HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5105 ORDINANCE NO, 5105 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND § 111 .30 RETAIL OF CHAPTER 111 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES OF THE CODE OF FAYETTEVILLE WHEREAS, retail off-premises alcoholic beverage stores should be able to open three hours earlier in the day to accommodate anglers and other individuals. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 : The City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby repeals § 111 .30 (A)(2) and (13)(2) Hours of operation of the Code of Fayetteville and enacts replacement subsections (A)(2) and (13)(2) Hours of operation to allow liquor stores to open three hours earlier as shown below: "§ 111 .30 Retail "(A) Retail liquor off-premises permit. (2) Hours of operation. It shall be unlawful for any person to sell or offer to sell any controlled beverages for off-premises consumption before the hour of 7:00 a.m. or after the hour of 11 :00 p.m. on weekdays, after the hour of 12:00 midnight on Friday or Saturday and at any hour on Sunday, on Christmas Day, or during any 24-hour period designated an emergency by the mayor or the City Council." "(B) Retail beer and light wine off-premises permit. "(2) Hours of operation. It shall be unlawful for any person to sell or offer to sell beer or light wine for off-premises consumption before the hour of 7:00 a.m. or after the hour of 11 p.m. on weekdays, after the hour of 12:00 midnight on Friday or Saturday, at any hour on Sunday, on Christmas Day, or during any 24-hour period designated an emergency by the Mayor or City Council." A* Page 2 Ord. 5105 L1111111RK Trf Rr •,,. ��\ •. G�5 Y pF . G9 PASSED and APPROVED this 15th day of January, 2008. v p E ; FAYETTEVILLE ; - APPROVED: ATTEST: FN :9J •y� •9p� SPS%' p, b ;ipNuGoo By: By: DAN COODY, Mayor SO RA E. SMITH, City Clerk/treasurer 6�D AGENDA REQUEST FOR: COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 15, 2008 FROM: MAYOR DAN COODY ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION TITLE AND SUBJECT: An Ordinance To Amend §111 .30 Retail Of Chapter 111 Alcoholic Beverages Of The Code Of Fayetteville APP VED FOR AGENDA: Mayor Date 1 Z - OqT City Attorney Date FAYETTEVILLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS KIT WILLIAMS, CITY ATTORNEY DAVID WHITAKER, ASST. CITY ATTORNEY DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE LEGAL DEPARTMENT TO : City Council FROM : Kit Williams, City Attorney's DATE : January 2, 2008 RE : Permitting the opening of off-premises beer, wine and liquor sales three hours earlier State law (A .C .A. § 3 -3 -210) allows retail sale of alcoholic beverages for off-premises consumption beginning at 7 :00 A . M. (except for Sundays ). Our Code of Fayetteville was more restrictive in prohibiting any such sales before 10 :00 A. M. I have attached the State law as well as our current Fayetteville Code sections regulating hours of operation. Mayor Coody has proposed conforming our Fayetteville Code to the State law to allow retail sales to begin at 7 :00 A .M . rather than 10 :00 A.M. I have drafted such an ordinance to amend our Fayetteville Code. The amendment also removes the previous ambiguous language : "give away, at retail . " I am not sure what that means or why it was originally inserted in our Code . State law only prohibits the sale of intoxicating liquor from liquor stores during certain hours. Our broad prohibition : " It shall be unlawful for any person to . . . give away, at retail , any controlled beverages . . . ," seems to reach what most citizens would consider their legal rig:nt to give their friends and relatives a taste of the bubbly for a New Year's toast. Thus, I recommend removing this possibly over-reaching language from the off-premises consumption subsections. 1 do not recommend removing similar language from the on-premises subsections because of potential enforcement issues and subterfuges such as : " After 2 :00 A . M . , we sell a glass of cola for $5 and give away the whiskey in it for nothing. " ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND § 111 .30 RETAIL OF CHAPTER 111 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES OF THE CODE OF FAYETTEVILLE WHEREAS, retail off premises alcoholic beverage stores should be able to open three hours earlier in the day to accommodate anglers and other individuals. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section l : The City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby repeals § 111 .30 (A)(2) and (13)(2) Hours of operation of the Code of Fayetteville and enacts replacement subsections (A)(2) and (13)(2) Hours of operation to allow liquor stores to open three hours earlier as shown below: "§ 111 .30 Retail "(A) Retail liquor off-premises permit. "(2) Hours of operation. It shall be unlawful for any person to sell or offer to sell any controlled beverages for off-premises consumption before the hour of 7 :00 a.m. or after the hour of 11 :00 p.m. on weekdays, after the hour of 12 :00 midnight on Friday or Saturday and at any hour on Sunday, on Christmas Day, or during any 24-hour period designated an emergency by the mayor or the City Council . " "(B) Retail beer and light wine off-premises permit. "(2) Hours of operation. It shall be unlawful for any person to sell or offer to sell beer or light wine for off-premises consumption before the hour of 7 :00 a.m. or after the hour of 11 p. m. on weekdays, after the hour of 12 :00 midnight on Friday or Saturday. at any hour on Sunday, on Christmas Day, or during any 24-hour period designated an emergency by the Mayor or City Council . " PASSED and APPROVED this 15th day of January. 2008 . APPROVED: ATTEST: By: By : DAN GOODY, Mayor SONDRA E. SMITH, City Clerk/Treasurer FAYETTEVILLE CODE OF ORDINANCES TITLE XI BUSINESS REGULATIONS wholesale dealer, broker or distributor of off-premises consumption before the hour of beer and light wine. (Per A.C.A. § 3-5-101 , 10:00 a.m. and after the hour of 11 :00 p.m. Wholesalers of beer may sell mall liquor.) on weekdays, after the hour of 12:00 midnight on Friday and Saturday, at any (2) Hours of operation. The authorized hours of hour on Sunday, on Christmas Day, or operation shall be the same as for wholesale during any 24-hour interval designated an liquor dealers in §111 .20(A). emergency period by the mayor, City Council, or any person acting in the mayor's (3) All wholesale dealers and distributors selling or the City Council's capacity. beer and light wine to retail dealers within the city shall provide to the cies accounting (B) Retail beer and light wine off-premises permit. division on or before June 30 of each year Authorizes the purchase of beer, light wine, or a report of said distributors total sales of malt liquor containing less than five percent beer and light wine for the previous calendar alcohol by weight from wholesalers holding a year to each retailer within the city. No valid permit and the sale of such controlled wholesale beer and light wine permit will be beverages for consumption off the premises renewed until such report has been received described in the permit. by the city. (1 ) Permit fee. For the privilege of selling beer (Ord. No. 4042, §1 , 6-17-97; Code 1991 , §111 .20) and light wine, at retail, for off premises consumption, there is hereby levied an State law reference(s)—Privilege lax-Levy and annual permit fee as follows: collection-Exception, A.C.A. §3-5-205A, as amended by Act 1813 of 2001 . (a) For a retailer whose annual gross sales 111 .21-111 .29 Reserved of beer and/or light wine do not exceed $1 ,000.00, the permit fee shall be $15.00. 111 .30 Retail (b) For a retailer whose annual gross sales (A) Retail liquor off-premises permit. Authorizes the of beer and/or light wine exceed purchase of spirituous and vinous beverages $1 ,000.00, the permit fee shall be from any person holding a valid wholesale liquor $15.00 plus one-half cent for each dollar permit and the sale of such beverages at retail to of gross sales in excess of $1 ,000.00. consumers for consumption off the premises; any holder of a liquor off-premises permit may also (c) The permit fee for a new applicant with purchase malt liquors containing more than five no sales history shall be $40.00. percent alcohol by weight from either persons holding a wholesale beer permit or a wholesale (d) For the purpose of renewing an existing liquor permit, and sell such beverages to permit, annual sales shall be the actual consumers for consumption off the premises gross sales for the previous calendar described in the permit. year. 0 the permittee has not been in operation for a full year at December It shall be unlawful for any person to accept retail 31" of the previous year, annual sales orders for any spirituous, vinous, or malt liquors shall be determined by dividing the total for delivery outside of the premises of the store actual sales by the number of months of operated by such person. operation and multiplying the result by 12. (1 ) Permit fee. There is hereby levied an annual permit fee of $250.00 for each and every (e) If a new permit was issued between retail liquor dealer engaged in the business January 1st and June 301h, the first of selling or dispensing, at retail any vinous renewal rate (due on June 30th of the (except wine), spirituous, or malt liquors for issue year) shall be $40.00. off-premises consumption. (2) Hours of operation. It shall be unlawful for (2) Hours of operation. It shall be unlawful for any person to serve, sell, offer for sale, or any person to sell, offer for sale, or give give away beer or light wine at retail for off- away, at retail, any controlled beverages for premises consumption before the hour of CD111 :8 FAYETTEVILLE CODE OF ORDINANCES TITLE XI BUSINESS REGULATIONS 10:00 a.m. and after the hour of 11 :00 p.m. (2) Supplemental beverage tax. In addition to on weekdays, after the hour of 12:00 the $250.00 per year permit fee, there is midnight on Friday and Saturday, at any hereby imposed and levied a city hour on Sunday, on Christmas Day, or supplemental tax of five percent upon the during any 24-tour interval designated an annual gross receipts which are derived by emergency period by the mayor, City such private club from charges to the Council, or any person acting in the mayors members and/or their guests for the or the City Council's capacity. following services: (C) Retail beer and light wine on-premises permit. (a) For the preparation and serving of Authorizes the purchase of beer, light wine, or mixed drinks, and malt liquor containing less than five percent alcohol by weight from a wholesaler holding a (b) For the cooling and serving of beer, light valid permit and the sale of such controlled wine, and wine. beverages for consumption on or off the premises described in the permit. The city's supplemental beverage tax is in addition to the state supplemental tax on (1 ) Permit fee. There is hereby levied an annual private dubs and shall be paid to the permit fee of the same amounts and appropriate city official, shall be due monthly computed in the same manner as the annual at the same time that the state supplemental fees for retail beer and light wine off- tax is due., and shall be accompanied by premises in §111 .30(6) above. one copy of the state supplemental tax return. If any permittee shall fail to remit the (2) Hours of operation. It shall be unlawful for supplemental tax within the time period that any person (except private clubs and holders the stale tax is due, a penalty of 121/2% of of on-premises consumption hotel, motel or the tax due shall be due and payable in restaurant permits) to serve, sell, offer for addition to the tax. sale, or give away for consumption on premises any beer or light wine between the (3) Hours of operation. It shall be unlawful for hours of 1 :00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. on Monday the owner, operator, or any employee of a through Saturday, on Sunday, on Christmas private club to serve or permit the Day, or during any 24-hour interval consumption of any controlled beverages on designated an emergency period by the the premises of said private club between mayor, City Council, or any person acting in the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. on any the mayor's or the City Council's capacity. day. (D) Private club permit. Authorizes the purchase of (E) On-premises consumption--Hotel, motel or any controlled beverages from persons holding restaurant permit. Authorizes the purchase of an off-premises retail liquor or beer permit who any controlled beverages from persons holding a have been designated by the director of the State valid wholesale permit and the sale of such Alcoholic Beverage Control Board as a private beverages for consumption on the premises of dub distributor, and authorizes the dispensing of the restaurant described in the permit or in-room such beverages for consumption on the premises hospitality units of the hotel or motel described in of the private club to members and guests only of the permit. (Persons holding an on-premises the private dub. (Private dubs holding a retail consumption hotel, motel, or restaurant permit beer on premises permit may purchase beer, are