HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 4814 ORDINANCE NO. 4814 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF NOT TO EXCEED $20,000,000 OF A SALES AND USE TAX CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BOND, SERIES 2006, BY THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS FOR THE PURPOSE OF FINANCING A PORTION OF THE COSTS OF ACQUIRING, CONSTRUCTING AND EQUIPPING PIPELINES IN CONNECTION WITH A NEW WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY AND RELATED SEWERAGE IMPROVEMENTS; PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE PRINCIPAL OF AND INTEREST ON THE SERIES 2006 BOND; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A BOND PURCHASE AGREEMENT PROVIDING FOR THE SALE OF THE SERIES 2006 BOND; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A CONTINUING DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT; AND PRESCRIBING OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas (the "City") has determined that there is a great need for a source of revenue to finance the costs of acquisition, construction and equipping of a new wastewater treatment facility and related sewerage improvements to serve the western portion of the City; and WHEREAS, based on the engineering report (the "Engineering Report") of RJN Group, Inc., Dallas, Texas, which Engineering Report has been reviewed by the City Council, it has been determined that the costs of acquisition, construction and equipping pipelines (the "Project") associated with the new wastewater treatment facility are in excess of $20,000,000; and WHEREAS, the City is authorized and empowered under the provisions of the Constitution and laws of the State of Arkansas, including particularly Amendment 62 to the Constitution of the State of Arkansas ("Amendment 62") and Arkansas Code Annotated ( 1998 Repl. & 2005 Supp.) Sections 14- 164-301 et seq. (as from time to time amended, the "Local Government Bond Act'), to issue and sell its capital improvement bonds to finance the costs of various capital improvements such as those comprising the Project, which capital improvement bonds may be secured by and payable from the receipts of the special city-wide sales and use tax authorized by the Local Government Bond Act; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 4327 of the City, adopted and approved on August 7, 2001 (the "Election Ordinance"), there was submitted to the qualified electors of the City the question of the issuance of not to exceed $ 125,000,000 in aggregate principal amount of capital improvement bonds pursuant to Amendment 62 and the Local Government Bond Act to finance a portion of the wastewater system improvements described in the Election Ordinance, said bonds to be secured by a pledge of and lien upon all of the receipts of a special city-wide sales and use tax levied at the rate of three-quarters of one percent (0.75%) pursuant to the Local Government Bond Act (the "Sales and Use Tax"); and WHEREAS, at a special election held November 6, 2001 , a majority of the qualified electors of the City voting on the question approved the issuance of said capital improvement bonds (and the corresponding levy of the Sales and Use Tax and the pledge of Sales and Use Tax receipts to the payment of the capital improvement bonds); and WHEREAS, pursuant to such authority, the City has previously issued its $25,000,000 Sales and Use Tax Capital Improvement Bonds, Series 2002 (the "Series 2002 Bonds"), its $35,000,000 Sales and Use Tax Capital Improvement Bonds, Series 2004 (the "Series 2004 Bonds"), its $27,000,000 Sales and Use Tax Refunding and Capital Improvement Bonds, Series 2005A (the "Series 2005A Bonds"), and its $45,000,000 Sales and Use Tax Capital Improvement Bonds, Series 2005B (the "Series 2005B Bonds"), in order to provide for the funding of various wastewater system improvements, including portions of the Project; and WHEREAS, the Series 2002 Bonds have been redeemed in full from receipts of the Sales and Use Tax, and the Series 2004 Bonds have been defeased in whole with the proceeds of the Series 2005A Bonds ; and WHEREAS, as authorized under the provisions of Amendment 62 and the Local Government Bond Act and as approved by the qualified electors of the City, and in order to secure funds necessary to pay or reimburse a portion of the remaining costs of acquiring, constructing and equipping of the Project, and the legal costs incident to the issuance of a bond to finance the costs of said Project, upon the most favorable terms to the City and the users of the City's wastewater system, the City has made arrangements for the sale of its Sales and Use Tax Capital Improvement Bond, Series 2006 (the "Series 2006 Bond"), in the principal amount of not to exceed $20,000,000 to the Arkansas Development Finance Authority, as purchaser (the "Bondholder"), at a price of par, which Series 2006 Bond shall bear interest at the rate of two percent (2.00%) per annum, pursuant to a Bond Purchase Agreement (the "Bond Purchase Agreement") among the City, the Bondholder and the Arkansas Natural Resources Commission (the "Commission"); and WHEREAS, the City will also be required to pay to the Arkansas Development Finance Authority, as servicer with respect to the Series 2006 Bond (the "Authority"), a semiannual servicing fee equal to one percent (1 .00%) per annum of the outstanding principal amount of the Series 2006 Bond (the "Servicing Fee"); and WHEREAS, the Series 2006 Bond will be issued and secured by the Sales and Use Tax receipts on a parity basis with the Series 2005A Bonds and the Series 2005B Bonds, except that the Series 2006 Bond will not be secured by the debt service reserve or the municipal bond insurance securing the Series 2005A Bonds and the Series 2005B Bonds; and WHEREAS, a copy of the Bond Purchase Agreement has been presented to and is before this meeting. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 . The Project shall be accomplished and shall be a part of the City's wastewater system (the "System"). The accomplishment of the Project shall be under the control and supervision of, and all details in connection therewith shall be handled by, the City, and the City shall make all contracts and agreements necessary or incidental to the performance of its duties and the execution of its powers. The City shall let all contracts pursuant to and in accordance with existing laws and shall require such performance bonds and insurance from the contractors as will fully insure completion of the Project in accordance with the Engineering Report so as to fully promote and protect the best interests of the City and the Bondholder. 2 Section 2. The sale to the Bondholder of the City's Series 2006 Bond in the maximum principal amount of $20,000,000 at a price of par, such Series 2006 Bond to bear interest at the rate of 2.00% per annum and to be subject to a Servicing Fee of 1 .00% per annum and otherwise to be subject to the terms and provisions hereafter in this Ordinance set forth in detail be, and is hereby approved and the Series 2006 Bond is hereby sold to the Bondholder. The Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver the Bond Purchase Agreement on behalf of the City and to take all action required on the part of the City to fulfill its obligations under the Bond Purchase Agreement. The Bond Purchase Agreement is hereby approved in substantially the form submitted to this meeting with such changes as may be approved by the Mayor, his execution to constitute complete evidence of such approval. Section 3 . The City Council hereby finds and declares that the period of usefulness of the System after completion of the Project will be more than twenty-five (25) years, which is longer than the term of the Series 2006 Bond. Section 4. Under the authority of the Constitution and laws of the State of Arkansas, including particularly Amendment 62 to the Constitution of the State of Arkansas and the Local Government Bond Act, the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Sales and Use Tax Capital Improvement Bond, Series 2006 (the "Series 2006 Bond"), is hereby authorized to be issued in the total principal amount of not to exceed Twenty Million Dollars ($20,000,000), the proceeds of the sale of which are necessary to provide sufficient funds to pay or reimburse a portion of the costs of accomplishing the Project, including, without limitation, legal fees and other necessary expenses incidental to accomplishment of the Project, and to the issuance of the Series 2006 Bond. The Series 2006 Bond shall bear interest at the rate of two percent (2.001/o) per annum and shall be subject to a Servicing Fee of one percent ( 1 .00%) per annum based upon a 360-day year of twelve consecutive 30-day months compounded semiannually. The Series 2006 Bond shall be dated the date of its delivery to the Bondholder. Accrued interest and the Servicing Fee only shall be payable on each April 15 and October 15, commencing April 15, 2006, to and including October 15, 2008. Principal, interest and the Servicing Fee shall be payable on April 15, 2009, and on each April 15 and October 15 thereafter until the unpaid principal is paid in full as follows: Date Payment Amount Interest Servicing Fee Principal April 15, 2009 $ 1 , 1641915 .00 $200,000.00 $ 1009000.00 $ 8649915 .00 October 15, 2009 1 , 1641915 .00 191 ,351 .00 95,675.00 877,889.00 April 15, 2010 151645915 .00 182,572.00 91 ,286.00 891 ,057.00 October 15, 2010 151645915 .00 173 ,661 .00 86,831 .00 904,423 .00 April 15, 2011 1 , 164,915.00 1649617.00 82,309.00 917,989.00 October 15, 2011 191649915.00 155,437.00 77,719.00 931 ,759.00 April 15, 2012 131645915.00 146, 120.00 73,060.00 945,735.00 October 15, 2012 151645915.00 136,662.00 685331 .00 959,922.00 April 15, 2013 151643915.00 127,063 .00 63,532.00 9749320.00 3 Date Payment Amount Interest Servicing Fee Principal October 15, 2013 1 , 164,915.00 117,320.00 58,660.00 9885935 .00 April 15, 2014 13164,915.00 107,431 .00 53,715 .00 1 ,003,769.00 October 15, 2014 15164,915 .00 97,393 .00 48,696.00 1 ,018,826.00 April 15 , 2015 1 , 164,915 .00 87,205 .00 43,602.00 1 ,034, 108 .00 October 15, 2015 1 , 164,915 .00 765864.00 385432.00 1 ,049,619.00 April 15 , 2016 1 , 1645915 .00 665367.00 33, 184.00 119065,364.00 October 15, 2016 1 , 164,915 .00 559714.00 275857.00 15081 ,344.00 April 15, 2017 151647915 .00 44,900.00 229450.00 1 ,097,565 .00 October 15, 2017 15164,915.00 33,925 .00 16,962.00 1 , 114,028 .00 April 15, 2018 191645915.00 225784.00 11 ,392.00 1 , 130,739.00 October 15, 2018 1 , 164,909.00 11 ,477.00 59738.00 1 , 1475694.00 The Series 2006 Bond shall be issued in the form of a single typewritten bond, registered as to both principal and interest, payable to the Bondholder, or registered assigns, as set forth hereinafter in the bond form, and shall be numbered R06- 1 . Payment of principal and interest shall be by check or draft mailed by Simmons First Trust Company, N.A., as trustee in connection with the Series 2005A Bonds and the Series 2005B Bonds (the "Trustee"), to the Bondholder at its address shown on the registration books of the City which shall be maintained by the City Clerk as Bond Registrar, without presentation or surrender of the Series 2006 Bond (except upon final payment), and such payments shall discharge the obligation of the City to the extent thereof. The City Clerk or her designee shall keep a payment record and make proper notations thereon of all payments of principal and interest. Payment of principal and interest shall be in any coin or currency of the United States of America which, as at the time of payment, shall be legal tender for the payment of debts due the United States of America. When the principal of and interest on the Series 2006 Bond has been fully paid, it shall be delivered to the City Clerk and shall be canceled. Section 5. The Series 2006 Bond shall be executed on behalf of the City by its Mayor and City Clerk, and shall have impressed thereon the seal of the City. In order to pay the principal of and interest on the Series 2006 Bond and the Servicing Fee in connection therewith, there is hereby pledged all of the receipts of the Sales and Use Tax levied by the Election Ordinance. As permitted under the Trust Indenture dated as of November 15, 2005 (the "Indenture"), securing the Series 2005A Bonds and the Series 2005B Bonds, such pledge is made on a parity basis with the existing pledge of receipts of the Sales and Use Tax securing the payment of the Series 2005A Bonds and the Series 2005B Bonds. The levy and collection of the Sales and Use Tax shall continue until such time as the Series 2005A Bonds, the Series 2005B Bonds and the Series 2006 Bond are no longer outstanding or sufficient funds are on deposit with the Trustee under the Indenture to redeem the 4 Series 2005A Bonds, the Series 2005B Bonds and the Series 2006 Bond in full. The City covenants and agrees that all receipts from the Sales and Use Tax will be accounted for separately as special funds on the books of the City, and receipts of said Sales and Use Tax will be deposited and will be used solely as provided herein and in the Indenture. The Series 2006 Bond is not a general obligation of the City but is a special obligation, the principal of and the interest on which, and the Servicing Fee in connection therewith, are secured by a pledge of the receipts from the Sales and Use Tax. The principal of and interest on the Series 2006 Bond shall not constitute an indebtedness of the City within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory debt limitation or restriction. Section 6. The Series 2006 Bond shall be in substantially the following form, and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to make all the recitals contained therein: Registered United States of America Registered No. R06-1 $20,000,000 State of Arkansas County of Washington City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Sales and Use Tax Capital Improvement Bond Series 2006 Registered Owner: ARKANSAS DEVELOPMENT FINANCE AUTHORITY Principal Amount: TWENTY MILLION DOLLARS Know All Men By These Presents: That the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas (the "City") hereby acknowledges itself to owe, and for value received promises to pay to the order of the Arkansas Development Finance Authority, or registered assigns, but solely from the special fund provided therefor as hereinafter set forth, in lawful money of the United States of America, the Principal Amount shown above (or so much of the Principal Amount as should have been advanced as shown on the Record of Payment of Advances attached hereto), and to pay in like coin or currency interest thereon at the rate of 2.00% per annum from the date of each advance. A servicing fee of 1 .00% per annum (the "Servicing Fee") shall also be payable by the City to the Arkansas Development Finance Authority or its successor in the same manner and upon the same dates as interest hereon. Interest on the unpaid balance of the total principal amount outstanding and the Servicing Fee shall be payable on April 15, 2006, October 15, 2006, April 15, 2007, October 15, 2007, April 15, 2008 and October 15, 2008. Principal, interest and the Servicing Fee shall be payable on April 15, 2009, and on each April 15 and October 15 thereafter until the unpaid principal is paid in full as follows: Date Payment Amount Interest Servicing Fee Principal April 15, 2009 $ 1 , 164,915 .00 $200,000.00 $ 1009000.00 $ 864,915 .00 October 15, 2009 1 , 164,915.00 1919351 .00 95,675 .00 877,889.00 5 Date Payment Amount Interest Servicing Fee Principal April 15, 2010 11164,915.00 1829572.00 915286.00 891 ,057.00 October 15, 2010 151649915.00 173,661 .00 865831 .00 904,423 .00 April 15, 2011 11164,915 .00 164,617.00 827309.00 917,989.00 October 15, 2011 15164,915 .00 155,437.00 77,719.00 931 ,759.00 April 15, 2012 1 , 1649915.00 1463120.00 733060.00 945,735.00 October 15, 2012 1 , 1645915.00 136,662.00 683331 .00 9593922.00 April 15, 2013 111645915 .00 127,063 .00 63,532.00 974,320.00 October 15, 2013 151645915 .00 117,320.00 58,660.00 988,935 .00 April 15, 2014 1 , 164,915 .00 107,431 .00 539715 .00 1 ,0039769.00 October 15, 2014 1 , 1645915 .00 97,393.00 485696.00 15018,826.00 April 15, 2015 1 , 1641915.00 875205 .00 43,602.00 15034, 108 .00 October 15, 2015 1 , 164,915 .00 76,864.00 385432.00 1 ,0499619.00 April 15, 2016 1 , 164,915.00 665367.00 335184.00 1 ,065,364.00 October 15, 2016 131645915.00 555714.00 275857.00 19081 ,344.00 April 15 , 2017 1 , 1643915 .00 443900.00 22,450.00 15097,565.00 October 15, 2017 17164,915 .00 333925 .00 165962.00 1 , 114,028 .00 April 15, 2018 1 , 164,915 .00 22,784.00 11 ,392.00 19130,739.00 October 15, 2018 1 , 164,909.00 11 ,477.00 51738.00 1 , 147,694.00 Payments of principal and interest due hereon shall be made, except for final payment, without presentation and surrender of this bond, directly to the Registered Owner at its address shown on the registration book of the City maintained by the City Clerk as Bond Registrar, and such payments shall fully discharge the obligation of the City to the extent of the payments so made. This bond is issued for the purpose of (i) providing financing for a portion of the costs of acquiring, constructing and equipping pipelines associated with a new wastewater treatment facility and related sewerage improvements to serve the western portion of the City (the "Project"), and (ii) paying costs of authorizing and issuing this bond, and is issued pursuant to and in full compliance with the Constitution and laws of the State of Arkansas, including particularly Amendment No. 62 to the Constitution of the State of Arkansas ("Amendment 62") and the Local Government Bond Act, codified as Arkansas Code Annotated Sections 14- 164-301 et seg. ( 1998 Repl. & 2005 Supp.) (the "Act'), and pursuant to Ordinance No. 4814 of the City, duly adopted and approved on the 3rd day of January, 2006 (the "Authorizing Ordinance"). Reference is hereby made to the Authorizing Ordinance for the details of the nature and extent of the security and of the rights and obligations of the City and the Registered Owner of this bond. 6 This bond may be assigned only upon the written approval of the Arkansas Natural Resources Commission (the "Commission"), and in order to effect such assignment, the assignor shall promptly notify the City Clerk by registered mail, and the assignee shall surrender this bond along with a written assignment and written approval of the Commission to the City Clerk for transfer on the registration records. Every assignee shall take this bond subject to all payments and prepayments of principal and interest (as reflected on the Payment Record maintained by the City Clerk or her designee) prior to such surrender for transfer. Following payment in full of the City' s Sales and Use Tax Capital Improvement Bonds, Series 2005B (the "Series 2005B Bonds"), the outstanding principal of this bond shall be prepaid by the City from time to time with receipts of the Sales and Use Tax (defined below) in excess of amounts needed to make scheduled payments of the principal, interest and Servicing Fee hereon and on the Series 2005A Bonds. Further, on and after October 15, 2016, this bond may be prepaid at the option of the City from funds from any source, in whole but not in part, at a prepayment price equal to the principal amount outstanding, plus accrued interest and the Servicing Fee to the prepayment date. Notice of any prepayment, whether mandatory or optional, shall be given to the registered owner of this bond at least 90 days prior to the prepayment date. Such notice shall be in writing mailed to the address of the registered owner of this bond at the address appearing on the bond registration records maintained by the City Clerk. This bond does not constitute an indebtedness of the City or the State of Arkansas within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory limitation or provision, and, except with respect to receipts generated from the Sales and Use Tax, the taxing power of the City is not pledged to the payment of the principal of and interest on this bond. This bond is not a general obligation of the City, but is a special limited obligation payable solely from the receipts of a special City-wide sales and use tax levied at the rate of three-quarters of one percent (0.75%) pursuant to the Local Government Bond Act (the "Sales and Use Tax"). In this regard, the pledge of Sales and Use Tax receipts is made on a parity basis with the prior pledge of such receipts securing (i) the City's Sales and Use Tax Refunding and Capital Improvement Bonds, Series 2005A (the "Series 2005A Bonds"), and (ii) the City's Sales and Use Tax Capital Improvement Bonds, Series 2005B (the "Series 2005B Bonds"). Pursuant to the Trust Indenture dated as of November 15, 2005 (the "Indenture), under which the Series 2005A Bonds and the Series 2005B Bonds are issued and secured, an amount of Sales and Use Tax receipts sufficient to pay principal and interest on this bond as due shall be set aside monthly in a special fund created for that purpose identified as the Bond Fund. Reference is made to the Indenture for a detailed statement of the nature and extent of the security, and the rights and obligations of the City and registered owner of this bond. This bond is issued with the intent that the laws of the State of Arkansas will govern its construction. No recourse shall be had for the payment of the principal of or premium, if any, or interest on this bond or for any claim based thereon or upon any obligation, covenant, or agreement contained in this bond or in the Authorizing Ordinance against any past, present or future alderman, officer or employee of the City, or any alderman, officer or employee of any successor of the City, as such, either directly or through the City or any successor of the City, under any rule of law or equity, statute, or constitution or by the enforcement of any assessment or penalty or otherwise, and all such 7 liability of any such alderman, officer or employee as such is hereby expressly waived and released as a condition of and consideration for the issuance of this bond. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED, RECITED AND DECLARED that all acts, conditions and things required by the Constitution and statutes of the State of Arkansas to exist, happen and be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this bond do exist, have happened and have been performed in due time, form and manner as required by law; that the indebtedness represented by this bond does not exceed or violate any constitutional or statutory limitation of indebtedness; and that provision has been made for the payment of the principal of and interest on this bond, as provided in the Authorizing Ordinance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas has caused this bond to be executed in its name by the manual signatures of its Mayor and City Clerk, thereunto duly authorize, and its corporate seal to be affixed hereto, all as of the 3`d day of January, 2006. CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS SG'P�w G\ ', „�.� �•G\TYO,c ,per ZOO By: hVETTEVILLE ; 3 DAN GOODY, Mayor ems'$ : c,was ATTEST: KAN ��, QSPJ? TO�N���a`�• By: ,p,ti ntiu v SONDRA SMITH, City Clerk REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE Date of Registration Name of Registered Owner Signature of City Clerk Arkansas Development Finance Authority 8 RECORD OF PAYMENT OF ADVANCES Signature of Vice President of Arkansas Total Principal Development Finance Date of Advance* Amount of Outstanding Authority Advance *The date of each advance shall be the interest commencement date from which the principal amount of such advance bears interest and from which the Servicing Fee is calculated. Section 7. All of the terms and provisions of the Indenture, as now in effect, except for those provisions clearly inapplicable hereto or in direct conflict herewith, including, without limitation, those terms and provisions pertaining to the receipt, investment and handling of Sales and Use Tax receipts, are hereby made applicable hereto and incorporated by reference as though fully set forth herein. The effect of the foregoing sentence shall be to continue the applicable provisions in full force and effect until the Series 2006 Bond is paid, or provision made therefor, even after payment of the Series 2005A Bonds and the Series 2005B Bonds. Section 8. The City shall assure that (i) not in excess of 10% of the proceeds of the Series 2006 Bond is used for Private Business Use (as defined below) if, in addition, the payment of more than 10% of the principal or 10% of the interest due on the Series 2006 Bond during the term thereof are, under the terms of the Series 2006 Bond or any underlying arrangement, directly or indirectly secured by any interest in property used or to be used for a Private Business Use or in payments in respect of property used or to be used for a Private Business Use or are to be derived from payments, whether or not to the City, in respect of property or borrowed moneys used or to be used for a Private Business Use; and (ii) that, in the event that both (A) in excess of 5% of the proceeds of the Series 2006 Bond are used for a Private Business Use, and (B) an amount in excess of 5% of the principal or 5% of the interest due on the Series 2006 Bond during the term thereof are, under the terms of the Series 2006 Bond or any underlying arrangement, directly or indirectly, secured by any interest in property used or to be used for said Private Business Use or in payments in respect of property used or to be used for said Private Business Use or are to be derived from payments, whether or not to the City, in respect of property or borrowed money used or to be used for said Private Business Use, then said excess over said 5% of proceeds of the Series 2006 Bond 9 used for a Private Business Use shall be used for a Private Business Use related to the governmental use of the Project. The City shall assure that not in excess of 5% of the proceeds of the Series 2006 Bond are used, directly or indirectly, to make or finance a loan to persons other than state or local governmental units. As used in this Section, "Private Business Use" means use directly or indirectly in a trade or business carried on by a natural person or in any activity carried on by a person other than a natural person, excluding, however, use by a state or local governmental unit and use as a member of the general public. Section 9. Installments of principal and interest on the Series 2006 Bond shall be prepayable prior to maturity as provided in the form of the Series 2006 Bond set forth in Section 6 of this Ordinance. Section 10. So long as the Series 2006 Bond is outstanding, the City shall not issue or attempt to issue any bonds or other indebtedness having or claimed to be entitled to a pledge of the Sales and Use Tax receipts on a priority or parity basis with the lien thereon securing the Series 2005A Bonds, the Series 2005B Bonds and the Series 2006 Bond. Section 11 . It is covenanted and agreed by the City with the Bondholder and the Commission that it will faithfully and punctually perform all duties with reference to the System required by the Constitution and laws of the State of Arkansas and by this Ordinance, including, without limitation, the making and collecting of reasonable and sufficient rates lawfully established for services rendered by the System and the segregating of System revenues. The City covenants and agrees that the Bondholder shall have the protection of all the provisions of the Local Government Bond Act, the Indenture and this Ordinance, and that the City will diligently proceed to enforce those provisions to the end of the Bondholder realizing fully upon its security. If the City shall fail to proceed within thirty (30) days after written request shall have been filed by the Bondholder or the Commission, the Bondholder or the Commission may proceed to enforce all such provisions. If there be any default in the payment of the principal of or interest on the Series 2006 Bond, or if the City defaults in any Bond Fund requirement described in the Indenture or in the performance of any of the other covenants contained in this Ordinance or in the Bond Purchase Agreement, the Bondholder and the Commission (with respect to covenants contained in the Bond Purchase Agreement) may, by proper suit, compel the performance of the duties of the officials of the City under the laws of the State of Arkansas. No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to the Bondholder is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy or remedies herein provided or provided by law, and every such remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy given hereunder or given by law. No delay or omission of the Bondholder to exercise any right or power accrued upon any default shall impair any such right or power or shall be construed to be a waiver of any default or an acquiescence therein; and every power and remedy given by this Ordinance to the Bondholder may be exercised from time to time and as often as may be deemed expedient. 10 No waiver of any default shall extend to or affect any other existing or any subsequent default or defaults or impair any rights or remedies consequent thereon. Any costs of enforcement of the Series 2006 Bond or of any provision of this Ordinance, including reasonable attorney' s fees, shall be paid by the City. The Bondholder may enforce all rights and exercise all remedies available to the Bondholder in the event the Servicing Fee is not paid when due. Section 12. When the Series 2006 Bond has been executed by the Mayor and City Clerk and the seal of the City impressed thereon as herein provided, it shall be delivered to the Bondholder upon the payment of all or a portion of the purchase price in accordance with the Bond Purchase Agreement. The purchase price shall be deposited, as and when received, in a special account of the City hereby created in a bank that is a member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and designated the "2006 Wastewater Construction Fund" (the "Construction Fund"). The moneys in the Construction Fund shall be used for accomplishing the Project, paying or reimbursing expenses incidental thereto and paying the expenses of issuing the Series 2006 Bond approved in accordance with the Bond Purchase Agreement. Payments from the Construction Fund shall be by check or voucher signed by the City Clerk or her designee, and drawn on the depository. Each such check or voucher shall briefly specify the purpose of the expenditure. When the Project has been completed and all required expenses paid and expenditures made from the Construction Fund for and in connection with the accomplishment of the Project and the financing thereof, this fact shall be evidenced by a certificate signed by the City Clerk or her designee, and by the consulting engineer, which certificate shall state, among other things, the date of the completion and that all obligations payable from the Construction Fund have been discharged. A copy of the certificate shall be filed with the depository bank, the Bondholder and the Commission. Disbursements shall be made by the Bondholder for costs of the Project pursuant to written Disbursement Requests as provided in the Bond Purchase Agreement. Section 13 . The terms and provisions of this Ordinance shall constitute a binding contract among the City, the Bondholder and the Commission, and no variation or change in the undertaking herein set forth shall be made while the Series 2006 Bond is outstanding unless consented to in writing by the Bondholder and the Commission. Section 14. The City covenants and agrees that it will maintain the System in good condition and operate it in an efficient manner and at reasonable cost. The City agrees to keep proper records, books and accounts relating to the operation of the System, which shall be kept separate from all other records and accounts of the City, in which complete and correct entries shall be made of all transactions relating to the operation of the System in accordance with generally accepted government accounting standards. Such books shall be available for inspection by the Bondholder and the Commission, or the agent or the representative of either, at reasonable times and under reasonable circumstances. The City agrees to have these records audited annually. If requested, the City agrees to furnish the audit report with respect to the System to the Bondholder and the Commission. The City also agrees that it will furnish to the Bondholder and the Commission on or before 30 days after the end of each fiscal year, if requested, a statement showing (i) total receipts of the Sales and Use Tax during such fiscal year, (ii) the application of such receipts to pay the principal of and interest on the Series 2005A Bonds and the Series 2005B Bonds, and (iii) the application of such 11 receipts to pay the principal of and the interest on the Series 2006 Bond and the Servicing Fee with respect thereto. Section 15. The City agrees that the Bondholder may pledge the Series 2006 Bond as security for the payment of its wastewater system revolving loan fund revenue bonds (the "ADFA Bonds"), and the trustee or municipal bond insurer for the ADFA Bonds may exercise any rights or remedies available to the Bondholder under this Ordinance or the Bond Purchase Agreement while the Series 2006 Bond is pledged and/or the ADFA Bonds are insured. In addition, the City agrees that while the Series 2006 Bond is pledged and/or the ADFA Bonds are insured, copies of all financial information relating to the City, the System and the Sales and Use Tax receipts shall be furnished to the trustee and/or the municipal insurer for the ADFA Bonds. Section 16. The Mayor and City Clerk, for and on behalf of the City, are hereby authorized and directed to do any and all things necessary to effect the issuance, sale, execution and delivery of the Series 2006 Bond and to effect the execution and delivery of the Bond Purchase Agreement, and to perform all of the obligations of the City under and pursuant thereto. The Mayor and the City Clerk are further authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the City, to execute all papers, documents, certificates and other instruments that may be required for the carrying out of such authority or to evidence the exercise thereof. Section 17. Kutak Rock LLP, Little Rock, Arkansas, is hereby appointed to act as Bond Counsel on behalf of the City in connection with the issuance and sale of the Series 2006 Bond. Section 18. The provisions of this Ordinance are hereby declared to be severable, and if any section, phrase or provision shall for any reason be declared to be illegal or invalid, such declaration shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the sections, phrases or provisions of this Ordinance. Section 19. All ordinances, resolutions and parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. PASSED and APPROVED this P day of January, 2006. APPROVED: `�&J,, Poe ITRfq& R :U� 2 c : FAYETTEVILLE ' = By. DAN COODY, Mayor ATTEST: 9 RKANS • �J '/ek�''•y/NGTON G. .. ��� uuwu 41V� By: SONDRA SMITH, City Clerk 12 2006 BONDS -WASTEWATER REQUISITION City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Series 2006A Sales and Use Tax Capital Improvement Bonds Date: 8/4/08 Requisition No:_2006-W W-#51 TO: Simmons First Trust Company, as Trustee Pursuant to the provisions of Section 502 of the Trust Indenture dated as of November 1, 2006 ("the Indenture"), by and between the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas ("the issuer) and you, as trustee, you are authorized to make the following described payment directly to the Payee named below from the 2006 WASTEWATER Account of the Project Fund - Name of Payee: City of Fayetteville Sales Tax Construction 2006 Account# 17160292 Amount of Payment: _$522,574.62 Paid to: Check # Amount Dean Crowder Construction 1386 507,714.81 General Fund (land agents contra wages) 1387 1583.28 Geosyntec Consultants 1389 4736.16 Littlefield Oil 1391 6272.12 Northern Tool (mower) 1392 2268.25 The undersigned hereby certifies that he is authorized to deliver this Requisition on behalf of the Issuer. The amount requested hereunder has not been the basis for any previous Requisition by the Issuer and is justly due and owing to the person(s) named herein as a proper payment or reimbursement of a Project Cost with the respect to the WASTEWATER Project. No event of Default exists under the Indenture and, to the knowledge of the undersigned, no event has occurred and continues which with notice or lapse of time or both would constitute an Event of Default under the Indenture. City of Fayetteville, AR -ILI Q . Finance & Internal Services Director Page 1 of 1 17160292 Sales Tax Const 2006A Dr/Cr Amount Description Credit $555,802.11 20080805H2B7001 C00024808051410 Totals Type Amount Count Credits $555,802.11 1 Debits $0.00 0 NET • $555,802.11 1 44.) 4.0 42,A) 5/446, https://cashman.arvest. com/cashman//Memoltems. asp?Acct=17160292+Sales+Tax+Const+... 8/5/2008 New World Systems 7.0 *LIVE* 8/01/08 Check Inquiry Favorite: Bank Account: 452 SALESTAXON Sales Tax Construction 2006A Type options, press Enter. 9=Source 15=General Ledger Transactions Check Opt Number Date Payee Name 1392 8/04/08 Northern Tool & _ 1391 8/04/08 Littlefield Oil 1389 8/04/08 Geosyntec ConsultantsG/51P ---Status---- Code Date Equipment4J9no Company k/,sip eA 0 • -a.“ 1387 8/04/08 General Fund4jfif 1386 8/04/08 Dean Crowder Construction4JS'P 1385 0/04 1384--84-0s-10-8—n=k-amocrat Casette -. AP0810S1 Reset: More: + Check Amount 2,268.25 6,272.12 2-16-- 0 0 4,736.16 30,4-97.00 1,583.28 507,714.81 2,270.4 298.75 1383 7/28/08 Upchurch Elec Supply 1382 7/28/08 Tomlinson Asphalt Co Inc F3=Exit F9=Resequence F12=Cancel F15=Bank F20=ACH Inquiry c 0.00 * 507,714.81 1.583.26 4,736.16 6,272.12 2,268.25 522,574.62 4,840.85 145,855.42 More... F22=More CITY of FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS DUPLICATE flvllle ARKANSAS ARVE3f 61-87/ AN -m- 81-87/829 PAY TO THE ORDER OF Dean Crowder Construction Inc 4ff IABLE 804 SE 21st Bentonville AR 72712 NSGQ� IIl� BLE EGOTIABCE NON-NEGOTIABLE L 1111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111 CITY of FAYETTEVILLE FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS SALES TAX CONSTRUCTION 2006A DETACH HERE FOR YOUR RECORDS CHECK NO. 1386 .'DATE 8/04/2008 ***507,714 DOLLARS AND 81 CENTS VOID IF NOT CASHED IN 60 DAYS AMOUNT:':.. $507,714.81 1P 1386u* 1:08 290087 20: 0017160 29 211' S vvv DATE INYOICE NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 7/22/2008 12 Broyles Rd Construction WSIP Wp-2b 507,714.81 CHECK AMOUNT $507,714.81 flvllle ARKANSAS ARVE3f 61-87/ AN -m- 81-87/829 PAY TO THE ORDER OF Dean Crowder Construction Inc 4ff IABLE 804 SE 21st Bentonville AR 72712 NSGQ� IIl� BLE EGOTIABCE NON-NEGOTIABLE L 1111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111 CITY of FAYETTEVILLE FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS SALES TAX CONSTRUCTION 2006A DETACH HERE FOR YOUR RECORDS CHECK NO. 1386 .'DATE 8/04/2008 ***507,714 DOLLARS AND 81 CENTS VOID IF NOT CASHED IN 60 DAYS AMOUNT:':.. $507,714.81 1P 1386u* 1:08 290087 20: 0017160 29 211' ** REPRINT ** ��e ' ev 1e PURCHASE ©l E I Each Package Must Be Marked ARKANSAS Exactly As Shown Here City of Fayetteville, Arkansas VENDOR NO. 16506 Dean Crowder Construction Inc 804 SE 21st Bentonville AR 72712 Unft Qty. of Issue Rec0eived Description and Account Number PURCHASE ORDER # 07-0001002-001 DATE 3/14/08 FOB Fyv TERMS NET' 30DAY Unit Price TOTALS Replaces PO #07-859 1.00 EA a) Broyles Road Construction WSIP Wp- Contract 09 Per Bid #07-34 Res #94-07 4520.9520.5315.00 021330324 452.D, U1 OL- co 3717er 15 37379GG.1-5 lo0.77 44 \--(1A4 uc\L-\--11:r 5D1 SHIP TO: Water& Wastewater Director CITY OF FAYEITEVILLE 113 W MOUNTAIN FAYEITEVILLE AR 72701 Allen, And ENTERED AUG 0 121108 Sales Tax Total: Purchase Order Total: DEPARTMENT VERIFICATION RECEIVED DEPT HEAD APPROVAL AMOUNT TO PAY NP VERIFICATION PURCHASING VERIFICATION PRICE CHANGE VERIFICATION RETURN CHECK TO SEND COPY TO ADDITIONAL APPROVAL CHECK # DOES NOT MEET PURCHASING POLICY CONTRACT PAYMENT 0 ER APPROVED BY rthr ?9,/'✓ ef DEPT COPY PROJECT# 2-1 THIS PAYMENT $ PREVIOUS PAYMENT TOTAL PYMT(S) $ BALANCE $ ' 1 McGoodwm Williams 0 flares Engineering Confidence Ms. Peggy Bell Accounting and Audit City of Fayetteville 113 W. Mountain Fayetteville, Arkansas, 72701 Re: Partial Payment Estimate No. 12 and Change Order No. 1 Broyles Road Improvements Fayetteville, Arkansas City of Fayetteville Project No. 02133-0324 MWY Project No. Fy-315 Dear Ms. Bell: SLE (0% Please find enclosed three copies of Partial Payment Esti `ate�No.'42 fehbbove-referenced project. Also included is a copy of the Certified Payroll fqr-the pay re ciest d as well as the original Application for Payment as submitted by Dean OowderaConstr n. Six executed copies of Change Order No. 1, which is included in this rrionths-pay pate, have also been included. The electronic versions of thepartial t s payment-est+mate,change order and accompanying spreadsheets are being submitted for your use via email. We would request that at least two copies of the Change Order, after execution by Mr. Jurgens, be returned to us for our records and for those of the Contractor. July 22, 2008 If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us at 479-443-3404. Sincerely, M. Lane Crider, P.E. Vice-President/Special Projects Project Manager cc: Mr. Jeff Wilson, Vice-president, Dean Crowder Construction enclosures "90/1/4 .n frois 2703 479-443-3404 0 479-443-4340•WWW.1110050.C" FY,,,E.112SI PARTIAL PAYMENT ESTIMATE FOR FAYETTEVILLE WASTEWATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NO. 02133-0324 WESTSIDE WASTEWATER FACILITIES CONTRACT NO. WP -lb BROYLES ROAD IMPROVEMENTS, FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS From: 01 -Jun -08 Plans No. Fy-315 Agreement Amount: Contract Dated: Notice to Proceed Date: Substantial Completion Date: Final Completion Date: $3,826,874.40 June 5, 2007 June 11, 2007 April 6, 2008 June 5, 2008 To: 01 -Jul -08 Estimate No. 12 Owner: Contractor: City of Fayetteville, Arkansas 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 Dean Crowder Construction, Inc. 208 S.E. 21st. Street Bentonville, Arkansas 72712 Arkansas Lic No 0031610307 hem No. Description Unit Completed Completed Total Amount Price. Previous Est. This Est. Completed Due 1 Lump Sum, Mobilization 105,000.00 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 105,000.00 2 Lump Sum, Maintenance of Traffic 75,000.00 93.33%6.67% 100.00% 75,000.00 3 Lump Sum, Site Clearing 81,625.00 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 81,625.00 4 30010 C.Y., Earth Excavation 7.00 30,010.00 0.00 30,010.00 210,070.00 5 19,965 C.Y., Compacted Embankment 8.50 19,465.00 500.00 19,965.00 169,702.50 6 2,200 C.V., Rock Excavation 275.00 2,070.26 0.00 2,070.26 569,321.50 7 7,075 C.V., Undercutting, Furnishing, and Compactiong Hillside Material 15.50 3,484.54 0.00 3,484.54 54,010.37 8 14,925 C.V., 24' Select Fill Material Under Roadway 9.50 14,925.00 0.00 14,925.00 141,787.50 9 21,425 S.V., Subgrade Preparation 2.50 21,425.00 0.00 21,425.00 53,562.50 10 10,030 Ton, Class 7 Aggregate Base Course 17.20 10030.00 0.00 10030.00 172,516.00 11 2880 Ton, ACHM Binder Course 68.27 2092.17 527.70 2619.87 178,858.52 12 4,035 Ton, ACHM Surtace Course 75 35 635.79 3286.29 3922.08 295,528.73 13 138 S.V., 4" Compacted Aggregate Base Course (CL. 7) for Driveways 5.00 138.00 0.00 138.00 690.00 14 350 S.V., 6' Compacted Aggregate Base Course (CL. 7) for Driveways 5 35 350.00 0.00 350.00 1,872.50 15 11,535 L.F., 6' High Concrete combination Curb and Guner 10.50 11535.00 0.00 11535.00 121,117.50 16 2,200 S.V., 4' Nonreinforced Portland Cement Concrete Sidewalk 38.50 1130.00 0.00 1130.00 43,505.00 17 36 S.V., 8' Reinforced Portland Cement Concrete Sidewalk 51.00 72.00 0.00 72.00 3,672.00 18 9.5 Acre, Seeding and Mulching 2,100.00 1.50 8.00 9.50 19,950.00 19 45,980 S.V., Topsoil- 4' Depth 1.45 22,990 23,080 46,070 66,801.50 20 138 S.V., 4" Nonreinforced Portland Cement Concrete Driveway Approach 39.50 42.00 96.00 138.00 5,451.00 21 350 S.V., 8" Nonreinforced Portland Cement Concrete Driveway Approach 52.00350.00 0.00 350.00 18,200.00 22 Lump Sum, 70' , 5 Barrel 12' X 4' Reinforced Conc. Box Culvert with Wingwalls 165,910.00 92.86% 7.14% 100.00% 165,910.00 23 Lump Sum, 70', 3 Barrel 8' X 3' Reinforced Conc. Box Culvert with Wingwalls 108,656.00 100.00%0.00% 100.00% 108,656.00 24 Lump Sum, 70', 6 Barrel 12' X 4' Reinforced Conc. Box Culvert with Wingwalls 200,220.00 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 200,220.00 25 480 L.F., 54' Bicycle Guard Rail 54.00 0.00 0.00 26 75 L.F., 15' Reinforced Concrete Plpe 28 00 75.00 0.00 75.00 2,100.00 27 1,953 L.F., 18' Reinforced Concrete Pipe 34.00 1953.00 0.00 1953.00 66,402.00 28 1,620 L.F., 24' Reinforced Concrete Pipe 46.00 1620.00 0.00 1620.00 74,520.00 29 1,600 L.F., 30" Reinforced Concrete Pipe 58.00 1600.00 0.00 1600.00 92,800.00 30 2 Ea., 15" Reinforced Concrete Pipe FES with Curtain Wall 1,500.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 3,000.00 31 6 Ea., 18" Reinforced Concrete Pipe FES with Curtain Wall 1,750.00 6.00 0.00 6.00 10,500.00 32 1 Ea., 24" Reinforced Concrete Pipe FES with Curtain Wall 2,150.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 2,150.00 33 14 Ea. Type C, 4' X 4' Drop Inlet - 0-6' 2,850.00 11.00 3.00 14.00 39,900.00 34 1 Ea., Type C, 4' X 5' Drop Inlet - 0-6' 3,100.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 3,100.00 35 8 Ea., Type C. 5' X 5' Drop Inlet - 0-6' 3,200.00 7.00 1,00 8.00 25,600.00 36 6 Ea., Type C, 5' X 5' Drop Inlet - 6-8' 3,700.00 6.00 0.00 6.00 22,200.00 37 1 Ea., Type C, 5' X 6' Drop Inlet - 0-6' 3,800.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 3,800.00 38 22 Ea., 4' Extension for Drop Inlet 700.00 19.00 3.00 22.00 15,400.00 39 3 Ea., 8' Extension for Drop Inlet 1,400.00 2.50 0.50 3.00 4,200.00 40 3 Ea., 4' X 4' Junction Box - 0-6'3,200.00 3.00 0.00 3.00 9,600.00 41 2 Ea., 5' X 5' Junction Box - 0.6' 3,500.00 1.50 0.50 2.00 7,000.00 42 . 1 Ea., Relocated Mailboxes 350.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 350.00 43 1 Ea., Adjust Sanitary Sewer Manhole 1,200 00 - 1 1 1,200.00 44 70 L.F., Quad Conduits 34.00 70.00 0.00 70.00 2380.00 45 6,010 L.F., Double 4' Yellow Paint Pavement Marking 0.70 - 6,010 6,010 4,207.00 46 47 L.F., 12" White Paint Pavement Marking 6.90 - 47 47 324.30 47 440 L.F., 24" White Paint Pavement Marking - 9.20 - 440 440 4,048.00 48 5 Ea., Stop Sign 175.00 - 5 5 875.00 49 2 Ea., Crosswalk Sign 175.00 - 4 4 700.00 50 12 Ea., Speed Limit Sign 145.00 - 12 12 1,740.00 51 1 Ea., Chain Link Gate 2,875.00 1 1 2,875.00 52 2 Ea., Plug Abandoned Well 1,265.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 2,530.00 53 110 L.F., Reinforced Concrete Cap for Existing 20" Gas Main 299.50 110.00 0.00 110.00 32,945.00 54 85 L.F., Steel Casing with Spacers 238.00 85.00 0.00 85.00 20,230.00 55 Lump Sum, Trench Safety and Excavation Safety System 10,000.00 100.00% 0.00% f 00.00°/ 10,000.00 56 Lump Sum, Roadway Construction Control 50,000.00 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 50,000.00 57 Lump Sum, Water Meter Relocation and Sevice Line 850.00 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 850.00 58 Lump Sum, Natural Gas Service Line Replacement 2,500.00 100.00 % 0.00% 100.00% 2,500.00 59 Lump Sum, Erosion Control 170,265.00 65.58% 0.00% 65.58% 111,665.00 60 3 Ea., ADA Handicap Ramps 750.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 2,250.00 '61 Lump Sum, Change Order No. 1 88,908.25 0.00% 84.21% 84.21% 74,872.25 Sub -Total Construction SUB -TOTAL CONSTRUCTION 0.00 0.00 0.00 - - 0.00 0.00 - - - 0.00 0.00 - - - 0.00 0.00 - - 0.00 0.00 - - - 0.00 0.00 - - 0.00 0.00 - - 0.00 3,571,841.67 3,571,841.67 FY3ISEan2.4e 1' Change Order No. 1, Add $88,908.25, and -0- days. Cost of Work to Date Amount Retained Difference Materials on Hand Subtotal Less Previous Payments Balance Due This Estimate Percent of Contract Completed -----> 93 34% Percent of Contract Time Used > 128.67% Requested: Dean Crowder Construction, Inc. Labor Standards Compliance I hereby certify that all of the contract requirements as specified under the labor standards have been complied with by Dean Crowder Construction, Inc. as principal contractor end by each subcontractor employing mechanics or laborers at the site of the work, or there is a substantial dispute with respect to the requirejl provisions. 3,571,841.67 191,343.72 3,380,497.95 44,710.00 3,425,207.95 2,917,493.14 507,714.81 Recommen , : McGo. - Williams & Yates, Inc. By: M. Lane Crider, P.E` V.P., Spofial Projects Coordinator Date: l08 Approv City of Fa ttIlle, Arkansas By-Ap ovedby- Date: 22/0 TRENCH SAFETY CERTIFICATION Estimate No. 12 BROYLES ROAD IMPROVEMENTS FOR CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS I certify that all construction on the above referenced project has complied with the provisions of the "Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Standard for Excavation and Trenches Safety System," 29 CFR 1926 Subpart P. I further certify that I am the "Competent Person" for Dean Crowder Construction, Inc., as defined in OSHA Subpart P 1926.650(b). Construction Period Beginning: June 1, 2008 Construction Period Ending: July 1, 2008 Certified: Dean Crowder Construction, Inc. 208 S.E. 21st Street Bentonville, Arkansas, 72712 Arkansas Lic. No. 0031610307 By: re and Title Date; 7.v.c6 W J Q 0LL W J 7 0 W S 0 CO 02 0 W N E Q w m O N • a LU2O 7 2 0 2w Y 0 J 0 m W I 2 CC Y 0 W 2 r- 0. a O. 0 . 0 o O 0 0 0 000000 00 O O N N N ul w p»Fy 69 Lig 0 0 0 0 o 0000000 000000 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 6 0 0 ui e9 to w w69 O O Y1 o 000a, o 00o000 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 4 0 0 N N o N acow6ww O N o o 0 0 0 0 0 0°88 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ci • 0 0 O 4 0 g N • r N w .. i9 40 f9 4,) M l9 S o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S 0 O O Inc O 4 N N . p c6 N - N N�"�Ntfl H 0 O 0 N 8 tri N J J J J J CO J IN MOBILIZATION TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • O O 0 O O 8 N 0 0 H O 0 O• 0 O O O O ' N N 4, O 0 a 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 O•O N 0 O N to O N N N O 0 tO 069°ft f 2,4; V i9 ' N 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O 000000 0 0000000 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 of waf** O W O e 0 s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0.00 000 0 040:co o0000 ONO O G O O O G O G O o o O O 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N O I9 49 69 N 0 0 0 0 0 O O • O O o O o 0 [70 N aa 69 0 0 000 00 0 00 0 0 0 N N N as " 0 0 0 0 M V1 CO V) 2 "-. MAINTENANCE 'OFTRAFFIb . J Q f W ¢ 0 U z E N to Z I- 0 N cc N O LL F O w N W Z a 0 Z J 0 • N Z w Z 0W Z 0w 2 0 0 g a 2 8°°88°8 0 0 13° N 0 p N oNNCO oOw O m N 0 M4369M696969 0 0 0 0 0 o O 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 000000 0 O O O 0000 O O o o (y o 0 o 0 o m o Q 0 0 o 4 0 0 O oo N o O N N - O o ^ N C N N 1 0 N e H J J J J CO J J • W ¢ • ¢ Z ti N O¢ 0 W M 0 p 00 < ¢ w m N U D O 0 m J w w f � w u_ O 0 0 0 8 0 Wwww¢w W w W 0 W 0 0 0 O N 0 PAY ESTIMATE WORKSHEET FOR LUMP SUM ITEMS, BASED ON SCHEDULE OF VALUES 0 N N 0 O N N N W O e O• 0 N O O 0 w O O w e O 0 0 0 O o 0 0 O N O O N 0 4. n 69 O N O H N LL J J J r N r W k - >g J >,w U'¢ Oz4 m J O x wCL ~ o w J m > CO U X A a m N 8 N -J 8 ,O 0 W N 00 0 O O o O O O0N O 0 0 0 ' O f0 In O p O' 1.: co 49 - 49 NM co 'A 9 O O to O O o O O O e O 0 0 0 0 6 6 UJ 0 00 N O o b 000000 0000oo 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 634904349 0O o o O O e 0 0 0 co 0 O O O D O o IRIR 0 0 0 0 O o 0 O O O O O N O 0 0 0 0^ 0 1.0 to N O 4 n 4D 49 N IA 69 49 N 43 N 0 O d O e O O oy O O O O v j 0 N 6060 N ON 0 4,000o 0 00 O N N • 10 or.. N NN O co n CON N' V 340 43 9 W 6, 63 19 o 109 0 O D r N 0 0 0 in v vcr)-4 J 7�NN6949 49 49 49 O CO A W J W J J O) J O O O in N CO V N N ^ r 1 N w Z w < Q Z - z w owo < H W 2 w 0 J Z Q m O< ¢�¢30Q N CO U v F EROSION CONTROL TOTAL O N N N n O N ro) O8 68 3N e4 2 0o 0 0O 4 0 10 49 69 49 € 434996:4 N e e eO , 00000 0 0 0 0 0 3 000 OOO 0 i0 N O N N Vj N 0 0 0 d um m 0 ww0 Om 4 N.- 49 n M 0 0 0 o O e O O O O o N O o 0v. m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 49 49 49 49 o e e a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N0 0 6 0 0 r�r,CD0 ' o ' CD- 1W 96,f9a N N O N O 05004808 S. L4m 0 0 0 n e0 0c NS(' July 01, 2008 N N N 0 0) m a a N wCOWCOU) J J J J J J J O O J + J d Q Q) 0 O to ¢o w o w O Z Q + Ow co w O' O F re: z ¢ ¢OwJ w w z w w <Y 0a3 0 0 LL < cc 0 O W O U •0 wUJ z w N O w O ¢ W ¢ ¢ N cr z wb®zw OO 00600 < CO U O W Partial Payment Estimate No. 12 MATERIALS ON HAND Plans No. Fy-315 Estimate No. 12 Project No. 02133-0324, Contract No. WP -1b Broyles Road Improvements Fayetteville Water and Sewer Fayetteville, Arkansas TOTAL VALUE OF % NOT VALUE APPLIED SUPPLIER INVOICES ON FILE USED TO THIS ESTIMATE Scurlock Industries $ 211,379.40 0.00% $ - NWA Steel Co. Inc. $ 55,230.25 46.93% $ 25,920.00 Three Sixty Landscaping, LLC $ 18,790.00 100.00% $ 18,790.00 TOTAL $ 44,710.00 FAYETTEVILLE APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT THE CRYOF FAYETTEVILLE. ARHANSA8 Project Number r 311 Contract Number (.912-16 Contract Title jeeeus5 via D 111/0616. CONTRACTOR:�ttqq.A eirrixelee Lo✓�'rl ruci inn Address: ID 4 56 Z -I '''r ves-toy In([•f Ale 77' I z Application for Work Accomplished Through the Date of: Application Number: 1 Z Date: '1•Z[.o8 Ordinance/Resolution Number: Effective: Encumbrance No: Co• 30.08 Original Contract Price [1]$ Net Change by Change Orders / through / [2]$ Current Contract Price (1 + 2) [3]$ Completed Work [4J$ 3S Stored Material [5]$ Total Completed and Stored to Date (4+5) Previous Payments (7]$ Previous Retainage [8]$ Total Previous Applications (7+8) Amount This Application (6-9) Less Retainage This Application' Release of Retainage Due This Application (10-11+12) g4/. L7 110. 00 31 3-11(.0L.15 3 t (o B- 4 'k [6]$ 3Coli0S5l.ta-7 of 49�.I 1 19]$ [10]$ [-][11]$ 4-44.41.1 [13]$ 50-11/ '1 .61 -3104.51r * Retainage on Completed Work Only Accompanying Documentation: Attached Schedule of Values CONTRACTOR's Certification: The undersigned CONTRACTOR certifies that (1) all previous progress payments received from OWNER on account of Work done under the Contract referred to above have been applied on account to discharge CONTRACTOR'S legitimate obligations incurred in connection with Work covered by all prior Applications for Payment; (2) title of all Work, materials and equipment incorporated into said Work or otherwise listed in or covered by this Application for Payment will pass to OWNER at time of payment free and clear of all Liens, security interests and encumbrances (except such as are covered by a Bond acceptable to OWNER indemnifying OWNER against any such Lien, security interest or encumbrance); (3) all Work covered by this Application for Payment is in accordance with the Contract Documents and not defective, and (4) all labor standards contract requirements have been complied with by CONTRACTOR and by each subcontractor employing mechanics or laborers at the site of the work. Dated: 1 • 01. oi$ STATE OF COUNTY OF By: PLUM acOrro Pad 1igOWOtM12 /oNfj-vecic i0. iNC. CONTRACTOR SCHELLEY D. WILSON MY COMMISSION # 12346829 EXPIRES: February 7, 2016 Benton Coun Subscribed and Sworn to before me this 01164- d 3y of My commission expires: a/% fi ip 01290.01 Application for Payment Notary Page 1 MATERIALS ON HAND Plans No. Fy-315 Estimate No. 12 Project No. 02133-0324, Contract No. WP -1b Broyles Road Improvements Fayetteville Water and Sewer Fayetteville, Arkansas TOTAL VALUE OF % NOT VALUE APPLIED SUPPLIER INVOICES ON FILE USED TO THIS ESTIMATE Scurlock Industries $ 211,379.40 0.00% $ - NWA Steel Co. Inc. $ 55,230.25 46.93% $ 25,920.00 Three Sixty Landscaping, LLC $ 18,790.00 100.00% $ 18,790.00 TOTAL "' $ 44,710.00 Crowder Count Work Nn: 07/01/08 Estimate Iz submitted' 072263 PAW( Amt this me. MIL 10 dais CmkCI Mnl. Remaining 1 Luq Sun MYemm 2 Lw43un 01710:0Y intik 105 00000 105000.00 ] WniScary !lIYYY 5.0000 ]5000.00 ]5,000.00 &Y lyes C.Y. Est E CY.. Cant)/Endednan 61 625.00 810]5.00 4 30010 s 10.065 21007000 2100]0.03 C.V. Ren EOn s'n 01..r. VNu.0 .o FYgnSq. sYCgLiyagllitleM & CY.. 31'8. dFE MeW Ontt RSIry *Y. &ism.P,Kbn ae m. CW 74091491 1•11••• Can. Ti. AC1414134414. Can. Tem. ACHY 420000 IDD 701.50 169 ]03.50 i 560 321.50 605000.00 35 678 50 e 14025 54010.37 10906250 55 052 13 0 21Y25 141787.50 141757.50 10100 ,0 53502.50 53,58250 17Z516.00 172 10.00 11 2063 12 4.05 3002000 178 156.52 190 17.60 17.759013 1333 WIse Cone S.Y..4' 010/0[4111914•011• DinConsole...[41 eConsole...u . 7114 On.eys 5.Y. ffmglwdAprgV.San Oxen (CL. qb Dw.•y. L VHI C.na.S LanMYm Cue me 0. 5Y. f Re.•Mel0 Poland Comm Caves Side.* 36 3r. r 11 elnlepeal Paled Cement Cov.Y 5d 90 Alms 3.441110.44 247 621 05 20551817 3042725 6540 52 14 350 090.00 000.00 15 11.535 1872.50 107250 121 117.50 121.11250 15 2.200 43505.00 84]00.00 4112000 17 15 37200 163800 (783000) MWeq 450 Sr Tepee.40.II 19" 191150.00 10950.00 20 1311 S.Y..w 4' NaMI d . 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FES aT Cam WY Ea. 1f RY11a.m Cae.b Pq FES 0072 Cutin WY Es, i4'R.nla•.4Cannes Pipe FES Mn044151 WY y Ee Tp. 0. 4'x4'De N.I.04 ,I Es. ine 0.4%S'0f el -03' _I Es, T1u 0,57 S'G0YM.00' all Es. 1yq C.fx 0'08001.6-t E.. iw.0.fxe'o1.P 1700.00' /4�1 Ee, 4EYnYm Law RM 3>dLr/N1V O 0.. t E.mr.Nler D. nM E.. 4x4y.nSn 3.. -ea- M E. in f Mn•tlm 00.. 05- •EfC/,5 11 05264 10591000 16501000 24 Lump 108650.0 108855.00 (1 COI 10220.00 20022000 250 41S 25020.0 25 Dfi 00 28 27 1.53 21000 2100.01 040200 05402.00 26 1.620 74520.0 7452.00 1.600 ,--1,_ 30 0280.0 9280.00 ]t 300.0 3000.00 �� 10,500 00 10500.00 33 1 2150.00 31.50.00 8550.00 39 90000 39000.0 34 3100.00 3.1000 30 3208001 25600.00 25 000.00 }] - 2221p.00 22X/0.00 36 22 3000.00 300.00 30 zlro.00 1540000 15400.00 40 700.00 4200.00 4200,0 41 9000.00 0000.00 1750.0 7.000.00 ]00.00 42 43 E., ^Yea MYsess• � E.. Aaiun SmSmoons),aJ y Sower moons), LF,. WWG"a'YI• 31010 Ss0,00 1 200 00 1200.00 1200.00 238000 23800 45 0 Double 4 Yellen Pant P.HnantMNn9 4 207 00 4207.00 4207 00 40 4 LF., V' WM. Pail Pnmvl M.dn0 32430 324.30 324.30 • 47 4L P., 241 ..mn WNW Pon) P•.I M.1no E.. Step 8,s0 Ea. Crosswalk Spn 4 048 00 4008.00 4046.00 48 40 07500 575.00 75.00 8- 1 r., Sm.d Limit Um Es. CNn Lis 0014 N Es. Plug 70000 700.0 35000 [350 00) 1 1 740 00 1740.00 1]4000 52 27500 275.00 2,7fi00 53 11 Abandoned WY L F.. RYIb.y 25300 2530,00 1 0 Cmwb Cap SV Eiary 20' 0.s Man L. SIM GYyMTSq:.n ]0230.00 30 230.00 55 1 50 50 Lump o Lum Lary Luno LUMP 10230.00 2023000 un. yYwaYE•un*d9Y.h9ybm 50000.00 5000.00 Ra. w, 171}1/0010.00.1017 S 50855.00 50000.00 end sum, WSYMW nnk b1.MS...n Lni RYsm 044 500.00 50 un 0401.1 Ln.nm4mmnl 000101C.nq 160510 500.00 020.00 60 112650.00 17015010 s0eco W En AOA HSY:m Ramps ;17,1(/ 7500 4872,00 2.0000 3141021. snot oda •5 F�jil�l 574 572 25 7184166 37.003n 8412041 467 450.23 3.7104144 ]]998515 108.123.2 210000 Mins! l41I 5114 445.11 ^bi'•• a5 821, 7 501744.02 Reuinpe Est 1 10 724.08 Rfnineq EM 2 Ie 040.4 Ruainpe Eel 3 ]673.93 RY.m.OS E•14 R•Iwnme Esi 5 1502155 50 /0228 Rdinew Est 0 Reain.g. EY 7 - RMaiwwEst e - ReO1w0.Est 9 Retenarn E 10 - R..iwME.t Y11 Ravines* Est 13 4 44541 IDI 3473 lets) CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE Vendor: Dean Crowder Construction, Inc. Contract#1095 WP -2B COU 7CJ IWV1MU ULAIU11 Change Order # Cost of C.O. Cumulative P.O. Price Payment Date Payment Number Payment Amount Retainage Invoice Amount Expensed Remaining amount on P.O. Base P.O. $3,737,966.15 $3,737,966.15 $3,737,966.15 8/23/2007 1 $165,755.95 $16,724.08 $182,480.03 $3,555,486.12 $3,737,966.15 8/23/2007 2 $137,451.81 $16,046.48 $153,498.29 $3,401,987.83 $3,737,966.15 11/8/2007 3 $795,142.36 $78,843.93 $873,986.29 $2,528,001.54 $3,737,966.15 12/10/2007 4 $68,687.46 $15,921.55 $84,609.01 $2,443,392.53 $3,737,966.15 12/13/2007 5 $906,833.60 $59,362.28 $966,195.88 $1,477,196.65 $3,737,966.15 1/24/2008 6 $169,955.62 $0.00 $169,955.62 $1,307,241.03 $3,737,966.15 2/14/2008 7 $68,176.96 $0.00 $68,176.96 $1,239,064.07 $3,737,966.15 3/13/2008 8 $24,108.00 $0.00 $24,108.00 $1,214,956.07 $3,737,966.15 4/16/2008 9 $143,606.58 $0.00 $143,606.58 $1,071,349.49 $3,737,966.15 6/4/2008 10 $105,657.79 $0.00 $105,657.79 $965,691.70 $3,737,966.15 7/10/2008 11 $332,115.16 $0.00 $332,115.16 $633,576.54 $3,737,966.15 7/30/2008 12 $507,714.81 $4,445.41 $512,160.22 $121,416.32 $3,737,966.15 13 $0.00 $0.00 $121,416.32 • $3,737,966.15 14 $0.00 $0.00 $121,416.32 $3,737,966.15 15 $0.00 $0.00 $121,416.32 $3,737,966.15 16 $0.00 $0.00 $121,416.32 $3,737,966.15 17 $0.00 $0.00 $121,416.32 $3,737,966.15 18 $0.00 $0.00 1121,416.32 $3,737,966.15 19 $0.00 $0.00 $121,416.32 $3,425,206.10 $191,343.73 $3,616,549.83 10/10/2005 $0.00 $0.00 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 3 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 4 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 5 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 6 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 7 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 8 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 9 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 10 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 11 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 12 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 13 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 14 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 15 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 16 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Totals $3,737,966.15 $3,425,206.10 $191,343.73 $3,616,549.83 $121,416.32 Percentage of Completion Amount of Contract $3,737,966.15 Amount Earned $3,616,549.83 Percentage of Completion 96.75% CITY of FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS DUPLICATE 1387 4 aye vile RAVESf 81-87/829 ONE THOUSAND, FIVE HUNDRED EIGHTY THREE DOLLARS AND 28 CENTS PAY TO THE ORDER OF r General Fund ARKANSAS II IIIIIIIIIIIIIl 111 11 11111111111111111111111111111 CITY of FAYETTEVILLE FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS SALES TAX CONSTRUCTION 2006A DETACH HERE FOR YOUR RECORDS CHECK NO. 1387 DATE 8/04/2008 L_ 11•&38711• ':08 29008 7 21: 00&7&6029211• VOID IF NOT CASHED IN 60 DAYS AMOUNT $1,583.28 4 d TIABLE N IIIEG BLE NON-NEGOTIABLE DATE INVOICE NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 7/16/2008 0000055200 Clear Due to/from 1,583.28 CHECK AMOUNT $1,583.28 4 aye vile RAVESf 81-87/829 ONE THOUSAND, FIVE HUNDRED EIGHTY THREE DOLLARS AND 28 CENTS PAY TO THE ORDER OF r General Fund ARKANSAS II IIIIIIIIIIIIIl 111 11 11111111111111111111111111111 CITY of FAYETTEVILLE FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS SALES TAX CONSTRUCTION 2006A DETACH HERE FOR YOUR RECORDS CHECK NO. 1387 DATE 8/04/2008 L_ 11•&38711• ':08 29008 7 21: 00&7&6029211• VOID IF NOT CASHED IN 60 DAYS AMOUNT $1,583.28 4 d TIABLE N IIIEG BLE NON-NEGOTIABLE m I01 0 8wtdieaed - esf nuqun000y or TOTAL Account Name Due to General Fund $1,583.28 I Amount ' 1,583.28 Fund 4520 51 cCli 11_bit o Project a Lo co a 13 0 < ^O ; p O C M O m o n m 3= < m 0 co m o- .1 .1. 0 0. 0 O D D o a 0 0 d d 0 0 m 65 JegwnN )1ueg 01 woJUot eno ieelo y eon >petD eteredag or o crr 0 pund IeJeueD CD DJ M 0 m or n c o 0z- •< m o x 0 m N tE 0 0 Z 0 11 N v :JagwnN JopueA m 0 >loeg3 lenueµt 0 0 8 or 2 m m 0 c rn 0) CITY of FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS DUPLICATE CHECK NO. . DATE INVOICE NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 7/24/2008 188369 WSIP, BWD-1 Beaver Watershed Nutrient Re 4,736.16 CHECK AMOUNT $4,736.16 6 1111111111111111111 11 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 11111 le CITY of FAYETTEVILLE aye ev FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS ARKANSAS SALES TAX CONSTRUCTION 2006A ARVE4a Fe/yawls, Morass 81-87/829 DETACH HERE FOR YOUR RECORDS CHECK NO. 1389 DATE 8/04/2008 FOUR THOUSAND, SEVEN HUNDRED THIRTY SIX DOLLARS AND 16 CENTS PAY TO THE ORDER OF Geosyntec Consultants 5901 Broken Sound Parkway Suite 300 Boca Raton L FL 33487-2775 m i 38911• ':08 29008? 21: 00 17160 29 20 VOID IF NOT CASHED IN 60 DAYS AMOUNT $4,736.16 kfl(1-410TIABLE NCIiG BLE EG E NON-NEGOTIABLE aye ,.le 'S PURCHASE ORDER IQ 4 VENDOR NO. 16808 Geosyntec Consultants Attn: Bill Ward 55 W Wacker Dr Suite 1100 Qty.Chico ty Descri dna6_06 01 ria Issue Received Account Number Unit Price TOTALS Each Package Must Be Marked Exactly As Shown Here Clty of Fayetteville, Arkansas PURCHASE ORDER # 07-0001211-001 DATE 8/30/07 FOB Fyv TERMS NET 30 DAY ` 7J Z 1.00 EA ___1— a) WSIP BWD-1 Beaver Watershed NutrieTl194RR3.00 •1-9-5883:00 Reduction Per RFP •_ Res #148-07 Contract 4520.9520.5314 SHIP TO: Water & Wastewater Director CITY OF FAYEITEVILLE 113 W MOUNTAIN FAYEITEVILLE AR 72701 Wrede, Sar DEPARTMENT VERIFICATION RECEIVED DEPT HEAD APPROVAL AMOUNT TO PAY A/P VERIFICATION BY 021330316 VoS‘caS)imA 1 1(a ENTERED AU!G +! 12008 15 7/20 I LASING VERIFICATION PRICE CHANGE VERIFICATION RETURN CHECK TO SEND COPY TO Sales Tax Total: Purchase Order Total: ADDITIONAL APPROVAL CHECK # DOES NOT MEET PURCHASING POLICY CONTRACT PAYMENT r OTHER APPROVED BY 7&/ti /L' /If DEPT COPY PROJECT # Q21 THIS PAYMENT$ 417 PREVIOUS PAYMENT(S) $„ TOTAL PYMT(S),1 BALANCES tL 12 X19 t! 0 Geosyntec'% consultants PLEASE REMIT PAYMENT TO: Geosyntec Consultants 5901 Broken Sound Parkway, Suite 300 Boca Raton, Florida 33487-2775 USA Tel (561) 995-0900 Fax (561) 995-0925 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, AR 113 W. MOUNTAIN FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72701 Attention: PEGGY BELL /tib R,;f .-it c0 `\"� ( 1(,'- 2 8 ?Bud '`n • i Invoice # : Project: Invoice Date : Project Name : 188369 CWR8243 7/24/2008 FAYETTEVILLE NUTRIENT REDUCT. PLAN For Professional Services Rendered through transaction date: 6/30/2008 IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS INVOICE, PLEASE CONTACT BILL WARD AT (312) 658-0500. REFERENCE: FAYETTEVILLE WASTEWATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Professional Services Communications Fee Reimbursable Expenses Current Invoice $1,076.50 $32.30 $3,627.36 $4,736.16 **Amount Due This Invoice ** $4,736.16 Statement Prior Billings Current Invoice Billed To Date Paid To Date $134,004.85 $4,736.16 $138,741.01 $134,004.85 Project Budget Expended to Date Contract Balance **Amount Due This Invoice ** $199,883.00 $138,741.01 $61,141.99 $4,736.16 � �.0c*Pa�Me,7� 0 S W ?l24/ Project: ' CWR8243 -- FAYETTEVILLE NUTRIENT REDUCT• PLAN Invoice # :188369 Phase : 01) PROJECT MANAGEMENT Rate Schedule Labor Class / Employee Name Date Hours Rate Amount ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION HENDRON, SARA 06/23/2008 06/24/2008 Total: ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT PROJECT PROFESSIONAL GENERAL WILLOBEE, MARK 06/24/2008 Total: PROJECT PROFESSIONAL Total Phase : 01) PROJECT MANAGEMENT 0.50 48.00 24.00 0.50 48.00 24.00 1.00 48.00 0.25 - 130.00 32.50 0.25 32.50 Rate Schedule Labor 80.50 Labor : 80.50 Expense : 0.00 Phase : 03) DETAILED ANALYSIS Rate Schedule Labor Class / Employee Name Date Hours Rate Amount STAFF PROFESSIONAL GENERAL DECKER, JORDAN 06/27/2008 0.25 84.00 21.00 Total: STAFF PROFESSIONAL PROJECT PROFESSIONAL GENERAL WILLOBEE, MARK 06/25/2008 06/26/2008 Total: PROJECT PROFESSIONAL Total Phase • 03) DETAILED ANALYSIS 0.25 - 21.00 4.00 130.00 520.00 3.50 130.00 455.00 7.50 975.00 Rate Schedule Labor 996.00 Labor : 996.00 Expense : 0.00 Phase : 04) SUBCONTRACTS Regular Expenses Vendor Name Doc Nbr Date Cost Multiplier Amount Page 1 Project : CWR8243 -- FAYETTEVILLE NUTRIENT REDUCT. PLAN Invoice tt :188369 Phase : 04) SUBCONTRACTS Regular Expenses Vendor Name Doc Nbr Date Cost Multiplier Amount Subcontractors -Billable WRIGHT WATER ENGINEERS A53191 6/13/2008 3,238.71 1.120 3,627.36 Total Phase : 04) SUBCONTRACTS 3,238.71 3,627.36 Regular Expenses 3,627.36 • Labor : Expense : 0.00 3,627.36 Total Project Labor Total Project Expense Total Project: CWR8243 -- FAYETTEVILLE NUTRIENT REDUCT. PLAN 1,076.50 3,627.36 4,703.86 Page 2 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE Vendor: Geosyntec Consultants Contract #2004 BWD18 W Percentage of Completion Amount of Contract Amount Earned Percentage of Completion $199,883.00 $138,741.01 69.41% V eaver atershed Nutrient Reducuon Change Order # Cost of C.O. Cumulative P.O. Price Payment Date Payment Number Payment Amount Retainage Invoice Amount Expensed Remaining amount on P.O. Base P.O. $199,883.00 $199,883.00 $199,883.00 11/9/2007 1 $2,438.53 $0.00 $2,438.53 $197,444.47 $199,883.00 11/9/2007 2 $6,926.24 $0.00 $6,926.24 $190,518.23 $199,883.00 12/13/2007 3 $4,541.79 $0.00 $4,541.79 $185,976.44 $199,883.00 1/3/2008 4 $4,216.82 $0.00 $4,216.82 $181,759.62 $199,883.00 1/31/2008 5 $2,189.78 $0.00 $2,189.78 $179,569.84 $199,883.00 2/27/2008 6 $24,756.66 $0.00 $24,756.66 $154,813.18 $199,883.00 4/9/2008 7 $8,952.76 $0.00 $8,952.76 $14$,860.42 $199,883.00 5/1/2008 8 $21,609.59 $0.00 $21,609.59 $124,250.83 $199,883.00 6/20/2008 9 $22,157.32 $0.00 $22,157.32 $102,093.51 $199,883.00 7/1/2008 10 $36,215.36 $0.00 $36,215.36 $65,878.15 $199,883.00 7/31/2008 11 $4,736.16 $0.00 $4,736.16 $61,141.99 $199,883.00 12 $0.00 $0.00 $61,141.99 $199,883.00 13 $0.00 $0.00 $61,141.99 $199,883.00 14 $0.00 $0.00 $61,141.99 $199,883.00 15 $0.00 $0.00 $61,141.99 $199,883.00 16 $0.00 $0.00 $61,141.99 $199,883.00 17 $0.00 $0.00 $61,141.99 $199 883 00 18 $0.00 $0.00 $61,141.99 $199,883.00 19 $0.00 $0.00 $61,141.99 $138,741.01 $0.00 $138,741.01 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 '$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 - $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $o.00 $0.00 $0.o0 $0.00 $0.00 Totals $199,883.00 $138,741.01 $0.00 $138,741.01 $61,141.99 Percentage of Completion Amount of Contract Amount Earned Percentage of Completion $199,883.00 $138,741.01 69.41% CITY of FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS DUPLICATE CHECK NO DATE INVOICE NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 7/22/2008 230915 Diesel Off Road 6,272.12 CHECK AMOUNT $6,272.12 6 ARVEST Furtado. Anna 81-87/829 ARKANSAS e ll IIIIII111111Il III 11 11111111111111111111111111111 CITY of FAYETTEVILLE FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS SALES TAX CONSTRUCTION 2006A DETACH HERE FOR YOUR RECORDS CHECK NO. 1391 DATE 8/04/2008 VOID IF NOT CASHED IN 60 DAYS SIX THOUSAND, TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY TWO DOLLARS AND TWELVE CEN1S PAY TO THE ORDER OF Littlefield Oil Company P.O. Box 180100 Fort Smith AR 72918 L II•i39lie 1:08 2 9008 7 2.: 00i7i6029211• AMOUNT $6,272.12 IiiiCatedifIABLE =KG (STABLE EG 4 - • tE NON-NEGOTIABLE aye r evl e PURCHASE ORDER ER ARKANSAS ** CHANGE ORDER ** VENDOR NO. 16671 Littlefield Oil Company Attn: CliffJames 3403 Cavanaugh Rd Fort Smith AR 72918 Each Package Must Be Marked Exactly As Shown Here Clty of Fayetteville, Arkansas PURCHASE ORDER # 08-0000079-100 DATE 4/14/08 TERMS FOB Fyv NET 30 DAY 451 City. Unit of Issue Qty. Description and Received Account Number Unit Price TOTALS Per Bid #07-46 Res #137-07 1.00 LOT a) Unleaded Gasoline 04/14/08 C/O #1 Part 1 of 3 to incr line item (a) by $10,000.00 4520.9520.5213.04 021330304 1.00 LOT b) Diesel On Road No Tax 04/14/08 C/O #1 Part 2 of 3 to incr line item (b) by $10,000.00 4520.9520.5213.04 021330304 1.00 LOT ' c) Diesel Off Road 04/14/08 C/O #1 Part 3 of 3 to incr line item (c) by $20,000.00 4520.9520.5213.04 021330304 SHIP TO: Water & Wastewater Director CITY OF FAYETI'EVLLLE 113 W MOUNTAIN FAYETTEVILLE AR 72701 ENTERED Partain, C DEPARTMENT VERIFICATION RECEIVED DEPT HEAD APPROVAL AMOUNT TO PAY NP VERIFICARON IAASING VERIFICATION PRICE CHANGE VERIFICATION P.!' { 1 2008 RETURN CHECK TO SEND COPY TO fl3000.9p 2 5-69 -27:ro Cl BD lit U2 Sales Tax Total: $6 0 Purchase Order Total: 1 697.50 ADDITIONAL APPROVAL CHECK # DOES NOT MEET PURCHASING POUCY CONTRACT PAYMENT OTHER APPROVED BY �� AA (/i[ J DEPT COPY PROJECT # OZ/�(.."�—f).3C�1 U THIS PAYMENT $ I C('(7) .0 PREVIOUS PAYMENT(S . t. J� TOTAL PYMT(S) $) BALANCE $ 1 Lt Sold To: LITTLEFIELD OIL CO 3403 CAVANAUGH ROAD PO BOX 180100 FORT SMITH, AR 72918 Phone: Fax: (479) 646-0595 (479) 646-0596 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE (WESTSIDE PEGGY BELL 113 W MOUNTAIN FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72701 Invoice Invoice Ship No: Date: Date: Page: 1 230915 07/22/08 07/22/08 Profit Center: 18 Ship CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE (WESTSI To: PEGGY BELL 113 W MOUNTAIN FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72701 Acct. No:12320173 PO No: Terms:NET15 Ship Via:GENERATIONS (BOB TRUCK) Sales ID:COMM BOL/Ship.Order: Product Code/ Description Quantity Price Shipped Each Extension B/L Number-- 534867 ## LOW SULPHUR DYED DIESEL ## DIESEL FUEL 3 NA 1993 PGIII 07 ULTRA LOW SULPHER DIESEL Freight on DIESEL FUELS Freight Surcharge FEDERAL LUST FUND.0010 ARKANSAS EPA AR DYED DIESEL PREPAID AR EX DIESEL 1,580.0 3.875700 1,580.0 0.019230 1,580.0 1,580.0 1,580.0 0.001000 0.003000 0.060000 Permit Number716018462 6,123.61 30.38 17.01 1.58 4.74 94.80 Total Amount: 6,272.12 Vendor: Littlefield Oil Company Fuel VYCOLOIUC rIOU It Change Order # Cost of C.O. Cumulative P.O. Price Payment Date Payment Number Product Amount Sales Tax Amount Payment Amount Remaining amount on P.O. Amount Paid Base P.O. $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 1/16/2008 1 $2,525.72 $117.45 $2,643.17 $12,474.28 $2,525.72 $15,000.00 1/31/2008 2 $1,986.86 $108.51 $2,095.37 $10,487.42 $4,512.58 $15,000.00 2/14/2008 3 $4,778.82 $550.72 $5,329.54 $5,708.60 $9,291.40 $15,000.00 2/27/2008 4 $1,325.14 $54.20 $1,379.34 $4,383.46 $10,616.54 $15,000.00 3/6/2008 5 $1,360.01 $62.63 $1,422.64 $3,023.45 $11,976.55 $15,000.00 3/18/2008 6 $1,362.11 $46.46 $1,408.57 $1,661.34 $13,338.66 $15,000.00 3/26/2008 7 $1,376.73 $36.92 $1,413.65 $284.61 $14,715.39 $10,000.00 $25,000.00 4/23/2008 9 $960.92 $31.15 $992.07 $9,323.69 $15,676.31 $25,000.00 5/7/2008 10 $2,698.83 $128.42 $2,827.25 $6,624.86 $18,375.14 $25,000.00 5/20/2008 11 $1,014.67 $35.49 $1,050.16 $5,610.19 $19,389.81 $25,000.00 6/20/2008 13 $2,316.03 $130.32 $2,446.35 $3,294.16 $21,705.84 $25,000.00 $0.00 $3294.16 $21,705.84 $0.00 $5,530.54 $10,335.14 $12,438.16 $21,209.00 $21,209.00 $21209.00 $21,209.00 $21,209.00 $21,209.00 $21,209.00 $21,209.00 $0.00 $4,529.67 $7,163.60 $10,121.61 $11,991.86 $16,326.97 $28,500.22 $29,722.77 $32,179.56 $34,094.15 $38,368.69 $44,539.69 $44,539.69 $21,705.84 $1,302.27 $23,008.11 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $0.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 2/14/2008 3 $5,530.54 $0.00 $5,530.54 $9,469.46 $15,000.00 4/10/2008 8 $4,804.60 $221.72 $5,026.32 $4,664.86 $10,000.00 $25,000.00 4/23/2008 9 $2,103.02 $0.00 $2,103.02 $12,561.84 $25,000.00 7/16/2008 14 $8,770.84 $138.57 $8,909.41 $3,791.00 $25,000.00 $0.00 $3,791.00 $25,000.00 $0.00 $3,791.00 $25,000.00 $0.00 $3,791.00 $25,000.00 $0.00 $3,791.00 $25,000.00 $0.00 $3,791.00 $25,000.00 $0.00 $3,791.00 $25,000.00 $0.00 $3,791.00 $21,209.00 $360.29 $21,569.29 $30,000.00 $30,000.00 $0.00 $30,000.00 $30,000.00 1/16/2008 1 $4,529.67 $208.78 $4,738.45 $25,470.33 $30,000.00 1/31/2008 2 $2,633.93 $143.82 $2,777.75 $22,836.40 $30,000.00 2/27/2008 4 $2,958.01 $120.62 $3,078.63 $19,878.39 $30,000.00 3/6/2008 5 $1,870.25 $86.47 $1,956.72 $18,008.14 $30,000.00 3/18/2008 6 $4,335.11 $147.11 $4,482.22 $13,673.03 $30,000.00 3/26/2008 7 $12,173.25 $298.65 $12,471.90 $1,499.78 $20,000.00 $50,000.00 4/23/2008 9 $1,222.55 $102.27 $1,324.82 $20,277.23 $50,000.00 5/7/2008 10 $2,456.79 $113.87 $2,570.66 $17,820.44 $50,000.00 5/20/2008 11 $1,914.59 $65.89 $1,980.48 $15,905.85 $50,000.00 6/11/2008 12 $4,274.54 $70.46 $4,345.00 $11,631.31 $50,000.00 7/31/2008 15 $6,171.00 $101.12 $6,272.12 $5,460.31 $50,000.00 $0.00 $5,460.31 $44,539.69 $1,459.06 $45,998.75 $100,000.00 $87,454.53 $3,121.62 $90,576.15 $12,545.47 $87,454.53 CITY of FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS DUPLICATE 81-87/829 11 11111111111111111 11 11111111111111111111111111111 CITY of FAYETTEVILLE FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS SALES TAX CONSTRUCTION 2006A DETACH HERE FOR YOUR RECORDS CHECK NO. 1392 r.DATE. 8/04/2008 TWO THOUSAND, TWO HUNDRED SIXTY EIGHT DOLLARS AND 25 CENTS PAY TO THE ORDER OF Northern Tool & Equipment Co HSBC Business Solutions PO Box 5219 Carol Stream L IL 60197-5219 11•&39211' 1:08 29008 7 21: 00&7 /60 2 9 20 VOID IF NOT CASHED IN 60 DAYS AMOUNT $2,268.25 16sIABLE IGQ,,��LE EGA E NON-NEGOTIABLE .a �g_Len HYv 1392 DATE INVOICE NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 6/23/2008 18289316 Swisher Trailcutter RTB;Shipping/Handlin 2,268.25 CHECK AMOUNT $2,268.25 0 81-87/829 11 11111111111111111 11 11111111111111111111111111111 CITY of FAYETTEVILLE FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS SALES TAX CONSTRUCTION 2006A DETACH HERE FOR YOUR RECORDS CHECK NO. 1392 r.DATE. 8/04/2008 TWO THOUSAND, TWO HUNDRED SIXTY EIGHT DOLLARS AND 25 CENTS PAY TO THE ORDER OF Northern Tool & Equipment Co HSBC Business Solutions PO Box 5219 Carol Stream L IL 60197-5219 11•&39211' 1:08 29008 7 21: 00&7 /60 2 9 20 VOID IF NOT CASHED IN 60 DAYS AMOUNT $2,268.25 16sIABLE IGQ,,��LE EGA E NON-NEGOTIABLE TayetS i le PURCHASE ORDER CLQ VENDOR NO. 11670 Northern Tool & Equipment Co 2800 Southcross Dr West PO Box 1219 Burnsville MN 55337-0219 Each Package Must Be Marked Exactly As Shown Here City of Fayetteville, Arkansas PURCHASE ORDER # 08-0000564-001 DATE 6/17/08 FOB Fyv TERMS NET 30 DAY -4/52 Unit Oty. of Issue Ory Received Description and Account Number Unit Price TOTALS 1.00 EA a) Swisher Trailcutter RTB 18552 Item *250062 4520.9520.5210.00 021330213 1.00 LOT b) Shipping/Handling 4520.9520.5210.00 021330213 SHIP TO: Water & Wastewater Director CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE 113 W MOUNTAIN FAYEITEVILLE AR 72701 r, ens D DEPARTMENT VERIFICATION / BY RECEIVED DEPT HEAD APPROVAL AMOUNT TO PAY NP VERIFICATION FING VERIFICATION PRICE CHANGE VERIFICATION 1999.99 v 1999.99 268.26 " 268.26 t4 z z�y 7_5 USE Pg ENTERED A00 0 12008 RETURN CHECK TO SEND COPY TO Sales Tax Total: Purchase Order Total: ADDmONAL APPROVAL CHECK # DOES NOT MEET PURCHASING POLICY CONTRACT PAYMENT OTHER 4o deia�Yx e- 4 APPROVED BY PROJECT # Ci 2133-02_13 THIS PAYMENT $ 2-1z W./ PREVIOUS PAYMENT $ TOTAL PYMT(S) $ BALANCE $ DEPT. WHEN COMPLETE DELIVER TO ACCTS. PAYABLE Account Number 7003405920484-9 -71.0e4.0 2;268.2 NORTHERN TOOL & EQUIPMENT :Que Rate Amount Paid ;, 07/261200..-._, :... S. ..........-._.-...... _. Please make your check payable to HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS . Include your account number on your check or .money order. To avoid late charges, mail at least 7 business days before due date to: RECEIVED HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS JUL 1 02008 PO BOX 5219 CAROL STREAM IL 60197-5219 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE Mit HhhnAuddeludiluadnHud MAYOR'S OFFICE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE 113 W MOUNTAIN ST FAYETTEVILLE AR 72701-6069 IIIII,IIIuulIIIIIIsnuIIulIelnIuI 00226825002268250007003705920489990007837 tPLEASE RETURN_THE•ABOVE PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT :`_Jiff NORTHERN' TOOL ♦ EQUIPMENT ACCOUNT: 7003-7059-2048-9990 NORTHERN TOOL & EQUIPMENT INVOICE: 18289316 P.O. #: 08 0000564 001 AUTHORIZED BUYER: 0000000000002808415 Summer has arrived, and Northern has all the equipment and tools your business needs for its outdoor projects. To check oul our summer product line visit your nearest Northern Tool retail store, call 1.900.533-5545, or visit us online at www.N rlh Tool.com. PAGE: 1 OF 1 PURCHASE DATE: 06/23/2008 SHIP TO: CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE 15 S BROYLES AVE FAYETTEVILLE AR 72704-7722 ITEM DESCRIPTION 250062 SWISHER 52- TRAILCUTT kk. EXTENDED UNIT PRICE DISCOUNT' TOTAL 11,999.99 1.00 $1,999.99 SUBTOTAL $1,999.99 TAX 1.00 SHIPPING/DELIVERY 1268.26 TOTAL INVOICE $2,268.25 A 1.5% LATE CHARGE WILL BE ADDED MONTHLY TO ALL BALANCES UNPAID. This communication serves as official notice that all calls to/from our offices may be monitored and/or recorded for quality assurance purposes. NET TERMS = 30 DAYS INVOICE PAYMENT DUE DATE: 07/26/2008 For billing errors or questions. please call 1-800-365-6519 2006 BONDS -WASTEWATER REQUISITION City of Fayetteville, Arkansas 'Series 2006A Sales and Use Tax Capital Improvement Bonds Date: 06/02/09 Requisition No: _2006-W W-#81 TO: Simmons First Trust Company, as Trustee Pursuant to the provisions of Section 502 of the Trust Indenture dated as of November 1, 2006 ("the Indenture"), by and between the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas ("the issuer) and you, as trustee, you are authorized to make the following described payment directly to the Payee named below from the 2006 WASTEWATER Account of the Project Fund: Name of Payee: City of Fayetteville Sales Tax Construction 2006 Account # 17160292 Amount of Payment: Paid to: 17 575.16 Check # Amount General Fund (P Bell -Apr) 1836 2247.01 United Rentals 1839 15,328.15 The undersigned hereby certifies that he is authorized to deliver this Requisition on behalf of the Issuer. The amount requested hereunder has not been the basis for any previous Requisition by the Issuer and is justly due and owing to the person(s) named herein as a proper payment or reimbursement of a Project Cost with the respect to the WASTEWATER Project. No event of Default exists under the Indenture and, to the knowledge of the undersigned, no event has occurred and continues which with notice or lapse of time or both would constitute an Event of Default under the Indenture. City of ayetteville, AR LcJ G Rj Finance & Internal Services Director nr Page 1 of 1 17160292 Sales Tax Const 2006A Dr/Cr Amount Description Credit $50,340.78 20090602H2B7001 C00021006021247 Totals Type Amount Count Credits $50,340.78 1 Debits $0.00 0 NET $50,340.78 1 p /7 575 .{7/{-89 3a, 7Gs16 2- https://cashman.arves1.com/cashman//Memoltems.asp?Acct=17160292+Sales+Tax+Const+... 6/2/2009 New World Systems 7.0 *LIVE* 6/01/09 Check Inquiry Favorite: Bank Account: 452 SALESTAXON Sales Tax Construction 2006A Type options, press Enter. 9=Source 15=General Ledger Transactions 24=Documents Check Number Date 1839 6/01/09 1838 6/01/09 1837 6/01/09 1836 6/01/09 1835 6/01/09 1834 6/01/09 1833 5/22/09 1832 5/22/09 1831 5/22/09 1830 5/22/09 1829 5/22/09 Payee Name United Rentals (Fayettevi Reed & Associates Inc Materials Testing of AR I General Fund City Lumber Co Inc Circuit Clerk Street Dept Fund Real Estate Consultants Garver Engineers Garver Engineers Crossland Heavy Const *=Documents Attached F3=Exit F9=Resequence F12=Cancel F15=Bank 30,140.00 + 425.62 + 2,247.01 + 224.00 + 1,975.00 + 15,328.15 + 50,340.73 * ---Status---- Code Date AP0810S1 Reset: F20=ACH Inquiry 44//r/ /r/i-5'7''! /b sr,c 3z,76s.o2 More: + Check Amount 15,328.15 1,975.00 224.00 2,247.01 426.62 30,140.00 4,718.72 1,200.00 21,179.53 38,694.36 137,633.39 More... F22=More CIN of FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS DUPLICATE CHECK NO. 1839 DATE INVOICE NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 4/29/2009 80990345-001 Lansas 24 to 48 Flow Thru Plug 15,328.15 CHECK AMOUNT $15,328.15 6 11 11111111111111111 11 11111111111111111111111111111 ye evi le CITY of FAYETTEVILLE FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS ...,,..,,, SALES TAX CONSTRUCTION 2006A 8187/829 PAY TO THE ORDER OF United Rentals (Fayetteville) PO. Box 100711 Atlanta GA 30384-0711 L DETACH HERE FOR YOUR RECORDS CHECK NO. 1839 6/01/2009 ***15,328 DOLLARS AND 15 CENTS n' 1B3911' 1:08 290087 21: 0017 160 29 20 VOID IF NOT CASHED IN 60 DAYS AMOUNT $15,328.15 N OTIABLE �NgG I BLE EGCTIKBLE NON-NEGOTIABLE ¶�vllle.pU VENDOR NO. 8485 .I©DQSC ORDEN United Rentals (Fayetteville Attn: Judy Hudson 2795 McConnell Rd Fayetteville AR 72701 RnITI D REc-°N1 MpV 2 21909 a NcCo,p-w-y Each Package Must Be Marked Exactly As Shown Here City of Fayetteville, Arkansas PURCHASE ORDER # 09-0000312-001 DATE v 4/28/09 �• `' of 6 -_.%TERMS FOB Fyv NET 30 DAY Qty. Unit of Issue Dry Received Description and • Account Number Unit Price TOTALS 5.00 EA a) Lansas 24 to 48 Flow Thru Plug #096-2448 4520.9520.5210.00 Roy.la+ia6 as SALE TAX REBATE 71, Aa" SHIP TO: Water & Sewer Division CITY OF,FAYETCEVILLE 2435 INDUSTRIAL DRIVE FAYEITEVILLE AR 72701 Parsons, D 021330212 2812.50 L%14062.50 A.16,3Th, % LcS1P y SECT -A5 L7tAMUrL2 Pc ops P&L G ENTERED MAY 281009 Sales Tax Total: Purchase Order Total: trt300:11- 15363728. DEPARTMENT VERIFICATION RECEIVED DEPT HEAD APPROVAL AMOUNT TO PAY NP VERIFICATION PURCHASING VERIFICATION PRICE CHANGE VERIFICATION RETURN CHECK TO SEND COi'V TO ADDITIONAL APPROVAL CHECK # DOES NOT MEET PURCHASING POUCY CONTRACT PAYMENT OTHER APPROVED BY PROJECT# 02.13.3 THIS PAYMENT $ 14, °DF• 1p PREVIOUS PAYMENT(S1$ i "— TOTAL PYMT(S) $ ot BALANCE $ '� DEPT. WHEN COMPLETE DELIVER TO ACCTS. PAYABLE Job Site 8 OUnited Rentals. 800 -UR -RENTS (800-877-3687) u18.2drentals.com LOCATI01:'#K03 2319 SOUTH TH STREET ROGERS AR 2758 79-636 5 979 1-880 FAX IIII IIIIIIII11 11 111 11 1111 1111 FAYETTEVILLE CITY OF WATER AND SEWER 15 S BROYLES AVE FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72704-7722 Office: 479-521-1258 Cell: 479-718-7670 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE WATER & SEWER 113 W MOUNTAIN FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72701 EQUIPMENT SALE AGREEMENT/INVOICE 80990345-001 Customer Number : 322161 Invoice Date 4/29/09 8:27 AM Job Location: WATER AND SEWER, FAYETTEVIL Job Number 18- FAYETTEVILLE CIT P.O. Number : 09-312 Ordered By DWAIN Written By URKO3LW Salesperson : 7736 PAYMENT OF $15328.15 DUE ON 5/09/09 PAYMENT OPTIONS : Check(Mail) - Check(Fax) - Credit Card(Phone) ^g BILLING INQUIRIES: Ph# 281-340-4800 Fx# 281-240-3905 REMIT TO: UNITED RENTALS (NORTH AMERICA). INC. PO BOX 100711 ATLANTA. GA 30384-0711 Qty Equipment # Price Amount 1106476 CC: 2812.50 FLOW THRU PLUG 24"-4808380 * Make: LANSAS Model: 096-2448 Serial #: 38967 Model Year: 09 The United Guard Warranty was declined on the above unit. %i 1106477 CC: 500-8380 2812.50 FLOW THRU PLUG 24"-48"/4" * Make: LANSAS Model: 096-2448 Serial #: 40451 Model Year: 09 The United Guard Warranty was declined on the above unit. Y 1106478 CC: 500-8380 2812.50 FLOW THRU PLUG 24"-48"/4" * Make: LANSAS Model: 096-2448 Serial #: 41467 Model Year: 09 The United Guard Warranty was declined on the above unit. IV 1106843 CC: 500-8380 . 2812.50 FLOW THRU PLUG 24"-48"/4" * Make: LANSAS Model: 096-2448 Serial #: 41321 Model Year: 09 The United Guard Warranty was declined on the above unit. 7 1106844 CC: 500-8380 2812.50 FLOW THRU PLUG 24"-48"/4" * Make: LANSAS Model: 096-2448 Serial #: 41424 Model Year: 09 The United Guard Warranty was declined on the above unit. WIN CHAMPIONSHIP TICKETS: WWW.UR.COM/WIN Upon receipt of this equipment, it is the purchasers responsibility to (1) contact the manufacturer for documentation regarding equipment maintenance and use, and (2) ensure that the equipment meets the manufacturer's maintenance and operating specifications and all regulatory safety requirements, prior to placing in service. --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sub -total: Tax: Total: 2812.50 2812.50 2812.50 2812.50 2812.50 14062.50 1265.65 15328.15 READ BEFORE SIGNING: 111 BY SIGNING THIS EQUIPMENT SALE AGREEMENT/INVOICE, CUSTOMER AGREES TO ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS ON THE FRONT AND BACK OF THIS AGREEMENT I ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF THE EQUIPMENT IN GOOD WORKING ORDER, AND (3) IS FULLY FAMILIAR WITH THE OPERATION AND USE OF THE EQUI / ENT. x NATURE DATE CUSTOMER NAME PRINTED UNITED RENTALS REPRESENTATIVE/DELIVERED BY DATE A LARGER FONT COPY OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS IS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. Page: 1 CITY of FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS DUPLICATE CHECK NO. 1836 DATE INVOICE NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 4/30/2009 0000059361 Clear Due To/From 2,247.01 CHECK AMOUNT $2,247.01 3 II IIIIIIIIIIIIII III II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III III aye eVl e CITY of FAYETTEVILLE FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS ARKANSAS SALES TAX CONSTRUCTION 2006A ARVEST 81-87/829829 DETACH HERE FOR YOUR RECORDS CHECK NO. 1836 6/01/2009 TWO THOUSAND, TWO HUNDRED FORTY SEVEN DOLLARS AND ONE CENT PAY TO THE ORDER OF General Fund L_ 1'i8360 1:0829008721: 0017160 2'120 VOID IF NOT CASHED IN 60 DAYS ................................. 'AMOUNL $2,247.01 N&SIABLE raNIG I BLE NON-NEGOTIABLE TOTAL 1Due to General Fund Account Name a 0 Ni IQ a 0 _. > 3 0 C J ..... 4520 -0 C = 0. Dept Sub Dept 1400 CO EV 1/1 0 _. 0 ...• 0 Project 11 -0 -I 01 St c 0 cr n 2006 BONDS -WASTEWATER REQUISITION City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Series 2006A Sales and Use Tax Capital Improvement Bonds Date: 11/12/08 Requisition No: _2006-W W-#61 TO: Simmons First Trust Company, as Trustee Pursuant to the provisions of Section 502 of the Trust Indenture dated as of November 1, 2006 ("the Indenture"), by and between the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas ("the issuer) and you, as trustee, you are authorized to make the following described payment directly to the Payee named below from the 2006 WASTEWATER Account of the Project Fund: Name of Payee: City of Fayetteville Sales Tax Construction 2006 Account# 17160292 Amount of Payment: _821,743.21 Paid to: Check # Amount Arvest (refund NSF check fee) (15.93) Crossland Heavy (EP -3) 1543 149,148.00 Fund (Engineering contra charges) 1546 503.57 Geosyntec 1547 16,394.59 McClelland 1552 752.50 Powersecure 1554 558,586.43 Wilson Brothers (EP -1) 1563 96,374.05 The undersigned hereby certifies that he is authorized to deliver this Requisition on behalf of the Issuer. The amount requested hereunder has not been the basis for any previous Requisition by the Issuer and is justly due and owing to the person(s) named herein as a proper payment or reimbursement of a Project Cost with the respect to the WASTEWATER Project. No event of Default exists under the Indenture and, to the knowledge of the undersigned, no event has occurred and continues which with notice or lapse of time or both would constitute an Event of Default under the Indenture. City of Fayetteville, AR 'Pan() a 13�. Finance & Internal Services Director nic Ce.;-. 'Maps. ',^ s 4una.,n.a vest.conh:‘ ;,iiia ,;; 'AcC,r- 17160292%20Sales'.'.02itTmi I('[ma !ges II Dat e —� ., n oust ( et' IL "'" Pf :Y< :_: .:,.=:., ipficin. y v v ll13(2(lf1$ i ' .t: <,, 743.21 Ii r 1 i.,•_ ;i:"„_:PORATE TIS I flirt:1514 11/13/2008 ]I2- /1.719.93 -' CR. '?CORPORATE TR ,1....i':' 1514 i 11/13124008 •.t;S' iI $31,470.08 JI CP__ •RFORPORATETR' i'z ci514 11/13 .' 4. ii :;: i 1,:149.00 ., . - i• r }( IiT:OkPORATE TR IiCCi514 Do 11/10/2 J.: "_5;� :20 • 32 �15Cix:_ tiEIi_:-LECK • 7 /7/20e 1,3 $6,200 oo CR pliEtA DEPO>l f y „6/22008 u•, ij $s,248.00t'C I_LIC. IPCK i I ;. r 11/6/2008 I`'a'`i $295.977 '• i 1C;IE&2 _�. 11/5/2008 s 15=3'-'551.577.73 Ie.i31C„C HEC': h ^' 1 { , 11/5/2008 „c ail � . '. 1530j1 •' , 6;45• t HT'KdiCHECK t :l (0 11/422008 1536ij a33 0. •s`i51 H 1-1EC_C __. .4408 1��'if59§Ty�q 1CiICHCK� 7 i 3f 11/3/2008l4458.F1e�`+riP4 1.IECK C' 1. inr"t%2008 1534!1- ' 425. 1 IC .5``S CK ` .,,2008 ' t533ij .>, t, j{,IliKli K. , •af• 110/31/2008 15-.11 $14,320.64 c 1K±[CHECK' 10/31/2008 1522.11 $364$911v_HKII:HEQ 10/30/2008 Jr $39,8157$541 t:F�_,. Oc RPet'- ITRI. 10/30/2008 15261 $4,673.141eifi 1kE• 1 • Li 10/30/2008 1-511-'71} $3, `''• . 11 K11CHC;.'_:; •11• 10/3012008 ;SQL $1,669:8�1Cf_"tIECl 10 10/304008 15i 311- --604.47 {CHKI CHECK, JL 1! 1 i 1; • ' 10/30/AA 1521 it $4.78;.,HKifcF31 f is , 'Maps. ',^ s 4una.,n.a vest.conh:‘ ;,iiia ,;; 'AcC,r- 17160292%20Sales'.'.02itTmi New World Systems 7.0 *LIVE* 11/10/08 Check Inquiry Favorite: Bank Account: 452 SALESTAXON Sales Tax Construction 2006A Type options, press Enter. _ 9=Source 15=General Ledger T47,ansactions6,;_,24a Documents Check Opt Number Date 1563 11/10/08 1562 11/10/08 1561 11/10/08 1560 11/10/08 1559 11/10/08 1558 11/10/08 1557 11/10/08 Payee Name Wilson Brothers Const Water & Sewer Fund Water & Sewer Fund Tune Trucking Inc Tomlinson Asphalt Co Inc441./,' Jerry D Sweetser Inc Street Dept Fund 1556 11/10/08 Sod Store (The) 1555 11/10/08 Scurlock Industries of Fa 1554 11/10/08 PowerSecure, Inc &so 1553 11/10/08 McClinton -Anchor *=Documents Attached F3=Exit .F9=Resequence F12=Cancel F15=Bank ---Status---- Code Date Co, us4p 0• c 0.00 * 0• c 149,148.00 + 503.57 + 16,394.59 + 752.50 + .558,586.43 + 96,374.05 + 821,759.14 * (/f, 9,a) (41, 713 a/ AP0810S1 Reset: F20=ACH Inquiry More: + Check Amount 96,374.051 17,007.00 109.00 3,613.24 56,542.17 18,000.00 8,248.36 95.59 391.12 558,586.431 526.11 More... F22=More New World Systems 7.0 *LIVE* 11/10/08 Check Inquiry Favorite:• AP081OS1 Bank Account: 452 SALESTAXON Sales Tax Construction 2006A Type options, press Enter. 9=Source 15=General Ledger Transactions 24=Documents Check Opt Number Date 1552 11/10/08 1551 11/10/08 1550 11/10/08 1549 11/10/08 1548 11/10/08 _ 1547 11/10/08 1546 11/10/08 1545 11/10/08 1544 11/10/08 1543 11/10/08 1542 11/10/08 ---Status---- Payee Name Code Date McClelland Consult Engine ws4yo Lowe's Home Improvement I Locke Wholesale Electric Les Rogers Inc Hutchens Construction Geosyntec Consultants/✓1/Q General Fund [✓Slf General Fund CEI Engineering Assoc Inc Crossland Heavy Const 4m0 City Lumber Co Inc *=Documents Attached F3=Exit F9=Resequence Reset: F12=Cancel F15=Bank F20=ACH Inquiry More: + - Check Amount 752.50° 50.67 87.82 317.92 885.84 16,394.59' 503.57✓ 26,677.40 2,022.52 149,148.00( 74.21 More... F22=More New World Systems 7.0 *LIVE* 11/10/08 Check Inquiry AP0810S1 Favorite: + Bank Account: 452 SALESTAXON Sales Tax Construction 2006A Type options, press Enter. 9=Source 15=General Ledger Transactions 24=Documents Check ---Status---- Opt Number 1541 1540 1539 1538 1537 1536 1535 1534 1533 1532 1531 Date 11/10/08 11/10/08 11/10/08 11/10/08 11/10/08 10/29/08 10/27/08 10/27/08 10/27/08 10/27/08 10/27/08 *=Documents Attached F3=Exit F9=Resequence Payee Name Capital Impr Const Fund Beaver Lake Concrete NW AR Democrat -Gazette AEP/Swepco Ames Construction Solutio Jerry D Sweetser Inc Street Dept Fund Northwest Electric Inc Northwest Ark Quarries LL McClelland Consult Engine H&H Directional Boring In Code Date F12=Cancel F15=Bank REC Reset: More: + - Check Amount 1,081.76 734.98 251.70 1,843.38 271,719.93 39,815.85 11/06/08 14,320.64 425.00 122.46 1,248.00 10,593.00 More... F22=More F20=ACH Inquiry In, AP2 �� GL10g40GIV Page 1 of 2 17160292 Sales Tax Const 2006A Images Date Serial Number Amount TRC Description 10/10/2008 1478 $14,036.00 CHK CHECK 10/8/2008 $15.93CR i REF NSF/OD PAID PRIO Si. 10/8/2008 1489 $180.00 CHK CHECK 10/7/2008 $13,715.24 CR CORPORATE TRUST CC1514 0 10/7/2008 1495 $1,320.36 CHK CHECK 10/6/2008 $35,382.20 CR CORPORATE TRUST CC1514 0 10/6/2008 1494 $16,224.03 CHK CHECK (j 10/6/2008 1483 $6,174.75 CHK CHECK ?, Oji. 10/6/2008 1490 $1,057.58 CHIC CHECK 10/3/2008 1480 $1,103.42 CHK CHECK 0 10/3/2008 1484 $663.97 CHK CHECK 0 10/3/2008 1491 $75.00 CHK CHECK fir. 10/3/2008 1492 $25.00 CHK CHECK 0 10/2/2008 1472 $3,965.34 CHK CHECK 10/2/2008 1474 $3,541.89 CHK CHECK al, 10/2/2008 1493 $2,374.48 CHK CHECK 0 10/2/2008 1496 $1,310.08 CHK CHECK 10/2/2008 1476 $1,288.58 CHK CHECK 0 10/2/2008 1481 $327.75 CHK CHECK 10/2/2008 1473 $152.96 CHK CHECK 'i, 10/2/2008 1475 $95.59 CHK CHECK 10/1/2008 $18,856.97 CR CORPORATE TRUST CC1514 L3, 10/1/2008 1486 $3,000.02 CHK CHECK https://cashman.arvest. com/eashman//History. asp?Acct=17160292%20Sales%20Tax%20... 10/13/2008 CITY of FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS DUPLICATE CHECK NO. 1 54 DATE INVOICE NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 10/20/2008 2C WSIP EP -3 Noland WWTP-Effluent Station 149,148.00 CHECK AMOUNT $149,148.00 0 11 11111111111111111 II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1I III • e CITY of FAYETTEVILLE aye e FAYETTEVILLE. ARKANSAS ARKANSAS SALES TAX CONSTRUCTION 2006A AAVEST Frye ,Maus 81-87/829 PAY TO THE ORDER OF rCrossland Heavy Const �r�,,,, PO Box 350 -4 d6tIABLE Columbus KS 66725 k 1' t rig9 I BLE v, EG E NON-NEGOTIABLE DETACH HERE FOR YOUR RECORDS CHECK NO. 1543 DATE 11/10/2008 ***149,148 DOLLARS AND NO CENTS VOID IF NOT CASHED IN 60 DAYS AMOUNT $149,148.00 L 54 3v x:08 29008 7 21: 00I7L6029211' ifrittcyille PURCHASE ORDER VENDOR NO. 13383 Crossland Heavy PO Box 350 Columbus Unit City. of Issue /c) N�" \` Consre A •(�� J� KS 66725\2P Each Package Must Be Marked Exactly As Shown Here City of Fayetteville, Arkansas PURCHASE ORDER # 08-0000767-001 DATE 8/20/08 FOB Fyv TERMS NET 30 DAY 452- Ory Received Description and Account Number Unit Price TOTALS 1.00 EA See also PO #08-769 Part of Contract #2051 Per Res #155-08 Bid #08-50 i a) WSIP EP -3 Noland Station/Aeration 4520.9530.5815.00 WWTP-Effluent Basin 021330333 Pu -23-8-944.6,.00,22.826-1&_129 4,inat ; i (z6. LSC 2t& .1101.00-- diL5S 126CuJn( lac,,GJ-1Z oc.) au\ A: ?u y if - 4-q I 4 . 0 SHIP TO: Water & Wastewater Director CITY OF FAYEITEVILLE 113 W MOUNTAIN FAYEITEVILLE AR 72701 begets, D ENTERED NOV 0 6 an Sales Tax Total: Purchase Order Total: 23 6.00 DEPARTMENT VERIFICATION RECEIVED DEPT HEAD APPROVAL AMOUNT TO PAY NP VERIFICATION BY 5may bl r !IASING VERIFICATION _ CHANGE VERIFICATION RETURN CHECK TO SEND COPY TO ADDITIONAL APPROVAL CHECK # DOES NOT MEET PURCHASING POUCY CONTRACT PAYMENT TER APPROVED BY /I9be 4s PROJECT # 0 24 33`0333 THIS PAYMENT $ I66( 740 b( ) PREVIOUS PAYMEMT(S){$ �; .�(D. Q( ) TOTAL PYMT(S) $ `t j,{Q 2Z0. Up/ BALANCE $ T 1 TL , 4 24 o _) DEPT. WHEN COMPLETE DELIVER TO ACCTS. PAYABLE BLACK & VEATCH Building a world of difference® City of Fayetteville. Arkansas Paul R. Noland WWTP WSIP EP -3 Mr. Lynn Hyke Water & Wastewater Department City of Fayetteville, AR 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 Dear Mr. Hyke: B&V Project 135045 B&V File B -I.1 October 30, 2008 We have reviewed Application for Payment No. 2 in the amount of $149.148.00 from Crossland Heavy Construction. Inc.. for the WSIP EP -3 Noland WWTP Improvements project and have found it to be in order. A retainage of 10% has been taken from all work completed. We recommend payment of $149.148.00 to Crossland Heavy Construction, Inc. If there are any questions concerning our recommendations, please call me at (913) 458-3147. Very truly yours, BL K & VEATCH CORPORATION Ira tie M. Funuerburk, PE Enclosures cc: Peggy Bell, City of Fayetteville Mark Sell, Crossland Heavy Construction, Inc File T00001Z21 Black & Veatch Corporation • 8400 Ward Parkway Kansas City, MO 64114 USA • Telephone: 913.458.2000 ESTIMATE FOR CON:S'1'R IICTION PA TAI ENT Estimate Number 2 WSIP EP -3 Noland \VWT'I'-Effluent Pump Motion /Aeration Basin Fayeuerille. A R Black & Veatch l'rojeci Number J4anm and Address of Owner Name and Address &'Contractor ('in' of Fayetteville 113 West 6latinlnin Fayeneville. AR 72701 Crossland Ileavy Construction. Inc. PO Box 350 Columbus. RS 66725 PERIOD BEGINNING: September 24. 2098 PERIOD ENDING: October 20. 2008 Coni nci Almnh to Date Comp l and to Date Cosi of It C111 Dcse; ipGon Unit Quantity Unit Cosi Total Cost Qty. Total Cost Qly. Total Cosi UncompletedPermit' Work Completed General Conditions I Alobilizndon LS 524,000.00 524.000.00 75.00% 318,000.00 7500% $18.000.00 56.000.00 75% • 2 Insurance LS 53,500.00 53.50000 0.00% 30.00 100.00% 53.500.00 50.00 100%• 3 Bonds Siie Construction LS 330,000.00 530.000.00 0.00% 50.00 100.00% 330.000.00 50.00 100%' 4 lilecirical Vault Drain LS 335.000.00 535.00000 0.00% 30.00 0.00% 50,00 535000.00 0% • 5 W3 West Side of Neadworks LS 545,000.00 545.000.00 0,00% 50.00 0.00% 50.00 515.00000 0% 6 W3 South Side ofllcadaorks LS 522.000.00 522.00000 0.00% 50.00 0.0096 50.00 322,000.00 0. Concrete Work 7 Aeration Basin Vertical Crack Repair LS 522.00000 522000.00 16.00% 33520.00 16.00% 53.520.00 518,48000 16% • Atrial% 8 Aluminum Roilinps Thermal & Aloisture Protection LS 513.000.00 313.000.00 100.00% 313.000.00 10000% 513000.00 30.00 100%. 9 Engine Generator Building LS 59300.00 59.700.00 0.00% 50.00 000% 50.00 59.70000 0% 0 Primary lnfhtei Pump Smlinn LS 525,900.00 325.900.00 000% 50.00 000% 50.00 525,900.00 0% 1 Digester Sludge Pump Station LS 59.80000 59.800.00 0.00% 5000 0.00% 50.00 59,800.00 0% 2 (110wer Building LS 576.700.00 576.700.00 0.00% 50.00 000•.0 50.00 576.700.00 0% 3 IiBltieni Filter Building LS 578,900.00 $78.900.00 0.0096 50.00 0.00% 30.00 378.900.00 0% 4 Mainienance Building LS 587,90000 587900.00 000% 5000 000% 50.00 587,900.00 0% 5 Chlorine Building LM 588,600.00 588.60000 0.00% 30.00 0.00% 50.00 588.600.00 0% 6 South Operation Building LS 32249,50000 5239.500.00 000% 5000 000% 50.00 5249.500.00 0% (loon & W indmv 7 Rcnnne Existing Doors&Windows LS 515.000.00 515.900,00 100.00% $15.000.00 100.00% 515000.00 50.00 100%u 8 Aluminum Storefronts LS 554000.00 354.00000 0.00% 30.00 0.00% 30.00 354000.00 0% Finishes 9 Wei Well Wall Coating LS 552,000,00 552.000.00 000% 50.00 000% 50.00 552.000.00 0% 0 Pipe Painting 1.5 528000.00 52800.00 0.00% 5000 0.00% 30.00 52800.00 0% Equipment 1 Clarifier Dr ives Replacement IS 5215.000.00 3215.000.00 0.00% 30.00 0.00% 3000 3215.000,00 0% 22 FJlluen Pump Motion LS 5164,000.00 $164000.00 0.00% 50.00 0.00% 50.00 5161.000.00 0% 23 Aeration Basin I<etum Poops LS 5305,000,00 5305.000.00 400% 512.20000 4,00% 312.200.00 5292,800.00 4% 24 Fiberglass l load & Air Duct Alodilications LS 578.346.00 578.34600 0.00% 50.00 000% 50.00 378,346.00 09e Mechonicnl 25 Ileadworks WO Os ahead Line LS 514.50000 314500.00 0.00% 5000 000% 50.00 314.500.00 0% 26 !Levitical Manhole Basemen' line LS 53.500.00 33_500.00 0.00% 50.00 0.00% 50,00 53,500.00 0% 27 South Operas ions Building W3 Line LS 317,000.00 $17.000.00 0.00% 50,00 000% 30.00 517.000.00 0% Elrorieal 28 Mobilization / T'emporary Power LS 511,500.00 311.500.00 60.87% 57.000.00 6087% 57.000.00 54.500.00 61%% 29 Snbmivals / Shop Drawings LS 510,000.00 310.00000 60.00% 56.000.00 60.00% 36,000.00 54,000,00 60% 30 Elecirical Site Work IS 325.000.00 525.000.00 0.00% 50.00 0.00% 30.00 525.000.00 0% 31 Raceway LS 3310,000.00 5310.00000 27.10% 584000.00 27.10% 584.000.00 3226.000.00 27%J 32 Condocmrs LS 5165.50000 3165.500.00 000% 30,00 000% 50,00 5165.500.00 0% 33 Electrical '"Equipment LS 5120.000,00 5120.000.00 0.00% 30.00 0001/4 30.00 5120.000.00 0% 34 Demolition LS 522.00000 522000.00 31.82% 57.000.00 31.82% 57000.00 515.000,00 32% • 35 Lightning Protect ion LS 325.000.00 52500000 0.00% 50.00 000% 5000 525.000,00 0% 36 Instrumentation IS 58.000.00 5800000 000% 50.00 000% 5000 38.000.00 0% Contras Totals 52439.64600 5165,720.00 1199.220.00 52,240.426.00 8% Resolution Number Contract Number 155-08 Notice to Proceed Date Total Days for Contract Contract Completion Date Contract Days Used Contract Days Remaining 9/2/2008 300 2051 6/29/2009 48 252 SCHEDULE OF CONTRACT CHANGE ORDERS Contract Additions By Change Order Contract Deductions By Change Order Change Order Description of Change Total Cost added by Change Order Cost of Items Completed No. Date $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ADJUSTED CONTRACT AMOUNT Original Contract Amount $2,439,646.00 Plus Contract Additions By Change Order $0.00 Less Contract Deductions By Change Order Adjusted Contract Amount WORK PERFORMED Cost of original contract work performed Cost of Change Order work perforned Total Cost of Work Performed Less Amount Retained Net Amount Earned Add Material Stored Total Amount Due $0.00 $2,439,646.00 $199,220.00 $0.00 $199,220.00 $19,922.00 $179,298.00 $0.00 $179,298.00 Less Amount of Previous Payments $30,150.00 Balance Due $149,148.00 Recommended By: 4 w 10124 twob ENGINEER DATE hereby certify that all labor standards and contract requirements have been complied with by Crossland Heavy Construction, Inc. as prime contractor and by each subcontractor employing mechanics or aborer at the site of the work. Certified By: Approved By: MATERIAL STORED: NiRACrOR OWNER See Attached Sheet for Maerials Stored /0730/08 DATE 41Uou � g DATE Fayea?viiie /nRrAN5 ESTIMATE FOR CONSTRUCTION PAS'MENT Estimate Number 2 WSII' EP -3 Noland W\\'I'P-diluent Pump Station / Aeration Basin Fayetteville AR Black & Veatch Project Number Materials Stored Vorksheet Name and Address of Olmer City of Fayetteville 113 West Mountain Fayetteville, AR 72701 Name and Address of Contractor Crossland I lcavy Construclionm, Inc. I'O Bos 350 Columbus, KS 66725 PERIOD BEGINNING: September 24, 2008 PERIOD ENDING: October 20, 2008 ItemDescription Unit Contract Invoice Completed to Dale Stored Cosi Cosi Cosi Cost General Conditions 1 Mobilization LS $ 24,000.00 $ 18,000.00 $ 2 Insurance LS $ 3,500.00 $ 3,500.00 S 3 Bonds LS $ 30,000.00 S 30,000.00 $ _ Site Construction 4 Electrical Vauli Drain LS $ 35,000.00 $ - S - 5 W3 Weil Side of Headworks LS $ 45,000.00 S - $ 6 W3 South Side of Headuorks LS S 22,000.00 $ - $ - Concrete Work 7 Aeration I3asin Vertical Crack Repair LS $ 22,000.00 $ 3,520,00 S - Metals 8 Aluminum Railings LS S 13,000.00 $ 13000.00 $ _ Thermal & Moisture Protection 9 Engine Generator Building IS S 9,700.00 S - $ 0 Primary Influent Pump Station LS S 25,900.00 $ - $ 1 Digester Sludge Pump Station LS S 9,800.00 $ • $ _ 2 13lower Building LS $ 76,700.00 $ - S - 3 Effluent Filter Buildine LS $ 78,900.00 $ S _ 4 Maintenance Building LS S 87,900.00 $ - $ - 5 Chlorine Building LS S 88,600.00 S - $ - 6 South Operation Building LS $ 249,500.00 $ $ - Doors & Windows 7 Remove Esisling Doors & Windows LS $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00 S _ 8 Aluminum Storefronts LS S 54,000.00 S - $ _ Finishes 9 Wet Well Wall Coaling LS $ 52,000.00 $ - $ - 20 Pipe Painting LS $ 28,000.00 $ - $ - Equipmeni 21 Clarifier Drives Replacement LS $ 215,000.00 $ - $ 22 Effluent Pump Slaliun LS $ 164,000.00 $ - $ - 23 Aeration Basin Return I'untps LS 5305,000.00 $ 12,200,00 $ - 24 Fiberglass flood & Air Duct Modifications LS S 78,346.00 $ - $ _ (Mechanical 25 Ileadworks W3 Overhead Line LS $ 14 500.00 $ - $ _ 26 Electrical Manhole Basement Line LS $ 3,500.00 $ - $ - 27 South Operations Building W3 Line LS $ 17,000.00 $ - $ Eitel Heal 28 Mobilization / 'Temporary Power LS S 11,500.00 $ 7,000.00 S 29 Submittals / Shop Drawings LS $ 10,000.00 $ 6,000.00 $ _ 30 Electrical Site Work LS $ 25,000.00 $ - $ - 31 Raceway LS $ 310,000.00 $ 84000.00 $ - 32 Conductors LS S165,500.00 $ - S - 33 Electrical Iiquipmcni LS $ 120,00000 $ - $ _ 34 Demolition LS $ 22,000.00 $ 7,000.00 $ _ 35 Lightning Proleciion LS $ 25,000.00 $ - $ - 36 Instrumentation LS $ 8,000.00 $ - $ - Total Cost of Materials Stored $ - STATEMENT OF SUBCONTRACTORS The following is a list of subcontractors that performed work on the current pay MBE/WBEI o0 z z AMOUNT O 0 O 7 0 O N vl ell WORK PERFORMED Remove and replace conduit at aeratio basin. Clean and preparation of expansion joints at aeration basin BUSINESS ADDRESS 199 E Fantinel Blvd Springdale, AR 72762 848 Old Wire Rd. Springdale, AR 72764 NAME 1. Oil Capitol Electric 2. Roberts McNutt rl 4 vi : payipap junoWV 010-1 {( {\ \k (• cr{ !# o n }{ cr 0. 0 co cz- o 5▪ 0 {/ ▪ o o ( oCD C) 3 ?T fl o ea \ • � :, 0 \/! \ / \/ �j}}\ \ °k/� 2 E}!4 3 r»!! \ )/D0 Lo o }70o0 /CL 6 65om c• .75 0 / o 3 0 • o • ce 0 13 o LEI vi - \ ID / 7 7C" raj )\E)7 lona l'A 0* 0 (T7\\\ �0. }}\} CD (0a 9. o no 3g Balance W finish, including retainage 00.817£'09Z'Z anp ;uaw,ted ;ua.unD x21 sales;uaimp 0.0000/0 of taxable amount xe; sales;uannnD Less previous certificates of payment Total earned less retainage a6eule4aa la of 0.00/0 of stored material 10.0% of completed work ttA ar Total completed and stored to date a;ep o; wns ;oeJ;uoj 00.9P9'6EVZ Net change by change orders wns;oequoo leul6u0 00'9179'6£b'Z Contractor's Application For Payment Application and Certificate For Payment aa SMOGNIM 8 SL000 lelol g 8 8 8 8 8 SJNOL33LO1S WNNIWOT/ 0 0 8 8 N 0 Total THERMAL & MOISTURE PROTECT G N N gg g 8 8 8 o O 9 8 8 8 o 8 8 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m n CO v m 0018 NOIltand0 H100S `ONIO1111S 3NI8O1H3 0018 3ONVN3INIVW M m 0 v m O O A $ m 3 C IT -1 z 2 z m r m - m A rc C CO m F O Cz A Z O N m m D COr y o D O y 0000 8888 NIO11ne H3N3O 3NION3 O g 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 N m N CO 0 0 N m A S v m m m 15.‘g gggs gs 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Ieeseee 999929 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 • 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 O 0000000 8 8 8 3 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 gig*1 E THERMAL & MOISTURE PROTECT 8 0 8 8 g N )(LOM 31321DNOD le4Ol 8 8 8 9 8 8 8 g 8 8 0 8 0 8 o p0 0 po p0 po p0 p0 po pO O pg pg p 8 p 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 0 O 0 O O P O O 0 o 8 o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 d38 NOVL3 NISVS VL]V 0 N 8 0 8 8 n 0 2 n 0 NOIIDOLISNOD 31IS lelol g 8 8 N8OMOV3H d0 H100S SM 0 -nO N NIV21011nVn 31H13313 8 8 8 m ▪ CO M NOILDDUISNO3 31IS o o 0 D O m 2 mA O 2 p n • c 0 0 0 O 33N' NOIIV2 8 8 8 03 r 00 N al u PI P a g g g g s g g g 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 O 2 2 8 8 88at g 8 8 X a 0 8 8 0 8 8 8 N 8 ci o O O o O 8 8 8 O 9 8 8 8 o O 8 8 8 O o O 888 O O O 8 8 8 O O 2 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 2 3 n 0 n 0 z 0 c 7 3 0 0 0 c 0 OO 880 Cr▪ . e 3 d m 0 8 8 8 8 0 c v 8 8 8 8 8 8 W go 8 8 8 3 0 c R O_ 3 0 =F 0 m 3 O , Completed and Stored To Date 21°, an y 0 0 0-1 L R O 3 y n o m A a 0 O 3 fL 3 0. O A n n O 7 mZ to O p S T IT. z a • p < DI v m fD • rT pn m O C, o tD A 3 • r1• {� tD N a 0 0 In (D •rt a rt. a o N v Z ro2 2 2 3 n) O V N > o O1 '0 m 1 .. v 0 NJ NJ 0 CO 80/OZ/OT :01 pouad WW1 uo!leolddy u� S 8 8 e 113IH13313 le40l b 8 yO NOILVIN3W081SNI N01103108d ONINI14011 ! 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Z 00. O 0 10 z 2• C 0 3 Ni CD 80/OZ/OI :01 p0!lad 9 01 0 7 0. n m n 0J m T 0 0▪ 1 3 m K 0 d ID m w CIN OF FAYETTEVILLE Vendor: Crossland Heavy Construction Contract #2051 EP -3 Noland WWTP-Effluent Pump rWN vu-uuuVI VI aVQ-VVVUI VO OLdOUIIUfOIdOVI 1 Cabin Change Order # Cost of C.O. Cumulative P.O. Price Payment Date Payment Number Payment Amount Retainage Invoice Amount Expensed Remaining amount on P.O. Base P.O. PO#08-767 $2,389,646.00 $2,389,646.00 $2,389,646.00 10/2/2008 1 $30,150.00 $3,350.00 $33,500.00 $2,356,146.00 $2,389,646.00 11/5/2008 2 $149,148.00 $16,572.00 $165,720.00 $2,190,426.00 $2,389,646.00 3 $0.00 $0.00 $2,190,426.00 $2,389,646.00 4 $0.00 $0.00 $2,190,426.00 $2,389,646.00 5 $0.00 $0.00 $2,190,426.00 __$2,389,646.00 6 $0.00 $0.00 $2,190,426.00 $2,389,646.00 7 $0.00 $0.00 $2,190,426.00 $2,389,646.00 8 $0.00 $0.00 $2,190,426.00 $2,389,646.00 9 $0.00 $0.00 $2,190,426.00 $2,389,646.00 10 $0.00 $0.00 $2,190,426.00 $2,389,646.00 11 $0.00 $0.00 $2,190,426.00 $2,389,646.00 12 $0.00 $0.00 $2,190,426.00 $2,389,646.00 13 $0.00 $0.00 $2,190,426.00 $2,389,646.00 14 $0.00 $0.00 $2,190,426.00 $2,389,646.00 15 $0.00 $0.00 $2,190,426.00 $2,389,646.00 16 $0.00 $0.00 $2,190,426.00 $2,389,646.00 17 $0.00 $0.00 $2,190,426.00 $2,389,646.00 18 $0.00 $0.00 $2,190,426.00 $2,389,646.00 19 $0.00 $0.00 $2,190,426.00 $179,298.00 $19,922.00 $199,220.00 $50,000.00 PO#08-769 $50,000.00 1 $0.00 $0.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 2 $0.00 $0.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 3 $0.00 $0.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 4 $0.00 $0.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 5 $0.00 $0.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 6 $0.00 $0:00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 7 $0.00 $0.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $0.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $0.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $0.00 $50,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Totals $2,439,646.00 $179,298.00 $19,922.00 $199,220.00 $2,240,426.00 Percentage of Completion Amount of Contract Amount Earned Percentage of Completion $2,439,646.00 $199,220.00 8.17% CITY of FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS DUPLICATE CHECK NO. 1546 DATE INVOICE NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 10/22/2008 0000056719 Clear Due To/From 503.57 CHECK AMOUNT $503.57 10 II IIIIIIIIIIIIII III 11 11111111111111111111111111111 aye ev le CITY of FAYETTEVILLE FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS ARKANSAS SALES TAX CONSTRUCTION 2008A ArrvtsT Feyelleap.- 81-87/829 DETACH HERE FOR YOUR RECORDS CHECK NO. 1546 DATE 11/10/2008 FIVE HUNDRED THREE DOLLARS AND FIFTY SEVEN CENTS PAY TO THE ORDER OF General Fund L_ L5'.6»• I:oa2900872': OO 17L60292» VOID IF NOT CASHED IN 60 DAYS AMOUNT $503.57 INN`TIABLE NSG CURTI EGE NON-NEGOTIABLE Due to General Fund Account Name o m V a 3 o c 3 4520 Fund Dept Sub Dept 1400 Base o R d a a co 0 Sub Project CITY of FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS DUPLICATE CHECK NO. 15547 DATE INVOICE NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 10/22/2008 188542 WSIP BWD-1 Beaver Watershed Reduction 16,394.59 CHECK AMOUNT $16,394.59 n 11 11111111111111111 11 11111111111111111111111111111 *fiNSAS e CITY of FAYETTEVILLE FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS SALES TAX CONSTRUCTION 2006A —sr Mamas 81-87/829 DETACH HERE FOR YOUR RECORDS CHECK NO. 1547 DATE 11/10/2008 SIXTEEN THOUSAND, THREE HUNDRED NINETY FOUR DOLLARS & 59 CENTS PAY TO THE ORDER OF Geosyntec Consultants 5901 Broken Sound Parkway Suite 300 Boca Raton L_ FL 33487-2775 I•ISI. 711• x:08 290087 21: 00L7&6029211' VOID IF NOT CASHED IN 60 DAYS AMOUNT,_., $16,394.59 WeAl-4G6TIABLE rucNgG I BLE EGUffMtE NON-NEGOTIABLE WeinePMG,3©D O \ ORDD CQ VENDOR NO. Qty. 16808 Geosyntec Consultants Attn: Bill Ward 55 W Wacker Dr <<1 Suite 1100 Chicago Each Package Must Be Marked Exactly As Shown Here City of Fayetteville, Arkansas PURCHASE ORDER # 07-0001211-001 DATE 8/30/07 FOB Fyv TERMS NET 30 DAY 452 - Q Issue Received DescrtMOn §nci 6 O 1 Account Number Unit Price TOTALS 1.00 EA a) WSIP BWD-1 Beaver Watershed Nutrien 8}-4(L-}99g83tp0 Reduction Per RFP 06-17 Res #148-07 Contract #2004 4520.9520.5314.00 02133031 W)A ti& SHIP TO: Water& Wastewater Director CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE 113 W MOUNTAIN FAYErTEVILLE AR 72701 Wrede, Sar DEPARTMENT VERIFICATION RECEIVED DEPT HEAD APPROVAL AMOUNT TQ PAY NP VERIFICATION HASING VERIFICATION I. _ CHANGE VERIFICATION BY ENTERED NOV 0 6 2008 1 �iluc6 N D A� '5 -/ RETURN CHECK TO SEND COPY TO Sales Tax Total: Purchase Order Total: ADDITIONAL APPROVAL CHECK # DOES NOT MEET PURCHASING POUCY OTHER l CONTRACT` nPAYMENT APPROVED BY /i/# PROJECT # G37r)3 THIS PAYMENT $ (Q. PREVIOUS PAYMENT( ?..;4 I i TOTAL PYMT(S) $ BALANCE $ 0'7 ). %i DEPT. WHEN COMPLETE DELIVER TO ACCTS. PAYABLE Geosyntec'% consultants •.\� \ \CI Y< .t. PLEASE REMIT PAYMENT TO: Geosyntec Consultants 5901 Broken Sound Parkway, Suite 300 Boca Raton, Florida 33487-2775 USA Tel (561)995-0900 Fax(581)995-0925 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, AR 113 W. MOUNTAIN FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72701 Attention: PEGGY BELL Invoice # : Project : Invoice Date : Project Name : 188542 C W R8243 10/22/2008 FAYETTEVILLE NUTRIENT REDUCT. PLAN For Professional Services Rendered through transaction date: 9/30/2008 IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS INVOICE, PLEASE CONTACT BILL WARD AT (312) 658-0500. REFERENCE: FAYETTEVILLE WASTEWATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Professional Services Communications Fee Reimbursable Expenses Current Invoice "Amount Due This Invoice `" $5,548.00 $166.44 $10,680.15 $16,394.59 $16,394.59 Statement Prior Billings Current Invoice Billed To Date Paid To Date $162,727.67 $16,394.59 $179,122.26 $157,495.47 Project Budget Expended to Date Contract Balance **Amount Due This Invoice " • $199,883.00 $179,122.26 $20,760.74 $16,394.59 o`h °r Ea?"' slit) 0131 Project : CWR8243 -- FAYETTEVILLE NUTRIENT REDUCT. PLAN Invoice It :188542 Phase : 01) PROJECT MANAGEMENT Rate Schedule Labor Class / Employee Name Date Hours Rale Amount ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION HENDRON, SARA 09/17/2008 0.50 48.00 24.00 Total: ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 0.50 24.00 PROJECT PROFESSIONAL GENERAL WILLOBEE, MARK 09/11/2008 Total: PROJECT PROFESSIONAL Total Phase : 01) PROJECT MANAGEMENT 0.25 130.00 32.50 0.25 32.50 Rate Schedule Labor 56.50 Labor : Expense : 56.50 0.00 Phase : 02) PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS Rate Schedule Labor Class / Employee Name Date Hours Rate Amount ASSOCIATE GENERAL WARD, WILLIAM 09/01/2008 4.00 164.00 656.00 Total: ASSOCIATE 4.00 656.00 Total Phase : 02) PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS Rate Schedule Labor 656.00 Labor : Expense : 656.00 0.00 Phase : 03) DETAILED ANALYSIS Rate Schedule Labor Class / Employee Name Date Hours Rate Amount STAFF PROFESSIONAL GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM DECKER, JORDAN 09/04/2008 2.25 84.00 189.00 09/05/2008 0.50 84.00 42.00 09/08/2008 5.50 84.00 462.00 09/11/2008 1.75 84.00 147.00 09/25/2008 3.00 84.00 252.00 Page 1 Project : CWR8243 -- FAYETTEVILLE NUTRIENT REDUCT. PLAN Invoice # :188542 Phase : 03) DETAILED ANALYSIS Rate Schedule Labor Class / Employee Name Total: STAFF PROFESSIONAL Date Hours Rate Amount 13.00 1,092.00 PROJECT PROFESSIONAL GENERAL WILLOBEE, MARK 09/02/2008 0.50 130.00 65.00 09/03/2008 1.50 130.00 195.00 09/09/2008 1.25 130.00 162.50 09/11/2008 2.75 130.00 357.50 09/18/2008 1.75 130.00 227.50 09/19/2008 1.75 130.00 227.50 09/22/2008 0.50 130.00 65.00 09/23/2008 1.50 130.00 195.00 09/24/2008 7.00 130.00 910.00 09/25/2008 5.25 130.00 682.50 Total: PROJECT PROFESSIONAL 23.75 3,087.50 ASSOCIATE GENERAL WARD, WILLIAM 09/16/2008 2.00 164.00 328.00 09/18/2008 2.00 164.00 328.00 Total: ASSOCIATE Unit Pricing Expenses Vendor / Employee Name GIS COMPUTER TIME DECKER, JORDAN Doc Nbr 4.00 656.00 Rate Schedule Labor 4,835.50 Date Units Rate Amount 002912 9/4/2008 2.25 10.00 002912 9/5/2008 0.50 10.00 002912 9/8/2008 5.50 10.00 002912 9/11/2008 1.75 10.00 002912 9/25/2008 3.00 10.00 13.00 Total Phase : 03) DETAILED ANALYSIS 22.50 5.00 55.00 17.50 30.00 130.00 Unit Pricing 130.00 Labor : 4,835.50 Expense : 130.00 Phase : 04) SUBCONTRACTS Page 2 Project : CWR8243 -- FAYETTEVILLE NUTRIENT REDUCT. PLAN Invoice # :188542 Phase : 04) SUBCONTRACTS Regular Expenses Vendor Nante Doc Nbr Date Cosi Multiplier Amount Subcontractors -Billable WRIGHT WATER ENGINEERS A55393 9/18/2008 9,419.78 9,419.78 Regular Expenses 1.120 Total Phase : 04) SUBCONTRACTS Labor : Expense : 10,550.15 10,550.15 10,550.15 0.00 10,550.15 Total Project Labor Total Project Expense 5,548.00 10,680.15 Total Project: CWR8243 -- FAYETTEVILLE NUTRIENT REDUCT. PLAN 16,228.15 Page 3 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE Vendor: Geosyntec Consultants Contract #2004 PO# 07-0001211 BWD-1 Beaver Watershed Nutrient Reduction Change Order # Cost of C.O. Cumulative P.O. Price Payment Date Payment Number Payment Amount Retainage Invoice Amount Expensed Remaining amount on P.O. Base P.O. $199,883.00 $199,883.00 $199,883.00 11/9/2007 1 $2,438.53 $0.00 $2,438.53 $197444.47 $199,883.00 11/9/2007 2 $6,926.24 $0.00 $6,926.24 $190,518.23 $199,883.00 12/13/2007 3 $4,541.79 $0.00 $4,541.79 $185,976.44 $199,883.00 1/3/2008 4 $4,216.82 $0.00 $4,216.82 $181,759.62 $199,883.00 1/31/2008 5 $2,189.78 $0.00 $2,189.78 $179,569.84 $199,883.00 2/27/2008 6 $24,756.66 $0.00 $24,756.66 $154,813.18 $199,883.00 4/9/2008 7 $8,952.76 $0.00 $8,952.76 $145,860.42 $199,883.00 5/1/2008 8 $21_,609.59 $0.00 $21,609.59 $124250.83 $199,883.00 6/20/2008 9 $22,157.32 $0.00 $22,157.32 $102,093.51 $199,883.00 7/1/2008 10 $36,215.36 $0.00 $36,215.36 $65,878.15 $199,883.00 7/31/2008 11 $4,736.16 $0.00 $4,736.16 $61,141.99 $199,883.00 8/28/2008 12 $18,754.46 $0.00 $18,754.46 $42,387.53 $199,883.00 10/2/2008 13 $5 232.20 $0.00 $5,232.20 $37 155.33 $199,883.00 11/5/2008 14 $16,394.59 $0.00 $16,394.59 $20760.74 $199,883.00 15 $0.00 $0.00 $20,760.74 $199,883.00 16 $0.00 $0.00 $20,760.74 $199,883.00 17 $0.00 $0.00 $20 760.74 $199,883.00 18 $0.00 $0.00 $20,760.74 $199,883.00 19 $0.00 $0.00 $20,760.74 $179,122.26 $0.00 $179,122.26 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Totals $199,883.00 $179,122.26 $0.00 $179,122.26 $20,760.74 Percentage of Completion Amount of Contract Amount Earned Percentage of Completion $199,883.00 $179,122.26 89.61% CITY of FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS DUPLICATE SWILle AMES, ForpthoRt- 81-87/829 ll IIIIIIII'lllll 111 II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III CITY of FAYETTEVILLE FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS SALES TAX CONSTRUCTION 2006A DETACH HERE FOR YOUR RECORDS CHECK NO. 1552 DATE 11/10/2008 SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS PAY TO THE ORDER OF McClelland Consult Engine 14' (ABLE PO Box 34087 Little Rock AR 72203-4087 NSG�TAB,�LE EG:LE NON-NEGOTIABLE L VOID IF NOT CASHED IN 60 DAYS AMOUNT $752.50 fie i 55 211' 1:08 29008 7 21: 00 7 1160 29 20 —"--'-^—. I salsa DATE INVOICE NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 10/21/2008 FY082710-001 WSIP Related surveying services 752.50 CHECK AMOUNT $752 50 SWILle AMES, ForpthoRt- 81-87/829 ll IIIIIIII'lllll 111 II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III CITY of FAYETTEVILLE FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS SALES TAX CONSTRUCTION 2006A DETACH HERE FOR YOUR RECORDS CHECK NO. 1552 DATE 11/10/2008 SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS PAY TO THE ORDER OF McClelland Consult Engine 14' (ABLE PO Box 34087 Little Rock AR 72203-4087 NSG�TAB,�LE EG:LE NON-NEGOTIABLE L VOID IF NOT CASHED IN 60 DAYS AMOUNT $752.50 fie i 55 211' 1:08 29008 7 21: 00 7 1160 29 20 aye evl ; e PURCHASE OHM VENDOR NO. 7460 McClelland Consult Engr Attn: John C Quinn PO Box 1229 1810 N College Ave Fayetlrlaevi l2Le Issue Recef„ed Oty. of Each Package Must Be Marked Exactly As Shown Here City of Fayetteville, Arkansas PURCHASE ORDER # 08-0000636-001 DATE 6/24/08 FOB Fyv TERMS NET 30 DAY Descrltlbn i r17 0 2 Account Number Unit Price 45z TOTALS 1.00 LOT ' a) WSIP Related Surveying Services 95"0. u0 900.00 Per RFQ #08-01 4520.9520.5810.00 SHIP TO: Water & Wastewater Director CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE 113 W MOUNTAIN FAYETTEVILLE AR 72701 Jones, Sha DEPARTMENT VERIFICATION RECEIVED DEPT HEAD APPROVAL AMOUNT TO PAY NP VERIFICATION PURCHASING VERIFICATION PRICE CHANGE VERIFICATION 021330305 Vax‘os? rH7fr- ENTERED NOVO 6 2008 RETURN CHECK TO SEND COPY TO Sales Tax Total: Purchase Order Total: trug.' ADDITIONAL APPROVAL CHECK M DOES NOT MEET PURCHASING POUCY CONTRACT PAYMENT OTHER APPROVED DY Oft" elP dfr, gi Pe PROJECT 4 ()2. 1 { - THIS PAYMENT $ -kV- .50 PREVIOUS PAYMENT(S) $ GG TOTAL PYMT(S) �tin2.. 6 `> BALANCE$ '6)141 .5o Mrir CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. ! DESIGNED 10 SERVE / P.O. Box 34087 Little Rock, Arkansas 72203-4087 479-443-2377 FAX 479-443-9241 City of Fayetteville Shannon Jones 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 Purchase Order # 08-00636 INVOICE Invoice number Date FY082710-001 10/21/2008 Project: FY082710 On Demand WSIP- Various Tasks Billing Period: 07/21/2008 Through 08/09/2008 Surveying Services Prof. Land Surveyor Survey Crew -2 Man Survey Technician Phase subtotal Expenses Expenses Mileage Phase subtotal Approved by: DAVID L. HADLOCK Prof. Land Surveyor Hours Rate Billed Amount 5.25 1.50 0.50 total 94.00 143.00 77.00 Units Rate 493.50 214.50 38.50 746.50 746.50 Billed Amount 12.00 0.50 total Invoice tot 6.00 6.00 6.00 752.50 Iy o/ r -�J . !2 /0/24,10 City of Fayetteville Invoice number: FY082710-001 Invoice date: 10/21/2008 Page 1 Vendor: McClelland Consult Engr CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE PO# 08-0000636 WSIP Related Survevino Services Change Order # Cost of C.O. Cumulative P.O. Price Payment Date Payment Number Payment Amount Retainage Invoice Amount Expensed Remaining amount on P.O. Base P.O. $9,500.00 6/24/2008 $9,500.00 $9,500.00 10/28/2008 1 $752.50 $0.00 $752.50 $8,747.50 $9,500.00 2 $0.00 $0.00 $8,747.50 $9,500.00 3 $0.00 $0.00 $8,747.50 $9,500.00 4 $0.00 $0.00 $8,747.50 $9;500.00 5 $0.00 $0.00 $8,747.50 $9,500.00 6 $0.00 $0.00 $8,747.50 $9,500.00 7 $0.00 $0.00 $8,747.50 $9,500.00 8 $0.00 $0.00 $8,747.50 $9,500.00 9 $0.00 $0.00 $8,747.50 $9,500.00 10 $0.00 $0.00 $8,747.50 $9,500.00 11 $0.00 $0.00 $8,747.50 $9,500.00 12 $0.00 $0.00 $8,747.50 $9,500.00 13 $0.00 $0.00 $8,747.50 $9,500.00 14 $0.00 $0.00 $8,747.50 $9,500.00 15 $0.00 $0.00 $8,747.50 $9,500.00 16 $0.00 $0.00 $8,747.50 $9,500.00 17 $0.00 $0.00 $8,747.50 $9,500.00 18 $0.00 $0.00 $8,747.50 $9,500.00 19 $0.00 $0.00 $8,747.50 $9,500.00 20 $0.00 $0.00 $8,747.50 $9,500.00 21 $0.00 $0.00 $8,747.50 $9,500.00 22 ' $0.00 $0.00 $8,747.50 $9,500.00 23 $0.00 $0.00 $8,747.50 $9,500.00 24 $0.00 $0.00 $8,747.50 $9,500.00 25 $0.00 $0.00 $8,747.50 $752.50 $0.00 $752.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 3 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 4 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 5 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 6 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 7 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 8 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 9 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 10 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 11 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 12 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 13 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Totals $9,500.00 $752.50 $0.00 $752.50 $8,747.50 CITY of FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS DUPLICATE CHECK NO DATE INVOICE NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 9/19/2008 20755 Back-up Power Generator Equipmnet and In 558,586.43 CHECK AMOUNT $558,586.43 18 II IIIIIIIIIIIIII III II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III aye eve CITY of FAYETTEVILLE FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS ARKANSASSALES TAX CONSTRUCTION 2006A ARVEST 81-87/829 PAY TO THE ORDER OF PowerSecure, Inc Dept 2279 PO Box 122279 Dallas TX 75312 L DETACH HERE FOR YOUR RECORDS CHECK NO. 1554 .. ,.DATE:.-.. 11/10/2008 ***558,586 DOLLARS AND 43 CENTS 1'&55411' 1:08 29008 7 21: 00&7&602920 VOID IF NOT CASHED IN 60 DAYS AMOUNT $558,586.43 keiCateanIABLE ritiNIGCLJABLE EGOTIABCE NON-NEGOTIABLE trat ** CHANGE ORDER ** a PURCHASE MOEN VENDOR NO. ARKANSAS 16311 PowerSecure, Inc 303 E Seventeenth Ave Suite 660 Denver Each Package Must Be Marked PURCHASE ORD Exactly As Shown Here City of Fayetteville, Arkansas 07-0000537-10 DATE ' 7/30/07 CO 80203 FOB Fyv TERMS NET 30 DAY Qty. Unit of Issue City. Received Description and Account Number Unit Price TOTALS 1.00 LOT l4La)Back-up Power Generation Equipment1986786.6&—±tettst-68 and Installation Services for the West Side Wastewater Treatment Plant and the Hamestring Sewer Lift Station Per Ord #4995 Contract #1082 **Closed 07/30/07** 4480.9480.5801.00 SHIP TO: Water & Wastewater Director CITY OF FAYE ITEVILLE 113 W MOUNTAIN FAYEITEVILLE AR 72701 ENTERED NOV Q 7 ZDOB 021330399/4g, -21_ 7 icy 0' c? (, ,;;\ -: �, P I � 1 w �, 'c( „ C/vse fel Continued on Next Page DEPARTMENT VERIFICATION RECEIVED DEPT HEAD APPROVAL AMOUNT TO PAY A/P VERIFICATION PURCHASING VERIFICATION PRICE CHANGE VERIFICATION RETURN CHECK TO SEND COPY TO ADDITIONAL APPROVAL CHECK # DOES NOT MEET PURCHASING POLICY CONTRACTT'RPAYMENT APPROVED BY I/b /11 ,49 PROJECT # THIS PAYMENT $ PREVIOUS PAYMENT(S) $ TOTAL PYMT(S) $ BALANCE $ 2 - DEPT. DEPT. WHEN COMPLETE DELIVER TO ACCTS. ssets-a, ** CHANGE ORDER ** Wayes evl,le PURCHASE OQDC Q VENDOR NO. 16311 PowerSecure, Inc 303 E Seventeenth Ave Suite 660 Denver CO 80203 Each Package Must Be Marked Exactly As Shown Here City of Fayetteville, Arkansas PURCHASE ORDER # 07-0000537-100 DATE 7/30/07 FOB Fyv TERMS NET 30 DAY Unit Qty. Oty. of Issue Received Description and Account Number Unit Price TOTALS 1.00 LOT __A__ b) Back-up Power Generation Equipment1704485.03 1701485 and Installation Services for the n r-/� West Side Wastewater Treatment Plant 6%526443 �.�1 lv�t/� /( 2 and the Hamestring Sewer Lift �c.���1(,6 ` '� Station Per Ord #4995 Contract #1082 07/30/07 C/O #1 to correct G/L # by closing line item (a) and open (b) with remaining encumbrance 4520.9520.5801.00 021330399 SHIP TO: Water & Wastewater Director CITY OF FAYEITEVILLE 113 W MOUNTAIN FAYEITEVILLE AR 72701 Allen, And i 4-':355 gip 113 Sales Tax Total: 0 Purchase Order Total: .71 DEPARTMENTVERIFICATION BY DATE ADDITIONAL APPROVAL RECEIVED DEPT HEAD APPROVAL AMOUNT TO PAY CHECK # DOES NOT MEET PURCHASING POLICY $ CONTRACT PAYMENT OTHER NP VERIFICATION APPROVED BY PURCHASING VERIFICATION PRICE CHANGE VERIFICATION PROJECT # THIS PAYMENT $ PREVIOUS PAYMENT(S) $ RETURN CHECK TO TOTAL PYMT(S) $ SEND COPY TO BALANCE $ DEPT. WHEN COMPLETE DELIVER TO ACCTS PAYABLE • \ 0 Project Name: City of Fayetteville - West Side Wastewater Treatment Plant Project Located in: Fayetteville, AR Standby IDG System Bill To: City of Fayetteville Attn: Accounts Payable 113 West Mountain Fayetteville, AR 72701 vt Derek Tugwell Financial 5ennces 1609 Heritage Commerce Ceun Wake Forest, NC 27587 (919)453-1769 dtugwea@powersecure.com Invoice Date Invoice # 9/19/2008 20755 Remit Payment To: PowerSecure Dept 2279 PO Box 122279 Dallas, TX 75312-279 P.O. Number Terms Due Date PowerSecure Project Number 07-0000537-001 Net 30 10/19/2008 070001DD-FAY Quantity Description Price Each Amount Provide 2000kW Standby; S25kW-Prime-48BYf2iaiU em to serve the City of Fayetteville for t�{West Side Wastewater Treatment Plant Engineering, Generator/Enclosure, NexGear Switchgear, Installation and 1 Yr Warranty Sound Attenuation to 75 dB Decreased for Concrete Pad and Conduits Subtotal 5 Yr Warranty Generator Transformer NexGear Project Total Amount Previously Invoices Total Due this Invoice for Final Completion Arkansas State Sales Tax Fayetteville City Tax Washington County Tax $945,449.00 $21,428.00 ,,($30,000.00) $936,877.00 $6,600.00 $3,450.00 $14,450.00 Raj $961,377.00 _($728,832.75) $232,544.25 a0Z 3G@ 31.15 Project Billing History Professional Fees Billed: Percent Complete: Fee Earned: Payments Received: Total Amount Outstanding $1,043,051.54 100% $1,043,051.54 $728,832.75 $314,218.79 Total Due 4 in Auo 5b Power Secure Project Name: City of Fayetteville - Hamestring Lift Station Project Located in: Fayetteville, AR Standby IDG System Bill To: City of Fayetteville Attn: Accounts Payable 113 West Mountain Fayetteville, AR 72701 Derek Tugwell Financial Services 1609 Heritage Commerce Court Wake Forest. NC 27587 (919) 453-1769 dtugwell©powersecure.com Invoice Date Invoice # 9/19/2008 20756 Remit Payment To: PowerSecure Dept 2279 PO Box 122279 Dallas, TX 75312-279 P.O. Number Terms Due Date PowerSecure Project Number 07-0000537-001 Net 30 10/19/2008 070002DD FAY Quantity Description Price Each Amount Provide 2000kW Standby; 18 W Pri e; 480Y/277V IDG System to serve the City of Fayetteville for t Hamestring ift Station Engineering, Generator/Enclosure, NexGear Switchgear, Installation and 1 Yr Warranty Sound Attenuation to 75 dB Decreased for Concrete Pad Decreased for Add-ons for the Concrete Pad Subtotal 5 Yr Warranty Generator NexGear Project Total Amount Previously Invoices Total Due this Invoice for Final Completion Arkansas State Sales Tax Fayetteville City Tax Washington County Tax $849,906.00 $21,428.00 x($11,760.00) ✓($1,212.00) $858,362.00 $6,600.00 $12,700.00 $877,662.00 ,x($656,395.50) $221,266.50 k , 324.C$44394778 fr:yi .�C)$4634e926 3i • 25 $407218729— Project 1e;2re29— Project Billing History Professional Fees Billed: Percent Complete: Fee Earned: Payments Received: Total Amount Outstanding $953.277.33 100% $953277.33 $656.395.50 $296.881.83 Total Due .IIfYtJt3 1 I ) 1,B/:B5 Power Secure Summary Pricing -Fayetteville, AR a, -(1 Westside WWTP Hamestring Lift Station Engineering Generator/Enclosure NexGear Switchgear Installation 1 Yr Warranty $945,449.00 $849,906.00 Sound Attenuation to 75 dB $21,428.00 $21,428.00 5 Yr Warranty Generator $6,600.00 $6,600.00 Transformer $3,450.00 NexGear $14,450.00 $12,700.00 $991,377.00 $890,634.00 AR State Sales Tax 54778.08 49826.10 Fayetteville Tax 50.00 59.00 Washington Co. Tax 31.25 31.25 Subtotals: $1,046,236.33 $940,550.35 Grand Total $1,986,786.68 a, -(1 then a sales tax permit is not required. Source: Ark. Code Ann. §§ 26-52-103(9); 26-52-201; 26-52-301; 26-52-307 GR -21.1 PURCHASES BY CONTRACTORS - INCREASE IN SALES AND USE TAX RATES: A. Materials purchased for use in construction contracts that become recognizable compo- nents of the completed project are subject to state and local sales and use tax In ac- cordance with Act 387 of 1995, these materials are exempt from certain increases in state or local sales and use taxes if the following conditions are satisfied: 1. The materials must be used in a construction contract entered into before the effec- tive date of the tax increase. 2. The materials must be purchased prior to the expiration of five (5) years from the effective date of the tax Increase. 3. The construction contractor shall complete and sign the "Certificate of Proof for Con- tractor's Entitlement to Exemption from Sales and Use Tax Increase", a copy of which follows this rule and which is available from the Sales and Use Tax Section, Revenue Division of the Department of Finance and Administration. The construc- tion contractor shall furnish a completed copy of the form to each seller of exempt property for each contract and shall retain a copy of the Certificate with his purchase records. 4. The seller must keep adequate records to identify all exempt materials sold. The seller must retain the completed Certificate described in paragraph (3) above. The seller's invoices or other sales documents must contain a statement that the seller has received the Certificate which is retained in his records. EXAMPLE A: Pulaski County local sales and use tax is increased by 1 % effective October 1, 1995. Purchases of materials used in completing construction contracts entered into prior to October 1, 1995, will be exempt from the additional 1% tax un- til September 30, 2000. EXAMPLE B: On November 1, 1995, a construction contractor purchases a hammer and 50 pounds of nails for use in framing an apartment building. The construction contractor furnishes all necessary information required by this rule to the seller. The construction contract was signed prior to the October 1, 1995, tax increase. The additional tax increase is due on the sale of the hammer because the hammer will not become a recognizable part of the building. The nails are exempt from the tax increase because the nails, although they cannot be seen, are a recognizable part of the building. 5. This rule is not applicable to a contract for which the contractor has the right to pass any additional tax on to the prindpal as a part of the contractor's cost. B. Consumer use tax reports: Some construction contractors report the use tax due on materials purchased from out of state sellers directly to the Revenue Division of the De- partment of Finance and Administration. When such a construction contractor claims the exemption granted by Act 387 of 1995, the construction contractor shall keep all re- cords required by this rule induding maintaining copies of purchase invoices and the contracts for which the exemption is claimed. C. Burden of Proof: The burden of proving entitlement to an exemption is on the taxpayer. In the case of an audit of a seller's business, the burden is on the seller to keep records adequate to prove the validity of the daimed exemptions. In the case of an audit of a construction contractor's business, the burden is on the construction contractor to keep records adequate to prove the validity of the daimed exemptions. Failure to do so will 57 result in the exemptions being disallowed and applicable tax, penalty and interest being assessed to the taxpayer. Source: Ark Code Mn § 26-52-427 GR -22. PERSONS REQUIRED TO COLLECT AND REMIT TAX --SPECIFIC BUSI- NESS --FUNERAL HOMES AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS: A. Funeral homes or funeral directors must collect and pay the tax upon the gross receipts or gross proceeds of all sales of tangible personal property sold by them in connection with the services they offer.. B. Where the funeral home or funeral director separately states the charges for items of tangible personal property on his bill or invoice, then the tax should be collected and remitted on the gross receipts or gross proceeds derived from the sale of the items of tangible personal property. C. Where a corpse is shipped by one funeral home located in Arkansas to another funeral home located in Arkansas, the tax must be collected and remitted on the gross receipts or gross proceeds derived from the sale of the casket, shipping case, shipping box and freight, by the selling funeral home. If, however, the body is shipped outside the State of Arkansas, then see GR -5 for applicable rules. D. Funeral homes and funeral directors are considered the consumers of preparation room supplies and equipment, display room equipment, chapel furnishings and equipment, and cemetery equipment, and must pay the tax to the suppliers of these goods at the time of purchase. • E. Prepaid Funeral Contracts. 1. When tangible personal property is sold through a pre -paid funeral plan, the funeral home or funeral director has the option of: a. remitting gross receipts tax when the property is provided to the customer. The tax shall be calculated at the rate in effect when the property is provided, or b. remitting gross receipts tax on the date the contract is purchased. The tax shall be calculated at the rate in effect when the contract is purchased. 2. If the funeral home elects to pay gross receipts tax on the date the contract is purchased, the gross receipts tax must be reported on the sales tax report for the month in which the contract is purchased. Those funeral homes who have received approval from the Director of Revenue to pay tax on a cash basis should remit the gross receipts tax as outlined in Gross Receipts Rule 78. Source: Mc. Code Mn. § 26-52-301(1); 26-52-511 GR -23. RADIO, VIDEO AND TELEVISION TAPES AND FILMS: Retail sales of ra- dio, video and television tapes and films containing commercial or other messages, Including CDs, DVDs, and any digital image media, are subject to the tax. Producers must collect and remit the tax from their clients or customers on the total receipts from the production of tapes, films, and other such media without deducting any production costs attributable to the tapes, films, or media. The sale of a tape, film, or media is complete when the client is billed, even though the seller may retain possession of the tape, film, or media, or may deliver it directly to a radio or television station for the convenience of the dient. The tax does not apply to the sale of broadcasting time, or to any other service which does not contribute to the production of an article of tangible personal property by the seller, nor does it apply to a tape, film, or media prepared by an advertising agency for its client as part of an advertising campaign. (See GR -46.). EXAMPLE 1: Producer is directed to videotape one or more events, sites, persons, or other occurrence. Producer delivers the videotape to its customer. Producer must collect tax 58 Vendor:' PowerSecure, Inc. CIN OF FAVETTEVILLE Contract #1082 WSIP P ant and Hamestnng Sewer Lift Station PO# 537 Power Change Order# Cost of C.O. Cumulative P.O. Price Payment Date Payment Number Payment Amount Retaina.e Invoice Amount Exsensed Remaining amount on P.O. Base P.O. $1,986,786.68 51,986,786.68 51,986,786.68 4/30/2007 1 5282,301.65 $0.00 $282,301.65 $1,704,485.03 $1,986,786.68 10/4/2007 2 $1,102,926.60 $0.00 $1,102,926.60 $601,558.43 •1 ($42,972.00) 51,943,814.68 11/6/2008 3 $558,586.43 $0.00 5558,586.43 (50.00) 51,943,814.68 4 50.00 50.00 ($0.00) 51,943,814.68 5 50.00 $0.00 (50.00) $1,943,814.68 6 50.00 50.00 ($0.00) $1,943,814.68 7 50.00 50.00 (50.00) 51,943,814.68 8 50.00 50.00 (50.00) 51,943,814.68 9 50.00 50.00 (50.00) $1,943,814.68 10 50.00 50.00 (50.00) $1,943,814.68 11 50.00 50.00 (50.00) $1,943,814.68 12 50.00 $0.00 (50.00) $1,943,814.68 13 50.00 50.00 (50.00) $1,943,814.68 14 $0.00 $0.00 (50.00) 51,943,814.68 15 50.00 50.00 ($0.00) 51,943,814.68 16 50.00 50.00 (50.00) $1,943,814.68 17 50.00 50.00 (50.00) 51,943,814.68 18 50.00 50.00 (50.00) $1,943,814.68 19 50.00 50.00 (50.00) $1,943,814.68 20 50.00 50.00 (50.00) $1,943,814.68 21 50.00 50.00 (50.00) 51,943,814.68 22 50.00 $0.00 (50.00) $1,943,814.68 23 50.00 50.00 (50.00) 51,943,814.68 24 50.00 50.00 (50.00) $1,943,814.68 25 50.00 50.00 (50.00) $1,943,814.68 50.00 $1,943,814.68 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 $0.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 $0.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 $0.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 $0.00 $0.00 50.00 50.00 $0.00 50.00 $0.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 $0.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 $0.00 50.00 $0.00 $0.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 $0.00 50.00 $0.00 50.00 50.00 $0.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 $0.00 50.00 $0.00 50.00 $0.00 50.00 50.00 $0.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 $0.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 Totals 51,943,814.68 $1,943,814.68 $0.00 51,943,814.68 50.00). Percentage of Completion Amount of Contract Amount Earned Percentage of Completion $1,943,814.68 51,943,814.68 100.00% City of Fayetteville Remittance Vendor: PowerSecure, Inc. PO# 537 Date: 11/6/2008 Date Invoice Number Amount Product Shipping Tax 9/19/2008 20755 $287,403.58 $287,403.58 9/19/2008 20756 $271,182.85 $271,182.85 Total 1 $558,586.43 1 $558,586.43 1 $0.00 $0.00 CITY of FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS DUPLICATE CHECK NO. DATE INVOICE NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 10/07/2008 9 EP -1 Contract 96,374.05 CHECK AMOUNT $96,374.05 27 1111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111 evl le CITY of FAYETTEVILLE aye FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS ARKANSAS SALES TAX CONSTRUCTION 2006A F _f 81e87/829vv 81 87/829 PAY TO THE ORDER OF Wilson Brothers Const Co, Inc 201 E Collum Lane PO Box 580 Alma AR 72921 L_ DETACH HERE FOR YOUR RECORDS CHECK NO. 1563 11/10/2008 ***96,374 DOLLARS AND 5 CENTS 'i563" ':08 29008? 21: ODL?L602920 VOID IF NOT CASHED IN 60 DAYS AMOUNT $96,374.05 keiN-4G6tIABLE raiNCgt I BLE EGaMBLE NON-NEGOTIABLE aye eVl e PMCK VENDOR NO. Qty. 16483 ** CHANGE ORDER M ©RIDER RECEIVED Wilson Brothers Const Co 1tte OCT 3 o 1°9 201 E Collum Lane \ ACCOUNTING PO Box 580 Alma Alt 72921 N _ ` �a ao. Unit Q 01 Received Issue Description and Account Number ** Each Package Must Be Marked Exactly As Shown Here City of Fayetteville, Arkansas DATE 3/05/08 FOB Fyv TERMS NET 30 DAY PURCHASE ORDER # 07-0000806-102 Unit Price TOTALS 1.00 EA a) EP -1 Contract Contract #1090 Res #86-07 Bid #07-33 07/31/07 C/O #1 to Change G/L Number 09/14/07 C/O #2 to decr PO by contingency amount of <$65,000.00> 4520.9520.5801.00 021330313 ]177703 67_ SHIP TO: Water & Wastewater Director CITY OF FAYEITEVILLE 113 W MOUNTAIN FAYEITEVILLE AR 72701 ENTERED NOV 0 6 2008 Continued on Next Page DEPARTMENT VERIFICATION BY RECEIVED 1.' ` ♦ /T.,lTE ) DEPT HEAD APPROVALt ) G; Malt AMOUNT TO PAY $ A . 0 i �1 II AP VERIFICATION PURCHASING VERIFICATION PRICE CHANGE VERIFICATION RETURN CHECK TO SEND COPY TO ADDITIONAL APPROVAL CHECK # DOES NOT MEET PURCHASING POLICY CONTRACT PAYMENT OTHER Q APPROVED BY MaiVel.� 24 ,' /� PROJECT # THIS PAYMENT $ " 10? . ({2i PREVIOUS PAYMENT(S))$ l r5 L I sy�nn TOTAL PYMT(S) $ 1 1 1 LL0 BALANCE $ v�``a V L1 etS DEPT. WHEN COMPLETE DELIVER TO ACCTS. PAYABFJL' i i h I nS aye evl., e p� VENDOR NO. 16483 ** CHANGE ORDER ** RC HAS ©NM Wilson Brothers Const Co, Inc 201 E Collum Lane PO Box 580 Alma AR 72921 Each Package Must Be Marked Exactly As Shown Here City of Fayetteville, Arkansas PURCHASE ORDER # 07-0000806-102 DATE 3/05/08 FOB Fyv TERMS NET 30 DAY '/57 Unit O Oty. of Received Issue Description and Account Number Unit Price TOTALS 1.00 EA _Ir__ b) Change Order #1 to Contract 03/03/08 C/O #1 to incr PO by $9,091.98 for Noland WWTP Renovations, WSIP Subproject EP -1 4520.9520.5801.00 021330313 9091.98 9091.98 v tti -1\IY-4. q c . Q(� 4620. u DI 60 Oliada« 6.r,1 {, c6-14 �5 SHIP TO: Water & Wastewater Director CITY OF FAYEITEVILLE 113 W MOUNTAIN FAYETTEVILLE AR 72701 Allen, And Sales Tax Total: Purchase Order Total: DEPARTMENTVERIFICATION BY DATE ADDITIONAL APPROVAL RECEIVED DEPT HEAD APPROVAL AMOUNT TO PAY CHECK # DOES NOT MEET PURCHASING POUCY $ CONTRACT PAYMENT OTHER NP VERIFICATION APPROVED BY PURCHASING VERIFICATION PRICE CHANGE VERIFICATION PROJECT # THIS PAYMENT $ PREVIOUS PAYMENT(S) $ RETURN CHECK TO TOTAL PYMT(S) $ SEND COPY TO BALANCE $ DEPT. WHEN COMPLETE DELIVER TO ACCTS. PAYABLE 11 ARKANSAS APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT Contract Numbers: EP -I Contract Title: Noland WWTP Wet Weather Improvements Application Number: 9 Date: 10-7-08 CONTRACTOR: Wilson Bros. Construction Ordinance/Resolution Number: Address:PO Box 580 Effective: Alma, AR 72921 Encumbrance No: Application for Work Accomplished Through the Date of: 10-7-08 Original Contract Price O]$ 1,327 793 62 Net Change by Change Orders _#1_ through (21$ 9.091.98 Current Contract Price (1 + 2) [3]$ 1.336.885.60 Completed Work [4]$ 1.336,885.60 Stored Material [5]$ 0 Total Completed and Stored to Date (4+5) Previous Payments [7]$ 1.223,111.55 Previous Retainage (8J$ 104,274,05 Total Previous Applications (7+8) (91$ 1,327,385.55 Amount This Application (6-9) [10]$ 9500.00 [6]$ 1.336.885.60 Less Retainage This Application* Release of Retainage ilet...(Wawncz Due This Application (10-11+12) [ )[11 J$ o.00 [12J$ 104,274.05 — /'7� S/OD [13]$'TTA7T4-65- 14,379. oS�c Retainage on Completed Work Only Accompanying Documentation: Attached Schedule of Values CONTRACTOR's Certification: /7 Vao.L') Lerich,' +^'. 'es The undersigned CONTRACTOR certifies that (1) all previous progress payments received from OWNER on account of Work done under the Contract referred to above have been applied on account to discharge CONTRACTOR'S legitimate obligations incurred in connection with Work covered by all prior Applications for Payment; (2) title of all Work, materials and equipment incorporated Into said Work or otherwise listed in or covered by this Application for Payment will pass to OWNER at time of payment free and clear of all Liens, security interests and encumbrances (except such as are covered by a Bond acceptable to OWNER indemnifying OWNER against any such Lien, security interest or encumbrance); (3) all Work covered by this Application for Payment is in accordance with the Contract Documents and not defective, and (4) all labor standards contract requirements have been complied with by CONTRACTOR and by each subcontractor employing mechanics or laborers at the site of the work. Dated: 10/1/08 Wilson Brothers Constryctin0 Co., Inc. By: Application For Payment 119 revised.doc (FAYETTEVILLE, AR ) (NOLAND WWTP (CONTRACT EP-I/PN 135045 ) NIRACTOR 01290.01 - 1 10/15/2008 GO- ENGINEER's Certification for Payment In accordance with the Contract Documents, based on on-site observations and the data comprising this application, the Engineer certifies to the Owner that to the best of the Engineer's knowledge, information and belief the Work has progressed as indicated, the quality of the Work is in accordance with the Contract Documents, and the Contractor is entitled to payment of the AMOUNT CERTIFIED. AMOUNT CERTIFIED $ 3744 OS (Attach explanation if amount certified differs from the amount applied for. Initial all figures on this Application and on the Schedule of Values that are changed to conform to the amount certified.) ENGINR B Pne• Name: Katie, Fjvl<krburrt Date: /o/2_y/08 Firm: 61 ack. * VeaficIA OWNER's Approval The amount previously certified is approved for payment. By: n Date: Approved By: �I Distribution: 0 • -r (4) ❑ Con ractor O Engineer ❑ Other P- fd irtv? n& Date: ZA Oct- a $r Application For Payment #9 01290.01 - 2 8/20/2008 (FAYETTEVILLE, AR ) (NOLAND WWTP ) (CONTRACT EP-1/PN 135045 ) CIN OF FAYETTEVILLE Vendor: Wilson Brothers Construction Co., Inc. Contract#1090 EP -1 Noland WWTP-Wet Weather Basin PO# 07-0000806 WasteWater System Improvement Project Change Order # Cost of C.O. Cumulative P.O. Price Payment Date Payment Number Payment Amount Retainage Invoice Amount Expensed Remaining amount on P.O. Base P.O. $1,327,793.62 $1,327,793.62 $1,327,793,62 9/11/2007 1 $166,725.00 $18,525.00 $185250.00 $1,142,543.62 $1,327,793.62 10/11/2007 2 $294,101.10 $32,677.90 $326,779.00 $815,764.62 $1,327,793.62 10/30/2007 3 $221,459.59 $24,606.63 $246,066.22 $569,698.40 $1,327,793.62 12/21/2007 4 $187,680.78 $9,877.94 $197,558.72 $372,139.68 $1,327,793.62 1/8/2008 5 $73,150.00 $3,850.00 $77,000.00 $295,139.68 $1,327,793.62 1/31/2008 6 $73,150.00 $3,850.00 $77,000.00 $218,139.68 $1,327,793.62 4/1/2008 7 $166,857.70 $8,781.98 $175,639.68 $42,500.00 $1,327,793.62 5/1/2008 8 $39,987.38 $2,104.60 $42,091.98 $408.02 $1,327,793.62 10/30/2008 9 $87,282.07 ($86,874.05) $408.02 $0.00 $1,327,793.62 10 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,327,793.62 11 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,327,793.62 12 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,327,793.62 13 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,327,793.62 14 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,327,793.62 15 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,327,793.62 16 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,327,793.62 17 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,327,793.62 18 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,327,793.62 19 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,310,393.62 $17,400.00 $1,327,793.62 $9,091.98 #1 $9,091.98 $9,091.98 10/30/2008 9 $9,091.98 $0.00 $9,091.98 $0.00 $9,091.98 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $9,091.98 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $9,091.98 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $9,091.98 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $9,091.98 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $9,091.98 $0.00 $0.00 $9,091.98 $0.00 $0.00 $9,091.98 $0.00 $0.00 $9,091.98 $0.00 $0.00 $9,091.98 $0.00 $9,091.98 Totals $1,336,885.60 $1,319,485.60 $17,400.00 $1,336,885.60 50.00 Percentage of Completion Amount of Contract Amount Earned Percentage of Completion $1,336,885.60 $1,336,885.60 100.00% 1 2006 BONDS -WASTEWATER REQUISITION City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Series 2006A Sales and Use Tax Capital Improvement Bonds Date: 8/11/08 Requisition No: _2006-W W-#52 TO: Simmons First Trust Company, as Trustee Pursuant to the provisions of Section 502 of the Trust Indenture dated as of November 1, 2006 ("the Indenture"), by and between the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas ("the issuer) and you, as trustee, you are authorized to make the following described payment directly to the Payee named below from the 2006 WASTEWATER Account of the Project Fund: Name of Payee: City of Fayetteville Sales Tax Construction 2006 Account # 17160292. Amount of Payment: _$65,152.31 Paid to: Check # Amount Jill Goddard 1390 50.00 Troy Brooks 1393 4500.00 General Fund 1394 64.21 Stephen Harris 1395 2000.00 Littlefield Oil 1398 3773.04 Matrix Investment 1400 2500.00 Robert Reynolds 1404 1360.00 WEDECO 1407 50,905.06 The undersigned hereby certifies that he is authorized to deliver this Requisition on behalf of the Issuer. The amount requested hereunder has not been the basis for any previous Requisition by the Issuer and is justly due and owing to the person(s) named herein as a proper payment or reimbursement of a Project Cost with the respect to the WASTEWATER Project. No event of Default exists under the Indenture and, to the knowledge of the undersigned, no event has occurred and continues which with notice or lapse of time or both would constitute an Event of Default under the Indenture. City of Fayetteville, AR - Finance ntemal Services Director Page 1 of 1 17160292 Sales Tax Const 2006A Dr/Cr Amount Description Credit $65,152.31 20080812H2B7001C00018608121248 Totals Type Amount Count Credits $65,152.31 1 Debits $0.00 0 NET $65,152.31 1 https://cashman.arvest.com/cashman//Memoltems. asp?Acct=17160292+Sales+Tax+Const... 8/12/2008 New World Systems 7.0 *LIVE* 8/11/08 Check Inquiry Favorite: Bank Account: 452 SALESTAXON Sales Tax Construction 2006A Type options, press Enter. 9=Source 15=General Ledger Transactions Check Opt Number Date Payee Name 1407 8/11/08 WEDECO Inc 4010 14-0-6-8-/-1-1-/-8-8—West---Ark Stet]. & Pipe Inc 1 nncap,ckSng me 668 12 1404 8/11/08 Reynolds, Robert E & Sand 1,360.00 1403---8 4- ee N ua —LL 7R7 55 1402 s/11/o0 Mc 1,-116_.$1, 140- - - - _ —Eng'i'ne i -3-,-990-.-5-4-, 1400 8/11/08 Matrix Investment LLC AMO 2,500.00 8 - -: --- - - - r -ie 4-9-9-780 ---Status---- Code Date AP0810S1 Reset: More: + Check Amount 50,905.06 041T5 7 1 • _, - 1398 8/11/08 Littlefield Oil Companyh 3yp 1 , uctors -LLE • .- F3=Exit F9=Resequence F12=Cancel F15=Bank 0.00 * 50.00 + 50:905.06 + 1,360.00 + 2:500.00 + 3:773.04 + 2:000.00 + 64.21 + 4:500.00 '+ 65:152.31 * F20=ACH Inquiry 3,773.04 33_,.03 4.13 More... F22=More New World Systems 7.0 *LIVE* 8/11/08 Check Inquiry Favorite: Bank Account: 452 SALESTAXON Sales Tax Construction 2006A Type options, press Enter. 9=Source 15=General Ledger Transactions Check Opt Number Date Payee Name 1396 8/11/08 Harris, Stephen Jack i'a _ c _ 1394 8/11/08 General Fund!✓'/P 1393 8/11/08 Brooks, Troyui$iP 1392 8/04/08 1391 8/04/08 1390 8/04/08 _ 1389 8/04/08 1388 8/04/08 1387 8/04/08 1386 8/04/08 Northern Tool & Equipment Littlefield Oil Company Goddard, Jill S Geosyntec Consultants General Fund General Fund Dean Crowder Construction F3=Exit F9=Resequence AP0810S1 Reset: More: + - ---Status---- Code Date Check Amount 2,000.00 8 64.21 4 400 00 F12=Cancel F15=Bank F20=ACH Inquiry 2,268.25 6,272.12 210.00 4,736.16 30,497.80 1,583.28 507,714.81 More... F22=More CITY of FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS DUPLICATE 75%-40 CHECK NO. DATE INVOICE NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 7/29/2008 0000055272 Recording Fees Reim 144.40 7/29/2008 0000055273 Recording fee Reim 50.00 CHECK AMOUNT $210.00 7 II IIIIIIIIIIIIII III 11 11111111111111111111111111111 Ta)tev e CITY of FAYETTEVILLE FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS ARKANSAS SALES TAX CONSTRUCTION 2006A 81-87/829 DETACH HERE FOR YOUR RECORDS CHECK NO. 1390 DATE 8/04/2008 TWO HUNDRED TEN DOLLARS AND NO CENTS PAY TO THE ORDER OF r Goddard, Jill S 2020 Country Way Fayetteville AR 72703 L_ 11.139011' 1:08 29008 7 21: 00 7 60 2 9 211' VOID IF NOT CASHED IN 60 DAYS AMOUNT $210.00 Ih1QQditIABLE ELNgt9WABLE EGUMBLE NON-NEGOTIABLE TOTAL Wastewater Treatment Plant recording Account Name 69\ O 0 0 O io Amount A N N O S. Fund 9520 0 0 a O co co c 5805 O 0 0 0 O 0 0 d. 02133 Project _1 0 u00 $ v G N 0 Cr Washington County, AR Bette Stamps Circuit Clerk 280 N College, Suite 302 Fayetteville, AR 72701 Phone Number: (479)444-1540 Fax Number: (479)444-1537 E -Mail: BStamps@co.washington.ar.us Official Receipt: 2008-00020161 Printed on 07/29/2008 at 03:30:56 PM By: 6 on CICFEE1 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE JILL GODDARD Date Recorded: 07/29/2008 Instrument ID Recorded Time Amount -200800025012 03:27:03 PM $25.00 LAND RECORDS BROOKS TO:CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE -200800025013 03:27:21 PM $25.00 LAND RECORDS REYNOLDS TO:CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE -200800025014 03:27:51 PM $40.00 LAND RECORDS GARRETT TO:CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE -200800025015 03:28:07 PM $25.00 \ /ti 0 1 I1 LAND RECORDS Ij C STAFFORD TO:CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE -200800025016 03:28:30 PM $45.00 LAND RECORDS DIAMOND STATE OIL LLC TO:CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE -200800025017 03:28:53 PM $25.00 LAND RECORDS FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH TO:CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE -200800025018 03:29:29 PM $25.00 Caro LAND RECORDS THE BUNGALOWS AT CATO SPRINGS LLC TO:CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE wsiP Itemized Check Listing Check # 6521 $210.00 Total Due: Paid By Check: Change Tendered: $210.00 $210.00 $0.00 CITY of FAYET-WILLE, ARKANSAS DUPLICATE CHECK NO. DATE INVOICE NO. DESCRIPTION , AMOUNT 7/29/2008 0000055420 PT. 27-16-30;PN 765-15306-000 4,500.00 CHECK AMOUNT $4,500.00 rartaille MVES" ry ma. NY-® 81-87/829 11 11111111111111111 II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II IIll CITY of FAYETTEVILLE FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS SALES TAX CONSTRUCTION 2006A DETACH HERE FOR Valli RECORDS CHECK NO. 1393 DATE: 8/11/2008 FOUR THOUSAND, FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS AND NO CENTS PAY TO THE ORDER OF Brooks, Troy 2617 S City Lake Rd Fayetteville AR 72701 L ".1393". I:08 29008 7 21: OD 7 L60 29 211' VOID IF NOT CASHED IN 60 DAYS AMOUNT $4,500.00 41N 4Ed6tIABLE NIGBLE EGMMOtE NON-NEGOTIABLE m 0 0 0.0 iagwnN tun000y 1/9 Accounting Use - Receipting 4' t TOTAL Land Acquisition: Easements Account Name $4,500.00 11' 4,500.00 Amount A N O II Fund o Sub • Dept a m m 0 0 o 0 E i II 02133 II Protect 0 0 N IIIProjeSubct 0 St0 0c 0 oM M Z N O CO ^ 0 :smopot se pa 3 0 c • a 0 0 0 0 0 EA A O aweN punct :word eIgeAed 3 • m (n 3 0 3 o m o 0 0 x c 0 it -n cuN CD 0 N 0 V N 0 0 0 a CD 0 -i 0 co 00 N ::iagwnN JopueA 0 r c C 0 0 2 m 0 6 7 9 X N ,�4 T N N -pF m -9- c t? c "9Cv e2_... c O , ; C 0 0(-//1251,0. � / ! -I 0i C � cl< < JagwnN >lueg A N apo3 poaqo ateiedas 0) 0 n 0 00 Return Check to: Jill Goddard/Eng. (x407) moaqo lenueyy 0 N 0 2 ❑ �1 ve..evi_ 7,1 aye e ARKANSAS THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS ENGINEERING DIVISION September 1, 2006 Troy end-Mery-Jane Brooks 2617 S. City Lake Road Fayetteville, AR 72701 RE: Dear Mr. and Mrs. Brooks: detea sed 1H) I \) — 4hc tx¢.W c7L.1 J d. nAk . 611,a it9. o Project No. 02133 Wastewater Improvements Project ELI 5 Tract 2 Offer Letter The City of Fayetteville is currently in the process of replacing and expanding the wastewater treatment facility on the east side of Fayetteville, as well as constructing a new treatment facility on the west side of town. These activities are anticipated to meet the requirements of our growing city over the next twenty to twenty-five years. As part of this improvement, the water and wastewater collection and transmission facilities must be modified and expanded at the same time. The City needs to install an 8 -inch gravity main sewer line on your property to accomplish these much needed improvements. As noted on the attached diagram, our consulting engineers are asking for a 30 -foot -wide permanent easement. The City of Fayetteville hereby offers $4,500.00 for the rights associated with the permanent easement (27,335 square feet). The permanent easement amount is based on a fee simple value of $0.165 per square foot (or $7200/acre). Included is a general map of the subject area, as well as a drawing of your specific property depicting the anticipated area required for the proposed easement. Should you elect to accept this offer, the Water/Sewer Easement contained herein should be executed by all parties with current ownership interest in the particular property. The document should be notarized and returned to the City of Fayetteville. A City Land Agent will be pleased to witness and notarize the execution of the document if you will advise our office accordingly. Upon receipt of the easement, a check will be requested and you will be paid the amount indicated in this offer letter. A copy of the Water/Sewer Easement is included for your records. We can provide a copy of the recorded easement upon your request and at the appropriate time. Please provide us with a. Social Security Number or a Tax Identification Number (Corporation) so that a check can be written. A Vendor Form is provided for this purpose. A City Land Agent will be glad to meet with you at your convenience and discuss all phases of this project and the associated easements and acquisitions. Please contact Jill Goddard at (479) 444-3407, Holly Jones at (479) 444-3414, or I can be reached at (479) 575-8330. ly, avi urge , P.E. Wat : nd stewater Director DJ/js Enclo"ures 113 West Mountain 72701 479-575-8206 FAX 479-575-8202 CITY of FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS DUPLICATE 1204 2 yea.,v..',tle •AVERT 8 87,629 PAY TO THE ORDER OF L General Fund 1111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111 CITY of FAYETTEVILLE FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS SALES TAX CONSTRUCTION 2006A DETACH HERE FOR YOUR RECORDS CHECK NO. 1394 DATE 8/11/2008 SIXTY FOUR DOLLARS AND TWENTY ONE CENTS II• I. 39411' 1:08 29008? 21: 00 i? 160 29 20 VOID IF NOT CASHED IN 60 DAYS AMOUNT $64.21 I 1cafEd6`TIABLE ISG�T I,,��B����LE EG OTIABCE NON-NEGOTIABLE DATE INVOICE NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 8/04/2008 0000055410 Clear Due To/From Tele wk orders 7/08 64.21 CHECK AMOUNT $64.21 2 yea.,v..',tle •AVERT 8 87,629 PAY TO THE ORDER OF L General Fund 1111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111 CITY of FAYETTEVILLE FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS SALES TAX CONSTRUCTION 2006A DETACH HERE FOR YOUR RECORDS CHECK NO. 1394 DATE 8/11/2008 SIXTY FOUR DOLLARS AND TWENTY ONE CENTS II• I. 39411' 1:08 29008? 21: 00 i? 160 29 20 VOID IF NOT CASHED IN 60 DAYS AMOUNT $64.21 I 1cafEd6`TIABLE ISG�T I,,��B����LE EG OTIABCE NON-NEGOTIABLE TOTAL IIDue to General Fund Account Name II 62.00 Amount -c // ( IL_ 4520 c C co. Dept V C r4 C 00 0 1400 G8 O 0 co E. IF -F -3r; I Sub II Project Went vraers 1/1/2008 5:23:27PM Work Order Central Daylight Time 19922 iummary tequestor tequestor Call Badc Number )apartment .ocatlon tsslgned Technidan Priority )ate Completed Hafts Order another 5 Mb for Jurgens, David 575-8386 WSIP - 02133-0200 WWTP Sharon Crosson 7/22/2008 7:02:50PM Completed Internet Access at both WWT Plants Type Asset ID Departrnent Number Date Entered Date Assigned Expected Completion Date Charge Hours 5/16/2008 12:25:12PM 5/16/2008 12:25:12PM 62.00 2.00 ptt 12 • )wered by Track -It! Page 1 of 9 •-, %#l•••• r•am. ••—s••• Work Order, . 19922 Work Order Description Meeting: 05/16/08 11:OOam Per Chris and Brad, order another 5 mg to be added to our 10 mg Internet Access; this 5 mg will be partitioned off for both the east side and west side wastewater plants. Technician 'owered by Track -It! Page 2 of 9 of Mat/ ..v fa' .w.... . I. Nod( Order , 19922 »> "SHEPARD, BRAD W (ATTSWBT)" <bs7892@attcom> 7/22/2008 7:02 PM »> i thought this was done the other day, but it looks like he just did it. brad From CHANG, JESSE (ATTCORP) Sent: Tuesday, July 22 2008 7:02 PM To: CHANG, JESSE (ATTCORP); cdoughty©ci.fayetteville.ar.us; SHEPARD, BRAD W (ATTSWBT) Subject RE: Reminder - AT&T Modem Connectivity Policy for City of Fayetteville AR; Order Number. IP08050478 Hi Chris, 1 was able to get into the modem, so I changed the bandwidth. Now yob should be running at 15 meg max. Thank you. Jesse Chang ATT Provisioning, MIS PTE 732-369-7968 This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are AT&T property, are confidential, and are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom this e-mail is addressed. If you are not one of the named recipient (s) or otherwise have reason to believe that you have received this message in error, please notify the sender and delete this message Immediately from your computer. Any other use, retention, dissemination, forwarding, printing, or copying of this e-mail Is strictly prohibited." From: CHANG, JESSE, ATTCORP Sent: Tuesday, July 22 2008 8:00 PM To: cdoughty©ci.fayetteville.ar.us; SHEPARD, BRAD W, ATTSWBT Cc: CHANG, JESSE, ATTCORP; ipcentral-auto-emails Subject Reminder - AT&T Modem Connectivity Policy for City of Fayetteville AR; Order Number: IP08050478 This letter is sent out as standard policy. If you are in compliance with the letter, it is just a reminder as to how Important it is that you remain in compliance If you are not in compliance, the purpose of the letter is to make you aware of the circumstances with not being in compliance and gives you the opportunity to comply. Customer Name: City of Fayetteville AR Case # 3503078 Dear Chris Doughty, The AT&T Dedicated IP Services contract between your organization and AT&T stipulates that the router AT&T is managing requires a dedicated 006 line to be installed by your organization. This will allow out -of -band router and DSU/CSU network management and testing. In the event of a failure, AT&T is better able to test and restore your service through this modem access. Currently, AT&T has completed the installation and acceptance activity at your Location and billing has been initiated for this site. The lack of a functioning, dedicated OOB line and associated modem limit AT&T's ability to fully manage the site and maintain committed service levels. In the unlikely event of a failure, we are able to more quickly diagnose, and in most cases recover, a failed site through the out -of -band modem. Should an outage occur, the lack of out -of -band testing capabilities could lead to an outage of extended duration. Additionally, AT&Ts service level towered by Track -It! Page 3 of 9 Of al ••• .. . —.• . ._.••• Nark Order , 19922 agreement does not apply in the event of an outage where there is no out -of -band access available. Network technology changes occasionally necessitate changes in your router. Often, these changes can be executed seamlessly via the out -of -band modem, usually during the off -hours to minimize any impact to you, our Customer. The lack of out -of -band access will now require us to dispatch a technician to your site for any and all upgrades including simple router operating system software upgrades. Failure to maintain current levels of the operating system could eventually lead to interoperability concems. You may contact the AT&T Technical Support Center @ 1-888-613-6330 or via e-mail at RM-awmis@ems.att.com for any service request or changes needed from here onwards. Your assistance in this matter will allow AT&T to provide you quick diagnosis and repair of your service. Thanks in advance for your support in this matter. Thanks, Jesse Chang Provisioning Technical Engineer AT&T MIS Service Delivery 732-369-7968 'owered'by Track -It! Page 4 of 9 "ti Mim....... - .Am.. .-.... Work Order , 19922 »> "SHEPARD, BRAD W (ATTSWBT)" <bs7892@attcom> 7/9t2008 8:24 AM here's your upgrade dates. this will be the upgrade from 10Mb to 15mb. brad From: CHANG, JESSE (ATTCORP) Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2008 8:27 AM To: cdoughty@ci.fayetteville.ar.us; SHEPARD, BRAD W (ATTSWBT) Cc: ipcentralauto-emails (AT&T); CHANG, JESSE (ATTCORP) Subject AT&T: Customer Confirmation Document for CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE; Order Number. IP08050478 AT&T IP Service Delivery Customer Confirmation Document Thank you for choosing AT&T. We appreciate your business and look forward to serving youl This letter confirms your recent request for service and provides an estimated service delivery date. Based on our standard interval and initial estimate you can expect your service'to be ready between 7/15/2008 to 7/22/2008. Please take a moment to review the Customer Readiness & Order Details Sections. Certain customer requested changes, non compliance of site requirements, or delays in access could render the estimated delivery date invalid. Customer Readiness Information: If any changes need to be made please Reply to all by email as soon as possible to minimize order delays! 1) The local contact, must be available and have access to the building and any additional or secure areas within the building where equipment must be installed or accessed, i.e., telecom room. If local contact has changed please reply to all ASAP with the new name and phone number. 2) Remember, without power, ground and a backboard the local exchange carrier will not be able to install access. A conduit with pull string may also be required by your local exchange carrier. 3) If your site requires inside wiring please coordinate its completion prior to service Test & Tum up. Service Order Details: If any changes need to be made please Reply to all by email as soon as possible to minimize order delays! Customer Name: CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE Circuit Location: 113 MOUNTAIN ST FAYETTEVILLE AR 72701 Room Floor: TELCO / GRAND Onsite Working Number. 479-575-8306 Shipping Location: 113 W Mountain Fayetteville AR 72701 Shipping Contact: Chris Doughty © 479-575-8306 Customer Point of Contact Chris Doughty @ 479-575-8306 Local Site Contact: Chris Doughty © 479-575-8306 Technical Contact: Chris Doughty @ 479-575-8306 Order Type: Bandwidth Change Service Type: Plus Service Access: Private Line Service Speed: 44736 Options: ARNBD; Packet Filtering; Network Usage Reports Special Options: Hi -Cap Equipment Provider: AT&T - a dedicated out of band line will be required for Service activation Circuit Identifier. .DNEC.932108..ATI. 'owered by Track -It! Page 5 of 9 Scneauung uierx AT&T Managed Internet Services 732 844 5654 »> Chris Doughty 7/3/2008 8:12 AM >» If we could do the interview July 8th at 8:30 a.m. CST, that would be best Otherwise, anytime after noon would work as well. Thanks, Chris Doughty, CCSP, ISSP Network Engineer City of Fayetteville 479.575.8306 cell 479.879.2029 fax 479.575.8316 'owered by Track -It! Page 6 of 9 I Nr...... v.r.. .r.... Nork Order, 19922 USO: 35314354 GCSM: CSM080620110950 USRP ID: IP08050478 Master Customer Number: SN4777 AT&T Provisioning Contact: JESSE CHANG @ 732-369-7968 AT&T Provisioning Manager: Leslie Talochino @ 732-844-5112 What's Next? Expect an email notification providing your circuit access delivery date. lc"li d� »> "MINKA, STEVE (MINK), ATTCORP' <sminka@att.com> 7/3/2008 8:17 AM »> This is to confirm that one of our engineers will contact Chris for a technical interview on 7-8 at 9:30am edt at 1.) 479 575 8306 or 2 j479 879 2029. If for any reason you are not available for your technical interview or you are not contacted within 15 minutes of the scheduled time, please call 888-613-6330, prompt 4. Steve Minka Sr tip...... .. .-...-.. .. Norir Order, 19922 »»Sharon Crosson 07/01/08 9:29am»»»> TO Chris Doughty, Brad Shephard (ATT), Steve Minka (ATT), Scott Huddleston»»> Chris, Will you please contact the engineer mentioned below and take care of this requested interview? This is for the 5 Mb upgrade. Keep me updated please. Thanks, Sharon Crosson »> "MINKA, STEVE (MINK), ATTCORP" <sminka©att.com> 7/1/2008 7:35 AM »> > The AT&T Managed Internet Services Provisioning Center is in receipt > of an order to upgrade your Internet service. I am contacting you to > set up an appointment with one of our engineers to confirm your > upgrade requirements. Your upgrade request cannot be provisioned > until this interview takes place and all necessary 'information is • > collected. > I would like to schedule the telephone interview for July 3 or July 7 > (EDT)!f you are available and could supply a specific time and date > for the technician to contact you, this interview can be scheduled by > email. Your specific contact information is also requested. You may > also call 1-888-613-6330 prompts 4 and 0 to speak with someone to > schedule your technical interview. > If.you are not the technical contact, please direct me to whom I would > need to speak with. > > Again, please note that we cannot provision this order until the > interview is conducted. > Please "Reply to All" when responding to this email and an agent will > assist you. > Thank you for your help. > AT&T MIS > 1-888-613-6330 > prompts 4 and 0 powered by Track -It! Page 7 of 9 ., _...... ..._...a_... . Nor Order, 19922 »> <rm-ctrnanage@ems.att.com> 6/27/2008 1:39 PM »> Dear Valued Customer, Welcome to AT&T Managed Internet Service (MIS). The purpose of this electronic message is to advise you that, via the AT&T MIS Implementation Planner web site, you can conveniently access information designed to assist you with the successful installation of your new service. Using your web browser, please go to the following web site to obtain the AT&T MIS Implementation Planner. http://planner.bus.att.com From this site you can view and download the various informational documents that will assist you as you proceed through the implementation process. While it isrecommended that you read all of the related documentation as Identified on the home page, it is particularly important that you read "Your Technical Interview Questionnaire" to prepare for your Technical Interview. AT&T will contact you shortly via e-mail to schedule the technical interview. All new orders, as well as orders to change your MIS service, will require this interview. It is critical that you respond promptly to this e-mail and get your interview scheduled so that AT&T can begin processing your order. Your order will be cancelled if you do not respond within 10 days to schedule your interview. We recommend that you "bookmark" the URL for the Implementation Planner web site. If you subsequently decide to obtain additional AT&T MIS components and/or options, you can refer to this web site to obtain implementation information for the additional components/options that you order. Thank you for your selection of AT&T Managed Internet Service. If you have any questions regarding your service implementation, please contact the AT&T MIS Customer Care Center at 1-888-613-6330. If you have any problems with accessing the web site or would like to provide feedback about the site, you can e-mail a reply to RM-MISPIanFeedback@ems.att.com. AT&T Sales person: SPECIAL ATTENTION! »> Sharon Crosson 5/21/2008 2:11 PM'» TO: Mick Maggi and Brad Shepherd»»> I have signed the contract for the additional 5Mb add-on to our Internet Access contract You can come by and pick it up at anytime. Thank you! Sharon Crosson Parking and Telecom Manager City of Fayetteville 113 W. Mountain St. Fayetteville, AR 72701 05/21/08 »> 1:45pm> »> Sent job estimate to David Jurgens for authorized signature. »> "PLUNKETT III, WILLIAM M (ATTSWBT)" <wp6165@att com> 5/16/2008 1:50 PM »> Sharon, This is really in Brad's shop but just for clarification are you needing a second circuit, or 5 MB additional on the existing circuit? Bill Plunkett AT&T p:479.442.1906 t 501.325.7202 'owered by Track -It! Page 8 of 9 •7- r. rr.r. ••• Work Order, 19922 We need the 5 Mb added to the existing circuit. Thanks! Sharon Crosson »> Sharon Crosson 5/16/2008 1:14 PM »> Email to AT&T»»»»» We need to order another 5 Mb to be added to our 10 Mb Internet Access contract. We will partition this off to service both the east side and the west side wastewater treatment plants. Please send me the price, the contract, and the expected install date. FYI: The 10 Mb upgrade is scheduled for next week, May 21. Thank you! Sharon Crosson Parking and Telecom Manager City of Fayetteville 113 W. Mountain St. Fayetteville, AR 72701 Resolution Labor. 2 hours 'owered by Track -It! Page 9 of 9 CITY of FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS DUPLICATE CHECK NO DATE INVOICE NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 7/30/2008 0000055433 PT NW -SW -22-16-30; PN 765-15170-000 2,000.00 CHECK AMOUNT $2,000.00 4 lal. Mile F81-87/829 611--671/629 ARKANSAS 1111111111111111111 11 11111111111111111111111111111 CITY of FAYETTEVILLE FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS SALES TAX CONSTRUCTION 2006A DETACH HERE FOR YOUR RECORDS CHECK NO. 1396 • 8/11/2008 TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS AND NO CENTS PAY TO THE ORDER OF f Harris, Stephen Jack 183 E 15th St Fayetteville AR 72701 L_ 11•L39611' 1:082900872': 00L716029211' VOID IF NOT CASHED IN 60 DAYS AMOUNT $2,000.00 1614 IABLE I GIURB�_LE EGOTIABCE NON-NEGOTIABLE TOTAL anIcquisrtwn. Sewer Account Name dA el N O O O O \ 2,000.00 Amount A 01 O` II Fund I Dept co N N O`` A co v % cn m N(\ J Base O O W N W W \w 13_ n O W O \N A. Sub 11Project_ Wttv?1e ARKANSAS THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS ENGINEERING DIVISION July 29, 2008 / Stephen J. Harris 183 E. 15th Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 RE: Project No. 02133 Wastewater Improvements Project EL3 (Line 4) — Town Branch to Happy Hollow Tract 4 Counter Offer Acceptance Letter Dear Mr. Harris: The City of Fayetteville is in receipt of your counter offer dated July 28, 2008, and has decided to accept it (as revised on July 29, 2008, with Lynn Hyke). We hereby offer, as based on your letter, the amount of $2,000.00 for the rights associated with the 3,015 square feet of temporary construction easement. Upon your acceptance of this offer, the Temporary Construction and Grading Easement should be executed by all parties with current ownership interest in this particular property. The document should be notarized and returned to the City of Fayetteville. A City Land Agent will be pleased to witness and notarize the execution of the document if you will advise our office accordingly. Upon receipt of the document and Vendor Form, a check will be requested and you will be paid the amount indicated in this offer. Payment normally takes two to three weeks from the time of our receipt of the documents. Thank you for your efforts to help make this a successful project. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Lynn Hyke, project manager, at 479-718-7670 or I can be reached at 479-575-8330. y Dav',.��y1 .en P.E. Wa'] d W tewater Director DJ/j Encloff es 113 West Mountain 72701 479-575-8206 FAX 479-575-8202 CIN of FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS DUPLICATE ia)Ttcylile ARVEGT F W. Ar4es 81-87/829 II IIIIIIIIIIIIIl 111 II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII CITY of FAYETTEVILLE FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS SALES TAX CONSTRUCTION 2006A DETACH HERE FOR YOUR RECORDS CHECK NO. 1 398 DATE 8/11/2008 THREE THOUSAND, SEVEN HUNDRED SEVENTY THREE DOLLARS & 04 CENTS PAY TO THE ORDER OF Littlefield Oil Company P.O. Box 180100 Fort Smith AR 72918 L_ 11.139811' ':oa29008721: 0❑1716029211' VOID IF NOT CASHED IN 60 DAYS AMOUNT $3,773.04 NhN. ,6t(ABLE I , IIVRLE EGOTlABCE NON-NEGOTIABLE _..-........ I VAC/ DATE INVOICE NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 7/30/2008 232591 Unleaded Gasoline;Diesel on road no tax 3,773.04 CHECK AMOUNT $3,773.04 ia)Ttcylile ARVEGT F W. Ar4es 81-87/829 II IIIIIIIIIIIIIl 111 II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII CITY of FAYETTEVILLE FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS SALES TAX CONSTRUCTION 2006A DETACH HERE FOR YOUR RECORDS CHECK NO. 1 398 DATE 8/11/2008 THREE THOUSAND, SEVEN HUNDRED SEVENTY THREE DOLLARS & 04 CENTS PAY TO THE ORDER OF Littlefield Oil Company P.O. Box 180100 Fort Smith AR 72918 L_ 11.139811' ':oa29008721: 0❑1716029211' VOID IF NOT CASHED IN 60 DAYS AMOUNT $3,773.04 NhN. ,6t(ABLE I , IIVRLE EGOTlABCE NON-NEGOTIABLE ** CHANGE ORDER ** 'aye eville PURCHASE OO EDD CLQ J VENDOR NO. 16671 Each Package Must Be Marked Exactly As Shown Here City of Fayetteville, Arkansas PURCHASE ORDER # 08-0000079-100 DATE Littlefield Oil Compan :// L� td \ r 4/14/08 Attn: CliffJames f . % ice- r�� 3403 Cavanaugh Rd c,' -<=c,' Fort Smith AR 7918 <� /4.,FOB Fyv Q „,,7:_y• V TERMS NET 30 DAY Qty. UM of Issue Oty Description and Received Account Number Unit Price TOTALS Per Bid #07-46 Res #137-07 1.00 LOT a) Unleaded Gasoline 04/14/08 C/O #1 Part 1 of 3 to incr line item (a) by $10,000.00 4520.9520.5213.04 021330304 1.00 LOT b) Diesel On Road No Tax 04/14/08 C/O #1 Part 2 of 3 to incr line item (b) by $10,000.00 4520.9520.5213.04 021330304 1.00 LOT ef c) Diesel Off Road 04/14/08 C/O #1 Part 3 of 3 to incr line item (c) by $20,000.00 4520.9520.5213.04 021330304 SHIP TO: Water & Wastewater Director CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE 113 W MOUNTAIN FAYEITEVLLLE AR 72701 Partain, C DEPARTMENT VERIFICATION RECEIVED DEPT HEAD APPROVAL AMOUNT TO PAY NP VERIFICATION ENTERED AN 0 7 2008 BY 9(I 8' Ii J©k, HASING VERIFICATION PHICE CHANGE VERIFICATION RETURN CHECK TO SEND COPY TO 25000.00 .2a9A8.00 25000.00 000.e -e- 50000.00 .59.990-48 Sales Tax Total: Purchase Order Total: ADDRIONAL APPROVAL 1 CHECK # DOES NOT MEET PURCHASING POUCY CONTRACT PAYMENT OTHER i ,12/,APPROVED BY 17714'1 / PROJECT # p324 3 THIS PAYMENT$ 5, 5� 34 PREVIOUS PAYMENT(S) $ 1.451(IL 01 CZ •S3 TOTAL PYMT(S) $ BALANCE $ DEPT. WHEN COMPLETE DELIVER TO ACCTS. PAYABLE Sold To: LITTLEFIELD OIL CO 3403 CAVANAUGH ROAD PO BOX 180100 FORT SMfTH, AR 72918 Phone:. (479) 646-0595 Fax: (479) 646-0596 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE (WESTSIDE PEGGY BELL 113 W MOUNTAIN FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72701 Page: 1 Invoice No: 232591 Invoice Date: 07/30/08 Ship Date: 07/30/08 Profit Center: 18 Ship CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE (WESTSI To: PEGGY BELL 113 W MOUNTAIN FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72701 Acct. No:12320173 PO No:WESTSIDE.CON Terms:NET15 Ship Via:GENERATIONS (BOB TRUCK) Sales ID:COMM BOL/Ship.Order: Product Code/ Description Quantity Price Shipped Each Extension B/L Number-- 41921 ## UNLEADED 87 OCTANE ## GASOLINE 3 UN 1203 PGII 01 UNLEADED 87 OCTANE B/L Number-- 41923 ## LOW SULPHUR DYED DIESEL ## DIESEL FUEL 3 NA 1993 PGIII 07 ULTRA LOW SULPHER DIESEL Freight on GASOLINE Freight on DIESEL FUELS Freight Surcharge FEDERAL LUST FUND.0010 AR EXICSE GAS ARKANSAS EPA AR DYED DIESEL PREPAID FEDERAL EXCISE GAS AR EX DIESEL 792.0 3.130500 300.0 3.597300 792.0 300.0 1,092.0 792.0 1,092.0 300.0 0.012500 0.013659 0.001000 0.215000 0.003000 0.060000 Permit Number716018462 Permit Number716018462 2,479.36 1,079.19 9.90 4.10 7.84 1.09 170.28 3.28 18.00 Total Amount: 3,773.04 Vendor: Littlefield Oil Company PO# 08 - Fuel Change Order # Cost of C.O. Cumulative• P.O. Price Payment Date Payment Number Product Amount Sales Tax Amount Payment Amount Remaining amount on P.O. Amount Paid Base P.O. $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 1/16/2008 1 $2,525.72 $117.45 $2,643.17 $12474.28 $2,525.72 $15,000.00 1/31/2008 2 $1,986.86 $108.51 $2,095.37 $10487.42 $4,512.58 $15,000.00 2/14/2008 3 $4,778.82 $550.72 $5,329.54 $5,708.60 $9,291.40 $15,000.00 2/27/2008 4 $1,325.14 $54.20 $1,379.34 $4,383.46 $10,616.54 $15,000.00 3/6/2008 5 $1,360.01 $62.63 $1,422.64 $3 02345 $11,976.55 $15,000.00 3/18/2008 6 $1,362.11 $46.46 $1,408.57 $1 661.34 $13,338.66 $15,000.00 3/26/2008 7 $1,376.73 $36.92 $1,413.65 $284.61 $14,715.39 $10,000.00 $25,000.00 4/23/2008 9 $960.92 $31.15 $992.07 $9,323.69 $15,676.31 $18,375.14 $19,389.81 $21,705.84 $24,195.10 $0.00 $5,530.54 $10,335.14 $12,438.16 $21,209.00 $22,300.13 $22,300.13 $22,300.13 $22,300.13 $22,300,13 $22,300.13 $22,300.13 $0.00 $4,529.67 $7,163.60 $10,121.61 $11,991.86 $16,326.97 $28,500.22 $29,722.77 $32,179.56 $34,094.15 $38,368.69 $44,539.69 $44,539.69 $25,000.00 5/7/2008 10 $2,698.83 $128.42 $2,827.25 $6,624.86 $25,000.00 5/20/2008 11 $1,014.67 $35.49 $1,050.16 $5,610.19 $25,000.00 6/20/2008 13 $2,316.03 $130.32 $2446.35 $3,294.16 $25,000.00 8/6/2008 16 $2,489.26 $192.65 $2,681.91 $804.90 $24,195.10 $1,494.92 $25,690.02 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $0.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 2/14/2008 3 $5,530.54 $0.00 $5530.54 $9 469.46 $15,000.00 4/10/2008 8 $4,80450 $221.72 $5,026.32 $4,664.86 $10,000.00 $25,000.00 4/23/2008 9 $2,103:02 $0.00 $2,103.02 $12,561.84 $25,000.00 7/16/2008 14 $8,770.84 $138.57 $8,909.41 $3,791.00 $25,000.00 8/6/2008 16 $1,091.13 . $0.00 $1,091.13 $2,699.87 $25,000.00 $0.00 $2,699.87 $25,000.00 $0.00 $2,699.87 $25,000.00 $0.00 $2,699.87 $25,000.00 $0.00 $2,699.87 $25,000.00 $0.00 $2,699.87 $25,000.00 $0.00 $2599.87 $22,300:13 $360.29 $22,660.42 $30,000.00 $30,000.00 $0.00 $30,000.00 $30,000.00 1/16/2008 1 $4,529.67 $208.78 $4,738.45 $25 470.33 $30,000.00 1/31/2008 2 $2,633.93 $143.82 $2,777.75 $22,836.40 $30,000.00 2/27/2008 4 $2,958.01 $120.62 $3,078.63 $19,878.39 $30,000.00 3/6/2008 5 $1,870:25 $86.47 $1,956.72 $18,008.14 $30,000.00 3/18/2008 6 $4,335:11 $147.11 $4482.22 $13573.03 $30,000.00 3/26/2008 7 $12,17325 $298.65 $12,471.90 $1,499.78 $20,000.00 $50,000.00 4/23/2008 9 $1,222.55 $102.27 $1,324.82 $20,277.23 $50,000.00 5/7/2008 10 $2,456.79 $113.87 $2,570.66 $17,820.44 $50,000.00 5/20/2008 11 $1,914.59 $65.89 $1,980.48 $15,905.85 $50,000.00 6/11/2008 12 $4,274.54 $70.46 $4,345.00 $11,631.31 $50,000.00 7/31/2008 15 $6,171.00 $101.12 $6,272.12 $5,460.31 $50,000.00 $0.00 $5 460.31 $44,539.69 $1,459.06 $45,998.75 $100,000.00 $91,034.92 $3,314.27 $94,349.19 $8,965.08 $91,034.92 CITY of FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS DUPLICATE CHECK NO. DATE INVOICE NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 7/30/2008 0000055435 PT. SE -22-16-30; PN 765-1514-000 2,500.00 CHECK AMOUNT $2,500.00 8 1111111111111111111 11111111111111111111IIIII 111111 • aye ev e CITY of FAYETTEVILLE FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS ARKANSAS SALES TAX CONSTRUCTION 2006A AAVEBT Fa M. Ark -'s. 81-87/829 DETACH HERE FOR YOUR RECORDS CHECK NO. 1 400 .DATE 8/11/2008 TWO THOUSAND, FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS AND NO CENTS PAY TO THE ORDER OF Matrix Investment LLC 170 E Prospect St Fayetteville AR 72701 L II' 140011' 1:08 29008? 21: 00 V? 160.29 20 VOID IF NOT CASHED IN 60 DAYS AMOUNT $2,500.00 kthN LIABLE I�GQQ,,��Ij��B����LE EGOTT1iBCE NON-NEGOTIABLE ro/& a A 0 a tD JaqumN junoo3y 1/0 - asn 6ugiin000v TOTAL Land Acgmsruon: Sewer Improvements Account Name fA N O O O —_~ O N 111 0 O O Amount a N O T C 0. I 9520 I Dept J Sub Dept 5815 ca d co) N 0 0 C cc) N \' 11 Project CP EN 11 1 Sub II Project -o -o0 a ❑13 � 0 0 o 13 C 0 nA N CD DJ d J 0 N Z O O a 0 U N y • T N 0 O 3 poago jo lunowy w CD O 01 0 O 03 z 3 m N apoo ratio aje1eda8 :oj Aoago wnlay (LObx) -bu3lpiePPoQ II!r :JagwnN Jopuan O N O 0 O L C 6 0 d W N 0 N m N 1S3fO321)133H3 . Inye evllNle AR THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS ENGINEERING DIVISION July 21, 2008 Matrix Investment LLC Attn: Bruce Johnson 170 E. Prospect Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 — RE: Dear Mr. Johnson: Project No. 02133 Wastewater Improvements Project EL3 (Line 4) – Town Branch to Happy Hollow Tract 2 (Parcel No. 765-15145-000) Counter Offer Letter The City of Fayetteville is in receipt of your e-mail counter offer dated July 18, 2008, and after much discussion has decided to accept it. We hereby offer, as based on your letter, the amount of $2,500.00 for the rental of the 2,947 square feet of temporary construction easement. Upon your acceptance of this offer, the Temporary Construction and Grading Easement should be executed by all parties with current ownership interest in this particular property. The document should be notarized and returned to the City of Fayetteville. A City Land Agent will be pleased to witness and notarize the execution of the document if you will advise our office accordingly. Upon receipt of the document and Vendor Form, a check will be requested and you will be paid the amount indicated in this offer. Payment normally takes two to three weeks from the time of our receipt of the documents. If you have any questions regarding this project, please don't hesitate to contact Lynn Hyke, project manager, at 479-718-7670 or I can be reached at 479-575-8330. Dav d Jurg ; ns, P.E. Wae DJ/js Enc sures astewater Director 113 West Mountain 72701 479-575-8206 FAX 479-575-8202 CITY of FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS DUPLICATE CHECK NO. DATE INVOICE NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 7/29/2008 0000055436 PT. N/2 -SE -NW -27-16-30; PN 765-15298-000 1,360.00 CHECK AMOUNT $1,360.00 12 ARVEST 81-87/829 11 11111111111111111 11 11111111111111111111111111111 CITY of FAYETTEVILLE FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS SALES TAX CONSTRUCTION 2006A DETACH HERE FOR YOUR RECORDS CHECK NO. 1404 DATE' 8/11/2008 ONE THOUSAND, THREE HUNDRED SIXTY DOLLARS AND NO CENTS PAY TO THE ORDER OF Reynolds, Robert E & Sandra J PO Box 1625 Fayetteville AR 72702 L 11'i40411• 1:08 29008 7 21: OOi7i602920 VOID IF NOT CASHED IN 60 DAYS AMOUNT $1,360.00 ITNdirnABLE rEGiSTIAIEWE QTIAI LE NON-NEGOTIABLE TOTAL IlLand Acgwsibon. Easements Account Name \ co co m o 0 II /1,360.00 a 3 0 c a 010 II Fund li tV I Dept 1 Sub Dept N Co O 00 y 0 o o 0 0 E 0 _N W CO 1 II Project w 0 N ISub Project 0 m o 3 CD f3 O m v g 0a s o c 0 0 a a Ci 8 A ', --G J CO o at y < 0 y 0 O m, 0 0 3oay3;o iunowv 0) aweN pund :wad algeRed W m 0 tD 3 0 0 0 N 0 0 m r V ocn A CD 3 3 0 3 O1 w m rn m O W O J 0 0E-91-LZ-MN-3S-ZIN id JagwnN 3ueg N • • 4 m a CD 0 V O m cu 0) 0 0 00 CO O a. x m Q° N 01 w Q L 73 0 0 FS. N egwnN Jopue 11WN bZbL • 0 apo3 raga awiedag co co 2 0 0U 0 :ol )oag3 wntaa (LObx) 6u3/pieppo0 II r 0 Z 0 .1a e ee yvlARKANSAS THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS ENGINEERING DIVISION May 30, 200 Robert E. and Sandra J. Reynolds P.O. Box 1625 Fayetteville, AR 72702 RE: Project No. 02133 Wastewater Improvements Project EL15 Tract 1 Offer Letter Dear Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds: The City of Fayetteville is currently in the process of replacing and expanding the wastewater treatment facility on the east side of Fayetteville, as well as constructing a new treatment facility on the west side of town. These activities are anticipated to meet the requirements of our growing city over the next twenty to twenty-five years. As part of this improvement, the water and wastewater collection and transmission facilities must be modified and expanded at the same time. The City needs to install an 8 -inch gravity main sewer line on your property to accomplish these much needed improvements. As -.noted on the attached diagram, our consulting engineers are asking for a 30 -foot -wide permanent easement. The City of Fayetteville hereby. offers $1,360.00 for the rights associated with the permanent easement (8,220 square feet). The permanent easement amount is based on a fee simple value of $0.165 per square foot (or $7200/acre). Included is a general map of the subject area, as well as a drawing of your specific property depicting the anticipated area required for the proposed easement. Should you elect to accept this offer, the Water/Sewer Easement contained herein should be executed by all parties with current ownership interest in the particular property. The document should be notarized and returned to the City of Fayetteville. A City Land Agent will be pleased to witness and notarize the execution of the document if you will advise our office accordingly. Upon receipt of the easement, a check will be requested and you will be paid the amount indicated in this offer letter. A copy of the Water/Sewer Easement is included for your records. We can provide a copy of the recorded easement upon your request and at the appropriate time. Please provide us with a Social Security Number or a Tax Identification Number (Corporation) so that a check can be written. A Vendor Form is provided for this purpose. A City Land Agent will be glad to meet with you at your convenience and discuss all phases of this project and the associated easements and acquisitions. Please contact Jill Goddard at (479) 444-3407, Holly Jones at (479) 444-3414, or I can be reached at (479) 575-8330. Davin 1 rg Wate - d DJ/js. Enclos es , P.E. stewater Director 113 West Mountain 72701 479-575-8206 FAX 479-575-8202 CITY of FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS DUPLICATE CHECK NO. DATE INVOICE NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 7/24/2008 23017281 UV Lamp;Ballast;O-Ring lamp; Wiper; Quartz 50,905.06 CHECK AMOUNT $50,905.06 15 II III'I'llllllll 111 II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III aye eVl le CITY of FAYETTEVILLE FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS n!eexs s SALES TAX CONSTRUCTION 2006A ARVEST F.Mdw.. Munn 81-87/829 DETACH HERE FOR YCIJR RECORDS CHECK NO. 1407 DATE ._ 8/11/2008 FIFTY THOUSAND, NINE HUNDRED FIVE DOLLARS AND SIX CENTS PAY TO THE ORDER OF WEDECO Inc 14125 South Bridge Circle Charlotte NC 28273 L_ 11. 140711• 1:08 290087 21: DO i? L60 29 211• VOID IF NOT CASHED IN 60 DAYS AMOUNT $50,905.06 ke N 4fGIOIABLE rastiGgIRBLE EGOTIABLE NON-NEGOTIABLE aye evi le PURI K E ORDER VENDOR NO. 17900 WEDECO Inc i':`�' `; ,� �, 14125 South Bridge Ci cIe .f' C J C,' ice, i ) Charlotte NC 2 2q3 , T /o`/ In, l\,j' TERMS Each Package Must Be Marked Exactly As Shown Here City of Fayetteville, Arkansas PURCHASE ORDER # 08-0000644-001 DATE 6/27/08 FOB Fyv NET 30 DAY 452 Unit Oty. 01 Issue Received Description and Account Number Unit Price TOTALS 128.00 EA 64.00 64.00 EA X4.00 EA 20.00 EA Contract #2046 Per Ord #5148 a) UV Lamp SLR32143/4PHP 4520.9520.5210.00 021330213 EA b) Ballast, HP UL Recognized 4520.9520.5210.00 021330213 -LF-_ c) 0 -Ring Lamp Holder Seal 4520.9520.5210.00 021330213 199.00 25472.00 350.00 22400.00 4.00 O 256.00 Lot d) Wiper Holder 063x15 Incl. ,PTFE 11.56 ,o 4520.9520.5210.00 021330213 e) Quartz Glass Tube 46x2x1512 4520.9520.5210.00 1 00 LOT f) Shipping/Handling 4520.9520.5210.00 SHIP TO: Water & Wastewater Director CITY OF FAYEITEVILLE 113 W MOUNTAIN . FAYEITEVILLE AR 72701 Jurgen, D ENTERED AUG (I6 2008 021330213 021330213 /4x -a-e94 e<< 4rk.eaa<'1A,A. a6- ) -40 %6s-l\a(4)LI) . Sc. < -2:\\A t ck . 739.84 95.00 `. 1900.00 250.00 2543.60 45pgo5.0i0 i- Tax 0' 5b%os.6 Sales Tax Total: Purchase Order Total: 10.99 5 DEPARTMENT VERIFICATION RECEIVED DEPT HEAD APPROVAL AMOUNT TO PAY NP VERIFICATION .<ASING VERIFICATION PRICE CHANGE VERIFICATION DATE 1ADDITIONAL APPROVAL 6 Yl5loa RETURN CHECK TO SEND COPY TO CHECK # DOES NOT MEET PURCHASING POUCY CONTRACTnPPjAYMENT F7 E�JfI/ 4/ APPROVED BY PROJECT # 02 111 - oa ( 3 THIS PAYMENT$ 5010 5. 0 L PREVIOUS PAYMENT(S) $ TOTAL PYMT(S) $ 5CY1 OS. 0 i a BALANCE$ DEPT. WHEN COMPLETE DELIVER TO ACCTS. PAYABLE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 113 WEST MOUNTAIN FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72701 USA Invoice reference no.: Delivery note no.: Our VAT Registration 08-0000644-001 318863 / 07/23/08 23-2914590 VE0 Vit` 41:1: „ 11204 23017281 vw ITT Remit To: Wedeco Charlotte P.O. Box 371630 Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7630 315-568-4532 07/24/08 Customer ID: Order conf. no.: 83077 135892 Contact person: corn.: tech.: Date of delivery: Page 1 JULIE ROPIC Tel.: 19793 Fax: ELIZABETH STACKS Tel.: 19817 Fax: 07/24/08 Quantity /Unit Article Unit Unit price Total 128 Each 139898 EA UV LAMP SLR32143/4PHP SINGLE PACKAGES 64 Each 141588 EA BALLAST, HP UL RECOGNIZED 64 Each 139498 EA 0 -RING LAMP HOLDER SEAL 64 Each 138720 WIPER HOLDER 063X15 INCL 20 Each 133309 Quartz Glass Tube, 48x2x1512 1 Each FREIGHT FREIGHT EA PTFE RING & VITON RING EA 199.00 350.00 4.00 11.56 95.00 137.22 25,472.00 22,400.00 256.00 739.84 1,900.00 137.22 Total USD Sales Tax Final amount USD 50,905.06 0.00 50,905.06 r CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 113 WEST MOUNTAIN FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72701 USA Invoice reference no.: Delivery note no.: Our VAT Registration Terms of payment: Due Date: Terms of delivery: Mode of delivery: 08-0000644-001 318863 / 07/23/08 23-2914590 Delivery address CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE 10 S BRAYLES AVE FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72704 USA 23017281 Within 30 days net 08/23/08 FOB SHIPPING POINT, PREPAID & ADD UPS GROUND Remit To ITT Wedeco Charlotte P.O. Box 371630 Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7630 315-568-4532 07/24/08 Customer ID: Order conf. no.: 83077 135892 Contact person: com.: tech.: Date of delivery: Page 2 JULIE ROPIC Tel.: 19793 Fax: ELIZABETH STACKS Tel.: 19817 Fax: 07/24/08 12-29-05;10: 39AM;MWY. INC. STATE OF ARKANSAS Department of Finance and Administration October 11, 2005 Mr. M. Lane Crider, P.E. Vice-President/Special Projects McGoodwin Williams & Yates 909 Rolling Hills Drive Fayetteville, AR 72703 Re: Fayetteville Wastewater Improvement Project Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Opinion No. 20050908 Dear Mr. Crider. ;479 443 4340 it 2/ a REVENUE LEGAL COUNSEL Post Office Box 1272, Room 2380 Little Rock, Arkansas 72203-1272 Phone: (501) 682-7030 Fax: (501) 682-7599 httpi/www.stete.atus/dh RECEIVE nu : L'.00L, iskitod.wiry'Wini:u:.b s 3d YIIte:: Your letter of August 22, 2005 requesting an opinion regarding a sales tax exemption for the purchase of machinery and equipment to be used in the expansion of the City of Fayetteville wastewater collection and treatment systems has been referred to me for response. Specifically, you stated: McGoodwin, Williams and Yates is the engineer on the new Westside wastewater treatment facilities proposed for the City of Fayetteville. We are hereby requesting your determination concerning the tax exemption status of items to be included in the new wastewater treatment facility. In the following attachment, we offer a listing and brief description of the necessary components within the Westside wastewater treatment plant we believe have validity for qualification under tax exempt items by Gross Receipt Regulation 66. I will first provide a basic explanation of the exemption and then specifically address the list of 18 items in your attachment. !Atli CodepAnn.r§§26=52T402(a)(3)''and'26 44:14(a)(3)lprovide an exemption from sales tax and compensating use tax for machinery and equipment required by state or federal law or regulations to be installed and utilized by cities or towns in Arkansas to prevent or reduce air or water pollution or contamination which might otherwise result from the operation of the plants of the city or town. In order to qualify for the exemption, several important criteria must be met. First, the party claiming the exemption must secure certification from state or federal pollution control authorities that the machinery or equipment is required for pollution control purposes. Second, the machinery or equipment for which the exemption is being claimed must be used to remove contaminants from wastewater during the treatment process. Third, the party claiming the exemption must be either a manufacturing or processing plant or facility, or a city or town in Arkansas. 12-28-08;)0:39AM;MWY. INC. •;478 443 4340 is used during and as a part of the actual treatment process, would also be exempt. On the other hand, machinery and equipment used solely before the treatment process begins or after the treatment process has ended would not qualify for the exemption. Machinery and equipment that perform testing functions are not considered to be involved in the treatment process and are not exempt. The definition of machinery and equipment does not include fixtures, housings, or stand alone control equipment which do not constitute an integral part of the device in question. These items are not exempt. The components you offered for tax exemption consideration, along with a brief description of their respective functions, are listed below, and the Department's response follows each item listed. 1. Inlet Facility The waste stream will enter the inlet facility structure where preliminary treatment will begin. The purpose of the equipment located in this structure is to remove debris, grit, and large solids from the influent stream. These facilities contain a new influent screening system, grit cyclone and washer (degritting classifier), and ancillary grit removal and conveying equipment. Answer: Exempt. The pieces of equipment located in this structure act directly on the water to remove contaminants as part of the actual treatment process. With respect to the "structure" or facility which houses the equipment, the construction materials that become integrated in constructing improvements to real estate are not exempt. See GR -66 (4) 2. Grit and Scum Division Box After passing through the screens in the inlet facility, the wastewater will flow into the division box for the grit and•scum removal units. This reinforced concrete division box distributes flow to the two grit and scum removal units, provides a bypass to the equalization basin, and returns flow from the equalization basin when conditions stabilize. Answer: Exempt. Even though the concrete division box may be considered an improvement to real estate, materials such as concrete, piping, and steel reinforcing used to construct the division box may be purchased exempt as machinery and equipment used in preventing air or water pollution. in Ragland v. Dumas 292 Ark. 515,732 S.W. 2d 118(1987), the Arkansas Supreme Court' held that the•construction materials which become integrated.into a construction 'project do not constitute "machinery and equipment." However, the Department has reviewed the taxability of construction materials in a limited context, specifically, equalization basins. Equalization basins are specifically listed as exempt in GR -66. The concrete division box is similar in nature to an equalization basin in that it is used during the water treatment process to remove contaminants' from wastewater, and should be considered exempt as well. Additionally, GR -66 specifically exempts grit separators and grit removal equipment. Therefore, the Grit and Scum Division Box is exempt. 3. Grit and Scum Removal Units These units promote the removal of grit and scum prior to equalization of excess flow and further treatment. These units include two circular reinforced concrete tanks, each equipped with.a rake arm, skimmer, and skimming trough. Grit pumps it 4/ 8 12-29-O5;10:39AM;MWY. INC. ;479 443 4340 N 0/ e 9. Final Clarifiers The clarification facilities will be designed to separate the biosolids contained in the flow leaving the biological treatment units. All four final clarifiers will be circular reinforced concrete basins with a center feed unit, conventional scum skimmer mechanism, and density current baffles. Answer:. Exempt. See Answer to 2 above. Additionally, GR -66 specifically exempts skimmers. 10. Final Clarifier Effluent Collection Box This reinforced concrete box serves as an effluent collection point from the four clarifiers and a site for chemical polishing. The box is equipped with a fine bubble diffused aeration grid to prevent septic conditions from occurring and promote aeration before distribution to the filters. Answer: Exempt. Additionally, GR -66 specifically exempts aerators. 11. Waste Activated and Recycled Activated Sludge Pumping Station Pumps located in the WAS/RAS pump station are vital to the treatment process. Recycled material from the clarifiers is returned to the biological treatment units to maintain the optimal ration of nutrients to healthy "good" bacteria that break down the influent contaminants. Waste sludge pumps send the WAS to digesters, discussed below. Answer: The pump "station" which houses the pumps is taxable. The pumps located in the pump station are exempt. The exemption status of an item depends on how it is used. GR -66 (4) provides examples of taxable items and includes pump stations, sludge de -watering equipment, sludge pumping equipment and sludge application system. However, the waste sludge pumps you describe are used during the water treatment process, before the process has ended, to remove contaminants from the wastewater, and therefore are exempt. . 12. Waste Activated Sludge Storage Units and Digesters Slurry from the final clarifiers is pumped to two reinforced concrete circular tanks, which act as aerated digesters. Blowers pump air to these tanks; reducing the solids to water and carbon dioxide through degradation over time. The-recovered=water:is-returned-te-the-head-of-the-plant fer-the-removal-of-contaminants-gird eventual discharge. Answer: Exempt. See Answer to 2 above, Additionally, GR -66 specifically exempts digester equipment, blowers, and aerators. 13. Filters The proposed filtration facilities consist of cells of deep bed filters with sand and gravel media. The filter block underdrain system will be used for effluent collection and cleaning by backwash and air scour. Backwash flow, used for removal of accumulated solids, is provided by pumps located in the post aeration basin. Air is provided by blowers located in the chemical feed building. Backwash retum pumps return the backwash for further treatment. 5 A 12-29-05: 10: 39AM;MWY. INC. ;479 443 4340 Answer: Piping, valves, fittings, weirs, gates and other appurtenances that are used within the wastewater treatment facility and are used directly in the actual wastewater treatment process will qualify for the exemption. Additionally, GR -66 specifically exempts pipes, valves and gates. If these items are used before the treatment process begins, or after it is complete they are not exempt. For example, pipes and valves used to transport wastewater from a site to the treatment plant, or to transport sludge and other components away from the treatment plant after treatment are not exempt. 18. Odor Control An odor control building has been provided, equipped with bioscrubbers, carbon absorbers, and exhaust fans to prevent the contaminated air from being released without proper treatment to the environment and surrounding community. It is requested that the equipment used to take these precautions against air pollution created by the plant be considered as well. - Answer: Since the odor control system you describe is not used in the wastewater treatment process, it will not qualify as exempt wastewater equipment. As to whether the odor control system could possibly be exempt as "regular" pollution control machinery, the answer depends on whether the odor control system is used to reduce or prevent air or water pollution and whether the Fayetteville Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant is required by state or federal law to install the odor control system. See GR -66A. If the requirements of GR -66(A) are satisfied, then the odor control system would qualify for an exemption. This opinion is based on my understanding of the facts as set out in your inquiry as those facts are governed by current Arkansas laws, rules and regulations. Any change in the facts or law could result in a different opinion. Sincerely, `Gw*..rirnQ (a- Claibourne C. Crews, Attorney Revenue Legal Counsel ee:dttr^— _ . — q 13/ 13 2006 BONDS -WASTEWATER REQUISITION City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Series 2006A Sales and Use Tax Capital Improvement Bonds Date: 01/25/2010 Requisition No: _2006-W W-#105 TO: Simmons First Trust Company, as Trustee Pursuant to the provisions of Section 502 of the Trust Indenture dated as of November 1, 2006 ("the Indenture"), by and between the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas ("the issuer) and you, as trustee, you are authorized to make the following described payment directly to the Payee named below from the 2006 WASTEWATER Account of the Project Fund: Name of Payee: City of Fayetteville Sales Tax Construction 2006 Account # 17160292 Amount of Payment: Paid to: $2983.26 Check # Amount McClelland Engineers 2113 676.00 Water & Sewer Fund 2114 2307.26 The undersigned hereby certifies that he is authorized to deliver this Requisition on behalf of the Issuer. The amount requested hereunder has not been the basis for any previous Requisition by the Issuer and is justly due and owing to the person(s) named herein as a proper payment or reimbursement of a Project Cost with the respect to the WASTEWATER Project. No event of Default exists under the Indenture and, to the knowledge of the undersigned, no event has occurred and continues which with notice or lapse of time or both would constitute an Event of Default under the Indenture. City of ' e, A$ Finance &'internal Services Director Page 1 of 1 17160292 Sales Tax Const 2006A Dr/Cr Amount Description Credit $2,983.26 20100125H2B7001 C0002870125 1 3 1 1 Totals Type Amount Count Credits $2,983.26 1 Debits $0.00 0 NET $2,983.26 1 https: //cashm an. arvest. com/cashman//Memoltems. asp?Acct=17160292+Sales+Tax+Const... 1/25/2010 New World Systems 7.0 *LIVE* 1/25/10 Bank Account: 452 SALESTAXON Type options, press Enter. 9=Source 15=General Ledger Check Inquiry AP0810S1 Favorite: Sales Tax Construction 2006A Reset: Transactions 24=Documents Check Opt Number Date Payee Name 1/25/10 1/25/10 1/25/10 1/15/10 1/15/10 1/15/10 1/15/10 1/15/10 �41 2114 j / 2113 M.-AsM.-As& 2112 7 2111 2110 2109 2108 2107 ---Status---- Code Date Water & Sewer Fund a✓.fa McClelland Consult Engine/14'01W Garver Engineers PFM Asset Management LLC McGoodwin/Williams & Yate Goodwin & Goodwin Garver Engineers Environmental Consulting 2106 1/15/10 Decco Contractors Paving 2105 1/15/10 City of Farmington _ 2104 1/15/10 Circuit Clerk *=Documents Attached F3=Exit F9=Resequence F12=Cancel F15=Bank 1114 r F20=ACH Inquiry 2)307.26 + 676.0 + 11/219-8, r - 06 /+?/Au)S+NO cR gene 14,263.116+ J 2,507.26 + 676.0 + 23983.26G+ More: + Check Amount 2,307.26 676.00 11,279.85 4,540.00 3,032.50 20,000.00 18,690.47 18,444.11 56,895.57 39,556.48 45.00 More... F22=More CITY of FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS DUPLICATE CHECK NO. 2113 DATE INVOICE NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 12/31/2009 FY092109-002 Surveying, Geotech Investigation, Concre 676.00 CHECK AMOUNT $676.00 2 1111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111 aye evi e CITY of FAYETTEVILLE FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS •�aenset SALES TAX CONSTRUCTION 2006A AMUR Rawls Manias 81-87/829 DETACH HERE FOR YOUR RECORDS CHECK NO. 2113 DATE 1/25/2010 SIX HUNDRED SEVENTY SIX DOLLARS AND NO CENTS PAY TO THE ORDER OF McClelland Consult Engine PO Box 34087 Little Rock AR 72203-4087 L_ le2&&311' 408 29008 7 21: 00L716029211' VOID IF NOT CASHED IN 60 DAYS AMOUNT $676.00 delteNithtlABLE aaII��KK��NFG BLE EzzI E NON-NEGOTIABLE ITS PURCHAS ©HIM VENDOR NO. 7460 McClelland Consult Engr Attn: John C Quinn PO Box 1229 1810 N College Ave FayettrtaeviUf Qty. of Rece ed Issue 2010 Each Package Must Be Marked Exactly As Shown Here City of Fayetteville, Arkansas 2/03/09 PURCHASE ORDER # 09-0000137-001 FOB Fyv TERMS ' NET 30 DAY 3/51 Descrl nZ 702 Account Number Una Price TOTALS 1.00 EA I_ a) Surveying, Geotech Investigation, Concrete Design Per RFQ #08-01 4520.9520.5314.00 021330600 SHIP TO: Water & Wastewater Director CITY OF FAYEITEVILLE 113 W MOUNTAIN FAYEITEVILLE AR 72701 fulgen,g1TERED JAN 22 2010 DEPARTMENT VERIFICATION BY I I �,4TEIl RECEIVED b DEPT HEAD APPROVAL AMOUNT TO PAY NP VERIFICATION �0 15000.00 15 00 v oblk.00 Sales Tax Total: Purchase Order Total: ADDITIONAL APPROVAL CHECK # D DOES NOT MEET PURCHASING POUCY CONTRACT PAYMENT OTHER APPROVED BY IIII40oto ' ! 1 t,gce /pA 1-22-10 :WISING VERIFICATION PHICE CHANGE VERIFICATION RETURN CHECK TO SEND COPY TO PROJECT # t 7i 33 THIS PAYMENT $ PREVIOUS PAYMENT $ a $ i • to TOTAL PYMT(S) $ BALANCE $ DEPT. WHEN COMPLETE DELIVER TO ACCTS. PAYABLE City of Fayetteville, Engineering Dept. Mr. Shannon Jones, P.E. 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 Billing Period: 05/31/2009 Through 12/31/2009 McClelland Consulting Engineers, Inc. P.O. Box 34087 Little Rock, AR 72203 (501) 371-0272 Invoice number Date FY092109-002 01/15/2010 Project: FY092109 Fayetteville Solar Driers Foundation & Stem Wall PO# 09-0000137-001 DESIGN Principal Engineer ADDITIONAL SERVICES Office Admin Survey Crew -2 Man Survey Technician Approvq by: Principal Fjfigine Hours Billed Rate Amount 1.00 155.00 155.00 Phase subtotal 155.00 Phase subtotal Hours 155.00 Billed Rate Amount 0.25 3.00 1.00 Invoice total 60.00 143.bo 77.00 15.00 429.00 77.00 521.00 521.00 City of Fayetteville, Engineering Dept. Invoice number. FY092102-002 Invoice date: 01/15/2010 Page 1 Vendor: McClelland Consult Engr CIN OF FAYETTEVILLE RFQ # 08-01 PO# 09-0000137 Surveying, Geatech Investigation and Concrete Design C ...,ige Order # Cost of C.O. Cumulative i P.O. Price Payment Date Payment Number Payment Amount Retainage Invoice Amount Expensed Remaining amount on P.O. Base P.O. $15,000.00 $15,000.00 2/3/2009 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 6/17/2009 1 $1,215.00 $0.00 $1,215.00 $13,785.00 $15,000.00 8/4/2009 2 $3,813.00 $0.00 $3,813.00 $9,972.00 $15,000.00 1/21/2010 3 $676.00 $0.00 $676.00 $9,296.00 $15,000.00 4 $0.00 $0.00 $9,296.00 $15,000.00 5 $0.00 $0.00 $9,296.00 $15,000.00 6 $0.00 $0.00 $9,296.00 $15,000.00 7 $0.00 $0.00 $9,296.00 $15,000.00 8 $0.00 $0.00 $9,296.00 $15,000.00 9 $0.00 $0.00 $9,296.00 $15,000.00 10 $0.00 $0.00 $9,296.00 $15,000.00 11 $0.00 $0.00 $9,296.00 $15,000.00 12 $0.00 $0.00 $9,296.00 $15,000.00 13 $0.00 $0.00 $9,296.00 $15,000.00 14 $0.00 $0.00 $9,296.00 $15,000.00 15 $0.00 $0.00 $9,296.00 $15,000.00 16 $0.00 $0.00 $9,296.00 $15,000.00 17 $0.00 $0.00 $9296.00 $15,000.00 18 $0.00 $0.00 $9,296.00 $15,000.00 19 $0.00 $0.00 $9,296.00 $15,000.00 20 $0.00 $0.00 $9,296.00 $15,000.00 21 $0.00 $0.00 $9,296.00 $15,000.00 22 $0.00 $0.00 $9,296.00 $15,000.00 23 $0.00 $0.00 $9,296.00 $15,000.00 24 $0.00 $0.00 $9,296.00 - $15,000.00 25 $0.00 $0.00 $9,296.00 $5,704.00 $0.00 $5,704.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 3 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 4 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 5 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 6 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 7 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 8 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 9 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 10 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 11 $0.00 $0.00 $0.0o $0.00 12 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 13 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Totals $15,000.00 $5,704.00 $0.00 $5,704.00 $9,296.00 CITY of FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS DUPLICATE CHECK NO. 2114 DATE INVOICE NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 1/01/2010 0000062177 Clear Due To/From 2,307.26 CHECK AMOUNT $2,307.26 1111111111111111111 11 11111111111111111111111111111 aye evi�le CITY of FAYETTEVILLE FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS ARKANSAS SALES TAX CONSTRUCTION 2006A ..a.. 81-871829 DETACH HERE FOR YOUR RECORDS CHECK NO. 2114 1/25/2010 TWO THOUSAND, THREE HUNDRED SEVEN DOLLARS AND TWENTY SIX CE PAY TO THE ORDER OF Water & Sewer Fund L II.2ii41I• 1:0829008724 00/7/60292y VOID IF NOT CASHED IN 60 DAYS NialABLE � ISIG BLE EGE NON-NEGOTIABLE co s Z 0 co 0 C N 0 0 0 V C T oO of a'aa oa ❑ ❑ 0 O ❑ 0 C Account Number D y N 0 a 0 0 0 0. n g 5400 0 0 0 1400 Dept Fund 4520 Amount 2,30726 Account Name Due to Water 8 Sewer 2006 BONDS -WASTEWATER REQUISITION City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Series 2006A Sales and Use Tax Capital Improvement Bonds Date: 02/08/2010 Requisition No:_2006-WW-#106 TO: Simmons First Trust Company, as Trustee Pursuant to the provisions of Section 502 Of the Trust Indenture dated as of November 1, 2006 ("the Indenture"), by and between the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas ("the issuer) and you, as trustee, you are authorized to make the following described payment directly to the Payee named below from the 2006 WASTEWATER Account of the Project Fund: Name of Payee: City of Fayetteville Sales Tax Construction 2006 Account# 17160292 Amount of Payment: $48,818.79 Paid to: Check # Amount City of Farmington (WL -10A) 2118 37,416.25 Environmental Consulting 2119 9132.54 PFM Asset Management 2111 2270.00 The undersigned hereby certifies that he is authorized to deliver this Requisition on behalf of the Issuer. The amount requested hereunder has not been the basis for any previous Requisition by the Issuer and is justly due and owing to the person(s) named herein as a proper payment or reimbursement of a Project Cost with the respect to the WASTEWATER Project. No event of Default exists under the Indenture and, to the knowledge of the undersigned, no event has occurred and continues which with notice or lapse of time or both would constitute an Event of Default under the Indenture. City of Fayetteville, AR -Pavai a . 0.-�---- Finance & Internal Services Director Page 1 of 1 17160292 Sales Tax Const 2006A Dr/Cr Amount Description Credit $53,397.07 20100208H2B7001C00018602081300 Totals Type Amount Count Credits $53,397.07 1 Debits $0.00 0 NET $53,397.07 1 51A �(f9� 18j (viiea.99> re, https://cashman.arvest.com/cashman//Memoltems.asp7Acct=17160292+Sales+Tax+Const+... 2/8/2010 New World Systems 7.0 *LIVE* 2/08/10 Check Inquiry Favorite: Bank Account: 452 SALESTAXON Sales Tax Construction 2006A Type options, press Enter. 9=Source 15=General Ledger Transactions 24=Documents Check Opt Number Date 2120 2/08/10 2119 2/08/10 2118 2/08/10 2117 2/01/10 2116 2/01/10 2115 2/01/10 2114 1/25/10 2113 1/25/10 2112 1/25/10 2111 1/15/10 2110 1/15/10 .110.111101. Payee Name General Fund Environmental Consulting City of Farmington Sweetser Inc, Jerry D General Fund General Fund Water & Sewer Fund McClelland Consult Engine Garver Engineers PFM Asset Management LLC McGoodwin/Williams & Yate REC ---Status---- Code Date *=Documents Attached F3=Exit F9=Resequence F12=Cancel F15=Bank 2,27U•UU + 51k, 2'SU8.28 + 4,578.286+ 2,27U•UU 4-1 9,132.54 aN 37,416.25 48'818-79G+ 48,818•79 + 0w1 4)5'0-28 + 53,397.076+ 2/05/10 AP0810S1 Reset: F20=ACH Inquiry More: + Check Amount 2,308.28 9,132.54 37,416.25 42,980.73 2,018.84 47,269.83 2,307.26 676.00 11,279.85 4,540.00 3,032.50 More... F22=More CITY of FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS DUPLICATE CHECK NO. 2111 DATE INVOICE NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 1/06/2010 0000062155 Arbitrage Calculations ii P'117 4,540.00 CHECK AMOUNT $4,540.00 8 la!ttcyjile .mEa e1-fi7iexs 1111111111111111111 II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1111 CITY of FAYETTEVILLE FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS SALES TAX CONSTRUCTION 2006A DETADI HERE FOR YOUR RECORDS CHECK NO. 2111 DATE 1/15/2010 FOUR THOUSAND, FIVE HUNDRED FORTY DOLLARS AND NO CENTS PAY TO THE ORDER OF PFM Asset Management LLC Two Logan Square, 18th & Arch Suite 1600 Philadelphia PA 19103 L u•2 LLL11• ':08 29008 ? 21: 00L7L60292" VOID IF NOT CASHED IN 60 DAYS AMOUNT $4,540.00 IGOTIABLE N�G I BLE NON-NEGOTIABLE PFM' The PFM Group Public Financial Management, Inc. PFM Asset Management LLC PFM Advisors INVOICE # 55059 DATE: February 4, 2010 Bill To: Ms. Marsha Hertweck Accounting Director City of Fayetteville, Arkansas 113 West Mountain Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 Two Logan Scpnre Suitt, Ibvl IP A Arch Srrcet% Phdeddph a, PA I910:.277o 215 567-6100 215 567-4130 fax www.pfm.com INVOICE RE: GO Series 2006A; Sales & Use Series 2006; Sales & Use Series 2007; TIF Series 2005; Water & Sewer Series 2002A & B; Water & Sewer Series 2004; and Water & Sewer Series 2009 For services rendered in connection with the preparation of the Arbitrage Report for the issue listed above. DESCRIPTION Project # 00410.053.1 AMOUNT i l$1-7!) TOTAL DUE $13,870 TERM NET 30 DAYS PLEASE REFER TO INVOICE # WHEN ISSUING PAYMENT Remittance Address: PFM Asset Management, LLC PO Box 823431 Philadelphia, PA 19182-3431 Wire Instructions: TriState Capital Bank ABA# 043019003 Acct# 0320000276 THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS PFM` The PFM Group Public Financial Management, Inc. PFM Asset Management LLC PFM Advisors February 4, 2010 Ms. Marsha Hertweck Accounting Director City of Fayetteville, Arkansas 113 West Mountain Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 RE: GO Series 2006A Sales & Use Series 2006 Sales & Use Series 2007 TIF Series 2005 Water & Sewer Series 2002A & B Water & Sewer Series 2004 Water & Sewer Series 2009 Dear Marsha: Two Logan Square Suite IGMI IA's & Arch Strcat 1'hdaddphLt l'A IYW3-277(1 215 567-6100 215 567-4180 fav www.ts,,.r.,m Enclosed please find two (2) copies of the Interim Report of Arbitrage Rebate regarding the above - referenced bond issues and a note of our charges for services rendered regarding the same. As you know, BondResource joined PFM in April 2009. Please note our new address and employer identification number. For proper reporting of our fees on IRS Form #1099, our identification number is 23 3087064. An IRS Form W-9 is also enclosed. Page two of our report highlights that as of December 31, 2009 (or in the case of the TIF Series 2005, February 1, 2010), the Computation Date, no liabilities exist except for the GO Series 2006A. For that issue, the package also includes the IRS filing materials and separate instructions. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 215 557 1272. Sincerely, frm mn2a'o Joan M. DiMarco Enclosures Wile PURCHASE OMER VENDOR NO. 19622 PFM Asset Management LLC Two Logan Square, 18th & Arch Suite 1600 Philadelphia PA 19103 2010. Each Package Must Be Marked Exactly As Shown Here City of Fayetteville, Arkansas PURCHASE ORDER # 10-0000062-001 DATE 1/13/10 FOB Fyv TERMS NET 30 DAY Qty.of Unit Oty. Issue Received Description and Account Number Unit Price TOTALS 1.00 EA a) Arbitrage Calculations pi) 4520.9520.5314.00 06035 1 1.00 EA b) Arbitrage Calculations 4520.9520.5314.00 02133 ov SHIP TO: Accounting Ran 201 CITY OF FAYETI'EVILLE 113 W MOUNTAIN FAYETTEVILLE AR 72701 ENTERED JAN 14 1010 Turbervd! 2270.00 2270.00 2270.00 2270.00 y'( S-fV-oo UDGET Sales Tax Total: $415 Purchase Order Total: 495 95 DEPARTMENT VERIFICATION RECEIVED DEPT HEAD APPROVAL AMOUNT TO PAY A/P VERIFICATION BY ;ATP� I t`(o $ l Lf $ e .OL1 1'1410 PURCHASING VERIFICATION PRICE CHANGE VERIFICATION RETURN CHECK TO Jilt119 rarL rviHc SEND COPY TO ADDITIONAL APPROVAL CHECK # DOES NOT MEET PURCHASING POUCV CONTRACT PAYMENT OTHER APPROVED BY PROJECT # THS PAYMENT $ PREVIOUS PAYMENT(S) $ TOTAL PYMT(S) $ • BALANCE S DEPT. WHEN COMPLETE DELIVER TO ACCTS. PAYABLE t The PFM Group Public Financial Management. Inc PFM Asset Management LLC FFM hansom January 6 2010 Ms. Marsha Hertweck The City of Fayetteville, Arkansas 113 West Mountain Fayetteville, AR 72701 Dear Ms. Hertweck: T.::.1. fieri Snowt Sva :3P 1E' d A:ch Streets Pmladelrhia. PA 19103-2770 215 567-100 21n 557-4 1'e0 tax We are pleased to provide The City of Fayetteville, Arkansas ("Fayetteville) with this job arrangement letter. This letter confirms our arrangements to undertake a consulting engagement to prepare certain computations for the purpose of assisting Fayetteville in determining the arbitrage liability, if any, in connection with the bond issues detailed below. In connection with the engagement, we will • Analyze the bond issue transactions in accordance with the arbitrage provisions contained in Section 148 of the Internal Revenue Code (the "Code"). • Read applicable sections of selected bond documents to determine relevant data necessary for the computations. • Recompute the bond yield and agree the results to the relevant bond documents (fixed) or compute the bond yield (variable). • Calculate the amount of arbitrage liability and yield reduction amount, if applicable. • Issue a detailed report to disclose and explain our conclusions. • Issue an IRS Form 8038-T (if required) for each series, with instructions. Long-term relationships are built by providing high-quality service at a fair price. Any out-of- pocket expenses (i.e., travel costs) will be billed at the actual amounts incurred. Interim billings will be submitted as work progresses, and invoices are due upon presentation. Our fees for the scope of services defined herein will be based upon the following table: Ms. Marsha Hertweck Page 2 January 6, 2010 '.dy`: ., ssgg; I 4'. witrf xr j'�Y erne ` .� r. *£E•.aw.�.'31`� Fe ?: ; Csnl4 !atj9n net q.: f : .<v`5iln'C - ...Afe GO Series 2006A 12/31/2009' $ 2,270 Sales & Use Series 2005AB 12/1/2009' (completed) 2,270 - Sales & Use Series 2006 12/31/2009 —► 2270 Sales & Use Series 2007 12/31/2009 —'f 2270 Water & Sewer Series 2002A&B 12/31/2009 2,270 Water & Sewer Series 2004 12/31/2009 2,270 TIF Series 2005 12/31/2009** 250 Sales & Use Series 2009 Waive for 2009 Water & Sewer Series 2004 12/31/2009 2,270 • 8038 Filing Calculation • Reduced scope: BDSF Testing Only S,M\i1\aAS {a U.� ktc,ia {"O P0-1 Total 2009 Calculation Fees: $ 16,14b 13,loao.co Cr p}d t The Series 2006 General Obligation bond has spent all sale proceeds except for the reserve set aside in the Rebate Fund. At the City's request, we will treat 12/31/2009 as the first installment computation date (statutory filing date) for this issue. It is our understanding that the City intends to remit 100% of the arbitrage liability due at that time. Thereafter provided the debt service fund continues to deplete, no additional calculations should be required and we will conduct an annual debt service test as part of each year's engagement cycle (at a reduced fee). In the event Fayetteville is selected for examination by the Internal Revenue Service, we would be pleased to present a separate engagement letter stating our services and appropriate fees. The management of Fayetteville is responsible for making available to us all financial records and related information and personnel with information of relevance to our engagement. However, we will continue to work directly with trustee(s) to obtain relevant trust activity if possible. The objective of our work is to provide you with a report describing our steps, assumptions and the resulting arbitrage liability. Our consulting engagement will not be performed as an attest engagement -in -accordance-with -standards - established- by -the -American -Institute of -Certified ---- Public Accountants. Our work cannot be relied upon to disclose errors, fraud or illegal acts that may exist and which might have been detected had we performed an audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Pursuant to professional standards, in the unusual event that we are unable to complete our engagement, we may decline to issue a report. This is not an engagement for legal representation and does not create an attorney-client relationship. Our report will state that it is restricted to the parties named therein and may not be used or referred to for any other purpose. Ms. Marsha Hertweck Page 3 January 6, 2010 The working papers prepared in conjunction with our work are the property of PFM Asset Management LLC (PFMAM), constitute confidential and proprietary information, and will be retained by us in accordance with PFMAM's policies and procedures. Please confirm your agreement with the terms of this letter, including the attached PFMAM Engagement Terms (as detailed in Attachment I), by signing a copy of this letter and retuming it to us. If you have any questions concerning this arrangement, please call me at 215-557-1272. We are pleased to have this opportunity to continue to work together and look forward to a long and mutually satisfying relationship. Very truly yours, PFM Asset Management LLC AM 02 0, 7176000 Joan M. DiMarco Enclosures AGREED AND ACKNOWLEDGED: The City o ayetteville, A _ nsas BY Date: / /07 Client Signa • r: Name Title: 1e7 Ms. Marsha Hertweck Page 4 January 6, 2010 ATTACHMENT 1 PFMAM ENGAGEMENT TERMS These terms apply to the engagement described in any arrangement letter referencing them but shall also apply to any additional work we are asked within 12 months of any such arrangement letter to perform for client (unless a separate arrangement letter is used). 1. Cooperation and Participation. PFM ASSET MANAGEMENT LLC (PFMAM) shall be entitled to rely on all information provided by and decisions and approvals of client (and its counsel). Client's management shall be solely responsible for applying independent business judgment with respect to PFMAM's services and work product (including decisions on implementation or other further course(s) of action) and to be solely and exclusively responsible for such decisions. Although PFMAM will endeavor to be alert to any incorrect or missing data, and plans to apply its normal diligence in this regard, PFMAM shall nevertheless be entitled to rely on the accuracy and completeness of all information provided to us. 2. Confidentiality. PFMAM will maintain the confidentiality of client information of a confidential nature using the same degree of care it uses in maintaining its own confidential information. Client shall at no time disclose any of PFMAM's work product and other confidential material, or its role in this engagement, to any third party (except to a government agency or court, to the extent such filing is an agreed objective of this engagement or unless required by the Freedom of Information Act, other law or Court order) without PFMAM's prior written consent in each case. Client's use of PFMAM's work product from this engagement (except for copies of filed tax returns) shall in any event be restricted to the item's stated purpose (if any) and otherwise to client's intemal business use only. Each of us retains the right in any event to use the ideas, concepts, techniques, industry data and know-how used or developed in the course of the engagement. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, (1) no restriction in this agreement is intended to be nor shall be construed as a condition of confidentiality as such term is used in I.R.C. §§ 6011, 6111, 6112 and the regulations thereunder; and (ii) any corporation or individual who is a party to this agreement has PFMAM's authorization to disclose to any and all persons, without limitation of any kind, any entity, plan, arrangement or transaction (including every aspect thereof) with respect to which PFMAM, in connection with this agreement, does or is required to introduce, recommend, give advice, or otherwise provide consultation or services. Except as instructed otherwise in writing, each party may assume that the other approves of properly addressed fax, email (including email exchanged via Internet media) and voicemail communication of both sensitive and non -sensitive "'documents and other communications concerning this engagement, as well as other means of communication used or accepted by the other. 3. Taxpayer Confidentiality Privileges; Use of Counsel. The parties acknowledge that certain documents and other communications involving and/or disclosed to or by PFMAM may be subject to one or more claims of privilege by or on behalf of client (e.g., the attomey-client privilege; the I.R.C. § 7525 tax advisory privilege, etc) Although client is solely responsible for managing the recognition, establishment and maintenance (e.g., possible waiver) of these Ms. Marsha Hertweck Page 5 January 6, 2010 possible protections (and for involving legal counsel as it deems necessary), PFMAM shall cooperate with client's reasonable written instructions regarding same. 4. Agreed Upon Scope of Work. PFMAM shall be obligated only for work or deliverables specified in the arrangement letter referencing these terms, and only for changes in such scope that are set forth in writing and duly executed by the parties hereto. To the extent all specific details of the engagement are not so documented, the parties shall work diligently and in good faith to document them at the request of either party. Unless expressly provided for, PFMAM's services do not include giving testimony or appearing or participating in discovery proceedings, in administrative hearings, in court, or in other legal or regulatory inquiries or proceedings. 5 Access to Resources and Information. Unless specified herein as the responsibility of PFMAM to provide, client shall have obtained for PFMAM on a timely basis any internal and third -party permissions, licenses or approvals that are required for PFMAM to perform the services contemplated hereunder (including use of any necessary software or data). Client shall also provide PFMAM with such information, signoffs and assistance as may be necessary to PFMAM's work or as PFMAM may reasonably request, and PFMAM's personnel assigned to any work hereunder shall not be assumed or deemed to have knowledge of information provided to others, whether extemal to or within PFMAM. 6. Extemal Factors; Standards of Performance. Client acknowledges that this engagement will involve analysis, judgment and other performance from time to time in a context where the participation of the client or others is necessary, where answers often are not certain or verifiable in advance and where facts and available information change with time. Accordingly, evaluation of PFMAM's performance of its obligations shall be based solely on its substantial conformance with any standards or specifications expressly set forth in this agreement and all applicable professional standards, any such nonconformance (and applicability) to be clearly and convincingly shown. If there are any changes in the relevant laws, regulations, industry, market conditions or other circumstances, including in the client's own business practices, PFMAM has no responsibility to advise client of any such changes (except that PFMAM will advise of such changes in the course of the annual rebate updates as long as continuously retained to prepare such computations); and client acknowledges the need for it to re-evaluate PFMAM's preceding services and deliverables. PFMAM reserves the right to in whole or in part decline to perform certain tasks if Information comes to PFMAM's attention indicating that performing such tasks could cause PFMAM to be in violation of applicable law, regulations or standards or in a conflict of interest, or to suffer reputational damage. 7. Business Risk Allocations. With respect to any services, work product or other deliverables hereunder, or this engagement generally, PFMAM's liability shall in no event exceed the fees it receives hereunder for the portion of the work giving rise to liability nor include any special, consequential, incidental or exemplary damages or loss (nor any lost profits, savings or business opportunity). The terms of this paragraph shall apply regardless of the nature of any claim asserted (including contract, statute, any form of negligence whether of client, PFMAM or others, tort, strict liability or otherwise) and whether or not PFMAM was advised of the possibility of the damage or loss asserted, but shall not apply to the extent finally determined to be Ms. Marsha Hertweck Page 6 January 6, 2010 contrary to any applicable law. Such terms shall also continue to apply after any termination of this agreement and during any dispute between the parties. 8. Arbitration - Any dispute arising out of or relating to this engagement, including the breach or termination thereof, shall be resolved by binding arbitration administered by the American Arbitration Association under its Commercial Arbitration Rules. Such arbitration shall be the sole and exclusive procedure for the resolution of any dispute and shall be final. No arbitration award against PFMAM Partners LP shall exceed the fees that PFMAM Partners LP receives for the portion of the work giving rise to liability, nor shall any arbitration award include any special, consequential, incidental or exemplary damages or loss (nor any lost profits, savings or business opportunity). The place of arbitration shall be either Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, San Antonio, Texas, or Little Rock, Arkansas, based upon the primary office where the dispute arises. Judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrators may be entered by any court having jurisdiction thereof. 9. Affiliates. Recognizing that at times PFMAM's work may pertain not only to client but also to a parent, various of its subsidiaries, other affiliates, advisors and contractors, or to family members or related trusts, partnerships, partners, estates or foundations, client shall, as may be requested by PFMAM from time to time (including subsequent to completion of the services) obtain written confirmation of their agreement to the terms of this letter. This agreement is binding on each party hereto and on each of its permitted successors, assigns and legal representatives. PFMAM may authorize or allow Its affiliates and contractors to assist in performing this letter and to share in PFMAM's rights hereunder, provided any such party shall commit (as applicable) to be bound by the restrictions set forth in this letter and PFMAM obtains such express commitments as are necessary. 10. General. This agreement, including its formation and the parties' respective rights and duties and all disputes that might arise from or in connection this letter or its subject matter, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Delaware (or Arkansas to the extent required under Arkansas Statute), without giving effect to conflicts of laws rules. Each party is an independent contractor with respect to the other and shall not be construed as having a trustee or fiduciary relationship. The letter, including this and any other incorporated attachments, sets forth the entire understanding between and among the parties regarding the subject matter addressed herein, supersedes all prior agreements, arrangements and communications and may not be modified or amended except by the mutual written agreement of both parties. If any term hereof is found unenforceable or invalid this shall not affect the other --- terms hereof, all of which shall continue in effect as if the stricken term had not been included. CITY of FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS DUPLICATE CHECK NO 2118 DATE INVOICE NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 1/31/2010 11A WS IP WL-l0a Farmington Gravity Cont 2073 37,416.25 CHECK AMOUNT $37,416.25 11 11111111111111111 II 11111111111111111111111111 III aye eve CITY of FAYETTEVILLE FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS ....ass SALES TAX CONSTRUCTION 2006A MAVENS 81-87/829 DETACH HERE FOR YOUR RECORDS CHECK NO. 2118 2/08/2010 THIRTY SEVEN THOUSAND, FOUR HUNDRED SIXTEEN DOLLARS & 25 CENTS PAY TO THE ORDER OF City of Farmington PO Box 150 Farmington AR 72730-0150 L II. 2 i Lane I:❑8 290013 7 21: 00 760 29 20 VOID IF NOT CASHED IN 60 DAYS $37,416.25 £N Ni OTIABLE suaa NSG I BLE t E NON-NEGOTIABLE ¶9tev2lle KEC ** CHANGE ORDER ME ORDER F 13F VENDOR NO. 3112 ; 92) o n�G` 0 O A F -• City of Farmington e G2 o PO Box 150 s 2G, , Farmington AR 72731-: -d t t ** 'oho Each Package Must Be Marked Exactly As Shown Here City of Fayetteville, Arkansas PURCHASE ORDER # 09-0000160-101 DATE 9/28/09 FOB Fyv TERMS NET 30DAY Qty. Unit of Issue Qty. Received Description and Account Number Unit Price TOTALS 1.00 EA ' a) WSIP WL -10a Farmington Gravity Mai 328402.58 Per Res #09-09 Bid #09-01 Contract #2073 4520.9520.5315.00 021330415 SHIP TO: Water & Wastewater Director CITY OF FAYEPPEVILLE 113 W MOUNTAIN FAYEITEVILLE AR 72701 ENTERED FEB 0 4 2010 -1, 4lk.k Continued on Next Page DEPARTMENT VERIFICATION BY RECEIVED DEPT HEAD APPROVAL AMOUNT TO PAY NP VERIFICATION PURCHASING VERIFICATION �21 PRICE CHANGE VERIFICATION PROJECT # THIS PAYMENT $ ADDITIONAL APPROVAL CHECK # DOES NOT MEET PURCHASING POUCY CONTRACT PAYMENT OTHEll APPROVED BY 04/014) eht PREVIOUS PAYMENT(S) $ RETURN CHECK TO TOTAL PYMT(S) $ SEND COPY TO BALANCE $ DEPT COPY S 44, 16 .�q7 ntlaye** CHANGE ORDER ** QARKANSAS Each Package Must Be Marked Exactly As Shown Here VENDOR NO. PURCHASE OMER I 3112 City of Farmington PO Box 150 Farmington AR 72730-0150 FOB Fyv City of Fayetteville, Arkansas PURCHASE ORDER # 09-0000160-101 DATE 9/28/09 TERMS NET 30 DAY Oty. UM of Issue Recanted Description and Account Number Unit Price TOTALS 1.00 EA b) Change Order #1 to Contract #2073 1973.00 19 00 05/19/09 C/O #1 to incr contract by $1,973.00 to allow for City's cost share of the demolition of old lift station at Double Springs Rd. 4520.9520.5315.00 021330415 SHIP TO: Water & Wastewater Director CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE 113 W MOUNTAIN FAYETTEVILLE AR 72701 Continued on Next Page DEPARTMENT VERIFICATION BY DATE ADDITIONAL APPROVAL RECEIVED DEPT HEAD APPROVAL AMOUNT TO PAY NP VERIFICATION PURCHASING VERIFICATION PRICE CHANGE VERIFICATION RETURN CHECK TO SEND COPY TO CHECK # DOES NOT MEET PURCHASING POLICY CONTRACT PAYMENT OTHER APPROVED BY DEPT COPY PROJECT # THIS PAYMENT $ PREVIOUS PAYMENT(S) $ TOTAL PYMT(S) $ BALANCE $ Wile KRICK VENDOR NO. 3112 City of Farmington ** CHANGE ORDER ** ME ©MEN Each Package Must Be Marked PURCHASE ORDER # Exactly As Shown Here City of Fayetteville, Arkansas 09-0000160-101 DATE 9/28/09 PO Box 150 Farmington AR 72730-0150 FOB Fyv TERMS NET 30 DAY Unit Oty. of Issue O . Received Description and Account Number Unit Price TOTALS 1.00 EA c) Change Order #2 to Contract #2073 289 83 289'4.83 09/28/09 C/O a2 to incr contract by $2,894.83 to allow for Fayetteville's share of installing a 24" steel encasement across Centerpoint Energy gas transmission line easement. Note: C/O #3 to incr contract by $43,350.00 for removal of an inverted siphon at Manhole #14 is full responsibility of City of Farmington. 4520.9520.5315.00 021330415 &N\i`c)-) SHIP TO: Water& Wastewater Director CITY OF FAYEITEVILLE 113 W MOUNTAIN FAYEITEVILLE AR 72701 lrugens, D Sales Tax Total: Purchase Order Total: DEPARTMENT VERIFICATION BY DATE ADDmONAL APPROVAL RECEIVED DEPT HEAD APPROVAL AMOUNT TO PAY NP VERIFICATION PURCHASING VERIFICATION CHECK # DOES NOT MEET PURCHASING POLICY CONTRACT PAYMENT OTHER APPROVED BY PRICE CHANGE VERIFICATION PROJECT # THIS PAYMENT $ PREVIOUS PAYMENT(S) $ RETURN CHECK TO TOTAL PYMT(S) $ SEND COPY TO BALANCE $ DEPT COPY Gamey WL -10A Contract 02073 Farmington/Fayetteville Pay Apo 01l Jan. 1-31,489 .2.47/•61110.27%( 19.73% Pay app et Pay App 82 Pry App 83 Pay IMP 84 Pay e,P 85 Pay app 08 Pay app 87 Pry IMP 88 Pry 40009 PayA$O#I0 PayAPPal1 Malaltls valance Material 6346.11 81,240.34 81.240.34 95.730.88 74,349.51 70.968.89 58,969.31 48,644.12 31.426.60 17,714,34 ,�_�It 10,227.03 ' /J�?IQ-.' (7,487.34) 01 Reldnaga (5,135.40) (7.553.79) (2,811.25) (24,432.14) (21.397.10) (21.38725) (494.62) (83,211.55) Retainage total 80.27% 19.73% This month Farmington Fayetteville To date Canna Variance 1 obW7ation (NTE 5% al dl other contract Item 50.00- - 75,000.00 575.000.00 2 Site preparation: dewing & grubbing 50.00- - 55685.00 555,66500 - 3 Construction staking 50.00 - - 44 532 00 344.532.00 - 4 48' Dia Sia Mande, 0416 deep 518,000.00 14,448.08 3.551.94 68,000.00 566000.00 100000 5 48' Dia Manhole, Extra depth -over 6 f. deep 116,368.00 13,138.10 3,229.90 52,500.00 $51500.00 8 4W Dia Drop Mande G6 ft deep 118,000.00 14,448.06 1551.94 72000.00 167,500.00 (4,500.00) 7 21' 10.00- - 68600.00 588,800.00 - gravity sew 8 embedment 8I8• gravity denser 8embedment 50.00- - 144,920.00 1144620.00 915'gmly sewer 8embedment 50.00 - - 102,636.00 1102,638,0 - 101T gravity sewer 8embedment 541,072.00 32967.27 8,104.73 93,70400 $91704.00 - 11 8' 8 56,125.00 4,918.35 1,208.65 10,075.00 116075.00 - gravity sewer embedment 12 6' gravity sewer 8 embebnenl 13,000.00 1408.01 591.99 4,875.00 54,875.00 - 13 Trench excavation 8 badGe 0-8 R 58,850.00 7,103.83 1,746.37 13,590.00 517.430.00 3,840.00 14 Trench excavation 8 backfill 8-12 ft 524,535.00 19,693.51 4,841.49 288,575.00 5281,890.00 (6.685.00) 15 Trench excavation 8 beckfi3 12-16 R 50.00- - 83,120.00 183,120.00 - 18 Rock excavating 51,854.00 1,488.15 38585 4,700.00 54.700.00 - 1730' Steel encasement byopen cut 50.00- - 34,000.00 534,000.00 - 1824' 17,250.00 5,619.36 1,430.64 45.675.00 138,425.00 (7,250.00) steel encasement bybore 8jack 19 30' steel encasement by We 8 lack 50.00- - 91,250.00 591,250.00 - 20 Concrete aclos on casings 11,500.00 1,204.01 295.99 10,500.00 116500.00 - 21 Carrels ercnemem 56,200,00 4,978.55 1123.45 36,200.00 $36200.80 - 22 Tree protection 8 pruning 5500.00 401.34 98.88 5,000.00 15,000.00 - 23 Remove Existing mande 50,00- - 14,000.00 510,500.00 (3.500.00) 24 Connect service lateral 52,250.00 1,806.01 443.99 18,750.00 116750.00 - 25 Extension dservice lateral 5300.00 240.80 59.20 4.200.00 $&100.00 26 installation d service lateral cleanout 50.00- - 11,610.00 1.610.00 27 Tempary pkg In new sew 52,000.00 1.605.34 394.66 2,000.00 52,000.00 - 28 Trench totmdaation material 5300.00 240.80 59.20 1,320.00 51.560.00 240.00 29 Trench compaction testing 50.00- - - 11.400.00 1,400.00 80 Rock rip rap 130,480.00 24,465.38 6.014,62 78160.00 176160.00 - 31 Clay dam 11,500.00 1,204.01 295.99 6000.00 16,000.00 - 32 Remove 8 replace asphalt paving 10.00 - - 1860.00 122.920.00 15060.00 33 Remove d replace comets paving 50.00• - - 1990.00 990.00 30 Remove & replan connate sidewalk 50.00- - - 118.42500 18.425.0D 35 Seeding 8 mulching 50.00- - 8,885.20 113,296.00 4,630.80 36 Sad redacemerd 10.00- - - 514,780.00 14,780.00 37 Erosion control 53,500.00 2,809.35 69085 35,000.00 135,000.00 - 38 Trench excavation 8 safety system 52,666.00 2,139.92 528.08 21,91000 121,910.00 - ' 39 Traffic control 5350.00 280.93 69.07 3,500.00 13,500.00 - 40 install sewer backflow prevention device 50.00- - - 5300.00 300.00 41 Surface videodocumnetatlm 50.00• - 11,133.00 $11,133.00 - 42 Pre -condi exploratory exc. To determine limits for rock blasting 50.00 - - 2,300.00 $2,300.00 43 6' reinforced covets channel per Sheet 6 50.00- - - 12,275.00 2,275.00 44 Remove 8 replace 6' Nick gravel surfacing 50.00- - 1,000.00 11,500.00 500.80 Total dee 196,800.00 157,804,94 38795.06 1,619,115.20 $1,864,231.00 45,115.80 Less nawnage - Addmatedalstored 17.467.34) (6,009.88) (1,477.48), COSI 500.00 401.3498.88 24,670.00 168,020.00 543,350.00 189,612,66 152,196.41 (37,416.25% 1,643,785.20 51,732,251.00 88,465.80 Pay app et Pay App 82 Pry App 83 Pay IMP 84 Pay e,P 85 Pay app 08 Pay app 87 Pry IMP 88 Pry 40009 PayA$O#I0 PayAPPal1 Malaltls valance Material 6346.11 81,240.34 81.240.34 95.730.88 74,349.51 70.968.89 58,969.31 48,644.12 31.426.60 17,714,34 ,�_�It 10,227.03 ' /J�?IQ-.' (7,487.34) 01 Reldnaga (5,135.40) (7.553.79) (2,811.25) (24,432.14) (21.397.10) (21.38725) (494.62) (83,211.55) Retainage total SCHEDULE OF CONTRACT CHANGE ORDERS Contrac Additions By Change Order Change Order No. 1 2 3 Description of Change Date Total Cost added by Change Order Cost of Items Completed Contract Deductions By Change Order 4/16/2009 9/1/2009 9/1/2009 Demo Lift Station Gas Line Encasement Remove Inverted Syphon $10,000.00 $14,670.00 $43,350.00 $10,000.00 $14,670.00 $68,020.00 $24,670.00 $0.00 ADJUSTED CONTRACT AMOUNT Original Contract Amount $1,664,231.00 Plus Contract Additions By Change Order $68,020.00 Less Contract Deductions By Change Order Adjusted Contract Amount WORK PERFORMED $0.00 Cost of original contract work performed Cost of Change Order work performed Total Cost of Work Performed Less Amount Retained Net Amount Earned Add Material Stored Total Amount Due Less Amount of Previous Payments Balance Due Recommended By: $1,732,251.00 $1,619,115.20 $24,670.00 $1,643,785.20 ENSaIlV£R(_ V / INSPECTOR 7.)zf/o $83,211.55 $1,560,573.65 $10,227.00 $1,570,800.65 $1,381,187.99 $189,612.66 DATE 112&J10 D I hereby certify that all labor standards contract requirements have been complied with by Gamey Construction, Inc. as prime contractor and by each subcontractor employing mechanics or laborers at the site of the work. Approved By: Approved By: MATERIAL STORED: CONTRACTOR SEE STORED MATERIAL SPREADSHEET /-243-./0 DATE 8-3 -04110 DATE qtr ?Illeel1 y.e.l��ike Home{_ AGRANSAP(J ESTIMATE F0RC0NS7RUCTON PAYMENT Estimate Number 11- WL -10A Farmington lelmeptw OM L10 Stetbo Y11 to Double Springs W1 Station Cavity Main Qty of Fermioetoe, AR RLp Project Number 00534-CWRIF-L RJN Project Number 02133-0410A yah rymle Nemo and Address of CNN City of Farmington 354 Wont Main Street Farmington. AR 72730 Name and Address ofCamemof Ganey Combustion, hie 1333 NW Yrvioa Rod Rave Cay, MO, 64118 PERIOD BEGINNING: 38®y 1, 2010 PERIOD ENDING: homy 31, 2010 Item Demamboo Unit Cermmt Previous Complete Month to Data Comlmed to late Cost of USW d Percent Completed Qumity Una Cost Total Cost Qty. Taal Cost Qty. Total Cost Qty. Total Cost 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 23 26 37 23 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 575,000.00 555,665.0 344,532.0 369,00.0 552,50.0 367,50.0 368.80.0 5144,920.00 3102,636.00 $93,704.00 510,075.00 $4,875.0 311,430.0 5281,890.00 $83,120.0 34,70.0 534,060.00 538,425.0 591.250.0 310,500.0 336,200.00 55,00.0 510,500.00 518,750.0 3430.0 $1,610.0 53,000.00 51,560.0 51,40.0 578,10.0 $6,00.0 522,920.00 3990.00 318,425.00 313,296.0 514,780.00 335,00.0 321,910.0 $3,50.0 $00 311,133.0 $2,300.00 $2,275.0 51,500.0 1.00 11133.0 11133.00 16.0 12044 12.0 160.0 3623.00 2351.00 1548.00 158.00 75.00 158.00 7544.0 2078.0 2846.0 170.00 53.00 125.00 12.00 300.00 0.90 4.00 22,00 19500 0.00 0.00 85.00 0.00 119200 9.00 131.0 0.00 0.00 575,000.00 3556650 344,532.0 548,00.0 336,132.0 354,000.00 368,800.00 5144920.00 5102,636.0 352,63100 53,950.63 11,875.0 34,740.0 $264,040.0 583,120.0 52846.0 534,000.00 538,425.0 391,250.00 59,00.0 330,00.0 34,500.00 31400.0 516,500.0 53,90.0 $0.0 W00 51,020.0 50.00 547,660.0 54,500.0 37,860.00 50.00 $0.00 $8,665.20 50.0 331,500.0 319,244.00 53,150.0 $.0 311,133.0 $300.00 $.0 51,00.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.00 54.56 4.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 1201.00 245.00 120.00 295.00 701.0 0.00 1854.0 0.00 10.00 0.00 2.00 6100 $0.00 30.00 50.00 SI3,000.0 314368.0 $18,00.0 50.0 50.0 50.00 341,072.00 36,125.00 $,00.0 58,850.0 324,535.00 50.0 51,854.0 50.00 17,200 50.0 51,50.0 56,200.00 $5000 30.0 $2,250.0 530.0 $0.0 52.00.00 530.0 30.0 130,430.0 31,500.0 50.00 30.00 30.00 50.00 50.00 33,50.0 32,666.0 5350.00 $.0 $.0 50.00 $.0 $0.0 1.00 11133.00 11133.00 22.00 175.00 16.00 1600.00 3623.00 2851.0 2756.00 403.00 195.00 453.00 8245.00 2078.0 470.0 170.00 63.00 125.0 14.00 362.00 1.0 4.00 25.00 2100 0.0 200 110.00 0-00 1954.0 110 131.0 0.00 0.00 575,000.00 555,665.00 544,532.0 566,000 152,500.00 372,000.00 568,80.0 5144,9200 5102,6360 593,704.00 510,075.00 54,875.00 513,590.0 3288,575.0 $83,120.0 54,700.0 534,000.00 345,675.0 391,250.0 51050.0 $36,200.0 15,00.0 514,00.0 518,750.0 34,200.00 $0.0 57.000.00 31,320.00 $0.0 $78,160.0 36,00.0 37,860.0 50.0 50.00 38,665.20 50.00 $35000.0 321,9100 53,500.0 50.0 511,133.0 52,300.00 50.0 5100.0 10.00 10.0 500 53,00.0 50.0 34,50.0 500 50.0 50.00 1000 50.00 50.0 53,810.0 36,6850 50.0 $0.0 $0.00 47.2500 $0.0 $0.0 50.0 $0.0 . 33,500.0 50.0 30.00 51,6100 50.0 3240.0 31,40.0 10.00 $0.0 115,060.0 5990.00 318,425.00 34,630.80 314,780.00 30.00 50.0 50.00 530.0 10.00 50.00 $2,275.0 55000 100%. 100% 100% 96% 10054 107% 100% 10% 100% 10054 10054 100% 7854 10254 100% 10053 10054 119% 100% 10% 10054 100% 133% 100% 1054 0% 100% 8554 0% 1054 10036 34% 034 0% 65% 0% 10054 10054 100% 0% 100% 10054 0% 67% uroimam(Not to Exceed 6% et e Other Cede arm) to 1 575,00.00 Ma Prep.nma 066110 16116 0121b611 tF 11,133 55.0 CwWANn adds tF 11,193 14.0 a.m. Dd. JS*S. Ola Dae FA 23 53,00.0 46-80 Db.MIMSBerm OWI Ow eft Gee VF 175 3300.00 ads 0.. Dep wood 040.0.6- EA 15 34,500.00 2l -t. 0mty ewer and Embedment 15 1600 343.0 resin away e..r w Erna:mast tt 3,623 340.00 atm Orwyew ma E.& S.M D 2051 538.0 Garay Enee3Ts. LF 2 758 $34.60 este m.or Sae rot L - .. tF 403 525.00 Saw candy Marr as EndamaM tF 195 525.0 Tina Eawle and Sang 04 R tF 581 330.0 Thom Oast and Meal, 6-120. tF 0054 535.0 TmeCvem rd manic 12.1eFt IF 2,078 $40.0 Rock Eason CY 4,700 51.0 361nn IAN Fecermenl yaps Cd 15 170 5200.00 241nm ter Ena.er, by Men um .f6-. is 53 3725.00 2Gae Sad Eawn.b by Da ed .le is 125 3730.00 Cabs. Antler. en Cabs. en 14 570.0 Colas Roan tF 382 510.0 0.10 0.00 3.00 15.00 0.0 2.00 25.0 0.0 762.0 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 1333.00 0.10 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 . 0.00 Tee Preterite and aging 1.8 1 55,00.0 Raw. Dieing grass EA 3 $3,50.0 Cara banks LANS EA 25 570.0 Ead.an o Dint* Land tF 210 3200 dr.wmn ei eseleastersOwer FA 23 270.0 Treery nue at aa. 6-_3/ EA 2 31,000.00 Nest FwdMlm 160a16) n 130 112.00 Trentreapactbn Tues EA 40 835.0 Rod Rpaa CY 1,954 $0.0 as Dun EA 12 $500.0 Rtn s and Sepias genu Preto sY 982 30.0 Rriaw and R.pl.m cane Pals 6Y 18 $55.03 Ra os as RMB amass wawa SY 335 $55.00 Sowing are wake 6Y 2216 56.0 1444.20 0.00 0.90 9622.00 0.90 0.0 11133.00 2300 0.00 20.00 1444.20 00 1.0 10955.00 1.0 0.0 11133.0 23.00 0.00 20.00 Mab Rm.oan SY 1,478 $10.0 ErmaaCan a 1 335,000.0 Tmatawa, and salty yarn tF 10,955 32.0 TN.sa Cres to 1 $3,50.0 ase swat sonar mesas Orta EA 4 375.0 eras 9usa Oeskinintakii tF 11433 31.0 n.mar Dpaetay Doi b Dread Limb b Rock EweO FA 13 3100.00 te Rd4wa4 Cams Came pr swot 5 BY 35 385.0 Rawer and Reda P Vick Grave aa SI 8? 30 $50.0 31,664,231.0 51,422,515.20 5196,60.0 11619,115.20 545,115.80 9754 STATEMENT OF SUBCONTRACTORS w Ground EFX Rock Removal Resources NAME 1601 Ladelle Road Lowell, Ar 72745 479-649-5161 423 East Bronson Road Seymour, WI 54165 920-833-2736 BUSINESS ADDRESS Erosion Control Trenching WORK PERFORMED t N O O 69 9 O A X X tC ?zm W Cil STATEMENT OF SUBCONTRACTORS LS Contract Invoice Completed to Date Stored LF Quantity Quantity Qty. Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost 48 -Inch Dia.Std.Manhole, OAR Deep EA 22 16 22 0 $ 835.00 $ 78.00 $ 835.00 $ 12.49 $ 8.95 $ 8.46 $ 5.62 $ 2.47 $ 1.40 $ 74.00 $ 34.50 $ 34.50 $ 34.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 300.00 $ 70.50 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 4,140.00 $ 5,100.00 $ - $ - $ 987.00 48 -Inch Dia.Manhole Extra Depth, Over Eft Deep VF 175 175.0 175.00 0 48 -Inch Dia. Drop Manhole, OA Ft. Deep LF 16 16 16 0 21 -inch Gravity Sewer LF 1,600 1600 1600 0 18anoh Gravity Sewer LF 3,623 3623 3623 0 15 -inch Gravity Sewer LF . 2,851 2851 2851 0 12 -incl Gravity Sewer LF 2,756 2756 2756 0 8 -inch Gravity Sewer LF 403 403 403 0 8 -Inch Gravity Sewer LF 195 196 110 0 38 -Inch Steel Encasement by Open Cut LF 170 170 170 0 Material for Change order 2 8 7 0 Steel Encasement LF 90 90 90 0 Steel Encasement LF 120 120 0 120 12 -Inch Gravity Sewer LF 150 150 0 150 48" Dla Drop Manhole, 0-6 Ft. Deep EA 1 0 0 0 48 -inch Dta.Manhole Exba Depth, Over 6ft Deep VF 3 0 0 0 Casing Spacers EA 27 27 13 14 $10,227.00 LL 1 1 Is aa , at C ii Ja C 1 C FF iC re trail I Mach rh wsI/+ 03I NamesWe nesace Names 12 H � co NOTICE TO PROCEED Odays Wed2/11/09 Wed2/11/09 , .7 Transfer of Sewer to GBPS 6 days Tns 3/10109 Tue 3/17109 ✓ InsMOed 21' Pipe From BOL to Mil #9 4days' Tus3/10/09 Fd 3/13313 V Installed r Pipe From BOL to MH 043 2 days Mon 3/16/09 Tue 3/17109 4 7 Pre. ConcbructIon TV Inspection 10 days Mon 4809 Fd 4/17/09 ..% Pipe Deliveries 3 days Mon 4809 Wad 4/609 v% Boring Operations 30 day. Mon 6/25/09 Fd 7/3/09 ✓ B- ore underneath Holland Road 15 days Mon 5/25/09 P46/12109 st Bore un0emeat Broyles Road 15 days Mon 6/15/09. Fri 7/3/09 12 .7 Trenching Operations 62 days Mon 6/18/09 Tus 8/11/09 ✓ T- rench from MH 010 to MH#12 3 days Mon 5/18/09 Wed 5/2009 V Trench from MH#12 to MH#13 3 days Thu 5/21/09 Mon 5/25/09 17 `% B- lest from MH#I3Io MH 017 12 days Tue 526/09 Wed 6/10/09 18 st Blest from MH#17 to MH#20 B days Thu 6/11/09 Mon 622/09 19 .l Trench from MH020 to MH021 8 days Tue 6/23/09 Ni 72109 20 ✓ B- last from MH021 to MH#29 7 days Fri 7/3/09 Mon 7/13/09 21 1 Trench from MH029 to MH#33 7 days Tue 7/14/09 Wed 722109 22 ✓ - Blest from MH033 to MIM38 7days Thu 723109' Frl7/31/09 23 ✓ Blast from MHA36 to MH041 7 days Mon 8//09 Tue 8/11/09 24 ✓ Pipelaying operations 142 days Mon 7/13/09 Tue 125/10 ✓ Install pips from MH09 to MH#12 11 days Mon 7/13/09 Mon 727/09 ✓ Install Pipe from MH012 to MH013 11 days Tue 721/09. Tue 8/4/09 , 28 s Install Pipe from MH#13 to MH 017 26 days Wed 729/09 Wed 92109 29 ✓ Install Pipe from MH#17 to MH#20 16 days Thu 9/3/09 Thu 924109 30 ✓ install Pipe from MH#20 to MH#24 17 days Tue 9/1509 Wed 10/7/09 31 V Install Pipe from MH#24 to MH#29 23 days Tue 10/13109' Thu 11/12/09 32 ✓ Install Pipe from MH#29 to MH#33 15 days Mon 10/19/09 Tue 11/24/09 -33 `j Install Pipe from MH033 to MH038 15 days Tue 1124/09. Tue 12/1509 34 ✓ Install Pipe from MH#38 to MH#42 18 days ' Fri 1225/09 Fd 1/15/10', 35 v/ Install Pipe from MH#41 to MH#44 7 days Mon 1/1B/10 Tue 126/10 38 Compete Testing and Post TV Inspection 7 days Wed 127/10 Thu 2/4/10 37 Restoration and Final Clean-up 15 days • Frl 2/5/10 Thu 225/10 39 CE 2 days i Tue 5/12/09 Thu 5/14109 i 1 i CIN OF FAVETTEVILLE Vendor: City of Farmington Contract #2073 WL -10a Farmington Gravity Main PO# 09-0000160 Gamey Construction, Inc. WSIP Project # 02133 ge C.-_jr # Cost of C.O. Cumulative P.O. Price Payment Date Payment Number Payment Amount Retainage Invoice Amount Expensed Remaining amount on P.O. Base P.O. $328,402.58 2/6/2009 $328,402.58 $328,402.58 4/7/2009 1 $10,133.68 $0.00 $10,133.68 $318,268.90 $328,402.58 5/6/2009 2 $14,778.87 $0.00 $14,778.87 $303,490.03 $1,973.00 $330,375.58 6/11/2009 3 $14,905.89 $0.00 $14,905.89 $290,557.14 $330,375.58 7/14/2009 4 $8,406.85 $0.00 $8,406.85 $282,150.29 $330,375.58 8/12/2009 5 $43,992.74 $0.00 $43,992.74 $238,157.55 $330,375.58 9/16/2009 6 $41,555.78 $0.00 $41,555.78 $196,601.77 $2,894.83 $333,270.41 10/13/2009 7 $39,835.56 $0.00 $39,835.56 $159,661.04 $333,270.41 11/9/2009 8 $37,291.49 $0.00 $37,291.49 $122,369.55 $333,270.41 12/10/2009 9 $37,260.20 $0.00 $37,260.20 $85,109.35 $333,270.41 1/12/2010 10 $39,556.48 $0.00 $39,556.48 $45,552.87 $333,270.41 2/4/2010 11 $37,416.25 $0.00 $37,416.25 $8,136.62 $333,270.41 12 $0.00 $0.00 $8,136.62 $333,270.41 13 $0.00 $0.00 $8,136.62 $333,270.41 14 $0.00 $0.00 $8,136.62 $333,270.41 15 $0.00 $0.00 $8,136.62 $333,270.41 16 $0.00 $0.00 $8,136.62 $333,270.41 17 $0.00 $0.00 $8,136.62 $333,270.41 18 $0.00 $0.00 $8,136.62 $333,270.41 19 $0.00 $0.00 $8,136.62 $333,270.41 20 $0.00 $0.00 $8,136.62 $333,270.41 21 $0.00 $0.00 $8,136.62 $333,270.41 22 $0.00 $0.00 $8,136.62 $333,270.41 23 $0.00 $0.00 $8,136.62 $333,270.41 24 $0.00 $0.00 $8,136.62 $333,270.41 25 $0.00 $0.00 $8,136.62 $333,270.41 26 $0.00 $0.00 $8,136.62 _ $333,270.41 27 $0.00 $0.00 $8,136.62 $333,270.41 28 $0.00 $0.00 $8,136.62 $333,270.41 29 $0.00 $0.00 $8,136.62 $333,270.41 30 - $0.00 $0.00 $8,136.62 Totals $333,270.41 $325,133.79 50.00 $325,133.79 $8,136.62 Percentage of Completion Amount of Contract Amount Earned Percentage of Completion $333,270.41 $325,133.79 97.56% CITY of FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS DUPLICATE CHECK NO. 2119 DATE INVOICE NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 2/01/2010 23914 Change Order #4 to PO Part 4 of 4 9,132.54 CHECK AMOUNT $9,132.54 2 reWillye ARvEST 81�+. 81-67/82929 NINE THOUSAND, ONE HUNDRED THIRTY TWO DOLLARS AND 54 CENTS ARKAKSAS 11 11111111111111111 II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III CITY of FAYETTEVILLE FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS SALES TAX CONSTRUCTION 2006A DETACH HERE FOR YOUR RECORDS CHECK NO. 2119 DATE, 2/08/2010 PAY TO THE ORDER OF Environmental Consulting Op 17724 I-30, Suite 5A Benton AR 72019 L II' 2LL910 ':08 29008 7 21: 00L7L602920 VOID IF NOT CASHED IN 60 DAYS •AMOUNT_ __. $9,132.54 NN OTIABLE NSGCOI !ABLE EGCTIKBtE NON-NEGOTIABLE ** CHANGE wen .PL CEIMIEOORDDE ARKANSAS VENDOR NO. 11986 ECO Inc 0 cO 1313 Hwy 229-5A s� Benton AR 720 ; fr o 2 ttwd s ** 2010 Each Package s Be Marked PURCHASE ORDER # Exa%As how ity FayetteQy.�ills :• ansas o T,V 4. s, o O Z r✓ 03-0004053-104 DA re t wd 12/16/09 TERMS FOB Fyv NET 30 DAY '/5Z City. 1.00 1.00 Unit Ory. Description and °t Received Account Number Issue JOB EA Unit Price a) Contract to Handle Environmental 376409.00 376 Analysis, Permiting, Etc Contract #932 Bid Waiver Ordinance #4515 4480.9480.5315.00 02133 1 b) Amendment #1 to Contract #932 04/15/04 C/O #1 Relates to Revised Interceptor Sewer Alignment Across Springwoods Subdivision 5400.5700.5315.00 021330302 SHIP TO: Water & Wastewater Director CITY OF FAYETFEVILLE 113 W MOUNTAIN FAYELTEVILLE AR 72701 fl4TER D f€§'6I Mg DEPARTMENT VERIFICATION RECEIVED DEPT HEAD APPROVAL AMOUNT TO PAY NP VERIFICATION BY 1 TE a a_ PURCHASING VERIFICATION PRICE CHANGE VERIFICATION RETURN CHECK TO SEND COPY TO TOTALS 0 5000.00 502,0!60 Continued on Next Page ADDITIONAL APPROVAL CHECK# DOES NOT MEET PURCHASING POLICY CONTRACT PAYMENT OTHER APPROVED BY ahl/24/A >,0% �D PROJECT # . q -i 7 THIS PAYMENT $ 17. tYJ �1 PREVIOUS PAYMENT(S) S I f n lE�0l X ..54 TOTAL PYMT(S) $ j�tt- I , BALANCE $ 1•�-��, $I7).41 DEPT. WHEN COMPLETE DELIVER TO ACCTS. PAYABLE ** CHANGE ORDER ** wan PURCHAS OMER VENDOR NO. 11986 ECO Inc 1313 Hwy 229-5A Benton AR 72019 Each Package Must Be Marked Exactly As Shown Here City of Fayetteville, Arkansas PURCHASE ORDER # 03-0004053-104 DATE 12/16/09 - FOB Fyv TERMS NET 30DAY Unit Qty. of issue sttyy eceWed Description and Account Number Unit Price TOTALS 1.00 LOT c) Construction and Post -Construction 470535.17 470 .17 Phase Environmental Consulting Service for WSIP Contract Amendment 2 1/17/06 C/O #2 to incr PO $579,349.00 05/04/09 C/O #4 to PO, Pa±t 1 of 4 to decr line item (c) by <108,813.83> & place in line item (e) with new G/L 4480.9480.5315.00 02133 1 SHIP TO: Water & Wastewater Director CITY OF FAYEITEVILLE 113 W MOUNTAIN FAYEITEVILLE AR 72701 Continued on Next Page DEPARTMENT VERIFICATION BY DATE ADDmONAL APPROVAL RECEIVED CHECK # DEPT HEAD APPROVAL DOES NOT MEET PURCHASING POLICY AMOUNT TO PAY $ CONTRACT PAYMENT OTHER A/P VERIFICATION - APPROVED BY PURCHASING VERIFICATION PRICE CHANGE VERIFICATION PROJECT # THIS PAYMENT $ PREVIOUS PAYMENT(S) $ RETURN CHECK TO TOTAL PYMT(S) $ SEND COPY TO BALANCE $ DEPT. WHEN COMPLETE DELIVER TO ACCTS. PAYABLE ** CHANGE ORDER ** srettarthe PMECHAM ©HIDER ARKANSAS VENDOR NO. 11986 ECO Inc 1313 Hwy 229-5A Benton AR 72019 Each Package Must Be Marked PURCHASE ORDER # Exactly As Shown Here Ctty of Fayetteville, Arkansas 03-0004053-104 DATE 12/16/09 FOB Fyv TERMS NET 30 DAY Unit City. of Issue 1.00 EA Description and Account Number Unit Price TOTALS d) Change Order #3 to Contract #932 42195.38 421938 02/20/09 C/O to incr contract by $79,067.00 for final, post - construction and monitoring phase services for remaining WSIP work relating to regulatory and environmental issues 05/04/09 C/O #4 to PO, Part 2 of 4 to decr line item (d) by <36,871.62> & place in line item (f) with new G/L 4480.9480.5315.00 021330314 SHIP TO: Water & Wastewater Director CITY OF FAYECTEVILLE 113 W MOUNTAIN FAYEITEVILLE AR 72701 Continued on Next Page DEPARTMENT VERIFICATION BY DATE ADDRIONAL APPROVAL RECEIVED CHECK # DEPT HEAD APPROVAL DOES NOT MEET PURCHASING POLICY AMOUNT TO PAY $ CONTRACT PAYMENT OTHER NP VERIFICATION APPROVED BY PURCHASING VERIFICATION PRICE CHANGE VERIFICATION PROJECT # THIS PAYMENT $ PREVIOUS PAYMENT(S) $ RETURN CHECK TO TOTAL PYMT(S) $ SEND COPY TO BALANCE $ DEPT. WHEN COMPLETE DELIVER TO ACCTS. PAYABLE ** CHANGE ORDER ** syettge PURCHASE ORDER VENDOR NO. 11986 ECO Inc 1313 Hwy 229-5A Benton AR 72019 Each Package Must Be Marked Exactly As Shown Here City of Fayetteville, Arkansas PURCHASE ORDER # 03-0004053-104 DATE 12/16/09 TERMS FOB Fyv NET 30 DAY Unit oty. m Issue Qty. Received Description and Account Number Unit Price TOTALS 1.00 EA v e) Change Order #4 to 05/04/09 C/O #4 to to add. line item reduction of line fund 4480. 4520.9520.5314.00 1.00 EA f) Change Order #4 to 05/04/09 C/O #4 to to add line item reduction of line fund 4480 4520.9520.5314.00 SHIP TO: Water & WastewaterDirector CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE 113 W MOUNTAIN FAYECFEVILLE Alt 72701 PO, Part 3 PO, Part 3 e), created item (c) to of 4 108813.83 10 3.83 of 4 by close 02133 1 PO, Part 4 PO, Part 4 f), created item (d) to of 4 of 4 by close 021330314 36871.62 36 2 Continued on Next Page DEPARTMENT VERIFICATION BY RECEIVED DEPT HEAD APPROVAL AMOUNT TO PAY NP VERIFICATION DATE PURCHASING VERIFICATION PRICE CHANGE VERIFICATION RETURN CHECK TO SEND COPY TO ADDmONAL APPROVAL CHECK # DOES NOT MEET PURCHASING POUCY CONTRACT PAYMENT OTHER APPROVED BY PROJECT 1 THIS PAYMENT $ PREVIOUS PAYMENT(S) $ TOTAL PYMT(S) BALANCE $ DEPT. WHEN COMPLETE DELIVER TO ACCTS. PAYABLE ** CHANGE ORDER ** was e PURICKASC� ORDER •FFFM3�5 VENDOR NO. 11986 ECO Inc 1313 Hwy 229-5A Benton AR 72019 Each Package Must Be Marked Exactly As Shown Here City of Fayetteville, Arkansas PURCHASE ORDER # 03-0004053-104 DATE 12/16/09 FOB Fyv TERMS NET 30 DAY Unit City. of Issue q Received Description and Account Number unit Price TOTALS 1.00 EA g) Change Order #5 to PO 110400.00 110:00 12/16/09 C/O #5 to PO, Contract Amendment #4 to incr contract by $110,400.00 for WSIP and Wetlands Mitigation Site Stormwater, Wetlands and Environmental Issues Per Res #247-09 4520.9520.5314.00 02133 1 SHIP TO: Water & Wastewater Director CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE 113 W MOUNTAIN FAYEITEVILLE AR 72701 hugens, D Sales Tax Total:�' $ l o Purchase Order Total: DEPARTMENT VERIFICATION RECEIVED DEPT HEAD APPROVAL AMOUNT TO PAY NP VERIFICATION BY DATE PURCHASING VERIFICATION PRICE CHANGE VERIFICATION RETURN CHECK TO SEND COPY TO ADDITIONAL APPROVAL CHECK # DOES NOT MEET PURCHASING POLICY CONTRACT PAYMENT OTHER APPROVED BY • PROJECT # THIS PAYMENT $ PREVIOUS PAYMENT(S) $ TOTAL PYMT(S) $ BALANCE $ DEPT. WHEN COMPLETE DELIVER TO ACCTS. PAYABLE Eamon/alarm Centrum Invoice#: 23914 TO: David Jurgens, P.E. City of Fayetteville 113 West Mountain Drive Fayetteville, AR 72701 ECO, 11V1 177241-30, Suite 5A Benton, Arkansas 72019 • Phone: (501) 3158009 `Integrating Economy and ECOlogy since 1990" Fat (501) 315-9035 email: bruceshaddefordesbeglobal.net WWW. ecearkansssccrn Statement No. 13 Invoice Date: 021012010 Construction Phase Environmental Consulting Services Fayetteville Wastewater System Improvement Project Period Covered: January 1 through January 31, 2010 See Attachment 1 for Budgeted Costs versus Actual Costs as per Contract Amendment #3 Part A -• Pro lact Administration, Management and Training. PartB Position Rate Hours Labor Expenses Total Prof. Director $ 133.00 .4.00 $ 532.00 $ - $ 532.00 Env. Scientist $ 64.00 0.25 $ 21.00 $ - $ 21.00 Subtotals - $ 84.00 4.25 $ 553:00 $ - $ 553.00 Position Rate Hours Labor Expenses Total Pro]. Director $ 133.00 24.50 $ 3,258.50 $ 369.37 $ 3,627.87 Env. Scientist $ 84.00 19.25 $ 1,617.00 $ - $ 1,617.00 Subtotals $ 84.00 43.75 $ 4,875.50 $ 369.37 $ 5,244.87 Part C - Stormwater 8 404 Permit Compliance/SWPPP Updates Position Rate Hours Labor Expenses Total Prof. Director, $ 133.00 10.25 $ 1,363.25 $ 239.91 $ 1,603.16 Env. Scientist - $ 84.00 1.50 $ 126.00 $ - $ 126.00 Subcontracted Services $ 84.00 - $ - $ - $ - Subtotals 11.75 $ 1,489.25 $ 239.91 $ 1,729.16 Part D - Wetland and Stream Mitigation Site. Monitorin Part E Position - Rate - Hours - Labor Expenses Total Proj. Director $ 133.00 - $ - $- - $ - Env. Scientist $ 117.00. - $ - $ - $ - Environmental Scientist $ 84.00 - $ - $ - $ - Subtotals 0.00 $ - $ - - $ - Position Rate Hours Labor Expenses Total Proj.: Director $ 133.00 11.25 $ 1,496.25 $ 109.26 $ 1,605.51 Env. Scientist $ 84.00 - $ - $ - $ - Subtotals - 11.25 $ 1,498.25 $ 109.26 $ 1,605.51 Totals This Statement Agreement Amount Total Work to Date Amount Previously Billed Amount Due this Statem tted by: - 71.00 Bruce ShacklefOrd 8,414.00 718.64 $212,184.00 $195,842.31 $186,709.77 $9,132.54 9,132.54 Attachment 1 - Statement No. 13 Budgeted Costs versus Actual Costs Part A - Project Administration, Management and Training _ . Budgeted Actual to Date ITotal Costs,Part A $5,930.00 $32,013.29 !Part B - Contract WL -13114 Design/Construction _ . Budgeted Actual to Date !Total Costs, Part B '$41,554.00 $23,063.97 !Part C - Stormwater & 404 Permit Compliance/SWPPP Updates _ . Budgeted Actual to Date !Total Costs, PartC 375,796.00 353,126.04 !Part D - Wetland and Stream Mitigation Site Monitoring _ . Budgeted Actual to Date !Total Costs, Part D $72,252.00 - 362,156.42 lPartE - Wetland Mitigation Site Management, Planning, & Coordination !Total Costs, Part E Budgeted Actual to Date 316,652.00 $25,482.59 !Construction Phase Total _ . Budgeted Actual to Date !Total Costs, Construction Phase 3212,184.00 $195,842.31 Ilsemp .'rata' 4/2 Ca tCYJ.S.-..nura.•- Vendor ECO,Inc Contract 8932 053 CRY OF FAYErreituE wastewater System Imgwement CMnoe Or Cost of C.O. Cumulative P.O. Price Payment Date Payment Number Payment Detainees Remaining amount on P.O. Invoice Amount Expensed Anoint SPI.' 5378409.00 10242003 5376409,00 5376,409.00 50.00 $370409.00 $5,000.00 55000.00 4/15/2004 50.00 5000 $5,000.00 55.000.00 10.00 50.00 50.00 55,000.00 50.00 55,000,00 5579,349.00 $579,349.00 1/18/2006 50.00 50.00 5570349.00 557934900 1/192008 1 52,451.33 10.00 52,451.33 5576,897.67 5579049.00 2232008 2 516,951.58 50.00 518,951.58 1559.946.09 $579349.00 3/92008 3 512076.74 4000 512,378.74 5547569.35 5579349.00 4/142008 4 510,238.14 5000 510,238.14 5537,331.21 1579 349.00 5/82006 5 59 531.83 10.00 19,53183 5527 799.38 5579,349.00 6.22008 6 57,53463 50.00 5753483 5520,264.75 5570349.00 7/182008 7 5993900 40.00 1993800 5510325.75 5579 34900 8/112008 8 517,448.35 50.00 517,448.35 5492,87740 5579349.00 9/82006 9 122 248.84 50.00 522,24864 $470626713 5579 349.00 1062008 10 518 449.51 50.00 518,449.51 5452.179.25 5579,349.00 11/15/2006 11 $23400.53 50.00 123,400.53 542877672 $579 349.00 1/162007 12 57,024.28 10.00 57024.28 $421,754.48 5579,349.00 1/302007 13 519414.30 5000 519 414.30 $402,340.16 5579 349.00 3/7/2007 14 514,968.15 10.00 514.968.15 S387,372.01 $579,349.00 3/7/2007 15 54050.97 $0.00 54,050.97 5383 321.04 $579349.00 4/9/2007 18 514,574.67 50.00 114,57487 5368.748.37 5579,349.00 5/92007 17 513 185.85 40.00 113,165.65 5355 590.72 $579349.00 6162007 18 47,805.82 50.00 57605.82 5347974.90 5579,349.00 7/102007 19 519 449.10 50.00 119,449.10 5328 525.80 5579,349.00 6/92007 20 512,798.18 50.00 $12,788.18 5315,73982 5579,349.00 9/112007 21 $7803.14 50.00 57803.14 5308138.48 $579,349.00 10/182007 22 $11.121.20 50.00 511 121.20 5297,015.28 $579349.00 11/82007 23 520,248.87 50.00 120,248.87 1278,786.41 $579349.00 12/10/2007 24 511,583.39 50.00 511,583.39 5265183.02 5579,349.00 1/82008 25 517 219.84 40.00 117,219.84 5247.963.18 5579,34980 2/142009 26 510251.76 50.00 510 251.713 5237.711.42 5579,349.00 3/132008 Z7 58850.86 50.00 $8,85086 5220880.56 5579,349.00 4/92008 28 58411,56 50.00 18,411.56 5220449.00 5579349.00 5/142009 29 511,891.55 50.00 511091.55 120875745 5579 349.00 8/42008 30 510344.16 50.00 510 344.18 5198413.29 5579,349.00 7/162008 31 57778.25 4000 57,77825 5190637.04 5579 34963 85/2008 32 55 784.85 50.00 5576485 5184,872.19 _ 5579349.00 9/15/2008 33 511,875.37 50.00 511,875.37 5172,996.82 5579349.00 1092008 34 59669.38 50.00 59.889.38 5163 327.44 5579349.00 11/122008 35 59.99944 5000 59 999.44 5153,328.00 5579,349,00 12/3/2008 36 510 3513.92 4000 510,358.92 5142.971.08 $579 349.00 1/152009 37 58481.85 5000 58,481.85 5134,489.23 5579,349.00 3/52009 2 515,400.08 50.00 515400.08 1119089.15 5579,349.00 492009 3 510,275.32 50.00 510275.32 5108,81383 Gt1ICO 5579,349.00 552009 4 410519.00 5000 510,519.00 598294.63 5579349.00 0/42009 5 57,348.48 50.00 5734848 59094635 5579349.00 7/92009 6 411,099.83 40.00 511,096.63 579849.72 5579,349.00 0/122009 7 517.351.75 50.00 517,351.75 562 497.97 557934900 9/9/2009 8 512.852.87 50.00 512052.87 549,645.10 5579349.00 10/8/2009 9 $14 207.05 50.00 114,207,05 535 438.05 5579,349.00 11/172009 10 414,937,97 50.00 514,937.97 520 500.08 5579,349.00 1222009 11 112,081.13 1000 112,081.13 18,418.95 $579349.00 1/122010 12 58418.95 50.00 18,418.95 10.00 5579 349.00 50.00 50.00 10.00 5579,349.00 50.00 $57934900 579 087,00 $79 087.00 5000 579 0137.00 479087.00 2242009 1 542,195.38 50.00 542,195.38 536,87162 579,087.00 1/122010 12 510,025.16 50.00 510025.18 $26846.48 $79087.00 2/42010 13 59132.54 40.00 59132.54 517.713.92 579,067.00 4 10.00 51771392 $79,067,03 8 50.00 517,713.92 551,353.09 50.00 561,353.08 5110,400.00 5110,400.00 $0.00 5110,400.00 5110400.00 1 50.00 5110400.00 5110400.00 2 1000 5110400.00 5110,400.00 3 50.00 5110,400.00 5110.400.00 4 50.00 5110,400.00 5110400.00 5 5000 $110.400.00 5110,400.00 4000 5110,400.00 5110400.00 50.00 5110,400.00 5110400.00 50,00 4110400.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 Totals 51,150,226.00 51,022,111.08 50.00 $1,022,111.08 5128,113.92 Percentage or Completion Amount of Contract $1,15922.00 Amount Earned 51622,111.05 Percentage of Completion 88.88% 2006 BONDS -WASTEWATER REQUISITION City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Series 2006A Sales and Use Tax Capital Improvement Bonds Date: 02/16/2010 Requisition No:_2006-W W-#107 TO: Simmons First Trust Company, as Trustee Pursuant to the provisions of Section 502 of the Trust Indenture dated as of November 1, 2006 ("the Indenture"), by and between the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas ("the issuer) and you, as trustee, you are authorized to make the following described payment directly to the Payee named below from the 2006 WASTEWATER Account of the Project Fund: Name of Payee: City of Fayetteville Sales Tax Construction 2006 Account# 17160292 Amount of Payment: $37 394.86 Paid to: Check # Amount RJN 2122 37,394.86 The undersigned hereby certifies that he is authorized to deliver this Requisition on behalf of the Issuer. The amount requested hereunder has not been the basis for any previous Requisition by the Issuer and is justly due and owing to the person(s) named herein as a proper payment or reimbursement of a Project Cost with the respect to the WASTEWATER Project. No event of Default exists under the Indenture and, to the knowledge of the undersigned, no event has occurred and continues which with notice or lapse of time or both would constitute an Event of Default under the Indenture. City of Fayetteville, AR PP0,.1 o. ILA.— Finance & Internal Services Director Page 1 of 1 xCfxO EP0@ r DirQ Q 17160292 Sales Tax Const 2006A Dr/Cr Amount Description Credit 4/1 $37,394.86 20100216H2B7001C00024402161154 Credit 066 $392,795.90 20100216H2B7001 C00024602 1 61 1 54 Totals Type Amount Count Credits $430,190.76 2 Debits $0.00 0 NET $430,190.76 2 https://cashman.arvest.com/cashman//Memoltems.asp?Acct=17160292+Sales+Tax+Const... 2/16/2010 New World Systems 7.0 *LIVE* 2/12/10 Check Inquiry Favorite: Bank Account: 452 SALESTAXON Sales Tax Construction 2006A Type options, press Enter. 9=Source 15=General Ledger Transactions 24=Documents Oft Check ---Status---- Number 2123 2122 2121 2120 2119 2118 2117 2116 2115 2114 2113 Date 2/12/10 2/12/10 2/12/10 2/08/10 2/08/10 2/08/10 2/01/10 2/01/10 2/01/10 1/25/10 1/25/10 Payee Name Code Date Stutte, Charles A RJN Group Inc AR Western Gas Co General Fund Environmental Consulting City of Farmington Sweetser Inc, Jerry D General Fund General Fund Water & Sewer Fund McClelland Consult Engine *=Documents Attached F3=Exit F9=Resequence F12=Cancel F15=Bank F20=ACH Inquiry AP0810S1 Reset: 0•UOG+ 2,7uu•uu + 37,394.86 + 390,U95.9u + 430,i9U.76G1- 0.006+ 2,9u0•uu r 39U,U95.9u + 392,797-906+ qiN 39,394.86 + 39,394.866, More: + Check Amount 2,700.00 37,394.86 390.095.90 2,308.28 9,132.54 37,416.25 42,980.73 2,018.84 47,269.83 2,307.26 676.00 More... F22=More CITY of FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS DUPLICATE CHECK NO. 2122 DATE INVOICE NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 1/26/2010 18-1875-03-09 Change Order #11 toPO, Part 12 of S/4/09 37,394.86 CHECKAMOUNT $37,394.86 2 ye ...,i le MVEST F81in-87/a.ww829. aw.a 11 11111111111111111 II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III CITY of FAYETTEVILLE FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS SALES TAX CONSTRUCTION 2006A PAY TO THE ORDER OF r RAN Group Inc 200 W. Front St. Wheaton L IL 60187 DETACH HERE FCR YOUR RECORDS CHECK NO. 2122 DATE 2/12/2010 ***37,394 DOLLARS AND 86 CENTS 11.2L2211' ':08 29008? 21: 00L?L6029211' VOID IF NOT CASHED IN 60 DAYS AMOUNT $37,394.86 ISOTIABLE =row NON-NEGOTIABLE VENDOR NO. ** CHANGE ORDER ** ' MQC�KQ�C� ORDER p 88530 RJN Group Inc 12160 Abrams Road Ste 40 Dallas TX 75243 Each Package Must Be Marked Exactly As Shown Here City of Fayetteville, Arkansas PURCHASE ORDER # MITI 03-0003115-109 FOB Fyv TERMS NET 30 DAY 1/52 - Qty. Qty. Unit Issue Qty. Received Description and Account Number Unit Prico TOTALS 1.00 JOB a) Engineering Services for West 2188259.01 218825 . Contract #916 Resolution *112-03 NOTE: $312,315.00 of contract scope not authorized relating to Farmington Lift Station - hold for determination 08/26/03 C/O #1 to correct amt of contract 12/13/06 C/O #5 to correct amt of funds held for determination 05/01/09 C/O #11 to PO, Part 1 of 12 to decr line item (a) by <143.99> & place in line item (k) w/ new G/L 4480.9480.5315.00 021330302 1.00 EA b) Amendement #1 to Contract #916 04/15/04 C/O #1 Relates to Revised Interceptor Serwer Alignment Across Springwoods Subdivision 5400.5700.5315.00 021330302 4000.00 4000_ AD S, FAyw i i vu -LN o Ito 14 .8$ Fpcatli .lc -roll 8 1O,a2A.gn SHIP TO: Water & Wastewater Director 4 .4„,,—n-eb CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE C 3�1 113 W MOUNTAIN FAYETTEVILLE AR 72701 C rJC" ENTERED FEB 11 1010 vv •11 �C th NU -r , ILL ThpM In1Efl 4 k Continued on Next Page DEPARTMENT VERIFICATION RECEIVED DEPT HEAD APPROVAL AMOUNT TO PAY NP VERIFICATION ADDITIONAL APPROVAL CHECK # DOES NOT MEET PURCHASING POLICY CONTRACT PAYMENT OTHER APPROVED BY PURCHASING VERIFICATION PRICE CHANGE VERIFICATION PROJECT # CO2 -132 pp// 3 �� THIS PAYMENTS 1 i 4. e) PREVIOUS PAYMENT( )$ 1 RETURN CHECK TO TOTAL PYMT(S) $ SEND COPY TO BALANCE $ 9�'3.11rlt DEPT COPY aye..evlle pU VENDOR NO. ** CHANGE ORDER ** RCK ©MEN 88530 RJN Group Inc 12160 Abrams Road Ste 400 Dallas TX 75243 Each Package Must Be Marked Exactly As Shown Here City of Fayetteville, Arkansas PURCHASE ORDER # 03-0003115-109 DATE 12/18/09 FOB Fyv TERMS NET 30 DAY City. Unit of Issue o. Received Description and Account Number Unit Price TOTALS 1.00 EA c) Amendment #2 to Contract #916 165031.00 16 1.00 08/08/05 C/O #2 for Additional Design & Bidding Services Associated With Wastewater System Impvs Project WL -1, WL -3, & WL -4 4480.9480.5314.00 021330302 1.00 EA 'l / d) Amendment #3 to Contract #916 1599745.51 15997.45.51 for Const Phase Insp, Eng, and Consulting Services for West Side Sewer Line Const, Hamesting Lift Station Const, and Gregg Ave Lift Station Rehab Projects )WL -1, WL -2, WL -3, WL -4, WL -5, WL -6 and WL -7) 05/01/09 C/O #11 to PO, Part 2 of 12 to decr line item (d) by <59,344.49> & place in line item (1) with new G/L 4480.9480.5314.00 021330302 SHIP TO: Water & Wastewater Director CITY OF FAYEITEVILLE 113 W MOUNTAIN FAYE TEVILLE AR 72701 Continued on Next Page DEPARTMENT VERIFICATION BY DATE ADDITIONAL APPROVAL RECEIVED CHECK # DEPT HEAD APPROVAL DOES NOT MEET PURCHASING POLICY AMOUNT TO PAY $ CONTRACT PAYMENT OTHER AP VERIFICATION APPROVED BY PURCHASING VERIFICATION PRICE CHANGE VERIFICATION PROJECT # THIS PAYMENT S PREVIOUS PAYMENT(S) $ RETURN CHECK TO TOTAL PYMT(S) $ SEND COPY TO BALANCES DEPT COPY ** CHANGE ORDER ** aye e ev lle PURCHASE ORDER ER VENDOR NO. 88530 RJN Group Inc 12160 Abrams Road Ste 400 Dallas TX 75243 Each Package Must Be Marked Exactly As Shown Here City of Fayetteville, Arkansas PURCHASE ORDER # 03-0003115-109 DATE 12/18/09 FOB Fyv TERMS NET 30DAY Unit Oty. of Issue City. Roc ed n Description and Account Number Unit Prico TOTALS 1.00 EA e) 04/14/06 C/O #4 Partial Release of 158043.45 158 .45 Funds Being Held for Determination For Engineering and Design Services for Farmington/Western Fayetteville, Owl Creek and City of Farmington Lift Stations (note change of description 12/13/06) 05/01/09 C/O #11 to PO, Part 3 of 12 to decr line item (e) by <12,029.55> & place in line item (m) with new G/L 4480.9480.5314.00 021330302 SHIP TO: Water & Wastewater Director CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE 113W MOUNTAIN FAYE1TEVILLE AR 72701 Continued on Next Page DEPARTMENT VERIFICATION BY DATE ADDITIONAL APPROVAL RECEIVED CHECK # DEPT HEAD APPROVAL DOES NOT MEET PURCHASING POUCY AMOUNT TO PAY $ -. CONTRACiPAYMENT OTHER NP VERIFICATION APPROVED BY PURCHASING VERIFICATION PRICE CHANGE VERIFICATION PROJECT # THIS PAYMENT $ PREVIOUS PAYMENT(S) $ RETURN CHECK TO TOTAL PYMT(S) $ SEND COPY TO BALANCE $ DEPT COPY aye¶ttStlle p� VENDOR NO. ** CHANGE ORDER ** NCDASE ©HOER 88530 RJN Group Inc 12160 Abrams Road Ste 400 Dallas TX 75243 Each Package Must Be Marked Exactly As Shown Here City of Fayetteville, Arkansas PURCHASE ORDER # 03-0003115-109 DATE 12/18/09 FOB Fyv TERMS NET 30 DAY City. Unit O °f Received Issue „ Description and Account Number Unit Price TOTALS 1.00 EA f) Amendment #4 to Contract #916 953049.00 12/13/06 C/O #6 for Final Design & Construction Phase Services for the West Fayetteville -Farmington Collection System A9:--- 480.9480.5314.00 021330401 1.00 EA SHIP TO: g) 12/13/06 C/O #7 Release of Funds that Were Held for Determination for Engineering & Design Services for Farmington/West Fayetteville Collection Services 4480.9480.5314.00 021330302 Water & Wastewater Director CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE 113 W MOUNTAIN FAYETTEVILLE AR 72701 142242.00 Continued on Next Page DEPARTMENT VERIFICATION BY DATE ADDITIONAL APPROVAL RECEIVED CHECK # DEPT HEAD APPROVAL DOES NOT MEET PURCHASING POLICY AMOUNT TO PAY $ CONTRACT PAYMENT OTHER AIP VERIFICATION APPROVED BY PURCHASING VERIFICATION PRICE CHANGE VERIFICATION PROJECT # THIS PAYMENT $ PREVIOUS PAYMENT(S) $ RETURN CHECK TO TOTAL PYMT(S) $ SEND COPY TO BALANCE $ DEPT COPY Weide pU VENDOR NO. ** CHANGE ORDER ** RCHASE ORDER 88530 RJN Group Inc 12160 Abrams Road Ste 400 Dallas TX 75243 Each Package Must Be Marked Exactly As Shown Here City of Fayetteville, Arkansas PURCHASE ORDER # 03-0003115-109 DATE 12/18/09 FOB Fyv TERMS NET 30 DAY Oty. Unit City. of Received Issue Description and Account Number Unit Price TOTALS 1.00 EA h) 03/07/07 C/O #8 to Correct Voided Check #1207 and Add Amount Back to PO of $83,239.46 05/01/09 0/0 #11 to PO, Part 4 of 12 to decr line item (h) by <83,239.46> & place in line item (n) with new G/L There were no payments made off this line item, will show as voided. 4480.9480.5314.00 021330302 SHIP TO: Water & Wastewater Director CITY OF FAYEFTEVILLE 113 W MOUNTAIN FAYETTEVILLE AR 72701 ITEM VOIDED Continued on Next Page DEPARTMENT VERIFICATION BY DATE ADDITIONAL APPROVAL RECEIVED CHECK # DEPT HEAD APPROVAL - DOES NOT MEET PURCHASING POUGY AMOUNT TO PAY $ CONTRACT PAYMENT OTHER NP VERIFICATION APPROVED BY PURCHASING VERIFICATION PRICE CHANGE VERIFICATION PROJECT # THIS PAYMENT $ PREVIOUS PAYMENT(S) $ RETURN CHECK TO TOTAL PYMT(S) $ SEND COPY TO BALANCE $ DEPT COPY aye e: evlle • pt. VENDOR NO. ** CHANGE ORDER ** 88530 RJN Group Inc 12160 Abrams Road Ste 400 Dallas TX 75243 Each Package Must Be Marked Exactly As Shown Here City of Fayetteville, Arkansas PURCHASE ORDER # 03-0003115-109 DATE 12/18/09 FOB Fyv TERMS NET 30 DAY Qty. Unit Q of Roceived Issue 1.00 EA fs Description and Account Number Unit Price TOTALS i) Change Order #9 to Contract #916 3/22/07 to add $19,455.87 back onto PO from a voided check charged against line item (f) 05/01/09 C/O #11 to PO, Part 5 of 12 to decr line item (i) by <19,455.87> & place in line item (o) with new G/L There were no payments made off this line item - will show as voided. 4480.9480.5314.00 021330401 SHIP TO: Water & Wastewater Director CITY OF FAYEPI'EVILLE 113 W MOUNTAIN FAYETTEVILLE AR 72701 ITEM VOIDED Continued on Next Page DEPARTMENT VERIFICATION BY DATE ADDITIONAL APPROVAL RECEIVED CHECK # _ DEPT HEAD APPROVAL DOES NOT MEET PURCHASING POUCY AMOUNT TO PAY S CONTRACT PAYMENT OTHER NP VERIFICATION APPROVED BY PURCHASING VERIFICATION PRICE CHANGE VERIFICATION PROJECT # THIS PAYMENT $ PREVIOUS PAYMENT(S) $ RETURN CHECK TO TOTAL PYMT(S) $ SEND COPY TO BALANCE $ DEPT COPY aye. eville p�n� VENDOR NO. ** CHANGE ORDER ** AAS ©DD! 88530 RJN Group Inc 12160 Abrams Road Ste 400 Dallas TX 75243 Each Package Must Be Marked Exactly As Shown Here City of Fayetteville, Arkansas PURCHASE ORDER # 03-0003115-109 DATE 12/18/09 FOB Fyv TERMS NET 30 DAY Qty. Unit Qt y. of Received Issue Description and Account Number Unit Price TOTALS 1 00 EA Change Order #10 to PO 03/06/09 C/0 #10 to PO, Contract Amendment #5 to Contract #916 to incr contract by $597,704.00 05/01/09 C/O #11 to PO, Part 6 of 12 to decr line item (j) by <597,704.00> & place in line item (p) with new G/L There were no payments made off this line item - will show as voided. 4480.9480.5314.00 021330302 SHIP TO: Water & Wastewater Director CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE 113 W MOUNTAIN FAYETTEVILLE AR 72701 ITEM VOIDED Continued on Next Page DEPARTMENT VERIFICATION BY DATE ADDITIONAL APPROVAL RECEIVED CHECK # DEPT HEAD APPROVAL DOES NOT MEET PURCHASING POLICY AMOUNT TO PAY $ CONTRACT PAYMENT OTHER NP VERIFICATION APPROVED BY PURCHASING VERIFICATION PRICE CHANGE VERIFICATION PROJECT # THIS PAYMENT $ PREVIOUS PAYMENT(S) $ RETURN CHECK TO TOTAL PYMT(S) $ SEND COPY TO BALANCE$ DEPT COPY ** CHANGE ORDER ** Cdyel.ev lle pMG3©SAS XQSCE ORDER VENDOR NO. 88530 'UN Group Inc 12160 Abrams Road Ste 400 Dallas TX 75243 Each Package Must Be Marked Exactly As Shown Here City of Fayetteville, Arkansas PURCHASE ORDER # 03-0003115-109 DATE 12/18/09 FOB Fyv TERMS NET 30 DAY Qty. Unit Qty. of Received Issue Description and Account Number Unit Price TOTALS 1.00 EA k) Change Order #11 05/01/09 C/O #11 to add line item reduction of line fund 4480 4520.9520.5314.00 1.00 EA 1) to PO, Part 7 of 12 143.99 to PO, Part 7 of 12 (k), created by item (a) to close 021330302 143/.99 Change Order #11 to PO, Part 8 of 1 59344.49 59349 05/01/09 C/O #11 to PO, Part 8 of 12 to add line item (1), created by reduction of line item (d) to close fund 4480 (nX/4520.9520.5314 00 021330302 1.00 EA t' / m) Change Order #11 to PO, Part 9 of 1 12029.55 1203 55 05/01/09 C/O #11 to add line item reduction of line fund 4480 4520.9520.5314.00 SHIP TO: Water & Wastewater CITY OF FAYETI'EV 113 W MOUNTAIW FAYETTEVILLE Change Order #11 05/01/09 C/O #11 to add line item DRadwction of line timid 4480 20.9520.5314.00 AR 72701 to PO, Part 9 of 12 (m), created by item (e) to close 021330302 to PO, Part 10 of 83239.46 to PO, Part 10 of 12 (n), created by item (h) to close 021330302 •a Continued on Next Page DEPARTMENT VERIFICATION RECEIVED DEPT HEAD APPROVAL AMOUNT TO PAY NP VERIFICATION BY DATE PURCHASING VERIFICATION PRICE CHANGE VERIFICATION RETURN CHECK TO SEND COPY TO ADDITIONAL APPROVAL CHECK # DOES NOT MEET PURCHASING POUCV CONTRACT PAYMENT OTHER APPROVED BY DEPT COPY PROJECT ft THIS PAYMENT $ PREVIOUS PAYMENT(S) $ TOTAL PYMT(S) $ BALANCE$ ayeevl le p� VENDOR NO. ** CHANGE ORDER ** n©i ASE ©RIDLn 88530 RJN Group Inc 12160 Abrams Road Ste 400 Dallas TX 75243 Each Package Must Be Marked Exactly As Shown Here City of Fayetteville, Arkansas PURCHASE ORDER # 03-0003115-109 DATE 12/18/09 FOB Fyv TERMS NET 30DAY Qty. Unit o1 Issue Qty. Received Description and Account Number Unit Price TOTALS ) 1.00 EA - v o) Change Order #11 to PO, Part 11 of 19455.87 05/01/09 C/O #11 to PO, Part 11 of 12 to add line item (o), created by reduction of line item (i) to close fund 4480 4520.9520.5314.00 021330401 SHIP TO: Water & Wastewater Director CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE 113 W MOUNTAIN FAYETTEVILLE AR 72701 194$5.87 Continued on Next Page DEPARTMENT VERIFICATION BY RECEIVED DEPT HEAD APPROVAL AMOUNT TO PAY NP VERIFICATION DATE $ PURCHASING VERIFICATION PRICE CHANGE VERIFICATION RETURN CHECK TO SEND COPY TO ADDITIONAL APPROVAL. CHECK # DOES NOT MEET PURCHASING POLICY CONTRACT PAYMENT OTHER APPROVED BY DEPT COPY PROJECT # THIS PAYMENT $ PREVIOUS PAYMENT(S) $ TOTAL PYMT(S) $ BALANCE $ ** CHANGE ORDER ** ti5Tttville G° PRG n l 8 ©RDC ARKANSAS VENDOR NO. Qty. 88530 RJN Group Inc 12160 Abrams Road Ste 400 Dallas TX 75243 Unit Qty. of Received Issue Description and Account Number Each Package Must Be Marked Exactly As Shown Here City of Fayetteville, Arkansas PURCHASE ORDER # 03-0003115-109 DATE 12/18/09 TERMS FOB Fyv NET 30 DAY Unit Price TOTALS 1.00 EA SHIP TO: P) Change Order #11 to 05/04/09 C/O #11 to to add line item (p reduction of line i fund 4480. 12/18/09 C/O #12 to item (p) by x$9,163 overpayment on line 4520.9520.5314.00 Water & Wastewater Director CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE 113 W MOUNTAIN FAYETTEVILLE AR 72701 ✓mess, D DEPARTMENT VERIFICATION 8Y RECEIVED DEPT HEAD APPROVAL AMOUNT TO PAY A/P VERIFICATION l� I 1'(s 014 3� PO, Part 12 of 588540.94 ...284311-6-.94 PO, Part 12 of 12 ), created by tem (j) to close .03--iN./yr PO to decr line .06> to correct item (f) 021330302 DATE PURCHASING VERIFICATION PRICE CHANGE VERIFICATION RETURN CHECK TO SEND COPY TO —1,-514.1SG Sales Tax Total: x$.00 Purchase Order Total: 597 7 ADDITIONAL APPROVAL CHECK # DOES NOT MEET PURCHASING POLICY CONTRACT PAYMENT OTHER APPROVED BY DEPT COPY PROJECT# THIS PAYMENT $ PREVIOUS PAYMENT(S) $ TOTAL PYMT(S) $ BALANCE $ 4 rj ngroup Excellence through Ownership Mr. David Jurgens, P.E. Water & Wastewater Director City of Fayetteville 113 W. Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 Task/Description www.rjh.com February 10, 2010 RECAP OF INVOICE 18-1875-02.38 (Revised) CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE WESTSIDE COLLECTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS WEST PIPELINES AND PUMP STATIONS FARMINGTONNVESTERN FAYETTEVILLE DESIGN SERVICES BILLING PERIOD: DECEMBER 26,2009 TJIROUCQH JANUARY 22, 2010 P.O 003.0003112100 AND 403-0003115.102 Total Total Total Revised Amount Amount Amount Farmington Contract Complete Earned Previously Earned Invoice Amount To Date To Date Invoiced This Invoice Amount Part A - Project Administration and Management 1. Project Administration 2. Coordination / Meetings Subtotal Pad B - Design Survey 1. Surveys for Design Subtotal Port C - Permits and Easements 1. Permits 2. Right of Way! Easement Preparation a. Right o1 Way! Easement Preparation b. Easement Revisions 3. 404 ! Phase II Stormwaler Permitting Coordination Subtotal $34,415.00 100.00% 517.260.00 100.00% 551,695.00 55.700.00 100.00% 534,415.00 534.41500 50.00 511.280.00 517,280.00 50.00 551,695.00 551,695.00 50.00 55.700.00 55.700.00 50.00 55,700.00 15,700.00 55,700.00 50.00 52.885.00 100.00% 52,085.00 100.00% 51,170.00 1142.07% $69.418.00 100.66% 5288500 52.885.00 S0.00 52,085.00 52,085.00 50.00 513,362.18 513,362.18 50.00 569.878.00 569,293.04 5584.98 50.00 50.00 10.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 5292.48 575,558.00 $88,210.18 587,62532 5584.98 5292.48 Part D - Conshuclion Plans and Specifications 1. Geotechnical Investigation 563267.00 100.00% 563267.00 563,267.00 50.00 2. Pipeline Design a. Farmington Interceptor 5113210.00 100.00% 5113.210.00 5113,210.00 50.00 b. LS912 Force Main 588.014.00 100.00%58[1.014.00 $68,014.00 50.00 3. Lift Station Design a. Lift Station 412 5103.354.00 100.00% 5103,354.00 5103,354.00 $0.00 4. Odor Control Design 552,005.00 100.00% 552,005.00 $52,005.00 50 00 5. Document Submittal a. 30% Complete (3) 54,045.00 100,00% 54.045.0054.045.00 50.00 b. 9054 Complete (3) 54,045.00 100.00% 54.045.00 54,045.00 10.00 6. Final Construction Submittal (3) 52,825.00 100.00%52,825.00 $2.82500 50.00 Subtotal 5428,765.00 5428,765.00 $428,765.00 50.00 Part E - Bidding Assistance (1 package) Subtotal 511,975.00 300.00% 535,92500 535.925.00 10,00 611,975.00 535,925.00 535,925.00 50.00 Pad D - Construction Observation and Record Drawings 5515.590.00 97.04% 5500.308.00 5479,043.00 521265.00 Subtotal $515,590.00 5500,308.00 8479,043.00 521,265.00 Total 51,089,283.00 51,110,603.18 51,088.753.22 521,849.96 Pi /la February 10, 2010 RJN Grp, Inc. Date 50.00 $0.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 S0.00 50.00 50.00 10.00 510,632.50 510,632.50 510,924.98 Total Amount Invoiced to Dale 51.110,803.18 5555.301.59 Total Amount Previously Invoiced 51,088.753.22 5544,376.61 Total Amount Due This Invoice 521,849.96 510,924.98 Contract Amount 5544.841.50 Percentage of Contract Invoiced to Date101.96% 101.96% Tis /S 6ulys*!/al/'a0 fr-lura 5 /4/ 4a4rO&J?, Pda 'AO /1 �✓ Remit Payment To: RJN Group, Inc., 200 West Front Street, Wheaton, IL, 60187 ACH Payment Contact Debbie Anderson (630) 682-4700, Ext 324 Page 1 of 1 12160 Abrams Road, Suite 400 • Dallas, TX 75243 • 972.437.4300 • fax 972.437.2707 vt. 4 41/ raj ngroup Excellence through Ownership Mr. David Jurgens, P.E. Water & Wastewater Director City of Fayetteville 113 W. Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 Task/Descdption www.rjn.com • January 27, 2010 RECAP OF INVOICE 18-1875-02-38 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE WESTSIDE COLLECTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS WEST PIPELINES AND PUMP STATIONS FARMINGTON/WESTERN FAYETTEVILLE DESIGN SERVICES BILLING PERIOD: NOVEMBER 21, 2009 THROUGH DECEMBER 25 2009 P.O. 803-0003115-100 AND #03-0003115.102 Total Total Total Revised Amount Amount Amount Farmington Contract Complete Earned Previously Eamed Invoice Amount To Date To Date Invoiced This Invoice Amount Part A - Project Administration and Management 1. Project Administration $34.415.00 100.00% $34.415.00 $34.415.00 50.00 50.00 2. Coordination/Meetings $17280.00 100.00% $17,280.00 $17,280.00 $0.00 50.00 Subtotal $51,695.00 $51,695.00 $51,695.00 50.00 $0.00 Part B - Design Survey 1. Surveys for Design $5.700.00 100.00% $5.700.00 $5,700.00 50.00 $0.00 Subtotal $5,700.00 $5,700.00 $5,700.00 $0.00 50.00 Part C - Permits and Easements 1. Permits $2,885.00 100.00% $2,885.00 52,885.00 $0.00 2. Right of Way / Easement Preparation a. Right of Way/ Easement Preparation 52,085.00 100.00% 52,085.00 52,085.00 50.00 b. Easement Revisions 51,170.00 1142.07% 513,362.18 513,362.18 $0.00 3. 404 / Phase!! Stormwater Permitting Coordination $69,418.00 100.66% 569,878.00 569,293.04 $584.96 Subtotal $75,558.00 $88,210.18 $87,625.22 5584.96 Part D - Construction Plans and Specifications / 1. Geotechnical Investigation $63,267.00 100.00% . $63,267.00 563,267.00 50.00 2. Pipeline Design a. Farmington Interceptor 5113,210.00 100.00% 5113,210.00 5113,210.00 50.00 b. LS812 Force Main $86,014.00 100.00%.. $86,014.00 $86,014.00 50.00 3. Lia Station Design a. Lift Station #12 4. Odor Control Design 5. Document Submittal a. 30% Complete (3) b. 90% Complete (3) 6. Final Construction Submittal (3) Subtotal Part E - Bidding Assistance (1 package) Subtotal Part D - Construction Obsery. ', r . nd Record Drawings Subto To IS ' 3tC1 C � 3 of �G 4 (��S\Op\ Of ar te CZ Zi‘ /h l January 27, 2010 5103,354.00 100.00% 5103,354.00 5103,354.00 50.00 552,005.00 100.00% 552,005.00 552,005.00 50.00 $4,045.00 100.00% 54,045.00 $4,045.00 50.00 $4,045.00 100.00% 54,045.00 54,045.00 50.00 $2,825.00 100.00% 52,825.00 52,825.00 $0.00 $428,765.00 $428,765.00 $428,765.00 $0.00 511,975.00 300.00% 535,925.00 535,925.00 50.00 RJNJGroup, Inc. Date $11,975.00 535,925.00 $35,925.00 50.00 5515,590.00 $515,590.00 $1,089,283.00 97.04% 5500,308.00 5500,308.00 $1,110,603.18 $479,043.00 $479,043.00 $1,088,753.22 $21,285.00 521,265.00 521,849.96 50.00 50.00 50.00 $292.48 5292.48 50.00 50.00 50.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 510.632.50 510,632.50 $10,924.98 Total Amount Invoiced to Date $1,110,603.18 5555 301 59 Total Amount Previously Invoiced $1,088,753.22 $544,376.61 Total Amount Due This Invoice $21,849.98 $10,924.98 *it Contract Amount 51.089,283.00 $544,641.50 Percentage of Contract Invoiced to Date 101.96% 101.96% Remit Payment To: RJN Group, Inc., 200 West Front Street, Wheaton, IL, 60187 ACEI Payment Contact Debbie Anderson (630) 682-4700, Ext 324 Page 1 of 1 • 12160 Abrams Road, Suite 400 • Dallas, TX 75243 • 972.437.4300 • fax 972.437.2707 rj n group Excellence through Ownership Mr. David Jurgens, P.E. Water & Wastewater Director City of Fayetteville 113 W. Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 Task/Description RECEIVED FEB 0 3 2010 CITY OF FAYE1TEVILLE MAYOR'S OFFICE RECAP OF INVOICE 18-1875-03-09 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE OWL CREEK LIFT STATION WESTSIDE WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT BILLING PERIOD: DECEMBER 26, 2009 THROUGH JANUARY 22, 2010 P.O. #03-3115 Contract Amount Complete To Date Total Amount Earned To Date Total Amount Previously Invoiced www.rjn.com January 26, 2010 Total Amount Eamed This Invoice Part A - Project Administration and Management 1. Project Administration 2. Coordination Subtotal Part B - Design Survey Subtotal Part C - Permits and Easements 1. Permits 2. Right of Way / Easement Preparation a. Right of Way / Easement Preparation (34) b. Easement Revisions (9) Subconsultant Cost Subtotal Part D - Construction Plans and Specifications 1. Geotechnical Investigation Subconsultant Cost 2. Design a. Interceptor & Force Mains b. Lift Station Design Subconsultant Cost Subtotal Part E - Bidding Assistance (1 package) Subtotal Part F - Construction Services a. WL -13, 14 & 15 Subtotal Total $13,220.00 93.00% $5,260.00 93.00% $18,480.00 $63,130.00 100.00% $63,130.00 $700.00 0.00% $2,460.00 0.00% $1,390.00 0.00% $37,506.00 12.00% $42,056.00 $2,660.00 100.00% $5,665.00 100.00% $108,390.00 100.00% $46,290.00 100.00% $44,000.00 65.00% $207,005.00 $12,460.00 60.00% $12,460.00 $187,800.00 0.00% 5187,800.00 $530,931.00 Total Amount Invoiced to Date $12,294.60 $4,891.80 $17,186.40 $63,130.00 $63,130.00 50.00 $0.00 50.00 54,500.72 $4,500.72 $2,660.00 $5,665.00 $108,390.00 $46,290.00 $28,600.00 $191,605.00 $7,476.00 57,476.00 50.00 $0.00 $283,898.12 $11,898.00 $396.60 $4,734.00 $157.80 $16,632.00 5554.40 $63,130.00 50.00 $63,130.00 50.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,500.72 $0.00 $4,500.72 $0.00 50.00 52,660.00 $0.00 $5,665.00 $102,970.50 $5,419.50 $46,290.00 $0.00 $28,600.00 $0.00 5177,860.50 513,744.50 $6,230.00 $1246.00 $6,230.00 $1,246.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 50.00 5268,353.22 $15,544.90 $283,898.12 Total Amount Previously Invoiced ----------------------- $268,353.22 Total Amount Due This Invoice ---- $15,544.90 Contract Amount --_--_------------------------ -------- -------------------------- $530,931.00 Percentage of Contract Invoiced to Date -- 53.47% Remit Payment To: RJN Group, Inc., 200 West Front Street, Wheaton, IL, 60187 ACII Payment Contact Debbie Anderson (630) 682-4700, Ext 324 Page 1 of 1 044r 12160 Abrams Road, Suite 400 • Dallas, TX 75243 • 972.437.4300 • fax 972.437.2707 tin group Excellence through Ownership Project Status for: Fayetteville -18187503 DATE: 1/26/10 RE: Project Status Ending 1/22/10 CC: Shannon Jones, David Jurgens, Hugh Kelso, Joseph Cotton, Kevin White SUBJECT: Status report for the City of Fayetteville - January 2010 Proiect Updates: • Broyles Road Lift Station Design: RJN Group's St. Louis office has finalized the design plans for the lift station, which includes structural and electrical sub -consultant work. The contract for this work has been awarded to Seven Valley Construction. The construction is scheduled to begin prior to months end. • Owl Creek Force Main / Persimmon Road Gravity Design: RJN resubmitted plans to the Arkansas Health Department which incorporated their comments and have subsequently received approval. The 404 Permit for all stream and wetland impacts from this project has also been received from the United States Corp of Engineers. RJN is awaiting guidance from the City of Fayetteville regarding anticipated advertising and bidding. 12160 Abrams Road, Suite 400 • Dallas, Texas 75243 Phone (972)437-4300 • FAX (972)437-2707 •rjndallas@rjn.com 1 2006 BONDS -WASTEWATER REQUISITION City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Series 2006A Sales and Use Tax Capital Improvement Bonds Date: 02/16/2010 Requisition No:_2006-W W-#107 TO: Simmons First Trust Company, as Trustee Pursuant to the provisions of Section 502 of the Trust Indenture dated as of November 1, 2006 ("the Indenture"), by and between the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas ("the issuer) and you, as trustee, you are authorized to make the following described payment directly to the Payee named below from the 2006 WASTEWATER Account of the Project Fund: Name of Payee: City of Fayetteville Sales Tax Construction 2006 Account# 17160292 Amount of Payment: $37 394.86 Paid to: Check # Amount RJN 2122 37,394.86 The undersigned hereby certifies that he is authorized to deliver this Requisition on behalf of the Issuer. The amount requested hereunder has not been the basis for any previous Requisition by the Issuer and is justly due and owing to the person(s) named herein as a proper payment or reimbursement of a Project Cost with the respect to the WASTEWATER Project. No event of Default exists under the Indenture and, to the knowledge of the undersigned, no event has occurred and continues which with notice or lapse of time or both would constitute an Event of Default under the Indenture. City of Fayetteville, AR PP0,.1 o. ILA.— Finance & Internal Services Director Page 1 of 1 xCfxO EP0@ r DirQ Q 17160292 Sales Tax Const 2006A Dr/Cr Amount Description Credit 4/1 $37,394.86 20100216H2B7001C00024402161154 Credit 066 $392,795.90 20100216H2B7001 C00024602 1 61 1 54 Totals Type Amount Count Credits $430,190.76 2 Debits $0.00 0 NET $430,190.76 2 https://cashman.arvest.com/cashman//Memoltems.asp?Acct=17160292+Sales+Tax+Const... 2/16/2010 New World Systems 7.0 *LIVE* 2/12/10 Check Inquiry Favorite: Bank Account: 452 SALESTAXON Sales Tax Construction 2006A Type options, press Enter. 9=Source 15=General Ledger Transactions 24=Documents Oft Check ---Status---- Number 2123 2122 2121 2120 2119 2118 2117 2116 2115 2114 2113 Date 2/12/10 2/12/10 2/12/10 2/08/10 2/08/10 2/08/10 2/01/10 2/01/10 2/01/10 1/25/10 1/25/10 Payee Name Code Date Stutte, Charles A RJN Group Inc AR Western Gas Co General Fund Environmental Consulting City of Farmington Sweetser Inc, Jerry D General Fund General Fund Water & Sewer Fund McClelland Consult Engine *=Documents Attached F3=Exit F9=Resequence F12=Cancel F15=Bank F20=ACH Inquiry AP0810S1 Reset: 0•UOG+ 2,7uu•uu + 37,394.86 + 390,U95.9u + 430,i9U.76G1- 0.006+ 2,9u0•uu r 39U,U95.9u + 392,797-906+ qiN 39,394.86 + 39,394.866, More: + Check Amount 2,700.00 37,394.86 390.095.90 2,308.28 9,132.54 37,416.25 42,980.73 2,018.84 47,269.83 2,307.26 676.00 More... F22=More CITY of FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS DUPLICATE CHECK NO. 2122 DATE INVOICE NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 1/26/2010 18-1875-03-09 Change Order #11 toPO, Part 12 of S/4/09 37,394.86 CHECKAMOUNT $37,394.86 2 ye ...,i le MVEST F81in-87/a.ww829. aw.a 11 11111111111111111 II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III CITY of FAYETTEVILLE FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS SALES TAX CONSTRUCTION 2006A PAY TO THE ORDER OF r RAN Group Inc 200 W. Front St. Wheaton L IL 60187 DETACH HERE FCR YOUR RECORDS CHECK NO. 2122 DATE 2/12/2010 ***37,394 DOLLARS AND 86 CENTS 11.2L2211' ':08 29008? 21: 00L?L6029211' VOID IF NOT CASHED IN 60 DAYS AMOUNT $37,394.86 ISOTIABLE =row NON-NEGOTIABLE VENDOR NO. ** CHANGE ORDER ** ' MQC�KQ�C� ORDER p 88530 RJN Group Inc 12160 Abrams Road Ste 40 Dallas TX 75243 Each Package Must Be Marked Exactly As Shown Here City of Fayetteville, Arkansas PURCHASE ORDER # MITI 03-0003115-109 FOB Fyv TERMS NET 30 DAY 1/52 - Qty. Qty. Unit Issue Qty. Received Description and Account Number Unit Prico TOTALS 1.00 JOB a) Engineering Services for West 2188259.01 218825 . Contract #916 Resolution *112-03 NOTE: $312,315.00 of contract scope not authorized relating to Farmington Lift Station - hold for determination 08/26/03 C/O #1 to correct amt of contract 12/13/06 C/O #5 to correct amt of funds held for determination 05/01/09 C/O #11 to PO, Part 1 of 12 to decr line item (a) by <143.99> & place in line item (k) w/ new G/L 4480.9480.5315.00 021330302 1.00 EA b) Amendement #1 to Contract #916 04/15/04 C/O #1 Relates to Revised Interceptor Serwer Alignment Across Springwoods Subdivision 5400.5700.5315.00 021330302 4000.00 4000_ AD S, FAyw i i vu -LN o Ito 14 .8$ Fpcatli .lc -roll 8 1O,a2A.gn SHIP TO: Water & Wastewater Director 4 .4„,,—n-eb CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE C 3�1 113 W MOUNTAIN FAYETTEVILLE AR 72701 C rJC" ENTERED FEB 11 1010 vv •11 �C th NU -r , ILL ThpM In1Efl 4 k Continued on Next Page DEPARTMENT VERIFICATION RECEIVED DEPT HEAD APPROVAL AMOUNT TO PAY NP VERIFICATION ADDITIONAL APPROVAL CHECK # DOES NOT MEET PURCHASING POLICY CONTRACT PAYMENT OTHER APPROVED BY PURCHASING VERIFICATION PRICE CHANGE VERIFICATION PROJECT # CO2 -132 pp// 3 �� THIS PAYMENTS 1 i 4. e) PREVIOUS PAYMENT( )$ 1 RETURN CHECK TO TOTAL PYMT(S) $ SEND COPY TO BALANCE $ 9�'3.11rlt DEPT COPY aye..evlle pU VENDOR NO. ** CHANGE ORDER ** RCK ©MEN 88530 RJN Group Inc 12160 Abrams Road Ste 400 Dallas TX 75243 Each Package Must Be Marked Exactly As Shown Here City of Fayetteville, Arkansas PURCHASE ORDER # 03-0003115-109 DATE 12/18/09 FOB Fyv TERMS NET 30 DAY City. Unit of Issue o. Received Description and Account Number Unit Price TOTALS 1.00 EA c) Amendment #2 to Contract #916 165031.00 16 1.00 08/08/05 C/O #2 for Additional Design & Bidding Services Associated With Wastewater System Impvs Project WL -1, WL -3, & WL -4 4480.9480.5314.00 021330302 1.00 EA 'l / d) Amendment #3 to Contract #916 1599745.51 15997.45.51 for Const Phase Insp, Eng, and Consulting Services for West Side Sewer Line Const, Hamesting Lift Station Const, and Gregg Ave Lift Station Rehab Projects )WL -1, WL -2, WL -3, WL -4, WL -5, WL -6 and WL -7) 05/01/09 C/O #11 to PO, Part 2 of 12 to decr line item (d) by <59,344.49> & place in line item (1) with new G/L 4480.9480.5314.00 021330302 SHIP TO: Water & Wastewater Director CITY OF FAYEITEVILLE 113 W MOUNTAIN FAYE TEVILLE AR 72701 Continued on Next Page DEPARTMENT VERIFICATION BY DATE ADDITIONAL APPROVAL RECEIVED CHECK # DEPT HEAD APPROVAL DOES NOT MEET PURCHASING POLICY AMOUNT TO PAY $ CONTRACT PAYMENT OTHER AP VERIFICATION APPROVED BY PURCHASING VERIFICATION PRICE CHANGE VERIFICATION PROJECT # THIS PAYMENT S PREVIOUS PAYMENT(S) $ RETURN CHECK TO TOTAL PYMT(S) $ SEND COPY TO BALANCES DEPT COPY ** CHANGE ORDER ** aye e ev lle PURCHASE ORDER ER VENDOR NO. 88530 RJN Group Inc 12160 Abrams Road Ste 400 Dallas TX 75243 Each Package Must Be Marked Exactly As Shown Here City of Fayetteville, Arkansas PURCHASE ORDER # 03-0003115-109 DATE 12/18/09 FOB Fyv TERMS NET 30DAY Unit Oty. of Issue City. Roc ed n Description and Account Number Unit Prico TOTALS 1.00 EA e) 04/14/06 C/O #4 Partial Release of 158043.45 158 .45 Funds Being Held for Determination For Engineering and Design Services for Farmington/Western Fayetteville, Owl Creek and City of Farmington Lift Stations (note change of description 12/13/06) 05/01/09 C/O #11 to PO, Part 3 of 12 to decr line item (e) by <12,029.55> & place in line item (m) with new G/L 4480.9480.5314.00 021330302 SHIP TO: Water & Wastewater Director CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE 113W MOUNTAIN FAYE1TEVILLE AR 72701 Continued on Next Page DEPARTMENT VERIFICATION BY DATE ADDITIONAL APPROVAL RECEIVED CHECK # DEPT HEAD APPROVAL DOES NOT MEET PURCHASING POUCY AMOUNT TO PAY $ -. CONTRACiPAYMENT OTHER NP VERIFICATION APPROVED BY PURCHASING VERIFICATION PRICE CHANGE VERIFICATION PROJECT # THIS PAYMENT $ PREVIOUS PAYMENT(S) $ RETURN CHECK TO TOTAL PYMT(S) $ SEND COPY TO BALANCE $ DEPT COPY aye¶ttStlle p� VENDOR NO. ** CHANGE ORDER ** NCDASE ©HOER 88530 RJN Group Inc 12160 Abrams Road Ste 400 Dallas TX 75243 Each Package Must Be Marked Exactly As Shown Here City of Fayetteville, Arkansas PURCHASE ORDER # 03-0003115-109 DATE 12/18/09 FOB Fyv TERMS NET 30 DAY City. Unit O °f Received Issue „ Description and Account Number Unit Price TOTALS 1.00 EA f) Amendment #4 to Contract #916 953049.00 12/13/06 C/O #6 for Final Design & Construction Phase Services for the West Fayetteville -Farmington Collection System A9:--- 480.9480.5314.00 021330401 1.00 EA SHIP TO: g) 12/13/06 C/O #7 Release of Funds that Were Held for Determination for Engineering & Design Services for Farmington/West Fayetteville Collection Services 4480.9480.5314.00 021330302 Water & Wastewater Director CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE 113 W MOUNTAIN FAYETTEVILLE AR 72701 142242.00 Continued on Next Page DEPARTMENT VERIFICATION BY DATE ADDITIONAL APPROVAL RECEIVED CHECK # DEPT HEAD APPROVAL DOES NOT MEET PURCHASING POLICY AMOUNT TO PAY $ CONTRACT PAYMENT OTHER AIP VERIFICATION APPROVED BY PURCHASING VERIFICATION PRICE CHANGE VERIFICATION PROJECT # THIS PAYMENT $ PREVIOUS PAYMENT(S) $ RETURN CHECK TO TOTAL PYMT(S) $ SEND COPY TO BALANCE $ DEPT COPY Weide pU VENDOR NO. ** CHANGE ORDER ** RCHASE ORDER 88530 RJN Group Inc 12160 Abrams Road Ste 400 Dallas TX 75243 Each Package Must Be Marked Exactly As Shown Here City of Fayetteville, Arkansas PURCHASE ORDER # 03-0003115-109 DATE 12/18/09 FOB Fyv TERMS NET 30 DAY Oty. Unit City. of Received Issue Description and Account Number Unit Price TOTALS 1.00 EA h) 03/07/07 C/O #8 to Correct Voided Check #1207 and Add Amount Back to PO of $83,239.46 05/01/09 0/0 #11 to PO, Part 4 of 12 to decr line item (h) by <83,239.46> & place in line item (n) with new G/L There were no payments made off this line item, will show as voided. 4480.9480.5314.00 021330302 SHIP TO: Water & Wastewater Director CITY OF FAYEFTEVILLE 113 W MOUNTAIN FAYETTEVILLE AR 72701 ITEM VOIDED Continued on Next Page DEPARTMENT VERIFICATION BY DATE ADDITIONAL APPROVAL RECEIVED CHECK # DEPT HEAD APPROVAL - DOES NOT MEET PURCHASING POUGY AMOUNT TO PAY $ CONTRACT PAYMENT OTHER NP VERIFICATION APPROVED BY PURCHASING VERIFICATION PRICE CHANGE VERIFICATION PROJECT # THIS PAYMENT $ PREVIOUS PAYMENT(S) $ RETURN CHECK TO TOTAL PYMT(S) $ SEND COPY TO BALANCE $ DEPT COPY aye e: evlle • pt. VENDOR NO. ** CHANGE ORDER ** 88530 RJN Group Inc 12160 Abrams Road Ste 400 Dallas TX 75243 Each Package Must Be Marked Exactly As Shown Here City of Fayetteville, Arkansas PURCHASE ORDER # 03-0003115-109 DATE 12/18/09 FOB Fyv TERMS NET 30 DAY Qty. Unit Q of Roceived Issue 1.00 EA fs Description and Account Number Unit Price TOTALS i) Change Order #9 to Contract #916 3/22/07 to add $19,455.87 back onto PO from a voided check charged against line item (f) 05/01/09 C/O #11 to PO, Part 5 of 12 to decr line item (i) by <19,455.87> & place in line item (o) with new G/L There were no payments made off this line item - will show as voided. 4480.9480.5314.00 021330401 SHIP TO: Water & Wastewater Director CITY OF FAYEPI'EVILLE 113 W MOUNTAIN FAYETTEVILLE AR 72701 ITEM VOIDED Continued on Next Page DEPARTMENT VERIFICATION BY DATE ADDITIONAL APPROVAL RECEIVED CHECK # _ DEPT HEAD APPROVAL DOES NOT MEET PURCHASING POUCY AMOUNT TO PAY S CONTRACT PAYMENT OTHER NP VERIFICATION APPROVED BY PURCHASING VERIFICATION PRICE CHANGE VERIFICATION PROJECT # THIS PAYMENT $ PREVIOUS PAYMENT(S) $ RETURN CHECK TO TOTAL PYMT(S) $ SEND COPY TO BALANCE $ DEPT COPY aye. eville p�n� VENDOR NO. ** CHANGE ORDER ** AAS ©DD! 88530 RJN Group Inc 12160 Abrams Road Ste 400 Dallas TX 75243 Each Package Must Be Marked Exactly As Shown Here City of Fayetteville, Arkansas PURCHASE ORDER # 03-0003115-109 DATE 12/18/09 FOB Fyv TERMS NET 30 DAY Qty. Unit Qt y. of Received Issue Description and Account Number Unit Price TOTALS 1 00 EA Change Order #10 to PO 03/06/09 C/0 #10 to PO, Contract Amendment #5 to Contract #916 to incr contract by $597,704.00 05/01/09 C/O #11 to PO, Part 6 of 12 to decr line item (j) by <597,704.00> & place in line item (p) with new G/L There were no payments made off this line item - will show as voided. 4480.9480.5314.00 021330302 SHIP TO: Water & Wastewater Director CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE 113 W MOUNTAIN FAYETTEVILLE AR 72701 ITEM VOIDED Continued on Next Page DEPARTMENT VERIFICATION BY DATE ADDITIONAL APPROVAL RECEIVED CHECK # DEPT HEAD APPROVAL DOES NOT MEET PURCHASING POLICY AMOUNT TO PAY $ CONTRACT PAYMENT OTHER NP VERIFICATION APPROVED BY PURCHASING VERIFICATION PRICE CHANGE VERIFICATION PROJECT # THIS PAYMENT $ PREVIOUS PAYMENT(S) $ RETURN CHECK TO TOTAL PYMT(S) $ SEND COPY TO BALANCE$ DEPT COPY ** CHANGE ORDER ** Cdyel.ev lle pMG3©SAS XQSCE ORDER VENDOR NO. 88530 'UN Group Inc 12160 Abrams Road Ste 400 Dallas TX 75243 Each Package Must Be Marked Exactly As Shown Here City of Fayetteville, Arkansas PURCHASE ORDER # 03-0003115-109 DATE 12/18/09 FOB Fyv TERMS NET 30 DAY Qty. Unit Qty. of Received Issue Description and Account Number Unit Price TOTALS 1.00 EA k) Change Order #11 05/01/09 C/O #11 to add line item reduction of line fund 4480 4520.9520.5314.00 1.00 EA 1) to PO, Part 7 of 12 143.99 to PO, Part 7 of 12 (k), created by item (a) to close 021330302 143/.99 Change Order #11 to PO, Part 8 of 1 59344.49 59349 05/01/09 C/O #11 to PO, Part 8 of 12 to add line item (1), created by reduction of line item (d) to close fund 4480 (nX/4520.9520.5314 00 021330302 1.00 EA t' / m) Change Order #11 to PO, Part 9 of 1 12029.55 1203 55 05/01/09 C/O #11 to add line item reduction of line fund 4480 4520.9520.5314.00 SHIP TO: Water & Wastewater CITY OF FAYETI'EV 113 W MOUNTAIW FAYETTEVILLE Change Order #11 05/01/09 C/O #11 to add line item DRadwction of line timid 4480 20.9520.5314.00 AR 72701 to PO, Part 9 of 12 (m), created by item (e) to close 021330302 to PO, Part 10 of 83239.46 to PO, Part 10 of 12 (n), created by item (h) to close 021330302 •a Continued on Next Page DEPARTMENT VERIFICATION RECEIVED DEPT HEAD APPROVAL AMOUNT TO PAY NP VERIFICATION BY DATE PURCHASING VERIFICATION PRICE CHANGE VERIFICATION RETURN CHECK TO SEND COPY TO ADDITIONAL APPROVAL CHECK # DOES NOT MEET PURCHASING POUCV CONTRACT PAYMENT OTHER APPROVED BY DEPT COPY PROJECT ft THIS PAYMENT $ PREVIOUS PAYMENT(S) $ TOTAL PYMT(S) $ BALANCE$ ayeevl le p� VENDOR NO. ** CHANGE ORDER ** n©i ASE ©RIDLn 88530 RJN Group Inc 12160 Abrams Road Ste 400 Dallas TX 75243 Each Package Must Be Marked Exactly As Shown Here City of Fayetteville, Arkansas PURCHASE ORDER # 03-0003115-109 DATE 12/18/09 FOB Fyv TERMS NET 30DAY Qty. Unit o1 Issue Qty. Received Description and Account Number Unit Price TOTALS ) 1.00 EA - v o) Change Order #11 to PO, Part 11 of 19455.87 05/01/09 C/O #11 to PO, Part 11 of 12 to add line item (o), created by reduction of line item (i) to close fund 4480 4520.9520.5314.00 021330401 SHIP TO: Water & Wastewater Director CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE 113 W MOUNTAIN FAYETTEVILLE AR 72701 194$5.87 Continued on Next Page DEPARTMENT VERIFICATION BY RECEIVED DEPT HEAD APPROVAL AMOUNT TO PAY NP VERIFICATION DATE $ PURCHASING VERIFICATION PRICE CHANGE VERIFICATION RETURN CHECK TO SEND COPY TO ADDITIONAL APPROVAL. CHECK # DOES NOT MEET PURCHASING POLICY CONTRACT PAYMENT OTHER APPROVED BY DEPT COPY PROJECT # THIS PAYMENT $ PREVIOUS PAYMENT(S) $ TOTAL PYMT(S) $ BALANCE $ ** CHANGE ORDER ** ti5Tttville G° PRG n l 8 ©RDC ARKANSAS VENDOR NO. Qty. 88530 RJN Group Inc 12160 Abrams Road Ste 400 Dallas TX 75243 Unit Qty. of Received Issue Description and Account Number Each Package Must Be Marked Exactly As Shown Here City of Fayetteville, Arkansas PURCHASE ORDER # 03-0003115-109 DATE 12/18/09 TERMS FOB Fyv NET 30 DAY Unit Price TOTALS 1.00 EA SHIP TO: P) Change Order #11 to 05/04/09 C/O #11 to to add line item (p reduction of line i fund 4480. 12/18/09 C/O #12 to item (p) by x$9,163 overpayment on line 4520.9520.5314.00 Water & Wastewater Director CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE 113 W MOUNTAIN FAYETTEVILLE AR 72701 ✓mess, D DEPARTMENT VERIFICATION 8Y RECEIVED DEPT HEAD APPROVAL AMOUNT TO PAY A/P VERIFICATION l� I 1'(s 014 3� PO, Part 12 of 588540.94 ...284311-6-.94 PO, Part 12 of 12 ), created by tem (j) to close .03--iN./yr PO to decr line .06> to correct item (f) 021330302 DATE PURCHASING VERIFICATION PRICE CHANGE VERIFICATION RETURN CHECK TO SEND COPY TO —1,-514.1SG Sales Tax Total: x$.00 Purchase Order Total: 597 7 ADDITIONAL APPROVAL CHECK # DOES NOT MEET PURCHASING POLICY CONTRACT PAYMENT OTHER APPROVED BY DEPT COPY PROJECT# THIS PAYMENT $ PREVIOUS PAYMENT(S) $ TOTAL PYMT(S) $ BALANCE $ 4 rj ngroup Excellence through Ownership Mr. David Jurgens, P.E. Water & Wastewater Director City of Fayetteville 113 W. Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 Task/Description www.rjh.com February 10, 2010 RECAP OF INVOICE 18-1875-02.38 (Revised) CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE WESTSIDE COLLECTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS WEST PIPELINES AND PUMP STATIONS FARMINGTONNVESTERN FAYETTEVILLE DESIGN SERVICES BILLING PERIOD: DECEMBER 26,2009 TJIROUCQH JANUARY 22, 2010 P.O 003.0003112100 AND 403-0003115.102 Total Total Total Revised Amount Amount Amount Farmington Contract Complete Earned Previously Earned Invoice Amount To Date To Date Invoiced This Invoice Amount Part A - Project Administration and Management 1. Project Administration 2. Coordination / Meetings Subtotal Pad B - Design Survey 1. Surveys for Design Subtotal Port C - Permits and Easements 1. Permits 2. Right of Way! Easement Preparation a. Right o1 Way! Easement Preparation b. Easement Revisions 3. 404 ! Phase II Stormwaler Permitting Coordination Subtotal $34,415.00 100.00% 517.260.00 100.00% 551,695.00 55.700.00 100.00% 534,415.00 534.41500 50.00 511.280.00 517,280.00 50.00 551,695.00 551,695.00 50.00 55.700.00 55.700.00 50.00 55,700.00 15,700.00 55,700.00 50.00 52.885.00 100.00% 52,085.00 100.00% 51,170.00 1142.07% $69.418.00 100.66% 5288500 52.885.00 S0.00 52,085.00 52,085.00 50.00 513,362.18 513,362.18 50.00 569.878.00 569,293.04 5584.98 50.00 50.00 10.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 5292.48 575,558.00 $88,210.18 587,62532 5584.98 5292.48 Part D - Conshuclion Plans and Specifications 1. Geotechnical Investigation 563267.00 100.00% 563267.00 563,267.00 50.00 2. Pipeline Design a. Farmington Interceptor 5113210.00 100.00% 5113.210.00 5113,210.00 50.00 b. LS912 Force Main 588.014.00 100.00%58[1.014.00 $68,014.00 50.00 3. Lift Station Design a. Lift Station 412 5103.354.00 100.00% 5103,354.00 5103,354.00 $0.00 4. Odor Control Design 552,005.00 100.00% 552,005.00 $52,005.00 50 00 5. Document Submittal a. 30% Complete (3) 54,045.00 100,00% 54.045.0054.045.00 50.00 b. 9054 Complete (3) 54,045.00 100.00% 54.045.00 54,045.00 10.00 6. Final Construction Submittal (3) 52,825.00 100.00%52,825.00 $2.82500 50.00 Subtotal 5428,765.00 5428,765.00 $428,765.00 50.00 Part E - Bidding Assistance (1 package) Subtotal 511,975.00 300.00% 535,92500 535.925.00 10,00 611,975.00 535,925.00 535,925.00 50.00 Pad D - Construction Observation and Record Drawings 5515.590.00 97.04% 5500.308.00 5479,043.00 521265.00 Subtotal $515,590.00 5500,308.00 8479,043.00 521,265.00 Total 51,089,283.00 51,110,603.18 51,088.753.22 521,849.96 Pi /la February 10, 2010 RJN Grp, Inc. Date 50.00 $0.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 S0.00 50.00 50.00 10.00 510,632.50 510,632.50 510,924.98 Total Amount Invoiced to Dale 51.110,803.18 5555.301.59 Total Amount Previously Invoiced 51,088.753.22 5544,376.61 Total Amount Due This Invoice 521,849.96 510,924.98 Contract Amount 5544.841.50 Percentage of Contract Invoiced to Date101.96% 101.96% Tis /S 6ulys*!/al/'a0 fr-lura 5 /4/ 4a4rO&J?, Pda 'AO /1 �✓ Remit Payment To: RJN Group, Inc., 200 West Front Street, Wheaton, IL, 60187 ACH Payment Contact Debbie Anderson (630) 682-4700, Ext 324 Page 1 of 1 12160 Abrams Road, Suite 400 • Dallas, TX 75243 • 972.437.4300 • fax 972.437.2707 vt. 4 41/ raj ngroup Excellence through Ownership Mr. David Jurgens, P.E. Water & Wastewater Director City of Fayetteville 113 W. Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 Task/Descdption www.rjn.com • January 27, 2010 RECAP OF INVOICE 18-1875-02-38 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE WESTSIDE COLLECTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS WEST PIPELINES AND PUMP STATIONS FARMINGTON/WESTERN FAYETTEVILLE DESIGN SERVICES BILLING PERIOD: NOVEMBER 21, 2009 THROUGH DECEMBER 25 2009 P.O. 803-0003115-100 AND #03-0003115.102 Total Total Total Revised Amount Amount Amount Farmington Contract Complete Earned Previously Eamed Invoice Amount To Date To Date Invoiced This Invoice Amount Part A - Project Administration and Management 1. Project Administration $34.415.00 100.00% $34.415.00 $34.415.00 50.00 50.00 2. Coordination/Meetings $17280.00 100.00% $17,280.00 $17,280.00 $0.00 50.00 Subtotal $51,695.00 $51,695.00 $51,695.00 50.00 $0.00 Part B - Design Survey 1. Surveys for Design $5.700.00 100.00% $5.700.00 $5,700.00 50.00 $0.00 Subtotal $5,700.00 $5,700.00 $5,700.00 $0.00 50.00 Part C - Permits and Easements 1. Permits $2,885.00 100.00% $2,885.00 52,885.00 $0.00 2. Right of Way / Easement Preparation a. Right of Way/ Easement Preparation 52,085.00 100.00% 52,085.00 52,085.00 50.00 b. Easement Revisions 51,170.00 1142.07% 513,362.18 513,362.18 $0.00 3. 404 / Phase!! Stormwater Permitting Coordination $69,418.00 100.66% 569,878.00 569,293.04 $584.96 Subtotal $75,558.00 $88,210.18 $87,625.22 5584.96 Part D - Construction Plans and Specifications / 1. Geotechnical Investigation $63,267.00 100.00% . $63,267.00 563,267.00 50.00 2. Pipeline Design a. Farmington Interceptor 5113,210.00 100.00% 5113,210.00 5113,210.00 50.00 b. LS812 Force Main $86,014.00 100.00%.. $86,014.00 $86,014.00 50.00 3. Lia Station Design a. Lift Station #12 4. Odor Control Design 5. Document Submittal a. 30% Complete (3) b. 90% Complete (3) 6. Final Construction Submittal (3) Subtotal Part E - Bidding Assistance (1 package) Subtotal Part D - Construction Obsery. ', r . nd Record Drawings Subto To IS ' 3tC1 C � 3 of �G 4 (��S\Op\ Of ar te CZ Zi‘ /h l January 27, 2010 5103,354.00 100.00% 5103,354.00 5103,354.00 50.00 552,005.00 100.00% 552,005.00 552,005.00 50.00 $4,045.00 100.00% 54,045.00 $4,045.00 50.00 $4,045.00 100.00% 54,045.00 54,045.00 50.00 $2,825.00 100.00% 52,825.00 52,825.00 $0.00 $428,765.00 $428,765.00 $428,765.00 $0.00 511,975.00 300.00% 535,925.00 535,925.00 50.00 RJNJGroup, Inc. Date $11,975.00 535,925.00 $35,925.00 50.00 5515,590.00 $515,590.00 $1,089,283.00 97.04% 5500,308.00 5500,308.00 $1,110,603.18 $479,043.00 $479,043.00 $1,088,753.22 $21,285.00 521,265.00 521,849.96 50.00 50.00 50.00 $292.48 5292.48 50.00 50.00 50.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 510.632.50 510,632.50 $10,924.98 Total Amount Invoiced to Date $1,110,603.18 5555 301 59 Total Amount Previously Invoiced $1,088,753.22 $544,376.61 Total Amount Due This Invoice $21,849.98 $10,924.98 *it Contract Amount 51.089,283.00 $544,641.50 Percentage of Contract Invoiced to Date 101.96% 101.96% Remit Payment To: RJN Group, Inc., 200 West Front Street, Wheaton, IL, 60187 ACEI Payment Contact Debbie Anderson (630) 682-4700, Ext 324 Page 1 of 1 • 12160 Abrams Road, Suite 400 • Dallas, TX 75243 • 972.437.4300 • fax 972.437.2707 rj n group Excellence through Ownership Mr. David Jurgens, P.E. Water & Wastewater Director City of Fayetteville 113 W. Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 Task/Description RECEIVED FEB 0 3 2010 CITY OF FAYE1TEVILLE MAYOR'S OFFICE RECAP OF INVOICE 18-1875-03-09 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE OWL CREEK LIFT STATION WESTSIDE WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT BILLING PERIOD: DECEMBER 26, 2009 THROUGH JANUARY 22, 2010 P.O. #03-3115 Contract Amount Complete To Date Total Amount Earned To Date Total Amount Previously Invoiced www.rjn.com January 26, 2010 Total Amount Eamed This Invoice Part A - Project Administration and Management 1. Project Administration 2. Coordination Subtotal Part B - Design Survey Subtotal Part C - Permits and Easements 1. Permits 2. Right of Way / Easement Preparation a. Right of Way / Easement Preparation (34) b. Easement Revisions (9) Subconsultant Cost Subtotal Part D - Construction Plans and Specifications 1. Geotechnical Investigation Subconsultant Cost 2. Design a. Interceptor & Force Mains b. Lift Station Design Subconsultant Cost Subtotal Part E - Bidding Assistance (1 package) Subtotal Part F - Construction Services a. WL -13, 14 & 15 Subtotal Total $13,220.00 93.00% $5,260.00 93.00% $18,480.00 $63,130.00 100.00% $63,130.00 $700.00 0.00% $2,460.00 0.00% $1,390.00 0.00% $37,506.00 12.00% $42,056.00 $2,660.00 100.00% $5,665.00 100.00% $108,390.00 100.00% $46,290.00 100.00% $44,000.00 65.00% $207,005.00 $12,460.00 60.00% $12,460.00 $187,800.00 0.00% 5187,800.00 $530,931.00 Total Amount Invoiced to Date $12,294.60 $4,891.80 $17,186.40 $63,130.00 $63,130.00 50.00 $0.00 50.00 54,500.72 $4,500.72 $2,660.00 $5,665.00 $108,390.00 $46,290.00 $28,600.00 $191,605.00 $7,476.00 57,476.00 50.00 $0.00 $283,898.12 $11,898.00 $396.60 $4,734.00 $157.80 $16,632.00 5554.40 $63,130.00 50.00 $63,130.00 50.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,500.72 $0.00 $4,500.72 $0.00 50.00 52,660.00 $0.00 $5,665.00 $102,970.50 $5,419.50 $46,290.00 $0.00 $28,600.00 $0.00 5177,860.50 513,744.50 $6,230.00 $1246.00 $6,230.00 $1,246.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 50.00 5268,353.22 $15,544.90 $283,898.12 Total Amount Previously Invoiced ----------------------- $268,353.22 Total Amount Due This Invoice ---- $15,544.90 Contract Amount --_--_------------------------ -------- -------------------------- $530,931.00 Percentage of Contract Invoiced to Date -- 53.47% Remit Payment To: RJN Group, Inc., 200 West Front Street, Wheaton, IL, 60187 ACII Payment Contact Debbie Anderson (630) 682-4700, Ext 324 Page 1 of 1 044r 12160 Abrams Road, Suite 400 • Dallas, TX 75243 • 972.437.4300 • fax 972.437.2707 tin group Excellence through Ownership Project Status for: Fayetteville -18187503 DATE: 1/26/10 RE: Project Status Ending 1/22/10 CC: Shannon Jones, David Jurgens, Hugh Kelso, Joseph Cotton, Kevin White SUBJECT: Status report for the City of Fayetteville - January 2010 Proiect Updates: • Broyles Road Lift Station Design: RJN Group's St. Louis office has finalized the design plans for the lift station, which includes structural and electrical sub -consultant work. The contract for this work has been awarded to Seven Valley Construction. The construction is scheduled to begin prior to months end. • Owl Creek Force Main / Persimmon Road Gravity Design: RJN resubmitted plans to the Arkansas Health Department which incorporated their comments and have subsequently received approval. The 404 Permit for all stream and wetland impacts from this project has also been received from the United States Corp of Engineers. RJN is awaiting guidance from the City of Fayetteville regarding anticipated advertising and bidding. 12160 Abrams Road, Suite 400 • Dallas, Texas 75243 Phone (972)437-4300 • FAX (972)437-2707 •rjndallas@rjn.com 1