyi ■ tp °8 0 ca j N O � a ✓ c w 0 C N ^ ^ O O 1 N ^ v N I � • Q � •N ^ O N '� ✓ � N l ^1 N O b N V N V N _ •C V � •y � N N fA m C E N N N N _ ••' O O N � _N t i - N 10 W O] � < Cf O C V C n1 Y `E - •1 C !O C 4 O N N f ydj `.r• S � � 1 J N ,.. } K L Y F O K O .may �- � f a FAYETTEVII,LE ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION FUNDING REQUEST NAME OF ORGANIZATION OR EVENT: Washington Regional Medical Foundation Presents "An Evening With The Smothers Brothers. " CONTACT PERSON/ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER Mr. Bill Rogers Washington Regional Medical Foundation P.O. Box 356 Fayetteville, AR 72703 (501) 444-9888 - PURPOSE AND STATUS Washington Regional Medical Foundation and Washington Regional Medical System are both non-profit entities. Proceeds from "An Evening With The Smothers Brothers" will be used to fund the establishment of a Cancer Support Home, the first of its kind in Northwest Arkansas. . EVENT DATE Tuesday, April 26, 1994 EVENTS Walton Arts Center, Baum-Walker Hall BACKGROUND AND HISTORY This event marks the first of what we would like to see as annual performance galas sponsored by Washington Regional Medical Foundation. EXPECTED VISITOR DRAW We anticipate a sell-out crowd of 1 ,200. The majority of persons attending will be from within an approximate 45 mile radius. ANTICIPATED MEDIA EXPOSURE Due to the name recognition factor of The Smothers Brothers, we expect a lot of media excitement surrounding this event. KFSM-TV5 has agreed to be our television sponsor. Ads will be run in The Northwest Arkansas Times, The Morning News, and the Benton County Daily Record beginning March 20. Local print publications such as ArtCetera and InVision Magazine have committed to run articles on the event. Posters have been designed to be displayed throughout Washington and Benton County. Other media channels are still being explored. Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission Funding Request Page 2 IMAGE Washington Regional Medical System and Washington Regional Medical Foundation both have superior images throughout the Northwest Arkansas .area. The idea of a Cancer Support Home has been well received by the community and is an attractive feature of this event. MARKETING PLAN 3,000 teaser postcards were mailed the end of January to prospects. Follow-up letters were mailed to approximately 400 of these persons who we felt might be interested in sponsorship. In mid-March, formal invitations will be sent to this prospect list of 3,000. The first of April, general publicity will step into high gear until the performance date. MARKETING PLAN BUDGET We are currently planning on running seven, 2 X 10 print ads in the three newspapers listed previously. These ads run approximately $ 120 each for a total of $2,520.00 (Note: if all tickets are sold prior to the performance date, the later ads will probably not run). Posters will run $200.00 Television coverage will be provided in return for • sponsorship benefits by KFSM-TVS. FUNDING REQUEST A $2,000.00 sponsorship is being requested. See attached Sponsorship Proposal for more information. WASHINGTON REGIONAL MEDICAL FOUNDATION PRESENTS "AN EVENING WITH THE SMOTHERS BROTHERS" SPONSORSHIP PROPOSAL FOR FAYETTEVILLE ADVERTISING & PROMOTION COMMISSION Washington Regional Medical Foundation is pleased to host the timeless comedy team of Tom and Dick Smothers, also know as the Smothers Brothers, on Tuesday, April 26, 1994 at the Walton Arts Center. This event will tie many elements together to make it a one of a kind evening for Northwest Arkansas residents. The schedule below describes the activities planned around "An Evening with the Smothers Brothers" . 6:30 p. m. : Reception for all ticket holders. 7:30 p.m. : Presentation of the 1994 Eagle Award. 8:00 p.m. : The Smothers Brothers perform. Post Performance: VIP reception with the Smothers Brothers for $1 ,000.00 and up sponsors and select guests. Proceeds from "An Evening with the Smothers Brothers" will go to support a new and very worthy project. This special project is the establishment of a Cancer Support Home. The Cancer Support Home would be a facility designed to address the social and emotional needs of today's cancer patients, their family and friends. Services available would include a cancer resource library, a room for private prosthesis fitting, a wig styling and fitting room, and meeting space for support groups. By participating as a $2,000.00 sponsor, Fayetteville Advertising & Promotion Commission will receive billing as a sponsor in all event publicity prior to and following the event. In addition, Fayetteville Advertising & Promotion Commission will receive the following: Listing in the commemorative program and public recognition at the performance. Permanent recognition on the WRMC donor wall of honor. Six tickets to the performance and general reception. Four backstage passes and tickets for the VIP reception. Preferential seating at the event. Two valet parking passes. Your $2,000 sponsorship will be used to help underwrite event expenses. The amount over expenses will be used to directly support the establishment of the Cancer Support Home. • We believe "An Evening with the Smothers Brothers" and this sponsorship package offer a mutually beneficial relationship for Fayetteville Advertising & Promotion Commission and Washington Regional Medical Foundation. Your consideration of this unique project is greatly appreciated.