not required to have a retail beer permit). light wine, or malt liquor containing not more than five percent alcohol by weight from holders of (1 ) Permit fee. For the privilege of selling valid wholesale beer permits). controlled beverages for on-premises consumption by hotels, motels, or (1 ) Permit fee. For the privilege of operating a restaurants, in accordance with A.C.A. §3-9- private dub within the city, there is hereby 201 , at seq., there is hereby levied annual levied an annual permit fee of $250.00. For permit fees in the following applicable any new private club permit issued between amounts: January 1st and July 1st, the fee shall be $125.00. (a) Hotel or motel having fewer than 100 rooms, $250.00. CD111 :9 d-, R 19 � Er TB � � S. �Oao� G e° ES � �• e5' � A9a � e +J ° � � s C} fi $, o $ � � p�y.�•' 8Pe o n 3 g � 6 �q � � � � � R . 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F c�`�$ �"` .°. $ e 5.� >� 0 . yO 12 pC I . a 1 RO 5 m � 000, to O Cn r 8 °' 05 $ °c �^e ° �' A 'Q§ ahaSP. ^�� c � - � 8 m � dg o M � S a $ Oqq ¢6 ja oo $ rs S � A ° C 5a R � y .., y ° Rrr� II w c C] 6b F+ q a9 � .� `^' � c $ 5° 0 o Cm LEM4 p > ° a ° c _ o@ ' ° o �' .N. g m5Oympp [n ce• 9 a m 6` pp •e •r� � '° �' g ,� « A A $ °•' ° „ amM6. `gym 0c s �, o: i� �• yz 9Z z z e gg T �. ogp � ^ $$$ $ o aE � a m3 a $ z z °' g' € A �' a"lg ` e g ° R �uSsv1gg 5 � m �° �• ne 0 � cn cn Wpn SmSp < s � m� � � R �P J (1 . 18.08) Clarice Pearrnan - Ord. 5105 Page 1 From: Garice Pearman To: Coody, Dan; Coody, Dan Date: 1.18.08 5: 16 PM Subject: Ord, 5105 Attachments: 5105 Amend 111.30 Retail.pdf CC: Audit Mayor Coody: Attached is a copy of the above ordinance passed by City Council regarding the amendment of 111.30 retail liquor. Please let me know if there Is anything else needed for this item. Thanks. Clarice A2 awaS Democrat OF)axEtte • RECEIVED Northwest Arkansas Times JAN 2 82008 Benton County Daily Record CITY OFFAYETfEVILLE CITY CLERKS OFFICE P. O. BOX 1607 FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72702 PHONE : 479-571 -6421 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION I , Cathy Wiles, do solemnly swear that I am Legal Clerk of the Arkansas Democrat Gazette newspaper. Printed and published in Benton County Arkansas , (Lowell) and that from my own personal knowledge and reference to the files of said publication , the advertisement of: City of Fayetteville — Ordinance 5105 January 23, 2008 Publication Charge : $ 73 . 85 Subscrib d and sworn to before me Thisay of'��'Snv2,n 2008 . Notary Pub n _ Jardee Deas" Netaq Public, State Of Atkw" ( My Commission Expires: j "f, L v''�10�T,fp �Ommission Expires1W ti4` � � Do not pay from Affidavit, an invoice will be sent RECEIVED CITY OF FAYETTEVIU E CITY CLERKS OFFICE v OR 'AN OaDINANCE'TO AMEND 4 GF8 TM Cy{ P _ AP7ER 111 'AICbNOIIC CODE OF FAYETIE�ILLE tt'dw* � '` n '. rs � femi9es a16bhohc'$everagA��,pl �.H' a ARIKNiAS�y.?rx releii otI p 'sYq��Wd be able ld o�+ \hree hwrs�iOerrlA' To � �i- j'Y}Y^ ��, . .,' Yfi� wMi ate anglers ePd other rtdlvidi s U #Iaa., a 1! n Na day fi acco!on� y,, fl Pn 4t 'COUWjL Of 'TNE pTY O� uah NIOpp, f3E IT- bNDAiNFA BY'tNE ffTY Nov TNEREF pppAN8A3r 1" "XA�t+ t47v>?' -z; jAYETTfl vL}E a <s.aj � 4 ° enlle Atka'+sas III, 1l.s §"�:.{ I ' I I �� ` 12cernant sUbsectio��)� s . $echos t ,CH).000noil al the GN of Fayed k IBx2) FF{ours of.bp ereWn of the Code W FaYetteNlle entlds eadier as sh A (9)121 Holts of,o�eratron to eliow 0quar9tores to oPeM1 r §1113D 8124 effuses perm4 . an)'YSon ti:euur4rflel � eli'a �LSntr$lfd tievt t (A) Refat�iigyw off P Y or atter IS tdlrt oto�� � j t r ( } HoT'rs EA:ePeratlo`t' s Irsnalt�fm4a>a�ptSrihe hou 3n3 at afij t�+� ere9es fordt-premises cwlsumP rrxdnC9M on Fnda�ja �aY of IDa Gi� � we§ktlayk .'after H}e flour bf 12:c9- des�9hated'en''emereen 'y Ymhy�syra *#�' tlbnn >m 24 oat parrod Y r e Chnstma aY Sr sl 9!G,LY13J.r.r i e r°1, 1wIJ (B) Retail bear end Il9ht wine oHPrertases FBM'^t * n to 5HI aptferglos 1 beer or�9MYP�a� y '(2) Hods of operatbn Il.shaH ba unlawN�tw enY PwSO., . dam. Chf�stmasDaY..a - wn before IDe-tqur o1 Am•or attar the flout aft, P'� °� � foraft r t-Premises crosumpt . r ncy bYthe Mayor or Gry Council s cher ma hou4 a?r peno�dd des Bneterd an-eine 9a y a4Y - '.-�ypj44 € during any _ i m V s 8- W .....v �$$ELLend h2F9Dv�D1n „ ' {hRtlOY of JLMarf' 218 - +- _ 4 r • M {`{[ pppRO.yrEeD'o :,.es..-t+-" By: kG�Xi\ D '— ITN{1CN7p t^ s �y, cFk dCl .. ' '