HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 4438 ORDINANCE NO. 4438 A ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE S TO BE KNOWN AS THE YOUTH ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE, SETTING FORTH THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE COMMITTEE; THE SELECTION PROCESS FOR MEMBERSHIP; AND, REPEALING ORDINANCES NO. 3875 & 4304. WHEREAS, the Current Youth Advocacy Committee was formed to address juvenile crime prevention, and as such, now duplicates the efforts of other agencies and councils of City and County government; and, WHEREAS, the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas desires to foster appreciation and respect for civic involvement and public service among our children and youth. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 . That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby establishes an advisory committee, to be known as the Youth Activities Committee, and it shall operate as follows: I. Purpose. The Youth Activities Committee shall create and sponsor projects and events to give the children and youth of the City of Fayetteville opportunities to provide meaningful service to the City and its inhabitants, and which serve to educate our children and youth about City government. II. Composition. The Youth Activities Committee shall consist of twelve (12) members as follows: a. One (1) member of the City Council; b. Two (2) parents; c. Three (3) teachers; d. Two (2) at-large members shall be private citizens, who are qualified electors residing in the City of Fayetteville. 6 0 e. Four (4) students, one (1) each from Ramay and Woodland junior high schools, and one (1) each from the East and West campuses of Fayetteville High School. III. Appointment, The Mayor shall appoint the City Council member to the Committee. The City Council shall appoint all other members (including student members) from those names provided by the Nominating Committee, in the manner set forth at §H(2) of the Rules of Order and Procedure, Fayetteville Mayor/ City Council, as may be amended and revised from time to time. IV. Terms of Office. All teacher and parent members appointed to the Youth Advocacy Committee under the provisions of Ordinance No. 3975 shall serve out the remainder of their present terms. For the purposes of this Ordinance, the initial term for student members shall end on August 31, 2003; for adult members the initial term shall end on August 31, 2004. Thereafter, adult members shall serve two (2) year terms. Students shall serve one (1) year terms. The City Council member shall serve at the discretion of the Mayor. V. Officers. At the first regularly scheduled committee meeting of each calendar year, the members of the committee shall, by a simple majority, elect from among themselves a Chair and Vice Chair. VI. Duties of the Chair. The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the committee, and shall inform representatives of the Fayetteville Police Department, the Yvonne Richardson Center, and the Fayetteville Boys and Girls Club of the dates and times of all committee meetings, as well as the projects and events sponsored by the committee. VII. Meetings. The Youth Activities Committee shall meet at least six (6) times per year to conduct regular business at a time and place that is mutually convenient to the membership. The committee may meet more frequently, as the need shall arise. VIII. Bylaws, Rules & Regulations. The Youth Activities Committee shall adopt such bylaws, rules, and regulations as are necessary for the conduct of committee meetings and other business. 40 • IX. Reporting Requirement. The Youth Activities Committees shall present an annual report to the City Council outlining the projects and events sponsored by the committee during the preceding year. Section 2. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby repeals Ordinances No. 3875 and 4304 in their entirety. PASSED AND APPROVED this 19t" day of November, 2002. c" APPROVED: f;, a By: P�att Qzz 4s* .� . , ��1� DAN COODY, May By: �ATHER WOODRU , CF� ity Clerk NAME OF FILE: Ordinance No. 4438 CROSS REFERENCE: Item # Date Document 1 11 /19/02 Ordinance # 4438 2 11 /01 /02 Letter from Harrington, Miller, Neihouse & Krug/Sarah Leflar to Heather Woodruff 3 12/09/02 Memo from Heather Woodruff, City Clerk to Sarah Lefler, Youth Advocacy Committee NOTES: HARRINGTON, MILLER, NEIHOUSE & KRUG A PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION ATTORNEYS 113 East Emma Avenue ' P.O. Box 687 Springdale, Arkansas 72765-0687 Telephone (479) 751 -6464 ' Fax (479) 751 -3715 Michele A. Harrington, P.A. e-mail address: mail@arkanmslaw.com Angela G. Berkowit7o Stephen J. Miller, P.A. www.arkansaslaw.com Sarah M. Let7ar John P. Neihouse, P.A." Thomas N. Kieklak- (LL.M, in Taxation) Kristen L. Hopkinst O£COUNSEL Wayne