HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 4716 ORDINANCE NO.4716 AN ORDINANCE WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS OF FORMAL COMPETITIVE BIDDING AND APPROVING PAYMENT TO KING ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS, INC. OF $ 100,000.00 TO PROVIDE ELECTRICAL UTILITY RELOCATION SERVICES REQUIRED TO ALLOW THE CONTINUED DEMOLITION OF THE MOUNTAIN INN; AND APPROVING THE USE OF UP TO $33,763 .00 OF THE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED PROJECT CONTINGENCY. WHEREAS, City staff recently became aware of the need to relocate certain electrical utilities to allow the Mountain Inn demolition to proceed on schedule; and, WHEREAS, the extremely tight schedule of the Mountain Inn demolition does not allow sufficient time to select an electrical contractor through the formal competitive bidding process; and, WHEREAS, King Electrical Contractors, Inc. has an ongoing contractual relationship with the City of Fayetteville to provide electrical contractor services, and is capable of competently performing electrical utility relocation services. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 . That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby finds that such circumstances constitute an exceptional situation where competitive bidding is not feasible or practical; waives the requirements of formal competitive bidding, and approves payment to King Electrical Contractors, Inc. of $ 100,000.00 to provide electrical utility relocation services required to allow the continued demolition of The Mountain Inn. Section 2. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves the use of up to $33,763 .00 of the previously-approved Project Contingency for electrical utility relocation. PASSED and APPROVED this 21 '` day of June, 2005. APPROVE By: DAN COO Y, Mayor ATTEST: By: &16& SO DRA SMITH, City ClerkrUs •rvvY 0 •.�'� c ; FAYETTEVILLE * so as so see °'J1;���ON��� City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form Y7 / 6 City Council Agenda Items or q Contracts /'.S 21 -Jun-05 City Council Meeting Date Coy Hurd Building Services Finance & internal Services Submitted By Division Department Action Required: Approve an ordinance waiving competitive bidding for electrical relocation services required to allow the demolition of the Mountain Inn and related buildings and authorizing King Electrical Contractors, Inc to provide these electrical utility relocation services in an amount not-to-exceed $100,000.00 which utilizes the remaining uncommitted funds o $66,237 and up-to $33,763 of the previously contingency. _Ijighway 71 East S uare $66,237.00 $ 8873000.00 Redevelopment District #1 Cost of this request Category/Project Budget Program Category / Project Name 4490-9490-5805-00 $ 820,763.00 Account Number Funds Used to Date Program / Project Category Name 05038-2 $ 66,237.00 TIF Capital Improvements Project Number Remaining Balance Fund Name Budgeted Item Budget Adjustment Attached Previous Ordinance or Resolution # Department Director Date Original Contract Date: e�D� / Original Contract Number: � � Qr City Attorney Received in City Clerk's Office Finance and Internal Service Director Date Received in Mayor's Office Mayor Date Comments: FAYETTEVILE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE June 21 , 2005 City Council Meeting TO: Mayor Dan Coody and Fayetteville City Council THROUGH: Stephen Davis, Financial and Internal Services Directo/lam \ FROM: Coy Hurd, Project Manager �J DATE: June 8, 2005 SUBJECT: A resolution to designate $66,237 toward utility placement work associated with the construction of the new hotel to occupy the existing Mountain Inn site (in addition to $33,763 of the previously approved contingency fund; total not to exceed $ 100,000), and a waiver of the competitive bidding for these electrical services. Recommendation: City Staff recommends that the City Council designate $66,237 of the funds generated by the Tax Incentive Finance bonds to be used to pay for the work accomplishing the permanent utility placement (electrical work) necessary for the long-term power needs of the proposed new hotel complex to be constructed on the site. Background: The City Council has designated $887,000 of the funds generated by the T.I.F. Bonds to be used toward demolition, resolution of access issues, and utility relocation. The Patton Company's contract for the demolition of the buildings and the hazardous materials abatement is $688, 138. Environmental Enterprise Group' s contract for oversight of demolition and abatement efforts is $30,855. The contingency fund for the demolition/abatement effort has been authorized as $ 101 ,770. The amount remaining from the designated $877,000 is $66,237. Discussion : The City has agreed (by way of contract with John Nock et. al.) to utilize $887,000 toward preparation of the Mountain Inn site in anticipation of construction efforts at that location. Once the City has expended these funds, Mr. Nock has agreed to accept the site in such condition as it is then in. June 9 memo, page two Electrical work during this first phase is being done by King Electric (and their subcontractors) through their existing contract with the city. If approved, this $66,237 will be used toward work needed to supply the building site with permanent electrical power. Examples of these efforts are trenching and laying electrical conduit, purchase and installation of the electrical meter bases that will serve the future facilities, and placement of the electrical vault on the site. The utility relocation work identified thus far includes: I ) relocating the electrical transformer in the alleyway, currently attached to the Mountain Inn Building. The demolition contractor has had to resequence the removal of the buildings to accommodate the Developers commitment to keep the Hoftbrau, Taste of Thai, and Petra Cafe open. The cost of the electrical relocation could total near $ 100,000. 2) relocating the existing natural gas service. The Arkansas Western Gas Company is doing most of this work at their own costs, but may petition for reimbursement for some of the costs. 3) relocating the water and sewer lines to serve the buildings that remain and the new buildings to be built. The cost of this work will probably be between $70,000 and $ 100,000. The drawings and specifications for this work are yet to be developed. Until this is accomplished, the forecast of the total cost can not be more precise. 4) The final item that the Developers have identified as potential use of T.I.F. bond proceeds (to this point) is the removal of an underground fuel storage tank. This tank is located in the alleyway outside of the demolition project boundary. The proposed cost for the removal of this tank is $ 13,800. Because the City has only $66,237 remaining from the T.I.F. proceeds, Staff recommends programming all of these funds to electrical relocations and notifying that that any further utility work will be paid for by the Developer. King Electric Company has an existing contract with the City that allows $20,000 per project. Staff is asking that an exception be made to allow that company to do this electrical work. Due to the extreme schedule for this work and the undefined nature of some of the tasks which must be completed, it is imperative that King Electric Company be given dispensation on the $20,000 ceiling on this particular project. Memo, page three Budgetary Impact: These funds are currently budgeted towards the project and reside in Account Number 4490 9490 5315.00. ORDINANCE NO, AN ORDINANCE WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS OF FORMAL COMPETITIVE BIDDING AND APPROVING PAYMENT TO KING ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS, INC. OF $66,237.00 TO PROVIDE ELECTRICAL UTILITY RELOCATION SERVICES REQUIRED TO ALLOW THE CONTINUED DEMOLITION OF THE MOUNTAIN INN; AND APPROVING THE USE OF UP TO $33 ,763 .00 OF THE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED PROJECT CONTINGENCY. WHEREAS, City staff recently became aware of the need to relocate certain electrical utilities to allow the Mountain Inn demolition to proceed on schedule; and, WHEREAS, the extremely tight schedule of the Mountain Inn demolition does not allow sufficient time to select an electrical contractor through the formal competitive bidding process; and, WHEREAS, King Electrical Contractors, Inc. has an ongoing contractual relationship with the City of Fayetteville to provide electrical contractor serves, and is capable of competently performing electrical utility relocation services. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 . That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby finds that such circumstances constitute an exceptional situation where competitive bidding is nor-=fsible or practical; waives the requirements of formal competitive bidding, and approyesp e to King Electrical Contractors, Inc. of $66,237.00 to provide electrical utility rel,o a s r ces required to allow the continued demolition of The Mountain Inn. � ' t Section 2. That the City Council of the City of Fayettev7 le, F ansas hire ' y approves the use of up to $33 ,763 .00 of the previously-app ved Probe t. ontin ency for ; ectrical utility :r relocation. PASSED and AP, O this 2151 d'y a'fJ . e, 2005: PROV By. DAN COODY, Mayor ATT ST- B y . SMITH, City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 88-00 A RESOLUTION AWARDING BID NO. 00-48 TO CHRIS KING IN AN AMOUNT SET FORTH IN THE BID TABULATION AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT FOR ELECTRICAL, COMMUNICATIONS AND RELATED SERVICES FOR THE YEAR 2000, WITH FIVE ONE YEAR RENEWAL OPTIONS . BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 . That the City Council hereby awards Bid No. 00-48 to Chris King in an amount set forth in the bid tabulation and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an agreement for electrical, communications and related services for the year 2000, with five one year renewal options. A copy of the bid tabulation and agreement is attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" and "B" and made a part hereof. PASSED AND APPROVED this 5th day of July , 2000. APPROVED- By: gv�n� Fred Hanna, Mayor ATTEST: By: Az 4 Heather Woodruff, CityCler1, STAFF REVIEW FORM XX AGENDA REQUEST CONTRACT REVIEW GRANT REVIEW For the Fayetteville City Council meeting of July 3 , 2000 FROM : Harold J . Dahlinger Building Maintenance Administrative Services Name Division Department - ACTION REQUIRED : Award of Bid # 00 - 48 for electrical services to Chris King Electric for the remainder of the year 2000 with five one year renewal options . COST TO CITY : $Various See Attached Various Cost of this Request Category/Project Budget Category/Project Name Various See Attached Various Account Number Funds Used To Date Program Name See Attached See Attached Various Project Number Remaining Balance Fund BUDGETREVIEW : X Budgeted Item Budget Adjustment Attached udget aag Administrative Services Director CONTRACT/GRANT/LEASE REVIEW : GRANTING AGENCY : ACcou n M er, Dat{e Internal Auditor Date City Attorne Date ADA Coordinator Date R \IA� (G - 19-00 Purchasing Officer Date STAFF RECOMMENDATION : Award of Bid #00 - 48 to Chris King Electric and award of a Contract . Divisio B 611 D� ' Cross Reference New Item : Yes No D rtm� irec r tDte Prev Ord/Res # ' Ad ' n ' trate Sery ces Director Orig Contract Date : May r Page E SUED RMEA ROW( Description Bid #00 -48 Flarltrical Contract Keetinq Oate 743,LQj1 Ccnents: Reference Canents: Budaet Coordinator OAccountiag Kanager , -- Q 3er � Piot City Attorney Purchasing Officer ADA Ccordinator Interna[ Auditor FAYETTEVIELE • THE MY OF FAYMEAUE, ARKANSAS DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE TO: The Fayetteville City Council THRU: Fred Hanna, Mayor John Maguire, Administrative Services Director FROM: Harold Dahlinger, Facilities Superintendent 96 DATE: June 12, 2000 RE: BID AWARD RECOMMENDATION Attached is the Agenda Request for the award of Bid #00-48 to the lowest bidder meeting requirements for electrical work and related service needs of the City of Fayetteville for the calendar year 2000 (with option for five (one year) tens renewal). I recommend acceptance of the rates provided by Chris King Electric for Bid #0048. Previous experience with this vendor on other City projects has shown that quality and workmanship is at a level which allows us to be very comfortable in recommending this bidder for the various projects which are budgeted for calendar year 2000. Chris King Electric has provided services to the City of Fayetteville for the past four years under a similar contract. We have found his services to be outstanding and very cost effective to the City and its projects. Utilization of an annual acceptance of a bidder in this particular area should eliminate time delays in the bidding process on individual projects along with the ability to negotiate details of specific projects to assist in keeping better control of job pricing. The budgeted amounts for these services will be taken from the applicable programs as specific projects are identified. AGREEMENT FOR ELECTRICAL , COMMUNICATIONS AND RELATED SERVICES This , AGREEMENT executed this 4_ day of , 2000 , between the City of Fayetteville , Arkansashetdinafter called the " City " and Kine Electrical Contractors hereinafter called the " Contractor " , and having an address at 2145 Moore Fayetteville , AR 72704 IN CONSIDERATION OF THE FOLLOWING COVENANTS contained herein the parties agree as follows : 1 . The Contractor shall at the written request of the City provide material , labor and equipment for electrical , communications and related service ( s ) for the following : a . New construction as requested for jobs not bid separately ; b . Repair as requested for jobs not bid separately ; C . Additional work as required and as directed by owner . 2 . The first term of this agreement shall be from award of contract through December 31 , 2000 . The City has the option to renew this contract for five consecutive one year terms . Annual increases will be allowed based on the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers ( Index ) as published by the U . S . Department of Labor , Bureau of Labor Statistics , published as of October 31 , using 1982 - 84 as the base year . The initial index to be used is October , 1999 . 3 . City shall pay Contractor for services rendered as set out in Contractor ' s Bid . Charges will be invoiced to City at the end of each Contractor ' s monthly accounting periods based upon the fee schedule outlined in Contractor ' s Bid and the expense charges to the project during the preceding accounting period . All invoices are due upon receipt and shall be paid by the City unless disputed within thirty ( 30 ) days of their receipt . 4 . The contract documents which comprise the contract between City and the Contractor consist of this contract and the following documents : a . Bid form identified as Invitation to Bid 00 - 48 with the specifications , conditions , and requirements typed thereon ; b . The Contractor ' s proposal and all supporting documents and correspondence submitted by the Contractor in response to Bid 00 - 48 . 5 . These contract documents constitute the entire agreement between the City and the Contractor and may be modified only by a duly executed written instrument signed by the City and the Contractor . 6 . Contractor shall not assign his duties under the terms of this contract . 7 . Contractor agrees to hold the City harmless and indemnify the City against any and all claims for property damage , personal injury or death , arising from Contractor ' s performance of this contract . 8 . The Contractor shall furnish a certificate of insurance addressed to the City , showing that he carries the following insurance which shall be maintained throughout the term of the contract . Workers Compensation Statutory Amount Comprehensive General and Automobile Insurance Bodily Injury Liability $ 500 , 000 for each person injured . $ 1 , 000 , 000 for each accident . Property Damage Liability $ 250 , 000 for each accident . $ 500 , 000 aggregate The insurance shall include explosion , collapse and underground coverage . The premiums for all insurance and the bond required herein shall be paid by the Contractor . 9 . Contractor agrees to begin work within ten ( 10 ) days after issuance by the City of a " work order " or " Notice to Proceed " and to complete the work within the time agreed to by the parties . 10 . All work called for herein shall be coordinated directly with the project manager for each project as designated by the City . 11 . City shall have the right to terminate this Agreement for City ' s convenience upon written notice of Contractor , and