HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5056 s ORDINANCE NO, 5056 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE XV: UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE OF THE CODE OF FAYETTEVILLE TO AMEND CHAPTER 151 : DEFINITIONS AND CHAPTER 166: DEVELOPMENT TO ADOPT A DOWNTOWN DESIGN OVERLAY DISTRICT, PARKING GARAGE DESIGN STANDARDS, DDOD BOUNDARY MAP AND RELATED DEFINITIONS. WHEREAS, the City of Fayetteville recognizes. the unique and significant role that the downtown area plays in the vitality of the City and the region; and WHEREAS, the City of Fayetteville has determined that development in the downtown area should be compatible with the traditional town form; and WHEREAS, developments that are compatible with the surrounding area and harmonious with the character of the neighborhood, have a positive effect upon the future development of the area; and WHEREAS, the Downtown Master Plan has been developed through an extensive process involving the public, elected and appointed officials, and staff, and WHEREAS, the Downtown Design Overlay District follows the same boundary as the Downtown Master Plan Zoning District Boundary; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 . That Chapter 151 Definitions is amended by inserting new definitions into § 151 .01 Definitions, a copy of which marked Exhibit "A" is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 2. That Chapter 166 Development is amended by inserting § 166.21Downtown Design Overlay District, a copy of which marked Exhibit `B" is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 3. That Chapter 166 Development is amended by inserting § 166.22 Parking Garages in the Downtown Core, Main Street Center and Downtown General Zoning Districts, a copy of which marked Exhibit "C" is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 4. The City of Fayetteville adopts an official map delineating the Downtown Design Overlay District, a copy of which marked Exhibit "D" is attached hereto and made a part hereof. A„1,,,I„1r if ,:'``�RWTRp "�t,, PASSED and APPROVED this the 4th da of Se tember, 2007. ` G�; • • • • • • • S Y P G�SY O,c APPROVE ATTEST: _ = ; FAYETTEVILLE ; SPSJc� By: By: C ! ,, y�� kAN Go DAN COODY, Mayor SONDRA E. SMITH, City Clerk/Treasurer "'j4, TON �.�` EXHIBIT "A" To be inserted in Chapter 151 Definitions: Appurtenances. (I)DOD) Architectural features consisting of awnings, marquees, EIFS. (Exterior Insulating and Finish porches, stoops, balconies, turrets, cupolas, Systems). (I)DOD) A cement based balconies, colonnades, and arcades. synthetic material used as an alternative to natural stucco. Arcade. (I)DOD) A colonnade composed of counterthrusting arches. First or ground floor. (I)DOD). The finished floor facing a street right of way. Awning. (I)DOD) A flexible roof-like cover that extends out from an exterior wall Floor. (I)DOD) A story within a and shields a window, doorway, sidewalk, building. or other space below from the elements. Gable. (131301)) The vertical triangular Balcony. (I)DOD) An open habitable end of a building from cornice or eaves to portion of an upper floor extending beyond a ridge. building's exterior wall that is not supported from below by vertical columns or piers but Gabled roof. (I)DOD) A double sloping is instead supported by either a cantilever or roof that forms a gable at each end. brackets. Gambrel roof. (I)DOD) A roof where Baluster. (I)DOD) A short vertical each side has two slopes; a steeper lower member used to support a railing or coping. slope and a flatter upper one; a 'bam roof. Balustrade. (131301)) A railing together Hipped roof. (131301)) A roof with with its supporting balusters or posts, often slopes on all four sides. The "hips" are the used at the front of a parapet. lines formed when the slopes meet at the corners. Barrel roof. (I)DOD) Like a covered wagon, or inverted ship; barrel vault is an Lintel. (131301)) A horizontal beam that arch of uniform cross-section. supports the weight of the wall above a window or door. Colonnade. (I)DOD) A roofed structure, extending over the sidewalk, open Mansard roof. (I)DOD) A roof type to the street except for supporting columns with two slopes on each of the four sides, or piers. the lower slope being steeper than the other; capped off with a cupola, typically Cornice. (I)DOD) A _ projecting Victorian. horizontal decorative molding along the top of a wall or building. Mullions. (I)DOD) Strips of wood or metal that separate and hold in place the Column. (I)DOD) A supporting pillar panes of a window. usually consisting of a round shaft, a capital, and a base. Muntin. (I)DOD) A short vertical or horizontal bar used to separate panes of Domed roof. (I)DOD) A vaulted roof glass in a window or panels in a door. The having a circular, polygonal, or elliptical muntin extends from a stile, rail, or bar to base and a generally hemispherical or another bar. This term is often confused with semispherical shape. mullion. Cupola. (1313013) A domelike structure Parking garage. (I)DOD) Layers of surmounting a roof or dome, often used as a parking stacked vertically. lookout or to admit light and air. Pedestal. (DDOD) The base or support of an upright structure. Stoop. (DDOD) A small platform and / or entrance stairway at a house door, Porch. (DDOD) A covered area commonly covered by a secondary roof or adjoining an entrance to a building. awning. Projected bay. (DDOD) A window or Story. (DDOD) A floor level within a series of windows forming a bay in a room building. and projecting outward from the wall. Terne. (DDOD) An alloy of lead with Retail. (DDOD) - The sale of about 15% tin. Used to coat sheet steel to commodities or goods in small quantities to inhibit corrosion. ultimate consumers. Turret. (DDOD) A small tower or Shed roof. (DDOD) A roof type with tower-shaped projection on a building. one high pitched plane covering the entire structure. EXHIBIT `B" To be inserted in Chapter 166 Development. 166.21 Downtown Design Overlay District (C) Downtown Design Overlay District Manual. (A) Purpose. The intent of this ordinance is to encourage good architectural form through (1 ) The City of Fayetteville Downtown the use of quality design and materials. The Overlay District Manual shall be used goal of the code is to promote functional in support of this chapter to explain architecture that creates attractive and usable specific objectives and principles and to space. Downtown Fayetteville has a rich provide a resource for guidance in architectural history spanning many decades implementing these standards. and styles; therefore, architecture should be respectful of the existing built environment (2) Copies of the Manual are to be made and should strive to enhance the public readily available to the public in the realm. A strong emphasis shall be placed Planning Division, upon designing and implementing sustainable and green architecture practices. (D) Special Building Elements and Appurtenances. If a building has a marquee, (B) Applicability. The Downtown Design awning, balcony, colonnade, arcade, turret, Overlay District applies to parcels of land cupola, porch or stoop then it shall comply located within the boundaries of the with the following regulations: Downtown Design Overlay District. The Downtown Design Overlay District (1) Marquees andAwnings. Architecture Standards are applicable in the following instances: (a) Standard These dimensional requirements apply to first or ( 1) These standards shall supersede the ground floor awnings and City's Commercial Design Standards in marquees. There are no minimum the Downtown Design Overlay District. standards for awnings above the first floor. (2) All new construction shall comply with these standards, including structural (i) Depth. To the back of the curb renovation and/or new additions that maximum. increase the building footprint or volume of habitable space by 50% or (ii) Height. 7 ft. minimum clear. more. (b) Right-of-Way Encroachment. Marquees (3) Building designs that strictly comply and Awnings shall occur forward of the with these standards are to be principal fagade and may encroach considered approved for matters of within the right-of-way, in accordance aesthetics and shall not require further with the Building Code adopted by the discretionary review for architectural City of Fayetteville. character or appearance. (c) Placement. Placement of awnings or (4) Building designs that do not comply marquees shall not interfere with street with these standards may be permitted trees, street lights, street signs or other by a variance after review and approval such civic infrastructure. by the Planning Commission. (d) Prohibited Materials. High-gloss or (5) Building designs that are denied or plasticized fabrics are prohibited. approved by the Planning Commission may be appealed to the City Council. (2) Balconies. depth can be obtained. Colonnades (a) Standard shall occur forward of the principal fagade, and may encroach within (i) Depth. To the back of the curb the right-of-way, but shall not maximum. Balconies above extend past 18 inches from the back the second floor shall have a of the curb, in accordance with the maximum projection of 4 ft. Building Code adopted by the City from the principal fagade. of Fayetteville. (ii) Height. 10 ft. minimum clear , (c) Placement. Colonnades may to the underside of the replace street trees along their horizontal floor. Supports or length. appendages may not extend below 7 ft. clear. (4) Turrets and Cupolas. (iii) Length. 80% maximum of . (a) Standard. principal building facade for the second floor. 