HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 4798 o,e, City of Fayetteville • '7� 7 `IS i Staff Review Form `6( I/.Q ( teviltz City Council Agenda Items bt, +riGf or Contracts 6-Dec-05 City Council Meeting Date Matt Casey Engineering Operations Submitted By Division Department Action Required: Approval of a cost-share and bid waiver in the amount of $45,395.00 with a contingency of $6 ,800.00 with Fayetteville Public School District for the upsizing of approximately 1235' of 8" water main to 12'. Water Impact Fee Cost Sharin $52, 195.00 Fs 215,047.00 Project Cost of this request Category/Project Budget Program Category / Project Name Water and Sewer Improvements 2300.9300.5808.00 $ 155,876.63 Account Number Funds Used to Date Program / Project CategoryName 04039 Fs 59,170.37 Project Number Remaining Balance Fund Name Budgeted Item �x Budget Adjustment Attached Previous Ordinance or Resolution # V la oS Department irector Date Original Contract Dale: Original Contract Number: City Attorney Received in City Clerk's Office ftO Finafice And Internal Service Director Date Received in Mayor's Office Eg1FAFD Mayor ILI Date Comments: • City Council Meeting of December 6, 2005 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO To: Mayor and City Council Thru : Gary Dumas, Director of Operations From: Ron Petrie, City Engineer Date: November 14, 2005 Subject: Proposed Rupple Road Cost Share in the amount of $45,395.00 with a contingency of $6,800.00 with the Fayetteville Public School District for the upsizing of approximately 1235 feet of 8" water main to a 12" water main. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City cost-share with the Fayetteville Public School District, the developer, to upsize approximately 1235 feet of 8" water main to a 12" main. By participating in the construction of these improvements, the City will be continuing a 12" grid in the water line distribution system in this area. BACKGROUND The school district is currently constructing a new school at the southwest corner of the intersection of Rupple Road and Persimmon Street. As a part of this future development, the developer is required to construct a water main extension to provide water service and fire protection to the site. DISCUSSION There is existing 12" water main along Rupple Road that was extended to the Boys and Girls Club site. As a part of recent developments, this 12" main has been extended west along Persimmon to Broyles Road. The school development is required to connect to this main and extend an 8" main through the site and terminate the water main at the south end of this site. This area is identified on the Water Master plan as a corridor for a portion of a 12" grid between Highway 16 and Highway 62. It would benefit the City to cost-share with the developer for the construction of this portion of the planned grid. On November 7, 2005 the City of Fayetteville Water & Sewer Committee discussed this proposal and agreed to forward this item on to the full City Council with a recommendation for approval . I • City Council Meeting of December 6, 2005 Construction estimates have been provided to the City for these improvements by the Fayetteville Public School District. as follows: Developer's Share $ 909560.00 City's Share $ 45,395.00 15% Contingency(City's Share) $ 6,800.00 Total $1429755.00 BUDGET IMPACT The funds for this water line distribution project will come from the Impact Fee Fund's use of fund balance. The water impact fee methodology `Buy-In Approach" is based partially on the cost of a water line distribution and transmission system of 12" lines and larger. The final costs to the City will be based upon actual costs as documented by the Fayetteville Public School District subject to review by the City and may, or may not exceed the submitted estimate. However, the City' s share will not exceed the estimate without additional authorization. 2 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS OF FORMAL COMPETITIVE BIDDING AND APPROVING A COST-SHARE WITH THE FAYETTEVILLE SCHOOL DISTRICT IN THE AMOUNT OF $45,395.00 FOR THE UPSIZING OF APPROXIMATELY 1235 FEET OF 8" WATER MAIN TO A 12" WATER MAIN; AND APPROVING A CONTINGENCY IN THE AMOUNT OF $6,800.00. WHEREAS, sharing the cost of upsizing a water main with the Fayetteville School District and utilizing its engineer and contractor will avoid the added cost and unnecessary duplication of effort which would arise from the formal competitive bidding process, and; WHEREAS, the City Council finds that such circumstances constitute an exceptional situation where competitive bidding is not feasible or practical. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 . That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby waives the requirements of formal competitive bidding and approves a cost-share with the Fayetteville School District in the amount of $45,395.00 for the upsizing of approximately 1235 feet of 8" water main to a 12" water main. i Section 2. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville� 'I rkansas hereby approves a contingency in the amount of $6,800.00. Lj PASSED AND APPROVED this 6th dayf December, 2005. APP R4a ' D: B l 1 Y AN C©O Noe ayor ATT By: SONORA SMI C Clerk ,R 11 / 07/2005 14 : 55 479631028,Jok NABHOLZ CONSTRUCW PAGE 02/ 08 10/25/2008 TUE 21 : 29 FAS 470 03W50 tidBHOI,Z PR6-CON FORM OF PROPOSAL Fayetteville school District ' Fayetteville Elementary/Middle School PROPOSAL OF - • kad� c (h=bufW referred to as the bidder), a corporation, organized and existing under the laws of the stats of ln"AL sici ' a parmership, or an individual doing business as Arkansas LiccnseNo._ 01. 55 g\ To: Fayetteville school District 1000 W. stone Fayetteville, Arkansas, 72701 The undersiped, hereinafter refernd to s9 '5iddee', in compliance with your Notice to Bidders, instructions to bidders, Additional inSmittiana and levitation to bid, declares that he has Viertd the site of ftniliarized the proposed work, himself with all the conditions surrounding the construction of the proposed project, and carefully examined the Plans, Specifications, Addends and related documents for the construction of the R ule Road WA Mu n — Phnsc I as it relates to the Rupple Road Elennentary/Wale School. Bidder hereby proposes and agrees to fdMish all necessary, labor, rnotoolsff of bequi meent a d an on- supplies together with all other items of cost ncluding housekeeping, haul site dunpster provided by others (unless specified otherwise in the individual bid packages), layon insurance, supervision and special conditions as fisted in the bid packages and as refersacad in this document rcgiritd for the work called for on the drawings and in the Project manual within the time forme set herein and at the prices stated in words And numerical format ( in case of discrepancy, the emtount indicated in words shall govern) an the individual bid package ferm(s) listed below.B idder other acknowledges each package listed below is required to be bid indlvidually and separately bid packages listed on the bid form. Contractors on this all blanks nd P Proposal hote that a 1 be enclosed in ds must be an &�eal d etrvofann; other bids will not opo, labeled as follows a co Complete Bidder is submitting a bid on the following package. List bid package number and description and attach to this form on an individual basis. Page 1 of 7 11 / 07/ 2005 14 : 55 479631028 NASHOLZ CONSTRUCTION PAGE 03/08 10/20/2005 TO& 81 : 80 PAS 478 635 0 NAB80LZ PRB-CON \C AM PAMAIR _ 9id- B" PVC Wat5tr11ne (llama 1-T 8A 8_i4�t�/y.1?E►] (Total Contract In words} s (Total Contract price In Numbers) &Itarpat0 #1 Ir. P_VC IllfatarilnG (It¢ms 1-"L Sal8H 10% 11B) o a (Total Contract PnGe In Wards) \3S qSS. v11111111 111 (Total Confraot Price In Numbers) Artemats 1112- 8" Ductile Waterline (Items 1-7, 8A BA 1 11 1 a ' Cr I Contract Price In Word O (Total Contract PriCe1n NunfbeTe) rnate #3 t2 Dueble " 'e"' f t 81d 0 70 'Pt DI m '(Total Contract Prlce In Words) (Total Contract Prue In NUmbers) 1 unit prices quoted and accepted shall apply throughout the Iif Of the e, toocompute the total as otherwise specifically noted. unit prices shall be applied, as apP P value of changes In the scope of the Work all in accordance With the contract documents. F.Stlro Cd Unit TOW '1 Qua N r Bid Pd Bk AMMM Na. 1 Mobalmtiaf unit &d Pace Wdllan N Wads Total gid Price Wrbm In w0:ds Page 2 of 7 11 / 07/ 2005 14 : 55 479631028 NASHOLZ CONSTRUCTION PAGE 04/ 08 10!25/2005 TUE 21 : 20 VAX 470 630 00 WXROLZ M-w" - Izaymoted unit TOW old AM Q�rrft Old 0 . No. 2 Erosion Control I r - .r ✓Atr•� aLcnn:-3 r i_a �:+ � jce nln Wade Total BW Pft WnBen in Wcnt� No. 3 Trench Rock Emavaban �i rd10 " y Ung Bid�P�WdCen In Words ,Eiune • Total Bid Pdre Wdlten In Words No, a FireHydrant Assemblingtalled 2 FA 3950y �— ComPlate Cm"Im able Valva) Unit Bid pricerklsn in Wmda y v Tdal Bid price Written in Words 2 Eq 13`l5� 7 S No- 5 B' Gate Valve installed ComP1819 UnrxW1na + or TWs ` S SC 00 . No, a Trench Safety � Unit Bld Wratten to Wolds _ /6✓ C Total Bid PfIM WfiOcn In Wofm 35 0 3So •� No. 7 ContraGefs Bonds and Insurance r- t2 ^�i R,lc'�' Wjltton In WOrds ���9���� Total Ski Price WrOten in words � Iso•oo 0 No. BA Siem Caging for a'Waterinta installed Complete t Untl Bid MagLs� S �y-•2�ic7� in Wards Total Bld Price Written to Wards Pap 3 of 7 11 / 07/ 2005 14 : 55 479631028 NABHOLZ CONSTRUC N PAGE 05/ 08 — lq/25 /2005 TUE 21 : 29 PAZ 479 838 NABHOLZ PRH-CON I E.stllnated Unit Toll MIR ma 1 sss d= aid Am No. Be Steel OOM for 1T Water LMe InstaOeedd Complete Unit Bid Prke W In Wards S � Tolat9d Price WF&n In Words • � S N0. BA 8' (date V ONO InstaOed CCmplote0- 225 MCIA / /J Unite PrkmWMtae�In�W..O�Nj�e `= tirAvt ..lCl� y �V� Total B&e Price Wallin In Words 1 35 Na. 9B 12" Butta ft Va6m Instead complete - Eh unit Bld Pnw Wr inWcrds �fc.✓ !Fs Fv� ! -5 Tela) Old Pdca wrftn In Words No. 10A IP PVC Pipe Incl. GmwllArr}}BarkflU f� Complot LTu nR W tem in tds m /yam E Tota Bid Prka Written In Wards N0. 100 1F PVO Plea Incl. GrMlarBadmp SivT < L n Unit Old Pp Wdltem m words rJvL 4y0�- S Total resswntten m Words No• 10C ii. j)ucelelion PipeInd l3ramularftCKl 4\-50 5 s 5 /if plans A �e , F yunlladPno W mom /J Fb y%r✓o �w1� f y T al Bd Prlaa Wdlieri m Wods No. 10D 27" puafilo Ira/ Pipe Ind. Gracrvtar OaddAl 1735 l - 14 � s Unit Bid Pn t�lenN otds _ Total id Pfice WrRSen in Words Page 4 of 7 11 / 07/ 2005 14 : 55 479631028 NABHOiZ PRE-CON NABHOLZ CONSTRUCW PAGE 06/ 08 10/25/2005 TUE 21 : 29 FAX 419 970 unit Total Bid tdrg BM 1� Ram lkman 1 � -1110 OD No. 11A r PVC Water Lure FdBnP ln8MHed �r�, plate lnd rumeloddn9 ,(Op[�,q,Cs r= tat Bid PWrluen in Words .. Total Bid Price Written In Wada No. 118 7Z' PVCWaterlinepaOngalnetaaed 1 to NSS 0�. y55D.Qt] ��ConnofftInnd. Thnlst Sloddne Unit Un &'d99 ile Wrihan In Wq�a / �� �� J0044-5 Total r6'lf•L_ aya � Total Bld Price WA M In blob$ *Qb No. 11 C a' Ducille eon Water tine Fdartga Installed Com/plate Inc, Thrustetockin/q . 7r�-A �i✓k�/7<>NOK�-e] �Un9ew wAltentnwerd. t�oL�A�S Total Bid PdW Wdthm to wads No. 11D 12' buat%e Iron Water Una F100 _ t 3ytx�.nn Inr+talled Completer Inel.Thrusteladttn9 d • nItSP�h nGlS{n webs F 17c�.rid 4 �� `s Total Sid Pdce Wdtten in Words s e RI.&L9,0111 Rr • All bidders ere responsible for their own housekeeping" and removal of "ash from the project and placelataLs into dunvsten provided by the Construction Manager. week: weekly pto�essl meeting, weekly • All bidd= are to allow far a rnra =m of uvea (9 Tmeot Cpt and wade foramen,y dedicated safety Meetin8- eoar&66oomeetingberweenCsmtctzonMaoage ¢aper • All bidders required to provide temporary 70mcdon ortheir work and materials' • All bidders to provide layout of their work es mgtlized. and other lodes affectieg their • All bidden arc required to coordinate theirwork with the Constnwtloa Meaag work bmf, scaffolding, safety batrien associated with the +All bidders to provide sll necessary temparmy shorleg rvmpiedoa of their worklicies as well as OSHA anfrty regulations. Nobholz • All bidden shell comply with Nabholz Copsiruerio^ Safety po Hard Hat' end Safety Gtasees are mandatory Safely policy can be reviewed at the NabholzCmostruction offices, during all pb.nses of the project and must be worn at all times. NO MCIEPT10P64• Mer Conditipec l7t' calendar days atler>he Bidder agrees that bis bid g7ra11 be good and may not be withdrawn for a period of(30) u9 actual date of the bid opening. page 5 of 7 11 /97/ 2005 14 : 55 479631028 NABHOLZ CONSTRUCW PAGE, 07/ 08 . . . " 10125/2005 TUB 21 : 00 FAX 479 635 1 0 NABHOLZ ME-CON ed work for the bid paakage(s) Bidder agrees, if awarded the contracty to execM an agrcemerrt to perform Pr'o ,p • said five (5) days, the std compensation within five (5) days afterthe award and m deliver to the ov(nerwiih all, other specified centred specified bonds end insurance policies in forma to be approved by the 0*11, , along related docume11ts. No roodtficetrons to contracts or Lid pyekages are allowed. Any modNseatione made to the Did PacicaZRs fnctudfng attachments of scope Bidder Lather agrees that the certRHed check c9ehiars cDeck orbit bond payable m tba ovmor aacotnpanyi118i proposal, is to ba LBB in cecrow wire the ovrner; that It's amamn of 59 6 of the hid Agure th¢ measra or portionon of tnepstrc, of liquidated damages which the OwnOr will soateia by failtre of the bidder to ottectna and deliver the abtrve named efJcement bonds ]nsmatue and related docomedc; and lbtt if the bidder defaults in execuin ting such art agreement within fsvc (5) d=ye of vnttten notifuetion afthe award orheek or hiddets� hhomd or pion thereof the bonds insurance and related dooumeats within said 5 (5) days sal is not accepted within sat forth on Arkxmsas State Statutes, shall be due and payable to rte owner. If dt and �p des said agreomeut bonds. thirty (30) days of the time ael�for cheeor bid hood shall be 0fbld9 or if the ddreDanad ter wo him• insurance and related doeum ts, to furnish all labor, ntateriaLs, mo{ equi➢maot supplies, insurance, bonds, etc. required fm Thobidder agroes ce has been dict, for n¢t caste of all labor, matcrislk etc. firaiahed plus additional work. for which no pre agreed pn and ten percent (lo%) total markup Cor erg percent (Icffo) total mast:-up for overhead and profit of sulxxuUrectora overbead and profit for the bidder. Tr OF c LETION to late the work as rega9ted by the projeol sehcdulq istucdhy etre construction schedule. Time of Bidder agrees comp form all of the requirements with all performance i9 the eatcnee of this tontracc and the contractor shall per in such a manner as not to delay passible dispatch and shalt execute allworlt the oweer"from ocaal� the building no later than July 112006- The ability of bidders to comply with the pmjat aehedale will be considered In award of rontracta. die The following informadea is provided to define and describe the Soopes oCWork which will >x required of sueeessfitl Bidder for each of the Bid Packages. The scope of weak listed for each bid package shall include ben not It is intended for the following i0onnstion neeosa niy be llmlted to the items of work listed�b��>� anm if Eldder has any Question reP'Aing m be oodplemeatary with the regturametAa es, Bidder shall contactthe Construction an item is to be ineleded or not meluded in one of the bid paclmF ]+ltmagcr prior to bid. it is expressly understood and speed that the unit in this bid have no appllcation in connection wilt too performing work required under the contract docuroceMo but Brat the same era applicable only in the evert of additional work or in the even of dcl¢hed work. UPON RECEIPT OF NOTICE of acceptance of this bid, I (WE) shall m ceorne formal coraract witDin five (� days and will deliver required bonds gr�raaacmgthePahthfalpafomtaoccoftlhhsconn�ct ThebedsecuriofrhetTvnerin hereto, without endorsement, in the sum of She Of arnn= of contract piece Q ligWdmc a P p�s for dCW and the evamthat contract bonds am trot exearted withio the Sime set forth above as liqut additional expense caused tho eby- It i5 agreed that the Owner MEMO tree right to waive ielormaStist and to rejed 9117 d' 'In bide. page 6 of 7 ' 11 /07/ 2005 14 : 55 479631028 NABHOLZ CONSTRUC�N PAGE 08/ 08 10/25/2005 TUE 21: 30 FAX 490 85a 0 NABHOLZ PRE-CON PAG D Addenda: Reccipt of the following addenda is bereby acknowledged: AddandumNo. . Dated. n ^aAc.-� addendum No._ . Da w Addendum No, . Dated Respectfully submitted, Company (Sea! - if bid by a Corporation) y Attest Title Br. . �»�---- 5 . sti 5%0 Title% Business Address Date Page 7 of 7 - d 10 j N .O N O d m O m O = R E N CQ N 2 J d Y N < O N ' 3 � J d 6 y J J 3 ° m p d _ o m � a n o m 0 O» x O G c m d � ' o _ Z d 3 C D N m 0 C 0 m C m J 9 = 6 a 3CD 3 o m G d d j m 0 J J » d d p x m G Jlf 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o c o 0 0 o n a CD o - N () N N T m a v O p TO n o m � m D � O ry A N O C m c o 3 a 3 a B m- 0 m o � p c o d c a x m N ry d m d N d C J I m I 3 N_ 3 O m O Q N m J O d 7 O O A D b d O m N a d 0 Z O O N N p a N d cl D m P h # s m n � d m n H N Z ry O A m # N m w