HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5206 ORDINANCE NO. 5206 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND § 151 .02 DEFINITIONS, § 155 .06 APPEALS FROM STAFF INTERPRETATIONS, § 159.02 WATER AND WASTEWATER IMPACT FEES, § 159.03 AND § 159.04 OF THE UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE WHEREAS, Duncan and Associates conducted an impact fee study pursuant to A.C.A. § 14-56- 103 to update the existing 2002 calculated water and wastewater impact fees and presented its findings to the City Council on February 27, 2008 ; and WHEREAS, after public hearings and consultations with representatives of the cities that use our water or wastewater facilities, the City Council Sewer Committee on August 26, 2008 approved the new impact fee study and a phase in of the increases for the water and wastewater impact fees; and WHEREAS, the City Council approves and adopts the new water and wastewater impact fee study and finds that it is in compliance with A.C.A. § 14-56-103 Development impact fees. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 : That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby amends § 151 .02 Definitions of the Unified Development Code by amending the definition of Connection to read as follows: "(Water and Wastewater Impact Fees) The physical tie-in of a private water or wastewater service system to the City of Fayetteville's public water or wastewater system. For the purposes of the impact fee ordinance, the physical tie-in shall occur upon the installation of a water meter." Section 2: That the City Council hereby amends § 155.06 (A) Appeals from Staff Interpretations/Actions by enacting and adding a new subsection (4) as follows: "(4) Impact Fee Administrator. Any person aggrieved by any decision of the Impact Fee Administrator made in the enforcement or administration of Chapter 159 Fees. Page 2 Ord. No. 5206 Section 3 : That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, hereby amends § 159.02 Water and Wastewater Impact Fees by removing all current language and tables of the current fees and enacting a replacement § 159.02 Water and Wastewater Impact Fees as shown on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and adopted as if set forth word for word. Section 4: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, hereby amends § 159.03 Police and Public Safety Impact Fees and § 159.04 Fire Protection System Impact Fees by repealing and removing subsection (D)(4)(b) Appeal from both sections. Section 5 : That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, hereby determines that this ordinance shall go into full force and effect on March 31 , 2009. G\TYp,F PASSED and APPROVED this 16th day of December, 2008 . a . ; FAYETTEVILLE ; = APPROVED ATTEST: 9 5 �� ' a,9s .?kANSP.J� 04; GTON By: By: &442(�U DA COODY, Mayor SONDRA E. SMITH, City Clerk/Treasurer • EXHIBIT A • 159.02 Water And Wastewater Impact Fees (2) It is not the intent of this Ordinance to collect any money from any (A) Applicability, development in excess of the actual amount necessary to offset demands (1 ) The following provisions shall apply to generated by that development for the all of the territory within the City's water water and wastewater facilities for which and wastewater service areas, including the fee was paid. areas outside the corporate city limits (3) It is not the intent of this Ordinance that and within service areas located within Washington County and other any monies collected for the water incorporated cities after June 16, 2003. impact fee and the wastewater impactfee ever be commingled or ever be used (2) The following types of development for a type of facility different from that for shall be required to pay a water and/or which the fee was paid. wastewater impact fee: (C) Time of Collection (a) New and existing development (1) Water and wastewater impact fees shall seeking new connection the be paid at the time of installation of the City's water wastewater system water meter serving the property or of resulting in inc reased demand from water and/or wastewater facilities. the connection to the wastewatersystem, whichever comes first. This shall not apply to existing development that is connecting to the wastewater system in order to (2) Development projects which have eliminate an individual sewage obtained building permits prior to the disposal system. effective date of this ordinance shall not have to pay impact fees if the building is (b) New and existing development as completed with water and sewer hook- stated in (a) above seeking a new ups installed and certificate of connection to the system of a occupancy issued no later than six (6) wholesale customer of the City's months from the effective date of this water or wastewater system, where ordinance. collection of the City's impact fee is (D) Fee Determination required by the City's contract with the wholesale customer. (1 ) Schedule of Fees. The Impact Fee (c) Nonresidential or residential Administrator shall determine the redevelopment seeking a larger amount of the water and wastewater capacity or additional water meter. impact fees for residential uses based on the type or size of the water meter (B) Intent and for nonresidential uses based on the size of the water meter using the (1) The intent of wastewater and water following schedule: impact fees is to ensure that new development bears a proportionate Waste- share of the cost of improvements to the Land Use Unit Water Water Total City's water and wastewater systems, to Single-Family Dwelling $971 $872 $1 ,843 ensure that the proportionate share (average) does not exceed the cost of providing Multi-Family Dwelling $691 $620 $1 ,311 water and wastewater facilities to the (per dwelling unit) development that paid the fee; and to Nonresidential Meter $971 $872 $1 ,843 ensure that funds collected from (5/8" x 314" meter) developments are used to construct Nonresidential water and wastewater facilities that (1" meter) Meter $2,428 $2,180 $4,608 serve such developments. It is further Nonresidential the intent of this Ordinance to use the (1-1/21, meter) Meter $4,855 $4,360 $9,215 impact fees to implement the City's Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Nonresidential Meter $7,766 $6,976 $14,744 future plan updates and to implement (2" meter) the City's Five Year Capital Nonresidential Meter $15,536 $13,952 $29,488 Improvements Program. (3" meter) • EXHIBIT A • Nonresidential Meter $24275 $21800 $46075 shall not be included in the calculation of (4" , , , meter) the wastewater impact fee. Nonresidential Meter $48,550 $43,600 $92,150 (6" meter) (6) Affordable Housing Exemption. Nonresidential Meter $77,680 $69,760 $147,440 (a) Single family and non-profit multi- ( "8meter) family supportive housing. No Meter $117 ,665 $100,280 $211 ,945 Construction of single family and (10" meter) non-profit multi-family supportive housing funded wholly or primarily (2) Redevelopment, Reconstruction, by federal Community Development Change of Use. In the event of a Block Grants, non-profit service redevelopment, reconstruction or organizations such as Habitat for change of use from an existing Humanity, Housing and Urban development or use, the fee shall be the Development housing loans and difference between what the fee would similar programs designed to be for the entire redevelopment or provide affordable, owner-occupied, reconstruction project and what the fee single family residences to low would have been for the existing income individuals and non-profit development or use. Existing multi-family supportive housing development must be connected to the shall be exempted from payment of water or wastewater system at the time impact fees pursuant to this of redevelopment in order to apply this ordinance by the Impact Fee credit. Administrator. (3) Mixed Use. If the proposed (7) Master Meters. In the event that a water development includes a mix of the master meter is utilized for any residential land uses and/or development including multi-family or nonresidential meter sizes that are listed mixed use, the fee shall be based on the in the impact fee schedule, the fee shall Master Meter size be determined by adding up all the water and wastewater impact fees that (E) Use of Fees. would be applicable for each residential land use type and/or nonresidential (1 ) Establishment of Accounts. An Impact meter size as if it was a freestanding Fee Fund that is distinct from the land use type. General Fund of the City is hereby created, and the impact fees received (4) Fire Suppression / Low Pressure. It is will be deposited in the following the intent of this ordinance to base interest-bearing accounts of the Impact water and wastewater impact fees on Fee Fund: the typical usage in a new building or other facility. Extinguishing of fres is (a) Water Impact Fee Account, and not a part of typical usage; to allow adequate fire flow to sprinklers and (b) Wastewater Impact Fee Account. internal hydrants at some large and at- risk properties, it may be necessary for (2) Water Impact Fee Accounts. The Water fire protection purposes to install a Impact Fee Account shall contain only larger water meter than would be those water impact fees collected necessary to meet day-to-day needs of pursuant to this Ordinance plus any that facility. In addition, a larger meter interest which may accrue from time to may be required in areas of low water time on such amounts. pressure than in areas of normal water pressure for the same type of use. In (3) Wastewater impact Fee Account. The those cases, it is the policy of the City Wastewater Impact Fee Account shall that the impact fee for water and contain only those wastewater impact wastewater should be based on the fees collected pursuant to this meter size needed by that facility for its Ordinance plus any interest which may typical usage, without regard to fire-flow accrue from time to time on such or unusual pressure conditions. amounts. (5) Irrigation. Any separate water meter (4) Order of Use. Monies in each impact installed for irrigation purposes only fee account shall be considered to be • EXHIBIT A • spent in the order collected, on a first- the date certain upon which the in/first-out basis. refund becomes due. (5) Use of Fees. The monies in each (5) At the time of payment of the water impact fee account shall be used only or wastewater impact fee under this for the following: Ordinance, the Impact Fee Administrator shall provide the (a) Acquisition. To acquire land for applicant paying such fee with and/or acquire or construct water or written notice of those wastewater system improvements circumstances under which refunds of the type reflected in the title of of such fees will be made. Failure the account and as described in the to deliver such written notice shall Impact Fee Study as well as not invalidate any collection of any extension of service to new impact fee under this Ordinance." development paying an impact fee. Ord. No. 4447, §1 , 12-17-02; Ord. No. 4492, §159.02 (b) Debt service. To pay debt service C. 1 , 6-03-03; Ord. 4496 § 159.02 °F", 6.17-03; Ord. No. on any portion of any current or 4919, 9-05-06; Ord. 4975, 1-16-07). future general obligation bond issue or revenue bond issue used to finance water or wastewater system improvements of the type reflected in the title of the account that created or will create capacity to serve new development. (c) As described in subsection F, Refunds. (F) Refunds. (1) The City of Fayetteville shall refund the portion of collected development impact fees, including the accrued interest that has not been expended seven (7) years from the date the fees were paid. Interest shall be based on a four percent (4%) annual rate. (2) A refund shall be paid to the present owner of the property that was the subject of new development and against which the fee was assessed and collected. (3) Notice of the right to a refund, including the amount of the refund and the procedure for applying for and receiving the refund, shall be sent or served in writing to the present owners of the property no later than thirty (30) days after the date which the refund becomes due. The sending by regular mail of the notices to all present owners of record shall be sufficient to satisfy the requirement of notice. (4) The refund shall be made on a pro rata basis, and shall be paid in full no later than ninety (90) days after potD � City of Fayetteville . • / a16 X08 Staff Review Form City Council Agenda Items n �y,� or `+ ,nCAI (-�7lPkjr5 Contracts ! !6 zoo$ City Council Meeting Date Ron Petrie Engineering Operations Submitted By Division Department Action Required: An ordinance amending Chapter 159.02: Water and Wastewater Impact Fees, Chapter 151 .02: Definitions, and Chapter 155.06: Appeals of the City Unified Development Code (Title XV ) in order to increase the fees and provide clarifications to the Water & Wastewater Impact Fee Ordinance. N/A N/A N/A Cost of this request Category / Project Budget Program Category / Project Name N/A N/A N/A Account Number Funds Used to Date Program / Project Category Name N/A N/A NIA Project Number Remaining Balance Fund Name Budgeted Item rX Budget Adjustment Attached Previous Ordinance or Resolution # epartment Director Date Original Contract Date: Original Contract Number: City Attorney Date Received in City Clerk's Office Q . 5� ,�, _ t o -IZ-off I U- I�-U49 ENTERED Finance and Internal Service Director Date Received in Mayor's Office Mayor Date Comments: City Council Meeting of November 4, 2008 As a comparison, the following shows the current impact fees and the maximum that could be charged for single-family residential : EXISTING MAXIMUM PER REPORT WATER $308.00 $3;072.00 SEWER $835.00 $2,631 .00 TOTALS $ 1 , 143 .00 $5,703 .00 DISCUSSION : This information was presented to the Water & Sewer Committee on numerous occasions for discussion. On August 26, 2008 the Water & Sewer Committee approved a concept to phase these fee increases in over a multi year period. For the first phase of increases, it was recommended that the water impact fee be increased $663 .00 and the sewer impact fee be increased $37.00 in 2009 for a single-family residential meter. It was also discussed that these increases be evaluated on a yearly basis to determine if the next phase of increases be approved or be postponed. As a comparison, the table below gives a summary of the current & proposed impact fees for Fayetteville and the surrounding municipalities for a single-family residential : .Impact Fayetteville Fayetteville Springdale Rogers Bentonville Conway Fees Existin Proposed Water $308 $971 $0 $ 1 ,000 $ 13457 $0 Sewer $835 $872 $0 $2,500 $ 1 , 139 $0 Fire $ 150 $150 $0 $0 $762 $0 Police $ 162 $162 $0 1 $0 $66 $0 Roads $0 $0 $0 I $0 $898 $995 Parks $960 $960 $0 $0 $0 $639 Totals $2,415 $3115 $0 $3 ,500 $4,322 $ 1 ,634 The increases for each meter size is shown in the revised table in Section 159.02(D)( 1 ) of the Water and Wastewater Impact Fee Ordinance. In addition to the changes in the fee amounts, several items are proposed by the Water & Sewer Impact Fee Administrator to be revised within the Ordinance in order to clarify the ordinance and to simplify the enforcement of the ordinance. These proposed changes are documented on the attachment. BUDGET IMPACT: This City Council item will have no impact on the budget. 0 0 City Council Meeting of November 4, 2008 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO, To: Mayor and City Council Thru : Gary Dumas, Director of Operations From: Ron Petrie, City Engineer Date: October 17, 2008 Subject: An ordinance amending Chapter 159.02: Water and Wastewater Impact Fees, Chapter 151 .02 : Definitions, and Chapter 155.06 Appeals of the City Unified Development Code (Title XV) to provide clarifications to the Water & Sewer Impact Fee Ordinance and to increase the water and sewer impact fees. RECOMMENDATION : The staff recommends approval of the ordinance revisions in order to provide clarifications that will simplify the enforcement of the Water & Sewer Impact Fee ordinance. The Water & Sewer Committee has recommended to the full City Council to implement the first increment of a potential multi-year phased-in increase for the water & sewer impact fees. The Water & Sewer Committee also included a recommendation to evaluate the fees on a yearly basis to determine if the next increment should be approved for collection. BACKGROUND: On July 18, 2006 the City Council approved an amendment to the contract with Duncan Associates in the amount of $ 110,000 of which $55,000 was paid by Fayetteville and the remaining portion was paid by Elkins, Farmington, and Greenland. The purpose of this study was to "update the existing 2002 calculated water and wastewater impacts to: 1 ) reflect current construction costs; 2) calculate impact fees for new capacity created as part of the wastewater collection system; and 3) calculate specific impact fees for outside jurisdictions served by the Fayetteville system.' The current water impact fee is based on the 2002 estimated costs for the water transmission, storage, and distribution system and the current sewer impact fee is based on the 2002 estimated costs for the planned 10 million gallons per day wastewater treatment plant capacity improvements. The results of the Duncan & Associates study were provided to the City Council on February 27, 2008 and presented at a public meeting on March 11 , 2008 to the City Council along with representatives of the other municipalities that shared in the costs of the study. The Study calculated a maximum impact fee that could be charged by all governing bodies as shown on the following two sheets. • EXHIBIT A , AW BUSIAW 159.02 Water And Wastewater Impact Fees (2) It is not the intent of this Ordinance to collect any money from any (A) Applicability. development in excess of the actual amount necessary to offset demands (1 ) The following provisions shall apply to generated by that development for the all of the territory within the City's water water and wastewater facilities for which and wastewater service areas, including the fee was paid. areas outside the corporate city limits and within service areas located within (3) It is not the intent of this Ordinance that Washington County and other any monies collected for the water incorporated cities after June 16, 2003. impact fee and the wastewater impact fee ever be commingled or ever be used (2) The following types of development for a type of facility different from that for shall be required to pay a water and/or which the fee was paid. wastewater impact fee: (C) Time olCollection (a) New and existing development ( 1 ) Water and wastewater impact fees shall seeking a new connection to the be paid at the time of installation of the City's water or wastewater system water meter serving the property or of resulting in increased demand from the connection to the wastewater water and/or wastewater facilities. system, whichever comes first. This shall not apply to existing development that is connecting to the wastewater system in order to (2) Development projects which have eliminate an individual sewage obtained building permits prior to the disposal system. effective date of this ordinance shall not have to pay impact fees if the building is (b) New and existing development as completed with water and sewer hook- slated in (a) above seeking a new ups installed and certificate of connection to the system of a occupancy issued no later than six (6) wholesale customer of the City's months from the effective date of this water or wastewater system, where ordinance. collection of the City's impact fee is (D) Fee Determination required by the City's contract with the wholesale customer. (1 ) Schedule of Fees. The Impact Fee (c) Nonresidential or residential Administrator shall determine the redevelopment seeking a larger amount of the water and wastewater capacity or additional water meter. impact fees for residential uses based on the type or size of the water meter (B) Intent and for nonresidential uses based on the size of the water meter using the (1 ) The intent of wastewater and water following schedule: impact fees is to ensure that new development bears a proportionate Waste- share of the cost of improvements to the Land Use Unit Water Water Total City's water and wastewater systems; to Single-Family Dwelling $971 $872 $1 ,843 ensure that the proportionate share (average) does not exceed the cost of providing Multi-Family Dwelling $691 $620 $1 ,311 water and wastewater facilities to the (per dwelling unit) development that paid the fee; and to Nonresidential Meter $971 $872 $1 ,843 ensure that funds collected from (5/8" x 3/4" meter) developments are used to construct Nonresidential water and wastewater facilities that (1" meter) Meter $2,428 $2,180 $4,608 serve such developments. It is further Nonresidential the intent of this Ordinance to use the (1-1/2" meter) Meter $4,855 $4,360 $9,275 impact fees to implement the City's Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Nonresidential Meter $7,768 $6,976 $14,744 future plan updates and to implement (2" meter) the City's Five Year Capital Nonresidential Meter $15,536 $13,952 $29,488 Improvements Program. (3" meter) • EXHIBIT A • Nonresidential Meter $24,275 $21 ,800 $46,075 shall not be included in the calculation of (4" meter) the wastewater impact fee. Nonresidential Meter $48,550 $43,600 $92,150 (6" meter) (6) Affordable Housing Exemption. Nonresidential Meter $77,680 $69,760 $147,440 (a) Single family and non-profit multi- (8" meter) family supportive housing. Nonresidential Meter $111 ,665 $100,280 $211 ,945 Construction of single family and (10" meter) non-profit multi-family supportive housing funded wholly or primarily (2) Redevelopment, Reconstruction, by federal Community Development Change of Use. In the event of a Block Grants, non-profit service redevelopment, reconstruction or organizations such as Habitat for change of use from an existing Humanity, Housing and Urban development or use, the fee shall be the Development housing loans and difference between what the fee would similar programs designed to be for the entire redevelopment or provide affordable, owner-occupied, reconstruction project and what the fee single family residences to low would have been for the existing income individuals and non-profit development Or use. Existing multi-family supportive housing development must be connected to the shall be exempted from payment of water or wastewater system at the time impact fees pursuant to this of redevelopment in order to apply this ordinance by the Impact Fee credit. Administrator. (3) Mixed Use. If the proposed (7) Master Meters. In the event that a water development includes a mix of the master meter is utilized for any residential land uses and/or development including multi-family or nonresidential meter sizes that are listed mixed use, the fee shall be based on the in the impact fee schedule, the fee shall Master Meter size be determined by adding up all the water and wastewater impact fees that (E) Use of Fees. would be applicable for each residential land use type and/or nonresidential ( 1 ) Establishment of Accounts. An Impact meter size as if it was a freestanding Fee Fund that is distinct from the land use type. General Fund of the City is hereby created, and the impact fees received (4) Fire Suppression / Low Pressure. It is will be deposited in the following the intent of this ordinance to base interest-bearing accounts of the Impact water and wastewater impact fees on Fee Fund: the typical usage in a new building or other facility. Extinguishing of fires is (a) Water Impact Fee Account, and not a part of typical usage; to allow adequate fire flow to sprinklers and (b) Wastewater Impact Fee Account. internal hydrants at some large and at- risk properties, it may be necessary for (2) Water Impact Fee Accounts. The Water fire protection purposes to install a Impact Fee Account shall contain only larger water meter than would be those water impact fees collected necessary to meet day-to-day needs of pursuant to this Ordinance plus any that facility. In addition, a larger meter interest which may accrue from time to may be required in areas of low water time on such amounts. pressure than in areas of normal water pressure for the same type of use. In (3) Wastewater Impact Fee Account. The those cases, it is the policy of the City Wastewater Impact Fee Account shall that the impact fee for water and contain only those wastewater impact wastewater should be based on the fees collected pursuant to this meter size needed by that facility for its Ordinance plus any interest which may typical usage, without regard to fire-flow accrue from time to time on such or unusual pressure conditions. amounts. (5) Irrigation. Any separate water meter (4) Order of Use. Monies in each impact installed for irrigation purposes only fee account shall be considered to be • EXHIBIT A • spent in the order collected, on a first- the date certain upon which the in/first-out basis. refund becomes due. (5) Use of Fees. The monies in each (5) At the time of payment of the water impact fee account shall be used only or wastewater impact fee under this for the following: Ordinance, the Impact Fee Administrator shall provide the (a) Acquisition. To acquire land for applicant paying such fee with and/or acquire or construct water or written notice of those wastewater system improvements circumstances under which refunds of the type reflected in the title of of such fees will be made. Failure the account and as described in the to deliver such written notice shall Impact Fee Study as well as not invalidate any collection of any extension of service to new impact fee under this Ordinance." development paying an impact fee. Ord. No. 4447, §1 , 12-17-02; Ord. No. 4492, §159.02 (b) Debt service. To pay debt service C.1 , 6-03-03: Ord. 4496 § 159.02 "F", 6-17-03; Ord. No. on any portion of any current or 4919, 9-05-06; Ord. 4975, 1-16-07). future general obligation bond issue or revenue 'bond issue used to finance water or wastewater system improvements of the type reflected in the title of the account that created or will create capacity to serve new development. (c) As described in subsection F, Refunds. (F) Refunds. ( 1 ) The City of Fayetteville shall refund the portion of collected development impact fees, including the accrued interest that has not been expended seven (7) years from the date the fees were paid. Interest shall be based on a four percent (4%) annual rate. (2) A refund shall be paid to the present owner of the property that was the subject of new development and against which the fee was assessed and collected. (3) Notice of the right to a refund, including the amount of the refund and the procedure for applying for and receiving the refund, shall be sent or served in writing to the present owners of the property no later than thirty (30) days after the date which the refund becomes due. The sending by regular mail of the notices to all present owners of record shall be sufficient to satisfy the requirement of notice. (4) The refund shall be made on a pro rata basis, and shall be paid in full no later than ninety (90) days after Executive Summary Table 1 MAXIMUM WASTEWATER IMPACT FEES Fayetteville and Related Service Areas l7mettemlle I Farmingtort I Elkins I Greartlartd System lurprovvrvrts Sigle-Fam9y (average) 51,247 $1247 $1,247 $1,247 Single-Famry Variable Rate SuVg FemiN, up to 1,300 square feet $1,028 $1,028 $I'M $1028 Single,Family, 1,301 to 1,700 square feet $1,299 51199 $1,299 $1199 Single Family, 1,701 to 2.300 selene feet $1,466 51466 $1,466 $1,466 Single-Family, more Oran 2,300 square feet $1,643 S1,643 51,643 $1,643 MON-Family $887 $887 5887 $887 Moble Home 51,247 $1,247 $1,247 $1,247 Nomesiderod 5I8"x 3fC meter $1,247 $1,247 $1,247 $1,247 1" meter $3,117 53,117 53,117 53,117 117 meter $6,235 Km $6,235 $6,235 2- mom $9,976 S9,976 $9,976 $9,976 $' meter $19,951 $19,951 $19,951 $19,951 4" meler $31,174 $31,174 $31,174 $31,174 6"meter $62,348 $62,348 $62,348 $62,348 B"mow $99.757 $99,757 .$99.757 $93,757 10" meter $143,401 $143,401 $143,401 $143,401 Local Irrprovemems SingleFamiy (aterage) $1,385 51,551 $2.447 $2,351 Single-Family Variable Rate Silgle-Family, up to 1,300 square feet $1,141 $1279 $2,017 $1,938 Siigle,Family, 1,301 to 1700 square feel 51,442 $1,616 $2,549 52449 Silgle�Famity, 1,701 to 2.303 square feel $1,628 51624 $2,877 52,764 SirgbFamily, move pan 2,300 severe feel $1,925 $2,045 $3125 53,099 MulliFomily 5985 $1103 $1,740 $1,672 Media Home $1,385 $1,551 $2,447 52,351 NonresldeMial 518" x314" meter $1,385 $1551 $2,447 52,351 1--meter $3461 53,878 $6,117 $5,877 117muler $6,923 $7,757 $12,234 $11755 Z'meter $11,076 $12,411 $19,575 $18,808 F auger $22,152 $24,821 $39,150 $37,615 !"meter $34,613 $38783 $61,172 $58,774 6" meta $69,226 577,556 $122,345 5117,548 9, motor $110,762 $124,106 $195,752 $/88077 10"meter 5159,220 $178,403 $281,393 $270,350 Total SirglaFemiN(average) $2,631 $2,798 53694 53,598 ShoeFamiN VarmNe Rale Sirgp Family, up to 1,300 square feet 52.169 52,307 53,045 52,965 SirgleFamtly, 1301 to 1.700 square feet $2,742 $2,915 53.848 $3,748 Single-Fanry, 1,701 to 2.330 square feel Mee 53,290 54,343 $4,230 Singly amry, more Ow 2,300 square feet $6468 53.688 $4,868 54,742 Multi-Family $1672 $1.990 52,627 $2,559 Moore Home 52,631 $2798 $3,694 $3,598 NnovesNercal 50X V4.meter $2,631 52,798 $3,694 $3,598 1" meter $6,579 $6,995 $9,235 $8,9% 1 ler meter $13,157 $13,991 $18,469 $17,990 Treater $21,052 $22,386 $29,551 $28,783 3'Meer $42,104 $",T73 559,102 $57,567 !"meter $65,787 $69.957 $92,347 s8sM 6"meter $131,574 $139,915 5184,693 $179,896 8" meler $210,519 $223,864 $295,509 5297,834 Ur meter $302621 5321,804 $424794 5413.762 Source - System improvements, local improvements and total, from Table 21 , Table 22 and Table 23. Page 2 City of Fayetteville Capital Plan and Impact Fee Analysis - November 15, 2007