40% (i) Area. 20 ft. X 20 ft. maximum maximum for all balconies footprint. above the second floor. (ii) Height. If the footprint is (iv) Roofs. Balconies may have larger than 10 ft. X 10 ft., then roofs, but are required to be the cupola/turret may extend a open, non-air conditioned parts maximum of 25 ft. above the of the building. eave or top of the parapet of the highest story. If the (b) Right-of-Way Encroachment. footprint is less than 10 ft. X Balconies may encroach within the 10 ft. then the turret or cupola right-of-way, in accordance with may extend to maximum of 50 the Building Code adapted by the ft. above the eave or top of the City of Fayetteville. parapet of the highest story. (c) Placement. Balconies shall not (5) Front Porches. interfere with street trees, street lights, street signs or other such (a) Standard civic infrastructure. (i) Depth. 6 ft. minimum from the (3) Colonnades and Arcades. principal facade to the inside of the column face. (a) Standard. (ii) Length. 25 to 100% of the (i) Depth. 8 ft. minimum from the principal facade. Front principal fagade to the inside porches may be multi-story of the column face. Columns and are required to be open or must be set back 18 inches screened and non-air from the outside of the column conditioned. face to the back of the curb. (b) Right-of- Way Encroachment. Front (ii) Height. 10 ft. minimum clear. porches may occur forward of the principal fagade. Porches shall not (iii) Length. 75-100% of the extend into the right-of-way. Front principal fagade. porches and stoops shall not be built within 18 inches of the side (b) Right-of- Way Encroachment. property line on attached unit types. Colonnades shall only be constructed where the minimum (6) Stoops. accordance with the Building Code adopted by the City of Fayetteville. (a) Standard Stoops may be covered or un-covered and stairs may run to. (c) Placement. Projected Bays shall the front or to the side. not interfere with street trees, street lights, street signs or other such (i) Depth. 4 ft. minimum from the civic infrastructure. principal facade to the inside of the column face for stoops (E) Exterior Architectural Elements. The lists with a covered landing. of permitted materials and configurations have been selected for their durability, (ii) Height. 30 inches minimum sustainability and responsiveness to climate. from grade to top of the fust The primary goal of the Architectural finished floor; 96 inches Elements is authenticity; the elements maximum, encourage construction that is straightforward and functional and draws its (iii) Length. 10% to 25% of the ornament and variety from the assembly of principal facade, not including genuine materials. Items not listed in the stairs. Architectural Elements may be approved upon review by the Planning Commission. (b) Right-of-Way Encroachment. Stoops may occur forward of the (1 ) Rear Yards Only. The following shall principal fagade, but shall , not only be located only in the rear yard: extend into the right-of-way. (a) Trash dumpsters. (c). Placement. Sidewalks shall have a minimum 5 ft. clear access for (b) Trash and recycling carts and bins. pedestrian movements. Front porches and stoops shall not be (2) Exterior Prohibited Materials. The built within 18 inches of the side following shall be prohibited: property line on attached unit types. (a) Undersized Shutters. Shutters shall (7) Projected Bay. be sized so as to equal the width required to cover the window (a) Standard. Bays shall consist of opening. habitable space. (b) Shutters made ofplastic. (i) Depth. 4 ft. maximum from the Principal facade. (c) Glass with reflective coatings other than - clear glass with Low-E (ii) Second Story Height. Bays coatings. (See opacity and facade above the fust or ground floor section). shall have a minimum of 10 ft, clear to the underside of the (d) Plastic or PVC roof tiles. horizontal floor. Supports or appendages shall not extend (e) Exposed cell phone towers. below 7 ft. clear. (f) Aluminum siding. (iii) Length. 20% maximum of the principal fagade length. (g) Vinyl siding. (b) Second Story Right-of-Way (h) Wood fiber board. Encroachment. Bays above the first or ground floor . may encroach (i) Unfinished pressure- treated wood within the right-of-way, in (j) EIFS (Exterior Insulation Finish stucco, stone, structural steel, System) located on the first or cast iron, wrought iron, and ground floor. glass. (3) Columns, Arches, Pedestals, Railings (4) Windows, Skylights, and Doors. and Balustrades. (a) General Requirements. (a) Permitted Configurations. (i) Sills . are required for all (i) Square columns shall have a windows. minimum width of 6 inches with or without capitals and (ii) Windows shall have trim on bases. the sides and top when the exterior of the building is (ii) Round columns shall have a wood or lap sided. Window minimum 6 inch outer trim shall have a minimum diameter with or without dimension of 0.75 inches X 3 .5 capitals and bases. inches (a normal 1X4). (iii) Pedestals shall have a (iii) A minimum of 10% of the minimum width of 8 inches. window area per floor shall be operable with the exception of (b) Permitted Materials. the first or ground floor. (i) Columns and Pedestals. Brick, (b) Permitted Configurations. painted stained or natural wood, Terra Cotta, stained (i) All window configurations are painted or un-painted concrete allowed. with a smooth finish, cast —in- place concrete with or without (c) Permitted Finish Materials stucco, pre-cast concrete, fiber cement board, concrete (i) Windows. Windows may be masonry units with stucco, made of wood, aluminum, stone, structural steel, and cast copper, steel, clad wood, iron. thermally broken vinyl or aluminum. No false grids (ii) Arches, Lintels and Sills. except for where mullions and Brick, painted stained or muntins are permanently natural wood, Terra Cotta, adhered to both the interior and stained painted or un-painted exterior of a pane of thermally concrete with a smooth finish, broken glass separated by a cast —in-place concrete with or spacer aligned with the without stucco, pre-cast mullions or muntins in concrete, fiber cement board, between panes of thermally concrete masonry units with broken glass. (Commonly stucco, stone, structural steel, referred to as simulated and cast iron. divided light windows). (iii) Railings and Balusters. Brick, (ii) Doors. Doors may be made of painted stained or natural wood, glass, fiberglass or wood, Terra Cotta, stained metal. (Le. steel, aluminum, painted or un-painted concrete copper, bronze, etc.) with a smooth finish, cast —in- place concrete with or without (5) Roofs and Gutters. stucco, pre-cast concrete, concrete masonry units with (a) General Requirements. (b) Height. (i) Roofs may be gabled, hipped, mansard, shed, gambrel, (i) Front yard (in front of the barrel-vaulted, or domed. primary structure) maximum (ii) Applied mansard roofs are not height of 42 inches. permitted. (ii) Fences located in the rear and side yards (behind the (iii) Low sloped roofs (less than 1 principal fagade of the primary in 12 pitch) shall have light structure) shall have a colored finish materials. minimum height of 36 inches (b) Permitted Configurations. and a maximum height of 6feet. (i) Metal panel roofs shall expose (c) Permitted Configurations the panel ends at the overhang. , (i) Wood Fences. Picket fences (ii) Gutters may be rectangular, with corner posts, and split square, half-round, or Ogee rail. sections. (ii) Metal Fence. Fence shall be (c) Permitted Finish Materials comprised of primarily vertical pickets with a minimum 5/8 (i) Metal Roofs. Metal roofs may inch diameter, and 4 inch be made of galvanized steel, maximum clear space between copper, aluminum, zinc-alum, the pickets. lead coated copper, teme, or powder coated steel. (iii) Brick and Stone. (ii) Shingles. Shingles shall be (d) Permitted Finish Materials made of asphalt, metal, concrete, terrra-cotta, slate, or (i) Wood. cedar shingles or shakes. (ii) Wrought iron, steel and cast (iii) Gutters. Gutters shall be made iron. of copper, aluminum, galvanized steel, lead coated (iii) Brick and stone. copper, terve, or powder coated steel. (iv) Concrete masonry units with or without stucco so long as (6) Garden Walls, Fences and Hedges. the primary structure corresponds. (a) General Requirements. (v) Reinforced concrete with or (i) Fences, garden walls, or without stucco as long as the hedges are encouraged along primary structure corresponds. side yards, rear yards, and all property lines which abut (7) Opacity and Facades. public streets or alleys. (a) General Requirements. (ii) Fences and garden walls shall be at a minimum 25% opaque, (i) Each floor of any principal with the exception of the building fagade above the first requirements set forth in floor facing a park, square or § 166.21 (E)(5)(c)(ii) . street shall contain windows covering from 15% to 60% of the principal facade area. transmittance rating of 0.6 or higher. (ii) The permitted percentage of glass may be increased to 80% (ii) Commercial space and for any two floors above the storefronts shall have a fourth floor provided that there minimum of 75% glass on the is a minimum stepback of 15 first or ground floor of any ft. from the principal facade. principle facade. (iii) A minimum of 10% of the (iii) Multi-Family Residential window area per floor shall be space shall have a minimum of operable with the exception of 40% and a maximum of 75% the first or ground floor. glass on the first or ground floor. (iv) All glass shall be clear and / or have a Low-E coating. (iv) Single Family Residential space shall have a minimum of (v) Glass used above the first or 5% glass on the first or ground ground floor shall have a floor. visible transmittance rating of 0.4 or higher. (v) Doors or entrances for pedestrian access shall be (b) First or Ground Floor provided at intervals no greater Requirements of any principle than 50 ft. apart along the facade. principal facade. (i) Glass on the first or ground floor shall have a visible EXHIBIT "C" To be inserted in Chapter 166 Development. 