HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 4764 City of Fayetteville • /�/OS Staff Review Form City Council Agenda Items U `! or Contracts 20-Sep-05 City Council Meeting Date Jeremy Pate-SR Planning Operations Submitted By Division Department Action Required: Submitted by Planning Staff requesting an amendment to the § 161 .25 Planned Zoning Districts of the Unified Development Code to allow all identified use units within the pennissible uses for Planned Zoning Districts $0.00 n/a n/a Cost of this request Category/Project Budget Program Category / Project Name n/a n/a n/a Account Number Funds Used to Date Program / Project Category Name n/a n/a n/a $ Project Number Remaining Balance Fund Name Budgeted Item Budget Adjustment Attached Previous Ordinance or Resolution # n/a 2•oS Departmen Direc or Date Original Contract Date: n/a Original Contract Number: n/a City ney Received in City Clerk's Office Financ d Internal Service Director Date Received in Mayor's Office BITENEU Mayor Date Comments: • City Council Meeting of September 20, 2005 Agenda Item Number CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO To : Mayor and City Council Thru : Gary Dumas, Director of Operatioic� From : Jeremy C. Pate, Director of Current Planning Date: August 31 , 2005 Subject: Permitted Uses to be allowed in Planned Zoning Districts RECOMMENDATION Planning Staff recommends approval of an ordinance amendment allowing all established Use Units in the Unified Development Code, § 162 to be permitted within Residential, Commercial and Industrial Planned Zoning Districts. BACKGROUND With each type of Planned Zoning District — Residential, Commercial and Industrial — there are specific uses that an applicant is allowed to choose from when requesting a Planned Zoning District rezoning. The list to choose from varies, depending upon the type of PZD, and what use is most prevalent: residential, commercial or industrial. Those uses then excluded (not chosen) with an applicant's Planned Zoning District request, which is based upon a Master Development Plan, are then not permitted unless a future rezoning is approved by the City Council . With the recent modifications to the PZD ordinance, one change does now allow for all Use Units to be available as a conditional use option. With each PZD submitted, staff and the City Council evaluate the permitted and conditional uses proposed, the setbacks, density, intensity, development standards, commitments, etc. A level of detail and compatibility is expected from each project proposed, and if it does not meet the criteria for approval, the request is recommended for denial . At this time, Planning Staff finds that the criteria in place limiting the available Use Units within a Planned Zoning District to be an impediment to certain mixed-use development proposals. There are certain uses that could be very appropriately permitted by right, with the right development standards, buffering, screening, etc. It is our opinion that all uses established within § 162 Use Units should be available to choose from, regardless of the type of Planned Zoning District application. The majority (51 %) of the uses within the PZD still has to remain residential, commercial or industrial, respectively, in order to be approved. The measures in place to protect adjacent property owners, achieve compatibility and result in a project that meets the goals and policies of the city are major elements of consideration within each and every Planned Zoning District proposed. However, the limited number of uses available in the Planned Zoning District available uses have also stifled or severely altered several projects that could have been • City Council Meeting of September 20, 2005 Agenda Item Number accomplished in a manner that would add benefit or result in a successful project in the City of Fayetteville. DISCUSSION This item was not reviewed by the Planning Commission. Staff has forwarded this item to the City Council, in anticipation of the discussion of one of the first Master Development Plan — Planned Zoning Districts being reviewed, Pratt Place Inn. The requested uses for agriculture (Use Unit 6, Agriculture and Use Unit 7, Animal Husbandry) as uses in this Commercial Planned Zoning District can not currently be allowed in any planned zoning district as a permitted use. Staff finds the proposed changes are similar in nature to those approved with the recent PZD amendments for conditional uses, and requests a similar action for all permitted uses. BUDGET IMPACT None. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING § 161 .25 PLANNED ZONING DISTRICT TO ALLOW ALL USE UNITS IDENTIFIED IN § 162 USE UNITS OF THE UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE TO BE MADE AVAILABLE AS PERMITTED USES WITHIN ALL PLANNED ZONING DISTRICTS. WHEREAS, the Unified Development clearly sets forth the grounds for approval and denial of a Planned Zoning District, and includes specific criteria for compatibility; and WHEREAS, certain desirable uses are not currently permitted uses in any Planned Zoning District; and WHEREAS, one of the goals of the Planned Zoning District ordinance is to provide opportunity for mixed-use planned development, with appropriate measures in place to ensure a high degree of compatibility; BE IT ORDAINED BY THE 'CITY COUNCIL 'OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS : Section l : That the City Council :of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby amends § 161 .25 (C.2) (D.2) andl(E.2) "Permitted Uses" by deleting those subsections in their entirety and replacing them with the following language: (2) All permitted uses identified within'§162 Use Units ofthe Unified Development Code shall be allowed as permissible uses, unless otherwise specified, subject to City Council approval of the Planned Zoning District request. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of 92005. APPROVED: By: DAN COODY, Mayor By: SONDRA SMITH, City Clerk 0 0 Proposed revisions to § 161 . 25, with removed language identified with strike-thru and proposed language identified in bold italics and highlighted. CHAPTER 161 : ZONING REGULATIONS 161 .25 Planned Zoning District (8) Natural features. Maximum (A) Purpose. The intent of the Planned Zoning enhancement and minimal disruption of District is to permit and encourage existing natural features and amenities. comprehensively planned developments whose purpose is redevelopment, economic (9) General Plan. Comprehensive and development, cultural enrichment or to innovative planning and design of mixed provide a single-purpose or mixed-use use yet harmonious developments planned development and to permit the consistent with the guiding policies of combination of development and zoning the General Plan. review into a simultaneous process. The rezoning of property to the PZD may be (10) Special Features. Better utilization of deemed appropriate if the development sites characterized by special features proposed for the district can accomplish one of geographic location, topography, size or more of the following goals. or shape. (1 ) Flexibility. Providing for flexibility in the (B) Rezoning. Property may be rezoned to the distribution of land uses, in the density Planned Zoning District by the City Council of development and in other matters in accordance with the requirements of this typically regulated in zoning districts. chapter and Chapter 166, Development. Each rezoning parcel shall be described as a (2) Compatibility. Providing for compatibility separate district, with distinct boundaries and with the surrounding land uses. specific design and development standards. (3) Harmony. Providing for an orderly and Each district shall be assigned a project creative arrangement of land uses that number or label, along with the designation are harmonious and beneficial to the "PZD". The rezoning shall include the community. adoption of a specific master development plan and development standards. (4) Variety. Providing for a variety of housing types, employment (C) R — PZD, Residential Planned Zoning opportunities or commercial or industrial District. services, or any combination thereof, to achieve variety and integration of (1 ) Purpose and intent. The R-PZD is economic and redevelopment intended to accommodate mixed-use or opportunities. clustered residential developments and to accommodate single-use residential (5) No negative impact. Does not have a developments that are determined to be negative effect upon the future more appropriate for a PZD application development of the area; than a general residential rezone. The legislative purposes, intent, and (6) Coordination. Permit coordination and application of this district include, but planning of the land surrounding the are not limited to, the following: PZD and cooperation between the city and private developers in the (a) To encourage a variety and urbanization of new lands and in the flexibility in land development and renewal of existing deteriorating areas. land use for predominately residential areas, consistent with (7) Open space. Provision of more usable the city's General Plan and the and suitably located open space, orderly development of the city. recreation areas and other common facilities that would not otherwise be (b) To provide a framework within required under conventional land which an effective relationship of development regulations. different land uses and activities within a single development, or ( 1 ) Purpose and intent. The C-PZD is when considered with abutting intended to accommodate mixed-use parcels of land, can be planned on developments containing any a total basis. combination, including multiple combinations of commercial, office or (c) To provide a harmonious residential uses in a carefully planned relationship with the surrounding configuration in such a manner as to development, minimizing such protect and enhance the availability of influences as land use each independent use. The C-PZD is incompatibilities, heavy traffic and also intended to accommodate single congestion, and excessive use commercial developments that are demands on planned and existing determined to be more appropriate for a public facilities. PZD application than a general commercial rezone. The legislative (d) To provide a means of developing purposes, intent and application of this areas with special physical features district include, but are not limited to, the to enhance natural beauty and following: other attributes. (a) To encourage the clustering of (e) To encourage the efficient use of commercial and office activities those public facilities required in within areas specifically designated connection with new residential to accommodate such uses and to development. discourage the proliferation of commercial uses along major (2) Permitted uses. thoroughfares and noncommercial areas. Wnit-1 Gity-wide-eses-by-rgM Unit-2 City-wide uses-by-sonrflienawse (b) To provide for orderly development in order to minimize adverse impact Unit 3 Paolis-protestionandutitity-facilities on surrounding areas and on the Unit-4 �as: .� general flow of traffic. (c) To encourage orderly and Unit-5 Government facilities systematic commercial, office or Unit 8 Single-fan fy4we"s mixed use development design or a Unit-B Ave-family-Awellings combination thereof, providing for Unit 19 Tbree-farn4ly�s the rational placement of activities, , vehicular and pedestrian circulation, A Uni"2 Offices, -related-sewices access and egress, loading, Unit 13 Eatingplaees landscaping and buffering strips. UruN5 tVe.U. . ert�eed shePpinQ Untt& commercial-recreation-smallsites (d) To encourage commercial Unit-24 Homeassupatlons development which is consistent Unit 25 FkofessionaFWfises with the city's General Plan. Unit26Mufti-famityAwellings (e) To accommodate larger scale suburban developments of mixed- uses in a harmonious relationship. Alpe�mitted uses 'ifenhf d "within §,162 Use Units of the Unifieif (2) Permitted Uses. Development Code shall be allowed ras: Unit-i as permissible uses unless otherwise specified, sub/ect to''�City Umt-2 t Council approval ofthe Planned Ur"t3 W etectaand bxt Zoning. Disirict.request. Umt a Un" (3) Condition. In no instance shall the UUmt-9R" residential use area be less than fifty- UniF18 one percent (51 %) of the gross floor Unit 12Offices, studios and related servioes area within the development. Unit-43 Unit-i4 i Hotel, motel and am _,RPmPnl fn6lWPs (D) C-PZD, Commercial Planned Zoning District Uait16 Unit-16 0 0 UnA47 Tradesand-seryices Unit-18 Gaso4ne-sepAGe-stationsanddrive4n (d) To encourage industrial restaurants development that is consistent with Unit-1-8 Commercial-recreation,-small-sites the city's General Plan. Unit-28 Commercial recreation lar sites Unit-24 Waretausiand-wholesale (2) Permitted Uses. Unit-24 Home oecu tions Ur*45 Professional offiees U -26 Multi-family-dwelli s unit-1 UM-26 Unit-28 I Dance-halls Unit-2 it uni" R ion and ut My tgn" lips All permitted uses identified within unit-8 s Unit-B §162 Use Units of the Unified L4*40 Development Code shall be allowed Unit 1.2OffiGes, studios and re'aled-seivioes as permissible uses, unless Uni"Z fiatingyaGes otherwise specified, subject to City Unit-la Hotel,metol-and- seffvent4am,;bes Council approval of the Planned Unit t5 Ne ghbomood shopping goods Zoning District request. Un446 s Unit-1-7 Trade -^ate- -sem..^-;^es (3) Conditions. Unit48 Gaso4ne-service-stations-and-dnve4n restaurants (a) In no instance shall the commercial Unit-20 or office use area be less than fifty- Un 121 Warehousing and wholesale one percent (51 %) of the gross UnUmt-Z3 leasable floor area within the Unit-25 development. Unit-26 (b) Residential uses must be Unit 27 (ac;lg',�:;�t~under ^ storage ^ appropriate to the design of the Unit 28 s project. Un t 8traG lit es emitting odors and faGilifies handlin"VIO&[ves (c) Warehousing and light industrial uses shall have a gross area per All' permitted uses identified within use that does not exceed five §162 , Use,;, Unitspi, ofF the ,,,Unified thousand (5,000) square feet and at Development Code , shall be'alloived least twenty percent (20%) of the as „ 'peiin"issrble, `` _uses,' , unless floor area used for retail sales. otherwise specified, subject to . City Council approval of ' the Planned (E) I-PZD Industrial Planned Zoning District. Zoning District request. (1 ) Purpose and intent. The I-PZD is (3) Conditions. intended to accommodate industrial parks and single use industrial (a) In no instance shall the industrial developments that are determined to be use area be less than fifty-one more appropriate for a PZD application percent (51 %) of the gross leasable than a general industrial rezone. The floor area within the development. legislative purpose, intent and application of this district include, but (b) Ancillary commercial and office are not limited to, the following: uses shall be compatible with the design and scale of the project. (a) To provide for manufacturing activities in a manner compatible (c) Residential uses must be with the surrounding area. appropriate to the scope and character of the development. (b) To encourage the application of sound planning and design (F) Bulk and area regulations. principles in the orderly development of industrial activities. (1 ) Residential density. Residential densities shall be determined on the (c) To maximize manufacturing basis of the following considerations: potential without adversely affecting the living environment of the (a) The densities of surrounding community. development; (3) Building height. There shall be no (b) the densities allowed under the maximum building height except as may current zoning; be determined by the Planning Commission during the review of the (c) the urban development goals and preliminary development plan based on other policies of the city's General the uses within the development and the Plan; proximity of the development to existing or prospective development on adjacent (d) the topography and character of the properties. A lesser height may be natural environment; and established by the Planning Commission when it is deemed (e) the impact of a given density on the necessary to provide adequate light and specific site and adjacent air to adjacent property and to protect properties. the visual quality of the community. (2) Lot area and yard requirements. Taking (4) Building area. The Planning into consideration the unique aspects of Commission shall review specific each project, preliminary development proposed lot coverages which generally plans for Planned Zoning Districts shall correspond to the guidelines for lot conform as closely as possible to the coverage in the respective residential, existing standards for lot area minimums office, commercial or industrial district and setback requirements under this which most depicts said development chapter. scheme. (Ord. No. 4434, §1 (Ex. A), 11-19-02) Current Uses identified within §162 of the Unified Development Code. CHAPTER 162 : USE UNITS 162.01 Establishment/Listing The various use units referred to in the zoning district provisions are herein listed in numerical order. Within the use units, the permitted uses are ordinarily listed in alphabetical order. In these use units where there is a preliminary descriptive statement (which may mention specific uses) in addition to the detailed list of uses, the detailed list shall govern. The asterisk (') next to a specific use indicates that the use has special conditions as required by Chapter 163, Use Conditions and Chapter 164 Supplemental Regulations. Unit 1 City-wide uses by right Unit 2 City-wide uses by conditional use permit Unit 3 Public protection and utility facilities Unit 4 Cultural and recreational facilities Unit 5 Government facilities Unit 6 Agriculture Unit 7 Animal husbandry Unit 8 Single-family dwellings Unit 9 Two-familydwellings Unit 10 Three-family dwellings Unit 11 Manufactured home park Unit 12 Offices, studios and related services Unit 13 Eating laces Unit 14 Hotel, motel and amusement facilities Unit 15 Neighborhood shopping goods Unit 16 Shopping oods Unit 17 Trades and services Unit 18 Gasoline service stations & drive-in restaurants Unit 19 Commercial recreation, small sites Unit 20 Commercial recreation, large sites Unit 21 Warehousing and wholesale Unit 22 Manufacturing Unit 23 Heavy industrial Unit 24 Home occupation Unit 25 Professional offices Unit 26 Multi-family dwellings Unit 27 Wholesale bulk petroleum storage facilities with underground storage tanks Unit 28 Center for collecting rec clable materials Unit 29 Dance halls E37 Extractive uses Facilities emitting odors & facilities handling explosives Sexuall oriented business Adult live entertainment dub or bar Li uor stores Outdoor music establishments Wireless communications facilities Manufactured homes Clarice Pearman - Ord. 4764 Page 1 From: Clarice Pearman To: Pate, Jeremy Subject: Ord. 4764 Jeremy, Attached is a copy of the ordinance passed by City Council, September 20, 2005 amending 161 .25. ArkansamiDemocrat 7VOiaziettic NORTHWEST ARKANSAS EDITION "Nor^thwestArkawsas' most wider Read Newspaper" AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION I , Erin Emisdo solemnly swear that I am the Legal Clerk of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Northwest Arkansas Times newspaper, printed and .pub.lished .in Lowell, Arkansas, and that .from .my .ow.n personal .knowledge and reference to the files of said publication , that advertisement of: was inserted in the regular editions on PO# ** Publication Charge : $ Subscribed and swom to before me this day of 12005. Ive Notary .Ptibtic Sharlene D. Williams Notary Public ORDINANCE NO. 4704 M Commission Ex Ir State of Arkansas AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ALL USE PLANNED/� ZONING § T USE UNITS O ALL USEFIED DE EN. aye 11LIe Y P '�pn�iggh�}Ex�frO FlEO INCOD USE UN $ DE TME UNIFlED DEVEL- OPMEM CODE TO BE MADE AVAILABLE AG PEROctober 18, 2014 M ESVNTIIINALLPLANNEDZONINGDIE AR ** Please do not a from Affidavit. TFICTS t1BUNfledD�10pnent0adstlea`" se`sforth � gmntlsfmappi �I � tl�Iofe P Y Zor*Q Distdct, end IndWee epetlAc Wterla for oam NoNty; end WNERSAS• ostein deslraaO uses are rot aueendy pemtittad uses In any Plamed Zod g Dlsekt: and An invoice will be sent. "ER A6. ma Of ma goats of TN Plamed Z"V DisWa ordvlanae Is to =Me opporlWry far mbcad- MMIed development, with appropriate nleaAres in place to emus a Ngh degree of com. PablAty: TNEREPORE• BE R ORDAINED By THE CRY CODNCLL OF TME CRT OF FATBTTEYILLA ARKAMSASt SOCUon 1: That the Gty Ca of ere GN of FayetteAle. Admrlsae hereby D1Nf16q §151.25 (C.2), (D.2) end (E.2) TeIwItted Uses' of the UMW Daebpment Code by delodrg ebbe ujoemtana h their entirety end Wlaclrg them with the fclfo Y g "Liaga: R) aperrNtted uses penfMed wYtlrh §162 use llNfsW(Ire l/rYlad Der'abpnwnf Cads SABIOs eWwvd es prmkslole uses, unla¢s oMdrwfse &peopled, WpF; Y fo CIWy CMK#e; pove/of fhb Plod ZoNrg psakt repass(. PASSED and APPROVED ft 20th day of September, 2005. 1 APPROVED: By: DAN COODY Mayer ATTEST BYh . A , SONDRA SMRN• Chy Cl P.O. BOX 1607 • 212 N. EAST AVENUE FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 72701 • 479-571 -6470 ORDINANCE NO, 4764 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING § 161 .25 PLANNED ZONING DISTRICT TO ALLOW ALL USE UNITS IDENTIFIED IN § 162 USE UNITS OF THE UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE TO BE MADE AVAILABLE AS PERMITTED USES WITHIN ALL PLANNED ZONING DISTRICTS WHEREAS, the Unified Development Code clearly sets forth the grounds for approval and denial of a Planned Zoning District, and includes specific criteria for compatibility; and WHEREAS, certain desirable uses are not currently permitted uses in any Planned Zoning District; and WHEREAS, one of the goals of the Planned Zoning District ordinance is to provide opportunity for mixed-use planned development, with appropriate measures in place to ensure a high degree of compatibility; THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 : That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby amends § 161 .25 (C.2), (D.2) and (E.2) "Permitted Uses" of the Unified Development Code by deleting those subsections in their entirety and replacing them with the following language: (2) All permitted uses identified within §162 Use Units of the Unified Development Code shall be allowed as permissible uses, unless otherwise specified, subject to City Council approval of the Planned Zoning District request. PASSED and APPROVED this 20th day of September, 2005 . APPR D: .a •• G\SY pc p % �U �• A= ; FAYETTEVILLE ; 3 By. =�:• •� DAN COODY, Mayor ATTEST: :ysy RKA* 0000 NSP`:J2 X40664 By: SONTiTCA SMITH, Crty Clerk