HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 4746 ORDINANCE NO, 4746 AN ORDINANCE WAIVING COMPETITIVE BIDDING, INCREASING THE AMOUNT AUTHORIZED FOR CLEAN-UP COSTS TO $270,000.00, APPROVING A CONTRACT/WORK PLAN AGREEMENT NOT TO EXCEED $270,000.00 WITH MID- AMERICA ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC. PLUS A CONTINGENCY OF $55,000.00, AND APPROVING A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT OF $ 255,000.00 WHEREAS, upon further analysis by the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality, Mid-America Environmental Solutions, Inc., and the City of Fayetteville, the hazardous material cleanup, remediation and underground storage tank removal costs will substantially exceed the initial estimate approved by the City Council in Ordinance No. 4730; and WHEREAS, it is imperative that Mid-America Environmental Solutions, Inc. continue to work on this hazardous waste clean-up. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section l : That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby determines that the immediate and vital continuing clean-up of these hazardous materials is an exceptional situation in which formal competitive bidding is not feasible or practical and therefore waives the requirements of formal competitive bidding and approves the increased contract/work plan agreement with Mid-America Environmental Solutions, Inc. in the not to exceed amount of $270,000.00 (which includes the previously approved $70,000.00), plus a contingency amount of $55,000.00. Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves the attached budget adjustment of $255,000.00 for this project. PASSED and APPROVED this 25h day of August, 2005 . ��„uun'rnr. APPROVED: _ us . 1J � ; FAYETTEVILLE ; = By: z :. ayor ATTEST: �•9sy�'P�ANSPoJ�' By: SND SMITH, City Clerk ECEIVE ® 0 MlDAmermd SEP 12 2005 P.O. Box 737 P.O. Box 414 Environmental Solutions Carthage, MO 64836 Rogers, AR 72757 6.r. ..c GnvFTTFVILLE MANOR'S OFFICE Ph: 417-358-3599 Ph: 479-621 -5405 Fax: 417-358-8332 We agree to execute the cleanup of the Gregg Avenue Lift Station site in accordance with the ADEQ approved work plan (Appendix A) on a time and material basis, not to exceed $270,000. Unit prices and maximum expected work are identified in Appendix B. Modifications to the work plan, as required by ADEQ, do not modify this base agreement. Signature: Date: 8/23/05 Dominic Whitley President r � Hca . RECE111" 'tEP I n 200.3 CITY ' FFIC cm r.: z=, City of Fayetteville, Arkansas • Budget Adjustment Form Budget Year Department: Water & Wastewater Date Requested Adjustment Number 2005 Division: Water & Sewer Maintenance $/23/2005 Program: Sewer Mains Construction Project or Item Added/Increased: Project or Item Deleted/Reduced: $255,000 in the Professional Services account. None; $255,000 is proposed to come from Fund Balance. Justification of this Increase: Justification of this Decrease: Funds are required for emergency hazardous material Sufficient funds remain within Fund Balance to meet City remediation work for a ferrous chloride leak from the policies. underground storage tank at the Gregg Avenue sewer lift station, and for related work. Increase Expense Budget (Decrease Revenue.Budget) Account Name Account Number Amount Project Number Professional services 5400 5700 5314 00 2551000 05044 1 Decrease Expense Budget (Increase Revenue Budget) Account Name Account Number Amount Project Number Use of fund balance 5400 0940 4999 99 2553000 Approval Signatures Budget Office Use Only Type: A B C D E Requested By Date Date of Approval u anager Dale Initial Date -& y(- Posted to General Ledger Dep t D' ctor Date Initial Date Posted to Project Accounting Finan InternS ices Di o e Initial Date / / Entered in Category Log Mayor Date IInitial Date 0 City Council Meeting of August 25, 2005 41N , CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO ftd'kj (WA EN✓laonal To: City Council Thru: Mayor Dan Coody From: David Jurgen, Water/Wastewater Director, Interim1\� Date: August 23, 2005 Subject: Approval of a $270,000 for Mid-America Environmental Solutions, plus a project contingency of $55,000, for environmental remediation of lift station underground storage tanks RECOMMENDATION Fayetteville City Administration recommends approval of a time and materials contract not to exceed $270,000.00 with Mid-America Environmental Solution, for hazardous material cleanup and remediation and underground storage tank removal, plus approval of a project contingency in the amount of $55,000.00. This is a total amount, and includes the $70,000 previously approved by the City Council in Ordinance No. 4730 on 19 July 2005. BACKGROUND The cleanup on this site has been positively determined by ADEQ to be a hazardous materials cleanup. The initial City Council approval of $70,000 was developed before the determination was made by ADEQ that this was in fact a hazardous materials spill. The material is being removed, hauled by HAZMAT operators to a Hazardous Material landfill in Peoria, Illinois. Much of the material has been removed, but Mid-America has reached the previously approved funding approval limit. Limited stream sampling has been performed, and indicates the possiblity, but not the probability, that there may be a small amount of ground water contamination. DISCUSSION This approval is expected to cover the maximum anticipated amount of work that is required for site remediation at this lift station, based on what has been seen thus far. The project contingency approval is requested in the event additional unanticipated contamination is discovered, and if ADEQ requires ground water sampling, stream sampling, or other work that is outside the scope of the specific site remediation. BUDGETIMPACT A budget adjustment is attached. Attachments: Fact Sheet Dated August 23, 2005 Time and Materials Agreement with Work Plan work plan (Appendix A) and expected scope of work with prices (Appendix B) Mid-AmcncaGmggHa atCCM=oAug05 Gre¢¢ Avenue Lift Station Ferrous Chloride C&up Fact Sheet August 23, 2005 Work to remove the underground storage tank (UST) at the Gregg Street sewer lift station began on June 30, 2005; the tank was removed from the excavation on August 1 , 2005. The tank was used to store ferrous chloride, which was pumped into the wastewater at this lift station for odor and corrosion control. Ferrous chloride is listed as a hazardous waste with a code of K062, unless it is used as a product in the waste treatment process. The Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) has stated that when this material leaks from the tank, it and any material that comes in contact with it must be considered hazardous waste and must be handled as such. This material would not have been considered hazardous waste if the tank had not failed. During tank removal, gravel backfill from around the tank was removed and placed in six roll-off storage containers at the site. Each of the six roll-off containers represented approximately 1 .5 to 2 feet of the gravel backfill. Visually impacted gravel backfill was observed near the top, sides and bottom of the tank. There were three separate visible cracks in the tank. Samples were collected from the gravel backfill and submitted to a laboratory and analyzed for iron, and chloride as required by ADEQ. The analytical results showed chloride concentrations from the background were higher than the backfill samples, therefore the results cannot be used as a hazardous waste indicator. As a result, pH was used to indicate whether the backfill was indeed contaminated. Field pH testing indicated that stained gravel backfill in four of the six containers exhibited a pH of 1 to 3, which unquestionably indicated contamination from this product. These four containers have been removed for proper disposal. ADEQ also requested that six water samples be collected and analyzed to ascertain if any groundwater impacted by the escaped product was entering the creek. The results of this water sampling indicate the presence of chlorides at 32 mg/l. Even though this level is not of great concern, it exceeds the Arkansas State standard of 20 mg/1 for the Illinois River Basin. Based on these results, ADEQ stated that a groundwater investigation at the site will likely be required. It is not certain at this time whether or not the groundwater impacted with chlorides is entering the creek, or whether the elevated chlorides (if they exist) are related to a release from the UST. Additionally it should be noted that the presence of chlorides in excess of the standard on a single day does not mean that the State level has been violated and additional sampling of the stream will be required. It is also likely that regardless of this additional sampling that a groundwater investigation including ground well installations and groundwater and stream sampling will be required by the ADEQ. From visual observation, additional soil removal is warranted from the base of the UST excavation. A revised sampling and analysis plan should be prepared and submitted to ADEQ to establish an agreement on criteria to determine impacted materials. The revised sampling and analysis plan will likely be based on the pH of the material. A series of background measurements will be collected to document natural soil pH in the area and at the site. This revision is based on a review of sampling and analysis at similar sites where a release of the same material has occurred. At this point it appears that obviously stained material is primarily in the base of the UST excavation and little or no lateral migration has occurred. There is, however, a concrete pad in the base of the UST excavation that makes observation of any additional contaminated material impossible at this time. Based on the depth to groundwater, soil instability, the presence to the lift station structure, and the belief that the majority of the chemical migrated down with minimal lateral migration, an estimate of no more than 400 additional tons of soil may need to be removed. ORDINANCE NO, AN ORDINANCE WAIVING COMPETITIVE BIDDING, INCREASING THE AMOUNT AUTHORIZED FOR CLEAN-UP COSTS TO $270,000.00, APPROVING A CONTRACT/WORK PLAN AGREEMENT NOT TO EXCEED $270,000.00 WITH MID-AMERICA ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC. PLUS A CONTINGENCY OF $551000.00, AND APPROVING A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT OF $ 2559000.00 WHEREAS, upon further analysis by the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality, Mid-America Environmental Solutions, Inc., and the City of Fayetteville, the hazardous material cleanup, remediation and underground storage tank removal costs will substantially exceed the initial estimate approved by the city Council in Ordinance No. 4730; and WHEREAS, it is imperative that Mid-America Environmental Solutions, Inc. continue to work on this hazardous waste clean-up. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section l : That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby determines that the immediate and vital continuing clean-up of these hazardous materials is an exceptional situation in which formal competitive bidding is not feasible or practical and therefore waives the requirements of formal competitive bidding and approves the increased contract/work plan agreement with Mid-America Environmental Solutions, Inc. in the not to exceed amount of $270,000.00 (which includes the previously approved $70,000.00), plus a contingency amount of $55,000.00. Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves the attached budget adjustment of $255,000.00 for this project. PASSED and APPROVED this 25th day of August, 2005. APPROVED: By: DAN COODY, Mayor ATTEST: By: SONDRA SMITH, City Clerk ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE WAIVING COMPETITIVE BIDDING, INCREASING THE AMOUNT AUTHORIZED FOR CLEAN-UP COSTS TO $270,000.00, APPROVING A CONTRACT/WORK PLAN AGREEMENT NOT TO EXCEED $270,000.00 WITH MID-AMERICA ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC., AND APPROVING A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT OF $ 255 ,000.00 WHEREAS, upon further analysis by the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality, Mid-America Environmental Solutions, Inc., and the City of Fayetteville, the hazardous material cleanup, remediation and underground storage tank removal costs will substantially exceed the initial estimate approved by the city Council in Ordinance No. 4730; and WHEREAS, it is imperative that Mid-America Environmental Solutions, Inc. continue to work on this hazardous waste clean-up. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 : That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby determines that the immediate and vital continuing clean-up of these hazardous materials is an exceptional situation in which formal competitive bidding is not feasible or practical and therefore waives the requirements of formal competitive bidding and approves the increased contract/work plan agreement with Mid-America Environmental Solutions, Inc. in the not to exceed amount of $270,000.00 (which includes the previously approved $70,000.00). Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves the attached budget adjustment of $255,000.00 for this project. PASSED and APPROVED this 25th day of August, 2005. APPROVED: O� By: DAN COODY, Mayor ATTEST: By: SONDRA SMITH, City Clerk MMmerica P.O. Box 737 P.O. Box 414 Environmental Solutions Oanhege, M084936 Rogers, AR 72757 Ph: 417-358-3599 Ph: 479.621-5005 Rix: 417-358-6332 We agree to execute the cleanup of 01e QeM Avenue Lift Station site in accadmxe with the ADEQ approved work Plan (Appendix A) on a time and material bass, not to exceed $270.000. Unit pries and maximum expected work are identified in Appendix B. Modifications to the work plan, as required by ADEQby ADEQ, do not modify modify this base agreatnent. Signature: / Date: 823105 Dominic Whitley Resident MiDmAmenca Page 1 of 7 Environmental Solutions WORK PLAN FOR REMOVAL OF FERROUS CHLORIDE UST AT CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE GREGG STREET LIFT STATION 3896 N. GREGG AVE . FAYETTEVILLE , AR 72704 FACILITY ID# 72001731 1.0 GENERAL SITE INFORMATION 1. 1 FACILITY INFORMATION Gregg Street Lift Station # 5 3896 N. Gregg Avenue Fayetteville, AR 72704 Facility ID# 72001731 1.2 OWNER INFORMATION City of Fayetteville 1400 N. Fox Hunter Rd. Fayetteville, AR 72701 Ph: (479) 443-3292 (David Loenneke) Ph: (479) 575-8330 (Bob Davis, P.$.) 1.3 CONSULTANT/CONTRACTOR INFORMATION MiD-America Environmental Solutions P.O. Box 737 Carthage, MO 64836 Ph: (417) 358-3599 Fax: (417) 358-8332 Contact: Dominic Whitley, Consultant or Dan Ross, Consultant Company License UST License No. 000542 Individual UST License No.: D. Whitley 001285, D. Ross 000542 Gregg St. Lift Station Closure Plan April 27, 2005 a MiDAmerica Page 2 of 7 Environmental Solutions 2.0 SUMMARY On or about April 13, 2005 the City of Fayetteville discovered the loss of an estimated amount of 4,200 gallons of ferrous chloride from their fiberglass underground storage tank (LIST) located at the Gregg Street Lift Station 3896 N. Gregg Ave., Fayetteville, Arkansas (herein after referred to as the site). The tank was found to be empty of all product when OMI personnel, attempted to measure the level of ferrous chloride within the tank OM1 is the wastewater operations contractor for the City of Fayetteville. The ferrous chloride is used as pre-treatment in the sewage system handling process and is dripped into the system The UST system is a suction system with the suction line being located roughly 14" from the base of the UST. The tank being void of ferrous chloride was thought to indicate tank failure or theft. Theft has been Wiled out as the facility is fenced and locked. Handling of ferrous chloride would require a special pump, hoses, and storage vessels. Due to restricted access and the material nature theft does not appear probable. Furthermore, soils around the LIST have subsided. An approximate 18" depression is present over a significant portion of the south side of the UST. Physical evidence suggests that the subsidence of the soil has occurred recently. Based on these factors it was determined by the client and MAES that the failed tank should be removed and subsurface conditions be evaluated and dealt with as needed. It should be noted that it is unknown how much if any ferrous chloride has been released from the UST as the amount used in normal operations is recorded but can vary and inaccuracies in the amount utilized is possible. On April 14, 2005, at the request of the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality Regulated Storage Tank Division (ADEQ RST), a 30-Day UST Closure Notice and preliminary work plan was faxed and mailed to the ADEQ. On April 15, 2005, the ADEQ RST requested that a site Health and Safety Plan (HASP) be submitted prior to approving closure. MAES provided a site specific HASP to the ADEQ the afternoon of April 15, 2005. Upon receiving the HASP the ADEQ RST responded to MAES with notification that the ferrous chloride was in fact "spent pickle liquor" derived from the process for pickling steel. As such when found as a waste product is considered a listed waste with a waste code of K062. The ADEQ RST Division also involved the Hazardous Waste Division in the review and planning process in the event the ferrous chloride was lost into the environment. This waste determination by the ADEQ resulted in the scheduling of a site meeting between ADEQ personnel, the generator, and MAES. On April 20, 2005, personnel from the ADEQ RST Division and Hazardous Waste met with the City of Fayetteville, OMI, and MAES at the site. Upon a discussion of events leading up to discovery and a review of site conditions, the RST Division indicated a tightness test should be performed to confirm that a release had occurred. In the interim the ADEQ was working on the development of a Sampling and Analysis Plan for the tank removal and assessment process. RST personnel also indicated the need for stream samples from Mud Creek and identified six (6) locations for sample collection. On April 21, 2005, OMI had the UST tightness tested by Compliance Management, Inc. The results of the tightness test indicated tank system failure. Also on this date the ADEQ provided an analytical and sampling strategy for the project. Gregg St. Lift Station Closure Plan April 27, 2005 MiD=America Page 3 of 7 Environmental Solutions Specific tank information is provided below in Table 1 . Table 1 Gregg Street Lift Station # 5 Tank Information Summary ONTANKTANK.SIZEIRM c NSTBIUCUCM CO S. 1NSTAl • TION TANIF NA 1 6,000 GALLONS FRP FERROUS 11111991 UTILIZED FOR SEWAGE CHLORIDE PRETREATMENT 2 300 GALLONS STEEL DIESEL 11111967 FUEL FOR BACK-UP GENERATOR (PERMANENTLY CLOSED) 3.0 PROPOSED FIELD ACTIVITIES 3.1 INITIAL MOBILIZATION AND MATERIAL STORAGE It is intended that fencing around the area be dismantled and removed to allow adequate access to the tank for removal activities. Also some level of clearing and grubbing will be necessary. The tank system will be de-energized and excavation will begin. Roll-off containers will be set near the lift station to accept excavated material and the storage tank until waste analytical and disposal facility approval is granted. These containers will be lined with 12 mil HDPE liners prior to placement of materials to prevent any liquids present from leaving the container and to ensure no contact with any ferrous chloride and the steel roll off containers occur. These containers will be covered at the end of each day to prevent intrusion of rainwater. These coverings will be left in place until the containers are loaded for transportation to the disposal facility. The fiberglass LIST will be carefully excavated utilizing an excavator of adequate size. The LIST will be lifted from the ground and placed in a storage container. The LIST may currently be damaged to the extent that removal intact is impossible. 3.2 FIELD SCREENING METHODS It is expected that some of the material beneath the UST will display obvious impact. The soil and/or water will likely have a greenish discoloration. Other soil and or groundwater may not be so obviously impacted. Soils will be field screened utilizing two (2) methods. 1 . Specific Conductivity and pH — a pH and specific conductivity meter will be utilized to measure for the presence of impact. For screening soil approximately 100 grams of sampled material will be mixed with the volumetric equivalent of deionized water. The mixture will be shaken vigorously for thirty seconds and then evaluated with the meter. Three (3) samples from uncontaminated areas will be taken prior to field assessment to establish site background levels for pH and specific conductivity. Field sample results deviating from the established background levels will be assumed to indicate material impact. Gregg St. Lift Station Closure Plan April 27 2005 M i D=Ame ri ca Page 4 of 7 Environmental Solutions 2. Chloride Test Strips — chloride test strips will be utilized for measuring for the presence of chloride in the sample media. The colorimetric test is performed in the same manner as the pH and Specific Conductivity field analysis. The test strips when introduced into the prepared sample provide a chloride result in the 30-600 PPM range. For this field analysis, as well, three (3) samples from uncontaminated areas will be taken prior to field assessment to establish site background levels. 3.3 HAZARDOUS WASTE HANDLING & DISPOSAL The disposal facility chosen for treating and disposing of the impacted materials from the site is the Peoria Disposal Company (PDC) RCRA Landfill in Peoria, Illinois (EPA ID# ILD000805812). This facility is capable of handling the impacted soils for RCRA direct disposal and handling impacted liquids via stabilization/soGdification and disposal. PDC is also the proposed hazardous waste transporter for this project. Prior to final acceptance into the PDC landfill the impacted material must be analyzed by the PDC laboratory to confirm disposal method and/or waste treatability. Ibis profiling and waste acceptance process will likely take 1 to 2 weeks. It is unknown if all of the impacted material can be removed during the initial UST removal and excavation. Remediation activities done during the initial mobilization maybe limited by the size of the site. Additional mobilizations are expected once final waste approval is granted. Excavated materials and the storage tank will be secured as described previously in the work plan. The site will be secured with temporary fencing. Signage will be established around the work areas delineating the site as a hazardous waste site with entrance by authorized persons only. Once final disposal approval has been obtained. The project will likely be operated as a dig and load. Excavated or removed materials will be loaded directly into lined trailers or liquid into portable vessels and hauled directly to the landfill for disposal. Hazardous waste manifests will accompany each load from the site to the landfill. The generator or generator's representative will be required to sign each manifest. The driver of the waste transport will be required to sign the manifest, and the disposal facility will finally sign the manifest when received at the disposal facility. Fill material removed on the upper portions of the excavation may not be impacted with the lost ferrous chloride product. The material will be stockpiled in separate storage containers and sampled and analyzed for a determination of impact. The material will be composite sampled at a rate of one 4 part composite sample for every 50 cubic yards, or one sample per container. If no impact is found via laboratory analysis the material is expected to be considered reusable as clean fill. If impact is present the material will be disposed of as a hazardous waste as previously described. 3.4 SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN The sampling plan for this project is to sample in accordance with the ADEQ UST sampling protocol. At a minimum one soil sample will be collected from each Gregg St. Lift Station Closure Plan April 27 2005