HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 4820 �I mC�lAO — .- mmmmoo H .� mOgo Nm =3ao = . ORDINANCE NO, 4820 0o = 0" !!00 == AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A MASTER '.. w ocoO w DEVELOPMENT PLAN RESIDENTIAL PLANNED � 'n ooh ZONING DISTRICT TITLED R-PZD 05- 1796, PARK jo Dmoo = WEST, LOCATED AT HWY 112 EAST OF DEANE O 0 SOLOMON ROAD, CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY O " rn 139.45 ACRES; AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING to me MAP OF THE CITYOF FAYETTEVILLE; AND 1-" a� ADOPTING THE ASSOCIATED MASTER 3 DEVELOPMENT PLAN. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 : That the zone classification of the following described property is hereby changed as follows: From R-A, Residential-Agricultural and RSF-4, Residential Single Family, 4 units per acre, to R-PZD 05- 1796 as shown in Exhibit "A" and Exhibit `B" attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 2. That the change in zoning classification is based upon the approved master development plan, development standards, and conditions of approval as submitted, determined appropriate and approved by the City Council. Section 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in full force at such time as all of the requirements of the master development plan have been met. Section 4. That the official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, is hereby amended to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1 above. PASSED AND APPROVED this 17th day of January, 2006. APPROV By: D COODY, Mayor ATTEST: By. _.\��001Y •p SGe� cU • . p : S06D SMITH, City Clerk _ : FAYETTEVILLE ; :A: ;, We/ �kANsP`,J�` EXHIBIT "A" R-PZD 05-1796 FORMERLY THE "MIKE AND BRENDA PRICE PROPERTY" A PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE 1/4) OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW 1/4) OF SECTION TWENTY-EIGHT (28), TOWNSHIP SEVENTEEN ( 17) NORTH, RANGE THIRTY (30) WEST, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS : COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID 40 ACRE TRACT, SAID POINT BEING IN ARKANSAS HIGHWAY # 112; THENCE SOUTH 01 ° 21 ' 02 " WEST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID 40 ACRE TRACT 60.40 FEET TO AN EXISTING IRON ON THE SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAID HIGHWAY FOR THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 88' 44 ' 20 " EAST ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY 636.06 FEET TO AN EXISTING IRON; THENCE LEAVING SAID RIGHT OF WAY SOUTH 000 40 ' 42 " EAST 565 .86 FEET TO AN EXISTING IRON; THENCE SOUTH 01 ' 01 ' 05 " WEST 179.25 FEET TO AN EXISTING IRON AT A FENCE CORNER; THENCE SOUTH 01 ' 01 ' 05 " WEST 161 .92 FEET TO A SET 1/2" IRON REBAR ON THE PROPOSED NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF AN UNDEVELOPED STREET AS SHOWN ON THE MASTER STREET PLAN FOR FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS; THENCE NORTH 880 33 ' 19 " WEST ALONG SAID PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY LINE 658.07 FEET TO A SET 1 /2" IRON REBAR ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID 40 ACRE TRACT; THENCE NORTH 01 ° 21 ' 02 " EAST 904.60 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 13 .52 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. FORMERLY THE "GRAVES PROPERTY" A PART OF THE E I/2 OF THE S W I/4 AND A PART OF THE W I/2 OF THE SEI /4, ALL IN SECTION 28, T- 17-N, R-30-W, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NW CORNER OF THE NEI A OF THE SWI/4 OF SAID SECTION 28, AND CONTINUING S 87014129" E ALONG THE NORTH BOUNDARY OF SAID 40 ACRE TRACT 634.01 FEET, AND THENCE S 000 11 '32" W, 628.47 FEET TO AN EXISTING STEEL FENCE POST, AND THENCE S 03003156" W, 178 .40 FEET TO AN EXISTING IRON PIN, AT A FENCE CORNER, SAID POINT BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S 87° 12' 12" E, 1927.53 FEET TO AN EXISTING IRON PIN ON THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF ARKANSAS HIGHWAY 1125 SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY BEING 55 FEET WEST OF SAID HIGHWAY CENTERLINE; THENCE ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY, S 02°43'05" W, 1453 .41 FEET, S 02002113 " W, 63. 14 FEET, S 00011137" W, 51 .97 FEET, S 03004120" E, 40.08 FEET, S 07004117" E, 55 .68 FEET, S 11050157" E, 58.74 FEET, S 15035106" E, 71 .32 FEET, AND S 18014'06" E, 15 .95 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID 80 ACRE TRACT; THENCE LEAVING SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY S 02°32'41 " W, 26.08 FEET TO A FOUND ALUMINUM CAPPED IRON PIN AT THE SE CORNER OF THE SWI /4 OF THE SETA OF SAID SECTION 28; THENCE N 87°09'05" W, 1322 . 12 FEET TO AN EXISTING FENCE CORNER AT THE SOUTH QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 28; THENCE N 87021 '56" W, 1316.30 FEET TO AN EXISTING IRON PIN AT THE SW CORNER OF THE SE 1 /4 OF THE SWI/4 OF SAID SECTION 28; THENCE N 02031 '02" E ALONG THE WEST BOUNDARY OF THE EI/2 OF THE SWI /4, 1672.02 FEET TO A SET IRON PIN, LOCATED 965 .00 FEET SOUTH OF THE NW CORNER OF THE NEI /4 OF THE NWI/4; THENCE LEAVING SAID WEST BOUNDARY S 86057'53 " E, 656.27 FEET TO A SET IRON PIN; AND THENCE N 03003'56" E, 161 .92 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 106. 15 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, FAYETTEVILLE, WASHINGTON COUNTY ARKANSAS . SUBJECT TO: EASEMENTS OF RECORD DESCRIBED AS INSTRUMENT # 9344456 & 2002 084864, AND OTHER DOCUMENTS OF RECORD NOT SHOWN HEREON. FORMERLY THE "VAWTER PROPERTY" A PART OF THE WEST HALF (WI /2) OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SWI /4) OF SECTION TWENTY-EIGHT (28), TOWNSHIP SEVENTEEN ( 17) NORTH, RANGE THIRTY (30) WEST, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE SWIA OF SAID SECTION 28- 17-30, THENCE S87014'29"E 1320. 14 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF THE WEST HALF (WI /2). SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SWL/4) SAID SECTION, THENCE S02031502"W, 34.99 FEET ALONG SAID EAST LINE TO THE SOUTHERN RIGHT-OF-WAY ARKANSAS HIGHWAY NO. 112 AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING. THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID EAST LINE S 02031 ' 02" W, 1298.63 FEET; THENCE N87016'08"W 600.60 FEET TO THE EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY ROAD NO. 890, THENCE ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY N10049' 52"E 321 .00 FEET, THENCE WITH SAID RIGHT-OF- WAY N07055 ' 08"W, 284.30 FEET, THENCE WITH SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY N25°41 `08" W, 166. 10 FEET, THENCE WITH SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY N14035 ' 08"W 576.59 FEET TO THE SOUTHERN RIGHT-OF- WAY OF ARKANSAS HIGHWAY NO. 112, THENCE ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY S87035148E 853 .75 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, ALL LOCATED IN FAYETTEVILLE, WASHINGTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS AND CONTAINING 19.860 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. Washington County, AR I certify this instrument was filed on 02/15/2006 11 :43:24 AM and recorded in Real Estate File Number 2006-000084 Bette Stamps - Circui Cl k by City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form City Council Agenda Items PyD 6617% or Contracts I�QIX K 3-Jan-06 City Council Meeting Date Jeremy Pate ,Q Planning Operations Submitted By Division Department Action Required: R-PZD 05- 1796: (Park West, 208): Submitted by Tracy Hoskins with Paradigm Development for property located at Hwy 112 east of Deane Solomon Road. The property is zoned R-A, Residential-Agricultural and RSF-4, Residential Single Family 4 units per acre, and contains approximately 139.45 acres. The request is for approval of a proposed Master Development Plan Residential Planned Zoning District with a maximum of 856,000 s.f. commercial space and 1 ,712 dwelling units proposed. $0.00 n/a n/a Cost of this request Category/Project Budget Program Catego / Project Name n/a n/a n/a Account Number Funds Used to Date Program / Project CategoryName n/a n/a n/a Project Number Remaining Balance Fund Name Budgeted Item Budget Adjustment Attached Previous Ordinance or Resolution # n/a Department irector Date Original Contract Date: n/a Original Contract Number: n/a � Z- C6 Of City Attorney Received in City Clerk's Office ENt� Finance and Internal Service Director Date Received in Mayor's Office r (,U7i o Mayor Da e Comments: Exhibit B The following pages include the requirements for each Planning Area as approved by the Planning Commission. Outlined under each Planning Area are the zoning standards as outlined in Chapter 161 of the Unified Development Code. The proposed project booklet also outlines the zoning criteria for each Planning Area, though there are discrepancies found between the two. The applicant shall revise the project booklet to reflect those criteria approved by the Planning Commission. Planning Area 1 (PA- 1 ) — Single Family Residential AREA: 26.05 acres (3) Land area per dwelling unit. Townhouses & apartments (A) Purpose. See project booklet No bedroom 1 ,700 sq. ft. One bedroom 1 ,700 sq. ft. (B) Uses. Two or more bedrooms 2,000 sq. ft. 1 ) Permitted uses. Unit 1 Cit -wide uses by right (E) Setback requirements. Unit 8 Single-family dwelling Front Side Rear Unit 9 Two-family dwellings Single- 14' * 6' Minimum Unit 10 Three-family dwellings family 10' ** Unit 24 Home occupations Two- and 14' * 0' Minimum Three- 10' ** (2) Conditional uses. famil Unit 2 City-wide uses by conditional use * A build-to line. permit ** The rear building setbacks may range from 10' to 20' depending on the location of C) Density. utilities. All structures shall be setback 20' Single-family, Two- and from the centerline of any alley or easement. Three-familydwellings Units per acre 4 or less (F) Height. No structure shall exceed three stories, exclusive of the basement. (D) Bulk and area regulations. (G) Building area. 1 Lot width minimum. Detached dwelling Units: On any lot the IT in le famil 30 ft. area occupied by all buildings shall not exceed 60% of the total area of such lot. wo-famil 30 ft. (per unit hree-famil 30 ft. (per unit Attached dwelling Units: On any lot the area occupied by all buildings shall not 2 Lot area minimum. exceed 80% of the total area of such lot. Townhouse: Individual lot 2,500 sq. ft. (H) Maximum Dwelling Units: 91 Single-family 4,000 sq. ft. Two-family 2,400 sq. ft. (per unit (1) Architectural Design Standards: Three-family 2,400 sq. ft. (per unit) Reference the Project Booklet Planning Area 2 (PA-2) — Town (3) Land area per dwellin unit. Homes/Single Family Attached Townhouses & apartments No bedroom 1 ,000 sq. ft. AREA: 12. 15 acres One bedroom 1 ,000 sq. ft. Two or more bedrooms 1 ,200 s . ft. (A) Purpose. See project booklet (B) Uses. E) Setback requirements— 1 Permitted uses. Front Side Rear Single- 10' * 0' Minimum 20'; Unit 1 City-wide uses by right family 30' from Unit 8 Single-family dwelling centerline of Unit 9 Two-famil dwellings alley or Unit 10 Three-family dwellings easement Unit 24 Home occupations Two- and 10' * 0' Minimum 20' ; Unit 26 Multi-family dwellings Three- 30' from family centerline of 2 Conditional uses. alley or Unit 2 City-wide uses by conditional easement use permit * A build-to line, wherever possible. C Density. (F) Height. Minimum two (2) stories. Single-family, Two- and Maximum 45 feet. Three-familydwellings Units per acre 6 or less (G) Building area. On any lot the area occupied by all buildings shall not (D) Bulk and area regulations. exceed 80% of the total area of such lot. 1 Lot width minimum. (H) Maximum Dwelling Units: 72 Sin le family 30 ft. (1) Architectural Design Standards: Two-family 30 ft. (per unit) Reference the Project Booklet Three and more 30 ft. (per unit 2 Lot area minimum. Townhouse: Individual lot 2,700 sq. ft. Single-faniily 21700 sq. ft. Two-family 2,700 sq. ft. (per unit) Three or more 2,700 sq. ft. (per unit) Planning Area 3 (PA-3) — Plaza 3 Land area per dwelling unit. Condominium Townhouses & apartments No bedroom 1 ,000 sq. ft. AREA: 4.01 acres One bedroom 1 ,000 sq. ft. Two or more bedrooms 1 ,200 sq. ft. (A) Purpose. See project booklet (B) Uses. E Setback requirements. 1 Permitted uses. Front Side Rear Unit 1 City-wide uses by right 20 0' 20' Unit 8 Single-family dwelling Unit 9 Two-famil dwellin s (F) Height. Minimum two (2) stories. Maximum seven (7) stories. Unit 10 Three-family dwellings Unit 12 Offices, studios and related (G) Building area. 85% of the site services Unit 1ating places (H) Maximum Dwelling Units: 160 Unit 15 Neighborhood shopping oods Unit 16 Shopping goods (1) Maximum Bedrooms: 320 Unit 25 Professional offices Unit 26 Multi-family dwellings (J) Maximum Intensity: 26,000 sq. ft. non- residential use 2 Conditional uses. Unit 2 City-wide uses by conditional (K) Architectural Design Standards: use perntit Reference the Project Booklet Unit 14 Hotel, motel, amusement facilities Unit 24 Home occupations C Density. Units per acre 40 or less (D) Bulk and area regulations. 1 Lot width minimum. Single family 30 ft. Two-family 30 ft. Three and more 30 ft. Non-residential 0 ft 2 Lot area minimum. Townhouse: Individual lot 3,000 sq. ft. Single-family 3,000 sq. ft. Two-fanifly 3,000 sq. ft. Three or more 3,000 sq. ft. Non-Residential No Minimum Planning Area 4 (PA-4) — Courtyard Multi-Family 2 Lot area minimum. Townhouse: AREA: 7.83 acres Individual lot 31000 sq.. ft. Single-family 3,000 sq. ft. (A) Purpose. See project booklet Two-family 3,000 sq. 11. Three or more 3,000 sq. ft. (B) Uses. ( 1 ) Permitted uses. Non-Residential No Minimum FUnCit -wide uses b right ht 3 Land area per dwe!!in unit. Sin le-famil dwellinTwo-famil dwellin sTownhouses & apartments Three-famil dwellin sNo bedroom 1000 sq. ft. One bedroom 1 ,000 sq. ft. Offices, studios and related Two or more bedrooms 1 ,200 s . It. services Eatin laces E) Setback requirements. Unit 15 Neighborhood shopping oods Unit 16 Sho in oods Front Side Rear Unit 25 Professional offices or from a public street 16' 16' Unit 26 Multi-family dwellin s or alley 10' from a private drive (2) Conditional uses. or access easement Unit 2 City-wide uses by conditional (F) Height. Minimum two (2) stories. use pennit Maximum four (4) stories. Unit 3 Public protection and utility facilities (G) Building area. 85% of the site Unit 4 Cultural and recreational facilities (H) Maximum Dwelling Units: 313 Unit 24 Home occupations (1) Maximum Bedrooms: 626 C Densi Units per acre 40 or less (J) Maximum Intensity: 25,000 sq. ft. non- residential use (E) Bulk and area regulations. (K) Architectural Design Standards: 1 Lot width minimum. Reference the Project Booklet Single family30 ft. Two-family30 ft. Three and more 30 ft. Planning Area 5 (PA-5) — Multi-Family Residential 2) Lot area minimum. Townhouse: AREA: 4.79 acres Individual lot 3,000 sq. ft. Single-family 3,000 sq. ft. (A) Purpose. See project booklet Two-family 3,000 sq. ft. (B) Uses. Three or more 3,000 sq. ft. ( 1 ) Permitted uses. Unit 1 City-wide uses by right Unit 8 Single-family dwelling (3) Land area per dwelling unit. Unit 9 Two-family dwellings Townhouses & apartments Unit 10 Three-family dwellings No bedroom 1 ,000 sq.]ftt.Unit 12 Offices, studios and related One bedroom 1 ,000 sq.services Two or more bedrooms 1 ,200 s . Unit 13 Eatinglaces Unit 15 Neighborhood shopping goods E) Setback re uirements. Unit 16 Shopping oods Front Side Rear Unit 25 Professional offices 30' from a public street 10' 20' Unit 26 Multi-family dwellings 10' from a private drive or access easement 2 Conditional uses. Unit 2 City-wide uses by conditional use (F) Height. Minimum two (2) stories. permit Maximum 4 stories otherwise. Unit 3 Public protection and utility facilities (G) Building area. 85% of the site Unit 4 Cultural and recreational facilities (H) Maximum Dwelling Units: 172 Unit 24 Home occupations (1) Maximum Bedrooms: 344 (C) Density. Units per acre 36 or less (J) Maximum Intensity: 10,000 sq. ft. non- residential use (F) Bulk and area regulations. (K) Architectural Design Standards: 1 Lot width minimum. Reference the Project Booklet Sin le family 30 ft. Two-family 30 ft. Three and more 30 ft. Planning Area 6, 7, 8, 9 (PA-6, PA-7, PA- 8, PA-9) — Preserve/Botanical/Detention AREA: PA-6: 4.85 acres PA-7: 1 . 17 acres PA-8: 2.31 acres PA-9: 10.47 acres (A) Purpose. See project booklet (B) Uses. 1 Permitted uses. Unit 1 I City-wide uses by right 2 Conditional uses. Unit 4 Cultural and recreational facilities (C)Density. None (not applicable) (G) Bulk and area regulations. None (not applicable) E Setback requirements. Front Side Rear 15' 1W 15 ' (F) Height. No maximum height. (G) Building area. No maximum building area. (H) Maximum Dwelling Units: Not applicable (1) Maximum Bedrooms: Not applicable (J) Architectural Design Standards: Not applicable Planning Area 10 (PA- 10) — Civic Lawn AREA: 1 .29 (A) Purpose. See project booklet (B) Uses. l Permitted uses. Unit 1 I City-wide uses by right 2 Conditional uses. Unit 4 Cultural and recreational facilities (C)Density. None (not applicable) Bulk and area regulations. None (not applicable) E Setback requirements. Front Side Rear 15 ' 10' 1 . (F) Height. No maximum height. (G) Building area. No maximum building area. (H) Maximum Dwelling Units: Not applicable (1) Maximum Bedrooms: Not applicable (J) Architectural Design Standards: Not applicable