HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 4483 ORDINANCE NO. 4483 AN ORDINANCE REZONING THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN REZONING PETITION RZN 03- 15 .00 AS SUBMITTED BY JAMES MCCORD ON BEHALF OF MEADOWS ENTERPRISES, INC. FOR PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTH OF GOFF FARM ROAD AND WEST OF DEAD HORSE MOUNTAIN ROAD, FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 67.47 ACRES FROM A- 1 , AGRICULTURAL TO R- 1 , LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 : That the zone classification of the following described property is hereby changed as follows: From A- 1 , Agricultural to R- 1 , Low Density Residential as shown in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 2. That the official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, is hereby amended to reflect the zoning change provided in Section I above. PASSED and APPROVED this the 6`h day of May, 2003. APPROVED: v iso,- 4,y ' f� By. /VZ DAN COODY, May By: Sondra mith, City Clerk IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVIIIVIIIuIIIVIIIVIIIVIIIVIIIVIIIVIIIIIIIIIII Doc ID : 004675750002 TVD9 : REL Recorded : 05/19/2003 at 02 : 35 : 00 Pm Fee Amt : $11 . 00 Pace 1 of 2 Washlnoton Countv . AR Bette 3tamos Circuit Clerk F11e2003-00027524 EXHIBIT "A" Part of the East ''' of Sec 24 T 16N R 30W, and part of the fractional SW '/. of Sec 19 TI 6N R29W of the 5 " Principal Meridian, in Washington Co. Arkansas, and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing @ the SE comer of said Sec 24 T 16N R30 W, said comer being THE POINT OF BEGINNING thence N89'56' 1 0"E 2059.68 feet to the centerline of Cleveland Ravine, Thence along said centerline of Cleveland Ravine N19036145"W150.47'5 N38027'09" E 53.89' N13049100"E 91 .45' , N42056'02"W 88.561 , N3032124"W 73 .83', N31041116"W 89.09', N2039' 15"E 124.711 , N18035149"E 121 .761 , N2502I '06"E 147.48' , N310 18'51 "E 87.33 ' , N1046114"W 36.74' , N19037'32"W 36.79' , NO° 09'03"E 66.54', N230 18'34"E 52.57' , N60 55149' W 41 .8555 N52044'27"W 39.27' , N240 56'48"W 39.91 ' , N40 21 '51 "E 96. 13 ', Thence departing said Cleveland Ravine N89°57'06"W 890.47 Feet , thence S 000 02'54"W 149. 14 Feet, Thence N89059'34"W 564.44 feet, thence N00°22' 13"W 149.55 feet, Thence N 00°09'36" W 752.00 feet to the centerline of Washington County Road 170 , Thence along said centerline S 55°32'00"W 167.41 feet , Thence departing said centerline S 00°59'40" E 273.48 feet, thence S 550 04'00" W 206.40 feet, Thence N 01 °39'36" W 273.51 feet to the centerline of County Road 170, Thence along said centerline S 55° 31 ' 42" W 379.87 feet, Thence departing said centerline S34° 28'00" E 270.43 feet, Thence S76019'21 "E 170.931, S4104915" E 183 . 12' S030 59'47"E 198.92' S11057'0451E 111 .23' S00° 25' 08" E 64.541 , 509023 '21" E 337.85' S06043 '08" W 148.22' S66° 47'53" W 161 .03 ' 5880 59747" W 223.62' N430 27' 48" W 256.09' N210 46' 27"W 579.40' N49036'43" W 519.57' Thence N07° 21 '55" W 163.90 feet to the centerline of Washington County Road 170, Thence along said centerline S87008' 13" W 368.08', Thence departing said centerline, S32053127" E 136.52' , S07°05'41 " E 205.25' S490 36'43" E 371 .37', S330 04135" E 369.03 ' S210 46'27" E 222. 17', S290 24' 17" E 524.49' To the South line of said East %z of Sec 24 T16N R 30W, Thence along said South line N89°56'09" E 121 .04 feet to the P.O.B. containing 67.47 acres more or less subject to utility easements and right of way of record. Washington County, AR 1 certify this instrument was filed on 05119/2003 02:35:00 PM and recorded in Real Estate File Number 2003-00027524 Bette Stam s - Circuit Clerk by NAME OF FILE: Ord. No. 4483 CROSS REFERENCE: Item # Date Document 1 05/06/03 jOrd. No. 4483 2 03/22/03 IStaff Review Form w/attachments: draft ordinance memo to mayor/city council memo to planning commission copy of Future Land Use map copy of Close up View map copy of One Mile View map copy of planning commission minutes re: RZN 03-15.00 3 05/12/03 1 memo to Dawn Warrick 4 05/15/03 lAffidavit of Publication NOTES: 5/19/2003 Filed @ Wash . Co. Courthouse NORTH VEST ARKANSAS EDITION A&insaS Demomtt VOazettc AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION I , do solemnly swear that I am Leg I Clerk of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette newspaper, printed and published in Lowell , Arkansas, and that from my own personal knowledge and reference to the files /ofpasaid publication , the advertisement of: 0 was inserted in the regular editions on ** Publication Charge : $ Subscribed and sworn to before me this tta day of (c>✓C 2003. Nota I sal TAMMY ALLEN My Comr�vasei�3� U WASHI fires 11-05-2011 (vly Commission Exp ** Please do not pay from Affidavit. An invoice will be sent. RFmIVED MAY 19 2003 CIN OF Fv IjmTTEViLLE `div cL�aas 212 NORTH EAST AVENUE • P.O. BOX 1607 FAYETTEW I F, ARKANSAS 72702 • (501 ) 442-1700 ORDINANCE NO 4483 AN NREZONIGCE T PROREZONING 0')-1500 PERTV DESCRIBED 13MAES MCCORD ON BEHALF OF MEADOWS=EMITTED BY' ROAD AND WES7 OFL TED GOFFP ISIS ARKANSq� HORSE ,MOUNTAIN ROAD• . 8].4YES SS 'F CONTAINING APPRO)OW TELY DENSITY RESID N�TWL.A 1' AGRICULTURAL TO R-1, OW of BE R ORDAINED BY THE CRY COUNCIL OF THE CRY OF FAYETTEMLLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the Torre aMeffcatlon of the f °Qp"h18 despyad P hereby Uargetl as folbWa; In EaTipit 'AABAr.Ory� to R-1, LOW penyly Resbential aha 5�'own Otl hereto ery made a part hereat omciw ia1e1g2 aterge Novy "Me or i pia City o1 Fayepeuille, Arkan59e, is hereby emended to reflect PASSED above APPROVED APPROVED ptls the 8Th CLOY of May. 2003, ar DANDOODYDOODY M� ATTEST. BY: Sacha Smith, G-� EXHIBIT °A° Pah of the East 12 0( Sec 24 T 16N R acid port of the pectbnal SW t/4 of foff w : CorP"nrr)0m Meildieft in Weshirg . AON Of the entl Sec 19 T1&J BEGINNING ® the a- o°'ner of say �9 mora R20vY thence d RRak,0'E 2059.66 Teat too the oentallna�olwC1I Mid �� �'^9 THE OF centertne i Cie aynd evaynd Ravine, Thence along say ft *36'45- N13949.00-E 91 .5- N38.27'09• E 53.89' N13°49'4"W 3i6. , N42056102°W 88.56', N3'32'24W 23 71 , N31641'16-W 89.09', N2°39'15•E 124.71 ' , N18°35'49•E 121.76' , N1046'14-W 147.48' , N31. 18,51.E 87.33' , N1. 46'14W 3674' , . N19°3]'32W 36,79' , NOW Og'09•E 6624'. N23' 18334.E 52.57' , N6* 55'49 41.85', N23* 18271N 39.2]' TherN24° Sg'48W 39.91' . N' 21'S 1'E 86.13; "a e+elentl RaWrre N89°57'p6W 890.4] F Feet, TharPc da N89'$9t34 564.x4 752.00 feet to _ of I eet , thericeS 02'54W 149.14 55'32'W 167.41 last a ton Co 'Y RRoatl '170 49.55 teat. T/grice N 00°0936. W ✓ilOr19 ne saidd canteNeflee(, Theno3 N1 p 42'39-36' W 2]3'r�rp to the cen9-40-r E 273. fee fee6 poet S 55• 2]0.43 teat, Tiler S ° 379.8] 19e1. Thema eeParang said o� r,ob Roetl 170, Tigtce S76°19'21•E 170.93', S41649-15- ° 28'00' E S036 59'47-E tg8,g2• E 183,12' SDO' 25' 08• E 64.$2• 511'57'04• E 111.23' S06043'08• W 148.22' S0923'21• E 337.85' 268° 59'4]^ W 223.82' S660 47'53• W 161.03' N21. 46' 27W 579.40' N4 3. 27' 48• W 256.9-' ThOICO36.43• W 519.5]' Mid ce NO]° 21'55•,13 1�,M t to the centerline of Washirgton County 6Oitl cOntN079 287°06'13. Therloa d�Oatbtg said nge0f) Co N Road t 70, Therbe Olorlg 532.53'27• E 371 3 ' , S07°05'41• E 205.25' 21046'43• E 3]1.37', S33° 04'35' E36903' To ft 521° 46'27• E 222:1]',One of said EM, S29' 24'17• E 524.49' 121.04 feet to the P.B Co�ry 1 Sec 24 T16N R 3 Way o(racad. n9 67.47 aces mae a a" say South lye N89056-09, E ass ' ' e Mh`ents Ond right of REDS-��►FD EVIMAY 19 2003 CITY CLER1CS�FFICE FAYETTEXILLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE To: Dawn Warrick Planning Division From: Clarice Buffalohead-Pearman City Clerk's Division Date: May 12, 2003 Re: Ordinance 4483 Attached hereto is a copy of the above ordinance passed by the City Council, May 6, 2003, rezoning property located south of Goff Farm Road and west of Dead Horse Mountain Road submitted by James McCord on behalf Meadows Enterprises. The original ordinance will be microfilmed and filed in the city clerk's office. This ordinance will also be filed at the circuit clerk's office at the Washington County Courthouse. If anything else is needed please let the city clerk's office know. /cbp Attachment(s) cc: Nancy Smith, Internal Auditor John Goddard, IT Scott Caldwell, IT Clyde Randall, IT Ed Connell, Engineering ark STAFAVIEWFORM - NON-FINANCIAL OBLIGATION `-lq q3 x AGENDA REQUEST For the Fayetteville City Council Meeting of: May 6, 2003 FROM: Dawn Warrick Planning CP&E Name Division Department ACTION REQUIRED: Ordinance Approval SUMMARY EXPLANATION: RZN 03- 15 .00: Submitted by James McCord, attorney, on behalf of Meadows Enterprises, Inc. for property located south of Goff Farm Road and west of Dead Horse Mountain Road, containing approximately 67.47 acres. The property is currently zoned A- 1 , Agricultural, the request is to rezone to R- 1 , Low Density Residential. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval pl� JLhk 0. " .4Received in Mayor's Office D&ision Head �a e Date (Al City Atto ey 11-S-03 Cross Reference: De artment Director Date rPrevious Ord/Res#: Financey& Internal Services Dir. Date Orig. Contract Date: y "J Orig. Contract Number: hief ministrative Officer Date �z zNew Item: Yes No � ayor Date ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE REZONING THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN REZONING PETITION RZN 03- 15.00 AS SUBMITTED BY JAMES MCCORD ON BEHALF OF MEADOWS ENTERPRISES, INC. FOR PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTH OF GOFF FARM ROAD AND WEST OF DEAD HORSE MOUNTAIN ROAD, FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 67.47 ACRES FROM A- 1 , AGRICULTURAL TO R- 1 , LOWDENSSIITY RESIDENTIAL. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITYCOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 : That the zone classification of the following described property is hereby changed as follows: From A-1 , Agricultura 19 Low:Density-Residential asshown in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a parte er of. Section 2. That he official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville, Ah Arkansas, is ereby amended to reflect/the zoning change provided in Section 1 abov\\� PASSEDAND APPROVED this day of , 2003. PROVED: By.- DAN y: DAN COODY, Mayor ATTEST: By: Sondra Smi_ tYtity Clerk EXHIBIT "A" RZN 03-15.00 Part of the East %2 of Sec 24 T 16N R 30W, and part of the fractional SW '/4 of Sec 19 T16N R29W of the 5a' Principal Meridian, in Washington Co. Arkansas, and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing @ the SE comer of said Sec 24 T16N R30W, said corner being THE POINT OF BEGINNING thence N89'56' 1 0"E 2059.68 feet to the centerline of Cleveland Ravine, Thence along said centerline of Cleveland Ravine N19036545"W150.47' 2 N38027'09" E 53 .89' N13°49'00"E 91 .45 ' , N42056'0217W 88.56 N3032 '24"W 73 .83 ', . N31041716"W 89.097 5 N2039115"E 124.71 ' , N18035949"E 121 .76' , N25021 '069E 147.48 ' , N310 18' 51 "E 87.33 ' , N1 ° 46' 14"W 36.74' , N19037'325'W 36.79' , NO° 09'03"E 66.5477 N230 18 '34"E 52.57' , N60 55149"W 41 .85', N52044'27"W 39.27' , N240 56148"W 39.91 ' , N40 21 '51 "E 96. 13 ', Thence departing said Cleveland Ravine N89°57'06"W 890.47 Feet , thence S 000 02' 54"W 149. 14 Feet, Thence N89059'34"W 564.44 feet, thence N00°22' 13"W 149.55 feet, Thence N 00°09'36" W 752.00 feet to the centerline of Washington County Road 170 , Thence along said centerline S 55032'00"W 167.41 feet , Thence departing said centerline S 00°59'40" E 273 .48 feet, thence S 55° 04'00" W 206.40 feet, Thence N 01039136" W 273 .51 feet to the centerline of County Road 170, Thence along said centerline S 55° 31 ' 42" W 379.87 feet, Thence departing said centerline S34° 28 '00" E 270.43 feet, Thence S76019'21 "E 170.935, S4104915" E 183 . 12' 5030 59'47"E 198.92' S11057'04" E 111 .23 ' S00° 25 ' 08" E 64.54' , S09023721 " E 337.85' S06043108" W 148.22' S660 47153" W 161 .03 ' S880 59147" W 223 .62' N430 211 48" W 256.09' N210 46' 27"W 579.40' N49036'43" W 519.57' Thence N070 21 '55" W 163 .90 feet to the centerline of Washington County Road 170, Thence along said centerline S87'08' 13" W 368.08 ' , Thence departing said centerline, S32053 '27" E 136.52' , S07005141 " E 205 .25 ' S490 36'43" E 371 .371, 5330 04735" E 369.03 ' S210 46'27" E 222. 17', S290 24117" E 524.49' To the South line of said East '/2 of Sec 24 T16N R 30W, Thence along said South line N89056'09" E 121 .04 feet to the P.O.B. containing 67.47 acres more or less subject to utility easements and right of way of record. CC Meeting of May 6, 2003 FAYETTEVILLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 113 W. Mountain St. Fayetteville, AR 72701 Telephone: (479) 575-8267 PLANNING DIVISION CORRESPONDENCE TO: Mayor Dan Coody Fayetteville City Council FROM: Dawn Warrick, Zoning & Development Administrator, AICP THRU: Tim Conklin, AICP, Community, Planning & Engineering Services Director DATE: April 14, 2003 RZN 03-15.00: Rezoning (Meadows Enterprises, pp 607) was submitted by James McCord, Attorney on behalf of Meadows Enterprises, Inc. for property located south of Goff Farm Road and west of Dead Horse Mountain Road. The property is currently zoned A- 1 , Agricultural and contains approximately 67.47 acres. The request is to rezone the property to R- 1 , Low Density Residential. BACKGROUND: Property description: The subject property is located south of the existing Stonebridge Meadows subdivision. It circles around a portion of the already developed golf course which was installed with the original phase of this subdivision. In addition to the next phase of Stonebridge Meadows subdivision, the applicant states that a portion of the property to be rezoned with this request will be dedicated to the Fayetteville School District. The subject property is classified on the Future Land Use Plan as residential. Proposal: The applicant proposes to develop an additional phase of the Stonebridge Meadows subdivision. The proposal includes approximately 90 single family home lots similar in character to the current phase. The requested zoning would provide for low density residential development at a maximum density of 4 units per acre. CURRENT STATUS: On April 14, 2003, the Planning voted 7-0-0 to forward this item to the City Council with a recommendation for approval. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the requested rezoning. FAYETTEVILLE PC Meeting of April 14, 2003 THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 113 W. Mountain St. Fayetteville, AR 72701 Telephone: (479) 575-8267 PLANNING DIVISION CORRESPONDENCE TO: Fayetteville Planning Commission FROM: Dawn Warrick, Zoning & Development Administrator, AICP THRU: Tim Conklin, AICP, Community, Planning & Engineering Services Director DATE: April 14, 2003 RZN 03-15.00: Rezoning (Meadows Enterprises, pp 607) was submitted by James McCord, Attorney on behalf of Meadows Enterprises, Inc. for property located south of Goff Farm Road and west of Dead Horse Mountain Road. The property is currently zoned A- 1 , Agricultural and contains approximately 67.47 acres. The request is to rezone the property to R-1 , Low Density Residential. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the requested rezoning based on the findings included as part of this report. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Required VES O Approved O Denied Date: April 14, 2003 , CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Required YES O Approved O Denied Date: May 6, 20 3 (1" reading if recommended) Comments: BACKGROUND: Property description: The subject property is located south of the existing Stonebridge Meadows subdivision. It circles around a portion of the already developed golf course which was installed with the original phase of this subdivision. In addition to the next phase of Stonebridge K:IReports120031PC REPORTSt04-14tzn03-15_meadows.doc