HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5150 ORDINANCE NO. 5150 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR FAYETTEVILLE'S PARTICIPATION IN THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS REGIONAL MOBILITY AUTHORITY AND APPROVING AN AGREEMENT WITH PARTICIPATING MEMBERS OF THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS REGIONAL MOBILITY AUTHORITY WHEREAS, there are major transportation issues in Northwest Arkansas that cannot or will not be solved by the Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department (AHTD) alone; and WHEREAS, in recognition of financial limitations, as well as the lack of suitable statutory authority for cities and counties to collectively fund and implement transportation projects on a regional basis, with or without AHTD participation, the Legislature approved Act 389 of 2007 to revise the Regional Mobility Authority Act of 2005; and WHEREAS, the stated intent of Act 389 made clear that the funding of regional mobility authorities is intended as a supplement to, and not a substitute for, state and federal transportation aid to counties and municipalities; and WHEREAS, with said changes, revisions, and clarifications, the establishment of a multi-county regional mobility authority is now deemed practicable and advisable, and it is the desire of the City Council to move forthwith in such establishment with participating members of the Northwest Arkansas Regional Mobility Authority. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 : That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby authorizes and approves Fayetteville's participation in the Northwest Arkansas Regional Mobility Authority. Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves the "Northwest Arkansas Regional Mobility Authority Agreement," which is attached hereto as Exhibit " A" . Page 2 Ord. 5150 Section 3: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby authorizes and directs the Mayor to execute the document on behalf of the City of Fayetteville, and transmit it to participating members of the Northwest Arkansas Regional MobilityAuthorihfor consideration. h�G,•G�SY Op PASSED and APPROVED this 1st day of July, 2008. 8� a ; FAYETTEVILLE • APPROVED: ATTEST: �z �' 0 .1 �kFlNSPC�'Jam. ;NGTOTA By: 16a 44 By: DAN COODY, Mayor SONDRA E. SMITH, City Clerk/Treasurer NORTHWEST ARKANSAS REGIONAL MOBILITY AUTHORITY AGREEMENT As authorized by Act 389 of 2007 of the Arkansas General Assembly, codified as A.C.A. 27-76- 101 , et seq. , Washington County and Benton County herewith form the Northwest Arkansas Regional Mobility Authority (the "Authority"). ARTICLE I — AUTHORIZATION The parties to this Agreement are Washington County and Benton County, Arkansas and municipalities within the jurisdictional boundaries of the Authority. Municipalities within the jurisdictional boundaries may become a member of the Authority subject to meeting the requirements of A.C.A. 27-76-203 . The counties and the subsequent signatory cities agree to J oin cooperatively in establishing and providing for the operation of the Northwest Arkansas Regional Mobility Authority. ARTICLE II — DURATION The Authority shall have a perpetual existence. ARTICLE III — ORGANIZATION A. CONSTITUTION . The Authority shall be governed by a Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall include the County Judge, or a representative designated by the County Judge, of each county that is a member of the Authority; and the Mayor, or a representative designated by the Mayor, of each city of the first class that is a member of the Authority. The designated representative of a County Judge or a Mayor shall be a qualified elector of the jurisdiction that the designated representative is appointed to represent. B. TERMS. A Director who is a public official may serve on the Board of Directors during his term of office as the County Judge or Mayor of a member of the Authority. A Director who is the designated representative of the Mayor or County Judge serves at the pleasure of the Mayor of the municipality or the County Judge of the county that is a member of the Authority. The term of such a Director shall not extend beyond the term of the appointing public official. A new Mayor or County Judge may designate the same person who served as the designated representative of a previous Mayor or County Judge, as their designated representative to serve as a Director. C. PAY AND EXPENSES. The members of the Board of Directors of the Authority shall receive no salary or per diem, but shall be entitled to reimbursement of actual travel and out-of-pocket expense incurred on behalf of the Authority as authorized by the Board. ARTICLE IV — JURISDICTIONAL BOUNDARIES The jurisdictional boundaries of the Authority shall be co-extensive with the legal boundaries of Washington County and Benton County, Arkansas. ARTICLE V — GOVERNANCE The Authority shall be operated and controlled by its Board of Directors in accordance with A.C.A. 27-76-301 , el seq. ARTICLE VI — POWERS AND DUTIES The Board of Directors shall have those powers and duties set forth in A.C.A. 27-76-401 -410. All plans developed by the Authority shall be consistent with state implementation plans, statewide transportation improvements programs if federal aid funds are involved, statewide long-range transportation plans, city and county master street plans, and metropolitan transportation plans in metropolitan areas as required under 23 U.S .C. Section 134 as it existed on January 1 , 2007. ARTICLE VII — EMINENT DOMAIN The Authority shall have the power of eminent domain and such powers shall be exercised for public purposes only, as set forth in A.C.A. 27-76-501 — 504. ARTICLE VIII — FINANCING AND BONDS The Authority may be financed or supported as determined by the Board of Directors in accordance with A.C.A. 27-76-601 — 611 . However, in no event may any member be financially obligated without the consent of its governing body. ARTICLE IX — TOLLING FEES, FARE AND OTHER CHARGES OF A TOLL FACILITY PROJECT As determined by its Board of Directors, the Authority shall have those tolling powers and rights as set forth in A.C.A. 27-76-701 — 713 . ARTICLE X — OFFICERS, MEETINGS, AND RULES A. OFFICERS . At its organizational meeting and at the first regular meeting of each fiscal year, the Board of Directors shall elect one of its members as Chairman, one as Vice- Chairman, one as Secretary, and one as Treasurer. At the discretion of the Board, the offices of Secretary and Treasurer may be held by one person. B. MEETINGS, The Authority' s Board of Directors shall meet not less than quarterly at dates; times, and places to be established by the Board . All meetings shall be open to the public as provided by Arkansas law, and shall be conducted pursuant to procedures established by the Board . A meeting may be called by the Secretary at the direction of the Chairman, or upon the direction of a majority of the members of the Board of the Authority. C. RULES. Fifty percent (50%) of the members of the Board plus one shall constitute a quorum and no vacancy in the membership of the Authority shall restrict the right of a quorum to exercise all the rights and privileges or the duties of the Authority. The Board 2 of Directors of the Authority may create such committees as it deems necessary for the proper exercise of it functions. The Board shall adopt rules for the transaction of business, and shall keep a complete record of its activities and business, which shall be a public record. No member of the Board of Directors or any officer, employee, or agent of the Authority shall have a personal interest in any business of the Authority or in any contract with the Authority, or in any property or other assets in which the Authority is interested. No person shall be employed by the Authority who is related to a member or officer of the Authority by blood or by marriage within the fourth degree. For purposes of this provision, any corporation or other business in which any member of the Board of the Authority or any officer, employee or agent of the Authority has a substantial interest shall be prohibited from doing business with the Authority. ARTICLE XI — AMENDMENT This Agreement may be modified or amended in the same manner as this Agreement was adopted. ARTICLE XII — TERMINATION This Agreement shall continue in full force and effect subsequent to it adoption by all signatory parties. Whenever the members of the Authority shall by ordinance determine that the Authority shall be dissolved and that all bonds issued and all other obligations incurred by the Authority have been fully paid or satisfied, the members of the Authority may by ordinance declare the Authority dissolved. In the event that the Authority shall be dissolved, title to all funds and other property owned by the Authority at the time of dissolution shall be liquidated and distributed to the members in direct proportion to the funds contributed to the Authority by the members, if any, and if no funds were contributed, to each member in the manner provided in the ordinance declaring the dissolution. ARTICLE XIII — NEW MEMBERS; WITHDRAWALS Any municipality within the jurisdictional boundaries of the Authority, without exception, may become a member of the Authority subject to meeting the requirements of A.C.A. 27-76-203 . Any member of the Authority may withdraw at any time without the consent of the other members prior to any bonded debt being issued by the Authority. The withdrawal shall become effective upon the adoption of an ordinance by the withdrawing member and the filing of the ordinance with the Authority. The withdrawal of a member shall not cause a dissolution or otherwise terminate this Agreement. If there is bonded debt of the Authority outstanding, a member may withdraw from the Authority without the consent of the other members so long as there are sufficient members remaining to constitute the Authority and to provide for a Board of Directors of the Authority. 3 ARTICLE XVI — COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT This Agreement incorporates by reference A.C.A. 25-20-104(c) to the extent that the same is consistent with the provision of the Regional Mobility Authority Act and with this Agreement. ARTICLE XV — FULL AND COMPLETE POWERS AND DEFINITIONS It is the intention of this Agreement and the signatories hereto that the Authority established hereunder have all of the powers, duties, and obligations conferred upon the Authority by the Regional Mobility Authority Act. The definitions and powers of the Act are incorporated by reference. ARTICLE XVI — GENDER Any references to gender made herein are intended to be neutral. ARTICLE XVII — ENTIRE AGREEMENT This writing constitutes the entire agreement between the . parties. All amendments or modifications hereto must be in writing. Act 389 of 2007 is attached, designated Exhibit A, and incorporated by reference. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the City of Fayetteville, by its Mayor has executed this Agreement on the 1 s` day of July, 2008. CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE By: �Iz / DAN COODY, Mayor ATTEST By: SO RA E. SMITH, City Clerkrrreasurer `",punrtrrpp GR1'1.,', ; FAYETfEVILLE ; ,�ys.9QkANSP�J*3Z , �'' y„�GTO14 �°,��. Exhibit "A" Stricken language would be deleted from and underlined language would be added to the law as it existed prior to this session of the General Assembly. Act 389 of the Regular Session 1 State of Arkansas As Engrossed.- H312107 2 86th General Assembly Bill 3 Regular Session, 2007 HOUSE BILL 1698 4 5 By: Representatives Wills, Medley, Anderson, Glidewell, Harris, Hawkins, House, Hoyt, D. Hutchinson, 6 King, Maxwell, Pennartz, Rosenbaum, Woods, Wyatt, Adcock, Berry, E. Brown, Burkes, Chesterfield, 7 Cornwell, L. Cowling, Davis, Dickinson, Dunn, L. Evans, Gaskill, R. Green, Greenberg, Hall, Hardwick, 8 Hyde, Jeffrey, J Johnson, Kenney, Kidd, Lovell, Lowery, Norton, Overbey, Pace, Pierce, Ragland, 9 Reynolds, J Roebuck, Rogers, Sample, Saunders, Schulte, Shelby, L. Smith, Sullivan, Thyer, Wells 10 By: Senators Steele, Wilkins, Altes, Baker, Bisbee, Bookout, Broadway, Bryles, Capps, Faris, Glover, 11 Hendren, Horn, B. Johnson, Madison, Malone, B. Pritchard, T. Smith, J. Taylor, R. Thompson, Wilkinson 12 13 14 For An Act To Be Entitled 15 AN ACT TO REVISE THE REGIONAL MOBILITY AUTHORITY 16 ACT BY PLACING IT IN A STAND-ALONE CHAPTER IN THE 17 ARKANSAS CODE AND BY ADDING THE NECESSARY 18 PROVISIONS TO MARE IT FEASIBLE FOR COUNTIES AND 19 CITIES TO UTILIZE ; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES , 20 21 Subtitle 22 TO REVISE THE REGIONAL MOBILITY 23 AUTHORITY ACT , 24 25 26 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ARKANSAS : 27 28 SECTION 1 . Arkansas Code Title 27 is amended to add an additional 29 chapter to read as follows : 30 CHAPTER 76 31 Subchapter 1 — General Provisions 32 33 27 -76 - 101 . Title , 34 This chapter is known and may be cited as the "Regional Mobility 35 Authority Act " . Ill�l�lpl��lll �ll� l� 03-02-200709:53 JSE115 As Engrossed: H3/2/07 HB1698 1 2 27 -76 - 102 . Legislative findings . 3 The General Assembly finds that : 4 ( 1 ) Many transportation projects cannot be completed because the 5 transportation construction and maintenance needs of the State of Arkansas 6 far exceed the budget for highway construction and maintenance • 7 ( 2 ) Counties and municipalities have limited budgets for 8 transportation construction and maintenance . As a result they are often 9 unable to be financial partners with the Arkansas State Highway and 10 Transportation Department ; 11 ( 3 ) Through the creation of regional mobility authorities 12 throughout the state counties and municipalities are empowered to become 13 better partners for highway construction and maintenance with the Arkansas 14 State Highway and Transportation Department and the State Highway Commission• 15 and 16 ( 4 ) The funding of regional mobility authorities is intended to 17 supplement state and federal transportation funds Such funding is not 18 intended to substitute for state and federal transportation aid to counties 19 and municipalities . 20 21 27 - 76 - 103 . Definitions . 22 As used in this chapter : 23 ( 1 ) (A) "Bond " means a revenue bond or note issued under this 24 chapter by a regional mobility authority created under the Regional Mobility 25 Authority Act , 6 27 -76- 101 et sea 26 (B ) "Bond" includes any other financial obligation of a 27 regional mobility authority authorized by this chapter , the laws of this 28 state , or the Arkansas Constitution• 29 ( 2 ) (A) "Compensation" means any payment for the value of the use 30 of time or the expenditure of moneys including without limitation • 31 ( i) A salary • or 32 ( ii) Per diem allowance . 33 (B ) "Compensation" does not include reimbursement as 34 provided under b 27 -76 -302 ( d ) • 35 i3 ) "Debt service" means the amounts necessary for paying 36 principal , interest , trustee ' s and paving agent ' s fees and rebate costs and 2 03 -02 - 2007 09 : 53 JSE115 As Engrossed: H3/2/07 HB1698 1 the amounts necessary to establish and maintain debt service reserves as 2 provided in the authorizing resolution or trust indenture identified under 3 this chapter ; 4 ( 4 ) "Governmental entity" means a lawfully created branch , 5 department , or agency of the federal , state , or local government ; 6 ( 5 ) "Owner" means any individual , partnership , association , 7 corporation , or organization having any title or interest in any property , 8 rights , easements , and interest authorized to be acquired by and under the 9 regional mobility authority of this chapter ; 10 ( 6 ) "Person" means any individual , partnership , corporation , or 11 other entity recognized by law as having power to contract ; 12 ( 7 ) "Project development" means all phases of implementation 13 conducted in relation to a transportation project , including without 14 limitation : 15 ( A) Planning ; 16 ( B ) Environmental clearances ; 17 ( C ) Surveys ; 18 (D) Design ; 19 ( E ) Utility adjustments ; 20 ( F) Right-of -way acquisition ; 21 ( G) Construction ; and 22 ( H ) Construction inspection . 23 ( 8 ) "Public utility facility" means a facility that is either 24 publicly or privately owned and that provides direct or indirect utility 25 service to the public , including without limitation : 26 (A) Sewage and water pumping stations ; 27 ( B ) Sewage and water treatment facilities ; 28 (C ) Telephone electronic structures ; and 29 (D) Maior electrical power lines , pipelines , or 30 substations whose major purpose is transport through a community ; 31 ( 9 ) "Registered owner" means an owner of a motor vehicle as 32 shown on the vehicle registration records maintained by the Office of Motor 33 Vehicle or the analogous department or agency of another state or country ; 34 ( 10 ) ( A) "Toll facility project " means : 35 ( 1 ) Any new highway constructed under the provisions 36 of this chapter by a regional mobility authority as a toll road ; and 3 03-02- 2007 09 : 53 JSE115 As Engrossed: H3/2/07 HB1698 1 ( ii) All property , rights , easements , rights-of-way , 2 and interest that may be acquired by the regional mobility authority for or 3 in connection with the construction or operation of a toll road . 4 ( B ) "Toll facility project" includes without limitation 5 the following as the regional mobility authority deems necessary or desirable 6 for the operation of a toll road : 7 ( i ) Lands • 8 ( 11 ) Rights-of-way ; 9 ( 111 ) Bridges ; 10 ( iv ) Tunnels ; 11 (v) Overpasses ; 12 (vi ) Underpasses ; 13 (vii ) Interchanges ; 14 (viii) Entrance plazas ; 15 ( ix) Approaches ; 16 ( x) Toll houses ; 17 ( xi ) Administration buildings • 18 ( xii) Storage buildings ; 19 (x111 ) Other buildings ; and 20 (xiv ) Facilities ; 21 ( 11 ) (A) "Toll facility project costs " means any direct and 22 indirect costs incurred in connection with the acquisition of rights -of-wav 23 for and constructing and equipping toll facility projects including without 24 limitation • 25 ( i) The cost of the acquisition of all lands 26 property , rights , rights -of-way , easements and interests acquired by a 27 governmental entity ; 28 ( 11) The cost of demolishing or removing buildings 29 or structures on the land so acquired ; 30 ( iii ) The cost of acquiring any lands to which those 31 buildings or structures may be moved • 32 ( iv ) The cost of all machinery and equipment • 33 (v ) Financing charges including interest accrued • 34 ( a ) Prior to construction ; 35 (b ) During construction ; or 36 ( c ) For a period after construction • 4 03-02-2007 09 : 53 JSE115 As Engrossed: H3/2/07 HB1698 1 (vi) The establishment of necessary funds and 2 reserves ; 3 (vii ) The cost of traffic estimates , engineering 4 fees , legal fees , plans , specifications , surveys , and estimates of cost and 5 revenues ; 6 (viii ) Administration expense , expenditures , or any 7 other expense that is necessary or incidental to determining the feasibility 8 or practicability of a toll facility project ; and 9 ( ix) Cost , expenditure , or any other expense that is 10 necessary or incidental to the construction of a toll facility project , the 11 finance of the construction , and the placement of the toll facility project 12 into operation. 13 ( B ) Any obligation , expense , or expenditure incurred or 14 made by the regional mobility authority for matters pertaining to a toll 15 facility proiect , including without limitation : 16 ( 1) Feasibility studies ; 17 ( 11 ) Traffic surveys ; 18 ( iii ) Borings ; 19 ( iv) Preparation of plans and specifications ; 20 (v) Engineering services ; and 21 (vi ) Cost , expenditure , or any other expense that is 22 regarded as part of the costs of a toll facility project and that may be 23 reimbursed to the State Highway Commission or other agency or department of 24 the state out of the proceeds of revenue bonds or out of any other available 25 funds of the commission ; 26 ( 12 ) "Toll facility project revenues" means , without limitation , 27 any tolls rentals license and permit revenues , contractual receipts , gifts , 28 grants moneys charges and other funds , including federal aid highway 29 funds and property of whatever nature coming into the possession of or under 30 the control of the board of directors of the regional mobility authority by 31 virtue of this chapter , except the proceeds derived from the sale of revenue 32 bonds issued under this chapter , 33 ( 13 ) "Transponder" means a device placed on or within a vehicle 34 that is capable of transmitting or receiving information used to assess or 35 collect tolls ; 36 ( 14 ) "Transportation proiect" means : 5 03-02-2007 09 : 53 JSE115 As Engrossed: H3/2/07 HB1698 1 (A) Any part of a transportation system; 2 (B ) Construction on or of any part of a transportation 3 system; 4 ( C ) Maintenance on or operation of any part of a 5 transportation system; or 6 (D) Preservation of any part of a transportation system; 7 and 8 ( 15 ) "Transportation system" means infrastructure that provides 9 mobility for people or goods in a region including without limitation : 10 (A) Roads ; 11 ( B ) Streets ; 12 ( C ) Highways ; 13 ( D ) Bridges ; 14 ( E) Tunnels ; 15 ( F) Sidewalks ; 16 ( G ) Bicycle paths ; 17 (H ) Toll facilities ; 18 ( I ) Pedestrian ways : 19 SJ) Intermodal facilities ; 20 (R) Port authorities ; 21 (L) Railroads that are ninety-nine percent ( 99X ) publicly 22 owned ; 23 (M) Parking facilities ; 24 fN) Public transit systems ; 25 (0) Traveler information systems ; 26 SP) Intelligent transportation systems ; 27 ( Q) Traffic management systems ; 28 (R) Traffic signal systems ; 29 ( S ) Safety improvements ; or 30 (T) Any other means of surface or water transportation 31 32 27- 76- 104 . Exemption from taxation or assessment 33 (a) A regional mobility authority is exempt from ad valorem property 34 taxation of or assessments on each of the following : 35 (1 ) A transportation system; 36 (2) A transportation prosect ; and 6 03-02-2007 09 : 53 JSE115