HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 4785 WASHINGTON COUNTY • STATE OF ARKANSAS Washington County Courthouse ^ ' 4' 280 North College Avenue, Suite 300 Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 Telephone: (479) 444-1711 KAREN COMBS PRITCHARD Fax: (479) 444-1894 COUNTY AND PROBATE CLERK City Clerk Dear Clerk: Please submit the tax levy figures for your City for the year 2005 . The Quorum Court meets on November 10th. I need this information by November 1 St. Please give us the total levy figure and complete breakdown of tax in the space provided below. This information must be provided on this form. Sincerely yours, Karen Combs Pritchard Washington County Clerk TOTAL 3 * g MILLS BREAKDOWN C'P � ^Y�uBf}Cll�%�C: � =�,u L. �lrrttrt/ l • D /Ki,(S f �'roKlpnr :R'q&0n rand M /S SIGNATURE A LE�OF PE N AUTHORIZED TO SUBMIT TAX • City of Fayetteville , /dIZ71d5 Staff Review Form el �e5 City Council Agenda Items x005 /'flllasj or Contracts '74- X ✓y October 4, 2005 City Council Meeting Date Kevin Springer Budget & Research Finance & Internal Services Submitted By Division Department Action Required : City Council is requested to adopt real and personal property tax rates for 2005 for the Policemen's Pension & Relief, the Firemen's Pension & Relief Funds, and the Fayetteville Public Library. The rate to be adopted for the Policemen's Pension & Relief Fund and the Firemen's Pension & Relief Fund is 0.4 mils for real property and 0.4 mils for personal property, the millage for the Fayetteville Public Library is 1 .0 mil for real property and 1 .0 mil for personal property. City Council is requested to adopt real and personal property tax rates for 2005 for the City's General Fund. The rate to be adopted for the City's General Fund is 2.0 mils for real property and 2.0 mils for personal property. Cost of this request Category / Project Budget Program Category / Project Name Account Number Funds Used to Date Program / Project Category Name Project Number Remaining Balance Fund Name Budgeted Item Budget Adjustment Attached Previous Ordinance or Resolution # Dep rtment Director Date Original Contract Date: �� •� � / 6 a� Original Contract Number: City Attorney Date Received in City Clerk's Office °r-A Or Ffn6ikk and Internal Service Director Date Received in Mayor's Office ZIENTERED Mayor bate 7—a / /ad nC04,0A0J ff OI7 VIC 7ayveVele ARKANSAS DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE TO: Mayor Dan Coody and Fayetteville City Council THRU: Steve Davis, Finance & Internal Services Direct FROM: Kevin Springer, Budget Manager DATE: September 16, 2005 SUBJECT: 2005 Millage Levy Recommendation: City staff recommends that City Council approve the millage levy ordinance approving the 0.4 mils for the Policemen' s Pension and Relief Fund, 0.4 mils for the Firemen' s Pension and Relief Fund, and 1 .0 mils for the Fayetteville Public Library. In addition, City staff recommends that City Council consider reviewing the need for the additional 2.00 mils needed for 2006 General Fund operations. A portion of the additional 2.00 mils may not be needed during 2007/2008 should the Fayetteville Public Library seek citizen approval for additional millage in 2006. Background : Each year the City must approve an ordinance to renew the levy of ad valorem taxes on real and personal property within the City. This request will provide for such levy on property assessed during 2005. The total assessed value of real and personal property located within the city limits of Fayetteville, as of October 6, 2005, is approximately $937.5 million. The assessed valuation is before the Washington County Board of Equalization has made all the changes to the County Assessors Abstract. Based on the preliminary assessments, the growth in real estate assessments is approximately 9. 