HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 4654 ORDINANCE NO, 4 6 5 4 AN ORDINANCE WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS OF FORMAL COMPETITIVE BIDDING AND APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF TEN (10) HAND-HELD TOUCH-READ METER READING DEVICES WITH COMMUNICATION ACCESSORIES FROM SENSUS METERING SYSTEMS FOR THE METER OPERATIONS DIVISION IN THE AMOUNT OF $41,062.50. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 . That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby finds that the need for parts inventory minimization, training uniformity, equipment compatibility, and device interchangeability for metering and meter reading equipment constitutes an exceptional situation where competitive bidding is not feasible or practical, and waives the requirements of formal competitive bidding, and approves the purchase of ten (10) Hand-Held Touch-Read Meter Reading Devices with communication accessories from SENSUS Metering Systems for the Meter Operations Division in the amount of $41,062.50. PASSED and APPROVED this 21s' day of December 2004. APPROVED U; FAYETTEVILLE By: DAN GOODY, Mayor ATTEST: %9sS�:QKANSPVJ� By: �, SONDRA SMITH, City Jerk NAME OF FILE: Ordinance No. 4654 CROSS REFERENCE: Item # Date Document 1 11 /29/04 memo to mayor & City Council 2 draft ordinance 3 copy of Ord. No. 4696 4 copy of Sensus Metering Systems quotation 5 copy of purchase requisition, page 1 6 copy of purchase requisition, page 2 7 Staff Review Form 8 memo to Pam Henson 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 NOTES: TDyelzy :le City Council Meeting of December 21 , 2004 u14NRr CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO To: Mayor and City Council From: Greg Boettcher, Water/Wastewater Director Date: November 29, 2004 Subject: Ordinance authorizing a bid waiver for the purchase of specialized water and sewer equipment and materials including water metering systems and approval of the purchase of ten ( 10) hand-held touch-read water meter reading devices complete with communication accessories from SENSUS Metering Systems. RECOMMENDATION Fayetteville City Administration recommends approval of a bid waiver and the authorization of the purchase of ten ( 10) hand-held touch-read water meter reading devices complete with communcation accessories for $41 ,062.50 from SENSUS Metering Systems. BACKGROUND It is not feasible or practical for Fayetteville's Meter Reading Division to use a competive bidding procedure for the acquisiton of water metering and meter reading equipment as this represents an exceptional circumstance where standardization becomes a necessity. Factors that justify the use of a sole source supplier include minimization of parts inventories, uniformity of training, compatability of equipment and interchangability of devices. To allow competitive pricing to drive the city' s purchase of metering devices would result in false economies due to the secondary costs associated with utilization of multiple providers and the operational challenges of incompatable manufacturers. Water metering equipment was determined to represent an exceptional circumstance on April 6, 1993 when the City Council passed Ordinance No. 3696 waiving the competitive bidding for such specialized and unique equipment (copy attached). In order to secure firm pricing from SENSUS Metering Systems, annual quotations are secured for equipment and parts, this annual quotation being used for purchases during the calendar year. DISCUSSION The existing hand-held meter reading devices have been in active daily service for approximately 10 years. In addition to growing repair problems and reduced reliability, the devices are outdated with the current inventory being insufficient to provide spare units for personnel. The current devices will be exchanged for new units in accordance with the following pricing: 10 each RR4001 Hand Held Units ($3,562.50) $35,625.00 2 each Charging Racks (included in above) $ 0.00 1 each RR4002 Hand Held Units ($5,437.50) $ 5,437.50 TOTAL $41,062.50 BUDGETIMPACT The approval of the resolution will have no adverse budget impact; the Meter Operations Department's budget for 2004 included funds for the replacement of the hand-held meter reading devices. 0 0 ORDINANCE NO, AN ORDINANCE WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS OF FORMAL COMPETITIVE BIDDING AND APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF TEN (10) HAND-HELD TOUCH-READ METER READING DEVICES WITH COMMUNICATION ACCESSORIES FROM SENSUS METERING SYSTEMS FOR THE METER OPERATIONS DIVISION IN THE AMOUNT OF $41,062.50. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 . That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby finds that the need for parts inventory minimization, training uniformity, equipment compatibility, and device interchangeability for metering and meter reading equipment constitutes an exceptional situation where competitive bidding is not feasible or practical, and waives the requirements of formal competitive bidding, and approves the purchase of ten (10) Hand-Held Touch-Read Meter Reading Devices with communication accessories from SENSUS Metering Systems for the Meter Operations Division in the amount of $41,062.50. PASSED and APPROVED this 21st day of December 2004. x— j APPROVED: By: t a ` DAN COODY,1 Mayor ATTEST: l By: SONDRA SMITH, City Clerk•, 400)I ORDINANCE. • AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS OF • MPETITIVE BIDDING FOR PURCHASE OF • AND FITMNG.S. DUCTILE IRON IPE, WATER METERS, CLAY PIPE AND . FnMGSI BRASS WATER AND SEWER ITEMS, COPPER PIPE • ' FMINGs, PLASTIC • r • STRONG FrMNGS AND MS2A FORIWATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT,BE IT 1 ORDAINED E Crl7Y COUNCIL OF 1 OF FAYETTEVILLE, .!91 •U That theCouncil hereby waivesthe _/ 1 , •11..11• of c.ompctitivebidding for the purchase Of cast Iron pq)e and fittings, ductile 1 . 1 pipe, . pipe, 1 w IU . r , clay pipe 1 1 fittings, / . 1. 1 11 copper pifittings for the Water aWpe and fittings,��. and plastic / 1/ 1 / becauseSewer Department for the id r"pirements SM ZKK feasible r . 1 . Suppliersll reason -. 11 1 1 Y1 I . confirm Y I I U r .. one year period 1 . 1aforesaidItems are'priced • 1 shortII 71 If Section / . . / Compefitiye quotations;1 . .. 1• •' 1, shall . .. before 11 of 11 aforesaid materials are p=hased' Section 3, r. 11 couzicil hereby / rl = that /. Water and Sewa the ► _ . /11 . I City of Fayetteville is in immediate need • n . ate .nun . /. u. l n _ Y • 1above, /� „ 1 will continue • 1. . . 1said materials on periodicbasis, that /1 requirementsof competitive bidding f 1 • r r the Fudum of said. materish above; 1 1 that 11 passage1 • is undue I • necessary•' i / enable 11 11111 _ 11 11 and continuing 1 f 1 • I materialswithout 11 • cost, declared to exist AW this ordinaam being nec=ary for the public welfare shall be in full force and • • 11 and its passage I1 approval, PASSED AND APPROvED this611 ./,dl APPROVED: L✓ _ • HI ul . .. i 4ShAtomas, M . • • Page 7 SUS gU0TRT10N SeN METERING SYSTEMS Your Quote Number : 793 1301 Ardmore Badeverd US Dollar EN now Pftbur0h Pemsomis 16721 VSA TOLL FREE HOTLINE 14"ETER-R Line -0ecr0"SM"p ption Quantity U/M Unit Price 57 Part # : 5390753740601 I ER 603 . 750 RR4006 COMMUNICRTION/RUX CHRRGING STRND W/POWER RND COMMUNICRTION CRBLES 58 Part # : 5390753749001 1 ER 19087 . 500 RR4090 RUTOGUN RSSEMBLY GRRY 59 Part# : 5390733749001 1 ER . 000 RUTOGUN PITPROSE EXTENSION FOR RR4090 ONLY r/� 60 Part # : 5390773740101 1 ER 31562 . 500 — Wlc/7� ' UPGRRDE PROGRRM , UPGRRDE TO RR4001 HRND HELD DEVICE TOUCH RERD UNIT W/RLPHR NUMERIC KEYPRD RND HRND STRRP 61 Part # : 5390773740501 I ER . 000 UPGRRDE PROGRRM , UPGRRDE TO RR4005 COMMUNICRTION/MRSTER CHRRGING STRND W/POWER RND COMMUNICRTION CRBLE 62 ' Part # : 5390773740201 I ER 59437 . 500Ei- UPGRRDE PROGRRM , UPGRRDE TO RR4002 HRND HELD DEVICE RRDIO RERD UNIT W/RLPHRNUMERIC KEYPRD RND HRND STRRP N 63 ! -Part # : 5390773740507 1 ER . 000CwfT UPGRRDE PROGRRM , UPGRRDE TO RR4005 COMMUNICRTION/MRSTER CHRRGMG-STRND-W/P-OWER-RND --------- __---- -- ------- - COMMUNICRTION CRBLE 64 Part # : 5395490035001 1 ER 21 , 145 . 030 VEHICLE TRRNSCEIVER UNIT ( VXU ) W/COMPUTER RND VXU OPERRTING SOFTWRRE IN CRRRYING CRSE MODEL 3500 TNe Ouomdon Is m ortar to edl wMoh hrdudee erd Is adodtom 8a mMwwng arm Tomo of &" •va9eble for Nv4p end dorNoldlnp u hnpiikv".00*m=ffodfunTdov done.pdr Plem Cb = Ouemmer Suft Y 140048&7710 Lyon no usbte to*Coes *ie eb end ngdroa pMrd Coq of the Tom at 8" • • Page 7 OUOTRT 1 ON SeNSUS METERING SYSTEMS Your Quote Number : 793 1501 Ardmore 5oulevad US Dollar am Flo« PMgbwaa Pemaylva 15721 VSA TOLL FREE NOTUNE 1,W"ETER•R b "'t'° Line escrlption Quantity U/M Unit Price 57 Part # : 5390753740601 I ER 603 . 750 RR4006 COMMUNICRTION/RUX CHARGING STRND W/POWER AND COMMUNICATION CABLES 58 Part # : 5390753749001 1 ER l , OB7 . 500 RR4090 RUTOGUN ASSEMBLY GRAY 59 Part # : 5390733749001 1 ER . 000 1� RUTOGUN PITPROBE EXTENSION FOR RR4090 ONLY =RERD 73740101 1 ER 3 , 562 . 500 RM , UPGRADE TO HELD DEVICE TOUCH RLPHR NUMERIC AND STRAP 61 Part # : 5390773740501 l ER . 000 UPGRADE PROGRAM , UPGRADE TO , FIR4005 COMMUNICRTION/MRSTER CHARGING STAND W/POWER AND V COMMUNICATION CABLE 62 Part # : 5390773740201 1 ER 59437 . 500 UPGRADE PROGRAM , UPGRADE TO RR4002 HAND HELD DEVICE RRD10 READ UNIT W/ALPHANUMERIC KEYPAD AND HAND STRAP 63 Part # : 5390773740501 1 ER . 000 UPGRADE PROGRRM , UPGRADE TO RR4005 COMMUNICRTION/MRSTER CHRRGING—S-TRND_W/PCWER—RND ---- COMMUNICRTION CABLE 64 Part # : 5395490035001 1 ER 21 , 145 . 030 VEHICLE TRANSCEIVER UNIT ( VXU ) W/COMPUTER RND VXU OPERATING SOFTWARE IN CARRYING CASE MODEL 3500 TW OuMft N an dM b adl amoh Mdudw and b wj*d to M aaww MbuMG 8 dws 7bm of aria aa9aWa for N+4q and doNNaa ny at hl�!/..m.anwasoMpd4lenmm�daona.pol PWN oN11aC1 Cwl mN Gwvlde at 114WOW411 Cyou we weDle Eo NOW H5 ab and "ma piWW oW d1r Tmm of 8W • • Page .1 . S �/NSUS QUOTATION METERING SYSTEMS Your Quote Number : 793 Reference : ANNUAL Ism udwe Bouavaro am Floc PBb wO .Pemrylwiia 1=1 USA LOLL FREE NOTUNE 120"EMff Bill tot ustamer : 257234 Ship to Customer : 2 ATTENTION HARLAN HENSON 8 DON OSBUURN FAYETTEVILLE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE CITY OF ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 1475 WEST CATO SPRINGS RD 113 W MOUNTAIN ST FAYETTEVILLE RR 72701 USR FRYETTEVILLE RR 72701 Salesman : PARKER WILLIAM M Effective Date : 1 /01 /04 Terms : NET 30 DRYS Expiration Date : 12/31 /04 US Dollar Line Description Quantity U/M Unit Price I Part # : 5085696031016 1 ER 35 . 100 METER 5/8X3/4 " SR DR GALLON ROCKSYN CHRMBER , BRONZE BOTTOM BRONZE LID , BRONZE CRP5CREW5 Z Part # : 5085696561905R 1 ER 76 . 850 METER 5/8 X 3/4 " SR ECRWP 100 GALLON , 5 WHEEL 4R BLACK BOX , ROCKSYN CHAMBER BRONZE BOTTOM , BRONZE LID BRONZE CRPSCREWS W/25 ' WIRE , LESS/TOUCHPRD 3 Part # : 5080696031026 I ER 53 . 490 METER 3/4 " SR SHORT DR GALLON ROCKSYN CHRMBER , BRONZE BOTTOM BRONZE LID , BRONZE CRPSCREWS 7e5 " LL 4 Part # : 508083G031OZO 1 ER 91 . 210 METER I " SR DR GALLON ROCKSYN-CHR MB ER ,-BRONZE-BOTTOM_—_____ BRONZE LID , BRONZE CRPSCREWS 5 Part # : 50BIOSO031026 I ER 232 . 330 METER 1 - 1 /Z " SR DR GALLON FLANGED , ROCKSYN CHAMBER BRONZE LID , BRONZE CRPSCREWS M Ouoaaon w on oat m NO aabb kn%Wn ri Is ae}otb M emus ►tromp Bydme 7bmr of Bak aAlabloto vL+*q wd mardarfinp a MplMrgaruut.00iNpdL6emrmdsar.pol PMaeameaCUMW6Wft6t4-90P80 V40KyWpurob4baowbBrboftmdnQlnapM�tlaopy �bAnnrdBW _ c 0 c •. j rt all 22 00 g r: = m a n m � b o g O m o - I a n m m ' � a T O a o a y Py' y. . f a p0 43q b Xm m. d p a 6N v o a 0 � O m m � n 3 � e � m ! ! •"• I u . o m ! Z j yam` I I I p I I I finIlk ' st m a I y a o 0 m m � � o � o j , Z ' j \ t• Q La i o 0 T m � m. # n • City of Fayetteville • Staff Review Form City Council Agenda Items Contracts 21 -Dec-04 City Council Meeting Date Greg Boettcher Water and Wastewater Meter Operations Submitted By Division Department Action Required: Ordinance authorizing a bid waiver for the purchase of specialized water and sewer equipment and materials including water metering systems; and approval of the purchase of ten (10) hand-held touch-read water meter reading devices complete with communicaiton accessories from SENSUS Metering Systems. $41 ,062.50 $ 392,320.00 Water/Wastewater Cost of this request Category/Project Budget Program Category / Project Name 5400. 1840.5811 .00 $ 279,380.40 1 Meter Operations Account Number Funds Used to Date Program / Project Category Name 02065 $ 112,939.60 1 Water and Sewer Project Number Remaining Balance Fund Name Budgeted Item Budget Adjustment Attached Previous Ordinance or Resolution # Depa 'lent Director Date Original Contract Date: Original Contract Number: ' G � � Y City Attorney Da e Received, in/May is Office . ,O Chief Administrative Officer Date Received in City Clerk's Office D Mayor 5ate Comments: Taye V � 1City Clerk Division ARKANSAS 113 West Mountain Fayetteville, AR 72701 Telephone: (479) 575-8323 Fax: (479) 718-7695 city_�cierk@ci.fayetteville.ar.us DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE To: Pam Henson Administration From: Clarice Buffalohead-Pearmar City Clerk Division Date: January 7, 2005 Re: Ord. No. 4654 The City Council approved the above ordinance on December 21 , 2004. Attached is a copy of the ordinance and the original purchase requisitions. Greg Boettcher originated this request so I thought I'd return it to you and you would know what to do with it. Please forgive the inconvenience in the length of time in getting this back to you. If anything else is needed please let the clerk's office know. Thanks. /cbp attachments cc: Internal Auditor