HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 4448 ORDINANCE NO. 4448 AN ORDINANCE REZONING THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN REZONING PETITIONS RZN 02- 18.00, RZN 02- 19.00, RZN 02-20.005 RZN 02-29.00, RZN 02-30.00, RZN 02-31 .00, AND RZN 02-32.00 FOR PARCELS LOCATED IN THE MILL DISTRICT NEIGHBORHOOD AS DESCRIBED IN EXHIBITS A THROUGH G, AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE PLANNING DIVISION ON BEHALF OF THE MILL DISTRICT NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 : That the zone classification of the following described property is hereby changed as follows: RZN 02- 18.00: From I- 1 , Heavy Commercial, Light Industrial to R-O, Residential Office; RZN 02- 19.00: From I- 1 , Heavy Commercial, Light Industrial and R- 1 , Low Density Residential, to R-O, Residential Office; RZN 02-20.00: From I- 1 , Heavy Commercial, Light Industrial to C-3, Central Commercial; RZN 02-29.00: From I- 1 , Heavy Commercial, Light Industrial to R- 1 , Low Density Residential; RZN 02-30.00 from I- 1 , Heavy Commercial, Light Industrial to R-2, Medium Density Residential; RZN 02-31 .00 from I- 1 , Heavy Commercial, Light Industrial to R-O, Residential Office; RZN 02-32.00 from R- 1 , Low Density Residential to R-O, Residential Office as shown in Exhibits A through G attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 2. That the official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, is herel3 amended to reflect the zoning changes provided in Section 1 above. D and APPROVED this the 17`h day of December, 2002. APPROVED: By: DAN COODY, Mayor ATTEST: Zr IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVVIIIIIIVIIIVIIIVIIIIIIIIIIIIIVIIIVIIIIIIIIIIIIII By Doc ID : 004488380008 Tvpe : REL Recorded : 04/ 15/2003 at 01 : 34 : 28 PH Bather Woodruff, City Cl Fee Amt : $29 . 00 Pape 1 of 8 Washlnoton Countv . AR Bette Stamos Circuit Clerk Flle2003-00021990 4448 EXHIBIT "A" Mill District Neighborhood RZN 02-18 (I-1 to R-O): Legal Description: A part of the NE/4-SW/4 of Section 16, T- 16-N, R-30-W and being more particularly described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point N 02°54'04" E 140.78 ' and N 87°05 ' 56" W 139. 17 ' from the SE Corner of said NE/4-SW/4, said point being the SE Corner of Lot 10 of the Hall & Gollaher Addition, thence the following bearings and distances: N 03007132" E 150.00' N 87°01 '05" W 89.97' to the East R/W line of the Arkansas & Missouri RR N 12059'05" E 105 .97 ' N 01053144" E 470.01 ' S 88030306" E 43 .00' N 00046105" E 116. 17 ' N 00053 '26" E 116.81 ' N 87019156" W 100.02 ' to the West R/W line of the Ark & Mo RR S 00059301 " W 75 .48 ' N 86045103" W 101 .73 ' to the East R/W line of University Avenue S 02032104" W 83 .77 ' S 87°19' 56" E 104.27' to the West R/W line of the Ark & Mo RR S 00046'05" W 44.09' Along a 2350' radius curve to the right 105.95 ' (chord S 02°03 '34" W 105.94') To the NE Comer of Lot 10 Revised Plat of County Court Plat NE-SW N 87° 19'56" W 106.51 ' S 0203214" W 228.50' S 87019156" E 92. 10' S 09059'06" W 86. 15 ' S 11054121 " W 71 .41 ' S 12046135" W 63 .74' S 13009'46" W 20.91 ' N 87019'56" W 54. 11 ' to the East R/W of University Avenue S 02032104" W 289.92 ' N 22012152" E 115 . 14' S 87001105" E 199.31 ' to the POB, containing 3. 19 Acres, more or less. 4448 EXHIBIT `B" Mill District Neighborhood RZN 02-19 (1-1 to R-O): Legal Description: A part of the NW/4-SE/4, SW/4-SE/4 and the NE/4-SW/4 of Section 16, T- 16-N, R-30- W, and being more particularly described as follows, to wit: Beginning at the SW Comer of said NW/4-SE/4, thence the following bearings and distances: S 87010'05" E 241 .65 ' S 14003109" E 104.51 ' S 87d10' 16" E 91 .99' to the West R/W of West Avenue N 02041125" E 165 .00' N 8701011699 W 166.01 ' to the East line of old RR R/W Northeasterly along a 550' radius curve to the right 131 .59' (Chord bearing and distance = N O1 °45 '24" E 131 .28') N 08036940" W 286. 87' to a point of curve Northwesterly along a 1550' radius curve to the left 469.07 ' (Chord bearing and distance = N 00°03 '31 " W 467.29') N 08043 '42" W 39.63 ' to a point of curve Northwesterly along a 2096.53 ' radius curve to the left 56. 10' (Chord bearing and distance = N 08°43 '42" W 56. 10') N 87022116" W 102.00' N 08043142" W 218.27' S 02054904" W 944.68 ' N 87010' 1699 W 142.50' to the NW Corner of Lot 6 in the Hall & Gollaher Addition S 03°07 '32" W 210. 16' S 87001 '05" E 109.33 ' S 02054'04" W 50.00' N 87°01 '05" W 109.52' S 03007 '32" W 50.86' S 87012 '23" E 109.72 ' to the POB, containing 5.61 acres, more or less. • 4448 EXHIBIT "C" A PART OF BLOCK 22 OF THE ORIGINAL TOWN PLAT OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS, BEING 50' EITHER SIDE OF THE CENTERLINE OF THE ABANDONED BURLINGTON-NORTHERN RAILROAD, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TO WIT: BEGINNING AT A POINT N87°22' 16"W 184.82' (DEED DISTANCE) FROM THE SE CORNER OF SAID BLOCK 22, THENCE N 08043142"W 218.27' ALONG THE ABANDONED RR R/W TO THE NORTH LINE OF BLOCK 22, THENCE N87022106"W 102.00 TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID ABANDONED RR R/W, THENCE S 08°43 '42"E 218.27 ' TO THE SOUTH LINE OF BLOCK 22, THENCE S87°22 ' 169E 102.00' TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 0.50 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. • 4448 EXHIBIT "D" Mill District Neighborhood RZN 02-29 (I-1 to R-1): Legal Description: Lots 11 and 12 of the Revised Plat of the County Court Plat NE-SW, Section 16, T- 16-N, R-30-W, containing 0.37 acres, more or less. • 4448 • EXHIBIT `B" Mill District Neighborhood RZN 02-30 (I-1 to R-2): Legal Description: Part of the NEA of the SWA of Section 16, T- 16-N, R-30-W, and being more particularly described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point N 02054'04" E 981 . 18 ' from the SE Comer of said NE/SW, thence N 02054'04" E 159.50' , thence N 86'44' 14" W 184.74' to the East R/W line of the Arkansas-Missouri Railroad, thence S O1 °29'54" W 42. 81 ', thence S 00°53 '26" W 116.81 ' , thence S 860441499 E 179.59' to the POB, containing 0.67 Acres, more or less. • 4448 • EXHIBIT "F" Mill District Neighborhood RZN 02-31 (I-1 to R-O): Legal Description: Part of the SEA of the SW/4 and part of the SW/4 of the SEA of Section 16, T- 16-N, R- 30-W, and being more particularly described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point S 02012142" W 258.66' from the NE Comer of said SE/SW, thence N 87010167W 126.69 ' , thence S 03045 ' 14" W 204.00', thence S 89°07 '36" E 278.24' , thence N 02012 '42" E 139.65 ', thence N 87° 10' 16" W 146.00' , thence N 02° 12'42" E 54.84' to the POB, containing 1 .08 acres, more or less. • 4448 EXHIBIT "G" Mill District Neighborhood RZN 02-32 (R-1 to R-O): Legal Description: Part of the SEA of the SW/4 of Section 16, T-16-N, R-30-W, and being more particularly described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point S 02° 12'42" W 171 .00' from the NE Corner of said SE/SW, thence N 87012123" W 124.33 ', thence S 03°45 ' 14" W 87.59' , thence S 87° 10' 16" E 126.69', thence N 02° 12'42" E 87.66' to the POB, containing 0.25 acres, more or less. 1 W a'shin9ton County ent was filed on 1 certify this in05134 5 PM 0411512003ed in Real Estate and record 00021990 ber2003 Clerk ps File Nu • Circuit Bette , by/ U / NAME OF FILE: Ordinance No. 4448 CROSS REFERENCE: Item # Date Document 1 12/03/02 10rd. No. 4448 w/Ex. A 2 11 /15/02 Staff Review Form w/attachments: 11/15/02 memo to City Council draft ordinance copy of Power Point presentation of Neighborhood Rezoning Mill District Neighborhood Zoning Study revised proposal copy of close up view-RZN02-.18.00 copy of future land use-RZN 02-18.00 copy of one mile view-RZN 02-18.00 RZN 02-19.00 copy of close up view RZN 02-19.00 copy of future land use RZN 02-19.00 copy of one mile view RZN 02-20.00 copy of close up view RZN 02-20.00 copy of future land use RZN 02-20.00 copy of one mile view RZN 02-29.00 copy of close up view RZN 02-29.00 copy of future land use RZN 02-29.00 copy of one mile view RZN 02-30.00 copy of close up view RZN 02-30.00 copy of future land use RZN 02-30.00 copy of one mile view RZN 02-31 .00 copy of close up view RZN 02-31 .00 copy of future land use RZN 02-31 .00 copy of one mile view RZN 02-33.00 copy of close up view RZN 02-33.00 copy of future land use RZN 02-33.00 copy of one mile view 11 /12/02 Planning Commission minutes 3 12/26/02 memo to Tim Conklin 4 01 /01/03 Affidavit of Publication S t510 3 U) Etttrrs DeE NOTES : FAYETTEVI &E THE CITY OF FAYETTEVIEEE, ARKANSAS DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE To: Tim Conklin Planning From: Heather Woodruff, City Clerk Date: December 26, 2002 Attached is a copy of Ordinance 4448 an ordinance rezoning that property described in rezoning petitions RZN 02- 18.00, RZN 02- 19.00, RZN 02-20.00, RZN 02-29.00, RZN 02-30.00, RZN 02-31 .00, and RZN 02-32.00 for parcels located in the Mill District neighborhood as described in exhibits A through G, as submitted by the City of Fayetteville Planning Division on behalf of the Mill District Neighborhood Association. The original will be microfilmed and filed with the City Clerk. cc: Nancy Smith, Internal Auditor John Goddard, IT Scott Caldwell, IT Clyde Randall, IT Ed Connell, Engineering STAFF REVIEW FORM X Agenda Request _ Contract Review Grant Review For the Fayetteville City Council meeting of December 3 , 2002 . FROM : Tim Conklin Planning Urban Development Name Division Department ACTION REQUESTED : To approve an ordinance for RZN 02 - 18 . 00 , RZN 02 - 19 . 00 , RZN 02 - 20 . 00 , RZN 02 - 29 . 00 , RZN 02 - 30 . 00 , RZN 02 - 31 . 00 , and RZN 02 - 32 . 00 as submitted by the City of Fayetteville Planning Division on behalf of the Mill District Neighborhood Association . COST TO CITY : $ 0 Cost of this request Category/ Project Budget Category/ Project Name Account Number Funds used to date Program Name Project Number Remaining balance Fund BUDGET REVIEW: Budgeted Item Budget Adjustment Attached Budget Coordinator Administrative Services Director CONTRACT/GRANT/LEASE REVIEW : GRANTING AGENCY : Aznting Manager Date ADA Coordinator Date f CTTy-AttUrney Date Internal Auditor Date Purchasing Officer Date STAFF RECOMMENDATION : Staff recommended approval and on November 12 , 2002 the Planning Commission voted to recommend to the City Council approval of the rezonings as requested . Cross Reference Di vd1 on H a / La e / v V rt t ' rector Ra' t 'e New Item : Yes No JJ 02 A6mi stra e Services Date Prev Ord/Res# : Di or M yor IT D t� 'e Orig Contract Date :