HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-11-15 - Agendas - Final MEETING NOTICE The Advertising and Promotion Commission will meet on Monday , November 15 , 1993 at 2 : 00 p . m . in City Hall , room 326 . ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION November 15 , 1993 2 : 00 p . m . City Hall - 326 I . Call to Order II . Reports A . Approval of Minutes B . Financial - Ben Mayes Co Convention and Visitor Activity - Marilyn Johnson D . Blackwood/Martin Agency Report - Susan Stirewalt III . Old Business A . Approval of 1994 Budget 1 . Girls slo -pitch world tournament 2 . American Legion Mid- South Regional Tournament - $ 13 , 120 3 . Parks Brochure - $ 6 , 842 4 . Appointment of Convention Center Study •+ Committee IV . New Business V . Other Business VI . Adjourn _ GROUP : ADVERTISING & PROMOTION COMMISSION • DATE : October 11 , 1993 PRESENT : Coy Kaylor Woody Bassett Joe Fennel Steve Ward Fred Hanna Marilyn Johnson Fred Vorsanger Ben Mayes Bill Clodfelter Susan Stirewalt Jim Waselues Guests ABSENT : None CALL TO ORDER : The meeting was called to order by Chairman Coy Kaylor at 2 : 00 p . m . at City Hall , Room 326 . MONTHLY REPORTS : MINUTES : Motion by Hanna , second by Waselues to approve the minutes as mailed . Motion carried . FINANCIAL : Ben Mayes presented the financial report . HMR collections increased 15 . 208 over 1992 with collections of $ 68 , 287 in September . This is the largest September • collection ever . It should be noted that restaurants not collecting the HMR tax previously have been brought on board . Year to date increase is up 10 . 758 . Budget total expenses to date are $ 395 , 669 . Motion by Clodfelter , second by Hanna to approve the financial report . Motion carried . ACTIVITY REPORT : Marilyn Johnson reviewed activities of Lights of the Ozarks festival and updated Commissioners on Autumnfest . 800 number inquiries were off due in part to change from MCI to A T & T as carrier and delay in response in changing 800 number . Moved by Waselues , second by Clodfelter to approve the Convention Visitor Report . Motion carried . BLACKWOOD MARTIN AGENCY REPORT - Susan Stirewalt reported for the agency that they have finished placement of fall ads . They -have received the 1994 State Plan for advertising and will start planning for next year . Motion by Fennel , second by Bassett to approve agenda report . Motion carried . • _ OLD BUSINESS : CONVENTION FEASIBILITY STUDY - Discussion centered on whether to proceed with study or go a different route . It was the concensus of the committee for Chairman Kaylor to appoint a citizen committee to make a recommendation to the A & P Commission . Motion by Bassett to put the study on hold until Committee makes recommendation . Second by Hanna . Motion carried . Letters will be sent to firms submitting proposals regarding the decision of the Commission . NEW BUSINESS : Funding requests were received from the following : A . ARKANSAS AIR MUSEUM - John Kalaglias requested continued funding for the Air Museum Donations have doubled this year and the visitor count is up considerably . Request - $ 50 , 000 B . FAYETTEVILLE LAKES RESTORATION PROJECT - Bill Ackerman presented a proposal for a phased project for improving Lake Fayetteville , A 3 to 1 match is available . Request - $ 25 , 000 C . SOCIETY FOR THE PRESERVATION AND ENCOURAGEMENT OF BARBER • SHOPUQ ARTET SINGING IN AMERICA - Randy Milliken and John Sugg requested money for establishment of this group and recruitment of regional conventions . Request $ 5 , 000 D . WALTON ARTS CENTER - Bill Mitchell requested the A & P to cooperatively fund advertising with restaurants and the Walton Arts Center . Request - $ 8 , 799 . 