HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 4556ORDINANCE NO. 4556 AN ORDINANCE REZONING THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN REZONING PETITION RZN 03-33.00 AS SUBMITTED BY JAMES MCCORD ON BEHALF OF DUNNERSTOCK DEVELOPMENT, INC. FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON RUPPLE ROAD NORTH OF WEDINGTON DRIVE FROM R-A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL TO RSF-4, RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY, FOUR UNITS PER ACRE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the zone classification of the following described property is hereby changed as follows: From R-A, Residential Agricultural to RSF-4, Residential Single - Family, 4 Units Per Acre as shown in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 2: That the official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, is hereby amended to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1 above. PASSED and APPROVED this 20°i day of April, 2004. 'FAYETTEVILLE; ATTEST: 'Owd;;,VGTON � 1F By: ONDRA SMITH, City Clerk By: DAN COODY, Doc ID: 007275480002 Tv REL Fee 05/21/20Dq et one; qn Was Amt• 511.00 Page 1 of 2 se te"OtOn CountyAR 0 Flle2004-,0019664 0 EXHIBIT "A" RZN 03-33,00 A PART OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW '/4) OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE '/4) OF SECTION TWELVE (12), TOWNSHIP SIXTEEN (16) NORTH, RANGE THIRTY-ONE (31) WEST, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID 40 ACRE TRACT; THENCE S00°25' 14"E ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID 40 ACRE TRACT 331.48 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, SAID POINT BEING IN RUPPLE ROAD AND FROM WHICH A %2" IRON REBAR REFERENCE IRON SET ON THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID ROAD BEARS N89058'50"W 22.68 FEET; THENCE S00°25' 14"E 607.93 FEET TO A POINT IN RUPPLE ROAD FROM WHICH A '/2" IRON REBAR REFERENCE IRON SET ON THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID ROAD BEARS S89011'3119W 25.77 FEET; THENCE LEAVING THE EAST LINE OF SAID 40 ACRE TRACT AND RUNNING ALONG AN EXISTING FENCE S89011'31"W 350.00 FEET TO A SET %2" IRON REBAR; THENCE S00°25' 14"E 257.72 FEET TO A SET %2" IRON REBAR; THENCE N89059100"W 39.39 FEET TO A SET '/2" IRON REBAR; THENCE S00050'387'W 123.76 FEET ALONG AN EXISTING FENCE TO A SET '/2" IRON REBAR ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID 40 ACRE TRACT; THENCE N89°59'00"W 503.85 FEET ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID 40 ACRE TRACT 503.85 FEET TO AN EXISTING IRON AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF WILLOW SPRINGS SUBDIVISION; THENCE N00°06'36"W 994.45 FEET ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION TO A SET %2" IRON REBAR; THENCE LEAVING THE EAST LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION S89058150"E 890.58 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 17.19 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, WASHINGTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS. THE ABOVE DESCRIBED 17.19 ACRE TRACT BEING SUBJECT TO THE RIGHT OF WAY OF RUPPLE ROAD ALONG THE ENTIRE EAST BOUNDARY. 0 Washington County, AR I certify this instrument was filed on 05/21/2004 08:18:27 AM and recorded in Real Estate File Number 2004-00019884 Bette Stamps - Circuit Clerk by 0 NAME OF FILE: Ordinance No. 4556 w/Ex. A CROSS REFERENCE: Item # Date Document 1 03/18/04 memo to mayor & city council 2 draft ordinance 3 03/01/04 memo to Planning Commission 4 copy of §161.07 5 copy of Close Up View 6 copy of One Mile View 7 copy of Future Land Use 8 03/24/04 Staff Review Form 9 04/23/04 memo to Dawn Warrick 10 05/04/04 AfdaPublication (published with errors) 11 05/06/04 Affidavit of Publication (republished) 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 NOTES: • CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO To: Mayor