HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 4545 ORDINANCE NO. 4545 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE (UDC), CHAPTER 166: DEVELOPMENT, CODE OF FAYETTEVILLE TO EXEMPT LOTS DEDICATED AS PARK LAND FROM THE BULK/ AREA REQUIREMENTS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 . That the following language be inserted at §166.03(K)(4), with subsequent sections to be renumbered accordingly: (4) Zoning Requirements. Lots created for the purpose of park land dedication shall not be required to meet the standards for lot size, bulk and area within any zoning district. PASSED and APPROVED this 1711, day of February 2004. APPROV By: D COODY, ayor ATTEST: (� By: (1vJJLI SO DRA SMITH, City Clerk 'fir �� 0 0 NAME OF FILE: Ordinance No. 4545 CROSS REFERENCE: Item # Date Document 1 01/30/04 memo to mayor & city council 2 draft ordinance 3 01 /26/04 memo to Planning Commission 4 01 /21/04 memo to Planning Commission 5 02/03/04 Staff Review Form 6 02/09/04 memo to Dawn Warrick 7 03/01 /04 Affidavit of Publication NOTES: City Council Meting of February 17, 2004pr Agenda Item Number CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO To: Mayor and City Council Thru: Tim Conklin, Community Planning and Engineering Services Director From: Dawn T. Warrick, AICP, Zoning and Development Administrator Date: January 30, 2004 Subject: Administrative Item for Park Land Zoning Exemption (ADM 04-05 .00) RECOMMENDATION Planning Staff recommends approval of an ordinance amending the Unified Development Code to exempt lots created for the purposes of park land dedication from meeting the bulk and area requirements of the zoning ordinance. BACKGROUND Park land that is currently dedicated to the City of Fayetteville to meet development criteria is required to meet the bulk and area requirements of Ch. 161 : Zoning Regulations. Oftentimes the tracts found desirable by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board do not have adequate frontage onto an improved street with sufficient right-of- way, nor do they meet the requirements for development within each respective zoning district. The result is a variance request from the Board of Adjustment or a Conditional Use request for a tandem lot from Planning Commission. It is the intent of the proposed ordinance amendment to allow for the legal creation of these desirable park land tracts by exempting said tracts from the bulk and area requirements of the zoning ordinance. DISCUSSION The Planning Commission voted 8-0 in favor of this request on Monday, January 26, 2004. BUDGETIMPACT None. 1 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE (UDC), CHAPTER 166: DEVELOPMENT, CODE OF FAYETTEVILLE TO EXEMPT LOTS DEDICATED AS PARK LAND FROM THE BULK/ AREA REQUIREMENTS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 . That the following language be inserted at §166.03(x)(4), with subsequent sections to be renumbered accordingly: (4) Zoning Requirements. Lots created for the purpose f ark ° nd dedication shall not be required to meet the standad o size, bulk and area within any zoning district. PASSED and APPROVED this 17th day of Fbruary 2004 RO ED: B DANCOO Mayor ATT( ST: By: rJDNDR : ' MI= - ity Clerk y • • FAYEITEVIL LE MEMORANDUM Date: January 26, 2004 To: City of Fayetteville Planning Commission Thru: Connie Edmonton, Parks and Recreation Director From: Rebecca Ohman, Park Planner Subject: Amendments to the Park Land Dedication Ordinance Parks and Recreation Staff maintains as a guiding principle for park land and trail corridor acquisition to meet the needs of the natural environment and surrounding communities. In our review, these lands are often located along stream and river corridors, wetlands, and areas that provide valuable connections between neighborhoods. We have found these sites rarely configure to the dimensions of a typical lot, thus justifying Parks and Recreation's request to amend the Unified Development Code (ULC), Ch. 166: Development. We believe this amendment will assist in acquiring lands that complete our trail corridors and provide appropriate park land for our community in the most efficient manner. Therefore, Parks and Recreation Staff concurs with the proposed amendment to exempt lots dedicated as park land from the bulk/area requirements to the zoning ordinance. City of Fayetteville PARKS AND RECREATION DIVISION 113 W. Mountain Street Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 Telephone: 479444-3472 Email: rohman&i.fayetteville.anus FAYETTEVILLE PC Meeting of January 26, 2004 THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 125 W. Mountain St. Fayetteville, AR 72701 Telephone: (479) 575-8267 PLANNING DIVISION CORRESPONDENCE TO: Fayetteville Planning Commission FROM: Jeremy Pate, Associate Planner THRU: Dawn Warrick, A.I.C.P., Zoning & Development Administrator DATE: January 21 , 2004 ADM 04-05.00: Administrative (Park Land Zoning Exemption) was submitted by the Fayetteville Planning Division requesting an ordinance amendment to the Unified Development Code (UDC), Ch. 166: Development, to exempt lots dedicated as park land from the bulk/area requirements of the zoning ordinance. Planner: Jeremy Pate RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Planning Commission forward the ordinance amendment to Chapter 166 with a recommendation of approval for adoption by the City Council. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Required YES O Approved O Denied Date: January 26, 2004 CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Required YES O Approved O Denied Date: February 17, 2004 BACKGROUND Pursuant to § 166.03 (k), a developer is required to dedicate land or money-in-lieu of land, as recommended by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and approved by Planning Commission, in order to fulfill the requirements of the Park land dedication ordinance. Currently those parcels of land recommended by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and Parks Staff to be valuable within the City of Fayetteville Parks Master Plan and/or Alternative Trails and Transportation Plan are required to meet the bulk and area requirements of the zoning district in which they are located. The intent for dedication of said land is for parks and recreation purposes, and does not allow for construction of additional dwelling units, businesses, etc. In many cases, park land dedication is along tributaries and creeks within the City of Fayetteville, thereby preserving valuable tree canopy, stream corridors and wildlife habitat, or in areas where frontage onto a street and/or right-of-way would be intrusive as an element of a trail system, greenway corridor or parkland. In other cases, land recommended for park land or trail. corridors is situated behind existin*d/or proposed lots, and the bulk and area requirements of each respective zoning district can not be met without processing variance requests from the Board of Adjustment or obtaining Planning Commission approval for a Tandem Lot. It is the intent of the proposed ordinance amendment to allow for park land tracts to be legally created by exempting them from meeting the bulk and area requirements in any zoning district. Appropriate access to park land shall be determined with each development proposal. The current park land dedication ordinance reads as follows, with the proposed amendment underlined: 166.03 Required On-Site Improvements — Subdivisions In City Limits (K) Park land dedication. Commission shall determine if the developer will dedicate land or ( 1 ) Subdivision. contribute money in lieu of dedication. No land dedication will (a) Dedication orfee-in lieu When a be accepted as a public park unless it proposed subdivision does not provide is determined by the Planning an area or areas for a public park Commission, after consultation with based on the Fayetteville Parks and the Parks and Recreation Advisory Recreation Plan, the developer shall Board, that the physical characteristics be required to make a reasonable of the site, and its surroundings make dedication of land for public park the site suitable for park purposes and facilities, or to make a reasonable the proposed dedication is consistent equivalent contribution in lieu of with the Fayetteville Parks and dedication of land, such contribution Recreation Plan. to be used for the acquisition and development of park land that serves (e) Approval. The Planning the subdivision or development. Commission's decision must be incorporated into the developer's (b) Parks and Recreation Advisory preliminary plat or large scale Board. Prior to the submittal of a development plan prior to plat or plan preliminary plat or large scale approval. development plan, the developer shall submit to the Parks and Recreation (f) Dedication ratios. Land shall be Advisory Board a concept plat or dedicated at a ratio of .024 acre of plan. land for each single-family dwelling unit, .017 acre of land for each multi- (c) Planning Commission. The family dwelling unit, and .024 acre of developer and the Parks and land for each mobile home dwelling Recreation Advisory Board shall unitpermitted underZoning, Chapters make a joint recommendation to the 160- 165. Planning Commission as to the land dedication or contribution in lieu of (g) Fee-in-lieu formulas. A dedication. In the event that they are contribution in lieu of land dedication unable to agree, the developer and shall be made according to the advisory board shall make separate following formula: recommendations to the Planning Commission who shall determine the $555 for each single-family unit, issue. $393 for each multi-family unit, and (d) Decision. The Planning $555 for each manufactured home unit • actual d•ty is less than the density used as the basis for the developer's permitted under the City's zoning contribution; provided, no refund shall be regulations. The Parks Department made unless application therefore is made shall review the contribution formula in writingto the Zoning and Development every two (2) years and make Administrator within one year from the recommendations to the City Council date of final plat approval. In the event following such review. actual density is more than the density used as the basis for a dedication of land (h) Less than maximum density. If or case contribution the developer must the developer legally restricts the make an additional land dedication or number of dwelling units to be contribution in lieu of dedication. constructed to less than the maximum density permitted by zoning, Chapters (3) Applicability. The requirements of this 160 through 165, required land subsection shall apply to lot splits, replats dedication or cash contribution in lieu of subdivisions and large scale thereof shall be based upon actual developments; provided, said density. requirements shall not apply to a lot split or replat which does not create one or (i) Dedication in excess. If a more vacant lots on which a structure developer dedicates park land which could be erected under the city's zoning exceeds the requirement of this regulations. subsection, the Planning Commission may grant the developer a credit (4) Zomne:Requmements. Lots created -for S equivalent to said excess. Said credit the purpose of park:dand dedicationjshall shall be applied toward the n to be r red to meet the standards^for developer's obligation under this lot size, `bulk add "area within any zoning subsection for any subsequent district. development located in the same park quadrant. (5) Fee-in-lieu allocation. All money received under this subsection shall be (2) Timing ofdedicationand/orcontribution. deposited in an interest bearing account. All dedications of land must be made Said money together with the interest, before final plat approval or large scale shall be expended within three calendar development approval. A final plat shall years of the last date of the calendar year not be released for recordation until the in which it was received for the deed for a land dedication is received. acquisition and development of park land Deeded land is dedicated public park land that services the subdivision for which a and not subject to any right of reversion or contribution in lieu of dedication has been refund. A cash contribution in lieu of made. If said money has not been required land development shall be expended within the three-year period, payable within 30 days of final plat said money, together with the interest approval or large scale development thereon, shall be refunded to the developer approval. With the approval of the who made the contribution. Planning Commission a developer may pay such contribution in three equal (6) Exemption. The requirements of this installments to be paid in full within one subsection shall not apply to any year of final plat approval. If a developer development where the subdivision plat makes a cash contribution in lieu of land was filed of record after September 12, dedication, the developer shall be entitled 1960, and before January 20, 1981 . to a pro rata refund, together with the accrued interest therefrom, in the event (7) Major development. • (c) 'P -in-lieu. The developer does (a) Process. In addition to the not have the discretion to pay a cash procedure provided herein and other contribution in lieu of the dedication requirements found in the Code of of land for the establishment of this Fayetteville, a developer of a major neighborhood or subdivision park. development shall include on his/her However, if the Parks and concept plan, preliminary plat and Recreational Advisory Board final plat a proposed neighborhood or determines that a neighborhood park subdivision park in which the required is not feasible or advisable, it may dedication of land for public park recommend to the City Council that a facilities pursuant to (K)( 1 ) through cash contribution pursuant to Mb above has been incorporated. The ordinance be accepted in lieu of land plat with the neighborhood or dedication. The City Council will subdivision park shall be submitted to either accept the recommendation for the Parks and Recreation Advisory a cash contribution or return the Board for its approval. The approval subdivision plat to the Parks and shall then be included in all plats Recreation Advisory Board with presented to the Planning instructions or for further study. Commission. Any modification by the Planning Commission of the (d) Coordination with adjacent subdivision or neighborhood park properties. When it appears to the shall be referred back to the Parks and Planning Commission that one or Recreation Advisory Board for its more adjoining subdivisions or large approval. scale developments are being developed, planned, or in the near (b) Requirements. The Parks and future will probably be developed so Recreation Advisory Board shall that the total area or housing units ensure that the neighborhood park meet the requirements of a major meets these requirements. development, the Planning Commission may notify the (i) The physical characteristics of the owners/developers that their designated land are suitable for subdivision or developments shall be park purposes. considered a major development and require coordination among the (ii) The proposed park areas and any owners/ developers to develop a included recreational facilities are neighborhood park pursuant to this sufficient to adequately serve the section. residents of the development/ neighborhood. (Code 1965, App. C., Ari. III, §A(I); Ord. No. 2695, 1-20-8 1 ; Ord. No. 3080, 4-2-85: Ord. No. 3201, 8-536: Ord. No. 3315, 11-1737; Code 1991, §§ 159.05, 159.30L; Ord. No. 3578, 11-19-91 ; Ord. No. (iii) Adequate sidewalks, trails, and/or 3615, § 1 , 6-2-92; Ord. No. 3738, § 1, 11-16-93;Ord. No. 3793, § 1 , 5- bikewaysshall provide access for 17-94; Ord. No. 3797, §1 , 5-17-94; Ord. No. 4068, §1 , 11-0-97; Ord. all residents of the subdivision/ No. 4100, §2 (8x. A), 6-16-98; Ord. No. 4199, 11-2-99; Ord. neighborhood to the park, but no No.4454, 01 -07-03 vehicle parking shall be required. Cross rererenee(s)—varlaoce, Ch. 156; Appeals, Ch. 155; Bonds and Guarantees, Ch. 158. STAFF WEW FORM - NON-FINANCIAL OVIGATION x AgNDA REQUEST For the Fayetteville City Council Meeting of: February 17, 2004 FROM : Dawn Warrick Planning CP&E Name Division Department ACTION REQUIRED: Ordinance approval. SUMMARY EXPLANATION: ADM 04-05.00: To amend the Unified Development Code Chapter 166: Development, exempting lots dedicated as park land from the bulk and area requirements of the zoning ordinance. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval. ,I(&,. , J `7ifiQ�.c�tL� Received in Mayor's Office Division Head Date Date J� City Attome Date ��� /—Sa-o Cross Reference: Department Director Date Previous Ord/Res#: 2 - 1 - I'x mance & Internal Services Dir. Date Orig. Contract Date: �N Gam[ Orig. Contract Number: Chief dmimstr tive Officer Date New Item: Yes No Mayor THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE To: Dawn Warrick Planning Division From: Clarice Buffalohead-Pearman City Clerk Division Date: February 9, 2004 Re: Ordinance No. 4545 Attached is an executed copy of the above ordinance passed by the City Council, February 17, 2004, amending Chapter 166: Development, allowing the city to exempt lots dedicated as park land from bulk/area requirements of the zoning ordinance. This ordinance will be recorded in the city clerk's office and microfilm. The ordinance will be updated in the Code of Fayetteville after the appropriate time has run and it has been published in a paper of general circulation, as well. Attachment(s) cc: Nancy Smith, Internal Auditor NORTHWEST ARKANSA*EDITION A ansas Democrat IV Gazette AF FI AVIT OF PUBLICATION I , do solemnly swear that I am Leg I Clerk of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Northwest Arkansas Times newspaper, printed and published in Lowell , Arkansas, and that from my own personal knowledge and reference to the files of said publication , that advertisement of: was inserted in the regular editions on PO# * Publication Charge: $ Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 1IC[ CCk 2004. p RECEIVED MAR 0 5 2004 Notary Public WNM^�EOFFICE My Commission Expires: 0/25` �b -ORDNIANCE NO. 4W " Please do not pay from Affidavit. C,A „TMDEVaDPINIM OWE OF °EOPMEla M5TEMLL C TO DEMPr LOTS DEDICATED AS PARK LAPID An invoice will be sent. FROM THEESULWAREA REQUIREMENTS 0ORMAM R 'T1/E '26Nxgc' of 1S R0116AINSD SY 111• CIrYCOUNCIL O/ TNS CRY - oIF rrrRl ntu, ANIUNSUI Section 1. That the tollowng language be §1seMd at §168.09(KN4), YAth subsequent sections to ba rentnlbered acco dingy:. QtIIC18I Seal (4S Lp�ir�g Replirgmenis, Lots creetetl fa the SEAN-MICHAELrffIICr anI aO meet 0} ,S andsrds for lot Size, bL* " area within g`Gan c � �X 6t b' aq a e° 'o NotaryPubllc•Arkansa9 VASIlaWAMRO1ISDthis 17U1ds o1F WASHINGTON COUNTY APPROVED; r °O • 2OO°' My Commis9lon Expires 07-28.2013 By DAN COODY M•yw ATI-EST. . ,. W. SONDHA SMITH, CNY Cork 212 NORTH EAST AVENUE • P.O. BOX 1607 • FAYETTEALLE, ARKANSAS 72702 • (501 ) 442-1700