HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 4489 i ORDINANCE NO, 4489 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING TITLE XV, UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE (ORIGINALLY ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE 4100, JUNE 16, 1998) OF THE CODE OF FAYETTEVILLE AND ADOPTING AND ENACTING AN AMENDED TITLE XV UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE. WHEREAS, A.C.A. §14-55-207 authorizes cities to adopt by reference technical codes and regulations without setting forth the provisions of the code or parts thereof; and WHEREAS, three copies of proposed Unified Develop Code, Title XV of the Code of Fayetteville are filed in the office of the City Clerk and have been available for the public to inspect and view prior to passage of this ordinance; and WHEREAS, proper notice by publication in a newspaper of general circulation within Fayetteville stating that copies of the proposed Unified Development Code are available and open to public inspection in the City Clerk's office prior to the passage of this ordinance; and WHEREAS, most of the current Unified Development Ordinance remains unchanged with the recodification of the Unified Development Code and the changes and amendments to the current Unified Development Ordinance incorporated within the proposed Unified Development Code have been publicly discussed and approved by the Fayetteville Planning Commission and the City Council Ordinance Review Committee. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 . That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby repeals and deletes Title 15, Unified Development Ordinance of the Code of Fayetteville initially adopted on June 16, 1998 and replaces it by enacting and adopting Title XV, Unified Development Code of the Code of Fayetteville attached hereto as Exhibit A and made a part hereof by reference. Section 2. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby declares that Exhibit A., the Unified Development Code shall be codified as shown in Exhibit "A" . Section 3. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby reaffirms that any and all developmental rights, duties, conditions, obligations and entitlements already approved by Planning Staff or the Planning Commission and now existing pursuant to the terms of the Unified Development Ordinance adopted in 1998 (with all current amendments) shall remain valid and binding pursuant to those terms and conditions. 0.F- PASSED and APPROVED this the 3,d day of June, 2003. Ae I< ,sr y �1 APPROVED: b , •• By: DAN GOODY, ay r Sondra Smith, City Clerk NAME OF FILE: Ord. No. 4489 CROSS REFERENCE: Item # Date Document 1 06/03/03 lord. No. 4489 2 04/22/03 IStaff Review Form w/attachments: draft ordinance memo to mayor city/council memo to mayor/city council 3 06/11 /03 1 memo to Dawn Warrick 4 05/15/03 Affidavit of Publication (Public Notice) s NOTES: FAYETTEVILLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 113 W. Mountain St. Fayetteville, AR 72701 Telephone: 479-575-8267 PLANNING DIVISION CORRESPONDENCE TO: Mayor Coody Fayetteville City Council FROM: Dawn T. Warrick, AlCP, Zoning & Development Administrator DATE: April 18, 2003 SUBJECT: Revisions to UDO / UDC draft Please find attached several revised pages for insertion in your working copy of the draft Unified Development Code. These revisions were made after the copies of this document were run and distributed. 1 . Remove and replace Chapter 151 . Definitions 2. Remove and replace page CD 157: 1 3 . Remove and replace page CD 157:7 4. Remove and replace Chapter 159. Fees 5. Remove and replace page CD 162:5 6. Remove and replace page CD 163 :9 7. Remove and replace Chapter 173 . Building Regulations TITLE ICV. UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE Chapter 151.. Definitions. Sec. 151 .01 Definitions. CD151 :1 Fayetteville Code of Ordinances CD151 :2 TITLE XV. UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE CHAPTER 151 . DEFINITIONS. Sec. 151 .01. Definitions. For the purpose of Title one time, and where the images so displayed are XV, Unified Development Ordinance, the following distinguished or characterized by the depicting or definitions shall apply to the divider sections, describing of *specified sexual activities or 'specifled chapters, sections or subsections, unless the context anatomical area' dearly indicates or requires a different meaning. Adult bookstore or adult video store. (Zoning) A A commercial establishment whose principal business purpose is to offer for sale or rental for any form of consideration any one or more of the following: Abbreviated Tree Preservation Plan. (Tree books, magazines, periodicals or other printed matter, Preservation and Protection) A shorter, less formal or photographs, films, motion pictures, video tree preservation plan required of applicants seeking cassettes, or video