HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 4373 ORDINANCE NO, 4373 AN ORDINANCE WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS OF FORMAL COMPETITIVE BIDDING AND APPROVING A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS AND THE COUNCIL ON AGING IN THE AMOUNT OF THIRTY THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED NINETY-NINE DOLLARS AND NINETY-SIX CENTS ($30,999.96) TO PROVIDE PUBLIC RECREATION SERVICES FOR THE SENIOR CITIZENS OF FAYETTEVILLE FOR 2002. WHEREAS, providing quality recreational opportunities to the senior citizens of our community is of mutual interest to the Cityof Fayetteville and the Council on Aging, and; WHEREAS, the Council on Aging and the City of Fayetteville have developed a close working relationship over the past thirty years, and; WHEREAS, this relationship allows for a continuity of services vital to the efficient provision of recreational opportunities, and; WHEREAS, were it not for the services offered by the Council on Aging, the City of Fayetteville would be required to assume the duty of providing staff, programming, promotion, and development for senior citizen recreational serNices. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 . That the City Council hereby waives the requirements of formal competitive bidding and approves a contract between the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas and the Council on Aging in the amount of Thirty Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety-Nine Dollars and Ninety-Six Cents ($30,999.96) to provide public recreation services for the senior citizens of Fayetteville for 2002. A copy of said contract marked Exhibit "A" is attached hereto and rrade a part hereof. Section 2. That the City Council hereby authorizes the Mayor to sign said agreement with the Council on Aging. PASSED and APPROVED this 190' day of February, 2002. APPROVED: r r ( r By: Lim &Z4 ;p . so A ' D COODY, ayor t IIFEg WOODRUFF, Cityerk a •J � NAME OF FILE: Ordinance No. 4373 CROSS REFERENCE: 02/19/02 Ordinance 4373 Contract with Council on Aging, Inc. 01/31/02 Memo to Mayor Coody and City Council thru Hugh Earnest, Urban Development Director, from Connie Edmonston, Parks & Recreation Superintendent, regarding Council on Aging Agreement and Ordinance to waive competitive bidding 02/19/02 Staff Review Form 02/26/02 Memo to Connie Edmonston, Parks & Recreation, from Heather Woodruff, City Clerk NOTES : 0 0 ORDINANCE NO, AN ORDINANCE WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS OF FORMAL COMPETITIVE BIDDING AND APPROVING A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS AND THE COUNCIL ON AGING IN THE AMOUNT OF THIRTY THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED NINETY-NINE DOLLARS AND NINETY-SIX CENTS ($30,999.96) TO PROVIDE PUBLIC RECREATION SERVICES FOR THE SENIOR CITIZENS OF FAYETTEVILLE FOR 2002. WHEREAS, providing quality recreational opportunities to the senior citizens of our community is of mutual interest to the City of Fayetteville and the Council on Aging, and; WHEREAS, the Council on Aging and the City of Fayetteville have develope a rking relationship over the past thirty years, and; WHEREAS, this relationship allows for a continuity of se i -e It effic'en provision of recreational opportunities, and; WHEREAS, were it not for the services offe ed y the Coun it n i g, the City o Fayetteville would be required to assume the duty of providing s p ogramming, om on, and ev to ment for senior citizen recreational services. NOW, THEREF i BEI jRDAW CIT OUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETT 1 , AS: S ction 1 . at he iU u it hereby aives th requirements of formal competitive bidding and a pr • ves a con ac be e n t • o tteville, Arkansas and the Council on Aging in the amount • Thirty Thou and i e Hun r mety-Nine Dollars and Ninety-Six Cents ($30,999.96) to provide blit retreat n se ice or the senior citizens of Fayetteville for 2002. A copy of said contract mtl hibit " ' ' a I ereto and made a part hereof. ctio That the City Council hereby authorizes the Mayor to sign said agreement with the Coun ging. PASSED and APPROVED this day of 2002 APPROVED: By: DAN COODY, Mayor ATTEST: By: HEATHER WOODRUFF, CityClerk ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS OF FORMAL COMPETITIVE BIDDING AND APPROVING A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS AND THE COUNCIL ON AGING IN THE AMOUNT OF THIRTY THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED NINETY-NINE DOLLARS AND NINETY-SIX CENTS ($30,999.96) TO PROVIDE PUBLIC RECREATION SERVICES FOR THE SENIOR CITIZENS OF FAYETTEVILLE FOR 2002. WHEREAS, providing quality recreational opportunities to the senior citizens of our community is of mutual interest to the Cityof Fayetteville and the Council on Aging, and; WHEREAS, the Council on Aging and the City of Fayetteville have develope rking relationship over the past thirty years, and; WHEREAS, this relationship allows for a continuity of se i e It effic en provision of recreational opportunities, and; WHEREAS, were it not for the services offe ed y the Coun - it n i g, the City o Fayetteville would be required to assume the duty of providing s p ogrammi g om on, and e laDment for senior citizen recreational services. NOW, THEREF BE I RDAI CIT OUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTE LE, AS: S ction 1 . at he •i un it hereb. aives t requirements of formal competitive bidding and a pr • ves a con be e n th CR o tteville, Arkansas and the Council on Aging in the amoun o Thirty Tho and i e Hun r mety-Nine Dollars and Ninety-Six Cents ($30,999.96) to provide p blic recreaf n se is or the senior citizens of Fayetteville for 2002. A copy of said contract marke hibit " a ereto and made a part hereof. S do That the City Council hereby authorizes the Mayor to sign said agreement with the Cou = ging. PASSED and APPROVED this 151h day of January, 2002 APPROVED: By: DAN COODY, Mayor ATTEST: By: HEATHER WOODRUFF, CityClerk Co C • Ord . 