45 E . WASHINGTON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY - Ann Sugg requested that the Commission contract with the Washington County Historical Society to conduct the 4 corners Ancestor Fair . Request - $ 2 , 000 F . UNIVERSITY MUSEUM - Museum requested assistance in preparation of brochure advertising Museum and its collections . Request - $ 4 , 555 G . FESTIVALS - Written requests were presented from the four annual festivals . Requests were as follows : Autumnfest - $ 10 , 768 . 61 Lights of the Ozarks - $ 80 , 750 Music Festival of Arkansas - $ 20 , 000 Springfest - $ 10 , 700 H . BUS /TROLLEY - Ben Mayes reviewed the two year bus /trolley request considered by the Commission this year . The first year funding was for the purchase of the buses and the second year was for operation and maintenance only . Request - $ 61 , 000 I . Square Gardens / Dickson Street J . City Entry Beautification - Funding in the amount of $ 2 , 100 is requested for the first of four city entryway signs . Motion by Vorsanger to fund this project now from Special Projects account . Second by Bassett . Motion carried . Request - $ 2 , 100 K . C . C . E . - Upgrade equipment and update furnishings of Continuing Education Center . Request - $ 200 , 000 L . Girls Slo -pitch World Tournament Girls 18 and Under or Girls 16 and Under - Request to help with hosting this tournament . Request subject to winning bid . Should know by mid-November . Request - $ 20 , 819 . 94 M . American College Theatre Festival - Andrew Gibbs presented request for VIP reception and miscellaneous expenses for conference to be held Feb . 23 - 26 , 1994 . Kennedy Center is underwriting judging expenses . First of two years conference will be held here . Request - $ 2 , 600 . OTHER BUSINESS : • Marilyn announced that the Old Miss game had been scheduled for the same weekend as War Eagle in 1994 . This conflict will seriously conflict with available hotel rooms and will hurt HMR revenues . Commissioners requested that a letter be sent to Chancellor Ferritor , Coach Broyles and Roy Cramer , head of SEC ) . Retreat was rescheduled for next week . Marilyn will poll Commissioners and notify them of schedule . Vorsanger asked that the issue of make up of the A & P Commission be addressed since one member of the City Council will be replaced by a member of the public at large . It was decided to advertise for applicants who wished to fill this position . There being no further business , the meeting was adjourned at 4 : 00 p . m . Respectfully submitted , Marilyn Johnson Director Convention and Visitor Development GROUP : ADVERTISING 6 PROMOTION COMMISSION RETREAT DATE : October 18 , 1993 PRESENT : Woody Bassett Steve Ward Fred Hanna Marilyn Johnson Fred Vorsanger Ben Mayes Bill Clodfelter Susan Stirewalt Jim Waselues Guests ABSENT : Coy Kaylor , Joe Fennel CALL TO ORDER : The meeting was called to order by Steve Ward at 9 : 00 a . m . at City Hall , Room 326 . PROGRAM REVIEW - Marilyn Johnson reviewed the major issues identified by Commissioners in their 1992 retreat for 1993 and progress which made toward attaining those goals . ADVERTISING PLAN FOR 1994 - Susan Stirewalt indicated that the move toward event specific advertising has worked well in 1993 . Focus on advertising in 1994 will again • center on using the proximity to Branson and the bold newspaper graphic symbols . Blackwood Martin is presently doing a placement analysis . Response to television has not been cost effective . She requested the same advertising amount of $ 200 , 000 for 1994 and will present a Spring/ Summer 6 month plan . An additional $ 2500 was requested to update photography . BUDGET REVIEW - Estimated revenue for 1994 is $ 740 , 000 . FUNDING REQUESTS FOR 1994 .- Fred 994 -Fred Vorsanger reminded the Commissioners that there will be no games in Pine Bluff or Little Rock for basketball . Some games will be on national television . Possibly this is a good chance for a weekend package to sell to out- of - town basketball fans . Commissioners reviewed the funding requests with the following recommendations : American College Theatre Festival - $ 3 , 000 Arkansas Air Museum - $ 50 , 000 Bus /Trolley - $ 61 , 500 Continuing Education Center - consider later from Reserve Fund Fayetteville Lakes Restoration Project - $ 25 , 000 contingent on matching funds Festivals - Autumnfest , Lights of the Ozarks , Music Festival of Arkansas , Springfest - $ 9 , 000 each ( A determination of $ 20 , 000 grant for Lights of the Ozarks will be made in 1994 ) Sound system for Square - $ 10 , 000 Girls Softball Tournament - $ 10 , 000 Society for Preservation and Encouragement of Barbershop Singing in America - 0 Square Gardens /Dickson Street Parking Lots - $ 40 , 000 contingent on finding someone to be in charge . Representative of DFU , Dickson Street to make presentation Walton Arts Center ( restaurant coop ) - $ 4 , 000 Washington County Historical Society ( 4 corners ancestor fair ) - $ 2 , 000 University Museum - $ 4 , 555 Contract with Chamber to administer A & P funds - • $ 100 , 000 Brochure reprint - $ 26 , 500 yRespectfully submitted , Marilyn Johnson Director Convention and Visitor Development City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Monthly HMR Tax Collections 1991 - 1993 Y • 1991 1992 1992 1993 1993 Total Total Change Over Total Change Over HMRTaxes HMR Taxes Prior Year HMR Taxes Prior Year January $ 41 ,613 $ 50,826 22.14% $ 54,149 6.54% February 399210 44,489 13.46% 51 ,929 16.72% March 45,080 48,140 6.79% 54,606 13.43% April 473017 58,202 23.79% 61 , 155 5.07% May 50,832 55, 172 8.54% 58,564 6. 15% June 48,803 55,826 14.39% 57,092 2.27% July 49,145 55,276 12.47% 58,219 5.32% August 47,284 55,539 17.46% 70,637 27. 18% September 57,079 59,275 3.85% 68,287 15.20% October 47,951 551410 15.55% 67,710 22.20% November 51 ,254 68,243 33. 15% 0 December 53,080 52,797 — 0.53% 0 • Total ; 578,348 ; 6591193 13.98% ; 602,348 0 HMR Tax Collections By Month 8 70 60 a 50 40 � h• i ' ISI � 30 r i31 20 3 i 30 0 January February March April May June July August September October November December 0 1991 ED 1992 1993 \HMRTAX r City of Fayetteville, Arkansas \A&PEXP Advertising & Promotion Commission Financial Report - Expenditures For the Ten Months Ending October 31, 1993 k Annual YTD Budget Expenses Remaining City Advertising & Promotion (BMA) $ 200,000 $ 154,298 $ 450702 Audit Expense 500 46 454 Collection Expense 26,972 249094 2,878 Convention Development 90,000 0 901000 Convention Services 5,000 0 51000 Special Projects KUAF 21500 2,500 0 Square Tree Replacement 11000 11000 0 AAAA State Baseball Tournament 11400 10400 0 Henry Awards - Gov. Conference 500 500 0 Joe Martin Memorial Stage Race 1 ,025 1 ,025 0 Attractions Video Production 710 710 0 Arkansas Poultry Federation 21000 21000 0 Mayor's Conference on Tourism 31995 1 ,687 21308 Headquarter House Brochures 11200 1 ,200 0 Air Museum - Air Birds 1 ,690 11690 0 American Legion Wood Bat Classic 11742 11742 0 Girls Slow Pitch Softball Tournament 41500 41500 0 NW Ark, Horshoe Pitching Assoc. 21800 29800 0 Magnet Giveaways 11313 1 $ 13 0 NATA Advertising Subsidy 21934 0 21934 Museum Committee 21000 2,019 (19) Lights of the Ozarks - Square Electrical 12,000 0 12,000 Appraisal - Dickson St. Parking Lots 3,000 31000 0 Miscellaneous 71 71 0 Unobligated 41620 0 41620 New Brochures 30,000 31 ,377 (11377) 800 Telephone Number 10,000 81332 11668 Hub City Development 51000 4,534 466 Festival Support Springiest 61000 61000 0 Music Festival 71000 71000 0 Autumnfest 61000 61000 0 Grant - Lights of the Ozarks 25,000 51000 20,000 Lights of the Ozarks - Square 51760 0 51760 Other Festival Support 240 0 240 Trolley Vehicle & Equipment (2 Trolley/Buses) 70,000 0 70,000 Gas & Oil (Maintenance) 400 0 400 Salaries & Wages 6,600 0 61600 Benefits 11700 0 1 ,700 Workers Compensation 400 0 400 Uniforms & Personal Equipment 400 0 400 Custom Paint - Trolley(s) 41500 0 41500 Air Museum 50,000 50,000 0 Chamber of Commerce Contract 100,000 100,000 0 TOTAL $ 702,472 $ 425,838 $ 276,634 Advertising & Promotion Commission 1994 Recommended Budget 1993 1994 Item Projected Budget 1994 Revenue Generated $583,791 $660,000 Year Ending Fund Balance Carryforward 135,417 80,000 1994 Total Revenue Available $719,208 $7409000 Expenditures Public Notification (BMA Contract) $200,000 $200,000 ✓ Audit Expense 46 100 Collection Expense 289734 309000 Convention Development 559000 0 Convention Services o 5,000 V 800 Telephone Number (Chamber of Commerce) 10,000 105000 V Hub City Development 4,534 0 Air Museum 50,000 50,000 V Chamber of Commerce Contract 100,000 100,000 ✓ Trolley Program 84,000 61 ,500 Festival Support: Springfest 61000 9,000 Music Festival 71000 9,000 ✓ Autumnfest 6,000 9,000 ✓ Lights of the Ozarks 22,760 91000 v Other - 240 0 Brochures: University Museum 41555 Brochures 31 ,377 30,000 Special Projects: Fay. Lakes Restoration Project 25,000 V Walton Arts Center Advertising 4,000 ✓ 4 Corners Ancestor Fair 21000 Sound System - Downtown Square 10,000 City Entrances 21100 Girl's Softball Tournament Square Gardens/Dickson Street Parking Maint. 40,000 File Photo Updates 21500 American College Theatre Festival 31000 .V Mayors Conference on Tourism (Carryover) 3,000 Unallocated 39,000 111 ,245 Total Expenditure Request $644,691 $740,000 ACTIVITY REPORT NOVEMBER , 1993 800 NUMBER October 1993 : NA September 1992 : 717 1993 YTD : 4858 + October 1992 YTD : 4504 INQUIRY RESPONSES Tourist - 249 1993 YTD - 4090 Advertising Response - 1747 1993 YTD - 17 , 823 Relocation - 303 1993 YTD - 3595 CONVENTION ACTIVITY Convention Information Packets - Ozark Literacy Society invited author Karen Ackerman Assisted - Downtown Celebration of Lights ceremony Attended - Downtown Fayetteville Unlimited meeting • Interviews with Lois Ramey , Successful Meetings Dixie Walters , Arkansas Business Worked with Lights of the Ozarks Monthly master Calendar of Events printed in Northwest Arkansas Times Tours - Step on guide Wichita ' s Prairie Homestead Tour groups International Tours - ( Tulsa ) preplanning for May tour HMR COLLECTION COMPARISON September 1993 : $ 67 , 710 September 1992 : $ 55 , 410 Percent Increase 22 . 208 YTD 1993 : $ 602 , 348 YTD 1992 : $ 550 , 453 Percent Increase : 11 . 938 BM$tA PRODUCTION ESTIMATE I ( Park brochure 10/21 /93 City of Fayetteville . ...... .. .... . . Quantity tom Phillip! j7 2 Wile ROCK 2t475 ro x lRc . : x :ye »25ta r Conf Plannin /Research Con t/Co /Edit 780 Pre-13inxiuction Coord. Vide Audio EdIVDIrgCt Pho Art Dlrecticn Pho Research 520 PR/E nt Coord. Pro Coord. Deal n/Rou hs 1 040 C010Com s/Le outs Ilius tion Type ttlng Mach icals 400 Cam ra Work/Stats 1 s 0 Deli /Travel p Total en services 2 , 890 0 0 Pho r 380 Fll romsin 8e Ions 1 , 850 Relo ch Talent = S i /Makeu Location/Props Trav enses Audio Production Vide Production - Edlq 2 230 p y f , 8ervlcessubtotal -E , Agency Total ..` 5 ^ : 2 , 890 a _ .. ,. : tis 0 .`-, " 4a 0 k e 0 r �r ` " . Su Ilexxe • 1 , 722 * . 0 0 i rsc3:,, QrandTotal fir 61 0 pr+' r Via+ wr3 0 00 r 060 0 ¢ ' , Unit COet >4 Pre arod by AE A roved b Desatpfion: Concept, design, and production for a 12 x 18 brochure. Will Indude 1 o to 12 photographs. Folds to match the size offhe City of Fayetteville brochure, 4 Colo Ir process both sides on 901b MOE stock. Subjr♦ot to +/. 10%. Shipping not Induded. Estimate subject to chanes after 30 days. Any rovlelons to approved copy will Inour ed&tional costa. TOTAL P . 02 10 - 21 - 93 05 : 27PM P02