HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 4303 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING §35.20 OF THE CODE OF FAYETTEVILLE (ORDINANCE NO. 2310, AS AMENDED), TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX, LEVY OF TAX TO PROVIDE PENALTIES AND ENFORCEMENT, ALLOWING EXAMINATION OF RECORDS AND INVESTIGATIONS AND PROVIDING FOR RULE MAKING POWER. WHEREAS, the City wishes to allow for the examination of taxpayer records and investigations to assist in the fair and accurate collection of the Hotel, Motel and Restaurant tax (hereinafter HMR tax) and; WHEREAS, provisions are needed for penalties against those who fail to comply with the HMR tax ordinance and; WHEREAS, the City believes that promulgating rules and regulations in administering the HMR tax will be beneficial in fairly and accurately interpreting the provisions of the HMR tax. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 . That §35.25 of the Code of Fayetteville is hereby added as follows: §35.25 Penalties and Enforcement. The City may assess penalties and interest against taxpayers who fail to timely report or pay the tax. The penalty shall be equal to five percent (5%) of the unpaid tax amount per month not to exceed a total assessment of thirty-five percent (35%) of the unpaid tax. Simple interest on unpaid taxes shall be assessed at the rate of ten percent (10%) per annum. In addition, the City may exercise all powers listed under A.C.A.§26-75- 603 (c) as may be amended from time to time and may utilize the provisions of A.C.A. §26-75-603 (d) and (e) as may be amended from time to time in enforcing the tax. .C;�rtinn ?. That §35.26 of the Code of Fayetteville is hereby added as follows: §35.26 Examinations and Investigations. The collector of the tax in order to enforce the tax, by determining the accuracy of taxpayer reports and remittances, or fixing any liability under the ordinance, may make an examination or investigation of the place of business, the tangible personal property, equipment, and facilities, and the books, records, papers, vouchers, accounts, and documents of any taxpayer or other person. Every taxpayer or ord . 4303 to • other person and his agents and employees shall exhibit to the collector these places and items and facilitate any examination or investigation. Section3. That §35.27 of the Code of Fayetteville is hereby added as follows: §35.27 Rules and Regulations. The City after notice and public hearing may pass any rules and regulations necessary for carrying into effect the provisions for the enforcement of this ordinance. i, YEr D AND APPROVED this �Q_ day of March, 2001. • 37 < " APPROVED: BY: kzw —; DAN COO Y, M r ATTEST: By: Heather Woodruff, City fferk 0 0 NAME OF FELE: Ordinance No. 4303 CROSS REFERENCE: 03/20/01 Ordinance No. 4303 03/22/01 Departmental Memo from City Clerk 3 P 2C 2 NOTES: FAYETTEVIIPLE ! THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE To: Marsha Farthing, Accounting Manager From: Heather Woodruff, City Clerk Date: March 22, 2001 Attached is a copy of the ordinance amending section 35 .20 of the Code of Fayetteville. The original will be microfilmed and filed with the City Clerk. cc: Steve Davis, Budget Manager Nancy Smith, Internal Audit Marilyn Johnson, A&P Commission 0 • RECEIVED APR 18 2001 ACCTG. DEPT Arkansas Democrat ORDINANCE NO. 43M ' An Ordinance ame" section 35.20 of the Code of Fi yeU%e (Ordinance. No. 2310, as am,edt, Than Tar, Levy of Tax lo",%vide penalties aM enforcement; allowing AFFIDAWr OF PUBLICATION exammauon of records Mnd.imrestiga- tons and providing for Rule- Making Power. Whereas, the City wished to allow for the examination of ta�ay records and investigations to assist m the fair 1 > jy6m do solemn ) and accurate collection of the Hotel, I y Motel and Restaurant tax (Hereinafter HMR tax) and; Whereas, provisions are needed for swear that I ani Legal Clerk of the Arkansas penalresa lnstthese who faltoco - ppryrywith the HMR Tex Ordmence and; • /" Whereas, the City believes that pnomuF gating odes and regulations inradmir N Leong the HMR Tax will be benefdd Dculocrat-GazettcNewspaper, printed and published at Lowell , fairly and accurate interpreting the previsions of the HMR lar. Naw, Therefore, be it Ordamed1by the Gry Council of the City of Fayetteville! Arkansas and that from n1y own personal knowledge and arkanses: Section 1. That section 35,25 of the Code of Fayetteville is hereby added as I-C CCI;IICC l0 the files of Saler publication tile adVCI-IISCIIIC(lt OP 1011m:Semon 35.25 Penalties and Emome- ment. The City may assess -penalties _A and interest against l the xsThho fati (�V / to gmety report orD y the tax ppaene - �O eery shall un ai equal io iwe ermem (5%) of the unpaid tax amonm pert o thirty- five h net a exceed t total ) of the un m Wray Wa ' nscrtcd in the regular editions on S einterestw �rWtax unpaid taxi assessed at the rate of ten roam (10%) per annum. In addition, tree City' A&exemise all p m s limed under section 26-75.603 (c) es may be amended from time to time and may ut. lize the provisions of A.CA section 26.75-603 (d) and (e) a 'may be emended from time to time in amorcing the tax. Section 2. That section 35.26 of the i Code of Fayetteville is hereby added as Publication Charge Seccon 35.26 Examinations and In> vestigshe%, The collector of the tax id order to emome the tax, by detemd ' Purchase Order ft the accuracy m taxpayer reppoorts nA remidances, or fixing any Zty under the ordinance, may make an examine- bon or investigation of the place of busii ness, the tangible personal'.popemy, equipment and facilities, and the Subscribed and sworn t before me this books, records, papers, vouchers, ye crams, and documents m pay r or odl r or other person. Every ta+�ayer or o0r er person and h5 amts andpanpIoy� clay of 2001 . ees shall exhibit to �e collector placesy ex .and nems and facilitate an - amination or investigation. Semon 3. Rules and Regulations. The City after notice and public heading may Notary public pass any mles and regulations neces- �/ m�onuf or pee imm at of m tinto effect �Ns o�rcW My commission expires _ c�/eZD /oZ 003 nanal.Passed and Approved this 20th day of Mach, 2Do1. Approved: - By: Dan Doody, Mayor ,. Attest: a ` By: Heather Woodruff, City Clerk OFFICIAL SEAL Aon) 16, 2001 • yf ` CAROLYN COAKLEY ?y a2710 • l �Weshngto^ runty Fayeucvillc, Arkansas 72701 , (501 )571 -6467 04 - 2 '1 - 01A09 : 14 RCVD