4373 At A&isA CONTRACT OHIGINAL Between The City of Fayetteville and Council on Aging, Inc. WHEREAS, the City of Fayetteville has long been associated with and worked with the Council on Aging, Inc. to provide public recreation for the citizens of Fayetteville; and WHEREAS, the Council on Aging, Inc. has long provided public recreation to the senior citizens of Fayetteville; and WHEREAS, it remains in the best interest of the City of Fayetteville and its citizens to provide operating, promotion and development revenues to the Council on Aging, Inc. in consideration for the substantial recreational programs provided by the Council on Aging, Inc. to the senior citizens of Fayetteville. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED: The City of Fayetteville shall provide the sum of $2,583 .33 monthly to the Council on Aging, Inc. throughout the year of 2002 in consideration of the following duties and obligations to be performed by the Council on Aging, Inc. : A. The Council on Aging, Inc., promises to be responsible for providing staff, programming, promotion, and development for the Hillcrest Towers and Walker Park Community Centers. The Council on Aging, Inc. agrees to use funding from the City to pay for the promotion and development of recreational programs designed specifically for senior citizens. B. The Council on Aging, Inc. promises to make substantial portions of its programs or facilities available to Fayetteville citizens (the public) at little or no cost for needy senior citizens. The Council on Aging, Inc. shall report on a quarterly basis the approximate number of Fayetteville citizens served by its programs. C. The Council on Aging, Inc. shall follow the general Working Procedures and Responsibilities for the City of Fayetteville Parks and Recreation Division and the Council on Aging, Inc. which is attached as Exhibit A. • Ord . 4373 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE By: prim fl04 DAN C ODY, Mayor COUNCIL ON AGING, INC. By: 8'1 Title AT E� or Woodruff, City Clerk i0 Ord . 4373 EXHIBIT A RECREATION IN FAYETTEVILLE WORKING PROCEDURES AND RESPONSIBILITIES FOR THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE PARKS AND RECREATION DIVISION AND THE COUNCIL ON AGING, INC. This Agreement is made and entered into between the City of Fayetteville Parks and Recreation Division (Parks and Recreation) and the Council On Aging (hereinafter COA). WHEREAS, the parties are two of the providers ofrecreational programs for the citizens of Fayetteville and wish to define a working agreement which maybe revised and modified each year upon mutual agreement between the Superintendent of Parks and Recreation and the Executive Director of the Council On Aging; and, WHEREAS, it is the goal of both parties to work in cooperation to enhance the recreation facilities and programs offered by the parties and to act together in meeting the needs of the citizens of Fayetteville; and, WHEREAS, increased communications and anew set ofopeating procedures will assist with the working relationship and will benefit both agencies and their operations; and, WHEREAS, Parks and Recreation believes the goals of Parks and Recreation and COA would best be accomplished by defining and streamlining responsibilities andprocedures; and, is therefore recommending the merging of facility and program management for all recreation offerings, thereby providing administrative accountability for all services provided to the citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, in order to define and improve the current working relationship between Parks and Recreation and COA, the following set of detailed operating procedures and responsibilities are hereby established. 1 . COA will be responsible for providing staffing, programming, promotion and development of recreational programs for senior citizens which includes, but is not limited to, recreational trips, arts and crafts, music, and games. 2. Parks and Recreation will be responsible for providing or approving the staffing, programming, maintenance, promotion and development of the parks systems within the city and the recreational events occurring within the city for all ages. 3 . The COA Executive Director and Parks and Recreation Superintendent shall have periodic meetings to ensure communication between the two entities. Page 1 ` 0 Ord . 4373 4. It is understood and agreed that the City's annual purchase of services will be negotiated on a yearly basis. COA shall provide liability insurance for vehicles provided by the City of Fayetteville. 5. The COA Board of Directors is responsible for the management and operation ofthe annual funding allocation to COA from the City ofFayetteville and shall have the responsibility for prioritizing the use of such funds. However, 75 percent of the funding must be expended for promotion and development of recreation. 6. COA shall schedule a meeting and submit an annual financial report to the Urban Development Director on or before April of each year. Such report shall detail COA's use of the City of Fayetteville's funding allocation. 7. COA shall comply with the schedules and procedures established by the Budget & Research Division of the City of Fayetteville for annual funding requests. 8. The working procedures and responsibilities contained herein shall become effective January 1 , 2002. CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE BY: py COUNCIL ON AGING, INC. r BY: ATTEST: BY: Page 2 • • Ord . 4373 CONTRACT Between The City of Fayetteville and Council on Aging, Inc. WHEREAS, the City of Fayetteville has long been associated with and worked with the Council on Aging, Inc. to provide public recreation for the citizens of Fayetteville; and WHEREAS, the Council on Aging, Inc. has long provided public recreation to the senior citizens of Fayetteville; and WHEREAS, it remains in the best interest of the City of Fayetteville and its citizens to provide operating, promotion and development revenues to the Council on Aging, Inc. in consideration for the substantial recreational programs provided by the Council on Aging, Inc. to the senior citizens of Fayetteville. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED: The City of Fayetteville shall provide the sum of $2,583 .33 monthly to the Council on Aging, Inc. throughout the year of 2002 in consideration of the following duties and obligations to be performed by the Council on Aging, Inc. : A. The Council on Aging, Inc., promises to be responsible for providing staff, programming, promotion, and development for the Hillcrest Towers and Walker Park Community Centers. The Council on Aging, Inc. agrees to use funding from the City to pay for the promotion and development of recreational programs designed specifically for senior citizens. B. The Council on Aging, Inc. promises to make substantial portions of its programs or facilities available to Fayetteville citizens (the public) at little or no cost for needy senior citizens. The Council on Aging, Inc. shall report on a quarterly basis the approximate number of Fayetteville citizens served by its programs. C. The Council on Aging, Inc. shall follow the general Working Procedures and Responsibilities for the City of Fayetteville Parks and Recreation Division and the Council on Aging, Inc. which is attached as Exhibit A. • • Ord . 4373 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE By: DAN COODY, Mayor COUNCIL ON AGING, INC. By: Title ATTEST: By: Heather Woodruff, City Clerk Ord . 4373 EXHIBIT A RECREATION IN FAYETTEVILLE WORKING PROCEDURES AND RESPONSIBILITIES FOR THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE PARKS AND RECREATION DIVISION AND THE COUNCIL ON AGING, INC. This Agreement is made and entered into between the City of Fayetteville Parks and Recreation Division (Parks and Recreation) and the Council On Aging (hereinafter COA). WHEREAS, the parties are two of the providers of recreational programs for the citizens of Fayetteville and wish to define a working agreement which may be revised and modified each year upon mutual agreement between the Superintendent of Parks and Recreation and the Executive Director of the Council On Aging; and, WHEREAS, it is the goal of both parties to work in cooperation to enhance the recreation facilities and programs offered by the parties and to act together in meeting the needs of the citizens of Fayetteville; and, WHEREAS, increased communications and a new set of operating procedures will assist with the working relationship and will benefit both agencies and their operations; and, WHEREAS, Parks and Recreation believes the goals of Parks and Recreation and COA would best be accomplished by defining and streamlining responsibilities and procedures; and, is therefore recommending the merging of facility and program management for all recreation offerings, thereby providing administrative accountability for all services provided to the citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, in order to define and improve the current working relationship between Parks and Recreation and COA, the following set of detailed operating procedures and responsibilities are hereby established. 1 . COA will be responsible for providing staffing, programming, promotion and development of recreational programs for senior citizens which includes, but is not limited to, recreational trips, arts and crafts, music, and games. 2. Parks and Recreation will be responsible for providing or approving the staffing, programming, maintenance, promotion and development of the parks systems within the city and the recreational events occurring within the city for all ages. 3. The COA Executive Director and Parks and Recreation Superintendent shall have periodic meetings to ensure communication between the two entities. Page 1 • • Ord . 4373 4. It is understood and agreed that the City's annual purchase of services will be negotiated on a yearly basis. COA shall provide liability insurance for vehicles provided by the City of Fayetteville. 5 . The COA Board of Directors is responsible for the management and operation of the annual funding allocation to COA from the City of Fayetteville and shall have the responsibility for prioritizing the use of such funds. However, 75 percent of the funding must be expended for promotion and development of recreation. 6. COA shall schedule a meeting and submit an annual financial report to the Urban Development Director on or before April of each year. Such report shall detail COA's use of the City of Fayetteville's funding allocation. 7. COA shall comply with the schedules and procedures established by the Budget & Research Division of the City of Fayetteville for annual funding requests. 8. The working procedures and responsibilities contained herein shall become effective January 1 , 2002. CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE BY: Attest: BY: COUNCIL ON AGING, INC. BY: ATTEST: BY: Page 2