HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5304 ORDINANCE NO. 5304 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE XV: UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, TO AMEND CHAPTERS 151 : DEFINITIONS AND 172: PARKING AND LOADING IN ORDER TO ESTABLISH FURTHER PARKING STANDARDS IN DISTRICTS UTILIZED FOR SINGLE FAMILY HOMES. WHEREAS, Chapter 172: Parking and Loading was amended by the City Council in 2007 to establish parking standards for all districts; and WHEREAS, the City continues to receive many citizen complaints throughout the year regarding excess, haphazard and unsightly parking of motor vehicles in single family neighborhoods; and WHEREAS, said excess parking practices do not contribute to a neighborhood' s well- being; and WHEREAS, the same parking practices can create delays in emergency response, impediments to access for citizens, delivery vehicles and others attempting to access their property; and WHEREAS, the City of Fayetteville recognizes a duty to ensure that compatibility of land uses within single family districts remain intact; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 . That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby amends § 151 : Definitions by adding the following: "Carport. An automobile shelter having one or more sides open." "Front Yard Area. Front yard area shall mean the area between the plane of the front elevation of the principal fagade(s) of the principal structure extending to the side property lines and the front property line abutting the street, including the driveway. A front shall be any plane of a building which abuts to a public street right-of-way." Page 2 Ordinance No. 5304 Section 2. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby repeals § 172. 11 of the Unified Development Code enacts a replacement § 172. 11 as shown in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. PASSED and APPROVED this 19'" day of January 2010. APPROVED ATTEST: By: By: kA LA &44 XOALD JO , Mayor S NDTH, City Clerk/Treasurer °°,qn"�nrrrr. TR�'' , ; FAYETTEVILLE ; ��'y�NGTON C; "'uuuuua°` ADM 09-3493 UDC Amendment Ch. 172.11 Driveway & Parking Standards Exhibit "A" 172. 11 Driveway and Parking Standards for non-motorized recreational vehicles, trailers, Four (4) or Less Parking Spaces and boats shall be counted toward the (A) Purpose. The purpose of this ordinance maximum total of four (4) motor vehicles section is to promote the public health, safety permitted on the property. and general welfare, to prevent the adverse (F) Off-street Parking on City Street Right-of- impacts associated with excess parking and Way. The off-street parking of any motor over-occupancy of homes in single family vehicle, non-motorized recreational vehicle, districts, and to ensure that compatibility of boat or trailer shall be prohibited within the land uses within single family districts remain street right-of-way, which includes any intact. sidewalk, greenspace or other area from the edge of the paved street through the width of (B) Applicability. The following requirements the dedicated street right-of-way. On-street shall apply to properties within single family parking within properly designated areas of the districts that require four (4) or less parking street right-of-way may be permitted, in spaces and properties within all zoning accordance with current traffic regulations. districts that are utilized for a single family detached home requiring four (4) or less (G) Driveway Standards. parking spaces. The regulations herein do not ( 1 ) Driveway Approach to Property Line. The apply to motor vehicles located completely driveway approach shall extend to the within or underneath garages or carports, nor property line and/or master street plan to properties zoned Residential Agricultural. right-of-way from the paved street and (C) Maximum Number of Parking Spaces shall be designed, permitted, and paved Permitted. Unless otherwise permitted herein, with concrete in accordance with § 171 . 13 a maximum of four (4) motor vehicles may be Sidewalk and Driveway Specifications. parked outdoors on a property containing a (2) Driveways Beyond the Property Line. single family home(s) at any time, including Driveways shall be paved from the driveways and other designated off-street property line and/or master street plan parking areas. Parking for all other permitted right-of-way with asphalt, concrete, brick uses shall conform to the Parking Ratio Table or stone pavers, or other solid surface and contained within this chapter. shall extend 18 feet (length) into the (D) Use of Front Yard Area for a Driveway property unless no parking is provided and Off-street Parking. Motor vehicles shall between the property line and structure. be parked in a driveway or off-street parking (3) Driveways Beyond 18 Feet into the area that is clearly defined by pavement, a Property. Driveways beyond 18 feet into change in materials, edging, or other means. the property may be paved or unpaved and Driveways and off-street parking areas shall be shall be clearly defined by landscaping or limited to a maximum of 40% of the front yard edging. area and shall meet the maintenance g g requirements as identified by this chapter. (4) Unpaved Streets. These requirements are waived where the street to which the (E) Parking of non-motorized vehicles in driveway connects is not paved. Front Yard Area. If parked within the front yard area of a property (including driveways), K:I0rdtnancesU304 Amend Chapter 151 & 172 Ex A.doc 1 ADM 09-3493 UDC Amendment Ch. 172.11 Driveway & Parking Standards Exhibit "A" (H) Driveway and Parking Area Maintenance restrictions for driveway separations in the Requirements. UDC. ( 1 ) Paved. Driveways and parking areas that (L) "Pay-to-park operations. Pay-to-park are paved shall be maintained to prevent operations are prohibited within single family erosion onto adjacent properties and to districts and properties within all zoning prevent dirt, rock and other materials from districts that are utilized for a single family entering the street. detached home. "Pay-to-park" operations are defined as those which advertise and/or sell or (2) Unpaved. Driveways and parking areas lease permits to park or otherwise allow that are not paved shall be maintained to parking for free or for payment on a property prevent erosion onto adjacent properties on which the owner and/or operator of the and to prevent dirt, rock and other vehicle does not reside. materials from entering the street. Driveways and parking areas shall be (M) Exemptions. The following exemptions to this ordinance section shall be permitted: constructed and maintained with adequate gravel, grasses, or other plants and/or (1 ) University of Arkansas Events. An landscaping materials to keep the area unlimited number of motor vehicles shall from becoming rutted, muddy and/or soil be allowed to park on private property for from being blown or washed away. If an a period of 12 hours before and 12 hours unpaved driveway is not maintained and is after a University of Arkansas event for identified as a violation of this provision, persons attending said event on days when such driveway shall be immediately events are occurring at Bud Walton Arena remedied by the property owner. or Donald W. Reynolds Stadium on the University Arkansas Campus. (I) Driveway Grading and Drainage. The driveway shall be graded in such a way to (2) Construction Vehicles. Parking of motor dispose of surface water into appropriate vehicles for new construction and structures. additions shall be allowed on private (J) Maximum Driveway Width. Driveway properties and within the greenspace width shall be limited to: between the street and sidewalk during the duration of the project, as long as the Lot Width Maximum Driveway Width building permit remains active. Any damage from construction vehicles to city 70 feet or more 24 feet property such as broken curb, sidewalk 50 feet to 69 feet 20 feet cracks, ruts in the greenspace, and erosion of unpaved areas shall be repaired by the Less than 50 feet 18 feet owner/developer prior to completion of construction. (K) Loop, Circle, and Multiple Driveways. Loop, circle and multiple driveways on a (3) Temporary Parking. Temporary single property shall be allowed so long as a driveways or parking Tots approved by the 30 foot separation between the drives is Planning Commission. maintained, as measured from the interior (4) Existing Driveways. All existing edges of the curb cuts, subject to other driveways constructed prior to August 07, K:IOrdManc&5304 Amend Chapter 151 & 172 Ex A.doc t ADM 09-3493 UDC Amendment Ch. 172.11 Driveway & Parking Standards Exhibit "A" 2007 shall be exempt from meeting (6) Special Parking Exception Permits. A § 172. 11 (G), until a curb cut permit or a property owner that can prove special building permit for the new construction exception to the limitation on number of of 1 ,000 square feet or larger is granted. motor vehicles permitted on a single (5) Special events. Infrequent parking for family property may present evidence to special events which exceeds the normal the Planning Division to apply for a maximum number of motor vehicles Special Parking Exception Permit. Such permitted on a property is excepted from cases may include hobbyist vehicles or this ordinance. Excessive parking which motor vehicle collections, an all-related occurs more frequently than an average of family in residence, or other special one day a month may be determined by circumstances deemed suitable by the the Zoning and Development Planning Division, wherein the Administrator upon complaint by a nearby circumstance meets the purpose and intent neighbor to be "frequent" and thus not of the ordinance. If the Planning Division excepted as "infrequent." The Zoning and approves the special exception permit, a Development Administrator shall notify an permit will be issued for the address, owner/tenant by regular mail or similar indicating additional vehicles are notice that the excessive parking has been permitted to be parked on the property. determined to be "frequent' and in (Ord. 5044, 8-07-07) violation of this section prior to taking other enforcement measures. 172.12-172.99 Reserved K:I0rdiwnces15304 Amend Chapter 151 & 172 F-z A.doc ALDERMAN AGENDA REQUEST FORM FOR: COUNCIL MEETING OF January 05, 2010 FROM: Shirley Lucas, Sarah Lewis ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION TITLE AND SUBJECT: ADM 09-3493: (UDC AMENDMENT CH. 172.11 PARKING): An ordinance to amend Unified Development Code Ch. 172.11, Driveway and Parking Standards for Four or Less Parking Spaces, in an effort to reduce excess and haphazard parking in yards, ensure compatible land uses and reduce over-occupancy of homes in single family districts. APPROVED FOR AGENDA: Council Memb r Shirley Lucas Date C ncil Member Sarah Lewis ate Prepared by: ENiE9�7 lNh� .� � �•1''D0 1 09 �• Jeremy ate Date 2 i9 __ Director of Development Services (��� R61 OAKq aIWQ 1/5110 (t Tay e evi THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS DEPARTMENT CORRESPONDENCE ARKANSAS CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO To: Mayor Jordan, City Council Thru: Don Marr, Chief of Staff From: Jeremy Pate, Development Services Directors Date: 17 December 2009 Subject: ADM 09-3493 UDC Ch. 172. 11 Parking for Single Family Residential Uses PROPOSAL: Council Members Lucas and Lewis are sponsoring an ordinance that would establish further standards for parking on properties that contain single family homes. Staff has prepared an ordinance for the Council to review and consider. Each year the City receives multiple complaints from various neighborhoods and from City Council members regarding some of the behaviors and practices of residents within both rental and owner-occupied properties that are located within single family neighborhoods. Although some of the complaints tend to cluster near areas of university neighborhoods, it is clearly evident and quantifiable that the problems exist city-wide. The City is compelled by its ordinances and policies to protect the character and nature of these single family zones, in order to retain a compatible and complementary land use pattern. In an attempt to remedy some of the complaints within single family neighborhoods regarding excess parking on properties, parking that blocks street access for emergency services and residents, noise from numerous, reoccurring parties, and the sometimes detrimental impacts associated with over-occupancy of single family homes, the Development Services staff has prepared a draft ordinance for the City Council to consider, which we believe would aid the City in enforcing existing ordinances and to provide some relief for certain areas. Currently, city codes restrict occupancy within single family districts to no more than three persons unless are all related. However, this code is very difficult to enforce through established means, and can be even more difficult to prove beyond a doubt in order to prosecute. Complaints that the City received involving over- occupancy of a single family home actually tend to be related more to an excess number of vehicles parked at the residence. Through the third quarter of 2009, for instance, a total of 91 related complaints were received, with 69% of those regarding excess parking versus 31 % for over-occupancy. While the City is identifying other means to address the over-occupancy issues, including education, an ordinance amendment to the City's code was identified as one policy option to consider for the parking-related issues. THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS The proposal before you is to amend the City's parking ordinances for single family homes. It would: • permit a maximum of four (4) motor vehicles to be parked on a property, not including within garages; • permit a maximum of 40% of the front yard area to be utilized for said parking; • exempt RVs, trailers, boats and the like from meeting this requirement, as they do not meet the definition of a "motor vehicle." However, if these non-motorized vehicles and trailers are parking in the front yard area, they will be counted towards the maximum total of four permitted. • require vehicles to be parked in driveways or clearly defined parking areas — not haphazardly on a lawn or other area of the yard; • prohibit vehicles from parking within the street right-of-way, except for those areas that are properly and legally designated for on-street parking; • clearly prohibit "Pay-to-park" operations (where parking is permitted for persons that do not reside on the premises) A number of exemptions apply, including: • UA events, for 12 hours before and after the event • Construction vehicles for the duration a permit is active • Temporary parking allowed by the Planning Commission • Pre-existing driveways • Special events (see ordinance draft for two options) • Special Parking Exceptions — allowed by permit for uses such as hobbyists, larger families with more than four drivers, etc. Council members Lucas and Lewis ask the Council to' consider two varying options regarding the Special Event exemption (§ 172. 11 (M)(5)). One option allows ,infrequent (not constant, habitual or regular) parking to occur in excess of the maximum number of four vehicles; the other option sets a cap of ten ( 10) events per year for excess parking to be allowed, and requires notification to the City prior to the event in order to account for these ten events. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Council consider the ordinance amendment for adoption. BUDGETIMPACT: None. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE XV: UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, TO AMEND CHAPTERS 151 : DEFINITIONS AND 172 : PARKING AND LOADING IN ORDER TO ESTABLISH FURTHER PARKING STANDARDS IN DISTRICTS UTILIZED FOR SINGLE FAMILY HOMES. WHEREAS, Chapter 172: Parking and Loading was amended by the City Council in 2007 to establish parking standards for all districts; and WHEREAS, the City continues to receive many citizen complaints throughout the year regarding excess, haphazard and unsightly parking of motor vehicles in single family neighborhoods; and WHEREAS, said . excess parking practices do not contribute to a neighborhood's well-being; and WHEREAS, the same parking practices can create delays in emergency response, . impediments to access for citizens, delivery vehicles and others attempting to access their . property; and WHEREAS, the City of Fayetteville recognizes a duty to ensure that compatibility of land uses within single family districts remain intact; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 . That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby amends § 151 : Definitions by adding the following: "Front Yard Area. Front yard area shall mean the area between the plane of the front elevation of the principal ft�ade(s) of the principal structure extending to the side property lines and the front property line abutting the street, including the driveway. A front shall be any plane of a building which abuts to a public street right-of-way." Section 2. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby repeals § 172. 11 of the Unified Development Code enacts a replacement § 172. 11 as shown in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. ADM 09-3493 UDC Amendment Ch. 172.11 Driveway & Parking Standards Exhibit "A" 172.11 Driveway and Parking Standards for non-motorized recreational vehicles, trailers, Four (4) or Less Parking Spaces and boats shall be counted toward the (A) Purpose. The purpose of this ordinance maximum total of four (4) motor vehicles section is to promote the public health, safety permitted on the property. and general welfare, to prevent the adverse (F) Off-street Parking on City Street Right-of- impacts associated with excess parking and Way. The off-street parking of any motor over-occupancy of homes in single family vehicle, non-motorized recreational vehicle, districts, and to ensure that compatibility of boat or trailer shall be prohibited within the land uses within single family districts remain street right-of-way, which includes any intact. sidewalk, greenspace or other area from the edge of the paved street through the width of (B) Applicability. The following requirements the dedicated street right-of-way. On-street shall apply to properties within single family parking within properly designated areas ofthe districts that require four (4) or less parking street right-of-way may be permitted, in spaces and properties within all zoning accordance with current traffic regulations. districts that are utilized for a single family detached home requiring four (4) or less (G) Driveway Standards. parking spaces. The regulations herein do not ( 1 ) Driveway Approach to PropertyLine. The applyto motor vehicles located within garages, driveway approach shall extend to the nor to properties zoned Residential property line and/or master street plan Agricultural. right-of-way from the paved street and (C) Maximum Number of Parking Spaces shall be designed, permitted, and paved Permitted. Unless otherwise permitted herein, with concrete in accordance with § 171 . 13 a maximum of four (4) motor vehicles may be Sidewalk and Driveway Specifications. parked outdoors on a property containing a (2) Driveways Beyond the Property Line. single family home(s) at any time, including Driveways shall be paved from the driveways and other designated off-street property line and/or master street plan parking areas. Parking for all other permitted uses shall conform to the Parking Ratio Table right-of-way with asphalt, concrete, brick contained within this chapter. or stone pavers, or other solid surface and shall extend 18 feet (length) into the (D) Use of Front Yard Area for a Driveway property unless no parking is provided and Off-street Parking. Motor vehicles shall between the property line and structure. be parked in a driveway or off-street parking (3) Driveways Beyond 18 Feet into the area that is clearly defined by pavement, a Property. Driveways beyond 18 feet into change in materials, edging, or other means. the property may be paved or unpaved and Driveways and off-street parking areas shall be limited to a maximum of 40% of the front yard shall be clearly defined by landscaping or edging. area and shall meet the maintenance requirements as identified by this chapter. (4) Unpaved Streets. These requirements are waived where the street to which the (E) Parking of non-motorized vehicles in driveway connects is not paved. Front Yard Area. If parked within the front yard area of a property (including driveways), K:(CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REQUESTSI2010 Agenda Requesis101-051ADM 09-3493 UDC Ch 122. 11 (Parking & Driveuny Standards) ORD.doc ADM 09-3493 UDC Amendment Ch. 172.11 Driveway & Parking Standards Exhibit "A" (H) Driveway and Parking Area Maintenance restrictions for driveway separations in the Requirements. UDC. ( 1 ) Paved Driveways and parking areas that (L) "Pay-to-park " operations. Pay-to-park are paved shall be maintained to prevent operations are prohibited within single family erosion onto adjacent properties and to districts and properties within all zoning prevent dirt, rock and other materials from districts that are utilized for a single family entering the street. detached home. "Pay-to-park" operations are defined as those which advertise and/or sell or (2) Unpaved. Driveways and parking areas lease permits to park or otherwise allow that are not paved shall be maintained to parking for free or for payment on a property prevent erosion onto adjacent properties on which the owner and/or operator of the and to prevent dirt, rock and other vehicle does not reside. materials from entering the street. Driveways and parking areas shall be (M) Exemptions. The following exemptions to constructed and maintained with adequate this ordinance section shall be permitted: gravel, grasses, or other plants and/or ( 1 ) University of Arkansas Events. An landscaping materials to keep the area unlimited number of motor vehicles shall from becoming rutted, muddy and/or soil be allowed to park on private property for from being blown or washed away. If an a period of 12 hours before and 12 hours unpaved driveway is not maintained and is after a University of Arkansas event for identified as a violation of this provision, persons attending said event on days when such driveway shall be immediately events are occurring at Bud Walton Arena remedied by the property owner. or Donald W. Reynolds Stadium on the (I) Driveway Grading and Drainage. The University Arkansas Campus. driveway shall be graded in such a way to (2) Construction Vehicles. Parking of motor dispose of surface water into appropriate vehicles for new construction and structures. additions shall be allowed on private (J) Maximum Driveway Width. Driveway properties and within the greenspace width shall be limited to: between the street and sidewalk during the duration of the project, as long as the Lot Width Maximum Driveway Width building permit remains active. Any damage from construction vehicles to city 70 feet or more 24 feet property such as broken curb, sidewalk 50 feet to 69 feet 20 feet cracks, ruts in the greenspace, and erosion of unpaved areas shall be repaired by the Less than 50 feet 18 feet owner/developer prior to completion of construction. (K) Loop, Circle, and Multiple Driveways. Loop, circle and multiple driveways on a (3) Temporary Parking. Temporary single property shall be allowed so long as a driveways or parking lots approved by the 30 foot separation between the drives is Planning Commission. maintained, as measured from the interior edges of the curb cuts, subject to other K:IC1TY COUNCIL AGENDA REQUESTS12010 Agenda Requestsl0l-0511 DM 09-3493 UDC Ch 172. 11 (Parking & Driveway Standards) ORD.doc ADM 09-3493 UDC Amendment Ch. 172.11 Driveway & Parking Standards Exhibit "A" (4) Existing Driveways. All existing parking on a property has exceeded the driveways constructed prior to August 07, definition of "infrequent." 2007 shall be exempt from meeting § 172. 11 (G), until a curb cut permit or a building permit for the new construction (6) Special Parking Exception Permits. A of 1 ,000 square feet or larger is granted. property owner that can prove special ».-e exception to the limitation on number of (5) Special e4vents,. Infrequent parking for special events which exceeds the motor vehicles permitted on a single maximum number of motor vehicles family property may present evidence to permitted on a property is permitted, with the Planning Division to apply for a a maximum of 10 events per year, per Special Parking Exception Permit. Such property. Property owners/tenants shall cases may include hobbyist vehicles or notify the Planning Division in writing a motor vehicle collections, an all-related minimum of three (3) days prior to the family in residence, or other special special event, describing the event and the circumstances deemed suitable by the estimated number of vehicles that will be Planning Division, wherein the parked on the property. circumstance meets the purpose and intent of the ordinance. If the Planning Division OR approves the special exception permit, a permit will be issued for the address, (5) Spec,'ia/rev,ents Infrequent parking for indicating additional vehicles are special events shall be permitted. permitted to be parked on the property. Infrequent shall be defined as "not lord. soaa, 8-07-07> constant, habitual, or regular." The Zoning and Development Administrator shall 172.12-172.99 Reserved have the final authority to determine if AddAwl[)efi ho"n'"istchaiiter",: Front Yard Area. Front yard area shall mean the area between the plane of the front elevation of the principal fagade(s) of the principal structure extending to the side property lines and the front property line abutting the street, including the driveway. A front shall be any plane of a building which abuts to a public street right-of- way. K:(CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REQUES7312010 Agenda Regmts101-05W DM 09-3493 UDC Ch 172.11 (Parking & Driveuny Standards) ORD.doc NORTHWEST ARKANSAS NEVT/SPAPERS* Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette The Morning News of Springdale The Morning News of Rogers Northwest Arkansas Times Benton County Daily Record 2 1 2 N o rth East Aven u e' t*"'Ëiäfr'å T"ïr"?':; l_ #ff -'t 607' 7 27 0 2 AFFI DAVIT OF PUBLICATION l, Cathy wiles, do solemnly swear that I am Legal Clerk of the Northwest Arkonsos Newspapers LLC. Printed and published in Benton county Arkansas, (Lowell) and that from my own personar knowredge and reference to the files of said publication, the advertisement of: City of Fayetteville -Ordinance 5304 January 28,2010 Publication Charge : $ 129.70 sisned: --(fu-J_1g: Subscribed and sworn This lsday of fet. to before me , 2010. Notary Pubric -\SU- My Commission Expires: Do not pay from Affidavit, an invoice will be sent