HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5119 1111111111119 11 IIIII 1111111111111111111111111 1111 Doc ID : 012201380010 Tvoe ; REL Recorded : 04/ 14/2008 2t 11 : 35 : 21 AM Fee Amt : $6C . oC Pace 1 of 10 Mashlncton Ccuntv . AR BetteeStairos CI -cul; Clerk/'� p F11e2OO8-00012008 ORDINANCE NO. 5119 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING A RESIDENTIAL PLANNFD ZONING DISTRICT ENTITLED R-PZD 06-2212• STADIUM CENTRE. COTTAGES , LOCATED A'I' TIIF SW CORNER OF ONE. MILE ROAD AND SANDRA STREET, CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 2 .45 ACRES, TO REFI.14"CT REVISED IAT WIDIH AND I.OT AREA RE.QI IIRI, MFNI-S AS DESCRIBI:1) ANI) DEPICTED 11ER1i1N . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 . That R-PZD 06-2212 (Stadium Centre Cottages) as passed and approved by the City Council on December 19, 2006 with Ordinance No. 4960 is hereby amended to reflect the lot area and lot width zoning criteria included in ( Exhibit "A" ) attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 2: That the amendment approval is sub;ect to the Conditions of Approval as follows: 1 . Future subdivision of the propert} shall be limited to lots 12- 14. 2. A replat of Lots 12- ] 1 shall be required to be approved and recorded PASSED and APPROVED th:s 18th day of March. 2008 . - :3 • IGy;�! t.�l ! . i APPROVED:, 6 e4 DAN C OODY. Maxor SONDRA E. SMITH, City Clerk 'Treasurer I " EXHIBIT A" R-PZD 06-2212 STADIUM CENTRE COTTAGES (B) Uses (1 ) Permitted uses. lFg:n—tI City-wide uses by ngnt Unit 8 Single-family dwe lings rUnit 9 1 Two-lamely dwe lings (2) Conditional uses Unit 2 City-wide uses by corditional use oernr. Unit 4 Cu:tural and recreal onal fac,hbes . Unit 24 Home occ�pat ons (C) Density Urits per acre 8.94 Units/Acre (D) Bulk and area regulations as modified by ADM 08-2927 Lot mvnmum width 18 ft Lot area minimum 1 .50G s N Land area per 1 500 sq. ft. dweller uni: (E) Setback requirements. Lot # Front Front Front (Olc Frort Side wishout Side wish Rea- (Stecptngstore) (Tottenham) Farmington) (Tudor) commor wa I common wa I 1 . C Feet NIA 10 Feet ' C Feet 5 Feet NIA NIA 2-' 0 15 Feet NIA 10 Feel N/A 5 Feet NIA WA 11 ^ C Feet 13 Feet NIA NIA 8 Feet NIA WA 12 A 8 B NA 10 Fee! N!A N!A 5 Feet C Feet 4 Feet 13 A & B NA 10 Feet N!A NiA 5 Feet 0 Feet 2 Feet to A & B 0 Feet 10 Feet N/A NIA 5 Feet 0 Feet 4 Feet ;9 Height. 35 feet (G) Building area. On any lot the area occ.lpted by all bui dings shall not exceed 60% of the total area o` such lot. gall HeoOrded: 01%22%2epOD07 et702e20:�34 PM Fee Amt : 026.00 Paae 3 Of 7 BettO Sta=:OCI�c ftlerk F13e2007-00002648 ORDINANCE NO, 4960 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISH NG A RESIDENTIAL PLANNED ZONING DISTRICT TITLED R-PZD 062212, STADIUM CENTRE COTTAGES, LOCATED AT OLD FARMINGTON ROAD, WEST OF SANDRA STREET; CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 2.45 ACRES; AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE; AND ADOPTING THE ,ASSOCIATED MASTER DEVELOPMENTPLAN BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 : That the zone classification of the following described property is hereby changed as follows: From RSF-4, Residential Single Family, 4 units per acre and R-A, Residential Agriculture to R-PZD 062212 as shown in Exhibit "A" and depicted in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 2: That the change in zoning classification is based upon the approved master development plan, development standards, statement of commitments and the conditions of approval as submitted, determined appropriate and approved by the City Council indicated in Exhibit"C"attached herein and made a part hereof. Said Exhibit "C" shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Fayetteville. Section 3: That this ordinance shall take effect and be in fiill force at such time as all of the requirements of the master development plan have been met Section 4: That the official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, is hereby amended to reflect the zoning change provided in Section I above. ��.� RjC%TR""'•i �o �,E • . . . •fgS ''•. PASSED and APPROVED this 19's day of December, 2006. =`�C':G�SY OA?.Gp ' J ;11 ; APPROVED: ATTEST: = aFAY.TrEVILLE ; Fa yltoo oN �.��•' By: By. aaurumua� D COOD , May S NDRA SMTTH, City lerk/freasurer EXHIBIT "A" R-PZD 06-2212 A PART OF THE NOR"ITIEAST QUARTER (NE 1 /4) OF THE NORTH WEST QUARTER (NW 1/4) AND A PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE 1 /4) OF TIIE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW 1/4) ALL IN SECTION NINETEEN (19), TOWNSIIIP SDCMEN (16) NORTH, RANGE THIRTY (30) WEST OF THE FIFTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN IN WASHINGTON COUN I'Y, ARKANSAS, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTI IEAST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE 1/4) OF TI IE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW 1/4), SAID POINT BEING AN EXISTING RAILROAD SPIKE; AND RUNNING THENCE N87°01 '19"W 607.86 FEET TO A 1 /2" IRON REBAR FOR THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; AND RUNNING THENCE S02°16'39"W 144.69 FEET; THENCE N87043'21 "W 454.57 FEET; THENCE N01 °28' 10"F 147.70 FF,ET; THENCE N62017'29"E 25 .63 FEET; THENCE N66°49'05"E 31 .82 FEET; THENCE N71020'37"E 46.00 FEET; THENCE N73 °30'43"E 137.60 FELT; THENCE N74°44' 10"E 75 .61 FEET; THENCE N75046' 120'E 167.27 FEET; THENCE S02°16'32"W 160.50 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 2.45 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, FAYETTEVILLE, WASHINGTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS . SUBJECT '1'O ANYEASF,MENTS AND/ORRIGII'I- OF-WAYS OF RECORD. } EXHIBIT "B" LSD05-1801 THE STADIUM CENTRE pose Up View W41r0Fp6TAtLMVUDy W r L 1296 3 ® SUBJECT PROPERTY ©ZI i ]291.6 >w I ¢ Ivs Z\\ � EM o 0 Y4t .+,.Y. . , .° {i\:;:.�+•..'C: Le6e1M " ,.,f m�' 6:''� ;• aii' ::y.,,°7 Rc°�Oyaday ONMO ROOOWAY — F00 YFAR 7Yh��..} c}:. y^.i' �.: `i•. J. — 100YFAR — UWTO OOY x` .. "'r'- "i ':; M'• • 1 r"I Fayetteville .1. �.•�i,'Y�:4`' i 1.:`C'.'.-y.t'•:�?.� ]� W2a.(iflR>:oamari� 0 100 200 400 em S00 .' i,' : '<`,t:`J•% '' Feat EXHIBIT "C" R-PZD 06-2212 (Page 1 of 3) Conditions of Approval 1 . City Council determination of street improvements. Staff recommends the following: The developer shall improve Old Farmington Rd. to include an 18' wide street section from centerline with curb, gutter, storm drains and a 6-foot s:dewalk at the Master Street Plan right-of-way and street lights every 300' along the property frontage. Improvements 14' from centerline for Sandra Street with curb, gutter, storm drains and a 4-foot sidewalk at the Master Street Plan right-of-way and street lights every 300' shall be installed by the developer. Additionally, to ensure safe traffic movements from Old Farmington Rd. onto One Mile Rd., staff recommends improvements to the southwest corner of said streets to improve the turning radius. These improvements shall be coordinated with the Engineering Division. The applicant shall conduct a traffic study at the intersection of One-Mile Road and Old Farmington Road to assess the need for three-way stop signage, coordinating this process with the City Engineer. CITY COU"NCLL DETERMINED IN FAVOR OF THIS CONDITION (12-19-06). 2. The City Council accepts the Planned Zoning District Plans as submitted for review on 12-19-06, without a street connection to Sandra Street. If the developer can satisfy the Fire Department and Solid Waste Division with adequate turn-around and access, the "T" intersection shall be permitted. Should either division not be satisfied, a standard cul-de-sac shall be constructed, removing Lot # 11 . MY COUNCIL ADDED THIS CONDITION (12-19-06). 3 . Units 1 - 10 along Old Farmington Rd. shall be front facing with access to garages only permitted from Street "A". Buildings shall be constructed to be consistent with the photos and concepts depicted in the booklet as specified. Building permits will be based upon the submitted photos. 4. Private streets/alley/drives, sidewalks, greenspace and detention ponds shall be the responsibility of the property owner or property owner's association to maintain according to city standards. Covenants shall provide that in the event the private streets arc not maintained as required, the City shall have the right (but shall not be required) to maintain said streets and to charge the cost thereof to the property owners within the PZD on a pro rata basis according to assessed valuation for ad valorem tax purposes and shall have a lien on the real property within the PZD for such cost. The covenants shall grant the City the right to use all private streets for purposes of providing fire and police protection, sanitation service and any other of the municipal functions. Said covenants regarding maintenance of private streets shall not be amended and shall not terminate without approval of the City Council (§ 166.06 (K. I O.b.vii) 5 . Staff is recommending approval of the submitted Tree Preservation Plan associated with RP7D 06-2196 with the following conditions of approval: EXHIBIT "C" R-PZD 06-2212 (Page 2 of 3) a. Please coordinate the installation of the sidewalk with the Urban Forester and the Sidewalk Administrator to save as many trees along Old Farmington Road as possible. b. Between Stadium Centre Commercial and these cottages, I11 (2) inch caliper large species trees are required for mitigation. Both properties share the same owner so on-site mitigation is allowed. c. By staff s calculations 61 (2) inch caliper large species trees are planned for the cottage development. This leaves a remainder of 50 trees or $12,500 to be paid into the Tree Escrow Account. This payment will be due before the issuance of the first building permit. d. Please include a revised mitigation chart that calculates all mitigation required and what is proposed for on-site planting. This should be separated by Stadium Center Commercial and Stadium Center Cottages. Canopy calculations have changed since the last submittal and now 4 (2) inch caliper large species tree are required for mitigation of the cottages. e. All on-site mitigation trees shall be planted before the certificate of occupancy for the cottages they are associated with. These trees can not be located within any utility easements. f. A 3-year maintenance and monitoring bond, letter of credit, or check in the amount of $19,750 shall be submitted to the City before the certificate of occupancy is granted on the last cottages. 6. No portion of any structure (i.e., porches, overhangs, etc.) shall encroach into building setbacks or utility easements. 7. Solid fences shall not be permitted along Old Farmington Road. 8. A 6' wood board, privacy fence shall be required to be constructed along the east property line of Lots I 1 and 15 (south of Sandra Street), in addition to the proposed large species trees as offered by the applicant. 9. One (1 ) large species tree shall be planted in between each of the driveways and every 30 linear feet along Old Farmington Road where existing trees cannot be preserved, and shall be depicted on the landscape plan. 10. the location and construction of the sidewalk along Old Farmington Road shall he coordinated with the Urban Forester and Sidewalk Administrator at the time of construction. 11 . Parks fees in the amount of $9,435.00 are due, prior to signing the final plat. 12. Signs shall be permitted in accordance with Chapter 174 of the Fayetteville Unified Development Code, and shall be subject to signage requirements for residential single-family development. 13 . The Master Development Plan, Statement of Commitments and Architectural Standards submitted by the applicant shall be considered binding and tied to the zoning of the property. Conditions of EXHIBIT "C" R-PZD 06-2212 (Page 3 of 3) approval as noted herein and other requirements placed upon the project with review of the Master Development Plan -- Planned Toning District by the City Council shall also be binding. 14. Prior to building permit, a cost estimate for all required landscaping and sidewalks is to be submitted for review. Once approval is gained, a guarantee is to be issued (bond/letter of credit/cash) for 150% of the cost of the materials. This guarantee will be held until the improvements are installed and inspected, at the time of Certificate of Occupancy. 15. All permits to begin construction shall be obtained within one year from the date of approval; a one year extension may be obtained, pursuant to Chapter 166 of the Unified Development Code. A final plat shall be required in accordance with City of Fayetteville requirements. Standard Conditions of Approval: 16. Plat Review and Subdivision comments (to include written staff comments provided to the applicant or his representative, and all comments from utility representatives - AR Western Gas, SWBT, Ozarks, SWF,PCO, Cox Communications). 17 Trash enclosures shall be screened on three sides with materials compatible with the surrounding structures, with access not visible from the street. Architectural elevations for these structures shall be submitted for review prior to issuance of a building permit. 18. Staff approval of final detailed plans, specifications and calculations (where applicable) for grading, drainage, water, sewer, fire protection, streets (public and private), sidewalks, parking lot(s) and tree preservation. The information submitted for the plat review process was reviewed for general concept only. All public improvements are subject to additional review and approval. All improvements shall comply with City's current requirements. 19. All overhead electric lines 12kv and under shall be relocated underground. All proposed utilities shall be located underground. 20. All exterior lighting is required to comply with the City's lighting ordinance. A lighting plan and cut-sheets of the proposed exterior light fixtures shall be required to be approved by Planning Staff prior to building permit. 21 . Prior to the issuance of a building permit the following is required: a. Grading and drainage permits b. Anon-site inspection by the Landscape Administrator of all tree protection measures priorto any land disturbance. c. Separate easement plat that shall include the tree preservation area. d. Project Disk with all final revisions EXHIBIT "C" R-PZD 06-2212 (Page 4 of 3) e. Completion of all required improvements or the placement of a surety with the City (letter of credit, bond, escrow) as required by Section 158.01 "Guarantees in Lieu of Installed Improvements" to guarantee all incomplete improvements. Further, all improvements necessary to serve the site and protect public safety must be completed, notjust guaranteed, prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. i �Gvastiington �CcuBfr, �� ll ceAity9h18Gptrdmentwti5`fil"ed on 180=007 6240:320M `atiaxeror.de8 iO3teal £Slate Washington County, AR F -ile Tlumber.0001'.000028 Be#feStarEP - OrrtOl 'Pic` certify this instrument was filed on 04/14/2008 11 :35:21 AM and recorded in Real Estate by — - File Number 2008-000 &8 Bette Stamps - Circ it e k by City of Fayetteville l��P Staff Review Form / � 9 City Council Agenda Items L In / p PZ P or /� Contracts 18-Mar-0B City Council Meeting Date Jeremy Pate Planning Operations Submitted By Division Department Action Required: ADM 08-2927: Administrative Item R-PZD 06-2212 (STADIUM CENTRE COTTAGES, 557): Submitted by 112 Engineering, Inc. for property located at the southwest corner of One Mile Road and Sandra Street. The property is zoned R- PZD 06-2212. Stadium Centre Cottages and contains approximately 2.45 acres. The request is to modify the approved zoning criteria to change the lot width and lot area requirements, so that the approved two-family structures located on Lots 12- 14 may be developed as townhouses and sold individually. $000 n/a n/a Cost of this request Category/Project Budget Pro ram Category / Project Name n/a n/a n/a Account Number Funds Used to Date Program / Project CategoryName n/a n/a n/a Project Number Remaining Balance Fund Name Budgeted Item O Budget Adjustment Attached Previous Ordinance or Resolution # n/a Department ctor Date Original Contract Date n/a / 77 Original Contract Number n/a eie City Attorney Received in City Clerk's Office Fi-iance and Interna! Service Director Date �+ Received in Mayor's Office Mayor Date 1 Comments: City Council Meeting of March 18. 2008 Agenda Item Number CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO To: Mayor and City Council Thru: Gary Dumas. Director of Operations From: Jeremy Pate, Director of Current Planning Date: February 28, 2008 Subject: Administrative item modifying the Master Development Plan of the Stadium Centre Cottages Planned Zoning District (ADM 08-2927) RECOMMENDATION Planning Staff and Planning Commission recommend approval of an ordinance amending the Stadium Centre Cottages Planned Zoning District to change the lot width and lot area requirements. so that the approved two-family structures located on Lots 12- 14 may be developed as townhouses and sold individually. BACKGROUND The subject property consists of approximately 2.45 acres located at the southwest corner of Old Farmington Rd. and Sandra St., just north of 6`" Street. The Fayetteville City Council approved R-PZD 06-2212 (Stadium Centre Cottages) on December 19, 2006 for zoning and preliminary plat approval of residential development with I I single-family dwellings and 6 two-family dwellings in one Planning Area. The single-family portion of the development is located along Old Farmington Rd. on Lots 1 - 11 and the two-family portion of the development is situated to the south on Lots 12- 14. The applicant requests a modification to the approved zoning criteria to change the lot width and lot area requirements, so that the approved two-family structures located on Lots 12- 14 may be developed as townhouses and sold individually. The request does not materially alter density, number of dwelling units, greenspace, etc.: rather, it simply would permit the two- family structures to be sold as separate units on separate lots. Approval of a concurrent plat by the Planning Commission to split Lots 12- 14 will be required if the requested modification is approved. All of the zoning criteria approved with the original PZD will remain in place including the maximum number of dwelling units. A copy of the revised zoning criteria and plat are included with this report. DISCUSSION On February 25, 2008 the Planning Commission voted 5-0-0 on the consent agenda to forward this request to City Council with a recommendation for approval. BUDGETIMPACT None.