Krug (1960-2001) Stephen D. Stitt " 'Also licensed in Texas ° Also Licensed in Oklahoma Also licensed in Florida -Also Licensed in Georgia tAlso Licensed in Illinois November 1 , 2002 Heather Woodruff City Clerk City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Dear Heather: Enclosed is a draft of a proposed ordinance reorganizing the Youth Advocacy Committee. Council Member Lioneld Jordan will sponsor the proposal of this new ordinance for ratification by the City Council . I am forwarding it to your office so that it can be discussed at the next meeting to set the agenda for the following council meeting. Thanks for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, Q Sarah Leflar Y Cc : Lioneld Jordan Kit Williams 6 • ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A YOUTH ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE: PROVIDING FOR ITS COMPOSITION; ITS PURPOSE AND ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section I. A. That there is hereby established a committee to be known as the Youth Activities Committee which shall meet a minimum of 6 times per year. The purpose of the Committee shall be as follows: To create and sponsor projects and events which create opportunities for children and youth of the City of Fayetteville to provide meaningful service to the city and its inhabitants, and which serve to educate children and youth about city government. B. This Committee replaces the Youth Advocacy Committee formed pursuant to Fayetteville City Ordinance No. 3875 and Fayetteville City Ordinance No. 4304. The Youth Advocacy Committee was formed primarily to address juvenile crime prevention, and as such duplicates the efforts of other agencies and councils of city and county government. Because of this, the Youth Advocacy Committee is no longer necessary, and should be replaced by a Youth Activities Committee with the purpose described in Section IA above. C. The Youth Activities Committee shall issue a yearly report to the City Council on the projects and events sponsored by the Committee. D. The Youth Activities Committee Chairperson will inform the Fayetteville Police Department and the staff of the Yvonne Richardson Youth Center and the Fayetteville Boys and Girls Club of the dates and times of all meetings, and will keep staff from these agencies and programs informed of all activities of the Committee. E. The Youth Activities Committee shall promulgate rules and regulations necessary for the conduct of committee meetings and other business. F. Such committee membership shall be composed of the following: • One alderman • Two parents • Three teachers • Two at large members • Four students including one student from each of the city' s jr. high schools and one student from each high school. G. All teacher and parent members who were appointed to the Youth Advocacy Committee created pursuant to Fayetteville Municipal Ordinance No. 3875 shall continue to serve the terms for which they were appointed to the Youth Advocacy Committee. H. All adult members shall serve for a term of two years. All student members shall serve for a term of one year. I. Appointment to the Committee shall be as follows: 1 . The Alderman shall be appointed by the mayor. 2. Citizen positions (including student positions) shall be filled through the selection process as set for in the Rules of Order and Procedure, Fayetteville City Council, Revised and Adopted January 3, 1991 , Section H. CITIZENS COMMITTEES , and as may from time to time be revised. 3 . The initial terms of this committee shall be as follows shall begin upon appointment, and shall run until August 31 , 2003 for student members, and until August 31 , 2004 for adult members. Subsequent terms shall run as set forth above. Section 11 A. The City Council hereby determines that the aforesaid provisions are necessary and unless put into effect immediately, the public health, safety, and welfare of the people of Fayetteville will be adversely affected. Therefore, an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance being necessary for the public health, safety and welfare shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of ( 7-). 2002. APP OVED- an Coody, Mayor Attest:: / / � FAYETTEVI LLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVIEEE, ARKANSAS DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE To : Sarah Leflar, Youth Advocacy Committee From: Heather Woodruff, City Clerk Date: December 9, 2002 Attached is a copy of Ordinance 4438 establishing an advisory committee to be known as the Youth Activities Committee, setting forth the responsibilities of the committee; the selection process for membership; and, repealing ordinances No. 3875 & 4304. The original will be microfilmed and filed with the City Clerk. cc: Nancy Smith, Internal Auditor NORTHV*ST ARKANSAS ARDITION Arkansas Dem®c VGazette M' C'�O � LrT M ECEIVEO JAN 0 6� 2002 CRY OF FA41n irl AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATIM7 I, 1) do solemnly swear that I am Leg I Clerk of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette newspaper, printed and published in Lowell , Arkansas, af)d that from my own personal knowledge and reference to the files sof said publication , the advertisement of: l6,�2/ was inserted in the regular editions on " Publication Charge : $ 2101- 41 Subscribed and swom to before me this day of a A14 1,2p82: X ,963 Notary Publi official Seel TAMMY ALLEN Notary Public-Arkansas My Commission Expir WASHINGTON COUNTY My Caftfmi�ion Exp s 11 -05-2011 " Please do not pay from Affidavit. An invoice will be sent. RECEIVED IJAN 0 6 2003 CITY F(xERKsOFFICE 212 NORTH EAST AVENUE P.O. BOX 1607 FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 72702 (501 ) 442-1700 ORDINANCE NO. 4438 A ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING AN ADVISORY OOMMM EE TO 3E KNOWN AS THE YOUR/ ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE, SETTING FORTH THE RESPONSIBILIPES OF THE COMMITTEE; THE.SELECTION PROCESS FOR MEMBERSHIP; AND. REPEALING ORDINANCES NO. 3875 8 4304. } WHEREAS. Me Current Youth Advocacy, Committee xas � Of • ayleftift _ Iome0 to address KNO'lle sine provenlion, and es such, now[duplicates the efforts of carer Wcjas aro councils of City and County Bo+errynem; sho WHEREAS. the City M FayMwft. AMareas dashes to foster appreciation and rasped for civic MaaNerment and Puubto service among Our children and yoWi NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT ORDNNED BY THE CRY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETIWII F. ARKANSAS: - . Section 1. That the Cdy County of the City of FeyettivNe. Arkansas hereby establishes an advisory ccrrmattse, to nd known as the Youth Actkdties Carrrefee, and it stall operate se folows: I. Papose. The Youth Activities Committee area crest9 end sporeor projects rata events to give the children and YOUM of the City of Fayette tia polponuhiaes to pna4cle meerinqu service to the Ody end Its inhabitants. end which sena to edetate Cir Children end youth about City government. II. Camptt"t". The Youth ACIMtisa Con%rhMM Sha l 001ast of twelvo (12) rretnbers as folows: e. One (1) member of de ary Cou ra; b. Tva (2) Parents; C. Three (3) teachers: d. Two (2) at-large mernbers shat be private dazere, who she quatfied Wectars reading In the ary of Fayetteville - r e. Four(4) stildere8, ata (t) each Irani Ramey and Woodland 04or high schods, and are (1) each from the East and West campuses of Fayettevl0e High Schad. III. Appointment. The Mayor shall appoint the aty Caxo0 member to the Com nittse. The ary rr Caot post appoint ell other members lincludirg student members) from those renes provided by the NaNretlng Comnhate. In ins nsmer set fond at §H(2)of the Rules of Order and Procedure. Fayetteville Mayor/City CCUndl, u may be emerged and revised from Uma to time. N. Teens of Office. At teacher and parent members appolntod to the Youth Advocacy Committee under the orovlWds of Ordnance No. 3975 stall serve out the reminder of their preset ferns. For rhe purposes Of Ws Ordnance. the INtlal term for student members steal and on August 31, 2003: for a" members the Initial tam Shea erd on August 31, 2004. Thereetla, adult members shat serve M, (2)yeer toms. Students shell serve one (1) year tams. The City Council member shell serve at the ftoretbn of the Maya. V Of Came. At the first re0ularfy scheduled Committee meeting of each ceiertclar year, the members of Me ONIM1111ee shall, by a simple majority, elect ran among themselves a Choir and bloc Chair. VI. DWes of Ne Chair. The attar shall onside at of meetings of the comrtYttea, end shag inform repesenetNes of the Feyettedlle Police Deparlmors, the Yvaeti Richardson Center, and the Fayetteville Boys and Girls Club of the dates end unce of el committeew meetings, M dl ss the pro*W and events sponsored by the Committee. VII. Meetlngs, The Youth ActMtles Committee shat meet at best sit(6) times per year to candupt regular business at a time as piece that Is mutuely, convenient to the membership The corhervttee may mast more frequently, M the need Well mise. Vin. Bylaws, Rices 8 Regulatlas. The Youth ACIMOas Com tam Shat adopt such bylaws, odes, end regulations as are necessary for the conduct of armNUM meetings end other b Ahoss. DC Reporg Requirement. The Youth ActMlles Commetaes Wet present an amrhW report to the City Council outlining the Prollats and events SPOreaed by the committee during the procedirg year. Section 2. That the City Council of the City of Fayadevine, Arkansas; hereby repeals Ordhsncee No. 3875 and 4304 In their entirety PASSED AND APPROVED this 19th clay of NDVw*w. 2002. APPROVED: Br. DAN DOODY. Mayo ,ATTEST- Toy: v HEATHER WOODRUFF, City oak ..