reproductions, slides or other building, grading, or parking lot permits, but who are visual representations which depict or describe not subject to the requirements . for large scale °specified sexual activities" or 'specified anatomical developments or subdivisions. areas.' Accessory community structures (Manufactured Adult cabaret (Zoning) A nightclub, bar, Homes and Parks) (Manufactured Homes and Parks restaurant, or similar commercial establishment which opened or expanded after 420-72) A structure or a regularly features: portion of a structure for commercial use that is (A) Persons who appear in a state of nudity; or located in a manufactured home park and which is intended solely for the convenience of the residents or occupants of the manufactured home park. (B) Live performances which are characterized by the exposing of 'specified sexual Accessory structures. (Manufactured Homes and activities or 'specified anatomical areas; or Parks) (Manufactured Homes and Parks opened or (C) Films, motion pictures, video cassettes, expanded, 420-72) Any structural addition to the slides, or other photographic reproductions manufactured home such as awnings, cabanas, which are characterized by the depiction of carports, Florida rooms, porches, patio covers, and similar additions. 'specified sexual activitiesor 'specified anatomical areas' Accessory use orstructure. (Zoning) A use or structure on the same lot with, and of a nature Adult motion picture theater. (Zoning) A customarily incidental and subordinate to, the commercial establishment where, for any forth of principal use or structure. consideration, films, motion pictures, video cassettes, slides, or similar photographic reproductions are Act. (Wireless Telecommunications Facilities) regularly shown, excluding those which are The Communications Act of 1934, as it has been characterized by the exposure of 'specified sexual amended from time to time, including the activities" or "specified anatomical areas' Telecommunications Act of 1996, shall include any Adult theaters. (Zoning) A theater, concert hall, future amendments. auditorium, or similar commercial establishment, Active open space. (Development) An area which regularly features persons who appear in a intended for rigorous activity such as tennis, baseball, state of nudity or live performances which are badminton, and other games requiring physical characterized by the exposure of 'specified sexual exertion. activities' or 'specified anatomical areas." Administrative determination. (free Preservation Airport. (Airport Zone) Fayetteville Airport (Drake and Protection) Final action by the landscape Field). administrator to either approve, conditionally approve Airport elevation. (Airport Zone) 1 ,251 feet above or disapprove a Vee preservation plan. Administrative determinations apply only to those projects which do mean sea level. not require Planning Commission approval. Alley. (Development) A minor public way Adult arcade. (Zoning) Any place to which the dedicated to public use for utility easements and public is permitted or invited wherein coin-operated or vehicle access to the back or the side of properties slug-operated or electronically, electrically, or abutting a street. mechanically controlled image producing devices are maintained to show images to five or fewer viewers at CD151 :3 Fayetteville Code of Ordinances Alternative tower structure. (Wireless Tele- B communications Facilities) Man-made trees, clock towers, bell steeples, light poles, and similar Banner. (Signs) Any sign printed or displayed alternative design mounting structures that upon cloth or other flexible material, with ,or without camouflage or conceal the presence of antennas or frames. towers and are built for the express purpose of serving as a tower or for locating antennas. Base density. (free Preservation and Protection) The number of trees an applicant must plant based Analysis report. (Tree Preservation and upon the quality and number of the trees proposed to Protection) A report, which among other things, sets be removed per acre. forth any alternative designs the applicant considered in arriving' at the proposed design. Base Flood. (Stormwater Management, Drainage and Erosion Control) The flood having a one percent Antenna. (Wireless Telecommunications chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given Facilities) Any structure or device used to collect or year, also referred to as the 100 year storm event. radiate electromagnetic waves, including both directional antennas, such as panels, microwave Beacon. (Signs) A stationary or revolving light dishes and satellite dishes and omni-directional which flashes or projects illumination, single color or, antennas, such as whips but not including satellite multi-colored, in any manner which is intended to earth stations. attract or divert attention; except, however, this term is not intended to include any kind of lighting device Applicant. (Tree Preservation and Protection) which is required or necessary under the safety Any person, party, partnership, corporation or other regulations described by the Federal Aviation Agency businessentity seeking the city's approval of a or similar agencies. proposed tree preservation plan. Bed and breakfast facility. (Zoning) A Approach surface. (Airport Zone) A surface permanently owner occupied private home with a longitudinally centered on the extended runway maximum of five guest rooms furnishing temporary centerline, extending outward and upward from the lodging and breakfast to paying customers. end of the primary surface and at the same slope as the approach zone height limitation slope. In a plane Board of Adjustment. (Airport Zone) The Board the perimeter of the approach surface coincides with of Adjustment established by Chapter 33. the perimeter of the approach. Bona fide agricultural purpose. (Tree Approach, transitional, horizontal and conical Preservation and Protection) The aim or goal of zones. (Airport Zone) Those zones as set forth in § facilitating the ongoing commercial pursuit of farming, 165.01 . dairying, pasturage, horticulture, viticulture, or the keeping or raising of livestock or poultry, not Approval. (Physical Alteration of Land) A written otherwise prohibited by city ordinance. authorization by the city engineer. Buildable area. (Zoning) the portion of a lot Area sign. (Signs) A sign to identify a common remaining after required yards have been reserved. area containing a group of structures, or a single structure on a minimum site of five acres, such as a Building official. (Building Regulations) A city residential subdivision, residential office, commercial building inspector. or industrial subdivision, apartment complex, manufactured home park, or shopping center located Building permit. (Manufactured Homes and at the entrance or entrances of the area, and Parks) (Manufactured Homes and Parks opened or consisting of fence or wall or archway with letters or expanded after 4-20-72) A written permit issued by symbols affixed thereto or other supporting structure the enforcement officer permitting construction, as approved by the zoning and development erection, alternation, remodeling, or repair of a administrator. manufactured home park. As graded. (Physical Alteration of Land) The Bulletin board. (Signs) Any sign erected by a surface condition on completion of grading. charitable, educational or religious institution or public . .body, which is erected upon the same property as said institution, for purposes of announcing events which are held on the premises. . CD151 :4 TITLE XV. UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE Collector street. (Streets and Sidewalks) A C street which in addition to serving abutting properties, intercepts minor streets, connects with community ' Caliper. (Parking and Loading) A measurement facilities and carries neighborhood traffic to the major of general tree size taken at a point located six inches arterial street system. above natural ground or root ball surface. Co-location. (Wireless Telecommunications Caliper. (Tree Preservation and Protection) Any Facilities) Locating wireless communications land with a slope of 15% or greater containing trees, equipment for more than one provider at a single woody shrubs and herbaceous plants that serve the communications facility, on a building, or on an function of sustaining the structural integrity of the alternative tower structure. soil, thus reducing the likelihood of erosion, slide, or slump. Commercial development. (free Preservation and Protection) Any development in an R-O, Canopied Slopes. (Tree Preservation and Commercial or Industrial Zone and any conditional Protection) Any land with a slope of 15% or greater use in any other zone which permits activities usually containing trees, woody shrubs and herbaceous conducted within an R-O, Commercial or Industrial plants that serve th function of sustaining the Zone. structural integrity of the soil, thus reducing the likelihood of erosion, slide or slump. Commercial driveway. (Streets and Sidewalks) Tee Preservation and Protection) The An entrance on public property or exit from any Canopy. R commercial, business, or public establishment combined crowns of all trees on a tract of land. adjacent to a public street or highway. Chief administrator. (Building Regulations) The Commercial tree prunenservice. (Tree mayor of the City of Fayetteville. Preservation or Protection) A person who performs Chief appointing authority. (Building Regulations) work on trees for profit. The City Council. Common open space. (Development) Land within or related to a development, not individually Chief building Oficial. (Building Regulations) owned or dedicated for public use, which is reserved Building