HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5145 Doc ID: 012329640010 TVDe: REL Recorded: 06/37/2008 at 11:25:21 AH Fee Amt: 560.00 Paoe 1 of 10 Mashlnaton Countv. AR Bette Stemas Clrcult Clerk F:1.2008-00020020 f ORDINANCE NO.5145 AN ORDINANCE-ESTABLISHING A RESIDENTIAL PLANNED ZONING DISTRICT TITLED R-PZD 08.2915, HILL PLACE, LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF 6TH STREET AND HILL AVENUE;CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 27.10 ACRES; AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE;AND ADOPTING THE ASSOCIATED MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the zoning classification of the following described property is hereby changed as follows: From R-PZD 04-1307, Aspen Ridge to R-PZD 08-2915, Hill Place,as shown in Exhibit"A"and depicted in Exhibit "B"attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 2: That the change in zoning classification is based upon the approved master development plan,development standards,statement of commitments and the conditions of approval as submitted,determined appropriate and approved by the City Council;further,that the conditions of approval shall be filed and available for viewing in the office of the City Clerk/Treasurer of the City of Fayetteville. Section 3: That this ordinance shall take effect and be in full force at such time as all of the requirements of the master development plan have been met. Section 4: That the official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville,Arkansas,is hereby amended to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1 above. RK/TR I'"'6 PASSED and APPROVED this 3rd day of June,2008. G�;•Sy sG'%� APPROVE ATTEST ,v FAYETiEVILLE �� Y� Y: ffANs.. J. DA COODY,May S NDRA E.SMITH,City Clerk/Treasurer`VllvGTt7N "auuwa� j - S - EXHIBIT`B" R-PZD 08-2915 TRACT 1 OF PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT PLAT FILED FOR RECORD AT PLAT 23A- 000132 AT THE CIRCUIT CLERK'S OFFICE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY: PART OF THE SOUTH 1/2 OF THE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 16,AND A PART OF THE NORTH 1/2 OF THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 21, T-16-N, R-30-W, WASHINGTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS,BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 21;THENCE S87°04'09"E ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 21 A DISTANCE OF 5.92 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING;THENCE S87°04'09"E 418.49 FEET: THENCE S02049'04"W 514.14 FEET;THENCE N87°04'09"W 424.40 FEET;THENCE S02°49'04"W 204.82 FEET; THENCE S87°04'09"E 139.00 FEET; THENCE S02°48'48"W 293.00 FEET; THENCE N87°05'54"W 183.58 FEET;THENCE S02°48'00"W 181.27 FEET;THENCE S87°04'02"E 84.31 FEET; THENCE S02°40'05"W 79.86 FEET; THENCE S37°07'40"E 39.06 FEET; THENCE S02°40'05"W 15.00 FEET;THENCE N87°18'29"W 65.13 FEET;THENCE S02°40'17"W 13.01 FEET;THENCE N87°13'13"W 222.57 FEET;THENCE NO2°39'07"E 98.08 FEET;THENCE S 8711'50"E 9.25 FEET;THENCE NO2°39'07"E 27.35 FEET TO THE POINT OF CURVATURE OF A 87.50 FEET RADIUS CURVE TO THE RIGHT;THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AN ARC DISTANCE OF 66.20 FEET (SAID CURVE HAVING A CHORD BEARING OF N249 9'39"E AND A CHORD DISTANCE OF 64.64 FEET)TO THE POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE OF A 24.50 FEET RADIUS CURVE TO THE LEFT; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AN ARC DISTANCE OF 7.97 FEET(SAID CURVE HAVING A CHORD BEARING OF N36°40'43"E AND A CHORD DISTANCE OF 7.94 FEET) TO A POINT ON A NON-TANGENT 58.50 RADIUS CURVE TO THE RIGHT; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AN ARC DISTANCE OF 64.58 FEET(SAID CURVE HAVING A CHORD BEARING OF NO2058'13"E AND A CHORD DISTANCE OF 61.35 FEET); THENCE N38°00'00"W 176.19 FEET;THENCE S24°45'38"W 180.97 FEET TO THE POINT OF CURVATURE OF A 37.50 FEET RADIUS CURVE TO THE LEFT; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AN ARC DISTANCE OF 15.62 FEET (SAID CURVE HAVING A CHORD BEARING OF S 12°49'31"W AND A CHORD DISTANCE OF 15.51 FEET)TO THE POINT OF TANGENCY;THENCE S00°53'24"W 41.19 FEET TO THE POINT OF CURVATURE OF A 47.50 FEET RADIUS CURVE TO THE RIGHT; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AN ARC DISTANCE OF 34.83 FEET (SAID CURVE HAVING A CHORD BEARING OF S21°53'48"W AND A CHORD DISTANCE OF 34.06 FEET)TO THE POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE OF A 2.50 FEET RADIUS CURVE TO THE LEFT;THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AN ARC DISTANCE OF 5.47 FEET (SAID CURVE HAVING A CHORD BEARING OF S19°49'19"E AND A CHORD DISTANCE OF 4.44 FEET)TO THE POINT OF TANGENCY;THENCE S82°32'50"E 10.50 FEET;THENCE S070271 0"W 27.46 FEET;THENCE N8701 1'50"W 74.95 FEET;THENCEN87°13'26"W 514.88 FEET THE EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF THE BURLINGTON-NORTHERN RAILROAD; THENCE ALONG THE EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAID RAILROAD THE FOLLOWING COURSES: N35°29'31"E 52.81 FEET; THENCE N32°17'21"E 103.24 FEET; THENCE N28°25'22"E 103.51 FEET;THENCE N24°16'00"E 103:08 FEET;THENCE N21°19'30"E 102.24 FEET; THENCE N18°44'44:'E 102.31 FEET; THENCE N17°42'23"E 150.90 FEET; THENCE N19°09'44"E 46.21 FEET;THENCE N19°55'12"E 130.59 FEET;THENCE N24°20'10"E 111.27 FEET; THENCE N28°56'24"E 112.03 FEET; THENCE N33°22'01"E 78.14 FEET; THENCE N36°27'09"E 61.08 FEET;THENCE N40'40'51"E 107.01 FEET; THENCE S86°14'53"E 62.45 FEET TO A POINT ON A NON-TANGENT 1381.79 FEET RADIUS CURVE TO THE RIGHT; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY AND CURVE AN ARC DISTANCE OF 397.22 FEET(SAID CURVE HAVING A CHORD BEARING OF N51°13'28"E AND A CHORD DISTANCE OF 395.85 FEET) TO THE SOUTH LINE OF ARKANSAS HIGHWAY 180 (WEST 6TH STREET) PER WARRANTY DEED TO THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE RECORDED IN DOCUMENT NO. 2006-9895; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAID HIGHWAY S88°04'12"E 87.55 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID RIGHT-OF WAY S01*44'50"W 143.30 FEET TO THE POINT OF CURVATURE FOR A 315.50 FEET RADIUS CURVE TO THE RIGHT; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AN ARC DISTANCE OF 81.06 FEET (SAID CURVE HAVING A CHORD BEARING OF S09°06'25"W AND A CHORD DISTANCE OF 80.83 FEET)TO THE POINT OF TANGENCY;THENCE S 16'28'1"W 8.54 FEET TO THE POINT OF CURVATURE OF A 215.50 FEET RADIUS CURVE TO THE RIGHT; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AN ARC DISTANCE OF 40.68 FEET (SAID CURVE HAVING A CHORD BEARING OF S2 1'52'28"W AND A CHORD DISTANCE OF 40.62 FEET)TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. LESS AND EXCEPT ALL OF THAT SHOWN AS TRACT 3 ON THE PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT PLAT FILED FOR RECORD AT PLAT 23A-000132 AND BEING DESCRIBED IN WARRANTY DEED TO THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE RECORDED IN DOCUMENT NO.2006-9894,WITH THE REMAINDER OF TRACT 1 CONTAINING 26.736 ACRES,MORE OR LESS,IN FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS. THE ABOVE DESCRIBED TRACT.BEING SUBJECT TO THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF ROYAL OAK PARKWAY,WYNSTONE DRIVE,HILL AVENUE,GRACEWOOD DRIVE AND ALL EASEMENTS AND/OR RIGHTS-OF-WAY OF RECORD. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: R-PZD 08-2915 Page 1 of 6 Conditions of Approval for R-PZD 08-2915(Hill Place) AS AMENDED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL 03 JUNE 2008 1. Planning Commission determination of street improvements. Staff recommends the following: The applicant shall complete the street improvements required for the Aspen Ridge development. These improvements include the following,some ofwhich are already completed: o Repair the broken pavement on 11 th Street,directly south of the proposed intersection at the comer of 11th and Duncan, as part of the improvements to this street being utilized for primary ingress and egress,to the satisfaction of the Engineering Division. o Continue the existing sidewalk on the north side of 11 th street to connect the proposed sidewalk on Greystone Drive(approximately 20 feet). o Complete the curb and gutter on the south side of 11th street from the bridge west to the constructed curb/gutter.Minimum street width should be 24 feet,face of curb to face of curb(approximately 240 feet in length). o Widen the intersection at Hill Avenue and 6th Street,including a turn lane,the cost of relocating traffic signals and any necessary costs to add a left-turn signal to the existing signal system. o Improve that portion of Hill Avenue adjacent to the subject property where necessary, to conform to City specifications.A six-foot sidewalk is required,at the right-of-way line. o Relocate the sidewalk along 6th Street to transition from the railroad bridge to the Master Street Plan right-of-way line along the frontage of this project. o The applicant shall construct a public trail within the existing platted right-of- way of Brooks Avenue and turning south to connect to 12th Street. o There are still outstanding issues with the pavement and sidewalk at the intersection of Hill and 6`h that were part of the Aspen Ridge project that need to be completed. o Connection of 12`h Street/Brooks Avenue to the site with a Residential Street, with sidewalk on the east side of the street as approved with the Aspen Ridge project. o All drainage improvements,including the box culvert,removal of the sewer line,etc. shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Engineering Division • Add multiple speed tables on Duncan Avenue,and Hill Street,the location and number of which shall be determined by the City Engineer ■ Add bicycle symbol chevrons on Hill Avenue (Heritage Trail designation), per the requirements of the Trails Coordinator. AS AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL 05-20-08 2. Planning Commission determination of a waiver from Fayetteville Unified Development Code Section 166.06(K)(10)(b)to allow two public streets to be connected with a private street. The applicant is proposing a private street connection between Royal Oak Parkway (a new internal public street) and I Ph Street by way of a new vehicular bridge. The applicant's waiver request states that a private connection is justified because traffic from I Ph Street will flow to Hill Avenue to use the traffic signal to access Sixth Street rather than flow into the development for access to Sixth Street.In addition,an analysis ofan alternative design, incorporating a public street with parallel parking,indicates a substantial amount of CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: R-PZD 08-2915 Page 2 of 6 parking for the dwellings would be removed. At staffs request the applicant submitted this additional information and an exhibit showing an alternative design with the internal private street,Royal Oak Parkway,as a public street with parallel parking spaces,resulting in a net loss of 40 parking spaces. A chart comparing the parking numbers for the development with public and private streets is provided below: Parking Number Comparison:Proposed vs.Public Street Alternative Use Unit Parking Ratio Number of Bedrooms 840 1:1 SF of Community Building 6500 1:500 Baseline Number of Spaces 853 Max Number of Spaces 1,109 Minimum Number of Spaces 597 Current Proposed Number of Spaces 828 Number of Spaces With Public Street 788 Staff finds that while a public street connection of Town Branch Creek can feasibly be constructed,in this case the proposed private connection provides much the same function in allowing a distribution of traffic to and from the site. The drive will be open for public access,and will still provide the parking needed to serve the primarily student population to which the project is targeted, a concern cited by area residents. The proposed connection over the creek provides much improved connectivityfrom the previously approved project, which ended in cul-de-sacs on both sides of the creek. Staff recommends in favor of this waiver request. 3. Planning Commission determination of a waiver from Chapter 170.02 Adopted Drainage Criteria Manual(Section 5.4.3),requiring that the limits of maximum ponding elevations are no closer than 100'horizontal from any building and greater than 2'below the lowest sill or floor elevation of any building. Staff recommends approval of the requested waiver finding that the proposed retention pond will not be a detriment to the residents of the development, and is designed as an amenity to the neighborhood.Additionally,a decorative safetyfence shall be required to be constructed around the wet detention pond,restricting direct access from area residents. 4. Planning Commission determination to allow for a trash enclosure over a utility easement. The applicant proposes a permanent trash enclosure in the southern portion of the site within a utility easement. They state there is not a way to avoid placing the enclosure within an easement.Staff recommends in favor of allowing the trash enclosure with the conditions that: a. The trash enclosure location be noted and labeled on the easement plat for all utility companies to acknowledge and approve prior to the issuance of permits; b. The trash enclosure shall be relocated at the owner/developer's expense if utilities within the easement need to be accessed or maintained. 5. The Master Development Plan, Statement of Commitments and Architectural Standards submitted by the applicant shall be considered binding and tied to the zoning of the property. Conditions of approval as noted herein and other requirements placed upon the project with CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: R-PZD 08-2915 Page 3 of 6 review of the Master Development Plan—Planned Zoning District by the City Council shall also be binding. 6. The buildings within this development shall be constructed to comply with the architectural standards and building elevations presented in the PZD booklets. Elevations of the structures shall be reviewed prior to building permit. 7. The storm water detention and Low Impact Development(LID)techniques(bioswales,rain gardens and depressed parking lot islands)as presented in the PZD shall be constructed as indicated in the plans submitted for PZD approval. 8. The internal sidewalks along internal private streets and parking lots as presented in the PZD shall be constructed as indicated. 9. Should a subdivision of land be desired,all applicable ordinances and processes shall be followed in order to meet city ordinances. 10.Public water and sewer lines and other improvements shall be extended as required by city ordinance at the time of development., 11.All development shall meet applicable building codes and other ordinances of the City of Fayetteville. 12.Future non-residential conditional uses in the zoning criteria shall comply with the minimum standards for development in the Unified Development Code. 13.Phasing: This project is required to obtain all building permits for the entire development within one year of City Council approval, with the opportunity for a one time, one year extension. 14.Signage for this development is subject to the residential multi-family requirements of Fayetteville Unified Development Code Chapter 174. 15.Parkland Dedication: Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall dedicate approximately 2.0 acres for a City park and 0.36 acre for the Tsa-La-Gi trail through the site, in addition to payment of fees in lieu to meet the remaining parkland dedication requirement, approximately$5,600.In addition,the developer shall construct this multi-use trail to City standards,and will receive credit as agreed upon within the PRAB recommendation. The Aspen Ridge project dedicated 1.21 acres previously,though the deed for this land is still in the name of the property owner. The proposed Hill Place project was reviewed at the December 2007 PRAB meeting and a recommendation was made to accept approximately 0.8 acres of additional parkland, Remaining parkland dedication requirements include payment of S'5.606.25 for remaining fees-in-lieu, and construction of the multi-use trail through the site per City standard construction details for an asphalt trail. 16.The plats and booklets should be revised to address the following items: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: R-PZD 08-2915 Page 4 of 6 a. Label the building setback lines on the plats,i.e.,20'BSB. b. Parking spaces must be 19' long unless adjacent to greenspace. There are several places throughout the site where spaces are 17'long and hang over a sidewalk(for example,the 10 parking spaces to the north of Building 16 overhang a sidewalk and are IT). Revise the site plan as needed to address this issue. c. Plats: Parking chart. Change the parking ratio for community building to use the ratio for a private clubhouse, 1 space per 500 SF or 1 per 3 occupants. d. Booklet. Cover sheet. The site plan should be revised to show the correct project boundary and not to include the parcel at the southwest corner of Hill/6's Street in color as it is not a part of this project. Tree Preservation Conditions: 17.The majority of the preserved canopy(approximately 3.38 acres)on this project was placed within a Tree Preservation Area per the previous easement plat.This area shall remain as a dedicated easement with the new easement plat using the Tree Preservation Area signature block for the Urban Forester.The Tree Preservation Area may need to be revised on the new easement plat for this project since the pedestrian bridge has been changed to a vehicular bridge. If this is the case, the boundary revision will require City Council approval. Additionally,the canopy measurements may need to be revised accordingly. 18.It appears that a construction parking and storage area is shown in the 0.78-acre park land dedication area. Please revise the plans;parking and storage are not allowed on the park property during construction. 19.The applicant shall mitigate for the removal of 110,970 SF of tree canopy with on-site mitigation to consist of a minimum of(384) 2-inch caliper trees. The final amount of mitigation will depend on the disturbance of canopy located around the proposed vehicular bridge.Staff s final recommendation for tree mitigation will be subject to final calculations. Additionally,a tree mitigation form must be submitted and approved by the Urban Forester. . 20.All mitigation trees must be planted prior to the issuance of a final certificate of occupancy. A 3-year bond,letter of credit,or check in the amount of$96,000 shall be deposited with the City of Fayetteville before issuance of a certificate of occupancy.The actual amount of the bond shall be based on the final calculations. Landscape Plan Conditions: 21.All parking lots shall be screened with a dense evergreen planting where adjacent to residential uses. 22. 15'of greenspace is required between parking lots and the right-of-way. Show the right-of- way and 15' greenspace buffer lines on the plan. 23.Before construction document approval,the landscape plan must be stamped by a Landscape Architect licensed within the state of Arkansas. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: R-PZD 08-2915 Page 5 of 6 Trails Conditions: 24.Tsa-La-Gi trail is identified on the Fayetteville Alternative Transportation and Trail Master Plan through this project. This 12'wide asphalt trail shall be constructed by the developer, to be reimbursed by a park land dedication credit. All expenses on the trail must be itemized separately to qualify for reimbursement. 25.Trail shall be constructed to meet City of Fayetteville and ADA guidelines including a 5% maximum longitudinal slope and 2%maximum cross slope. One location near the small retaining wall west of Hill Ave looks to have a longitudinal slope exceeding 5%. 26.Analyze the existing block wall at this location to insure it was constructed properly to construct the trail behind. Currently it doesn't look stable. 27.Please notify the Trails Coordinator prior to construction for periodic inspections. 28.Hill Avenue is part of the Heritage Trail. Due to this designation,the improved street must include bicycle facilities. Include thermoplastic bike symbol chevrons and share the road signs spaced every 300 feet along the all improved sections of Hill Avenue. Standard Conditions of Approval: 29.All mechanical and utility equipment on the wall and/or on the ground shall be screened. All roof mounted utilities and mechanical equipment shall be screened by incorporating screening to the structure utilizing materials compatible with the supporting building. Smaller ground-mounted equipment may be screened with tall grasses or shrubs. A note shall be added to all construction documents indicating as such. 30.Trash enclosures shall be screened on three sides with access not visible from the street. The trash enclosures shall be constructed with materials that are complimentary to and compatible with the proposed building. A detail of the proposed screening shall be submitted and approved by the Planning Division prior to issuance of the building permit. Any additional dumpsters located on site shall be screened from the right-of-way. 31.All exterior lighting is required to comply with the City's lighting ordinance. A lighting plan and cut-sheets of the proposed exterior light fixtures shall be required to be approved by Planning Staff prior to building permit. 32.Plat Review and Subdivision comments(to include written staff comments provided to the applicant or his representative,and all comments from utility representatives:AR Western Gas,SWBT,Ozarks,SWEPCO,Cox Communications). 33.Provide a CD containing the proposed Large Scale Development drawings in AutoCAD or similar digital format. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: R-PZD 08-2915 Page 6 of 6 34.Staff approval of final detailed plans,specifications and calculations(where applicable)for grading, drainage, water, sewer, fire protection, streets (public and private), sidewalks, parking lot(s)and tree preservation. The information submitted for the plat review process was reviewed for general concept only. All public improvements are subject to additional review and approval. All improvements shall comply with City's current requirements. 35.All existing utilities below 12kv shall be relocated underground. All proposed utilities shall be located underground. 36.Prior to the issuance of a building permit the following is required: a. Grading and drainage permits b. An on-site inspection by the Landscape Administrator of all tree protection measures prior to any land disturbance. c. Separate easement plat for this project that shall include the tree preservation area and all utility easements. d. Project Disk with all final revisions e. One copy of final construction drawings showing landscape plans including tree preservation measures submitted to the Landscape Administrator. f. Completion of all required improvements or the placement of a surety with the City (letter of credit,bond,escrow)as required by Section 158.01"Guarantees in Lieu of Installed Improvements" to guarantee all incomplete improvements. Further, all improvements necessary to serve the site and protect public safety must be completed,not just guaranteed,prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. ADDED CONDITION: 37.The applicant shall provide a guarantee acceptable to the City of Fayetteville prior to issuance of a grading/drainage permit in the amount of 100%of the total cost to install the approved erosion and sediment control plan to ensure the continuation of proper maintenance of the plan. The guarantee shall remain in place until permanent stabilization has been achieved for the site.Once permanent stabilization/revegetation has been achieved and approved by the City of Fayetteville, the guarantee will be released. AS AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL 05-06-08 Washington County,AR I certify this instrument was filed on 06/17/2008 11:25:21 AM and recorded in Real Estate File Number 2008-00020020 Bette St rthps-Circuit Clerk Dy1V' City of Fayetteville 3+�D Staff Review Form 5� City Council Agenda Items or Contracts 6-May-08 p City Council Meeting Date Jeremy Pates Planning Operations' Submitted By Division Department Action Required: R-PZD 08-2915:Planned Zoning District(Hill Place,561): Submitted by Appian Center for Design for property located at the southwest corner of 6th Street and Hill Avenue containing approximately 27.10 acres. The request is for zoning,land use,and large scale development review,and approval for a Master Development Plan of a Residential Planned Zoning District for 288 multi-family dwelling units,a community building and associated parking. $0.00 n/a n/a Cost of this request Category/Project Budget Program Category/Project Name n/a n/a n/a Account Number Funds Used to Date Program/Project Category Name n/a n/a n/a Project Number Remaining Balance Fund Name Budgeted Item Budget Adjustment Attached Previous Ordinance or Resolution# n/a Department re- Date Original Contract Date: n/a C Original Contract Number: n/a City Attorney l Receivedin City CI s O i ) Finance and Int e at Seryice Director Date Received in Mayor's Office t Mayor Date 177 4W Mt a6WJ r a a8 ke�� onkl, �%�s� r�aa!�y s/6/oe City Council Meeting of May 6,2008 Agenda Item Number CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO To: Mayor and City Council Thru: Gary Dumas,Director of Operations �Q From: Jeremy C.Pate,Director of Current Planning 0� Date: April 15,2008 Subject: Commercial Planned Zoning District for Hill Place(C-PZD 08-2915) RECOMMENDATION Staff and the Planning Commission recommend approval of an ordinance creating a Commercial Planned Zoning District (C-PZD) for Hill Place, based on the development standards, plans and statement of commitments submitted. This action will establish a unique zoning district for a single-use project on approximately 27.10 acres located on the south side of 6'h Street(State Highway 62)and west of Hill Avenue. BACKGROUND This site was most recently designed and approved under the name Aspen Ridge,Residential Planned Zoning District, in January 2005. This approval rezoned the property from RMF-24 to R-PZD 04-1307 (Aspen Ridge), for 220 attached residential units with an overall density of 7.87 units/acre. As part of the Aspen Ridge project 49 mobile homes, 6 single family residences, and several tons of trash, debris, and tires were removed from the property. Much of the street and utility infrastructure for Aspen Ridge has been installed and approved by the City, however, for various reasons, building permits were never obtained for the project and the approval expired. The currently proposed Hill Place project will utilize much of the existing street and utility infrastructure,however, the applicant is requesting virtually all of the existing easements and rights-of-way on the property be abandoned, and new easements and right-of-way dedicated with the Hill Place development. This is in large part due to the new site layout,while retaining as much existing infrastructure as possible. The applicant requests rezoning, land use,and large scale development approval for a single use R-PZD consisting of 288 multi-family dwelling units in 17 three story buildings. DISCUSSION On April 14,2008 the Planning Commission voted 7-0-0 in favor of forwarding this request to the City Council with a recommendation for approval. BUDGETIMPACT None.