HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5118 ORDINANCE NO. 5118 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE XV : UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE OF THF. CODE; OF FAYETTEVILLL TO AMEN I) CIIAPTER 166: DEVELOPMENT AND CHAPTER 172 : PARKING AND LOADING IN ORDER TO ADOPT URBAN RESIDFNTEAI. DESIGN STANDARDS. WHEREAS, the CitN Council has stated in Cite Plan 2025 that urban residential design standards will increase the supply of quality attainable housing: and WHEREAS, urban residential design standards will protect and enhance the City of Fagette-ville' s appearance, identity. and natural and economic vitality, and WHEREAS. urban residential design standards will contribute to safe, pedestrian-friendly neighborhoods: and WHEREAS. urban residential design standards will minimize service and parking impacts, and WHEREAS. urban residential designs standards will enhance the economic viabilitN of the neighborhood and provide compatibility with surrounding properh . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYF,TTEVII .I,F., ARKANSAS: Section 1 : Khat the City Council of the Cit) of Fayetie\ ille, .Arkansas, hereby adopts 166.23 . establishing Urban Residential Design Standards. a copy ofwhich is marked Iixhibit "A- attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 2 : That Chapter 172 : Parking and I oading is amended by adding the follo\\ ing text :o ti172.05 ( I:): On-srreel parking. On-scree: parking along the project frontage for urban residential developments shall count toward the total required spaces for the development when on-street parking is available or provided. Page 2 Ord. 5118 March 18, 2008 PASSED and APPROVED this 181ty da} of March. 2008. N = APPROVLll: ATITST: •' .. : " �;' -l`J�`°� td, DAN GOODY. Ma}or SONDRA E. SMITH. City Clerk"1'reasurer Exhibit "A" Proposed Urban Residential Design Standards Sec. 166.23 Urban Residential (b) The underly ng zoning district Design Standards setbacks snail supersede the sitirg requ remenis for urban residential (A) Purposes. deve opment. ( 1 ) To protect and enhance Fayettevile's (3) Vehicular Access / Circulation / Parking. appearance identity, and nalura and (a) Site access and internal circulation econom c vital. y should promote pedestrian safety. efficiency, and convenience and (2) To create appealing street scenes so minimize corflicts between vehicles that deve opment enharces the image and pedestrians. Cortinjois of the City and provwoes safe circulator seal be provided pedestrian-friendly neighborhood throughout the site to the greatest environments, extent possible creating a complete, compact, and connected (3) To minimze service and parking transportal.or network beth within impacts in order to preserve surrounding the development and to the property values and scenic resources surrounding reighberhood that contribute to the City's economic development. i () Garage entries, carports, park(4) To compose attractive residertial structures lots and parking facades that enhance the economic behind the shall be located behind the 'root build-to zone viability of and provide compatibility with and shall not protrude forward surround ng property. from the remainder of the (B) Applicability. All references :o urban principal facade. resident-al design standards shall include the (ill parking areas shall be following uses as permitted by right or accessed by mid-block aheys conditional use in all zoning districts: whenever pcssiole (4 ) 2 F , Two-farnily dwel irgs (0) Cr-street para:lel parking may be provided on at least ore (2) 3-F , Three-family dwell ngs side of the street in front of all mutt.-fam ly buildings where (3) MF, Multi`amily dwellrrgs feasible Each on-street C) Site Development Standards The foIcwin parking space provided along ( ' 9 ;he project frontage shat' count site development standards shall apply for all toward the total required urban res dential development, spaces for the development. (1 ) Intent. Tne intent of these site (4) Pedestrian Circulation. development standards is to create a pedestrian-friendly streetscape (a) Al! ground floor entrances of each 2 Building Sitio andDesi n dwelling unit that face a public ( ) 9 9 Design. street right-of-way shall have a All Buildin s sha I be des gred to (a) walkway that connects the front 9 entrance to the public s dewalk have a front facade that faces onto where sidewalks exist the public street right-of-way and shall be located between a buildirg (b) Urbar res denial projects should setback line of 10 feet and 25 feet incorporate pedestrian connections from ;he public street right-of-way. to adjacert residential and unless the building is sired more commercia properl es where ttian 50 feet from Me public right-of- sidewalks and/or trails exist and way, can be extended it the future. (5) Screening Requirements if visible from (1) Intent 'he intent of these building the highrway/streel right-of-way. design standards is: (a) To ensure that urbar residential (a) Mechanical and utility equipment buildings add to the character and Ail mechanical and utilty equipment quality of the community, offer a located on the wall and/or on the sense of security and maKe a ground shall be screened, except positive contribution to the I fe of the for air conditioning window units All street roof mounted utilities and mechanical equipment shall be (b) To maximize the quality, value and screened by incorporating iorgevity of urban residenlial screening into the stricture utilizing neighborhoods, materials compatible witr the supporting bu Iding Mechanical and (c) To make housing appeal.ng and utility equipment over 30 inches in comfortable for its inhabitants height shat meet building setbacks, unless located it a utili y easement. (2) Construction and appearance design standards for urban residential (b) Trash areas Trash enclosures shad development. be screened with materials that are compatiole with and comp'ementary (a) Building Mass. Form, and Design. to the principal structure. Access would not be visible from the public (p In urban residential right-of-way developments containing three (3) or more residential (c) Screening. Screen ng shall mean a structures a variety of colors view obscu^ng ferce, berm, and building materials shall be vegetation, architectural treatment used to differentiate one consistent with the residential building from another. On;y architecture, Ora combination of the three of the same building type four of sufficient height to prevent in one development shall be the view of the screened Mems from permitted. the publ.c right-of-way Vegetat.on shall be planted at a density (i } Anc llary structures such as sufficient to become view obscuring carports garages, recreational witlir. two years from the date of bu:ldings and storage planting. structures shall be designed as an integral part of the project (6) Fencing The fol owing types, height architecture. and location of fences shall be prohibited (iii) The following architectural elements shat: be required of (a) Razor and/or barbed wire Razor all prircipa facades on urban and/or barbed wire Perces are residential projects prohibited, unless and ex;ept barbed wire fences are used for a. Vanatiors in materials, agricultural purposes b. Variations in roof forms (b) Chain link. Chain link fence is prohibited if closer to the street than c. A f,inctional, archilectu-ally the front of the building, emphasized entry. (c) Height of fences in front of (iv) The principal fariade(s) of all buildings. Fences in the front yard urban residential buildings shall area shall have a maximum he ght be articulated through the of 42 inches s.ibject to visib.lity incorporatior of two or more of requirements in Chapter 164.09 the fol owing- and 164 17. a. Balconies; (D) Architectural Design Standards. b Bays or bay windows, c Insets or other rel of :n the wall place, d. Porches; e. Dormers, f. Porticoes; g. Turrets; or h Consistent and complementary feneslra:ion patlerns (E) planning Commission Approval. An app icant may reauest approval from the Planning Comrriss or of a variance `ror the maximum requirements where unique circumstances exist and the effect wil not adversely impact adjoining or neighboring property owners. The applicant sha I provide notification to aojacert property owners prior tc the date o` tie meeting. Secs. 166.24.--166.99. Reserved City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form City Council Agenda Items { e„ 711a,dAr5 or �� G f / 7A Contracts 18-Mar-08 City Council Meeting Date Karen Minkel Long Range Planning Operations Submitted By Divisior Department Action Required: AIAI C6-2390: Appiax al of an ordinance amending l'nle :N\' : l 'niticd Development Code of the Code of Fayetteville :o amend Chapter 166: Decelcpmect and Chapter 172 : Parking and Loading in order to adop: urban re�idcntial design standard; $0.00 WI/a nia Cost of this request Ca:egr, iPro ect Bud 'et Program Calego ! Project Name Wa nia ria Account N,imber cunds Used to Da:e Program I Pro ec! Calegory Name n!a nia Na Pro,ect Numbe• Remaining Balanre ° unc Name Budgeted :tem Budget Adjustment Attached t Prev ous O dinance or Resoluhor # n. a Department IJ recto Dxe Original Contract Dale : n!a �I r 7 O-iginal Contract Number: n!a City Attorney Received in City Cle-k's Of'ce tp" 0. - 3 / 3 08 7 trance and Internal Service D:rector Date Received in Mayor's Off ce J717z MayorDate f � Comments: � / City Council S1ec:ing (if March 18, 2008 Agenda Item Number CITY COUNCIL AGENDA NIENIO To: Mayor ar.d Cith Council Thru : Gary Dumas. Director of Operations Tim Conklin, Planning and Devclopmer.: Managemew Director From : Karen :Minkel. Senior Long Range Planner Date: lox cn.her 30, 200 7 Subject: At, ordinance amending Title XV : Vnified Development Code of the Code of Fayetteville to amend Chapter 166: Development and Chapter 172 : Parking and I oading in order to adopt urban residential design standards RFCO'1 :1 ENDATiON Planning Staff recommends approving at; onlii:acre amending Title XV : l mficd Dc% clopment Code of the Code of Faxette\ iIle to annend Chaplcr 166: Developnncnl and Chapter 1 ', 2 Parking and Loading in order Io adopt urban residential design standards. BACKGROUND 0tv Plan 2025 li ;ls developing urban residenlia' design standards as one of the benchmarks in Year I for increasing the supple of quality attainable housing. The first version of this ordinance was presented to the Planning ( 'ommi ;sio❑ on December ? l . _'006 . Several concerns ixcre expressed by mcmhers of the public and the Commission about the legalit} of the ordinance and its potential to significantly increase infrastructure costs. Staff addressed ;hese issies in a second version that n'as presented to the Planning Commission on January 22, 2007, nfiicli included a comparison of' the proposed ordinance with ordinances used in peer cities. l he main concern expressed by the Commission at the second meeting \+ as the stipulation that required urban residential buildings to front onto public street;, eliminating a developer' s ability to front buildings onto prixate drives or greenspace. Staff a:temptcd to find a compromise that x% ould address these concerns, but a viable solution v% as not Round Staff proposed separating the building .orm standards fiom the design standards at a Planning Commission agenda session on Jnly li). 2007. Site planning and building form xNill he addre;sed in a 1-aditional neighborhood de\ clopmcnt ordinance that is scheduled to he de\ eloped in fear 3 of Cih' Plan 2025. The Planning Commission agreed to pursue this option and reviex% a revised urban residential design ordinance that primanlY addresses architectural design standards. Planning staff revised the urban residential guideline;. which no\\ include the folloxNing major points: Cih Council Nfceting of March 18. 2008 Agenda 11em Number 1 ) Purposes: a . Protect and enhance Pavcttc\ iEc' s appearance: h. Create appealing street scenes: c. Minimize sen ice and parking impacts: and d . Compose attracli e residenLa! facades '_ ) Applicability: fie ordinance will apply to : it. two-fa:nih- dwellings. h. three- famfh dwellings: and c. multi-family dwelling;- 3 ) Site Dexelopment Standards. a. Building Siting. Buildings must fron! onto public streets unless the building is si:cd more than 50 feet from the public right-of-way. Underlying zoning setbacks shall supersede the siting requirements. b . `vehicular Access Circulation Parking: Garages entries and parking lots shall be located behind the from build-to-zone. and on-street parking shall he provided on at least one side of the street. counting toward the total required spaces for the dei elopn.ent. Public streets and pm ate dries shall he extended and corweeted to adjoining properties. ( This Section will require amendments to parking ratios ibr multi- famil4 dwclllings in Chapter 1 '2 of the Unified Deselopmert Code. ) c. Pedestrian Circulation : All ground floor entrances that face a public street right-of-way shali have a walkway :hat connects to the public sidewalk . d. Screening for Service, in Urban Residential De% elopments: Similar to commercial design stardards, all utility equipment and trash areas visible from the public right of way :hall be screened appropriately. c. Fencing: Ra/or, barbed wire and chain link fences are prohibited. I he max:mum 'ic!ght of a solid fence within the front yard shall be 42 incites. which is consistent with the Downtown Design Overlay Distnet. 