HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-09-20 - Agendas - FinalMEETING NOTICE The Advertising and Promotion Commission will meet on Monday, September 20, 1993 at 2:00 p.m. in City Hall, room 326. ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION September 20, 1993 I. Call to Order 2:00 p.m. City Hall -326 II. Reports A. Approval of Minutes B . Financial - Brian Swain C. Convention and Visitor Activity - Marilyn Johnson D . Blackwood/Martin Agency Report - Susan Stirewalt III. Old Business A. Convention Feasibility Study B . Trolley/Fayetteville bus C. Dickson Street Parking Proposal - Richard Shewmaker IV. New Business A. Fayetteville Song B . Funding Request for Organizational Committee to view Museum collection - $2,000 C. Lights of the Ozarks - special projects funding D . Bill Walker V. Other Business VI. Adjourn • • FAYETTEVI LLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. ARKANSAS • DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE TO: The Fayetteville Advertising & Promotion Commission FROM: The City of Fayetteville DATE: September 2, 1993 RE: Request for Special Projects Funding for the Lights of the Ozarks Festival As you are aware, a voluntary committee of the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce is organizing the first Lights of the Ozarks to be held during the winter holiday season. The City of Fayetteville has been asked to assist in coordinating the lighting of the downtown square and a number of City owned buildings. The estimated direct cost to the City for this effort is $29,200, although an exact figure is difficult to determine since no prior history exists for this project. The proposal outlined below essentially requests a cost sharing arrangement between the Advertising & Promotion Fund and other City funds to facilitate this project. It should also be noted that the City is also proposing to contribute in-kind labor, which is not costed in the proposed budget for the project. 1. The City of Fayetteville is requesting financial assistance with the Lights of the Ozarks project. 2. The contact person is Ben R. Mayes, Administrative Services Director for the City of Fayetteville. He can be reached at 575-8330. 3. The City of Fayetteville is a govemmental entity. No charges or fees will be collected in association with the Lights of the Ozarks However, it is anticipated that a number of tourists and visitors will frequent Fayetteville during the festival which will indirectly result in tax collections such as the City's 1% sales and use tax and the Hotel, Motel, and Restaurant tax. 4. The Lights of the Ozarks festival is scheduled to be held during the winter holidays, however, exact dates are not known at this time. 5. The City's requested involvement would be to place lights at the following locations: Downtown Square, Air Museum, Municipal Airport, City Hall, and the Police andfFire Stations. • 6. The Lights of the Ozarks festival is a project that is anticipated to bring tourists and • visitors to Fayetteville during a portion of the year that is considered to be somewhat of an off-season for tourism. This will be the first proposed Lights of the Ozarks festival for Fayetteville. It is being coordinated by a voluntary committee of the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce. 7. It is difficult to anticipate the number of persons who will be attending the event due to the nature of the event. This is the first time for the event, thus, there is no historical basis for a visitor count. 8. The media exposure from the event is expected to be of a considerable magnitude. 9. The Lights of the Ozarks festival will highlight structures throughout Fayetteville as well as Fayetteville itself. 10. The implementation plan outlined in the attached budget would call for the Advertising & Promotion Commission to provide funding of $5,040 for 1,008 strands of lights for the Downtown Square (which was previously approved by the Commission), $720, for 144 strands of lights for light panels in the Square area, and $12,000 in electrical work to the Downtown Square area. Without the electrical work to add transformers, the proposed lights cannot become operational. The City's Building Maintenance staff would assist in this electrical work, however, the work is of such proportions that the electric company and other outside assistance will be required. Additionally, this electrical work is badly needed to provide adequate electrical services other special events held in the downtown area (such as Autumnfest). The City will provide $11,440 in funding, which will purchase lights for the Air Museum, Municipal Airport, City Hall, and Police and Fire stations. In addition, the City's parks personnel will assist in stringing the lights in the Square area. The Building Maintenance staff will provide storage for lights. 11. The marketing plan budget was addressed in response #10 and in the attached budget. 12. The total request for funding is $17,760. The City will make every effort to keep the cost of the additional electrical work as low as possible. The above request for funding illustrates a cooperative effort between the City, Chamber of Commerce, and the Advertising & Promotion Commission. We hope you will find the request reasonable and acceptable. Thank you for your consideration of this matter. \LIGHTS City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Lights of the Ozark Festival Budget — 1993 A & P Other City Funding Funding 1,008 Strands of lights $ 5,040 $ 0 for Square area. 144 Strands of lights for light 720 0 panels for Square area. Additional eletrical work to 12,000 Bldg Mtn Personnel upgrade Square area. 144 Strands of lights 0 720 for the Air Museum. 500 Strands of lights 0 2,500 for the Airport. Additional eletrical work to 0 6,000 upgrade Airport area. 144 Strands of lights for City Hall 0 720 300 Strands of lights for Police 0 1,500 and Fire Stations String lights in Square area. Provide storage for lights 0 Park Personnel 0 Bldg Mtn Personnel $ 17,760 $ 11,440