HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5161 Doc ID : 012453040006 TVDe : REL Recorded : 08/25/2008 at 04 : 03 : 56 PM Fee Amt : $40 . 00 Pace t of 6 Mashinoton Countv . AR Bette StaMoS Circuit Clerk File200840028232 ORDINANCE NO. 5161 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A RESIDENTIAL PLANNED ZONING DISTRICT TITLED R-PZD 08-3022, STONEWOOD GARDENS, LOCATED NEAR THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF CROSSOVER AND ALBRIGHT ROAD; CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 3 .36 ACRES; AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE; AND ADOPTING THE ASSOCIATED MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 : That the zone classification of the following described property is hereby changed as follows: From R-PZD 04-04.00, Residential Planned Zoning District to R-PZD 08-3022 Stonewood Gardens as shown in Exhibit "A" and depicted in Exhibit `B" attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 2: That the change in zoning classification is based upon the approved master development plan, development standards, statement of commitments and the conditions of approval as submitted, determined appropriate and approved by the City Council; further, that the conditions of approval shall be filed and available for viewing in the office of the City Clerk/Treasurer of the City of Fayetteville. Section 3 : That this ordinance shall take effect and be in full force at such time as all of the requirements of the master development plan have been met. Section 4: That the official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, is hereby amended to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1 above. T46 y eve 00 R PASSED and APPROVED this 5th day of August, 2008. rU ; p OFAYETTEVILLE ; APPROVE ATTEST- rz: ` .9S,KANSP� �'� By: 4By: �•'`y„v 0 DA COODY, Mayor SON51WSMITH, City Clerk/Treasurer ZIP ¢ tvx, '.?rgn^i4�tlri�r`G'�'�`YY�, t �, a'IAS Mir+°" "13t`x'v"`4Yk`" .Isi> r§ v-44 -�- =t ' ��'�W �.��e °^ k�• � mai '�a\ � � �: �� ws�'�y-H a � eeee OR - 'a", .is \ 4.Y ac` T' yMy ` 5f ^xs iF WPM $ 3 e5k P e Y a +5" Ks MI i+is ` NO Milli .fes F �^^ �`��� � aYy �y �`%\ ,Um""�&✓ 'si�u��sr �� {rA t Fn � ma+.? � � � �u. '\-lb?, ° '` {Ex' > r 'Anr� .e EXHIBIT "B" R-PZD 08-3022 PART OF THE SE 1 /4 OF THE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 18, T17N, R29W IN WASHINGTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NW CORNER OF SAID SE 1 /4 , SW 1/4 THENCE S00026502"E 110.00 FEET TO THE P.O.B., THENCE N89033 '5811E 122.33 FEET, THENCE S32050929"E 378. 17 FEET, THENCE S00026102"E 231 .35 FEET, THENCE S89040340"W 325 .00 FEET, THENCE N00026'02"W. 549.99 FEET TO THE P.O.B.; CONTAINING 3 .36 ACRES MORE OR LESS SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS AND RIGHT OF WAY OF RECORD. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: R-PZD 08-3022 Page 1 of 3 Conditions of Approval for R-PZD 08-3022 (Stonewood Gardens): 1 . At minimum, staff will recommend that Stonewood Court be constructed to include a stub out for a future east connection, including pavement, curb, gutter, storm drains, and a 5 ' sidewalk on both sides. A turn lane may be needed at the entry to Crossover Road. Staff will likely recommend money in lieu of sidewalk construction and other street improvements along Crossover Road. 2. Staff recommends in favor of the proposed connectivity finding that the proposed future connection will be beneficial to the neighborhood. In addition, the applicant is proposing pedestrian access to the south, to provide connectivity to those undeveloped lots. 3 . Curb-cuts shall be limited to a maximum width of 16' at the right-of-way and shall be at least 5 ' from the property line. Shared driveways may be located on the property line. All driveways shall otherwise meet the standards established in Chapter 172 Parking and Loading. 4. This project is required to go through preliminary plat and final plat review and approval. 5 . The applicant shall dedicate right-of-way for Crossover Road and Stonewood Court pursuant to the Master Street Plan at the time of final plat approval. 6. Project phasing. The applicant shall have one year from City Council approval of the PZD to receive preliminary plat approval, one year from the date of preliminary plat approval to obtain all development permits, and three years to obtain final plat approval with a one year extension available for each time limit pursuant to Chapter 166.20 of the Unified Development Code. 7. No portion of any structure (i.e., porches, overhangs, etc.) shall encroach into building setbacks or utility easements. 8 . Buildings shall be constructed to be consistent with the elevations and concepts depicted in the building elevations in the booklet as specified. Building elevations will be reviewed at the time of preliminary plat, final plat and building permit to ensure compliance. All homes shall be designed with a "front fagade" fronting onto Stonewood Court and to have varied facades to provide variety within the overall development. Articulation shall be required for the west facades of the houses adjacent to Crossover Road (Lots I — 5). 9. Signs shall be permitted in accordance with Chapter 174 of the Fayetteville Unified Development Code for single family residential subdivisions. 10. The Master Development Plan, Statement of Commitments, and Architectural Standards submitted by the applicant shall be considered binding and tied to the zoning of the property. Conditions of approval as noted herein and other requirements placed upon the project with CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: R-PZD 08-3022 Page 2 of 3 review of the Master Development Plan — Planned Zoning District by the City Council shall also be binding. 11 . This development shall be required to comply with the Tree Preservation requirements (25% minimum canopy) as set forth in the Unified Development Code at the time of development, subject to approval by the Urban Forester. 12. Prior to preliminary plat submittal, the applicant shall submit the development plans to the Parks Recreation and Advisory Board for review and recommendations regarding parkland dedication. 13 . Landscape requirements as outlined in Chapter 177 shall be required with development plat approval. 14. An ornamental fence shall be constructed along Crossover Road at the time of development as proposed in the Master Development Plan; along with a vegetative buffer of trees and shrubs. The fence shall not impede pedestrian access at the south boundary of the subject property. 15. The location of fire department connections shall be approved and shown on the final plat. 16. All new street names and addresses shall be approved by the GIS Division. 17. The following revisions shall be made: a. Page 4. Include in the paragraph about phasing and timeframe a statement regarding the timeframe for final plat approval, as the development will be required to receive Planning Commission approval of both preliminary and final plat requests prior to the issuance of a building permit. b. Page 5 . Add a column for a 0-foot side setback requirement for accessory structures to allow for the proposed shared garage on Lots 10 and 11 . c. Page 7. Add "Accessory Structures" to the far left column under Setback Requirements. d. Page 2 of the site plan. Add "Lot Width Minimum" under Bulk and Area Regulations. e. Page 2 of the site plan. Add the setback requirement for accessory structures. f. Extend the 8' pedestrian access easement between Lots 7 and 8 to the southern boundary of the subject property. Standard Conditions of Approval: 18. Impact fees for fire, police, water, and sewer shall be paid in accordance with City ordinance. 19. Plat Review and Subdivision comments (to include written staff comments provided to the CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: R-PZD 08-3022 Page 3 of 3 applicant or his representative, and all comments from utility representatives - AR Western Gas, SWBT, Ozarks, SWEPCO, Cox Communications). 20. Staff approval of final detailed plans, specifications and calculations (where applicable) for grading, drainage, water, sewer, fire protection, streets (public and private), sidewalks, parking lot(s) and tree preservation. The information submitted for the plat review process was reviewed for general concept only. All public improvements are subject to additional review and approval. All improvements shall comply with City's current requirements. 21 . All overhead electric lines 12kv and under shall be relocated underground. All proposed utilities shall be located underground. 22. Street lights shall be installed adjacent to all public and private streets (not alleys), with a separation of no greater than 300 feet. 23 . All exterior lighting is required to comply with the City's lighting ordinance. A lighting plan and cut-sheets of the proposed exterior light fixtures shall be required to be approved by Planning Staff prior to building permit. 24. Prior to the issuance of a building permit the following is required: a. Grading and drainage permits b. An on-site inspection by the Landscape Administrator of all tree protection measures prior to any land disturbance. C. Separate easement plat for this project that shall include the tree preservation area. d. Project Disk with all final revisions e. Completion of all required improvements or the placement of a surety with the City (letter of credit, bond, escrow) as required by Section 158.01 "Guarantees in Lieu of Installed Improvements" to guarantee all incomplete improvements. Further, all improvements necessary to serve the site and protect public safety must be completed, not just guaranteed, prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 1 . City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form /5 163 City Council Agenda Items 51 �; i and :�Pzb D8 Contracts, Leases or Agreements ! , , • 1016 August 5, 2008 �a 4vz�aalS City Council Meeting Date Agenda Items Only Jeremy Pate Planning Operations Submitted By Division Department Action Required: R-PZD 08-3022: Planned Zoning District (Stonewood Gardens, 60): Submitted by Jorgensen & Associates for property located near the southeast corner of Crossover and Albright Road containing approximately 3.36 acres. The request is for zoning and land use approval of a Residential Planned Zoning District with 15 single family dwelling units. Cost of this request Category I Project Budget Program Category / Project Name Account Number Funds Used to Date Program I Project Category Name Project Number Remaining Balance Fund Name Budgeted Item Budget Adjustment Attached 77 - MD6 Previous Ordinance or Resolution # Department 'recto Date Original Contract Date: 0 Original Contract Number: City Attor Date Received in City REQ Clerk's Office Finance and Internal Service Director Date // Received in ��p• Mayor's Office Mayor Da e Comments: Revised April 16, 2007 City Council Meeting of August 15, 2008 Agenda Item Number CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO To: Mayor and City Council Thru: Gary Dumas, Director of Operations \p From: Jeremy C. Pate, Director of Current Planning a' Date: July 15, 2008 Subject: Residential Planned Zoning District for Stonewood Gardens (R-PZD 08-3022) RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of an ordinance creating a Residential Planned Zoning District (R-PZD) for Stonewood Gardens, based on the development standards, plans and statement of commitments submitted. This action will establish a unique zoning district for a single-use project on approximately 3 .36 acres. The proposal consists of 15 detached single-family homes with shared drives and zoning criteria indicative of the RSF-8 zoning district. BACKGROUND In May of 2004, the City Council approved a Residential Planned Zoning District (R- PZD) on the subject property for 12 single family dwellings on a gated, private street that ended in a cul-de-sac in the R-PZD zoning district. Prior to that approval, the property was zoned R-0, Residential Office. Because the original developer could not finish the project, the applicant submitted a revised proposal in 2007 that included the subject property and two additional properties to the south for a total of 4.64 acres within two planning areas, containing 21 attached dwelling units and 7 detached dwelling units and a street connecting to the cul-de-sac south of the subject property. On November 26, 2007, the Planning Commission voted to forward the revised request to the City Council with a recommendation of approval and the condition that the applicant construct an additional street and stub-out to the east. Unable to move forward to the City Council with the second proposal, the applicant submitted a revised zoning and land use proposal for the original 3 .36 acres, containing one planning area with designated green space and 15 detached single family homes with shared drives. The density proposed for the project (15 dwelling units on 3 .36 acres) is 4.46 dwelling units/acre. The proposal includes one interior public street, to which all lots will front, with a stub out to the east for future connectivity and a public pedestrian access easement and 4' sidewalk for future connection to the properties zoned R-0 located to the south of the subject property. Similar to the previous proposal, the single- family lots are indicative of the RSF-8 zoning district criteria with a typical lot width of 50 feet and reduced front setbacks. City Council Meeting of August 15, 2008 Agenda Item Number DISCUSSION The Planning Commission voted 7-0-0 in favor of this request on July 14, 2008. Recommended conditions were approved by the Planning Commission and are reflected in the attached staff report. BUDGETIMPACT None. ORDINANCE NO, AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A RESIDENTIAL PLANNED ZONING DISTRICT TITLED R-PZD 08-3022, STONEWOOD GARDENS, LOCATED NEAR THE SOUTH EAST CORNER OF CROSSOVER AND ALBRIGHT ROAD; CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 3 .36 ACRES; AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE; AND ADOPTING THE ASSOCIATED MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 : That the zone classification of the following described property is hereby changed as follows: From R-PZD 04-04.00, Residential Planned Zoning District to R-PZD 08-3022 as shown in Exhibit "A" and depicted in Exhibit `B" attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 2: That the change in zoning classification is based upon the approved master development plan, development standards, statement of commitments and the conditions of approval as submitted, determined appropriate and approved by the City Council; further, that the conditions of approval shall be filed and available for viewing in the office of the City Clerk/Treasurer of the City of Fayetteville. Section 3 : That this ordinance shall take effect and be in full force at such time as all of the requirements of the master development plan have been met. Section 4: That the official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, is hereby amended to reflect the zoning change provided in Section I above. PASSED and APPROVED this day of 2008. APPROVED: ATTEST: By: By: DAN COODY, Mayor SONDRA SMITH, City Clerk/Treasurer 4 r 8 Y '• F x ; -1 5��.eYe�roy ' S'v r �� ��� ,r 5 � A k Y - - N '2 ,4�+�� �✓} ' . Y� tet" '> .'- �"i <cy� ,� •� � .�`s^"F.�.a�� r"T-.'`�irK r<� � y `�� � � 3.t• }'Yf4 . � '- `S��y'^jl} v tY3 ` r 4 c I e A , EXHIBIT "B" R-PZD 08-3022 PART OF THE SE % OF THE SW '/a OF SECTION 18, T17N, R29W IN WASHINGTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS : BEGINNING AT THE NW CORNER OF SAID SE 1/4 , SW '/< THENCE S00026102"E 110.00 FEET TO THE P.O.B., THENCE N89033758"E 122.33 FEET, THENCE S32050129"E 378. 17 FEET, THENCE S00026502"E 231 .35 FEET, THENCE S89040740"W 325.00 FEET, THENCE N00026'02"W 549.99 FEET TO THE P.O.B.; CONTAINING 3 .36 ACRES MORE OR LESS SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS AND RIGHT OF WAY OF RECORD.