4) Architectural Design Standards a. Building. Mass. Form and Design : In devclopmenis containing three or more residential structures, a Nariety of colors and building materials shall be used !o d:llerentiate one building trum another. h Ancillary structures sha!i he sintilar architecturally to primary buildings. c. All principal facades shall he articulated using two or more options. (e.g. balconies, porches, bays. c1c. ) d. 4rchitectural embellishments such as aN% nings. headers, sills, and molding arc encouraged . Attaining connnunity consensus about what makes an appropriate urban residential project functional and attractive lull help mitigate opposition to viable and desirable projects. The proposed urban residential design standards identiA. key elements that make development consistent with an attractive, pedc<trian-friendly urban fabric. The standard vanancc piocedurc may he used if the ordinance creates undue hardship for a de\ eloper. The Planning Commission forwarded the ordinance to the Ordinance Review Committee on October 22, 2007 with a rote of 7-0-0. '['lie Ordinance Review Comipiltee lbrwarded Cit% Council Meeting of lvlarch 18, 2008 Agcnda Item Numher the proposed amendments on November 29, 2001 with a tecomi-nendation for approxal by I' c City Council wi;h a vote of ? -tt-t). Chapter ! 712 .05( F ) of the [ nified DcN elopment Code Nil] need to be amended in order to accommodate the proposed parking chances m the urban residential design standards. Minutes from the Planning Commission meeting on October 22 are also attached. BUMET IMPACT '.None. ORDLNANCE NO. Al ORDINANCE AMI- IDING 'I1TLE XV: I • NIFIED DFATI OPMEN l CODF. OF THE CODE 01: FAYE•l TLVILLE TO AMEND C] IAPTP.R 166. DEVELOPMENT AND CHAPTER I '2 : PARKING AND LOADIN6 I\ ORDER TO ADOPT LIR13AN RISIDLNTIAI . DES16N STANDARDS . \1"HEREAS, the City Council has stated in City ]' Ian 2025 that urban residential design slandards will increase the supply of yua]ity attainaNe lousing: and NNHEREAS, urban residential design standards sill protect and enhance the Cite of llaNctte\ il ]e' s appearance, and natural and economic xitalitN. : and W11ERF. AS. urban residential design standards sill cornnhute to safe. pedestrian- friendly neighborhoods: and WHEREAS. urban residential design standards will minimize seance and parking impacts: and NN IIEREAS, urban re<idential designs standards will enhance the economic viability of the neighborhood and provide compatibility with surrounding pmn. erk . NOW, THEREFORE:, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE C1TV COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS : Section- I : That the City Council of the City o` Faycttesille- Arkansas. hereby adopts ordinance y 166 23, establishing Urban Residential Design Standards. A copy of which marked Exhibit "A" i; attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 2 : That Chapter I %2 : Parking and loading is amended by adding the following text to til '2A5 ( E ) : On-street prn'king. lhr- shrrl pin-Am.i> along lhe• proiect fi-onlaKc lin- urban residential dcl, •lopmertls shall c•orrrrl Ionm•d tlrr• totul rrgrrircd spaer .c fur 1!u' rl.icdapnx•nt trherr air-slrrrl 1)(11-A big is arailahlr or provide° l DRAFT Exhibit "A": Proposed Urban Residential Design Standards Sec. 166.23 Urban Residential requirements for urban residential Design Standards development. (A) Purposes (3) ✓ehicuiarAccess / Cucuiatcon / Pat king. (a ) Site access and internal circilation f11 To protect and enhance. Fayettevilles should promote pedestrian safety. appearance. identity, and natural and economic vita ity efficercy. and convenience and minimize corflicts between vericles (2; To rreale appealing street scenes so and pedestrians. Continuous that development enhances the image circulation sha,l be provided cf t^e Cit and throughout the ste to the greatest pede% City provides safe. extent possible rrealing a complete environments. endly neighborhood compact, and connected environments. irarspodation network doth within (3) To r-inimize service and parking the development and to the impacts in order to preserve surrourding surround ng neighborhood Dreperty va u(%s and scenic resources (•j Garage entries• carports, that contribute to the City's economic parki-g lots and parking development. structures shall be located ,A ) To compose alt-active residential behind the front build-tc zone and shall not protrude forward facadrs that enhance the econom c, from the re•nainder of the viability of and provide compatibility with principal facace surrounding property. 9) Appiacabr4ty. All references to urban (i) Parkirg areas shal be residential design standards shall include the accessed o ible.mid- ick alleys followinguses as whenever possible. permitted by rgrl or conditional use in all zoning districts: (i i) Or-street parallel parking may ( 11 2-F Two-iamilydwe'lings ne orovided or at least one sale of the street in front of all m,.lti-farrtly buildings where (2) 3-F. Trree-'arnily dwell ngs feasible. Each on-street r parking space provided along (3) MF. Multi- ami y dwel'ings the project frontage sha'I count (C) Site Development Standards. The following toward the total redo red site development standards shall apply for all spaces for the leve opmeni. ..rban residerlial deve,opment. (4) Pedestrian Circulation. ( 1 ) Intent The intent of these site (a) All ground floor entrances of each development standards is to create a dwelling unit ;hat face a public oedestr.an-friendly streetscape street rig^l-of-way shal! rave a (2) Budding Siting and Design walkway that connects the `ront entrance to the public sidewalk fa) All 6dildmgs shall he designed to where sidewalks ex sl have a front fayade that `aces onto ( b) (Jrbar residential projects should the public street •igri-of-way and incorporate pedestrian connections shall be located between a bili ding setback line of 40 feel and 25 feet c adjacent residertiar and commercial propeCies w'+e.•e from the public street right-of-way• sdewalks and!or trails exist and unless the building is sited more can be extended in the future. than 50 feet from the public righl-of- way' 15) Screening Requirements it wscble from the hrghway/strect right of-way. (b; The dndedying zoning district setbacks shall supersede the, sit•nq DRAFT fa) M.echanira! and u6Bty eompmeot. 'a) To ens.,re that urban residential All mechanical and utility ecu pment build.ngs add to :he character and ocaled on the wall andfor on :he quality of the comm„nty. offer a ground shall be screened. except sense o' security, and rake a nor air Condit o^ing window units All positive contribution to the life o` the roo` mounted 01ITes and street. mechanical equioment sha I be screened by lncorpolating (b) is maximize the quality, value and screemrg into the structure utilizing longevity or urban residential materials compatible with the neighbcnccocs. supporting bui'ding. Mechanical and utility equipment over 30 Inches In (c) To make hous ng apaeal.ng and height shall• meet building setbacks, comfortanle for its inhabitants .,n ass ocaled in a „til ty easement. (2 ) Construction and appearance des;gr, (b) Trash areas. Tmsr enclosures shall standards for urban res%denliai be screened witr materials that are development ccmpalible with and complementary to the arincipal structire. Access (a) Building Mass. Form. and Design. should not be visib e from the public ngh:-cf-way. (1) In urban residential developments corlaining three (c) Screening. Screening shall mean a (3) or mere residential' view obscunng lence berm, structures a variety of colors vegetation, architectural treatment and bu•Icing materials shall he consistent wit` the -esidenlial used to dAferentiale one architecture or a combination of the building from another Only `o.ir of sufficient height to prevent throe of the sar"e bu Icing type the view of the screened items from in cne deve opment shall be the Dual c right-or-way Vegetation permitted. shalt be planted at a density sufficient to become view obscuring (ii ) Ancil ary struct.ues such as wit`ir two years from ;he date of carports, garages, recreational planting. bulldirgs and storage structures shall be cesegned as ;6) Fencing The following types, height, an integral part of the project and lo(, abon of fences shall be architecture p•oh bated ;til) The fo'lowing architectural (a) Razor and/or barbed carie. Ra7cr elements shall he regji•ed of andror barbed wire ferces are all principal facades on urban prohibited, unless and except residenbal pro,ects barbed wire fcnces are .rsed nor agricultura• purposes a Variations in materials: (o) Chan Irak. Chain Ink fence is b Variations it roof fo-ms: prohibited if cioserto the street than the front of the Wilding. c. A functional. arenitecturally emphasized entry. (c) Height of fences in ,fort of buildings. Fences in the front yard (iv) 'he principal fagade(s) of all area shall have a maximum height urban resident al buildings shall cl 42 irches smiled :o visibility be articulated through the requirements in Chapter 164.09 inccrpera5on of two or more of and 164 .17. the follow:ng: ;D) Archdectura! Design Slanaarus a Balconies: (1) lrlen!. —he intent of these building b Bays o- bay windows: cesigr standards Is: c. Insets or other relief in the wall place: