HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 4917 9 , ORDINANCE NO. 4917 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE XV: UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE, TO CONSOLIDATE LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS INTO A NEW CHAPTER 177: LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS; AND AMENDING OTHER CHAPTERS ACCORDINGLY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS, , Section 1. That Chapter 151, Definitions is hereby amended by inserting and deleting certain definitions as set forth in Exhibit "A," attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 2. That Chapter 152, Administration is hereby amended by adding subsections Q) and (K) to § 152.01, as set forth in Exhibit "B," attached hereto and made a part hereof. , - Section 3. That Chapter 156, Variances is hereby amended by adding a new § 156.07, as set forth in Exhibit "C," attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 4. That § 166.10, Buffer Strips and Screening is hereby repealed, and § 166.14, Commercial Design and Development Standards, is repealed and replaced as set forth in Exhibit "D," attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 5. That § 172.04(D) (2)(a)(ii) Two-way, is hereby repealed, and the new language as set forth in Exhibit "E," attached hereto and made a part hereof, is inserted in its stead. Section 6. That § 172.07, Parking Lot Landscaping Requirements, is hereby repealed. Section 7. That Exhibit "F attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby adopted as Chapter 177, Landscape Regulations, Unified Development Code. PASSED and APPROVED this 5thday of September, 2006. ��,•��RK!TReq' ,,,� APPROVED: ATTEST: = ; FAYETTEVILLE ; By: By. Ncr..... . DAN COODY, Mayo SODRA SMITH, City Clerk City of Fayetteville Cf SSA Staff Review Form1* 7 City Council Agenda Items T / or Contracts 5-Sep-O6 City Council Meeting Date Jeremy Pate Current Planning Operations Submitted By Division Department Action Required : ADM 06- 1959: Administrative Item (CONSOLIDATED LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE): Submitted by Planning Staff and the Urban Forester to amend Title XV: Unified Development Code of the City of Fayetteville, consolidating landscaping requirements into a new Chapter 177 Landscape Regulations and revising associated chapters accordingly. N/A N/A N/A Cost of this request Category/Project Budget Program Category / Project Name N/A N/A N/A F I Account Number Funds Used to Date Program./ Project Category Name N/A N/A N/A $ Project Number Remaining Balance Fund Name Budgeted Item Budget Adjustment Attached Previous Ordinance or Resolution # n/a ment irec or Date Original Contract Date: n/a Z' Original Contract Number: n/a 66 City Attorney Received in ClerRI Office Finance and Internal Service Director Date W� - I /, ` Received in Mayor's Offce (� Mayor Date g' Q Comments: n City Council Meeting of September 05, 2006 Agenda Item Number CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO To: Mayor and City Council Thru: Gary Dumas, Director of Operations From : Jeremy C. Pate, Director of Current Planning Date: August 15, 2006 Subject: Amendments to the Unified Development Code to create a Consolidated Landscape Code (Ch. 177 Landscape Regulations) and revise other chapters as needed RECOMMENDATION Planning staff recommends approval of the attached amendments to the Unified Development Code (UDC) in order to create a consolidated landscape code and update associated landscape regulations in the UDC. Staff is recommending amendments to the following chapters of the Unified Development Code that will be impacted by the adoption of the new Ch. 177 Landscape Regulations: Chapter 151 , Definitions; Chapter 152, Administration; Chapter 156, Variances; Chapter 166, Development; Chapter 172, Parking and Loading. A new chapter of the UDC is also proposed to be adopted, Chapter 177, Landscape Regulations. The following represents a summary of the amendments , proposed: 1 . Amendments Summary Ch. 151 Definitions • Added definitions of "aspect, caliper, stormwater facility, urban forester" • Redefined application of Landscape Administrator/Urban Forester as common terms Ch. 152 Administration K. . . • Added outdoor lighting administration (not related to landscape regulations, but overlooked when outdoor lighting ordinance was adopted) • Added Landscape Administrator/Urban Forester to administer Landscape Regulations, Ch. 177 of the UDC Ch. 156 Variances • Added a variance section for landscape regulations, giving findings for granting variances of landscape provisions using similar language as in other sections of the UDC Ch. 166 Development • Removed Ch. 166. 10 Buffer Strips and Screening, relocated under 166. 14, Commercial Design Standards (this subsection all refers to requirements of City Council Meeting of September 05, 2006 Agenda Item Number screening, and we only require these when non-residential uses are proposed, so I placed it under this chapter) • Ch. 166. 14 Commercial Design Standards removed and replaced with attached "Exhibit A." I have included the strike-thru and highlighted the changed or amended language in this section. It primarily reorganizes the chapter and adds the Buffer Strips and Screening under Commercial Design Standards. Ch. 172 Parking and Loading • Removed a reference to a landscaped median in 172.04.D.2.a.ii (it creates a dangerous turning movement) • Removed all of Ch. 172.07 Parking Lot Landscaping Requirements, relocated to new Ch. 177. Ch. 177 Landscape Regulations • Created new chapter of UDC. Some of this information is new, some replaces that removed from other chapters above. Primary new regulations are included below. • Created purpose for Landscape Regulations in the City of Fayetteville. • Added a requirement for a registered Landscape Architect' s seal to be affixed for those landscape plans associated with Large Scale Developments/Subdivisions (see comments submitted by President of the Arkansas Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects and Chair of the Arkansas State Board of Landscape Architects, as well as the Arkansas State Board of Landscape Architects Act passed in 2001 Regular Legislative Session). • ' ' Revised landscape plan submittal information to make more clear what is expected. • Per Planning Commission amendment, added a sub-section on tree plantings based on aspect, or achieving shade by planting on the south and west sides of parking areas, etc. • Added exemptions to certain landscaping requirements upon approval by the Urban Forester due to terrain, existing trees or other physical limitations. • Added Street Tree Planting standards. This defines the Street Tree Planting requirements already in place for commercial and multi-family projects, and adds a requirement for one tree per lot for residential subdivisions, as well as appropriate maintenance guarantees. • Added urban street tree standards for those projects in urban/downtown areas or those projects developing with traditional urban development standards, where buildings adjacent to the sidewalk do not allow for the 15-25 foot greenspace. • Added two new sections, Stormwater Facilities and Landscaping for Erosion Control, both of which dovetail with the Stormwater Regulations proposed by the Engineering Division. Those trees utilized for Stormwater Facilities may also be counted as mitigation trees. BACKGROUND The attached documents represent a comprehensive effort put forth by Sarah Patterson, Urban Forester, the Tree and Landscape Advisory Committee and the Planning Division. Together, we have prepared a consolidated landscape ordinance for your review and adoption, which is attached. This was formally considered by the Planning Commission on City Council Meeting of September 05, 2006 Agenda Item Number July 24 and the Ordinance Review Committee on August 09. All public comment received thus far has been in favor of the proposed amendments. The purpose of this UDC amendment is twofold : 1 ) To consolidate the landscape requirements that are currently scattered throughout several chapters of the current code; and 2) To clarify and strengthen those areas of the current code that are out-of-date, no longer applicable, or needed to be amended to accomplish the goals of the City to create and maintain a healthy and sustainable community, among other things. You will note that there are various chapters that were required to be amended. For the most part, the existing UDC chapters contain strike-thru of existing text, information that was removed and relocated to a new Ch. 177, Landscape Regulations. The major exception to this is Chapter 166, which involved some reorganization of sub-chapters to make it read more clearly and consolidate some of the requirements under Commercial Design Standards. Chapter 177, Landscape Regulations, is the primary product of the recommended amendments. We have taken the majority of information from the other (amended) UDC chapters and written a new Chapter 177 Landscape Regulations of the UDC, including some new information and requirements as seen needed. Some sections are verbatim from other chapters; others are borrowed from other chapters of the UDC; and still others are entirely new language. The ordinance you see here has been reviewed and commented on by the Tree and Landscape Advisory Committee, Planning Commission and Ordinance Review Committee, and staff has incorporated any revision comments. Also attached is a draft of the Landscape Manual that is being updated in tandem. This is, much like the Hillside Best Practices Manual, a manual that is updated by staff to reflect best management practices. It is utilized in tandem with the Landscape and Tree Preservation regulations of the UDC, and includes installation and maintenance information, drawings and examples, standards and specifications, and vegetation lists. It is also binding, as referenced in the UDC, but to a different extent than the UDC. The maintenance of the Landscape Manual is administered by the Urban Forester, and does not require adoption by the City Council. DISCUSSION , The Consolidated Landscape Code amendments have received favorable recommendations from the Tree and Landscape Advisory Committee, the Planning , . Commission and the Ordinance Review Committee. BUDGETIMPACT None. ORDINANCE NO, AN ORDINANCE AMENDII ' G TITL UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE, TO C OLIDA E DSCAFING REQUIREMENTS A NEW PTE R ' 77: LANDSC 4 E REGULATIA D AME DIST OTI ER CH KERS ACCORDINGL : v B E IT OR "D BY T CI OUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAY EVILLRICANSiAS: aS. ction .�rThat pter 151, Definitions is hereby amended by inserting anddeleting � extam "definitions as set forth in Exhibit "A," attached hereto and made Ap�art�ereof. Section 2. That Chapter 152, Administration is hereby amended by adding subsections Q) and (K) to §152.01, as set forth in Exhibit "B," attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 3. That Chapter 156, Variances is hereby amended by adding a new §156.07, as set forth in Exhibit "C," attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 4. That §166.10, Buffer Strips and Screening is hereby repealed, and §166.14, Commercial Design and Development Standards, is repealed and replaced as set forth in Exhibit "D," attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 5. That § 172.04(D)(2)(a)(ii) Two-way, is hereby repealed, and the new language as set forth in Exhibit "E," attached hereto and made