Safety Division director. for the exclusive use or enjoyment of the residents or City. (Stormwater Management, Drainage and occupants of the development and their guests. Erosion Control) The City of Fayetteville, including Community storage structure. (Manufactured staff and elected officials, or designee. Homes and Parks) A structure located in a manufactured home park for the convenience of the City Engineer. city nDrainage and residents to provide storage space for often used Erosion Control) The city enggineineer er or his appointed outdoor equipment, furniture, tools and other items representatives, including assigned staff engineers, which cannot be conveniently stored in the typical technicians and inspectors. manufactured home. City of Fayetteville Landscape Manual. (Tree Compact automobile. (Parking and Loading) Preservation and Protection) A document having Any vehicle less than six feet wide and 15 feet long. detailed instructions for preparing tree preservation plans and standards and specifications for tree Compaction. (Physical Alteration of Land) The protection, planting, maintenance and design. densification of a fill by mechanical means. City official. (Streets and Sidewalks) The mayor Company flag. (Signs) A flag identifying a (or other official designated by the mayor, and business or an organization where the flag is authorized to issue the permits granted thereunder) of displayed. the city. Conditional use. (Zoning) A use permitted in City Planning Commission. (Manufactured Homes and Parks) (Manufactured Homes and Parks certain zoning districts subject to certain conditions imposed the Planning Commission after review of opened or expanded after 4development plat. created for the city by Chapter 33. Club orlodge. (Zoning) A building or portion of a Condominium. (Zoning) Two in a series of more single- building used by an association for the promotion of family dwelling units constructed ri attached units and submitted to a horizontal property some common objective excepting dubs the chief regime under A.C.A. §8-13-102 at seq. activity of which is a service customarily carried on as a business. CD151 :5 Fayetteville Code of Ordinances Conical surface. (Airport Zone) A surface p extending outward and upward from the periphery of the horizontal surface at a slope of twenty-to-one for a Dance hall. (Zoning) Any building, premises, horizontal distance of 4,000 feet. pavilion, or place of business wherein dancing is permitted, conducted or engaged in by the public in Connection. (Water and Wastewater Impact general, including but not limited to private dubs as Fees) The physical tie-in of a private water or defined by ordinance and/or the laws of the State of wastewater service system to the City of Fayetteville's Arkansas, either for profit or not. public water or wastewater system. , Dead-end street. (Development) A street having Conservation easement. (Tree Preservation and one end open to traffic and being permanently Protection) A formal, legally binding agreement terminated by a vehicular turnaround. between parties, usually a landowner and a private or public entity, providing for the preservation of land in Deciduous trees. (Physical Alteration of Land) its natural state. Trees that shed their leaves annually. Small deciduous trees are no more than 40 feet tall at Construction permit. (Stormwater Management, maturity while large deciduous trees exceed 40 feet in Drainage and Erosion Control) Stormwater height at maturity. management, drainage and erosion control permit issued by the city to an entity with the legal ability to Dedication. (Development) Land and construct the stormwater management system in improvements offered to the city, county, or state and accordance with the approved system design and accepted by them for public use, control, and permit conditions. maintenance. Construction. (Stormwater Management, Department of Law. (Building Regulations) The Drainage and Erosion Control) Any on-site activity city attorneys offices. that would result in the creation of a new stormwater management system, including the building. Dependent manufactured home. (Manufactured assembling, expansion modification, or alteration of Homes and Parks) (Manufactured Homes and Parks the existing contours of the property; the erection of opened or expanded, 4-20-72) A manufactured home buildings or other structures, any part thereof; or land which does not have a flush toilet and bath or shower. clearing. Detention. (Stormwater Management, Drainage Contiguous woodlands. (Tree Preservation and and Erosion Control) The collection and temporary Protection) A portion of canopy existing on the site of storage of stormwater with subsequent gradual proposed development, which is a part of a larger, release of the stormwater. unbroken forest, whether or not it extends onto adjacent lots. Develop. (Physical Alteration