166.22 Parking Garages in the Downtown than 50 ft. apart. The upper floors Core, Main Street Center, and Downtown of a parking garage in this General Zoning Districts configuration may extend over the first or ground floor to create a (A) Purpose. Parking garages by their nature covered walkway. tend to overwhelm the built environment due to their scale and repetitious (c) The principal fagade of the parking construction. Parking garages must be garage is covered with a trellis that detailed carefully in order for them to will support vines and other enhance the built environment in terms of landscaping materials to create a scale, appearance, and pedestrian safety. living green fagade. Parking garages in this configuration are (1) Parking Garages located at the right-of- required to utilize storm water way line in the DC, MSC, and DG harvesting techniques such as zoning districts shall meet at least one cisterns, green roofs, or by of the following criteria: directing runoff through a series of planter boxes along the front of the (a) The entire length of the principal facade. The upper floors may not facade of the parking garage on the extend over the first or ground floor first or ground floor is comprised of to create a covered walkway. habitable area, such as retail, office, or lobby space at a minimum depth (2) All other parking garages not located at of 15 ft. The habitable area may be the right-of-way line in the Downtown interrupted for a maximum width Core, Main Street Center and of 30 ft. to allow for vehicle and Downtown General Zoning Districts pedestrian access to the parking shall be located at a build-to line located garage. Entrances or door openings 25 ft. from the right-of-way line. The 25 to the habitable space shall be ft. buffer created shall be landscaped in provided at intervals no greater accordance with the regulations than 50 ft. apart. The upper floors contained in Chapter 177: Landscape of a parking garage in this Regulations of Fayetteville's UDC. The configuration may extend over the 25 ft. landscape buffer may be first or ground floor to create a developed at some point in the future covered walkway. with habitable space that meets the requirements above. (b) The principal fagade of the parking garage on the first or ground floor (3) Internal parking garage configuration is composed of a series of display and circulation shall be determined by windows. Display windows shall Planning Staff utilizing credible be arranged so that there are no industry standards outlined in more than 4 ft. of blank wall space publications such as the Urban Land between display windows. Institute or the National Parking Entrances or door openings shall be Association. provided at intervals no greater Exhibit 11D" Official Downtown Design Overlay District Map : a _ I` --a .. ' e� • .A ,O r ALL-EY5 a f` e ■�� ■ oN IV ■iqP ■ ■ ■°• R ! ,� SYN �° w * � ' aim a do > e 1so a as al i• Rp $ R{ v ad AI - s e ■ ® a w e 0�1NT.'NORD3T�i s AN wi a° * '0 W a e � a o � �� � Reefix ®1 _ i QIP °� P i ai1b Pf ■" v �d w• Phi z ■ I � ! � loa ■ n ie ebY �' � �f eR! l � 4ffe �. :°' ® �� � ■■ _ NIVE ate. '* _. ■seDLaE-�.57 * • so Bm ■' uo ♦ ■i Vol I for AV I S Him ' � . ■ I' R0m'! f f,90`i's -SUrtON'ST E ■ ■ INS MIR Sh 41 INK lot 0 Ift _ AN onto 0 ■■■■ � ■ v a So � � ,m• � f . � . WHFF.ESI6EeST - ,q ■° `, ,e a N 3 aimy i j La ft ea ®! _ ■ mJ f $ �■qq M■:n Q ■ r i tee • IE 4■ ■ ■ ■ff q r S. INGST i Or Yeef2 ® w �. LV n! Jim sw �■' . � ® owl i¢7Jip., f'- o: I Ifaafff�. 18, fix it f d.i 0 ■ �� YI �, ■ e f1 >I. NMI �.. - ..BE 'S7_ ,.. a " • 'cam It a a ® e■.. j a . p B 4. f .;..: NTA9N'ST s. 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ItINf LEY-T99 SIP MO at Ile SIR 11 a ■ . - f Ct / 467 Sd City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form City Council Agenda Items or Contracts 21 -Aug-07 City Council Meeting Date _ Tim Conklin Planning Operations Submitted By Division Department Action Required: ADM 07-2577: (Downtown Design Overlay District Architecture Standards): Submitted by Planning Staff to adopt an ordinance amending Title XV: Unified Development Code of the Code of Fayetteville to adopt a Downtown Design Overlay District and Architecture Code. $0.00 n/a n/a Cost of this request Category/Project Budget Program Category I Project Name n/a n/a n/a Account Number Funds Used to Date Program / Project Category Name n/a n/a n/a $ Project Number Remaining Balance Fund Name Budgeted Item Budget Adjustment Attached Previous Ordinance or Resolution # n/a Department I te Original Contract Date: n/a Original Contract Number: n/a C me Received in Cio Clerk's O ice EN RED Finance n emal Servi a Director Received in Mayor's Office EryjEp Ma or Da e Comments: -