and City Council Thru: Tim Conklin, Community Planning and Engineering Services Director From: Dawn T. Warrick, AICP, Zoning and Development Administrator Date: March 18, 2004 Subject: Rezoning request for Dunnerstock (RZN 03-33.00) C >e.D City Councilteeting of April 06, 2004 y/w/1/i, Agenda Item Number Z%551e JU3�330 C4 it,JklapMa oCl RECOMMENDATION Planning Staff recommends approval of an ordinance rezoning approximately 17.19 acres of property from R-A, Residential Agricultural to RSF-4, Residential Single-family, 4 units per acre. BACKGROUND The subject property is 17.19 acres and located west of Rupple Road and north of Wedington Drive. It is adjacent to the city limits along its western boundary where it abuts the Willow Springs subdivision. The north, east, and south boundaries are not contiguous to the City limits. Although the tract of land will result in the creation of a peninsula, it is currently located within an island of County property and identified by the General Plan 2020 to be desirable for annexation into the City. Connectivity and off -site improvements will be evaluated at the time of development. Proposal: The applicant proposes to rezone the 17.19 acre tract in anticipation of the development of a single family residential subdivision. The requested zoning will provide for additional residential development at a maximum density of 4 units per acre. DISCUSSION The proposal to annex was tabled by the Planning Commission on November 24,,2003, pending results from the wastewater capacity analysis. A report from a system -wide wastewater study has been submitted and adequate capacity has been identified to serve this area for existing and proposed development. On March 8, 2004, the Planning Commission voted 9-0-0 to forward this item to the City Council with a recommendation for approval with an accompanying annexation request. BUDGETIMPACT None. 4e d1a 471 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE REZONING THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN REZONING PETITION RZN 03-33.00 AS SUBMITTED BY JAMES MCCORD ON BEHALF OF DUNNERSTOCK DEVELOPMENT, INC FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON RUPPLE ROAD NORTH OF WEDINGTON DRIVE FROM R-A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL TO RSF-4, RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY, FOUR UNITS PER ACRE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the zone classification of the'fMowing described property is hereby changed as follows From R-A, Residential Agriculturalto RSF=4, Residential Single -Family, 4 Units Per Acre as shown in Exhibit "A"attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 2. That the -official zoning map of the City.of Fayetteville, Arkansas, is hereby amended to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1 above. i PASSED AND APPROVED this / day of , 2004. APPROVED: By: DAN COODY, Mayor ATTEST: � By, Sondra Smith, City'Clerk y EXHIBIT "A" RZN 03-33.00 A PART OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW '/4) OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE '/4) OF SECTION TWELVE (12), TOWNSHIP SIXTEEN (16) NORTH, RANGE THIRTY-ONE (31) WEST, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID 40 ACRE TRACT; THENCE S00°25' 14"E ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID 40 ACRE TRACT 331.48 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, SAID POINT BEING IN RUPPLE ROAD AND FROM WHICH A ''/z" IRON REBAR REFERENCE IRON SET ON THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID ROAD BEARSAS8901113131W 25.77 FEET; THENCE LEAVING THE EAST LINE OF SAID 40 ACRE TRACT AND RUNNING ALONG AN EXISTING FENCE S89011131"W 350:00`FEET TO A,SET ''/z" IRON REBAR; THENCE S00°25' 14"E 257.72 FEET TO;A SET %z" IRON REBAR; THENCE N89059'00"W 39.39 FEET TO A SET %" IRON-REBAR; THENCE S00°50'38� W 123.76 FEET ALONG AN EXISTING FENCE TOP SET %" IRON REBAR ON THE/SOUTH LINE OF SAID 40 ACRE TRACT; THENCE N89°59'007W 503.85 FEET ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID 40 ACRE TRACT 503.85 FEET TO AN EXISTING IRON AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF WILLOW SPRINGS SUBDIVISION; THENCE N00006'3631W 994.45 FEET ALONG THE EAST LINE OF. SAID SUBDIVISION TO A SET %:" IRON REBAR; THENCE LEAVING THE EAST LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION S89058'50"E 890.58 FEET TO THE POINT OFBEGINNING, CONTAINING 17.19 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, WASHINGTON/COUNTY, ARKANSAS. THE ABOVE DESCRIBED 17.19 ACRE TRACT BEING SUBJECT TO THE RIGHT OF WAY OF RUPPLE ROAD ALONG THE ENTIRE EAST BOUNDARY. i I n L� FAYETTEVILLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS PC Meeting of March 08, 2004 125 W. Mountain St. Fayetteville, AR 72701 Telephone: (479) 575-8267 PLANNING DIVISION CORRESPONDENCE TO: Fayetteville Planning Commission FROM: Suzanne Morgan, Associate Planner THRU: Dawn Warrick, AICP, Zoning & Development Administrator DATE: March 1. 2004 RZN 03-33.00: Rezoning (Rankin/Rankin/Bowen, pp 400) was submitted by James McCord on behalf of Wilbur Maurice Rankin, Mary Ellen Rankin, Raymond Rankin and Susan Bowen for property located on Rupple Road, 0.5 miles north of Wedington Drive. The request is to rezone the property RSF-4, Residential Single-family, 4 units per acre. Planner: Suzanne Morgan RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the requested rezoning based on the findings herein. Date: March 04, 2004 CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Date: Anri1.06.2004 Required YES O Approved O Denied Required YES O Approved O Denied BACKGROUND: Please reference the associated ANX 03-06.00 staff report for additional background information. Property description: The subject property is 17.19 acres of vacant property located west of Rupple Road (a Minor Arterial) and north of Wedington Drive (a Principal Arterial). Rupple Road does not meet City street standards at this location. Single family residences are located to all cardinal directions from this property. The property is adjacent to the city limits along its western boundary where it abuts the Willow Springs subdivision from which connectivity will be provided to the west with the extension of Patrick Street, a local street on the Master Street Plan. A request for annexation and rezoning of this property was heard by the Planning Commission on November 24, 2003. At this time the Planning Commission tabled the request pending the completion and staff review of a system -wide wastewater capacity study for Fayetteville. A report from a system -wide wastewater study has been submitted and adequate capacity has been identified to serve this area for existing and proposed development (see attached). Proposal: The applicant would like to develop a single family residential subdivision. Request: The applicant is requesting the property be rezoned from R-A, Residential Agricultural, to RSF-4, Residential Single Family, 4 dwelling units per acre, should the preceding Annexation request be approved. When property is annexed into the City, it is annexed as R-A, Residential Agricultural. If annexation request ANX 03-05.00 is recommended for approval to City Council, the applicant would like to rezone the 17.19 acres to RSF-4, Residential Single -Family, 4 units per acre. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the rezoning request based on the information provided from the wastewater capacity study and the findings included in the staff report. Future development on this site will be regulated by the City to ensure adequate services, infrastructure, connectivity and consistent development within the surrounding area. SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: Direction Land Use Zoning North Single-family Planning Area South Single-family Planning Area East Single-family Planning Area West Single-family (Willow Springs Subdivision RT-12, Residential Two and Three-family INFRASTRUCTURE: Streets: Rupple Road, which is where the development will be accessed from the east, is a paved roadway with no curb and gutter or storm drainage. Street improvements will be recommended to widen Rupple Rd. to current City standards along the project frontage. A traffic signal is currently proposed by the City for the intersection of Rupple Road and Wedington Dr. AHTD has approved the installation of the signal, and plans are currently underway to install the signal. Surrounding Master Street Plan Streets: North: Mount Comfort Rd. (Minor Arterial); approximately 0.6 miles South: Wedington Dr. (Principal Arterial); approximately 0.3 miles East: Patrick St. (Local) West: Rupple Rd. (Minor Arterial) Water: The property currently has access to a 6" water line along Rupple Road and an 8" water line at Patrick Street. An extension of the water main will be required to provide water supply within any development on this property and creating a loop between Patrick and Rupple. Sewer: The site currently has access to 8" sewer mains in the adjacent subdivisions. Sewer will need to be extended within the development. Fire: The subject property is located 0.7 miles from the future Fire Station #7. Normal driving time is 1 min. 2 seconds. Police: It is the opinion of the Fayetteville Police Department that this annexation and rezoning will not substantially alter the population density and thereby undesirably increase the load on police services or create and appreciable increase in traffic danger and congestion in the area. LAND USE PLAN: General Plan 2020 designates this site Residential. Rezoning this property to RSF-4 is consistent with the land use plan and compatible with surrounding land uses in the area. FINDINGS OF THE STAFF 1. A determination of the degree to which the proposed zoning is consistent with land use planning objectives, principles, and policies and with land use and zoning plans. Finding: The proposed zoning for a Single Family residential subdivision is compatible with the adjacent land use to the west. The proposed density of four units per acre is less than the property to the west zoned RT-12, Two and Three-family, at 12 units per acre. Adjacent property to the north, south, and east are within the Planning Area utilized for single family residential and agricultural uses. The general plan designates this area for residential uses, which is compatible with the proposed RSF-4 zoning. Access and provision of adequate services must be considered as this site is at the outskirts of the city and located on streets which need improvement. 2. A determination of whether the proposed zoning is justified and/or needed at the time the rezoning is proposed. Finding: The proposed zoning is justified in order to promote orderly and consistent development patterns making use of existing infrastructure. A higher density than the R-A zoning district allows for development of a subdivision with density appropriate in this area, and would provide compatibility with the adjoining development. In order to develop a residential subdivision on this property in a manner that is consistent with the future land use plan, a residential zoning district is needed. r� u 3. A determination as to whether the proposed zoning would create or appreciably increase traffic danger and congestion. Finding: The proposed zoning will provide additional traffic on Rupple Road, Wedington Drive, extension of Patrick Street and other streets in the area Off -site improvements would likely be necessary in order to provide safe access to this site. 4. A determination as to whether the proposed zoning would alter the population density and thereby undesirably increase the load on public services including schools, water, and sewer facilities. Finding: The proposed zoning would increase population density. The 17.19 acre tract under an R-A, Residential Agricultural designation would allow for a maximum of 8 dwelling units (1 per 2 acres). With the proposed RSF-4 designation, 68 dwelling units would be permitted. This increases the possible number of residential units substantially, but is consistent with land use and zoning in the immediate vicinity. Engineering - Rupple Road, which is where the development will be accessed from to the east, is a paved roadway with no curb and gutter or storm drainage. Street improvements will be recommended to widen Rupple to current City standards along the project frontage. A traffic signal is currently proposed by the City for the intersection of Rupple Road and Wedington. AHTD has approved the installation of the signal, and the plans are currently underway to install the signal. The property currently has access to a 6" water line along Rupple Road and an 8" water line at Patrick Street. An extension of the water main will be required to provide water supply within any development on this property and creating a loop between Patrick and Rupple. The site currently has access to 8" sewer mains in the adjacent subdivisions. Sewer will need to be extended within the development. Fire - The subject property is located 0.7 miles from the future Fire Station #7. Normal driving time is 1 min. 2 seconds. Po/ice - It is the opinion of the Fayetteville Police Department that this annexation and rezoning will not substantially alter the population density and thereby undesirably increase the load on police services or create and appreciable increase in traffic danger and congestion in the area. 5. If there are reasons why the proposed zoning should not be approved in view of considerations under b (1) through (4) above, a determination as to whether the proposed • zoning is justified and/or necessitated by peculiar circumstances such as: a. It would be impractical to use the land for any of the uses permitted under its existing zoning classifications; b. There are extenuating circumstances which justify the rezoning even though there are reasons under b (1) through (4) above why the proposed zoning is not desirable. Finding: N/A 161.07 District RSF4, Residential Single - Family — Four Units Per Acre (A) Purpose. The RS174 Residential District is designed to permit and encourage the development of low density detached dwellings in suitable environments, as well as to protect existing development of these types. (B) Uses. (1) Permitted uses. Unit 1 Cle uses by right Unit 8 1 Single-family dwelling (2) Conditional uses. Unit 2 Ci -wide uses by conditional use permit Unit 3 Public protection and utility facilities Unit 4 Cultural and recreational facilities Unit Two-family dwellings Unit 24 Home occupations Unit 36 Wireless communications facilities (C) Density. Single-family dwellings Two-family dwellinels 11 Unitsperacre 4 or less 7 or less (D) Bulk and area regulations. Single-family dwellings Two-family dwellings Lot minimum width 70 ft. 80 ft. Lot area minimum 8,000 sq. ft. 12,060 sq. ft. Land area per dwellin unit 8,000 sq. ft. 6,000 sq. ft. - (E) Setback requirements. Front Side Rear 26 ft. 8 ft. 20 ft. (F) Height. None. (G) Building area. On any lot the area occupied by all buildings shall not exceed 40% of the total area of such lot. (Code 1991, § 160.031;Ord. No. 4100, §2 (Ex. A), 6-16-98; Ord. No. 4178, 8 31-99) NA\ � I :l I � IM ILI A ► I AL I ►I II :i• RZN03-33.00 RAN KI N/ RAN KI N/ BOWEN One Mile View —lSG 1" li—I�Ikik-H�I{�ttiN�r'14I�1' I: IrntAl IINNNNINNNNNINNI0I NNSl�i INHNNINiII I lE�r RSFi ' P1 y� V j�RW4: R4 ? {Q� IRSF4 I v. RSll4 . I-V IY` 1�� f�iRSF. ILW'I-U"IAIITi#Jim 11� r n;°xirc R-- IOove ST11�L'L11J,'�li—,^'n{i�� F Lj '.Rrlt�xc�=- J z$ at SUBJECT PROPERTY LI nLl �{RTCi I�IRi RSF4 �-- ���} LLL 1jF :..1 I RAfr-21 - I 'Rr_ � 7�2-`RTH2T�1 1 12 RFk L�pi"RWTI-11 T I2I��C-��F�II�r2uRT- 14RA asF4rW1 24{T� RA ll��2�i_'RrMF 21 RMF=1�1 -0R-0 I R-0 I Li ,III i I- - f c1 ct a.O I I c-1' i i i IC-1 a-0�R-0I utl ct 1G11 - I -- 1 R A I r__— �� 1�Y 12 '-\1� G1 A R-0 A —_ R IR�12 L ft—L _—_L. RSFI jl I�ItI I C-�RSWvSri�.�lAf it--- — I-i RT.12' RSF4 P j RA .���dSt�Fa�A-'slf I PCRsr . tl�t�`5t'�r :� ' 'fNtNfiI.Ni1N I ' R-A K � 1 Overview Legend ---.-, Ir Subject Property Boundary Master Street Plan _ RZN03,33.00 0"%.e Planning Areaij0000ni 'p i FreexaylFxpressway Streets 0 6Overlay District q'M Pr'ndpal Merin 404%� Mmor Arterial Existing L _ 1 City Limits , calwor JI%Plannetl Outside City •��� Hiebrk C011erAa r� 11 0 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0. files G2 1S4 R-A G2 n U RFutuvreLan �0 RAN KI N/ RAN KI N/ BOWE N j �r t a RMF�14T® �® iY } .,tr'1 .1 iMR1SHH?DR �� 1:®- FP RMF24 ■J �'®y�:1��i �I�����: f�. WF.24 0rnj_* .. :..................:: R-A MF24 RFC �I I �i .... i Overview Legend Boundary Subject Property ffE RZN0333.00 �Planning Area Master Street Plan d� 000 o °oo. Overlay Distrito ReV Freeway/Expressway Streets . L I City Limits �rO Principal Arterial �._. Existing _ Outside City A v Minor Arterial i Planned 40 i Collector **%* Historic Collector 0 200 400 _ 800 1,200 1,600 Feet STAFF MEW FORM - NON -FINANCIAL OBLIGATION x AGENDA REQUEST For the Fayetteville City Council Meeting of: FROM Dawn Warrick Name Planning Division ACTION REQUIRED: Ordinance approval. SUMMARY EXPLANATION: 652004 CP&E Department RZN 03-33.00: Rezoning (Dunnerstock Development, pp 400) was submitted by James McCord on behalf of Dunnerstock Development for property located on Rupple Road north of Wedington Drive containing approximately 17.19 acres. The request is to approve an ordinance rezoning the newly annexed property from R-A, Residential Agricultural to RSF-4, Residential Single Family, four units per acre. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Department Director Finance & Internal Services Dir. Approval. 42 Received in Mayor's Office 3 A 21b� ate Date 3/22/d if Date Date Cross Reference: Previous Ord/Res#: Date Orig. Contract Date: al_"r Date 3/ Data Orig. Contract Number: New Item: Yes No FAYETTEV?LLE 101 THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE To: Dawn Warrick Planning Division �Q From: Clarice Buffalohead-Pearman l9r City Clerk Division Date: April 23, 2004 Re: Ordinance No. 4566 Attached is a copy of the above ordinance passed by the City Council April 20, 2004, authorizing rezoning, RZN 03-33.00, property located on Rupple Road north of Wedington Drive owned by Dunnerstock Development, Inc. This ordinance with attachments will be recorded in the city clerk's office and microfilmed. If anything else is needed please let the clerk's office know. /cbp attachments bi AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION I, , do solemnly swear that I am LegcIl Clerk of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Northwest Arkansas Times newspaper, printed and published in Lowell, Arkansas, and that from my own personal knowledge and reference to the files of said publication, that advertisement of: L� was inserted in the regular editions on PO# 0 o ** Publication Charge: $ Subscribed and sworn to before me this _ - day of A.y , 2004. My Commission Expires: 07 do ** Please do not pay from Affidavit. An invoice will be sent. Official Seal SEAN-MICHAEL ARGO Notary Public -Arkansas WASHINGTON COUNTY i My Commission Expires 07-25.2013 RECEIVED MAY 0 5 2004 C11Y OF FAYETrEVILLE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE 212 NORTH EAST AVENUE • P.O. BOX 1607 • FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 72702 • (501) 442-1700 ' MIDINANCe NO. IDES _ AN ORDNJANC&&��FF�OO�,,�{{��SS��THAI PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN RQONING PES�INDYN�1-33?DO/CS'SUEMIfiED BYQAMES MCCOPD ON SEHAIF OF DUNNERSTOCK DEVELOPMENT; INC. FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON RUFFLE ROAD NORTH OF WEDINGTON DAME FROM R-A, RESIDENTIAL AGPICULTURAL of&nov& TO RSF-4. BESQSMA- SINGLE FAMILY FOUR UNITS PER ACRE J on R oM w BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYNTTN111LLN, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That iM zone uisvlramm a Ifa talovhg deeabee prop" IS hereby swiped ea fplma: Fm R.A. ResdWW AWJouft aal to RSF.4, Ra Wmikl Elrgl -Fan*. 4 Ur* a Par Acre a &town h Eeibl'A' altaYeo hereto artl'maoe a part hereof. Section 2: That 111e oRloal zming map of Ye City of FeyettaAle, ArWroee, Is teeby anattlatl to relent t zorR19 cww prv+irtetl n Ss6on 1 abo+a. PASSED xr0 AFFIIOY[D this 20th oay of April, 2004. APPROVED: By DAN COODY, Marx ATTEST: By; SONDRA tMITIIr Cft Clark EXHIBT'A' RZN 03-33.00 A PART OF THE NORTHWEST OUARTER (NW ) OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE J OF SECTION TWELVE (12). TOWNSHIP. SIXTEEN (16) NORTH, RANGE THIRTY-ONE (31) WEST, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED:AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OFSAID 40 ACRE TRACT, THENCE $0725'14"E ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID 40 ACRE TRACT 331.48 FEET TO THE TRUE POW OF BEGINNING, SAID POINT BEING IN AUPPLE ROAD AND FROM WHICHA*IRON REBAR REFERENCE IRON SET ON THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY UNE OFSAID ROAD BEARS S89911'31 W 25.77 FEET; THENCE LEAVING THE EAST UNE OF SAID 40 ACRE TRACT AND RUNNING ALONG AN EXISTING FENCE S89.11'31 W 35000 FEET TO A SET _ IRON REBAR; THENCE S00° 5114'E 257.72 FEET TO A SET _ IRON REBAR; THENCE N89959'0('W 39.39 FEET TO A SET ' IRON REBAA: THENCE 300060'38W 123.76 FEET ALONG AN EXISr)NG FENCE TO A SET _-IRON REBAR ON'IHE SOLY-H UNEOFSAID 40ACRETRACT, THENCE N89°59'00W 503.85 FEET ALONG THE SOUTH UNE OF SAID 40ACRE TRACT 503.85 FEET TO AN EXISTING IRON AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF WILLOW SPRINGS'SUBONISION; THENCE NW06'36W 994.45 FEET ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID SUSDMSION TO A SET _ IRON REBAR; THENCE LEAVING THE EAST LINE OF SAID SUBDMSION S89668'6WE BT0.58 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEG"ANIG, 17.19 ACRES. MORE OR LESS, WASHIJGTON COUNTY, AWANSAS. THE ABOVE DESC �9 ACBE TRACT BEING SUBJECT TO THE RIGHT OF WAY OF RUPPLE ROAD ALONG r EAST BOUNDARY `O AAawas Demomt 7W(f)aziette AFFIDAVAT OF PUBLICATION do solemnly swear that I am Leg4l Clerk of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Northwest Arkansas Times newspaper, printed and published in Lowell, Arkansas, and that from my own personal knowledge and reference to the files of said publication, that advertisement of: was inserted in the regular editions on 47 PO# ** Publication Charge: $ / W, Subscribed and sworn to before me this oc day of Arty 2004. Notary Public My Commission Expires: o7/dolol? " Please do not pay from Affidavit. An invoice will be sent. '— Official seal SEAN-MICHAEL ARGO Notary Public -Arkansas WASHINGTON COUNTY My Commission ExpirGO 7-2� 5 2� 01,3„ RECEIVED MAY n 7 2004 212 NORTH EAST AVENUE • P.O. BOX 1607 • FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 72702 0 (501) 442-1700 0ODOUMC6 NO. 45" THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN REZONING fI�PZN -.Dp AS BUBMfETED 01'JAMES _y EF1gLF OF DVNNERSTpLF DEVELOPMENT,_l lwv��O :mv LOCATED ONR IP AROAOICULTURA-f�i`N, V� �`i II I�'. - -.- L SINGLE r�m2,. _ aSF-4. RESIOENBA fa ' `!r E - OP'"W"WM R OppypiD BY THS ORY cou"cl* O! TNY CRY dWabod PrWooY u bole GtanB� es AW Lion �: That VIe zme do ry l oo of-" folo+ * q units Per cha+nl l0 PSF-41 e0 $k101aEaY.. rn R-A. Resldentid t of 8 a Part �� ^ - � refl 1w K eRactree here p as.I%hBreby . a5 o""eva�inSectW% e1 ' �pppW[D tiro 2M Co, of Ayr®. 2004• � Ww THE iel pWIBR •A• FaN 03-33.00 ._ . ,.... A RECEIVED MAY 0 7 2004 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE