HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 4391 ORDINANCE NO. 4391 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING §33.046 OF THE CODE OF FAYETTEVILLE, TO SET THE FEES AND CONDITIONS FOR ANNUAL RURAL FIRE CONTRACTS EFFECTIVE JUNE 11 2002 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 . That §33.046. Providing fire protection services outside city, is hereby repealed and the following shall be inserted in its stead: §33.046. Providing fire suppression services outside city. The city fire department shall not provide fire protection services beyond the corporate limits and shall not combat any fire located outside the corporate limits except pursuant to: (A) A mutual aid agreement or written contract, approved by the city council, with another municipal corporation or with a duly and legally organized fire department which operates in Washington County. (B) A written contract executed with an individual resident or property owner of a specific property located not more than two miles beyond the city's corporate limits. Each property owner or resident desiring to participate in such a contract shall pay to the City an annual fire suppression fee of $487 per property for a twelve (12) month period. (C) Annual fees for fire suppression contracts for service outside the City shall be as contained herein for twelve (12) months effective June 1, 2002. (D) The city fire department shall have the right to refuse to respond to any fire located outside the city's corporate limits if, in the judgment of the fire chief or his authorized representative, fire protection within the city would be impaired by such a response. • • Ord . 4391 (E) No contract shall be executed without the prior determination by the fire chief or his authorized representative that the property covered by the contract can be identified and serviced by the fire department. PASSED and APPROVED this the 7h day of May, 2002. APPROVED: By: DAN COODY, Mayor Ir � l fi r ` oodruff, City Clolk ALY 0 • NAME OF FILE: Ordinance No. 4391 CROSS REFERENCE: 05/07/02 Ordinance No. 4391 05/07/02 Contract for Fire Protection 04/19/02 Memo to Mayor Coody, from Chris Bosch, Fire Chief, regarding renewal of rural fire contracts 03/23/99 Copy of Ord. 4148 05/07/02 Staff Review Form 05/08/02 Memo to Chris Bosch, Fire Chief, Fire Department, from Heather Woodruff, City Clerk 05/18/02 Statement of Legal Advertising from Arkansas Democrat Gazette NOTES: 0 0 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING §33.046 OF THE CODE OF FAYETTEVILLE, TO SET THE FEES FOR RURAL FIRE CONTRACTS FOR THE PERIOD RUNNING FROM JUNE I , 2002 THROUGH MAY 3192003, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 . That § 33 .046, Providing fire suppression services outside City, Subsection (11)(1), (C)( 1 ) and (D), of the Code of Fayetteville, is hereby repealed and the following shall be inserted in its stead: §33 .046. Providing fire suppression services outside City. (B)(1 ) Each property owner or resident desiring to participate in such a contract shall pay to the City an annual fire suppression fee of 5487 per property for a pc4odtwelve (12) month period. �J111 (C) Annual fees for fire suppression contracts for service outside the City shall be as contained herein for a oqc rriod rning June 1 , 2002 through May 31 , 2003 . -})aefve (iZunPXO�A % W PASSED AND APPROVED this day of 2002. APPROVED: By: Dan Coody, Mayor ATTEST: By: Heather Woodruff, City Clerk • o oRe . �f39/ CONTRACT FOR FIRE PROTECTION This Contract executed this �-Zj� day of 20 by and between the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, hereinafter d0ed the "City" and the undersigned owner of real property located within two (2) miles of the Fayetteville corporate limits, hereinafter called the "Property Owner". WHEREAS, the City staffs and equips an organized Fire Department, and WHEREAS, the Property Owner does not have fire suppression service available; and WHEREAS, the Property Owner desires to contract with the City for the Fayetteville Fire Department to combat fires which may occur on the property described below; and WHEREAS, under Ark. Code Ann. § 14-53- 102 (1987) and §33 .046 of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances, fire fighting machinery and equipment, with the necessary fire personnel to operate the same, may be used to combat fires beyond the corporate limits; and WHEREAS, the purpose of this agreement is to set forth the terms and conditions, consistent with §33 .046 of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances, under which the Fayetteville Fire Department will combat fire on the property described below, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties hereby agree as follows: 1 . During the term of this agreement, the City shall provide fire suppression service to and shall combat fires occurring on the real property at the Property Owner's address listed in paragraph 7, subject to the conditions set out herein. 2. To defray costs incurred by the City in providing fire suppression service to the aforesaid property, the Property Owner shall pay to the City, in advance, an annual "Fire Suppression Fee" of $487. 3. The term of this contract shall commence upon the execution date hereof and shall expire one (1 ) calendar year from the date of this agreement; provided this Contract shall not be effective until receipt of the City of the "Fire Suppression Fee" prescribed herein. Prior to the receipt of said fee, this Contract shall be of no force and effect and the City Shall be under no obligation to provide fire suppression service to or combat any fire in the aforesaid area. 4. During the term of this contract, the City Shall provide fire fighting machinery and equipment, with the necessary fire personnel to operate the same, to combat fires occurring on the aforesaid property; provided, the City shall be under no obligation to respond to any fire located in said area if the Fayetteville Fire Chief determines that such response will substantially impair the ability of the Fayetteville Fire Department to provide adequate fire protection services to Fayetteville or to adequately combat fire or fires occurring in Fayetteville. In the event such a determination is made, neither the City nor any city official or employee shall be liable for any damages or loss, which occurs from any fire on the aforesaid property. 5. Neither the City of Fayetteville nor any official or employee of the Fayetteville Fire Department, involved in combating a fire on the aforesaid property shall be held liable for any damages or loss that occurs when the Fayetteville Fire Department is combating a fire located on said property. 6. All members of the Fayetteville Fire Department engaged in fighting a fire located on the aforesaid property shall be considered to be acting within their line of duty an in discharge thereof and shall not lose or forfeit any right or benefit in rank, pay, disability or retirement payments or benefits. 7. The City may terminate this agreement by giving thirty (30) days written Notice of Termination to the Property Owner at the following mailing address: Property Owner's Name: Property Address: Mailing Address: In the event the City terminates this agreement, the City shall refund the unused portion of the fire suppression fee on a pro-rata basis to the Property Owner. The amount of unused fire suppression fees shall be computed as follows: Total Fire Number of days Total Fire Amount Suppression Fee - Contract in effect X Suppression Fee = of Paid in Advance 365 Days Paid in Advance Refund 8. The Property Owner may terminate this agreement by giving written notice of termination, signed by the Property Owner to the Fire Chief of the City of Fayetteville, 303 W. Center St. Fayetteville, AR. 72701 . In the event the Property Owner terminates this agreement all unused portions of the fee shall be retained by the City. 9. Any notice of termination shall be deemed given on the date the notice is deposited in the United States Mail, as evidenced by the postmark thereon, provided the correct postage is paid, and the notice is addressed as provided herein. • O�Pd • �3 9/ 10. The Property Owner may renew this agreement for a period of one (1 ) year in accordance with the following procedure: During the time frame of the Contract, at least thirty (30) days prior to the termination of this agreement, the Fayetteville Fire Department will send to the Property Owner, via certified mail, a notice specifying the amount of the fire suppression fee which the City will charge for the upcoming year. If the Property Owner desires to extend the term of this Contract, the Property Owner shall remit the required fee to the City of Fayetteville Fire Department, within thirty (30) days of receipt of this notification. Upon receipt of payment of the required fire suppression service fee, this Contract shall be extended for one (1 ) calendar year from the date payment in full is received. Payment in full should be sent via certified mail to the Fayetteville Fire Department Fire Headquarters, 303 W. Central, Fayetteville, AR. 72701 . 11 . In the event this Contract is executed after June 1 , 2002, the fire suppression fee payable under paragraph 2 shall be the full amount of the said agreement and this contractual agreement will extend for one calendar year from the date the original agreement. 12. Any modifications to this contractual agreement must be in submitted in writing and must be reviewed by the Fire Chief of the Fayetteville Fire Department and authorized by the Mayor of the City of Fayetteville or his/her designated representative and undersigned by the Property Owner. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this contract is executed on the date first above written. CITY OF YETTEVILLE, CANSAS By: ✓( Mayor J fC . I T"T" y . ZZ rk Property Owner Fee Received by: Date Received: Amount Received: 0 0 From the Desk of the Fayetteville Fire Dept 303 W. Center St. Director/Fire Chief Fayetteville, AR. 73701 f (479) 575-8365 Memo TO: Dan Coody, Mayor From Chris Bosch, Fire Chie( Dates April 192 2002 Ree Renewal of Rural Fire Contracts Several households outside the city limits of the City of Fayetteville currently have contracts for fire protection with the Fayetteville Fire Department This service is beneficial to those citizens in that it allows them to utilize our City's ISO rating so they can obtain a reduced rate on their current homeowners insurance policy. These contracts are due to expire on or around May 31 , 2002. Historically, the Fire Department has utilized a standard bi-annual formula for calculating these fees with the current rate structure of $2207.00 for a residence with an "Association"' membership and $440.00 for a residence without an "Association" membership. Further the FFD offered a $40.00 discount for residents who contracted with a Rural Volunteer Fire Department. After carefully reviewing the above listed fee structure it has been determined that the existing Fire Protection Contractual Fees does not cover the cost of providing these services. With this in mind I am proposing an increase in the Rural Fire Contract Fee structure, which will more effectivey recover the Fire Departments cost of providing this service. In order to recover the Fire Departments cost I am recommending the new fee structure for these contract services be raised to $487.00 per contract I would also like to propose that these fees be reviewed on an annual basis, rather than bi-annually since the cost of providing these services increases annually. Currently the Fire Department administers approximately 325 of these agreements, which generate approximately $71 ,500 in annual revenue. This fee increase should generate approximately $158,275 annually, which is an additional $86,775 above what is already generated. I believe this rate increase will more effectively recover the cost of providing these services. I have attached a copy of the proposed contract for your review as well as the proposed change in ordinance language to reflect my recommendations. If you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding this matter, please give me a call and I will be happy to provide additional information at your convenience. Thank you. ' For the purpose of these agreements an Association Membership is defined as three or more residences sharing common property boundaries with each requesting contractual fire protection from the FFD. 1 C® Pyj O"INANCENO.-J"As MICROFILMED AN ORDINANCE AMENDING §33.046, OF THE CODE OF FOR THE TOS T THE PERIOD RUNNING JUNE 1S FORRURAL F 1999 O MAY 31 , CONTRACTS FOR TIlE TW0 YEAR 2001 . COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYEMV LLE+ BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY ARKANSAS: S tis io_l . That §33 .0469 Providing fire suppression services outside City, Subsection 1 , (C)(1). and (D), of the Code of Fayetteville, is hereby repealed and the following shall be (B)O inserted in its stead: §33.046 Providing fire suppression services outside City. (B)(1) Each property owner or resident desiring to participate in such a contract shall pay to the City an annual fire suppression fee of $220 per Property covered within the "Association" per twelve (12) month period. ' owner or resident desiring to Participate in such a (C)(1) Each property contract shall pay to the City an annual fire suppression fee of $440 per Property covered per twelve (12) month period. (D) Annual fees for fire suppression contracts for service 1u�999 to City shall be as contained herein for the two year period running 31 , 2001 . PASSED AND APPROVED this —23-- day of �—` 1999. APPROVED: By: F Hanna, Mayor ATTEST: By-- Ci erk Heather Woodruff • STAFF REVIEW FORM • Agenda Request FOR THE FAYETTEVILLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF May 792002 FROM: Chris Bosch, Fire Chief Fire Administration Fire Department Name Division Department ACTION REQUIRED: Approval of an ordinance ammending § 33.046, Code of Fayetteville, to establish annual fees for Rural Fire Contracts for a two year period from June 1, 02 through May 31 ,04. COST TO CITY: None Cost of this request Category/Project Budget Category/Project Name Account Number Funds Used To Date Program Name Project Number Remaining Balance TAX FUND BUDGET REVIEW: N/A Budgeted Item N/A Budget Adjustment Attached Budget Coordinator Administrative Services Director CONTRACT/LEASE REVIEW GRANT APPLICATION REVIEW Accounting Manager Date City t ey Dat Purchasing Officer Date Internal Auditor Date Internal Auditor Date STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of this ordinance charge. CROSS REFERENCE Division Head Date r NEW ITEM: No y /is /off Department Director Date PREWORD/RES. # 4030 02�� ORIG. CONTRACT DATE N/A Admi ' tralilve Services Director ate CONTRACT # N/A Offayor Dat6 Lel • STAFF REVIEW FORM • DESCRIPTION MEETING DATE COMMENTS: Budget Coordinator Reference Comments: Accounting Manager Reference Comments: City Attorney Reference Comments: Purchasing Officer Reference Comments: ADA Coordinator Reference Comments: Internal Auditor Reference Comments: