HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 4340 ORDINANCE NO, 4340 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE XV: UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE, OF THE CODE OF FAYETTEVILLE, TO PROVIDE AMENDMENTS TO AND CLARIFICATION OF VARIOUS PROVISIONS CONCERNING TREE PRESERVATION AND PROTECTION. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That Chapter 151 : Definitions, Unified Development Ordinance, Code of Fayetteville is hereby Amended by deleting the following definitions: Development (Tree Protection and Preservation); Landmark Tree; Mature Canopy Area; Rare Tree; and Tree Preservation Area; and in its stead, is inserted Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 2. That Sections 152(H) and 153.02(A) Unified Development Ordinance, Code of Fayetteville are hereby Amended by deleting the subheadings "Tree Protection and Preservation," and inserting "Tree Preservation and Protection" in their stead, and as to 153 .02(A) only, striking the phrase "landmark and rare" and inserting the term "significant' in its stead. Section 3. That Section 155.05(A), Unified Development Ordinance, Code of Fayetteville is hereby Amended by inserting the following: §155.05 APPEALS FROM PLANNING COMMISSION DECISIONS. A. Appeals To City Council. 7. Tree Preservation Plan. Owners of record or any member of the City Council wishing to contest a Tree Preservation Plan must appeal the decision to deny or approve the preliminary subdivision plat or large scale development according to the procedures set forth in subsection (A)(2) above. Section 4. That Section 156.03(C), Unified Development Ordinance, Code of Fayetteville is hereby Amended by inserting the following: §156.03 DEVELOPMENT. C. Consideration By The Planning Commission. 6. Tree Preservation Plan. A developer may petition the Planning Commission for a variance from the requirements of Chapter 167: Tree Preservation and Protection, in those cases where their strict application would work an injustice as applied to the proposed development due to a situation unique to the subject real property; . 0 Ord .. 4340 provided that such variance shall not have the effect of nullifying the intent and purpose of the chapter. The Planning Commission's approval of said variance must be affirmed by the City Council to become effective, and a denial of the requested variance may be appealed to the City Council. Section 5 . That Chapter 167: Tree Protection and Preservation, Unified Development Ordinance, Code of Fayetteville is hereby repealed, and Exhibit `B" attached hereto and made a part hereof, is inserted in its stead. �a • PASSED AND APPROVED this 2"d day of October, 2001 . 1 U APPROVED: By: 644 12 DAN COODY, Mayor ATTEST: By: eat er Woodru , City Clerk Ex Ch Ord . 4340 u EXHIBIT "A" To be inserted at Chapter 151 : Definitions, Unified Development Ordinance: Abbreviated Tree Preservation Plan. (Tree Preservation and Protection) A shorter, less formal Tree Preservation Plan required of Applicants seeking Building, Grading or Parking Lot Permits, but who are not subject to the requirements for Large Scale Developments or Subdivisions. Administrative Determination. (Tree Preservation and Protection) Final action by the Landscape Administrator to either approve, conditionally approve or disapprove a Tree Preservation Plan. Administrative determinations apply only to those projects which do not require Planning Commission approval. Analysis Report. (Tree Preservation and Protection) A report, which among other things, sets forth any alternative designs the Applicant considered in arriving at the proposed design. Applicant. (Tree Preservation and Protection) Any person, party, partnership, corporation or other business entity seeking the City's approval of a proposed Tree Preservation Plan. Base Density. (Tree Preservation and Protection) The number of trees an Applicant must plant based upon the quality and number of the trees proposed to be removed per acre. Bona Fide Agricultural Purpose. (Tree Preservation and Protection) The aim or goal of facilitating the ongoing commercial pursuit of farming, dairying, pasturage, horticulture, viticulture, or the keeping or raising of livestock or poultry, not otherwise prohibited by city ordinance. Caliper. (Tree Preservation and Protection) The diameter of a young tree (those with a diameter of 4" or less) measured 6" above ground level. Canopied Slopes. (Tree Preservation and Protection) Any land with a slope of 15% or greater containing trees, woody shrubs and herbaceous plants that serve the function of sustaining the structural integrity of the soil, thus reducing the likelihood of erosion, slide, or slump. Canopy. (Tree Preservation and Protection) The combined crowns of all trees on a tract of land. Conservation Easement. (Tree Preservation and Protection) A formal, legally binding agreement between parties, usually a landowner and a private or public entity, providing for the preservation of land in its natural state. . Ord . 4340 EXHIBIT "A" Contiguous Woodlands. (Tree Preservation and Protection) A portion of canopy existing on the site of proposed development, which is a part of a larger, unbroken forest, whether or not it extends onto adjacent lots. Forestation. (Tree Preservation and Protection) The act of planting trees. Invasive Species. (Tree Preservation and Protection) Any species not indigenous to a region, which becomes established and displaces native species. Landscape Establishment Guarantee. (Tree Preservation and Protection) A bond, irrevocable letter of credit, or other surety held by the City until the satisfactory conclusion of the three-year landscape establishment period. Less Desirable Species. (Tree Preservation and Protection) Low-Priority trees or other woody shrubs listed in the City of Fayetteville Tree Preservation, Protection, and Landscape Manual. Mitigation. (Tree Preservation and Protection) The planting of trees on-site in an effort to lessen the environmental damage caused by the injury or removal of trees during development. Native Woodlands. (Tree Preservation and Protection) A biological community dominated by trees and woody shrubs native to the Ozark Plateau, covering an area of 10,000 square feet or greater. A list of species native to the Ozark Plateau maybe found in the City of Fayetteville Tree Preservation, Protection, and Landscape Manual. Non-native Woodlands. (Tree Preservation and Protection) A biological community of trees and woody shrubs, covering an area of 10,000 square feet or greater, descended from non-native species brought to the area during urban settlement. A list of typical non-native species may be found in the City of Fayetteville Tree Preservation, Protection, and Landscape Manual. Percent Minimum Canopy. (Tree Preservation and Protection) The amount of existing tree canopy an Applicant must preserve based on the zoning designation of the land to be developed. Relic Orchard. (Tree Preservation and Protection) Groups of fruit trees originally planted for agricultural purposes, but since taken out of production. Riparian. (Tree Preservation and Protection) Of, relating to, or located on the bank of a river or stream. Riparian Buffer. (Tree Preservation and Protection) A biological community consisting of trees, woody shrubs and groundcover that exists along the banks of rivers, creeks or intermittent and perennial streams. 0 0 Ord . 4340 EXHIBIT "A" Significant Tree. (Tree Preservation and Protection) A tree with a diameter at breast height (DBI)) of 24" or more for Fast Growth Species, 18" or more for Slow and Moderate Growth Species, and 8" or more for Understory Species, as set forth in the City of Fayetteville Tree Preservation, Protection, and Landscape Manual. A tree may also be considered significant because of advanced age for its species, or because it represents an uncommon or endangered species, or due to its location on a site designated as historic by local, state or federal authorities. Tree Preservation Area. (Tree Preservation and Protection) Those areas designated for the protection of both preserved and planted trees depicted on a Tree Preservation Plan, Abbreviated Tree Preservation Plan, Preliminary Plat, Large Scale Development, or Site Plan. Use Buffer. (Tree Preservation and Protection) Trees or other woody shrubs that serve to screen incompatible land uses, unwanted light, or noise. • Ord . 4340 E EXHIBIT `B" CHAPTER 167 : TREE PRESERVATION AND PROTECTION §167.01 PURPOSE. 9. To preserve riparian banks and beds, and prevent sedimentation. It is the purpose of this chapter to protect and promote the health, safety, and 10. To screen incompatible land general welfare and preserve and enhance uses. the natural beauty of Fayetteville by providing for regulation of the preservation, 11. To promote energy conservation. planting, maintenance, and removal of trees within the city, in order to accomplish the 12. To protect and enhance property following objectives: values. A. Objectives. B. Principles. This chapter shall be enforced according to the following 1. To preserve existing tree canopy. principles: 2. To create a healthful 1 . Preservation shall be the first, environment for Fayetteville residents, best, and standard approach. businesses and industries. 2. If preservation cannot be 3. To moderate the harmful effects achieved, On-Site Mitigation shall next be of sun, wind and temperature changes. pursued. 4. To buffer noise, air and visual 3. If On-Site Mitigation cannot be pollution. achieved, Off-Site Preservation shall be pursued. 5. To filter pollutants from the air and assist in the generation of oxygen. 4. If Off-Site Preservation cannot be achieved, Off-Site Forestation shall be 6. To reduce stormwater runoff and pursued. the potential damage it may create. 5. If none of the above approaches 7. To stabilize soil and prevent can be achieved, payment shall be made to erosion, with an emphasis on maintaining the Tree Escrow Account. tree canopy on hillsides defined as Canopied Slopes in Chapter 151 . §167.02 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE TREE PRESERVATION, 8. To provide habitat for birds and PROTECTION, AND LANDSCAPE other wildlife. MANUAL. The Landscape Administrator, in cooperation with other members of City -1- • 0 Ord . 4340 EXHIBIT `B" Staff, shall promulgate and periodically §167.03 TREE REGISTRY. revise forms, procedures and regulations to implement this chapter, and publish this A. Trees or groups of trees which are information in the City of Fayetteville Tree documented to be of historic merit, of an Preservation, Protection, and Landscape uncommon or endangered species, or are of Manual. extraordinary value due to their age, size, or type, may be registered in the City of A. Copies of the Tree Preservation, Fayetteville's Tree Registry. It shall be the Protection, and Landscape Manual are to be duty of the Landscape Administrator to made readily available to the public and maintain and keep this Registry on file in the shall include, but need not be limited to: Administrator's office. 1 . Specific criteria for gaining City B. Registration of trees shall be approval of Tree Preservation Plans; voluntary and may be done by the owner(s) of the property on which the tree is located. 2. The format and content of reports Registration shall not run with the land, and plans the Applicant must submit to the unless the property owner wishes to use an City pursuant to this chapter; express trust to transfer a benefit in the tree or groups of trees to the City. Registered 3. Tree protection during tree owners are entitled to consultation with construction; the Tree and Landscape Advisory Committee and/or the Landscape 4. A glossary of important terms Administrator concerning proper care and used in this chapter; protection of the tree, as well as an evaluation of the tree's condition. 5. Size and species requirements for trees planted for On-Site Mitigation or Off- §167.04 TREE PRESERVATION AND Site Forestation; PROTECTION DURING DEVELOPMENT, 6. Maintenance of trees (including but not limited to pruning, irrigation, and A. Applicability. The provisions of protection from disease). this section shall apply to proposed Subdivisions, Large Scale Developments, B. The Tree and Landscape Advisory and developments required by other chapters Committee shall review and may of the Unified Development Ordinance to go recommend revisions to the Tree through the City's permitting process. Preservation, Protection, and Landscape Persons seeking to build one ( 1 ) single- Manual at least every three (3) years to family dwelling unit or one (1 ) duplex are reflect changes in arboricultural and specifically exempt from the provisions of horticultural practices, lists of preferred tree this section. species, City policies or the content of this chapter. 1. Subdivisions and Large Scale Developments. Applicants seeking -2- . Ord . 4340 EXHIBIT `B" approval of proposed Subdivisions and Preservation Plan, as set forth in Large Scale Developments shall submit a § 167.04(H)(3), shall be submitted with the Site Analysis Plan, Analysis Report, and application for permits on projects that are Tree Preservation Plan with the Preliminary not required to go through the Subdivision Plat or Site Plan. There shall be no land or Large Scale Development process. There disturbance, grading or tree removal until a shall be no land disturbance, grading or tree Tree Preservation Plan has been submitted removal until an Abbreviated Tree and approved, and the tree protection Preservation Plan has been submitted and measures at the site inspected and approved. approved, and the tree protection measures at the site inspected and approved. 2. Grading Permits. An Abbreviated Tree Preservation Plan, as set B. Tree Preservation Criteria. The forth in § 167.04(H)(3), shall be submitted Landscape Administrator shall consider the with the application for Grading Permits on following factors, and any other relevant projects that are not required to go through information, when evaluating Tree the Subdivision or Large Scale Development Preservation Plans: process. There shall be no land disturbance, grading or tree removal until an Abbreviated 1. The desirability of preserving a tree Tree Preservation Plan has been submitted or group of trees by reason of age, location, and approved, and the tree protection size or species. measures at the site inspected and approved. 2. Whether the design incorporates the 3. Building Permits. Tree required Tree Preservation Priorities. preservation requirements apply to all permit applications for non-residential 3. The extent to which the area would construction, and the construction of multi- be subject to environmental degradation due family residential buildings composed of to removal of the tree or group of trees. three (3) or more dwelling units. An Abbreviated Tree Preservation Plan, as set 4. The impact of the reduction in tree forth in § 167.04(H)(3), shall be submitted cover on adjacent properties, the with the application for Building Permits on surrounding neighborhood and the property projects that are not required to go through on which the tree or group of trees is the Subdivision or Large Scale Development located. process. There shall be no land disturbance, grading or tree removal until an Abbreviated 5. Whether alternative construction Tree Preservation Plan has been submitted methods have been proposed to reduce the and approved, and the tree protection impact of development on existing trees. measures at the site inspected-and approved. 6. Whether the size or shape of the lot 4. Parking Lots. Tree preservation reduces the flexibility of the design. requirements apply to all permit applications for the construction of parking lots with five (5) or more spaces. An Abbreviated Tree -3- . Ord . 4340 EXHIBIT °B" 7. The general health and condition of C. Canopy Area. In all new the tree or group of trees, or the presence of Subdivisions, Large Scale Developments, any disease, injury or hazard. Industrial and Commercial Developments, and all other improvements listed above, 8. The placement of the tree or group of trees shall be preserved as outlined in Table trees in relation to utilities, structures and 1 under Percent Minimum Canopy, unless the use of the property. the Applicant has been approved for On-Site Mitigation or Off-Site Alternatives as set 9. The need to remove the tree or group forth in subsections (I) & (J) below. The of trees for the purpose of installing, square foot percentage of canopy area repairing, replacing, or maintaining essential required for preservation in new public utilities. development is based on the total area of the property for which the Applicant is seeking 10. Whether roads and utilities are approval, less the right-of-way dedications. designed in relation to the existing An Applicant shall not be required to plant topography, and routed, where possible, to trees in order to reach the Percent Minimum avoid damage to existing canopy. Canopy requirement on land where less than the minimum exists prior to development, 11. Construction requirements for On- unless trees have been removed. Site and Off-Site drainage. Table 1 — Minimum Canopy 12. The effects of proposed On-Site Requirements Mitigation or Off-Site Alternatives. PERCENT ZONING MINIMUM 13. The effect other chapters of the DESIGNATIONS CANOPY UDO, or City policies have on the A-1 Agricultural development design. (Non-agricultural uses) 25 14. The extent to which development of RE Residential Estate 25 the site and the enforcement of this chapter are impacted by state and federal RA Residential Acre 25 regulations. RL Residential Large Lot 20 15. The impact a substantial RS Residential Small Lot 20 modification or rejection of the application R-O Residential-Office 20 would have on the Applicant. R-1 Low Density 25 Note: The above items are not presented Residential in any particular order of importance. The weight each is given will depend in large R-1 .5 Moderate Density 20 part on the individual characteristics of each Residential project. RMF-6 Low Density 20 Multi-Family Residential -4- 0 Ord . 4340 EXHIBIT `B" PERCENT using the Base Density for High Priority ZONING MIN*1MUM trees. DESIGNATIONS CANOPY 2. If an Applicant is able to RMF- 12 Moderate Density 20 demonstrate to the Planning Commission's Multi-Family Residential satisfaction that the trees were removed for a RMF-18 Medium Density 20 bona fide agricultural purpose, and not with Multi-Family Residential the intent to thwart enforcement of this chapter, the additional ten percent (10%) R-2 Medium Density 20 reforestation requirement shall be waived. Residential R-3 High Density 20 E. Tree Preservation Priorities. Residential C- 1 Neighborhood 15 1 . Proposed designs must meet the Commercial Percent Minimum Canopy requirements for C-2 Thoroughfare 15 the particular zoning designation, Commercial emphasizing the preservation and protection of High Priority trees on the site. Trees in C-3 Central Business 15 utility easements shall not be counted Commercial toward the Percent Minimum Canopy C4 Downtown 10 requirement, and such utilities shall be routed, wherever possible, to avoid existing I- 1 Heavy Commercial and 15 canopy. Light Industrial 2. Each design shall consider the I-2 General Industrial 15 existing natural features of the site, the P- 1 Institutional 25 Preservation Priorities for the trees, and the impact their proposed removal may have both on and off site. D. Prior Tree Removal. 3. The list of Preservation Priorities 1 . If trees have been removed (see Table 2) shall guide the review of each below the required minimum within the five development's design. The submittal of (5) years preceding application for designs which do not incorporate development approval, the site must be Preservation Priorities for the trees on the forested to meet the Percent Minimum site shall result in the denial of the Tree Canopy requirements set forth in Table 1 , Preservation Plan. plus an additional ten percent (10%) of the total area of the property for which the 4. The preservation and protection Applicant is seeking approval, less the right- of High Priority trees shall be enforced most of-way dedications. The number of trees stringently to meet the minimum percentage required to be planted shall be calculated of canopy preservation. The preservation and protection of lower priority trees shall -5- Ord . 4340 EXHIBIT "B" not be substituted for that of High Priority 1 . Residential Subdivisions. The trees, except: Percent Minimum Canopy in residential subdivisions shall be located in areas that a. when the justification for have the least possibility of impact as such a substitution is set forth in the utilities are installed and homes built. The Analysis Report; and, intent is to leave undisturbed as many existing trees as possible for the use and b. the substitution is approved enjoyment of prospective lot owners. All by the Landscape Administrator. Residential Subdivisions requesting tree removal below the Percent Minimum Table 2 — Preservation Priorities Canopy requirement are required to contribute to the Tree Escrow Account as set Mid-level Low forth in § 167.04(J)(4)(a). Trees in utility High Priority Priority Priority easements shall not be counted toward the Percent Minimum Canopy requirement, and Canopied Contiguous Invasive such utilities shall be routed to avoid Slopes, Woodlands, Species, existing canopy. 2. Non-Residential Subdivisions. Floodways & Non-native Relic Two options are available for establishing a Riparian Woodlands, Orchards, Tree Preservation Plan for the development Buffers, and of Non-Residential Subdivisions. The and, Landscape Administrator shall recommend Native Less to the Planning Commission the option that Woodlands ,and Use Buffers. Desirable will potentially preserve the largest amount Species. of priority canopy based upon the Tree Significant Preservation Criteria set forth at § 167.04(B) Trees. Note: Each of the above is listed above. The Landscape Administrator may, alphabetically beneath its respective when appropriate, recommend approval of a category. They are not presented in any plan that contains some of the features of particular order of importance within that both options, provided the plan satisfies the category. intent and requirements of this chapter. F. Tree Preservation Requirements a. Preservation Plan for for Proposed Residential and Non- Entire Subdivision. The developer may Residential Subdivisions. Where trees choose to preserve the Percent Minimum exist, flexible approaches such as Canopy required for the entire development. adjustments to lot layout, placement of With this option, the preserved canopy shall buildings and paved surfaces, and location be located in areas that will not be impacted of utilities shall be pursued in order to meet by future development of the individual lots. the Percent Minimum Canopy required for Canopy to be preserved shall be noted on the the applicable zoning designation. Final Plat, and shall be protected as set forth in § 167.04(L) below. Should the entire -6- a • Ord . 4340 EXHIBIT "B" Percent Minimum Canopy requirement for make recommendations to ensure the the site be so protected, the Final Plat shall proposed subdivision or development include a statement that the individual lots, complies with the requirements of this as represented thereon, shall not require chapter. These recommendations shall be separate Tree Preservation Plans. non-binding. However, Applicants proceed at the risk of higher costs due to changes b. Preservation Plan for required by a noncompliant submittal should Infrastructure Only. The developer, in they choose not to have the Initial Review or consultation with City Staff, shall delineate to disregard the recommendations of the the area required for the construction of the Landscape Administrator. infrastructure and improvements for the development. This area should include street 2. Letter of Confirmation. The rights-of-way, and utility and drainage Landscape Administrator shall document easements. Lot lines, streets, and easements whether the Applicant participated in the shall be located to avoid placing a Initial Review meeting in a Letter Of disproportionate percentage of existing Confirmation to the Applicant. If the canopy in any one (1) proposed lot. This Applicant chose to attend an Initial Review option shall not allow the removal of trees meeting, the letter shall also document any during the grading of individual lots, unless recommendations made. The Landscape shown by the developer to be essential to the Administrator shall ensure that a copy of the project's engineering design. The developer letter becomes part of the permanent file for will be required to compensate for the the project. canopy removed from this defined area by making the appropriate payment into the H. Submittal of Plans. Applicants Tree Escrow Account. On all other areas of should bear in mind that all plans will be the development, the developer shall protect evaluated according to the Tree Preservation the existing canopy during the construction Criteria and Percent Minimum Canopy phase in accordance with § 167.05 below. requirements as set forth under § 167.04(B) The Final Plat shall include a statement that & (C). the individual lots shall require separate Tree Preservation Plans. 1. Site Analysis Plan. On sites with existing tree canopy, the Applicant G. Initial Review. shall conduct a Site Analysis to determine the approximate age, health, size and species 1 . Meeting with the Landscape distribution of the trees, noting each on a Administrator. It is strongly recommended Site Analysis Plan, and clearly showing the that prospective Applicants meet with the locations and types of all natural features on Landscape Administrator for an Initial a site, including features one hundred feet Review of the proposed Tree Preservation ( 100') beyond the property lines. The Site Plan for the site prior to submitting a Analysis Plan shall also specifically depict Preliminary Plat, Large Scale Development, the applicable Preservation Priority level for or Site Plan to the City. During the Initial each tree or group of trees on the site. The Review, the Landscape Administrator shall plan should include, but need not be limited -7-