of Land) Permanently altering land by subjecting it to grading, Contour intervals. (Development) Topographic removal of vegetation, or construction such as but not map lines connecting points of equal elevations. limited to buildings, parking lots, streets, and sidewalks. Controlled access highway. (Signs) Any state or federal numbered highway designated by ordinance Developer. (Stormwater Management, Drainage as a controlled access highway by the City Council. and Erosion Control) Any person(s), parties, partnerships, or corporations, private or public, Cribbing. (Physical Alteration of Land) A engaging in activities described as development. framework of bars for support or strengthening. Developer. (Development) A person, firm or Cut. (Physical Alteration of Land) See corporation undertaking to develop a subdivision or "Excavation." large scale development as set forth in the development regulations. CD151 :6 TITLE XV. UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE Development. (Stormwater Management, Display surface area. (Signs) The net geometric Drainage and Erosion Control) To make a site or area enclosed by the display surface of the sign , area available for use by physical alteration. including the outer extremities of all letters, characters Development includes, but is riot limited to, providing and delineations; provided, however, 'display surface access to a site, clearing vegetation; grading; earth area° shall not include the structural supports for free moving; providing utilities and other services such as standing signs; provided further, that only one face of parking facilities; stormwater management and a double-faced sign shall be considered in erosion control systems; , and sewage disposal determining the display surface area. systems; altering landforms; or construction of a structure on the land. Development shall also mean District or zoning district. (Signs) A section or any of the following: sections of the incorporated area of the city for which the then effective zoning ordinance governing the use (A) Construction, installation, alteration, of buildings and land are uniform for each class of use demolition, or removal of a structure, permitted therein. References to individual zoning impervious surface, or stormwater districts contained herein shall refer to the zoning management system, or district established by the City Council in Chapter 160. (B) Clearing, scraping, grubbing, or otherwise Disturb. (Physical Alteration of Land) To alter removing or killing the vegetation of a site; or the natural state. (C) Adding, removing, exposing, excavating, Dormitory. (Zoning) A building or group of leveling, grading, digging, dumping, or buildings designed or altered for the purpose of otherwise disturbing the soil or rock of a site accommodating students or members of religious in a manner contrary to the requirements of orders with sleeping quarters, with or without the stormwater management, drainage and communal kitchen facilities, and administered by erosion control regulations. educational or religious institutions. Development. (Streets and Sidewalks) Shall Drainage area. (Stormwater Management, include, but shall not be limited to, the construction of Drainage and Erosion ControD The watershed area a new improvement, the construction of an addition to contributing surface and stormwater runoff to a an existing improvement, or a parceling which results stormwater management system. in the need for access and utilities. Ddpline. (free Preservation and Protection) An Development plan. (Development) A drawing imaginary vertical line that extends downward from showing all proposed improvements to a piece of the outermost tips of the tree branches to the ground. property such as streets, parking lots, buildings, drives, signs, utilities, drainage, grading and planting Drive-in restaurant or refreshment stand. by size and location. (Zoning) Any place or premises used for sale, dispensing, or serving of food, refreshments, or Development site. (Physical Alteration of Land) beverages in automobiles, including those That portion of any lot or parcel subjected to grading, establishments where customers may serve removal of vegetation, or construction such as, but themselves and may eat or drink the food, not limited to, buildings, parking lots, streets and refreshments or beverages on the premises. sidewalks. Dwelling, manufactured home. (Zoning) A Diameter breast height (DBH). . (Tree detached residential dwelling unit designated for Preservation and Protection) The diameter of a tree transportation on streets or highways on its own measured at a point four and one-half feet above the wheels or on flatbed or other trailers, and arriving at ground. If a Vee splits into multi-trunks, the trunk is the site where it is to be occupied as a dwelling measured at its narrowest point below the split. complete and ready for occupancy except for minor and incidental unpacking and assembly operations, Directional sign. (Signs) A sign of a location on jacks or other temporary or permanent noncommercial nature which directs the reader to the foundation, connection to utilities, and the like. A location of public or educational institutions, or to the travel trailer is not to be considered as a location of historical structures or areas, or the manufactured home. location of public parks or buildings. Dwelling, multi-family. (Zoning) A residential building designed for or occupied by three or more families, with the number of families in residence not exceeding the'number of dwelling units provided. CD151 :7 Fayetteville Code of Ordinances Dwelling, single-family. (Zoning) A detached residential dwelling unit other than a manufactured Facilities handling explosives. (Zoning) Any home, designed for and occupied by one family only. function that involves a process dealing with a product with explosive potential. Dwelling, two-family. (Zoning) A detached residential building containing two dwelling units, Fall zone. (Wireless Communications Facilities) designed for occupancy by not more than two damage oe area 'thin which tower or persns or antenna property shouldthe toweer or might cause families. antenna be knocked down, blown over or, fall on its Dwelling unit. (Zoning) One room, or rooms own. connected, together, constituting a separate, independent housekeeping establishment for owner Family. (Zoning) In single fatuity residential occupancy, or rental or lease on a weekly, monthly, or districts, a family is no more than three persons longer basis, and physically separated from any other unless all are related and occupy a dwelling as a rooms or dwelling units which may be in the same single housekeeping unit in the RSF-.5 (Residential structure,' and containing independent cooking and Single-family — Half Acre), RSF - 1 (Residential sleeping facilities. Single-family - One acre), RSF - 2 (Residential Single-family — 2 Acre), RSF - 4 (Residential Single E family — 4 .Units per Acre), and RSF - 7 (Residential' Single-family — 7 Units per Acre) zoning districts. In Easement. (Development) A grant by the all other zoning districts where residential uses are permitted, a family is no more than four persons property owner to the public, a corporation or persons, for the use of a strip of land for specific unless all are related and occupy a dwelling as a single housekeeping unit. A family is when all purposes. persons are related by blood, marriage, adoption, Enforcement officer. (Manufactured Homes and guardianship or other duty-authorized custodial Parks) (Manufactured Homes and Parks opened or relationship. The definition of family does not include expanded,' 4-20-72) The chief building inspector of fraternities, sororities, clubs or institutional groups. the city, or his/her duly authorized representative. FCC. (Wireless Telecommunications Facilities) Engineer. (Stortnwater Management, Drainage The Federal Communications Commission. and Erosion Control) A professional engineer FEMA. (Physical Alteration of Land) Federal registered in Arkansas, or other person exempted Emergency Management Agency. pursuant to the provisions of the Arkansas Code Annotated, who is competent in the fields of hydrology Fill. (Physical Alteration of Land) A deposit of and stormwater management. earth material placed by artificial means. Erect. (Signs) To build, construct, attach, hang, Filling station. (Zoning) place, suspend, or afrm, and shall also include the painting of wall signs. (A) Buildings and premises where gasoline, oil, grease, batteries, tires, and automobile Erosion.Control) The r Management, Drainage accessories may be supplied and dispensed and Erosion Control) The removal of soil particles by at retail, and where in addition the following the action of water, wind, ice or other geological services may be rendered and sales made, agents. no other: Evergreen. (Physical Alteration of Land) A plant (1) Sale and servicing of spark plugs, that retains leaves or needles year-round. batteries, and distributor parts; (2) Tire servicing and repair, but no Excavation. (Physical Alteration of Land) The recapping or regrooving; mechanical removal of earth material from water or (3) Replacement of mufflers and tail pipes, land. water hose, fan belts, brake fluid, light bulbs, fuses, floor mats, seat covers, F windshield wipers and wiper blades, grease retainers, wheel bearings, FAA. (Airport Zone) The Federal Aviation mirrors, and the like; Administration. (4) Radiator cleaning and flushing; (5) Washing and polishing, and sales of Facilities emitting odors. (Zoning regulations) automotive washing and polishing Any function that involves a process which emits or materials; has the potential for emitting odor. (6) Greasing and lubrications; CD151 :8