HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5155 ORDINANCE NO, 5155 AN ORDINANCE TO REPEAL AND REPLACE UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE CH. 166.20, EXPIRATION OF APPROVED PLANS AND PERMITS, TO ALLOW ADMINISTRATIVE EXTENSIONS AND OTHER AMENDMENTS AS NOTED HEREIN. WHEREAS, the City Council in 2002 adopted Ch. 166.20 of the Unified Development Code that establishes an expiration date of one year and permits a one-time, one-year extension to approved permits and plans, upon approval by the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, since adoption, the Planning Commission has approved fifty such extensions, primarily on the consent agenda without discussion; and WHEREAS, in thirteen instances, an applicant has missed the required filing period for an extension and was required to fully process a new project through the Planning Commission review, involving significant cost in time and money to the applicant, staff, neighbors and officials; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment would maintain the intent of the original ordinance to ensure projects under construction meet the ordinances and codes in place at the time of construction, while allowing administrative extensions for those projects that meet all city codes, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 : That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby repeals and replaces Ch. 166.20 Expiration of Approved Plans and Permits of the Unified Development Code with Exhibit "A," attached hereto and made a part hereof. PASSED and APPROVED this 15u day of July, 2008. APPROVED: ATTEST: ,1,„nnunee ^� � n, ' ` .�`� F11V1R [ '''r�. By: � By: 0�`�-' F. DAN COODY, Mayor SONDRA E. SMITH, City Clerk/Treasu&� FAYMEVILLE ° C7 Exhibit "A" 166.20 Expiration Of Approved Plans accomplish the tasks by up to one (1) And Permits additional year. The applicant has the burden to show good cause why the (A) Applicability. The provisions of this section tasks could not reasonably be apply to all of the following plans and completed within the normal one (1 ) permits: year limit. Extensions that are not permitted administratively may be (1 ) Preliminary plats; requested of the Planning Commission within ten days of the final administrative (2) Planned zoning district developments; decision. (3) Conditional uses; (3) Planning Commission Extension Within 18 months. Should an applicant miss (4) Large-scale developments; the deadline to request an administrative extension, within eighteen (5) Lot splits; months of the date of approval the applicant may request the Planning (6) Physical alteration of land permits; Commission to extend the period up to one (1) additional year from the original (7) Storm water, drainage, and erosion date of approval, subject to the burden control permits; of showing good cause as described in this section. (8) Tree preservation plans; and (4) Planning Commission Extension. Prior (9) Floodplain development permits. to the expiration of any allowed extension period (maximum of two years (B) Time limit. from the date of original approval), an applicant may request the Planning (1 ) Tasks to be completed. All of the Commission to extend the period to above-enumerated plans and permits accomplish the tasks by up to one (1) are conditioned upon the applicant additional year, if the plans and permits accomplishing the following tasks within are substantially the same as those one (1 ) year from the date of approval: originally approved. The applicant has the burden to show good cause why the (a) For any renovation or new tasks could not reasonably be construction, receive all building completed within the normal one (1 ) permits for the project; and/or, year limit and the permitted extension period. Extensions beyond three (3) (b) For a Planned Zoning District, years from the original date of approval comply with the approved phasing shall not be permitted. plan; and/or (5) Ordinance Amendments. To receive (c) For a lot split, record a deed or approval of an extension, the applicant survey at the Washington County shall comply with all applicable zoning Circuit Clerk's Office, stamped for and development requirements that recordation by the City Planning have been adopted subsequent to the Division; and/or, original project approval. Projects that must be substantially modified to meet (d) Receive a Certificate of Zoning new code requirements are subject to Compliance; and/or, Ch. 166.05 (F) Modifications. (e) Receive all permits and approvals (6) Variances. Variances from applicable required by City, County, State, and zoning and development requirements Federal regulations to complete that have been adopted subsequent to construction of the development or the original project approval shall be project. reviewed by the Planning Commission prior to approval of the extension. (2) Administrative Extension Within One (7) Expiration. If the required task(s) are Year. Prior to the expiration of the one not completed within one (1 ) year from (1) year time limit, an applicant may request the Zoning and Development the date of approval or during an Administrator to extend the period to allowed extension period, all of the Exhibit "A" above-enumerated plans and permits may request the Planning Commission shall be rendered null and void. to extend the three (3) year period to complete the project by up to two (2) (C) Three-year time limit. additional years. The applicant has the burden to show good cause why the (1 ) Tasks to be complete. All of the above- project could not reasonably be enumerated plans and permits are also completed within the three (3) year time conditioned upon the applicant limit. completing the project and receiving final inspection approval and/or a final (3) Expiration. If the applicant fails to meet Certificate of Occupancy permit within the requirements of subsection (C)(1) three (3) years from the date of within three (3) years from the date of issuance of a building permit or receipt issuance of a building permittreceipt of of all permits and approval required to all permits and approval required or complete construction of the project. during an allowed extension period, all of the above-enumerated plans and (2) Extensions. Prior to the expiration of permits shall be rendered null and void. the three (3) year time limit, an applicant City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form City Council Agenda Items or Contracts 15-Jul-08 City Council Meeting Date Jeremy Pate Planning Operations Submitted By Division Department Action Required: ADM 08-3020: (UDC Amendment - Ch. 166.20 Expiration of Plans): Submitted by Planning Staff, an amendment to the UDC Ch. 166.20 to permit administrative extensions for projects that meet all code requirements and establish different project extension options. $0.00 n/a n/a Cost of this request Category/Project Budget Program Category / Project Name n/a n/a n/a Account Number Funds Used to Date Program / Project Category Name n/a n/a n/a $ Project Number Remaining Balance Fund Name Budgeted Item Budget Adjustment Attached I�J Previous Ordinance or Resolution # n/a Department irec Date Original Contract Date: n/a Original Contract Number: n/a Ci rney Received in City Clerk's Office Finance and Internal Service Director Date Received in Mayor's Office 0� Mayor Date FCom�ments: City Council Meeting of July 15 , 2008 Agenda Item Number CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO To: Mayor and City Council Thru: Gary Dumas, Director of Operations �p From: Jeremy C. Pate, Director of Current Planning Date: June 26, 2008 Subject: UDC Amendment — Ch. 166.20 Expiration of Approved Plans and Permits RECOMMENDATION Staff and the Planning Commission recommend approval of an ordinance amendment to Ch. 166.20 of the UDC, allowing applicants to request administrative approval of project extensions, as long as the project meets all codes in place at the time of the extension, and amending other sections of the code. BACKGROUND In 2002 the City Council adopted an ordinance that established a sunset for previously approved projects and created a one-year expiration period in which all new projects are required to obtain all necessary permits to start construction of the project. The ordinance also allowed a one-time, on-year extension request of approved plans, subject to Planning Commission approval. Since that time, the Planning Commission has approved fifty such extension requests, with little to no discussion. However, in at least thirteen instances, staff has been required to make an applicant submit an entirely new application and development project, even if it was the same exact project, for missing the filing deadline for the extension by the Planning Commission. This practice is not popular with the applicant, staff, or neighbors who are notified and come to meetings to find out the project is the same as that which was originally approved. DISCUSSION Staff is recommending an ordinance amendent to Ch. 166.20 that would permit applicants to submit an extension request to staff for administrative approval, provided that the project meets all codes in place at the time of the extension request. In addition, if an applicant misses the one-year filing period, he or she would be allowed an additional six months to file for an extension by the Planning Commission, much as we process now. And finally, this amendment would allow the Planning Commission to permit a second extension, with a maximum of three years for projects (other than PZDs that establish longer phasing periods) to meet all requirements. The Planning Commission voted 8-0-0 to recommend approval of this ordinance amendment at its June 23 meeting. BUDGETIMPACT None. FAYETTEVILLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS KIT WILLIAMS, CITY ATTORNEY DAVID WHITAKER, ASST. CITY ATTORNEY DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE LEGAL DEPARTMENT TO: Dan Coody, Mayor City Council CC: Jeremy Pate, Director of Current Planning FROM: Kit Williams, City Attorney C/�C DATE: June 26, 2008 RE: Amendment of code section governing renewal or extension of approved projects We recently received a complaint from a developer who had graded his large scale development and had been approved for and was constructing the foundations for his apartment complex. Unfortunately, he had failed to apply for an extension of the approval for his large scale development within the one year period. Our Code did not allow an extension to be granted after the period expired and so Planning and Building Safety could not issue building permits to finish the development. The developer had to go back to square one and submit a new large scale development permit. Jeremy Pate and I discussed this problem which had occurred several times in the past. Although one might argue that the developer/builder should be aware of the City' s Development Ordinances and the clearly stated requirement to apply for an extension prior to the expiration of the permitted period, it makes no sense not to allow the Planning Commission to hear a request for extension even if the developer/builder misses the expiration of approval deadline by a few months. With no wiggle room in the current code section, we have been forced into almost playing a "gotcha" game with developers who ask too late for an extension . Jeremy and his staff have come up with a significant improvement for this process to extend previously approved plans. First, if the developer timely requests an extension. Jeremy can approve it himself so no time is wasted waiting to get it before the Planning Commission. Second, if the developer fails to ask for an extension before project' s approval expires, the developer can seek the Planning Commission's approval for an extension rather than having to go back to square one as if the staff, public and Planning Commission had not already carefully studied and approved the project a year or so earlier. I recommend approval of this procedural change which should save staff and developers much time, effort and expense. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE TO REPEAL AND REPLACE UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE CH. 166.20, EXPIRATION OF APPROVED PLANS AND PERMITS, TO ALLOW ADMINISTRATIVE EXTENSIONS AND OTHER AMENDMENTS AS NOTED HEREIN. WHEREAS, the City Council in 2002 adopted Ch. 166.20 of the Unified Development Code that establishes an expiration date of one year and permits a one-time, one-year extension to approved permits and plans, upon approval by the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, since adoption, the Planning Commission has approved fifty such extensions, primarily on the consent agenda without discussion; and WHEREAS, in thirteen instances, an applicant has missed the required filing period for an extension and was required to fully process a new project through the Planning Commission review, involving significant cost in time and money to the applicant, staff, neighbors and officials; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment would maintain the intent of the original ordinance to ensure projects under construction meet the ordinances and codes in place at the time of construction, while allowing administrative extensions for those projects that meet all city codes, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 : That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby repeals and replaces Ch. 166.20 Expiration of Approved Plans and Permits of the Unified Development Code with Exhibit "A," attached hereto and made a part hereof. PASSED and APPROVED this—day of J 2008. APPROVED: ATTEST: By: By: DAN COODY, Mayor SONDRA SMITH, City Clerk Exhibit "A" 166.20 Expiration Of Approved Plans accomplish the tasks by up to one (1) And Permits additional year. The applicant has the burden to show good cause why the (A) Applicability. The provisions of this section tasks could not reasonably be apply to all of the following plans and completed within the normal one (1 ) permits: year limit. Extensions that are not permitted administratively may be (1 ) Preliminary plats; requested of the Planning Commission within ten days of the final administrative (2) Planned zoning district developments; decision. (3) Conditional uses; (3) Planning Commission Extension Within 18 months. Should an applicant miss (4) Large-scale developments; the deadline to request an administrative extension, within eighteen (5) Lot splits; months of the date of approval the applicant may request the Planning (6) Physical alteration of land permits; Commission to extend the period up to one (1 ) additional year from the original (7) Storm water, drainage, and erosion date of approval, subject to the burden control permits; of showing good cause as described in this section. (8) Tree preservation plans; and (4) Planning Commission Extension. Prior (9) Floodplain development permits. to the expiration of any allowed extension period (maximum of two years (B) Time limit. from the date of original approval), an applicant may request the Planning (1) Tasks to be completed. All of the Commission to extend the period to above-enumerated plans and permits accomplish the tasks by up to one (1 ) are conditioned upon the applicant additional year, if the plans and permits accomplishing the following tasks within are substantially the same as those one (1 ) year from the date of approval: originally approved. The applicant has the burden to show good cause why the (a) For any renovation or new tasks could not reasonably be construction, receive all building completed within the normal one (1) permits for the project; and/or, year limit and the permitted extension period. Extensions beyond three (3) (b) For a Planned Zoning District, years from the original dale of approval comply with the approved phasing shall not be permitted. plan; and/or (5) Ordinance Amendments. To receive (c) For a lot split, record a deed or approval of an extension, the applicant survey at the Washington County shall comply with all applicable zoning Circuit Clerk's Office, stamped for and development requirements that recordation by the City Planning have been adopted subsequent to the Division; and/or, original project approval. Projects that must be substantially modified to meet (d) Receive a Certificate of Zoning new code requirements are subject to Compliance; and/or, Ch. 166.05 (F) Modifications. (e) Receive all permits and approvals (6) Variances. Variances from applicable required by City, County, State, and zoning and development requirements Federal regulations to complete that have been adopted subsequent to construction of the development or the original project approval shall be project. reviewed by the Planning Commission prior to approval of the extension. (2) Administrative Extension Within One Year. Prior to the expiration of the one (7) Expiration. the required task(s) are (1 ) year time limit, an applicant may not completedd within one (1 ) year from the date of approval or during an request the Zoning and Development Administrator to extend the period to allowed extension period, all of the Exhibit "A" above-enumerated plans and permits may request the Planning Commission shall be rendered null and void. to extend the three (3) year period to complete the project by up to two (2) (C) Three-year time limit. additional years. The applicant has the burden to show good cause why the (1 ) Tasks to be complete. All of the above- project could not reasonably be enumerated plans and permits are also completed within the three (3) year time conditioned upon the applicant limit. completing the project and receiving final inspection approval and/or a final (3) Expiration. If the applicant fails to meet Certificate of Occupancy permit within the requirements of subsection . (C)(1 ) three (3) years from the date of within three (3) years from the date of issuance of a building permit or receipt issuance of a building permit/receipt of of all permits and approval required to all permits and approval required or complete construction of the project. during an allowed extension period, all of the above-enumerated plans and (2) Extensions. Prior to the expiration of permits shall be rendered null and void. the three (3) year time limit, an applicant dyeL1e � l PC Meeting of June 23 , 2008 ARKANSAS THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS 125 W. Mountain Sl. Fayetteville, AR 72701 PLANNING DIVISION CORRESPONDENCE Telephone: (479) 575-8267 TO: Fayetteville Planning Commission FROM: Jeremy Pate, Director of Current Planning DATE: 04 June 2008 ADM 08-3020: (UDC Amendment — Ch. 166.20 Expiration of Plans): Submitted by Planning staff, an amendment to the Unified Development Code Ch. 166.20, Expiration of Approved Plans and Permits, to permit administrative extensions for projects that meet all code requirements and establish different extension options. Planner: Jeremy Pate Background: In 2002, the Planning Commission recommended and City Council adopted an ordinance that required all previously approved plans and permits to comply with current ordinances and established time limits for future plan and permit approval. This ordinance amendment came about due to concerns with projects approved, in some cases, decades ago and which were technically still permitted to be constructed without meeting the codes that had been adopted since that original approval. The current code section that is applied most frequently, Ch. 166.20, establishes a typical one-year time limit in which an applicant must complete the required tasks associated with the project. For a large scale development, for instance, all building permits associated with the project must be obtained within one year from the date of approval by the Planning Commission; for a preliminary plat, all construction plans must be approved; for a Conditional Use Permit, a Certificate of Zoning Compliance must be issued; and so forth. If the tasks can not be completed within the one-year time limit, an applicant may apply for a one-time, one-year extension, prior to the expiration date. Proposal: The proposal before you is to amend the current extension procedure, still requiring the initial one- year time limit, but allowing administrative extension rights. The ability to administratively approve extensions was discussed in 2002, but due to the complexity of the issue and the unknown number of projects the sunset clause would affect, it was not included. Additionally, if an applicant misses the one-year time frame to request an administrative extension, but requests an extension within 18 months of approval, the Planning Commission may grant the extension. This allows an extra 6 months for an applicant to finalize the tasks; it is common knowledge in the Planning office that K:IReports0008WC ReportsI124 ne 2314DM 08-3020 (UDC-/66.20).doc most projects that miss their request deadlines to ask for an extension are discovered within 6 months of the expiration. And finally, the proposed amendment would give the Planning Commission the ability to approve an additional one year on top of the administrative extension, allowing for a potential maximum time period of three years in which to complete all tasks associated with the approved plans and permits. To be clear, in all of these instances the applicant must show good cause to justify the extension; if an ordinance amendment has occurred that would alter the plans, this is one of the considerations the Zoning and Development Administrator and Planning Commission may utilize in determining whether an extension is approved or not. To provide supporting data, staff conducted a study from January 2003 (when the ordinance went into effect) to the present. In that time period 48 requests for extensions of the one-year time frame have been requested and approved. None have been denied, and all but the first three requested have been approved on the consent agenda. In that same period of time, 13 applicants missed their deadline to request the same extension and were required to return through the development review process. When a project has already been reviewed and approved, is reviewed for the same development requirements as previously approved, oftentimes is already under construction, and is not subject to additional code requirements that would substantially change the project, staff finds this additional review to be a waste of valuable time and resources for the applicant, private consultants, neighbors and staff. While the City of Fayetteville's review process is relatively short (40 days), there is still substantial cost in city staff time processing the request, application fees, consulting fees to reproduce engineering, landscape and architectural drawings, concerned neighbors attending meetings on the same project and time spent by the Commission and other committees discussing the project in meetings. In our opinion, amending this code section to be more user- friendly, while retaining the strength of the intent to ensure projects that are approved are constructed to the most current codes adopted, is advisable. Recommendation: Staff recommends the proposed amendments to Ch. 166.20 be forwarded to the City Council with a recommendation for approval. K.- Reporb12008WCReports112-June 23UDM08-3020 (UDC-166.20).doc Marked-up Draft 166.20 Expiration Of Approved Plans request the waaning 6emmissien And Permits Zoning and Development Administrator to extend the period to (A) Applicability. The provisions of this section accomplish the tasks by up to one (1 ) apply to all of the following plans and additional year. The applicant has the permits: burden to show good cause why the tasks could not reasonably be (1 ) Preliminary plats; completed within the normal one (1) year limit. Extensions that are not (2) Planned zoning district developments; permitted administratively may be requested of the Planning (3) Conditional uses; Commission within ten days of the final administrative decision. (4) Large-scale developments; (3) Planning Commission Extension (5) Lot splits; .n 18 months. Should an applicant miss the deadline to request rt administrative extension, (6) Physical alteration of land permits; r .+, ithin eighteen months of the date of approval the applicant may request (7) Storm water, drainage, and erosion w control permits; the Planning ommission to extend the period up to one (1) additional year from the rigmal date of (8) Tree preservation plans; and, a proval, subject toNthe burden of (0) Sign pelmit6i and howmg good cause as described in this section. (10) Floodplain development permits. (4) .Planning Commission Extension. (B) One year Time limit. P.rio�o the expiration of any allowed extension period (maximum of two (1 ) Tasks to be completed. All of the yeears trom the date of original above enumerated Tans and permit approval), an applicant may request are conditione _ upon t e pplicant efPlanning Commission to extend accomplishingfollowing task's within the period to accomplish the tasks by one 1 ~ up to one (1 ) additional year, if the ( ) year irom the date of approval: plans and permits are substantially (a) For any re ovati or ne the same as those originally nstruction, receive all bud ing approved. The applicant has the permits'of_._ or�the p`roje`ct and/or, burden to show good cause why the �� tasks could not reasonably be b) Fora Planne?� Zoni g District, completed within the normal one (1 ) comply w'ihjt�the proved year limit and the permitted phasing plan; and}d or extension period. Extensions beyond three (3) years from the original date (c) or a lot split, rd a deed or of approval shall not be permitted. sSe at the Washington County a (5) Ordinance Amendments. To receive Circ it lerk's ffice, stamped for > approval of an extension, the record tion by the City Planning Division; and/o , applicant shall comply with all applicable zoning and development (d) Receive a Certificate of Zoning requirements that have been adopted Compliance; and/or, subsequent to the original project approval. Projects that must be (e) Receive all permits and approvals substantially modified to meet new required by City, County, State, code requirements are subject to Ch. and Federal regulations to start 166.05 (F) Modifications. complete construction of the (6) Variances. Variances from applicable development or project. zoning and development (2) Administrative Extension Kithin One requirements that have been adopted Year. Prior to the expiration of the one subsequent to the original project (1) year time limit, an applicant may approval shall be reviewed by the