a part hereof, is inserted in its stead. Section 6. That § 172.07, Parking Lot Landscaping Requirements, is hereby repealed. Section 7. That Exhibit "F;' attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby adopted as Chapter 177, Landscape Regulations, Unified Development Code. PASSED and APPROVED this 5thday of September, 2006. APPROVED: �x By: -g DCOODY, Mayo ATTEST: By: A .0 If. ) - I I O� DRA SMIT ` , iYy -lerk EXHIBIT "A" To be inserted in Chapter 151 Definitions: §151.01 Definitions. Aspect. (Landscape Regulations) The angle of exposure from sunlight as it relates to the slope of the earth, primarily south and west in this region. Stormwater Facility. (Landscape Regulations) A facility designed to meet the requirements for stormwater management. For the purposes of this section, stormwater facilities refer primarily to detention ponds. Urban Forester. (Tree Preservation and Protection, Landscape Regulations) The person who is responsible for the administration of Tree Preservation and Protection, Chapter 167 and Landscape Regulations, Chapter 177. Also known as Landscape Administrator. To be removed and replaced in Chapter 151 Definitions: Caliper. (Landscape Regulations) A measurement of general tree size taken at a point located six inches above natural ground or root ball surface. Landscape administrator. (Tree Preservation and Protection) The person who is responsible for the administration of Tree Preservation and Protection, Chapter 167 and Landscape Regulations, Chapter 177. Also known as Urban Forester. EXHIBIT "C" To be inserted in Chapter 156 Variances: §156.07 Landscape Regulations. (A) The Planning Commission shall have the authority to grant a variance from the landscaping requirements prescribed by § 177. (B) Findings. The Planning Commission shall make the following findings: ( 1 ) Minimum variance. That the reasons set forth in the application justify the granting of the variance, and that the variance is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building, or structure. (2) Harmony with general purpose. The Planning Commission shall further make a finding that the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Landscape Regulations, § 177, and will not be injurious to the neighborhood, or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. (3) Conditions and safeguards. In granting any variance, the Planning Commission may prescribe appropriate conditions and safeguards to ensure compliance or to protect adjacent property. (4) Undue Hardship. If the provisions of the standards within Landscape Regulations, § 177, are shown by the developer to cause undue hardship as they apply to his proposed development, the Planning Commission may grant a variance to the developer from such provisions, so that substantial justice may be done and the public interest secured; provided that the variation will not have the effect of nullifying the intent and purpose of development regulations. EXHIBIT "D" To be removed from Chapter 166 Development: §166.10 Buffer Strips and Screening This Chapter subsection is being removed in its entirety. §166.14 Commercial Design and Development Standards This Chapter subsection is being re-adopted in its entirety. 166.14 Commercial Design And Development Standards (A) Purposes. ( 1 ) To protect and enhance Fayetteville's appearance, identity, and natural and economic vitality. (2) To address environmental concerns which neftide'Ibul are not limited to, soil erosion, vegetation preservationland drainage (3) To protect and preserve the scenic source`s resources-distributed throughout the city which have contributed greatly to its conomic�&velopment,,� attracting tourists, permanent part-time residents, newgmdustries and;cul`tural facilities. (4) To preserve thei4ality of life and integrate the different zones and uses ,in a compatible tanner. (5) To address the issues of traffic, safety, and crime prevention. (6) Topreseryeserve property values of surrounding property. ( opprovide good cc desig d arrangement. (B) Applicability. The standards set forth herein shall apply in the following zoning districts, except as noted`. ( 1 ) R-O, Residential Office; (2) C-1 , Neighborhood Commercial (3) C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial; (4) C-3, Central Commercial; (5) C-4, Downtown; CD177:4 TITLE XV UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE (6) I- 1 , Heavy Commercial and Light Industrial; (7) I-2, General Industrial; (8) P-1 , Institutional; (9) E- 1 , Extraction; ( 10) PZD, Planned Zoning District when commercial, office,, institutional and industrial uses are planned. ( 11) Any other zoning district when commercial, office, institutional, and industrial uses are allowed as a conditional use. (C) Site development standards and Design elements;for commercial structures. The following site development standards and designelement guidelines for commercial structures shall apply when either new development or expansion of 25%of the existing building square footage occurs. ( 1 ) The elements to avoid or minimize include: (a) Unpainted concrete precision:blocOwalls, (b) Square "boxlike'i stfuctures; (c) Metal skiing which dominates the main facade; (d) Large blank ung i ula'ted-walLsurfaces; (e)I�Larg out�of�scale sig! 'nswith flashy colors. (2bnstruction and appearancedesign standards for commercial structures. (a)°A commercial 'structure or development shall be designed to avoid . or minimize the elem nts set forth in (1 )(a) — (d) above. (b) A commercial , development which contains more than one building should . - -=r incorporate �a,�recurring, unifying, and identifiable theme for the entire developme Y site. (c) A development should provide compatibility and transition between adjoining developments. F CD171:5