13%. The change in assessed real estate value is due to newly discovered, newly constructed property 8.02%. Discussion : A millage levy ordinance must be approved by City Council in order for the City to continue to collect property taxes for the Policemen' s Pension and Relief Fund and the Firemen's Pension and Relief Fund. The millage levy for the Policemen's Pension and Relief Fund is 0.4 mils for real property and 0.4 mils on personal property. The millage levy for the Firemen' s Pension and Relief Fund is 0.4 mils for real property and 0.4 mils on personal property. In addition, a millage levy must be approved for the operation of the Fayetteville Public Library that was approved by the voters on October 1 , 2002. The millage levy for the Fayetteville Public Library is 1 .0 mils for real property and 1 .0 mils on personal property. City Council has the option of approving the assessment of up to 5 mils on real and personal property. City Council may choose to exercise its option to levy some or all these discretionary 5 mils to provide a financial cushion to General Fund to offset the budget shortfalls that could be attributed to revenue or increased operating costs outside the City's control . Based on estimated revenue and expenditures, the estimated impact on the City's General Fund, for 2006 is a budget shortfall of around $2.2 million which equates to 2.70 mils increase. City Staff has worked to control costs and is proposing 2.00 mils be levied. The other option available to remove the need to levy this millage would be to eliminate services. 2006 Budget Property Tax 2006 Budget Without Mils Without Property Tax Needed Property Tax 2006 Beginning Fund Balance $ 119519,929 $ 11 ,519,929 Less Wilson Springs Portion (2,614,327) 29614,327 Fund Balance Available for Operations 81905,602 899057602 Operating Revenues 30,895,700 309895, 700 Property Tax Revenue 0 19782,000 Operating Expenditures (30,682,392) 309682, 392 Total Operating Sources/(Uses) $ 213,308 $ 1 ,995,308 Non-Operating Revenues/Expenditures: Fayetteville Public Library $ ( 115359970) 1 . 70 ( 11535,970) Outside Funding Agencies (8529792) 1 .00 (852, 792) Transfers In (Off Street Fund) 47,200 47,200 Transfers Out (Drug Enforcement Fund ) (909000) 90,000 Total Non-Operating Sources/(Uses) (214319562) 2,4311562 Total Sources/( Uses) (272187254) 436,254 2006 Ending Fund Balance $ 616879348 $ 8,469,348 �► w Budget Impact: The 0.4 mils Police and 0.4 Fire is needed to fund the Pension plans for both areas. The 1 .0 mils is used to fund the operation of the Fayetteville Public Library. Based on current adjustments and estimates, the 2006 Proposed Budget for General Fund has a shortfall of $2,218,254. If the additional 2.00 mils are not approved, then the funding will come from General Fund reserves. The 2006 projection does not contain any additional personnel and increased costs that could be made in 2006. Conclusion : The millage levy must be at Washington County, November 1 to be included in their consolidated levy ordinance which will be approved at the November 10, Quorum Court meeting. The City levy will be added to the levies by Washington County, the various school districts, improvement districts and other cities within the County when the Washington County Quorum Court adopts its millage levy for 2005. If you have any questions concerning this agenda request please contact either myself at 575-8226 or Stephen Davis at 575-8330. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX ON THE REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS, FOR THE YEAR 2005 FIXING THE RATE THEREOF AT 2.0 MIL FOR GENERAL FUND — OPERATIONS, 0.4 MILS FOR THE FIREMEN' S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND, 0.4 MILS FOR THE POLICEMEN' S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND AND1 .0 MIL FOR THE FAYETTEVILLE CITY LIBRARY; AND CERTIFYING THE SAME TO THE COUNTY CLERK OF WASHINGTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 . That a tax is hereby levied on the real and personal property within the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, for the year 2005, to be collected in 2006, for the following purposes at the following rates: REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY Purpose Levy General Fund — Operations 2.0 mils Fayetteville City Library 1 .0 mils Policemen's Pension Fund 0.4 mils Firemen's Pension Fund 0.4 mils TOTAL 3 .8 mils Section 2. That the real and personal property tax so levied and the rates provided therefore are hereby certified to the Clerk of Washington County, Arkansas, to be placed in the tax book by the County Clerk and collected in the same manner that the county and school district taxes are collected. Section 3 . The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to file certified copies of this ordinance in the office of the County Recorder, County Clerk, County Assessor, and the County Tax Collector for Washington County, Arkansas. PASSED and APPROVED this 4° day of October, 2005 . I APPROVED: � C By: olmt DAN CO ' ,D , Mayor ATTEST: By: SONDRA SMITH, City Clerk City of Fayetteville Property Tax Revenue per Mil December 31 , 2005 Millage Approximate Revenue 0. 10 $ 89,000 0.20 $ 178,000 0.30 $ 267,000 0.40 $ 356,000 0.50 $ 445,000 0.60 $ 534,000 0.70 $ 623,000 0.80 $ 712 ,000 0.90 $ 802,000 1 .00 $ 891 ,000 1 .50 $ 1 ,336,000 2.00 $ 1 ,781 ,000 2.50 $ 2 ,2262000 3.00 $ 2 ,672,000 3.50 $ 3, 117,000 4.00 $ 39562,000 4. 50 $ 4,0089000 5.00 $ 4,453,000 The millage revenue reflected above is based on the Washington County Preliminary Summary Report of County Assessments for the Year 2005 dated August 6, 2005 and excludes real and personal property for Utilities. The City Council can approve up to 5.0 mils for operations. The table assumes a 95% collection rate. Total real and personal property assessments for 2005 amount to approximately $909 million excluding real estate and personal property for utilities. Property Tax Impact Illustration Appraised Value Assessed Value 1 Mil Tax / Year Single Family Home $ 75,000.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 15.00 Single Family Home $ 100,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 20.00 Single Family Home $ 150,000.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 30.00 > mm rmm ymm mm � mm m_ w SS xir dd ox01 smw � 10 > > N m y o_ o_ _ _ g N N N N A 3 3 N 3 N 0 d m to co<. d d om oT G) G) O F F < io e < < o a ti m RL n n y m N a ay y it F y p o y � i H i m > > y a m N 0 o O 0 0 `0 m o 0 0 0 0 9 o 1010 t010 UU UU U 0 U A A p p NN N NN + + 000 000000 U U U U O O O O O O MW W W O O O O U W m _W . _+ N U U N + W . . O V N _V N . _. . U _O N . _J . . . . . . pp1 10 U N W Wd O U W t0 + W W V W O W O W E 10 � d Ob N t N N + J N W + W O ANA W + O _O _+ _O A W O M A O w U 0 010 _+ _U U _V CMN � No " cc m W _m _O U _N N W _A _A _P O _� _N J W _+ b _O _W _N _W _O .w A . . _ . . . . . 10 O O + N T O p + O W W p V O W N 0 p N W N W Oa W W A W W W N N V co A U N a + O 1 W A V O p J A U O O A W W J V O W U O N W W U U W M P A O 1/� A W A 10 U 10 m m U U N A T t0 01 V U W W + 01 + U W N W 1p p O W V U U U U W W O A U V N V U 0 U O W O A d J J U J O d J W N + O) W O) A N W OI N W N N W + W W N + N p O) 01 O N W V V P A V A W O N V O N V O U p V V V N U 10 10 O 1O m W V N NUN W N 1p O N O W V W W U 10 V U w t A N N A W W O p (n N A w A A T O W W O V N U O W A O A W m N A O W W U o W 1 O W O 1 A W U N W O w O t0 U N W i b U p W W p W U + O W 1p !n U + m W N d V �p _10 _0010 N tD _A 100 _W O !00 W m _ _J Ip N _V _ _ m W O N 10 W _W W A _U _V W U mo70 N^ q_ q .1N� 0� .ppb W A w m - m O W A m m 10 A � + W W W A m m � N N N m m O N tm0 m N O (l� (Vi m 1 m O 10 m A P _ 01 W _ _ _ N p 10 N O M N W N N N W N N _N N (n W N O - 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Schedule of New Personnel Requests (56.65 FTE's Requested, 13.50 FTE's Recommended) Recommended Requested 2006 Budget Department Division Description - Main Cost FTE's Budget FTEs Funding General Fund, General Government Cable Administration Video Engineer - 10 1.00 42,677 General Government City Prosecutor Law Clerk - 0 0.50 8,995 - General Government Internal Audit Internal Audit Intem - Intern 2 0.50 16,812 2.00 68,484 General Government Library Maintenance staff 1.50 58,632 General Government Library Library associates 4.00 154,628 - General Government Library 6- Children's/teen librarian 1.00 51,820 - General Government Library Reference librarian 1.00 51,820 General Government Library Communications Manager/Administrative Support 1.00 53,013 - General Government Library Security staff 1.50 60,547 10.00 430,460 Operations Community Resources Code Compliance Officer - NB9 1.00 36,142 - Operations Parks & Recreation Maintenance Worker IV - NC7 1.00 57,438 1.00 57,438 Operations Parks & Recreation Site Supervisor - N/A 0.65 12,158 - Operations Parks & Recreation Maintenance Worker III - Trails Maintenance - NC6 1.00 57,190 Operations Parks & Recreation Maintenance Worker If - Trails Maintenance - NC6 