HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 4861 r IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII VIII VIII VIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII VIII IIIIIIIIIIII • ' ° f Doc ID : 009947510003 Tvoe : REL I Recorded : 05/ 10/2006 at 11 : 44 : 37 AM ' Fee Amt : $14 . 00 Pace 1 of 3 Mashlnoton Countv . AR r Bette Stamps Circuit Clerk t r + rt f File 2006 000188791 r ` ORDINANCE NO, 4861 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING VAC 06- 1989 SUBMITTEDBY ALLEN JAY YOUNG FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT LOT 3RA, WEDINGTON PLACE ADDITION, PHASE 3 ; VACATING THE ACCESS EASEMENT OFF OF STEAMBOAT DRIVE. WHEREAS, the City Council has the authority under A.C.A. § 14-54- 104 to vacate public grounds or portions thereof which are not required for corporate purposes; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the following described portion of the platted access easement is not required for corporate purposes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVH.LE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 : That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby vacates and abandons the following described access easement: See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 2: That a copy of this Ordinance duly certified by the City Clerk along with the map attached hereto and labeled Exhibit "B" shall be filed in the office of the Recorder of the County and recorded in the Deed Records of the County. Section 3 : That this vacation approval is subject to the conditions of approval listed in the staff report and Planning Commission recommendations for the City of Fayetteville, and shall not be in effect until all conditions are met therein. AAAA'Al, TRS"t,,,� .� '0 ��S Y •O c S,Gp� PASSED and APPROVED this I8`s day of April, 2006. E� c OFAYETTEVILLE • 3 APPROVED: ATTEST: z�z•• q �9s• . RKANSP.J=`. �r''%J,GT0tA G��.`` By: 13 DA OOD , Mayor SO DRA SMITH, City Clerk Washington County, AR I certify this instrument was filed on 05/10/2006 11 :44:37 AM and recorded in Real Estate File Number 2006-00018879 t Bette Stamps - Circuit le ��by _ I i n EXHIBIT-"A". y VAC 06-1989 A COMMON ACCESS EASEMENT LOCATED IN THE SOUTH 50 FEET OF THE EAST 144 FEET OF LOT 3RA, WEDINGTON PLACE ADDITION, PHASE II, TO THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, AS RECORDED AT PLAT BOOK 17, PAGE 77 IN THE OFFICE OF THE CIRCUIT CLERK, WASHINGTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS. ■ Fan 0 > 0 tit Of , ; O ser 't u v g iJJs) f POW ,. N 00'4250. E Q FM 33.02' ® MATE MATE no FLUS p p wOf sm 0_ 1p h� I � Of x'41 OF o o ^ w j t o Fsol ffP t .: �d10 U;ny1 IAT 3 R A 0 o W fI }'I 'w�?•Fe�.l 5.919 AC f iO3 0 = u _ a V ' J b t J4 f S Y -Y'fi' < . — _ . .. 1 �I �� S 1141'32 W � 6.05' ), S was56 1 t t -.- - ..._ S. Z. Of p O S V p t { t 1 Of _ _ .. . . .... -,"L..... . .. .. . _.. ds Lll Of OPO Id Oc 1p f �. , : 1 I 81 i fit I a ' ^� IP60RY GRAPHIC SCALE w o m ea im � m seer 1 ` 16 2D City of Fayetteville y9 / Staff Review Form Am o(o -Igo City Council Agenda Items or Contracts 18-Apr-06 City Council Meeting Date Jeremy Pate Planning Operations Submitted By Division Department Action Required: VAC 06-1986: (Wedington Place Addition, 401 ): Submitted by Allen Jay Young for property located at lot 3RA, Wedington Place Addition Phase 3. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial. The request is to vacate the access easement off of Steamboat Drive. N/A N/A N/A Cost of this request Category/Project Budget Program Category / Project Name NIA NIA N/A Account Number Funds Used to Date Program / Project Category Name N/A N/A N/A $ Project Number Remaining Balance Fund Name Budgeted Item Budget Adjustment Attached / Previous Ordinance or Resolution # n/a y b Departmen Direc Pr Date Original Contract Date: n/a Original Contract Number: n/a 3 - 3t) - 0( City Attorney Received in City Cleft is Office Financ6 and Internal Service Director Date Received in Mayor's Office 7 Mayor Date Comments: City Council Meeting of April 18, 2006 Agenda Item Number CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO To: Mayor and City Council Thru: Gary Dumas, Director of Operations From : Jeremy C. Pate, Director of Current Planning Date: March 29, 2006 Subject: Easement Vacation for Wedington Place Addition (VAC 06- 1989) RECOMMENDATION Planning Staff recommends approval of an ordinance vacating a 50' access easement located at Lot 3RA, Wedington Place Addition, as depicted herein. BACKGROUND Background: The 50' access easement was recorded with the Final Plat for Wedington Place Addition in 1996. The purpose of the access easement was to provide access to Lot 2 and Lot 3 of Wedington Place Addition with only one curb-cut. However, in 1999 a large scale development was submitted for the Bank of Fayetteville on Lot 2. At that time the applicants requested a separate curb-cut south of the 50' access easement. The Planning Commission approved the requested large scale development and the separate curb-cut for the bank. There is an existing 22 .5 ' utility easement along the south side of the access easement and a 25 ' utility easement along the east side of the access easement that are not to be vacated with this request. DISCUSSION Notification was provided to all appropriate utility representatives and adjoining property owners. Objections were received by tenants of the Wedington Place Senior Apartments. However, upon review of the request, the tenants have rescinded their objections to the vacation. All letters are within the staff report. This item was heard at the regular Planning Commission on March 27, 2006. The Planning Commission voted 8-0-0 to recommend this vacation request to the City Council. BUDGET IMPACT None. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE APPROVING VAC 06- 1989 SUBMITTED BY ALLEN JAY YOUNG FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT LOT 3RA, WEDINGTON PLACE ADDITION, PHASE 3 ; VACATING THE ACCESS EASEMENT OFF OF STEAMBOAT DRIVE. WHEREAS, the City Council has the authority under A.C.A. § 14-54- 104 to vacate public grounds or portions thereof which are not required for corporate purposes; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the following described portion of the platted access easement is not required for corporate purposes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 : That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby vacates and abandons the following described access easement: See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 2 : That a copy of this Ordinance duly certified by the City Clerk along with the map attached hereto and labeled Exhibit `B" shall be filed in the office of the Recorder of the County and recorded in the Deed Records of the County. Section 3 : That this vacation approval is subject to the conditions of approval listed in the staff report and Planning Commission recommendations for the City of Fayetteville, and shall not be in effect until all conditions are met therein. PASSED and APPROVED this day of , 2006. APPROVED: By: DAN COODY, Mayor ATTEST: By: SONDRA SMITH, City Clerk EXHIBIT "A" VAC 06-1989 A COMMON ACCESS EASEMENT LOCATED IN THE SOUTH 50 FEET OF THE EAST 144 FEET OF LOT 3RA, WEDINGTON PLACE ADDITION, PHASE II, TO THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, AS RECORDED AT PLAT BOOK 177 PAGE 77 IN THE OFFICE OF THE CIRCUIT CLERK, WASHINGTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS. aye e 0 le PC Meeting of March 27 , 2006 ARKANSAS THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS 125 W. Mountain St. Fayetteville, AR 72701 PLANNING DIVISION CORRESPONDENCE Telephone: (479) 575-8267 TO: Fayetteville Planning Commission FROM : Jesse Fulcher, Planner Matt Casey, Assistant City Engineer THRU : Jeremy Pate., Director of Current Planning DATE: March 20, 2006 VAC 06-1989: Vacation (Wedington Place Addition, pp 401) was submitted by Allen Jay Young for property located at lot 3RA, Wedington Place Addition, Ph 3 . The property is zoned C-2. The request is to vacate the access casement off of Steamboat Drive. Findings : Background: The 50' access casement was recorded with the Final Plat for Wedington Place Addition in 1996. The purpose of the access easement was to provide access to Lot 2 and Lot 3 of Wedington Place Addition with only one curb-cut. However, in 1999 a large scale development was submitted for the Bank of Fayetteville on Lot 2. At that time the applicants requested a separate curb-cut south of the 50' access easement. The Planning Commission approved the requested large scale development and the separate curb-cut for the bank. There is an existing 22.5' utility casement along the south side of the access easement and a 25 ' utility easement along the east side of the access easement that are not to be vacated with this request. Request: The request is to vacate the access easement, which will allow flexibility in designing and developing Lot 3RA. The applicant has submitted the required notification forms to the utility companies and to the City. The results are as follows: UTILITIES RESPONSE Ozarks Electric N/A Cox Communications N/A AEP/SWEPCO N/A SW Bell N/A Arkansas Western Gas N/A CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE: RESPONSE Water/Sewer N/A Transportation No Objections. Solid Waste No Objections. Engineering No Objections. Public Comment: The applicant has submitted the required notification forms to the adjacent property owners. Adjacent property owners had no objections to the proposed vacation. However, tenants from Wedington Place Senior Apartments have submitted a letter and petition signed by a majority of the occupants requesting that the petition to vacate the access easement be denied. The occupants of Wedington Place Senior Apartments and the general public often use Lot 3RA to easily access Harp's Grocery. Rather than exiting onto Wedington Dr. and traveling west to Colorado Dr., motorists enter Lot 3RA from Steamboat Dr. and traverse through the undeveloped property, then across a second undeveloped tract (Lot 3RB), to a paved drive that is stubbed out from the Harp' s development. The "shortcut" that has been created, as is apparent by the tire tracks, is not actually located in an access easement. The route begins within the subject access easement, but quickly turns north and continues across private property until reaching the driveway into Harp' s. Upon development of tracts 3RA and 3RB, planning staff will determine the appropriate locations for curb-cuts and cross access, so that legal access will be provided from Steamboat Dr. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the proposed access easement vacation 06-1989 with the following condition: 1 . Cross access shall be provided through Lot 3RA to the west from Steamboat Drive at the time of development. The applicant agreed to provide paved access, so that the general public will have access to the west from Steamboat Dr. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION : yes Required yes Forwarded Denied Date: March 27, 2006 Vote:8-0-0 Comments: The "CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL", as stated in this report, are accepted in total without exception by the entity requesting approval of this development item. sy Title Date CITY COUNCIL ACTION : yes Required Approved Denied Date: FROM : FAX N0. : 14792543799 ceb. 13 2006 02 : 57PM P3 Febcvary l3, 2006 Fayetteville Planning Commission 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 RE: Easement Vacation To whom it may concern: Allen "Jay" Young with Development Consultants, Inc. is hereby given authority to represent westwind Holdings, LLC regarding Common Access Easement vacation in the south 50' of the east 144' of Lot 3RA, Wedington Place Addition, Phase .IIT, City of Fayetteville, AR (Plat 17,wI) Assessor's Parcel number 765-21701-000. a 1 , gan Written request and narrative to accompany petition packet to vacate a Common Access Easement located in Lot 3RA, Wedington Place Addition, Phase II, City of Fayetteville, Arkansas. To: The Fayetteville City Planning Commission and The Fayetteville City Council On behalf of Charles Morgan III, I am petitioning the Fayetteville City Planning Commission and the Fayetteville City Council to vacate a Common Access Easement located wholly within Lot 3RA, Wedinglon Place Addition, Phase II, City of Fayetteville, Arkansas. The easement is located in the South 50 feet of the East 144 feet of said Lot. The easement is physically located approximately 200 feet North of Wedington Drive, on the West side of Steamboat Drive. It lies adjacent to, and North of the North line of Lot 2, Wedington Place Addition. Besides the petitioner, Charles Morgan III, the only other abutting lot to the easement is the said Lot 2, owned by Bank of Fayetteville. East across Steamboat Drive is Lot 1R, Wedington Place Addition, Phase Ii, owned by Nelson & Betty Properties, LLLP. Both have been notified of the petition to vacate by certified mail. Lot 3RA is subject to certain conditions of record as defined in Covenants and Restrictions; Declaration of Restrictions and Grant of Easement (DRGE); and Amendments to the DRGE, as filed in the office of the Circuit Clerk of Washington County as instrument #96062365, #990818607 #2004-015808, and #2004-031207. Among those conditions are Common Area Use and Ingress, Egress and Parking requirements. In summary, these provisions define common areas as all areas not in a building or structure and provide for mutual use of all common areas by all other owners/tenants of the development and their clients and costumers. The DRGE also restricts construction on all lots by not allowing structures/improvements to be placed on platted easements. With the mutual use of all common areas for Ingress, Egress and Parking, having a defined Common Access Easement is redundant. However, the defined Common Access Easement would restrict the owner from being able to place any structures/improvements in this area By vacating the platted Common Access Easement the owner of the lot would benefit, and none of the other owners/tenants in the development would be adversely affected. Within Lot 3 RA are existing Utilities Easements, some of which ran through the Common Access Easement to be vacated. These Utilities Easements would remain unchanged and only the Common Access Easement is to be vacated. The interest of the public utilities and other utilities would not be adversely affected by vacating the easement. The Common Access Easement is not a part of any dedicated public right of way and has not been used by the public. The public interest and welfare would not be adversely affected by vacating the easement Included in the Petition Packet is: 1 Application and Payment of applicable fees for processing the application $200.00. 2 Legal description and exhibit map of area to be vacated 3 This written description. 4 Abstractor's Certificate of Ownership stating the names and addresses of property adjacent to the easement to be vacated. 5 Two sets of typed mailing labels listing the names and addresses of all adjacent property owners — including across streets. 6 A copy of the plat on record in the county assessor's office with the owner's name and parcel number of each adjacent property shown on a scaled up version of the map (included with the Abstractor's Certificate of Ownership paperwork). 7 Petition to vacate the Common Access Easement 8 Copies of the written notification of all owners of property adjacent to the easement to be vacated including copies of the certified mail receipts. 9 Comments from utilities companies were not required for this filing, as advised by Andrew Gamer at a pre-planning meeting on Feb. 87 2006. 10 Comments from Fayetteville City Utilities, Street, and Sanitation Superintendents were not required for this filing, as advised by Andrew Gamer at a pre-planning meeting on Feb. 8, 2006. 11 Letter from the owner of Lot 3RA, Charles Morgan III, indicating that Allen Jay Young with Development Consultants, Inc is authorized to act on his behalf regarding the Common Access Easement vacation. 4� ;� Allen Jay Youlig , Development Consultants, Inc.