HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 4412 ORDINANCE NO. 4412 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE XV, CHAPTER 172: PARKING AND LOADING, OF THE UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE, CODE OF FAYETTEVILLE, TO PROVIDE AMENDMENTS TO AND CLARIFICATION OF PROVISIONS PERTAINING TO SHARED PARKING AGREEMENTS AND REDUCED PARKING IN MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENTS, AND TO PROVIDE AMENDMENTS TO PARKING RATIOS. WHEREAS, different land uses incorporated within one development may have different peak demands for parking; and, WHEREAS, a reduction in parking space requirements can reduce the amount of impervious surfaces in the community, and WHEREAS, parking ratios for certain uses are not meeting parking demands, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 . That §172.01, subsections A. through E., of the Unified Development Ordinance, Code of Fayetteville, is hereby repealed and Exhibit " A" attached hereto and made a part hereof, is adopted and inserted in its stead. PASSED and APPROVED this 3m day of September 2002. APPROVED: rF0Elre� � By: DAN COODY, Mayor By: H ATHER WOODRUFF, Cit erk r EXHIBIT "A" §172.01 OFF-STREET PARKING LOT surface water into appropriate drainage DESIGN REQUIREMENTS. structures. A. Purpose. The regulations of this 3. Barriers. Parking lots section are intended to reinforce community shall be provided with wheel guards or curbs standards and to promote safe and attractive so located that no part of a parked vehicle parking lots for new, redeveloped, and will extend into or over the sidewalks, expanded development within the City. The property lines, or street right-of-way. size, number, design, landscaping, and location of parking lots are regulated in 4. Striping and Marking. orderto: Parking lots spaces shall be striped to 1. Provide for the safe and indicate the location of the individual orderly circulation of motor vehicles within spaces, directional arrows shall be provided parking lots. at the entrance of aisles and entry drives, 2. Provide safe ingress and and accessible spaces shall be marked egress to parking lots from public and meeting current Americans with Disabilities private streets. Act (ADA) requirements. Such striping and 3. Protect adjoining marking shall be in accordance with the properties from the adverse impacts Manual on Uniform Traffic Control associated with parking lots such as noise, Devices. lighting, appearance, drainage, and effect on property values. 5. Accessibility. 4. Provide adequate areas for (a). Accessibility for off-street parking and storage of motor persons with disabilities in parking lots and vehicles, while at the same time preventing building approaches shall be as required by over-supply of parking in mixed-use the current ADA and as may from time to circumstances. time be amended. 5. Enhance the appearance of (b). Location and parking lots in all zoning districts. minimum stall size of accessible parking spaces, passenger loading zones, or valet B. Parking Lot Construction parking facilities, when provided for public Standards. or governmental buildings and facilities, shall meet the standards adopted in the 1. Permits and Plan. For ADA. parking lots containing five (5) or more (c). Accessibility spaces, building and grading permits and Guidelines (ADAAG) for buildings and site and grading plans shall be required prior facilities, Appendix A to 28 CFR Part 35 or to any initiation of work. the current federal standard. 2. Surfacing. Parking lots shall be asphalt, semi-permeable soil pavers, or concrete, graded and drained to dispose of 1 EXHIBIT "A" (d). Accessible parking spaces for persons with disabilities Total Parking Minimum Number shall be identified with signs in accordance Spaces of Accessible with the ADA_ of 1990 or the current federal in Lot or Spaces statute. Curb ramps shall be provided in Garage accordance with ADA of 1990 wherever an accessible route crosses a curb in the 501 -- 1000 2% of total spaces parking lot. (e). The following Over 1000 20 spaces + 1 space table shall be used to determine the for each 100 spaces minimum number of accessible parking over 1000 spaces to be provided for persons with disabilities: (f). Facilities Total Parking Minimum Number providing medical care and other services Spaces of Accessible for persons with mobility impairments shall in Lot or Spaces provide accessible parking spaces as Garage follows: (i). Outpatient 1 --25 1 units and facilities shall provide a minimum of 10% of the total number of parking spaces provided serving each such 26--50 2 outpatient unit or facility, but in no event shall less than one such parking space be 51 --75 3 provided. (ii). Units and facilities that specialize in treatment or 76-- 100 4 services for persons with mobility impairments shall provide 20% of the total number of parking spaces provided serving 101 -- 150 5 each such unit or facility, but in no event shall less than one such parking space be 151 --200 6 provided. (g). Multifamily dwellings containing four or more dwelling 201 --300 7 units shall provide accessible parking spaces as follows: (i). 301 -400 8 Accessible parking shall be provided which meets the provisions in the Final Housing Accessibility Guidelines, 24 CFR, Chapter 401 --500 9 1 , Subchapter A, Appendix Il, of the Fair 2 EXHIBIT "A" Housing Act of 1968, as amended, or the current federal standard. (ii), or required landscaping except as provided Designated accessible parking shall be for in §(F)(1 )(b). Parking lots shall be provided for . at least 2% of the dwelling designed so that parking and unparking can units and at facilities such as swimming occur without moving other vehicles. pools and clubhouses that serve accessible Vehicles shall exit the parking lot in a buildings. Additional designated accessible forward motion. parking shall be provided on request of residents with disabilities, on the same terms 2. Compact Spaces. A maximum of and with the full range of choices that are 35% of the total spaces may be compact provided for other residents of the spaces. Compact spaces shall be marked development. either by marking on the pavement or by (iii), separate marker. Accessible visitor parking that provides sufficient access to grade level entrances of . multifamily dwellings is also required. C. Parking lot design standards. 1. Maneuvering. Parking lots shall be designated, maintained and regulated so that no parking or maneuvering incidental to parking will encroach into the areas designated for sidewalks, 9treetsg Dimension p r 9e ,d P � So Qoµ P'.sle (D) Stu� d ere dculoppth er'L \ 10r AStR ulor \ q V r 1 N51p (E) A �te sqVC Vl1 \ \ \ Lb Length (C) Angled Parking 3 EXHIBIT "A" 3. TABLE 1. DIMENSIONAL REQUIREMENTS: Angle Type Width Curb 1 Way 2 Way Stall (A) (B) Length Aisle Aisle Depth (In (C) Width Width (E) Feet) (In (D) (D) (In Feet) (In (In Feet) Feet) Feet) 00 Standard 8 22.5 12 24 8 Parallel Compact 7.5 19.5 12 24 7.5 300 Standard 9 18 12 24 17 Compact 7.5 15 12 24 14 450 Standard 9 12.5 12 24 19 Compact 7.5 10.5 12 24 16 600 Standard 9 10.5 18 24 20 Compact 7.5 8.5 15 24 16.5 900 Standard 9 9 24 24 19 Compact 7.5 7.5 22 24 15 4 EXHIBIT "A" 4. Illumination of Parking areas. Parking areas may be illuminated. *GLA-Gross leasable area All lighting shall be: shielded and directed away from adjoining properties; attached to Commentary: The throat lengths in Table on-site buildings or fences where possible; 2 are provided to assure adequate stacking and shall not be excessively bright or cause space within parking lot driveways for a glare that would be hazardous to general land use intensities. This helps pedestrians or vehicles. Only high pressure prevent vehicles from stacking into the sodium lighting or energy equivalent are thoroughfare as they attempt to enter the allowed. parking lot. High traffic generators, such as large shopping plazas, need much greater 5. Parking Lot Entrances. throat length than smaller developments or (a). Throat Length, those with unsignalized driveways. The The length of driveways or "throat length" guidelines here for larger developments shall be designed in accordance with the refer to the primary access drive. Reduced anticipated storage length for vehicles to throat lengths may be permitted for prevent them from backing into the flow of secondary access drives serving large traffic on the public street or causing unsafe developments. conflicts with on-site circulation. General standards appear below, but these requirements may vary according to the IINTERNAL SITE DESIGN projected volume of the individual -------------------- _ ------- - - --- - ---------------------- driveway. These measures generally are acceptable for the principal access to a property and are not intended for minor (� ® MATLE M driveways. Variation from these standards may be permitted for good cause upon approval of the City Planner and City /J Engineer. TABLE 2: (b). Entrances and GENERALLY ADEQUATE internal aisle design. The driveway width DRIVEWAY THROAT LENGTHS into parking lots shall meet the following guidelines: Shopping >200,000 200 ft. (1). Centers GLA' Entrances. (Signalized) (a). If the Smaller 2200,000 75-95 ft. driveway is a one-way-in or one-way-out Developments GLA* drive, then the aisle widths shall be a (Signalized) minimum of 12 feet wide up to a maximum Unsignalized 40-60 ft. of 15 feet wide. driveways 5 EXHIBIT "A" (b). For two-way access, street parking spaces shall conform to the each entrance lane shall be a minimum of 12 requirement in Table 3 Parking Ratios. feet wide and a maximum of 15 feet wide. Parking requirements shall be met at the Whenever more than two lanes are time any building or structure is erected, proposed, entrance and exit lanes shall be enlarged, or increased in capacity, changed divided by a curbed, raised, landscaped in use, or any outdoor use is established or median. The median shall be ten feet wide if enlarged. In mixed-use developments or in three lanes are being proposed or 15 feet cases of shared parking agreements, parking wide if four lanes are proposed. requirements may be reduced at the property owner's request as outlined in (c). Driveways that enter § 172.01 (D)(4) Reduced Parking within the major thoroughfare at traffic signals Mixed Use Developments. must have at least two outbound lanes (one for each turning direction) and one inbound (a). Except as outlined in lane. b. and c. below, change of use in mixed-use developments or developments that have (d). All commercial entered an approved shared parking driveways should have a minimum curb agreement requires a parking demand radius of 25 feet. analysis using Table 4 Parking Occupancy Rates. The property owner shall notify the (2). Internal Planning Division when a change of use is Circulation Drives. proposed. A forecast deficiency greater than (a). 15% must be met by the construction of Aisles shall be designed so that they additional parking spaces, payment of in- intersect at 90 degrees with internal drives lieu fees, support of shuttle service, other where practicable. trip reduction programs satisfactory to the (b). Aisles city, or a combination hereof shall be designed to discourage cut-through traffic by use of landscape islands. (b). In C-3 and C-4 zoning districts, parking requirements are waived (c). Aisles for any existing structure with a change of shall conform to § 172.01 (c)(3) with the use. New construction, razed buildings or exception of aisles that connect to enlarged buildings shall conform to the commercial driveways. Aisles connecting to parking requirements of the City of commercial driveways may be permitted to Fayetteville. For enlarged buildings, be 27 feet in width when the driveway is in additional parking spaces will be calculated conformance with § 171 . 13(11)(6). by the amount of square footage that is added. D. Standards for the Number of (c). In C-3 and C-4 zoning Spaces, by Use. districts, parking requirements are waived for the square footage "footprint" of any 1. Off-Street Parking. building which existed and has been Except as provided in b. and c. below, off- 6 EXHIBIT "A" removed since October 1 , 1995, in order to laundry rebuild. Regional antique and 1 per 500 square feet 2. Maximum/Minimum furniture store of floor area Number Allowed. Parking lots may contain Restaurants 1 per 100 sq. ft. GFA up to 30% more spaces than the required plus 4 stacking spaces and 30% less spaces than the paces per drive-thru required spaces. Any additional spaces window above 30% or below 30% shall be allowed only as a conditional use and shall be granted in accordance with Chapter 163, Hospital and I per bed governing applications of conditional uses; convalescent home procedures, and upon the finding that additional spaces are needed. Auto/motorcycle 4 per each enclosed service stations service bay Table 3. PARKING RATIOS (Use/ Required Spaces) Commercial 1 per 1 ,000 square recreation-large sites feet of site area Residential Bank 1 per 200 sq. ft. of Single-family, 2 per dwelling unit GFA duplex, triplex Multifamily or 1 per bedroom Retail Fuel Sales 1 per 200 sq. ft. of townhouse with Convenience retail FA; spaces at Stores pump islands are Commercial counted toward this requirement Auditorium 1 per 4 seats Retail Fuel Sales 3 per each employee; Barber or beauty 2 per chair Only spaces at pump shop islands are counted Hotels and motels 1 per guest room toward this plus 75% of spaces requirement required for accessory uses Amusement 1 per 200 square feet of floor area Retail 1 per 250 square feet of floor area Coin-operated 1 per 3 machines 7 EXHIBIT "A" Office Detention home 1 per 1 ,500 square Professional office 1 per 300 square feet of floor area feet of GFA Sales office Government 1 per 500 square 1 per 200 square facilities feet of floor area feet of gross floor area Hospital 1 per bed Convalescent home 1 per bed Public and Institutional Uses, Nonprofit Commercial. School-elementary 1 per employee plus and junior high 1 space per Auditorium 1 per 4 seats, classroom provided only auditorium space is counted in School-senior high 1 per employee plus determining 1 per 3 students parking based on design Art gallery, library, I per 1 ,000 square capacity or 1 per 6 museum feet of floor area seats in auditorium or other places of Child care center, 1 per employee plus assembly, nursery school on-site loading and whichever is unloading spaces at . greater a rate of 1 per 10 children Zoo 1 per 2,000 square accommodated feet of land area Church / Religious . 1 per 4 seats in the Institution main auditorium or All other public and 1 per 4 occupants I per 40 sq. ft. of institutional uses assembly area, (only auditorium whichever provides space shall be more spaces counted for churches, auditoriums, or College or university 1 per 500 square group occupancy feet of classroom space) area Funeral Homes I per 4 seats in College dormitory 1 per sleeping room main chapel + 1 per 2 employees + 1 College auditorium I per 4 seats reserved for each vehicle used in Community center 1 per 250 sq. ft. of connection with the GFA business 8 EXHIBIT "A" Theater 1 per 4 seats Manufacturin ndustrial Commercial 1 per 1 ,000 square Manufacturing 1 per 1 ,200 square recreation-large feet of site area feet of gross floor sites area or one per employee, Commercial 1 space per 200 whichever is recreation square feet of floor greater area Heavy industrial 1 per 1 ,200 square Amusement park, 1 per 1 ,000 square feet of floor area miniature golf feet of site area Extractive uses Adequate for all Dance hall, bar or I per 50 sq. ft. of employees, trucks, tavern GFA, excluding and equipment kitchen Recreational Uses All other 1 per 4 occupants Golf course 3 per hole recreational uses Park 2 per acre Warehousingand Wholesale Playfield, none Warehousing 1 per 2,000 square playground feet of floor area Private club or 1 per 500 square Wholesale 1 per 1 ,000 square lodge feet of floor area or feet of floor area 1 per 3 occupants based on the Center for 1 per 1 ,000 square current adopted collecting recycled feet of floor area Standard Building materials Code whichever is greater 3. Shared Parking. Parking Riding stables , 1 per acre: not requirements may be shared where it can be required to be determined that the peak parking demand of paved the existing or proposed occupancy occur at different times (either daily or seasonally). Golf driving range 1 per tee box Such arrangements are subject to the approval of the Planning Commission. Bowling alley 6 per lane Tennis court 2 per court 9 EXHIBIT "A" (a) Shared Parking Reduction Worksheet showing the Parking Between Developments. Formal process for calculating the reduction as arrangements that share parking between outlined herein. The calculation using Table intermittent uses with non-conflicting 4 Parking Occupancy Rates shall be parking demands (e.g. a church and a bank) conducted as follows: are encouraged as a means to reduce the (i.) amount of parking required. Determine minimum spaces required. (b) Shared The minimum number of parking spaces that Parking Agreements. If a privately owned are to be provided and maintained for each parking facility is to serve two or more use shall be determined by using Table 3 separate properties, then a "Shared Parking Parking Ratios. Agreement" is to be filed with the City for (ii.) Calculate consideration by the Planning Commission. occupancy rates. The minimum number of (c) Shared parking spaces shall be multiplied by the Spaces. Individual spaces identified on a "occupancy rate" (the percentage) provided site plan for shared users shall not be shared in Table 4 Parking Occupancy Rates, for by more than one user at the same time. each use for the weekday night, daytime and evening periods, and weekend night, 4. Reduced Parking daytime and evening periods, respectively. within Mixed Use Developments. Parking (iii.) Sum requirements may be reduced where it can parking spaces. Sum the parking spaces for be determined that the peak parking demand the combined uses for each time period. The of the existing or proposed occupancy occur number of parking spaces from the time at different times (either daily or period with the highest calculated number of seasonally). Such arrangements are subject parking spaces shall be the number of spaces to the approval of the Planning Commission. required for the shared parking facility. (a) Request for Parking Space Reduction. A shared parking plan must be prepared to the satisfaction of the Planning Commission showing that parking spaces most conveniently serve the land uses intended, directional signage is provided if appropriate, and pedestrian links are direct and clear. (b) Calculating Parking Space Reductions. Parking space reductions can be determined by a calculation using Table 4 Parking Occupancy Rates. If the calculation does show a parking space regulation reduction to be feasible, the applicant shall submit a 10 EXHIBIT "A" Table 4. PARKING OCCUPANCY RATES — Percent of Basic Minimum Needed During Time Period Uses M-F M-F M-F Sat. & Sat. & Sat. & 8am-5pm 6pm- 12am 12am-6am Sun. Sun. Sun. 8a.m-5 m 6 m-12am 12a-6am Land Use Categories Residential 60% 100% 100% 80% 100% 100% Commercial* 90% 80% 5% 100% 70% 5% Office 100% 20% 5% 5% 5% 5% Public & Institutional Uses 100% 20% 5% 10% 10% 5% (non-church) Public & Institutional Uses 10% 5% . 5% 100% 50% 5% (church) Manufacturing/Industrial 100% 60% 40% 50% 30% 10% Warehouse/Wholesale 100% 20% 5% 5% 5% 5% Recreation 40% 1000/OT 00% 10% 80% 100% 50% Specific Commercial Uses Hotel 70% 100% 100% 70% 100% 100% Restaurant 70% 100% 10% 70% 100% 20% Theater 40% 80% 10% 80% 100% 10% Conference/Convention 100% 100% 5% 100% 100% 5% Source: Shared Parking Planning Guidelines. Institute of Transportation Engineers • Some specific commercial uses have different occupancy rates. Check under "Specific Commercial Uses with the rest of the table. ) 1