1.00 31,273 - Operations Parks & Recreation Maintenance Worker Ill-Forestry - NC6 1.00 31,698 - Operations Parks & Recreation Horticulture Assistant - NB6 1.00 63,100 6.65 288.999 1 .00 57.438 Finance & Internal Svcs Building Services Building Maintenance Worker III - NC6 1.00 43,052 - Finance & Internal Svcs Human Resources Wellness Program Coordinator - NA 11 1.00 45,244 2.00 88.296 Fire Fire Fire Investigator - NB9 1.00 60,316 1.00 60,316 Fire Fire Fire Captain 3.00 213,844 - Flre Fire Driver/Operator 3.00 186,372 - Fire Fire Firefighter 4.00 205,590 4.00 205,590 Fire Fire Inventory Technician - NB7 0.50 18,653 11 .50 684,775 5.00 265,906 Police Police Police Officer - Narcotics Division 1.00 71,798 1.00 71 ,798 Police Police Police Officer - Traffic (Motorcycle) 1.00 94,628 1.00 94,628 Police Police Police Officer - Entertainment Distad - Bicycle 1.00 59,826 - Police Police Police Officer - Military Replacement 1.00 56,798 - Police Central Dispatch Dispatcher - 8 NO 1.00 35,664 1 .00 35,664 Police Central Dispatch Dispatcher - 8 NO 1.00 35,664 - Police Animal Services Animal Services Officer - NC 9 1.00 43,617 1.00 43,617 Police Animal Services Animal Services Officer - NC 9 1.00 43.617 - Police Police Crime Scene Technician I - 9 NB 1.00 46,119 - Police Police Evidence Technician - 8 NA 0.50 12,416 0.50 12,416 Police Police Park Patrol 1.00 18.111 - Police Police Park Patrol 1 .00 18,111 - Police Police Park Patrol 1.00 18,111 Police Police Park Patrol 1.00 18,111 - Police Animal Services Customer Services Specialist - N88 1.00 30,691 - Pofice Police Police Officer - Detective - Se: Offender 1.00 78,006 1.00 78,006 Police Police Police Officer - Domestic Vlolence/Mentaly III 1.00 56,798 - Pollce Police Police Officer - School Resource 1.00 110,617 - Police Police Police Officer - School Resource 1.00 110,617 - Police Police Support Specialist - 8 NA 1.00 31,219 1.00 31,219 Police Police Police Officer - Firearms Inst/ Weapons Armorer 1.00 56,798 Police Police Police Officer - Computer Crimes Investigator 1.00 56,798 1.00 56,798 Police Police Police Officer - Mall Substation - Blcyde 1.00 59,826 - Police Police Police Officer - Warrants 1.00 110,617 - Police Police Police Officer - Community Oriented Policing 1.00 56,798 24.50 1331,376 7.50 4�10� Total General Fund 56.65 $ 2,892,390 13.50 $ 747,490 City of Fayetteville, Arkan • 2006 Budget Workpapers: - Schedule of New Personnel Requests Recommended Requested 2006 Budget Department Division Description - Main Cost FTE's Budget FTEs Funding SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS: Shaer Fund: Operations Transportation Operations Assistant - NA-9 (1 FTEs) 1,00 40,012 Total Street Fund 1 .00 40,012 Parks Develoamont Fund: Operations Parks & Recreation Park Planner - ER-12 (1 FTEs) 1 .00 57,107 Total Parks Development Fund 1.00 57.107 ENTERPRISE FUNDS: water & Sewer Fund: Finance & Internal Svcs Billing & Collections Ombudsman - ER10 (1 FTEs) 1.00 37,932 - Water & Wastewater Water B Sewer Maintenance Maintenance Worker III (Water) - NC6 (1 FTEs) 1.00 40,203 - Water & Wastewater Water & Sewer Maintenance Maintenance Worker IV (Water) - NC7 (1 FTEs) 1.00 113,301 - Water & Wastewater Water & Sewer Maintenance Crew Leader (Water) - ND9 (1 FTEs) 1 .00 101,116 Total Water & Sewer Fund 4.00 292.552 Sdkl Waste Fund: Operations Solid Waste 8 Recycling Truck Driver - ND8 (1 FTEs) 1.00 336.900 1.00 336,900 Operations Solid Waste & Recycling Truck Driver - NDB (1 FTEs) 1.00 86.062 - Operations Solid Waste & Recycling Scalehouse Attendant - NB7 (1 FTEs) 1.00 34,092 Total Solid Waste Fund 3.00 457.054 1.00 336.900 Total Special Revenue & Enterprise Funds 9.00 846.725 1.00 336.900 Total All Funds 65.65 3.739.115 14.50 1 ,084,390 • • • X • • • x m( ) 2) zvm � U o 0) Dmua) cn < wo CD = �- — ° ° � Oa — � 3 ° su Cl) O -p m c 0 (D 0) cn 0 CD v zy CD (n cn CD � 06CL x CD CL(O CD CD x Qo _ CD 0 CD m � 0) X S TI 42 6 CD mO — c Q CD o � 0) an o -°a � CD cn ° ° G� C O -h — • N m � Q) CD (n °- oo' CD CD CD cn 0 CL — vOmc O� D Zvi � � m �' Nm N fCoo oa, � 30 � O Q "C:) � \ � CD 00 O O O cn 7 cr � (OD N Q n (D O CTI U) a O (n C -p ON O (D a) N � (�'D (fl O O• N `G O N CD N (D (D CD 70 r-q- N 0) 0 O p O� O O (D � O O (D (D O `G cn O O o C: �' �, o CD Cn C O O a O O • • • • • • •