HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 4725 1 ORDINANCE NO, 4725 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE BY REMOVING OR AMENDING SECTIONS REGARDING OUTDOOR LIGHTING INSTALLATIONS WHEREAS, the City of Fayetteville City Council on June 21 , 2005 adopted Chapter 176 Outdoor Lighting; and WHEREAS, the current Unified Development Ordinance references outdoor lighting installations in three separate sections that could conflict with the updated outdoor lighting ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 : That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby amends the Unified Development Code of Fayetteville by repealing § 161.24 Design Overlay District (D)(4) Lighting. Section 2 : That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby amends the Unified Development Code of Fayetteville by repealing § 172.04 Parking Lot Design Standards (D) Illumination of Parking Areas. Section 3 : That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby amends Chapter 166 of the Unified Development Code of Fayetteville by repealing § 166.03 (.n Streetlights in its entirety and enacts a new § 166.03 (.n: "Streetlights shall be installed at each intersection or cul-de-sac and along each side of the street or cul-de- sac at intervals of no more than 300 feet." PASSED and APPROVED this 19th day of July, 2005 . ,,1%1(lTR j,,,,�. APPROVED• G\S Y pF S P = U • ; FAYETTEVILLE ; By: %��• 5ISAN CO DY, Mayor 6 ,,ys.9,QkANSP.Jam, ATTEST: By. 1 ) arm �L� &V SONDRA SMITH, City Clerk CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO To: Mayor and City Council Thru: Gary Dumas, Director of Operations Tim Conklin, Development Ombudsman Jeremy Pate, Director of Current Planning From: Leif Olson, Associate Long Range Planner Date: June 30, 2005 Subject: Amend the UDC and remove sections regarding outdoor lighting RECOMMENDATION Planning Staff recommends approval of an ordinance amending the Unified Development Code of the City of Fayetteville, by removing sections regarding outdoor lighting installations. BACKGROUND The City Council adopted Chapter 176: Outdoor Lighting, to the Unified Development Code on June 21 , 2005 . The new Outdoor Lighting Ordinance will regulate all future outdoor lighting installations and therefore, previous outdoor lighting standards located in the Unified Development Code should be removed to prevent conflicts within the Code. Proposal: Planning Staff proposes removing the following sections of the Unified Development Code to the City of Fayetteville. Section 161.24 Design Overlay District (D) (4) Lighting. Parking lot lighting shall be designed and located in such a manner to preserve the scenic appearance of the corridor. Lighting shall be shielded and directed downward to the parking lot, and light spread shall not reflect into the adjacent neighborhood. Lighting shall not exceed 35 feet in height and shall utilize sodium lighting fixtures. Section 172.04 Parking Lot Design Standards (D) Illumination of Parking Areas. Parking areas may be illuminated. All lighting shall be: shielded and directed away from adjoining properties; attached to on-site buildings or fences where possible; and shall not be excessively bright or cause a glare that would be hazardous to pedestrians or vehicles. Only high pressure sodium lighting or energy equivalent are allowed. Request: Staff requests amending the Unified Development Code to the City of Fayetteville by removing these sections. BUDGETIMPACT None. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE XV, UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE CODE OF ORDINANCES, REPEALING CERTAIN SECTIONS REGARDING OUTDOOR LIGHTING INSTALLATIONS. WHEREAS, the City of Fayetteville adopted Chapter 176 Outdoor Lighting; and, WHEREAS, the current Unified Development Ordinance references outdoor lighting installations in three separate sections. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, hereby repeals § 161 .24 Design Overlay District (D) (4) Lighting. Section 2. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, hereby repeals § 172.04 Parking Lot Design Standards (D) Illumination of Parking Areas. PASSED and APPROVED this 1911, day of July, 2005. APPROVED: i By: r DAN C 4 ODY, M dy.,,rr� r ATTEST: / r S NDRA SS TH ity`Q 1 r (D) Nonresidential site design and development standards. Propety tine) (1 ) Greenspace. A minimum of 25 feet of landscaped greenspace exclusive of right-of-way shall be provided along the Minimum highway right-of-way and any public 19" street to which the development has frontage. Parking lots shall not encroach into the greenspace and shall be screened when abutting a required i greenspace area. Trees shall be Minimum Sian planted at the interval of one tree per 30 -Distance from linear feet of greenspace area when Property Line practicable. (b) Wall signs. One wall sign may be (2) Signage. installed per business. Sign area shall not exceed 20% of that wall (a) Nonresidential free-standing signs. area or 200 square feet, whichever is less. A second sign may be (i) Each separate nonresidential allowed if it is determined that the lot will be allowed a single structure has more than one front ground-mounted (monument) facing a street or highway right-of- sign located on the building way. site. In the case of lots with double frontage, two ground- (c) Illumination. Only indirect lighting mounted (monument) signs may be used for illumination of all shall be allowed. signs. (ii) The sign shall be a maximum (d) Multiple tenants. The owner of the of six feet high, 75 square feet building shall be responsible for the in area, and setback a provisions of one monument sign minimum of 10 feet from the with sign area for multiple tenants. property line. (e) Sign content. Content of monument and wall signs shall be limited to the name of the business. 75 Square.Feet Advertising shall not be permitted Maximum on the structure, wall sign or monument. (3) Curb cuts. One curb shall be allowed per 200 feet of frontage. No curb cuts shall be allowed within 250 feet of any intersection. 1 L elt ills. #-- 250' —} t r I ft Do This Do not do This Curb Cuts Must be at Least 250' from Intersection (4) Lighting. Pa Fki.. Int light'.. shallbe l !hn n f/:d,./ I :nhl:nn nhnll be shielded ehnll nnt n nd 36 inn. :n height and TITLE XV. UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE 172.04 Parking Lot Design Standards moving other vehicles. Vehicles shall exit the (See: Illustration: Parking Dimension Factors) parking lot in a forward motion. (A) Maneuvering. Parking lots shall be designated, (B) Compact spaces. A maximum of 35% of the total maintained, and regulated so that no parking or spaces may be compact spaces. Compact maneuvering incidental to parking will encroach spaces shall be marked either by marking on the into the areas designated for sidewalks, streets, pavement or by separate marker. or required landscaping except as provided for in §172.07(6)(2). Parking lots shall be designed so (C) Dimensional requirements. (See Table 1) that parking and unparking can occur without Parking Dimension Factors Curb Le 9 (U�pept <B0 Q �� � (��/ 4isleJJo�III��Sx111•••�e>� w ?, � Pa ralle � Po rk�ng \\\ �P,eec t_ J CD172: 1 • • TITLE XV. UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE TABLE 1 DIMENSIONAL REQUIREMENTS Width Curb length One-way Two-way Stall depth Angle aisle width aisle width (AI Type (in k.) (in k.) (in ft.) (In ft.) (in ft.) (B) (C) (D) (D) (E) 00 Standard 8 22.5 12 24 8 Parallel Compact 7.5 19.5 12 24 7.5 30' Standard 9 18 12 24 17 Compact 7.5 15 12 24 14 45° Standard 9 12.5 12 24 19 Compact 7.5 10.5 12 24 16 600 Standard 9 10.5 18 24 20 Compact 1 7.5 1 8.5 1 15 24 16.5 90' Standard 9 9 24 24 19 Compact 7.5 7.5 22 24 15 CD172:2 0 0 TITLE XV. UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE � be illw ii;ated A a n lighting shall hA6 pFoperties; attached to . on site buildings o feAGeS WheFe pessiblei and shall not be ehy bFig d GF Gaulse a glare that 39E I (E) Parking lot entrances. ZC6® e Insufficient 8 Throat Length (1 ) Throat length. The length of driveways ® aD or "throat length" shall be designed in accordance with the anticipated storage CCD iPi ® (7Z length for vehicles to prevent them from backing into the flow of traffic on the Q public street or causing unsafe conflicts with on-site circulation. General standards appear below, but these requirements may vary according to the project volume of the individual Priori should be _ driveway. These measures generally lven to Inbound are acceptable for the principal access ®traffc _ to a property and are not intended for minor driveways. Variation from these standards may be permitted for goode Throat cause upon approval of the Zoning and �c1 �nC ' Development Administrator and City ® ® C! Engineer. (2) Entrances and internal aisle design. The driveway width into parking lots shall meet the following guidelines: TABLE 2 GENERALLY ADEQUATE (a) Entrances. DRIVEWAY THROAT LENGTHS (i) One-way. If the driveway is a Shopping Centers >200,000 GLA' 200 flq one-way in or one-way out (Signalized) 800 s aces drive, then the aisle widths Smaller shall be 12 feet wide up to a Developments <200,000 GLA' 75-95 R. maximum of 15 feet wide. (Signalized) Unsignalized -- 40-60 R. (ii) Two-way. For two-way access, Driveways each entrance lane shall be a minimum of 12 feet wide and a maximum of 15 feet wide. 'GLA-Gross leaseable area Whenever more than two lanes Commentary. The throat lengths in Table 2 are are proposed, entrance and provided to assure adequate stacking space within exit lanes shall be divided by a parking lot driveways for general land use intensities. curbed, raised, landscaped This helps prevent vehicles from stacking into the median. The median shall be thoroughfare as they attempt to enter the parking lot. 10 feet wide If three lanes are High traffic generators, such as large shopping plazas, being proposed or 15 feet wide need much greater throat length than smaller if four lanes are proposed. developments or those with unsignalized driveways. The guidelines here for larger developments refer to the primary access drive. Reduced throat lengths may be (iii) Major thoroughfares. permitted for secondary access drives serving large Driveways that enter the major developments, thoroughfare at traffic signals CD172:3 TITLE XV. UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE must have at least two (b) Internal circulation drives. outbound lanes (one for each turning direction) and one (i) Aisles shall be designed so inbound lane. , that they intersect at 90 degrees with internal drives (iv) Curb radius. All commercial where practicable. driveways should have a minimum curb radius of 25 (ii) Aisles shall be designed to feet. discourage cut-through traffic by use of landscape islands. (iii) Aisles shall conform to §174.04(C) with the exception of aisles that conned to commercial driveways. Aisles connecting to commercial driveways may be permitted to be 27 feet in width when the driveway is in conformance with §171 . 13(6)(6). CD172:4 City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form City Council Agenda Items or Contracts 19-Jul-05 City Council Meeting Date Leif Olson Planning and Development Operations Submitted By Division Department Action Required: UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE AMENDMENT: Submitted by Leif Olson for an ordinance amendment to remove sections in the Unified Development Ordinance that reference outdoor lighting installations and could be in conflict with the recently approved Chapter 176 Outdoor Lighting Ordinace. $0.00 n/a n/a Cost of this request CategorylProject Budget Program Category / Project Name n/a n/a n/a Account Number Funds Used to Date Program / Project Category Name n/a n/a n/a $ Project Number Remaining Balance Fund Name Budgeted Item Budget Adjustment Attached r _ Previous Ordinance or Resolution # n/a Department Di ector Date Original Contract Date: n/a Original Contract Number: n/a City Attorney Received in City Clerk's Office Fi ance and Internal Service Director Da a �1 Received in Mayors Office M r Date Comments: CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO To: Mayor and City Council Thru: Gary Dumas, Director of Operations Tim Conklin, Development Ombudsman Jeremy Pate, Director of Current Planning From: Leif Olson, Associate Long Range Planner Date: July 12, 2005 Subject: Amend the UDC and remove sections regarding outdoor lighting RECOMMENDATION Planning Staff recommends approval of an ordinance amending the Unified Development Code of the City of Fayetteville, by removing sections regarding outdoor lighting installations. BACKGROUND The City Council adopted Chapter 176: Outdoor Lighting, to the Unified Development Code on June 21 , 2005. The new Outdoor Lighting Ordinance will regulate all future outdoor lighting installations and therefore, previous outdoor lighting standards located in the Unified Development Code should be removed to prevent conflicts within the Code. Proposal: Planning Staff proposes removing the following sections of the Unified Development Code to the City of Fayetteville. Section 161.24 Design Overlay District (D) (4) Lighting. Parking lot lighting shall be designed and located in such a manner to preserve the scenic appearance of the corridor. Lighting shall be shielded and directed downward to the parking lot, and light spread shall not reflect into the adjacent neighborhood. Lighting shall not exceed 35 feet in height and shall utilize sodium lighting fixtures. Section 172.04 Parking Lot Design Standards (D) Illumination of Parking Areas. Parking areas may be illuminated. All lighting shall be: shielded and directed away from adjoining properties; attached to on-site buildings or fences where possible; and shall not be excessively bright or cause a glare that would be hazardous to pedestrians or vehicles. Only high pressure sodium lighting or energy equivalent are allowed. Planning Staff proposes striking the following language in the Unified Development Code to the City of Fayetteville. Chapter 166.03 Required On-Site Improvements — Subdivisions in the City Limits. (.n Streetlights. StaRa.._a 8,000 ,..,..e., ...f.,..._.. ..,,.,,._ OF , ,.... .._e..... ._„ l' sadium treetlights shall be installed at each intersection or cul-de-sac and along one side of each street or cul-de-sac at intervals of no more than 300 feet; ,._,.. .idea' streetlights of highe_ : .,,.nsity ffi ..r be required at with nnus1ornlruekn P nHuwal nMeets. Request: Staff requests amending the Unified Development Code to the City of Fayetteville by removing and amending these sections. BUDGETIMPACT None.