HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 4293 ORDINANCE NO.42,93_ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 172, PARKING AND LOADING, OF THE CODE OF FAYETTEVILLE, TO PROVIDE BICYCLE PARKING RACK REQUIREMENTS ; AND AMENDING CHAPTER 156, VARIANCES, TO PROVIDE FOR A BICYCLE RACK VARIANCE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 . That Chapter 172, Parking and Loading, of the Code of Fayetteville, is hereby amended to add the following: § 172.03 . BICYCLE PARKING RACK REQUIREMENTS. A. When Bicycle Parking Racks are Required. All proposed new construction requiring twenty-five (25) off street, automobile parking spaces or more shall require bicycle parking. All proposed or required expansions in automobile parking lots shall also meet the requirements of this ordinance. B. Amount of Bicycle Parking Racks Required. The following table shall be used to determine the minimum number of bicycle parking racks to be provided. (Note: each rack equals 2 bicycle parking spaces). Total Bicycle Racks Equivalent Total Off-:Street Equivalent Total Off-street Required Automobile Parking required by Automobile Parking required by code in a Non-residential code in a Residential Development Development 1 25-30 25-50 2 31 -60 51 - 100 3 61 -90 101 - 150 4 91- 120 151 -200 5 121 - 150 201 -250 1 additional rack per/ each additional 100 spaces each additional 150 auto spaces C. Definition of a Bicycle Parking Rack. Each bicycle parking rack holds two (2) bicycles. Each rack shall be an inverted U-type rack (as per specifications.) D. Spacing of Racks. Each bicycle parking space shall have 2'-0" x 6'x0" clear space, paved or unpaved, beside the rack allowing each rack to potentially count as two spaces. The 2'0" Page 2 ord . 4293 dimension may overlap another bicycle parking space such that racks positioned in a parallel row may be 2'6" on center (see Figure 1 .) E. Position of Bicycle Parking Racks. 1 . Bicycle parking racks should be located within 50 feet of a public entry. 2. Bicycle parking facilities should have adequate lighting for the operation of combination and key locks at night and to minimize theft. 3 . Bicycle parking racks should be positioned so that no pedestrian traffic is impeded. 4. Bicycle parking racks should not be located within bus stops, loading zones, or other curb space where on-street parking is permitted unless approved by the City Traffic Engineer. 5. Bicycle parking racks shall have a 15'0" clearance from edge of fire hydrants. 6 . Bicycle parking racks should have a 4'0" clearance from existing street furniture, including mailboxes and light poles. 7. Bicycle parking rack location shall not interfere with ADA standards. F. Variations in Requirements. 1 . Up to ten percent ( 10%) of required automobile parking maybe substituted with bicycle parking at a rate of one (1 ) additional bicycle rack for one automobile space. This reduction shall be allowed in addition to other variances, reductions and shared parking agreements. The 10% reduction allowance is based on the total required parking before any variances are applied. 2. Any property owner required to have bicycle parking may elect to establish a shared bicycle parking facility with any other property owner within the same block to meet the combined requirements. G. Procedure for Compliance. 1 . For projects requiring bicycle parking, the bicycle parking shall be indicated on the site plan that is submitted to the Planning Division for approval. (All site plans must be drawn to scale.) 2. Shared bicycle parking agreements that meet the requirements of this ordinance shall be automatically approved. H. Specifications. 1 . Design. Each rack shall bean inverted U-type rack designed with either extended legs for embedment in concrete footing, or with a steel flange for bolting onto paved surface. The apex of the U shall be 2'9" - 3'0" above the ground. The legs of the U-shape shall be 1 '6" on center. Page 3 0 • ord . 4293 a. With Embedment. The rack legs shall extend 9" into a concrete footing. Before applying finish, the pipe shall be drilled 3" above the base and fitted with a 6" long, 7/ 16" diameter steel cross bar. This cross bar shall be welded into place, lies horizontally and acts as an anchor. b. With Flange Mount. A pre-drilled, steel flange, minimum 8" square, shall be welded to the bottom of each leg before final finish is applied. The flange shall have a minimum of three (3) bolt holes. Each bolt hole shall accept a 1 /2" diameter steel bolt. 2. Materials. Racks are to be constructed of 1 1 /2" Schedule 40 Steel pipe ( 1 .90" x 0. 145" wall). The pipe shall be bent in one piece (not welded in sections). 3 . Finishes. Unless the pipe material is stainless steel, the pipe shall have PVC coating, powdercoat finish or hot-dipped galvanized finish applied after the flange has been welded in place (surface mount method) or the anchoring cross bar has been fitted in a drilled hole (embedment method). 4. Anchoring the Rack. Paving is not required, however, racks shall be securely anchored through one of the two following methods. a. With Embedment. The rack shall be embedded in a min. of 9" diameter, 10" deep concrete footing. b. With Flange Mount. Racks shall be anchored with 3 inch anchor bolts, 1 /2" in diameter. Mounting flange shall be a minimum 3/8" plate. Illustration. Figure 1 . 2 racks spaced 2'-6" on center and equaling 4 parking spaces. Section 2. That Chapter 156, Variances, of the Code of Fayetteville, is hereby amended to add the following: § 156.02(B)5 . Bicycle Rack Variance. The Planning Commission may modify or waive the requirement for or the design standards for a bicycle rack. PASSED AND APPROVED this 20th day of February , 2004. q i1teA0` - APPROVED: v ^. By: Charles Daniel Coody, Mayor a page 4 ord . 4293 ATTEST: By: Heather Woodruff, City Clerk 0 0 NAME OF FELE: Ordinance No. 4293 CROSS REFERENCE: 02/20/00 Ordinance No. 4293 01/22/01 Planning Division Correspondence 01 /22/01 Planning Commission Minutes 02/20/01 Staff Review Form 03/07/01 Departmental Correspondence from City Clerk boo QA &11LA;4 ;0A1 NOTES : FAYETTEVILLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 113 W. Mountain St. TORR Fayetteville, AR 72701 Telephone: 575-8264 PLANNING DIVISION CORRESPONDENCE TO: Fayetteville Planning Commission FROM: Dawn T. Warrick, Planner THRU: Tim Conklin, City Planner DATE: January 22, 2001 AD 00-45.00: Administrative Item (Fayetteville Sidewalk & Trails Committee) was submitted by Laura Kelly on behalf of the Fayetteville Sidewalk & Trails Committee. The request is for Bike Parking Rack Ordinance. RECOMMENDED MOTION: To forward the proposed ordinance to the Ordinance Review Committee of the City. Council for consideration and further action. BACKGROUND: Several months ago, the Sidewalk & Trails Committee was approached by Laura Kelly, a committee member, about instituting an ordinance to require and regulate the installation of bike racks for developments in order to provide for alternate forms of transportation within the City. Attached is the draft which was reviewed by the Committee and forwarded to the Planning Commission. Also included in this packet is a letter to the editor of a local newspaper in support of the proposal and a listing of cities throughout the United States which have similar ordinances. An information guide for developers is being generated by the Sidewalk & Trails Committee to accompany the ordinance. This guide will answer commonly asked questions and will further explain the benefits of providing bicycle parking for both commercial and residential developments. The proposed ordinance is designed to permit shared bicycle parking spaces between adjacent businesses (within 50'). It also encourages the use of bicycle parking as a means of reducing required vehicle parking spaces by allowing a reduction of up to 10% of the vehicular spaces when additional bicycle racks are installed. The type of bike rack, including required clearances and installation techniques is specified in the proposed ordinance. H I USERSICOMMOMDAWNnREPOR7WC11-22-0116ikepark.wpd ft ft Cities with Bicycle Parking Ordinances Los Angeles, CA Tallahassee, FL Montgomery County, MD (Rockville) Rockport, MD Davis, CA Gainesville, FL Houston, TX Palo Alto, CA Madison, WI Oakland, CA Portland, OR Austin, TX Santa Cruz, CA Iowa City, IA Boulder, CO Eugene, OR Denver, CO San Francisco, CA Berkeley, CA H:1 USERSICOMMOMDAWN7IREPOR7SIPC17-22-0/Ibikepark.wpd Bicycle PodcmgOvdm cc Bicycle Parking Requirement: 1. When Bicycle Parking is Required : All Proposed new construction requiring twenty-five (25) automobile spaces or more will require bicycle parking. In addition, all proposed additions or enlargements to existing construction, or changes in occupancy which result in additional automobile parking shall also require bicycle parking. The-following proposed occupancies will be allowed to omit bicycle parking: funeral parlor, undertaker, automobile repair shop, gas station or car wash. 2. Amount of Bicycle Parking Required : The following table shall be used to determine the minimum number of bicycle parking racks to be provided. (Note: each rack equals 2 bicycle parking spaces) Equivalent Total Equivalent Total Automobile Parting in Automobile Parking in Total Bicycle Racks a Non-residential a Residential Required Development Development 1___ - 25-30 25-50 2 31-60 51-100 3 61-90 101-150 4 91-120 151-200 5 121-150 201-250 1 additional rack per/ each additional 100 spaces each additional 150 auto spaces 3. Definition of Bicycle Parking Space: Each-bicycle pukirig-space shall consist of an inverted U-type rack or similar device-constructed so as to enable the user to secure the bicycle by locking the frame and one wheel to the device with a cable or U-lock. Racks should support the bicycles in a stable upright position, with two points of contact on the bicycle's frame. Racks that support a bicycle primarily by a wheel are not acceptable. Each bicycle space requires 2'-0" by 6'-0" of clear space beside the rack allowing each rack to potentially count as two spaces. The 2'-0" dimension may overlap another bicycle space such that racks positioned in a parallel row may be 2'-6" on center. (See diagram 1). Bicycle lockers also meet the requirements of this paragraph. • Bicyde Puking Ordmmm 4. Position of Bicycle Parking : • Bicycle parking must be located within 50 feet of the front entry. • Bicycle parking facilities must have adequate lighting for the operation of combination and key locks at night and to minimize theft. • Paving is not required, however, racks shall be securely anchored to the surface and of sufficient strength to resist vandalism and theft. With paving, each rack leg shall have a pre-drilled steel flange, min. 8" square, welded to the bottom before the final finish is applied. 3 bolt holes in each flange plate are required. Each bolt hole shall accept min . diameter 1/2" stainless steel concrete anchor bolts or equivalent. Without paving, the rack must be embedded a min. of 10" in a concrete footing. • Bicycle parking racks must be positioned so that no pedestrian traffic is impeded. • Bicycle racks shall not be located within bus stops, loading zones, or other curb space where on-street parking is permitted unless approved by the City Traffic Engineer. • Bicycle racks must have a 12'-0" clearance from edge of fire hydrants. Bicycle racks must have a 4'-0" clearance from existing street furniture, including mailboxes and light poles. S. Variations in requirements: • Up to ten percent (10%) of required automobile parking may be substituted with bicycle parking at a rate of two (2) additional bicycle parking spaces (equal to one rack) for one automobile space. This reduction shall be allowed in addition to other variances, reductions and shared parking agreements. The 10% reduction allowance is based on the total required parking before any variances are applied. • Any property owner required to have bicycle parking may elect to establish a shared bicycle parking facility with any other property owner within the same block to meet the combined requirements. Biryde Patv% Ordmwm 6. Procedure for Compliance: • For projects requiring bicycle parking, the bicycle parking shall be - indicated on_the_site-plan-that is submitted to the Planning Division for approval. (AM site plans must be drawn to scale.) •- .-Shared-bicycle parking agreements,_that meet the.: —3—ordinance-shall"be automatically approved. quiremerits`of this qsr � II I - - lzs?�cj._ s� lbs �S Figure 1 2 racks equaling 4 parking spaces Planning Commission January 22, 2001 Page 25 AD 00-45.00: Administrative Item (Fayetteville Sidewalk & Trails Committee) was submitted by Laura Kelly on behalf of the Fayetteville Sidewalk & Trails Committee. The request is for Bike Parking Ordinance. �IHvN Comm �i7zN Odom: The next item we have on tonight' s agenda is item number five which is an Administrative Item from the Fayetteville Sidewalk & Trails Committee submitted by Laura Kelly on behalf of the Fayetteville Sidewalk & Trails Committee. The request is for a bike parking rack ordinance. The staff s recommendation is to forward the proposed ordinance to the ordinance review committee of the City Council for consideration and further action. I thought this had been to the Ordinance Review Committee? Conklin: It had been to the Ordinance Review Committee last year. It has not gone back to them. They would like to review it one more time. I decided to bring this forward to the Commission and move it along to Ordinance Review Committee. Odom: I would ask Laura to come forward at this time. Kelly: Hi. I'm Laura Kelly. - I have been doing some research on bicycle parking ordinances- for the past couple years and I 've found that they are the most popular bicycle related ordinance in the United States right now. I have been aware of the trend and return of cycling as a popular form of transportation. Even just today, I received some statistics saying it was the second most behind the automobile. I think accommodating these -- cyclists at new developments would be-very responsible and friendly livable City move. I've drafted an ordinance based on the ordinances across the United States, slightly less drastic because I know this is the heart of America not California. I think it' s very reasonable and complete, well defined. It says when parking will be required for new commercial or residential developments only if they already require more than 25 automobile spaces. Similarly, if there is a change in occupancy which requires additional parking and they now have more than 25 spaces, they will also be subject to the ordinance. An example, there is a chart saying if you are required to have a certain amount of parking, this is how many racks. An example would be, if you are required to have 80 automobile parking spaces, say you are a large restaurant, you are required to put in 3 bicycle racks within 50 feet of an entrance so that they are visible. The definition of the parking space outlines the dimensions required between the racks, the sizes of the racks, how close they can be placed on center, the position of bicycle parking and number four outlines that it needs to be clear of pedestrian movement, street furniture, there needs to be enough light to operate a lock which is basically the same amount of light required to read your watch and then number five, variations and Planning Commission January 22, 2001 Page 26 requirements allows some developers if they have a particularly dense site and they are having trouble fitting in parking, they can remove up to ten percent of the required automobile parking and all they would have to do is for each parking space removed, -- --- -- —they-add-one more rack. There is an allowance for shared bicycle parking with any other business that can also be within 50 feet of the racks. The procedure for compliance outlines that bike racks will be shown on your site plan that is regularly submitted to the Planning Division, for instance, for large scale development projects. Then there is a small sketch of the inverted U shape bicycle parking racks which are the standard in most ordinances across the country and have been recommended to me also by the physical plant at the University of Arkansas because that' s their standard for the University now and they produce them. Also in your packet, there is a note of approval from a local developer who has written to the paper and asked that this ordinance be approved. They find it a very developer friendly ordinance. Also, I've submitted a draft copy of some bicycle parking guidelines which is an example of something that a lot of the cities who have an ordinance have also this simple guideline that helps the developer follow the ordinance basically. It lists a whole bunch of suppliers, it lists possible signage to help make your parking rack more visible, it lists the exact pipe dimensions and how to mount it in the ground. I would also like to include the finishes of the pipe before this is done and this will be approved by the Sidewalk and Trails Advisory Committee before it's done. Does any one have any questions? PUBLIC COMMENT: Odom: I've got some questions but, before we do questions what we do is take public comment and then we do questions. Any member of the audience like to address us on this issue? Would you please come forward at this time? Druding: Hi. I'm Dave Druding and I live here in Fayetteville, have for a couple of decades now. I'm a bicyclist. I have on several occasions wound up at a place with my bicycle and have nothing to do. I once carried it in with me and said can I park this here next to the door? Also, I think Laura did a very thorough job because some of the places at the University that I park my bike. ..a few years ago the print in phone books got smaller and all sorts of things started to change, but I've noticed that there is not adequate light in some spots and I think that she mentioned that there needs to be enough light. I really think this is an ordinance that would make the City more attractive to a wider variety of people. I think there is a lot of people who are bicycling now. I have a manufacturing facility on the south side of Fayetteville and we've had a bike rack there since we moved there ten years ago and it get's used by people who are