HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 4693 ORDINANCE NO. 4 6 9 3 AN ORDINANCE TO WAIVE VARIOUS PROVISIONS OF §97.070 RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES AT LAKES FAYETTEVILLE, SEQUOYAH AND WILSON TO ALLOW THE SOLAR SPLASH INTERNATIONAL BOATING COMPETITION TO BE HELD ON LAKE FAYETTEVILLE IN JUNE 2006 WHEREAS, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board on March 7, 2005, voted unanimously to host the Solar Splash Boating Competition on Lake Fayetteville in June of 2006 and recommended a waiver be passed by the City Council to allow this event to be held; and WHEREAS, the Fayetteville Parks and Recreation Staff recommends that Fayetteville host this international collegiate solar powered boating contest and waive the normal no "boat racing" and no large wake rules for City lakes in order to conduct this event. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 : That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby agrees to host the Solar Splash International Collegiate Boating Competition on Lake Fayetteville in June of 2006 and hereby waives provisions of §97.070 concerning permits, wake limits, boat racing and any other provisions necessary to host this event on Lake Fayetteville in June, 2006. PASSED and APPROVED this 511' day of April, 2005. APPROVED: S''., a u Z, DAN COODY, Mayor ; FAYETTEVILLE • ATTEST: �,e 5 tpl( slP-"qk '''�.;�croN��.��0 C By: /vtn c,�✓ SONDRA SMITH, City Clerk D� a y 6�3 Solar Splash p. I oft l�lalJl City Council Meeting of April 5, 2005 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO To: Mayor and City Council Thru: Gary Dumas, Director of Operation ` Connie Edmonston, Director of Parks and Recreation LY From: David Wright, Recreation Superintendent Date: March 17, 2005 Subject: An exemption of City Ordinances relating to Recreational Activities at Lake Fayetteville to host Solar Splash Boating Competition on June of 2006 RECOMMENDATION Fayetteville Parks and Recreation Staff and Parks and Recreation Advisory Board (PRAB) recommends for City Council to approve an exemption of the Lake Recreation Ordinance that would allow Solar Splash International Boating Competition to be hosted at Lake Fayetteville in June 2006. BACKGROUND The Solar Splash competition is the World Championship of solar/electric boating. It is an international collegiate boating competition between electrical and mechanical engineering students working together as a team to overcome design challenges and create a successful solar/electric boat. Universities from all over the country, design and build boats that are charged using solar energy during the competition. The competition consists of seven scoring categories, including four events on the water. Categories include technical report, visual presentation, workmanship, qualifying event, solar slalom event, sprint event, and endurance event. The sprint is a 300 meter race that will run parallel to Lake Fayetteville dam. The endurance element will consist of a rectangular course that will be in the western part of the lake. The event traditionally attracts approximately thirty (30) teams to the community. This item was presented to the PRAB on February 7, 2005 where it was tabled to allow for public input. During the month, only positive remarks were made to Staff and PRAB. At the March 7, 2005 meeting, PRAB unanimously voted to host the event and to request �tp y3 0 for City Council to approve an exemption from the City of Fayetteville Lake Ordinances in order to host this event. When discussing Solar Splash with the University of Arkansas, Parks and Recreation Staff expressed a concern about closing Lake Fayetteville during the summer months. The Lake collects fees from users and closing would certainly cost the City and Boatdock Contractor daily revenue. The Solar Splash hosts agreed to pay a rental fee for the facility. PRAB will approve the fee which will be an average of fees collected in 2004 and 2005 during the event's scheduled week in June. This fee is estimated to be approximately $ 1 ,600. Event organizers are satisfied with the fee and have already received local support for funding. The Lake Fayetteville dam offers an exceptional site for the public to view the event. Event organizers are looking into the possibility to hosting a 5K run in collaboration with the event. DISCUSSION The Solar Splash event will take place in June of 2006. There are two tentative dates for the event. The preferred option is June 15-19. This week will have the lowest impact on our recreational softball programs held at Lake Fayetteville Softball Complex since it would be an off-week between spring and summer softball seasons. The second option is June 22-26. Although softball will be played during that week, games for the evening will not begin until 6:30 pm. This will be close to the time the competitors begin closing down for the day. There will be some overlap; however, it will be minimal. The exact event dates has not been determined at this point. This event will require the operations of Lake Fayetteville to be closed for fishing or boating from Thursday through Sunday. Competitors will start setting up for the event on Wednesday, which will not interfere with the normal boat dock operations. The competition will begin on the lake on Thursday. Event organizers suggested a couple of time frames daily would be given where boat stall occupants could access their boats. Just as in Buffalo, New York, event organizers will be responsible for carrying their own liability insurance. The City will not be held responsible for their event. A contract will be created at a later date to include liability insurance coverage, facility regulations, as well as rental fee for the facility. Lake Fayetteville was selected as the preferred site for the 2006 Solar Splash Event. This request is made to City Council at such an early date in order to establish that all City requirements have been met. Attached is a copy of PRAB Meeting minutes and the current Lake Ordinances. If you have any questions, please call me at 444-3481 . ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE TO WAIVE VARIOUS PROVISIONS OF §97.070 RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES AT LAKES FAYETTEVILLE, SEQUOYAH AND WILSON TO ALLOW THE SOLAR SPLASH INTERNATIONAL BOATING COMPETITION TO BE HELD ON LAKE FAYETTEVILLE IN JUNE 2006 WHEREAS, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board on March7, 2001 , voted unanimously to host the Solar Splash Boating Competition on Lake Fayetteville in June of 2006 and recommended a waiver be passed by the City Council to allow this event to be held; and WHEREAS, the Fayetteville Parks and recreation Staff recommends that Fayetteville host this international collegiate solar powered boating contest and waive the normal no "boat racing" and no large wake rules for City lakes in order to conduct this event. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 : That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby agrees to host the Solar Splash International Collegiate Boating Competition on Lake Fayetteville in June of 2006 and hereby waives provisions of §97.070 concerning permits, wake limits, boat racing and any other provisions necessary to host this event on Lake Fayetteville in June, 2006. PASSED and APPROVED this 5w day of April, 2005. APPROVED: By: DAN COODY, Mayor ATTEST: 10 By: SONDRA SMITH, City Clerk FAYETTEVILLE CODE OF ORDINANCES TITLE IX GENERAL REGULATIONS 97.068 Camping Prohibited No person in a park shall set up or use tents, (a) Each person 16 years of age or shacks, or any other temporary shelter for the older is required to purchase a purpose of overnight camping, nor shall any fishing permit for fishing on each person bring in or leave in a city park after lake or any stream within the city dosing hours any structure or vehicle to be used owned lake property. or that could be used for such purpose, such as house trailer, camp trailer, camp wagon or the (b) A boating permit applies to the boat like. rather than the occupants thereof. (Code 1965, §17A-20; Ord. No. 1594, 4-1-68; Code (c) All daily permits are only good 1991, §97.068) during the day of purchase. Cross reference(s).Penalty, §97.999. 97.069 Horseback Riding (C) Boat docking. Boat docking shall be g permitted at the boat dodos at Lake No person in a park shall ride a horse except in Fayetteville and Lake Sequoyah on a space Combs Park or on designated bridle trails. available basis. Where permitted, horses shall be thoroughly broken and property restrained and ridden with (1) Fees: due care, and shall not be allowed to graze or go unattended, nor shall they be hitched to any rock, Lake Fayetteville: tree, or shrub. • Residents per boat, annually (Code 1965, §17A-22; Ord. No. 1594, 4-1-68; Code $200.00. 1991 , §97.069) • Nonresidents per boat, annually Cross referenee(s) -Penatry, §97.999. $260.00. 97.070 Recreational Activities At Lake Sequoyah: Lakes Fayetteville, Sequoyah And Per boat, annually $80.00. Wilson (D) Fishing. All fishing shall be done only from (A) Hours. Lake Fayetteville, Lake Sequoyah, the lake bank or boat. No wading, and Lake Wilson shall be open to the swimming, or belly boats shall be permitted. general public throughout the year from Arkansas Game and Fish regulations shall sunrise to sunset daily and shall be closed control the number and size of fish which each day from sunset to sunrise; provided, may be caught, however, the Fayetteville each lake shall be closed Thanksgiving Day. Parks and Recreation Division may provide The boat docks shall be closed on additional requirements necessary to December 24th and shall remain closed manage the fish population. All persons through January 14th. should check with the boat dock operator before fishing. It shall be unlawful for any (B) Permits for fishing and boating. person fishing to use trot lines, set lines, limb lines, cast nets, yo-yo's or jug fishing. (1) Permits: (E) Boating. A boating permit for each boat • Season fishing permit $20.00 per must be purchased before its use on the individual for both lakes (65 and lake. All boats must be docked at the boat over $15.00). landing at lake dosing time. No boats • Season boating permit $20.00 per except those used by lake employees will be individual for both lakes (65 and docked at any other location on the lake. over $15.00). • Daily fishing permits $2.00 per (F) Place of entry. All persons are warned to individual for each lake (65 and enter the lake for boating or fishing only over $1 .00). through the entrance at the lake office. • Daily boating/launching permits Persons entering the lake property from any $2.00 per individual for each lake other location shall be considered (65 and over $1 .00). trespassing and subject to prosecution. (2) Miscellaneous. (G) Use of motors on boats. CD97:6 FAYETTEVILLE CODE OF ORDINANCES TITLE IX GENERAL REGULATIONS (1 ) In the event that motors are used on property at any time. boats, the boats shall be operated in (M) Use of motor vehicles. No person at Lake such a manner that they will not Fayetteville, Lake Sequoyah, or Lake Wilson endanger other boats or the occupants shall drive a motor vehicle or ride a thereof and shall not be operated in motorcycle, ATV or bicycle on other than a such a manner as to create heavy paved vehicular road or path designated for waves causing undue erosion of the that purpose. shoreline. (N) Revoking permits. The city shall have the (2) No boats shall be permitted within 500 right to revoke any permit issued under this feet of the spillway of Lake Sequoyah. section if it is determined that the permittee willfully violated any of the provisions of this (3) No houseboats, water skiing, or jet skis section. When a permit is revoked, there will allowed. Speeding and boat racing is be no refunds. not permitted and each outboard motor operator is cautioned to operate his (Code 1965, §13-12; Ord. No. 2274, 9-7-76; Ord. No. motor in a safe and Cautious manner. 2903, 3.1-83; Ord. No. 3164, 1-21-86; Ord. No. 3203, Failure to abide by this requirement will 8-5-86; Ord. No. 3437, 7-5-89; Ord. No. 3533, 2-19-91 ; cause loss of boating permit. The dock Ord. No. 4168, 6-1-99; Code 1991, §97.070) operator shall revoke the boating permit Cross reference(s)—Penalty, §97.999. of any boat which in his judgment is unsafe, overloaded, or operated in a careless manner. 97,077-97.079 Reserved (4) All state laws governing boats must be complied with before using a boat on any city lake. Facilities for docking or landing of boats will be provided, however, the city will not be responsible ARTICLE VI for any damage or theft of boats, motors or equipment left in boats at docks. CONDUCT IN PARKS (H) Picnicking or other recreational activities. 97,080 Gambling Prohibited; Picnicking is permitted on any part of Lake Recreational Activities To Take Place Fayetteville, Lake Sequoyah, or Lake Wilson or land surrounding said lakes, except within Only In Suitable Areas restricted nature areas, which are controlled No person in a park shall gamble, or participate by the city. Overnight camping is allowed in, or abet any game of chance. Nor shall any only by special group permit. person take part in or abet the playing of other fortes of recreation except in areas set apart for (1) Committing nuisances. No person shall or conducive to the particular forth of recreation. commit any nuisance while on Lake Fayetteville, Lake Sequoyah, and Lake (Code 1965, §17A-21; Ord. No. 1594, 4-1-68; Code Wilson or any of the land surrounding the 1991, §97.080) lakes belonging to the city, nor shall any Crosa reference(s)—Penalty, §97.999. trash or other materials be thrown into the lakes or left about the shore line or on the 9 es 97,081 Intoxicating Beverages premises of any lake. 9 No person in a park shall bring into or consume (J) Fishing and boating prohibited near intake alcoholic beverages within a city park, nor shall tower. No one shall climb upon, enter, or any person enter a park when under the fish from the intake towers of the lakes. influence of intoxicating beverages. (K) Fishing on stream below dam. State laws (Code 1965, §17A-23; Ord. No. 1594, 4-1-68; Code governing fishing below dams shall be 1991 , §97.081) applicable on city property. Fishing permits Cross reference(s)—Penalty, §97.999. are required to fish in the stream on city property below the dams. (L) Firearms and hunting. No firearms, hunting or trapping will be permitted on city owned CD97:7 02/02/05 WED 17 : 23 PAX 479 5757 OA ELECT ENGR ` ® 002 i Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Agenda Request FAQ Parks and Recreation Advisory Board (PRAB), Meetmgs are held the fust Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m. Request must be sub.Md 'm writing to the Parks and Raxeation Office eight (g) working days prior to the meeting. Request may be emailed or faxed. This will allow staffume w review the proposal and meet with the requesror if needed. Failure to provide adequate information may delay request to be placed on the agenda. PRAB Agendas are posted on the City's Web Site at www accessfavetteville orR Request must be submitted on the following fonmt: Date: 2 G DRAB Meeting Date: . Name• ��� �'��o� Address: OOc �a/yyzf *YP% S7S B ening .S7/opr7 can: 46` Phone: Day: "� Ev E-Mar7:_Qk[ /001V IOArr Mfy organization Name foformation about organization ueluding Bdstory: (Please attach a fist of officers, uembers, addresses, and pkone numbers.) `) / `/ffA2`91 tj :ymp#TLOP Aft IWC ATG/tG7r6t/ C'asrrM✓•�� ✓r3o/' v Q Name of Presenter (a) to PRAB: W i% -" ff# Please attach a memo including the following items: 1. Request (Please be specific.) L Background of regncst. 3, Esthnate cost of project. d. Donation to the City if applicable (la w, Materials or Funding) I Requested cost to the City. 6. Maintenance required. 7. Detailed timellne. 8 Date requested to be complete. SOLAR SPLASH is the World Championship of Solar/Electric boating and takes place in mid to late June each year. It is an international intercollegiate competition that takes place over five days. Technical Inspections are done on the first day, and the remainder of the time is occupied by five on-the-water competitive events. Points are earned in 7 categories starting with Technical reports that are submitted at the beginning of May. On- site competitions include Visual Displays and Workmanship. On-the-water events begin with a Sprint and a Maneuverability qualifier. This is followed by an event called the Solar Slalom, which is a combination of speed and maneuverability. The final days are spent in the Sprint and Endurance events. Over the years, SOLAR SPLASH has taken place in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, due to its central location and proximity to Marquette University, which hosted the event. In 2000 it moved to New Orleans to cater to southern interests, and then it moved to Buffalo, New York where the competition has been hosted for the past 5 years. The Buffalo site is excellent and within 500 miles of many of the participating schools. The local community strongly supports the Splash. SOLAR SPLASH is a practical educational experience, which helps to develop teamwork and inter-disciplinary skills. In recent years a few highly qualified High School teams have joined the Event as a natural educational path from secondary school to college. The Event combines the fun of competition with education in a way that is not a major disruption to the student's academic schedule. If Lake Fayetteville is selected as the host site for SOLAR SPLASH 2006, it is expected that upwards of 30 teams would compete including entries from both the SEC and Big 12 conferences. Due to Fayetteville's location and the University of Arkansas's involvement in the SEC it will be possible to generate a great deal of interest from the universities in Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Kansas, Tennessee, Alabama, and Kentucky as well as the other teams that normally attend this event. In addition to SOLAR SPLASH, it is hoped that one or more additional events could be scheduled to coincide with this activity and take place earlier in the week as a way of introducing the new facilities at Lake Fayetteville to the public. It is also possible that a successful event in 2006 could make it possible to act as the consecutive host for several years as has been the case in Buffalo. r F CUSON dRTEMILLE Fayetteville Economic Development Council DATE: March 7, 2005 TO: Parks and Recreation Advisory Board RE: "Solar Splash 2006" Our council would like to encourage you to support having Solar Splash 2006 in Fayetteville. We believe this event will be fun and educational for the entire family. From an economic development point of view, Fayetteville will benefit from the hotel room, food, gas, entertainment, and other expenditures that normally occur when teams and spectators come to town. However, the biggest bang for the buck will come from the national news coverage and the opportunity to highlight our community and University. Our goal is to be recognized as a research center of excellence and the home of many science and technology based businesses and jobs. Solar Splash 2006 will bring a lot of prestige to Fayetteville. Thanks for your support. Sincerely, Steven K. Rust President 1 W. Mountain, Suite 301 , PO Box 4156, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72702 — 479.442.8885 — Fax 479.442.580 I t Ito "9 R w I w $ � `. �p 4i I kill kilo l � PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD Meeting Minutes February 7, 2005 Opening : The regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board was called to order at 5 : 34 p . m . on February 7, 2005 in Room 219 of the City Administration Building located at 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas by Chairman Hill . Present : Parks and Recreation Advisory Board members Hill , Bailey, Mauritson , Harrison , Davidson , Langsner, and Pawlik Holmes ; City staff Jumper, Hatfield , Edmonston , Mihalevich , Weber, Whillock and Audience . 4. Solar Boat Race request-Dr. Alan Mantooth Wright introduced Dr. Mantooth and Dr. Springer from the University of Arkansas Engineering Department, Dr. Mantooth presented a proposal for a International Solar Boat Race . This event will host over 300 participants offering a substantial economic impact for the City of Fayetteville . The event runs for 5 days tentatively scheduled for mid to late June, 2006 . The race includes sprint racing and endurance racing . The boats are fueled by solar and battery power only . Hill stated his only concern was for the no-wake ordinance and hours of operation for Lake Fayetteville . The ordinance states that the lake will remain open to the general public which would conflict with the need to close the lake for a special event during the proposed period . Wright stated City Attorney Kit Williams suggested presenting an exemption to the ordinance to City Council for the solar boat race . Hill stated this event would require closure of the lake during the busy season . He asked what the deadline is for the application . Dr. Mantooth replied the event coordinator will conduct a site visit in February . Pawlik Holmes suggested tabling the proposal until the March meeting to give fishermen and other user groups the opportunity to respond to the request. Wright stated a rental fee should be determined according to anticipated revenue loss . According to a two year revenue comparison for Lake Fayetteville a possible fee would be $ 1600 if the event is scheduled in late June 2006 . Mauritson asked if there will be any activities available for the current users of Lake Fayetteville during the event. February 7, 2005 / 1 9 0 Dr. Mantooth replied that current users may be able to participate in the event by assisting with safety certifications, boat checks, and boating safety instruction . Davidson asked if tabling the proposal will cause a delay that would result in loss of consideration for the event to be held in Fayetteville . Dr. Mantooth replied that other lakes in the area are also under consideration for the event but that Lake Fayetteville, because of its surrounding amenities, is the desired location . Mauritson moved to table the proposal for the March Parks Board Meeting . Bailey seconded the motion . The motion was approved 7-0-0 with Hill, Mauritson, Bailey, Langsner, Davidson, Harrison, and Pawlik Holmes voting `yes' and Marley absent for the vote. February 7, 2005 / 2