HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 4282 ORDINANCE NO. 4282 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A 50/50 COST SHARE WITH NANCHAR, INC. AND MARJORIE S. BROOKS FOR FINAL PAVEMENT, DRAINAGE AND OTHER CONSTRUCTION FOR THE BOULEVARD SECTIONS OF STEELE BOULEVARD AND VAN ASCHE DRIVE; APPROVING A BID WAIVER; APPROVING A PROJECT CONTINGENCY; AND APPROVING A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That a 50/50 cost share with NANCHAR, INC. and Marjorie S. Brooks is hereby approved in the amount of$623,654. 18 for final pavement, drainage and other construction for the boulevard sections of Steel Boulevard and Van Asche Drive. Such cost share shall include construction costs only and shall exclude engineering costs. Section 2. That the City Council hereby waives the requirements of competitive bidding for the 50/50 cost share for final pavement , drainage and other construction for the boulevard sections of Steel Boulevard and Van Asche Drive for the reason that said requirements are neither practical nor feasible. The developers are doing work on their project, and to provide continuity, will provide all labor, materials, and equipment on the drainage pipe enlargement. Section 3 . A 10 percent project contingency in the amount of $62,365.42 is hereby approved and the Mayor is authorized to approve expenditure of such contingency. Section 4. A budget adjustment in the amount of $378,553 .60 is hereby approved. A copy of the budget adjustment is attached hereto and made a part hereof. P E��t D AND APPROVED this 5h day of December , 2000. APPROVED: Ir � 0� v. 1 Fred Hanna, Mayor ATTEST: By: I Bather Woodruff, City Cl rk City of Fayetteville, Arkansas EXHIBIT A • Budget Adjustment Form • �XN Budget Year Department: Public Works Date Requested Adjustment # 2000 Division: Engineering 11/28/00u Program: Sales Tax Capital Improvements Project or Item Requested: Project or Item Deleted: 378,554 is requested for the Steel Property - Street Improvement Sixth Street Extension to East Huntsville Road. Project. Justification of this Increase: Justification of this Decrease: For increased construciton costs of the City's share of the Sufficient funding remains to complete the project. 50/50 cost share. Increase Expense (Decrease Revenue) Account Name Amount Account Number Project Number Street Improvements 3789554 4470 9470 5809 00 99029 20 Decrease Expense (Increase Revenue) Account Name Amount Account Number Project Number Street Improvements 378,554 4470 9470 5809 00 96044 10 Approval Signatures Budget Office Use Only Requested By Date Type: A B C OD E get Manager Date Date of Approval D mens Di or / to Posted to General Ledger 1 A in. ervices t ctor G D Posted to Project Accounting � W Mayor Date Entered in Category Log Blue Copy: Budget & Research / Yellow Copy: Requester H:\BUDGET\PROJECTS\BUD_ADJ\BA_2000\98028STR.W K4 FAYETTEVkLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE To: Fred Hanna, Mayor Thru: Charles Venable, PW Director tical Don Bunn, Asst. PW Director From: Jim Beavers, City Engineer,( Date: November 28, 2000 �" Re: Agenda Request - City Council Meeting of December 5, 2000. Proposed bid waiver and cost-share with NANCHAR, INC. And Marjorie S. Brooks (CMN) for the final pavement, drainage, landscaped median and other construction for the boulevard sections of Steele Boulevard and Van Asche Drive, Proposed project contingency, Proposed budget adjustment. The City Council has previously agreed to cost share in the construction of the four lane boulevard sections of Steele Boulevard from Joyce Boulevard south to Van Asche Drive (approximately 2600 feet less approximately 220 feet for the new bridge) and Van Asche Drive from Steele Boulevard west to the phase line of phase one (approximately 340 feet). Please refer to the enclosed drawing. The City' s Council's approval of the preliminary plat on October 6, 1998 is the basis for the proposed "50/50" cost share. The boulevard sections will be constructed as two -28 ft. lanes with a 20 ft. landscaped and irrigated median, 10 ft. greenspace and 6 sidewalks. During consideration of the preliminary Plat (October 1998) the rough cost for the City's contribution for one half of the boulevard section and widening the bridge over Mud Creek was estimated by Mr. Venable and Mr. Milholland at $ 1 ,300,000.00. Because that plans had not been developed a detailed cost estimated could not be produced. The CIP was programed for $ 1 ,000,000 as the City's cost share with the knowledge that additional funds may be required when detailed plans and contracts were available. The final approved plan, quantities and cost estimate furnished by Milholland have been reviewed and are considered reasonable. The final costs to the City will be based upon actual and measured costs as documented by Milholland Company and subject to City review. Page 1 of 3 0 0 The City's share is estimated to be $623,654. 18. Please refer to the enclosed correspondence from Milholland dated November 27, 2000. Previous approvals: March 16, 1999: the City Council approved a bid waiver and cost share for the earthwork, grading and subgrade work on sections of Steele Boulevard south to Van Asche Drive and Van Asche Drive from Steele Boulevard west to the phase line of phase one in the amount of $ 176,243.00. The amount was based upon Milholland's estimates. July 6, 1999: the City Council approved a cost increase for the earth work in the amount of $ 116,291 .00. The amount was based upon revised quantities and contract prices. Please note that when these cost shares where approved it was noted that the request was "for the earthwork, grading and subgrade portion of construction only. The base, curb and gutter, paving and drainage will require separate/additional funding . . .". July 6, 1999: the City Council approved a bid waiver and the City's "50/50" cost share of the four lane Steel Bridge over Mud Creek in the amount of $448,216.88. The amount was based upon contract bid prices. Action requested: 1 . Approval of a bid waiver for the negotiated construction costs for the City's share of the "50/50" cost-share for the final pavement, drainage and other construction for the boulevard sections of Steele Boulevard and Van Asche Drive* at the CMN development as previously agreed upon in principal by the City Council with the developer NANCHAR, INC. and Marjorie S. Brooks (CMN) in the amount of $623,654. 18 and further defined in the attached project map and November 27, 2000 correspondence from Milholland Company. The cost-share shall cover construction costs only. Engineering costs are not included in the cost share. All cost-shared improvements shall be located within the right-of-way or easements. 2. Approval of, and authorization for the Mayor to expend, a 10% project contingency in the amount of $62,365.42. 3 . Approval of a budget adjustment in the amount of $378,553 .60. *The boulevard sections of Steel Boulevard and Van Asche Drive for the cost share as defined in the preliminary plat are Steele Boulevard south from Joyce Street to Van Asche Drive and Van Asche Drive from Steel Boulevard west to the CMN phase line. The cost share includes new encasement of the existing sanitary sewer at Steele Boulevard Bridge. Budget: Project no. 99029, Steele Boulevard Cost Share: Current budget of $600,000 for the boulevards and $448,216.88 for the bridge ($ 1 ,048,216.88 total). The 2000 budget includes $307,466.00 available (of the $600,000) for the Steel Cost share. The requested additional funding is $378,553 .60. The recommended source for the budget adjustment are funds that remain in the budget after awarding the 6 h Street Extension project. Encl: Project/cost share map. Letter from Milholland dated November 27, 2000. CMN BUSINESS PARK II, PHASES I & II ENGINEER'S CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE - COST SHARE PARTS "C" - PAVING & RELATED ITEMS; PLUS: SANITARY & STORM SEWER ITEMS NANCHAR, INC. & MARJORIE S. BROOKS & CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE Nancy S. Rubeck, President; Charlotte S. Steele, Secretary & Marjorie S. Brooks Jim Beavers, City Engineer P.O. Box 32 113 West Mountain Street Springdale AR 72765-0032 Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 Item Unit Total DESCRIPTION No. Quantity Cost Cost I. B. I L S 65,000.00 65,000.00 SUB-GRADE PRE: This item cost shared I. C. 1572 C Y 12.70 19,964.40 Topsoil Replace to Finished Surfaces I. D. 1 . 1000 TY 1 .00 1 ,000.00 Material Purchased From Onsite Borrow Pit 1. D. 2. 1000 TY 10.85 10,850.00 Borrow Material / Fine Grading II.A.2. 10539 LF 8.30 87,473.70 T wide Modified conc. curb+gutter w/Ramps II. B.2. 18192 S Y 19. 10 347,467.20 Pavement Section No. 2 (T', 4", 3") II. C. 560 SY 10.00 5,600.00 Temp Cul-De-Sac: 6" & 2" ACHMSC Il. D. 1 L S 47,000.00 47,000.00 Approach Slabs+Gutter: Steele Bridge-128 CY III. B. 5952 LF 13.70 81 ,542.40 4" thick x 6 LF wide concrete sidewalk IV. 1810 LF 11 .70 21,177.00 Sta. French Drain w/Rigid Perforated PVC Pipe V. 100 TN 14.85 1 ,485.00 French Drain Filter Rock: Utility / Storm Drain VLA3 523 LF $38.00 $19,874.00 Construct 30" CMP Storm Sewer Pipe VI.A4 242 LF $47.00 $ 11 ,374.00 Construct 36" CMP Storm Sewer Pipe r4A 76 LF $35.50 $2,698.00 Construct 18" RCP Storm Sewer Pipe (Class IV) 255 LF $40.00 $10,200.00 Construct 24" RCP Storm Sewer Pipe 152 LF $61 .30 $9,317.60 Construct 30" RCP Storm Sewer Pipe (Class IV) 330 LF $50.00 $16,500.00 Construct 30" RCP Storm Sewer Pipe Vl.A9a 77 LF $86. 15 $6,633.55 Construct 36" RCP Storm Sewer Pipe (Class IV) VI.A9b 1048 LF $72.00 $75,456.00 Construct 36" RCP Storm Sewer Pipe VI.A9c 362 LF $ 106.00 $38,372.00 Construct 48" RCP Storm Sewer Pipe MILHOLLAND COMPANY: Engineering & Surveying: 205 West Center St.; Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 ; Phone: (501 ) 443-4724; Fax: (501 ) 443-4707; E-mail:EnarMCO(a7ao1.com E-526: WATER, PAVING, SANITARY & STORM SEWER / COST SHARE PORTION Page 1 of 3 Date: September 12, 2000 Rev.: November, 27, 2000 • • CMN BUSINESS PARK II, PHASES I & II ENGINEER'S CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE - COST SHARE PARTS "C" - PAVING & RELATED ITEMS; PLUS: SANITARY & STORM SEWER ITEMS NANCHAR, INC. & MARJORIE S. BROOKS & CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE Nancy S. Rubeck, President; Charlotte S. Steele, Secretary & Marjorie S. Brooks Jim Beavers, City Engineer P.O. Box 32 113 West Mountain Street Springdale, AR 72765-0032 Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 Item Quantity Unit Total DESCRIPTION No. Cost Cost VI.B I 4 EA $29300.00 $9,200.00 Construct 4' x 4' Drop Inlets ST-24, ST-25A, ST-26, ST-29 VI.Bla 1 EA $2,800.00 $2,800.00 Construct 4' x 4' Drop Inlet ST-23 VI.B2 I EA $3, 100.00 $3,100.00 Construct 4' x 4.5' Drop Inlet ST-25 V I.B3 2 EA $2,600.00 $5,200.00 Construct 4' x 5' Drop Inlet ST-7, ST-8 VI.B4 I EA $3,300.00 $3,300.00 Construct Tx T Drop Inlet ST-28 VI.B5 2 EA $2,900.00 $5,800.00 Construct 5' x 5' Drop Inlet ST-6, ST-5A VI.B6 1 EA $2,800.00 $2,800.00 Construct 5.5' x T Drop Inlet ST-5 VI.B7a 1 EA $35100.00 $3,100.00 Construct 5' x 6' Drop Inlet ST-3 VI.B7b 2 EA $2,800.00 $5,600.00 Construct 5' x 7' Drop Inlet ST-9, ST- 10 VI.B8 137.5 LF $ 105.00 $ 14,437.50 Drop Inlet Throat Ext. w/6" height opening VI.CI 1 EA $2,300.00 $2,300.00 Construct 4' x 4' J.B. No. 3 VI.D.a 2 EA $2,800.00 $5,600.00 5' x 4' Reinf. conc. area inlet ST-27, ST-30 ELD. 2 EA $1 ,750.00 $3,500.00 Construct 36" RCP FES w/conc. Apron EP-1 , EP- 10 1 EA $3,000.00 $3,000.00 Construct 48" RCP FES w/cone. Apron FES-8 700 TN $ 12.25 $8,575.00 SB-2 base: Storm Drain Structure+Box Cul 850 CY $21 .00 $ 17,850.00 Fumish/install 18" maximum size Rip Rap VI. 1. 142 S Y $2.00 $284.00 Non woven geotextile fabric: Rip Rap place VII. 200 LF $2.00 $400.00 OSHA Trench - Excavation Safety Systems V III.A2 430 LF $ 13.50 $5,805.00 T Flat Bottom x I ' Depth (SW-8) w/Topsoil & Grass VIII.A3 747 LF $ 10.00 $7,470.00 8' Flat Bottom x I ' Depth (SW-9, SW-10, SW- I 1 ) w/Topsoil & Grass MILHOLLAND COMPANY: Engineering & Surveying: 205 West Center St.; Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 ; Phone: (501 ) 443-4724; Fax: (501 ) 443-4707; E-mail:EnarMCOt'daol.com E-526: WATER, PAVING, SANITARY & STORM SEWER / COST SHARE PORTION Page 2 o13 Date: September 12, 2000 Rev.: November, 27, 2000 CMN BUSINESS PARK II, PHASES I & II ENGINEER'S CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE - COST SHARE PARTS "C" - PAVING & RELATED ITEMS; PLUS: SANITARY & STORM SEWER ITEMS NANCHAR, INC. & MARJORIE S. BROOKS & CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE Nancy S. Rubeck, President; Charlotte S. Steele, Secretary & Marjorie S. Brooks Jim Beavers, City Engineer P.O. Box 32 113 West Mountain Street Springdale, AR 72765-0032 Fayetteville Arkansas 72701 Item Unit No. Quantity Cost Cost DESCRIPTION VIII.A4 560 LF $21 .00 $ 11 ,760.00 8' Flat bottom x 1 .5' deep ready for concrete ditch paving VIII.AS 79 LF $20.00 $ 1 ,580.00 8' Flat bottom x l .0' deep ready for concrete ditch paving VIII.A6 82 LF $44.00 $3,608.00 18' Flat bottom x 1 .0' deep ready for concrete ditch paving VIII.B1 1556 S Y $28.50 $44,346.00 4" Thick Cone. Ditch Pave (SW-9, SW-8, SW-3, SW-13, SW-10, SW- lI) VIII.CI 1613 S Y $8.00 $ 12,904.00 TRM-C35 Matting IX. 70 EA 250.00 17,500.00 2" Caliper Trees X. 1 L S $33053..00 $33,053.00 Striping Plan Xl. 8 EA $4,700.00 $37,600.00 Lighting - 8 Double Arms (7-Steele & I -Van Asche) XII. 1 EA $ 1 ,707.00 $ 1 ,707.00 Lighting- Single Arm relocation (Steele & Joyce) XIII. 1I EA $3, 100.00 $34, 100.00 Irrigation System (I I Zones) XIV 80 LF $90.00 $7,200.00 Hand rail on Steele Bridge XV I L S $55.625.00 Sewer line (3) encasement(s) $19194,464.35 TOTAL COST SHARE $5979232. 18 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE PORTION XV I L S $55,625.00 $26,422.00 Sewer line (3) encasement(s) - City's portion 47.5% $623,654.18 TOTAL CITY $597,232. 18 CMN PORTION XV I L S $55,625.00 $29,203.00 Sewer line (3) encasement(s) - CMN's portion 52.5% $626,435. 18 TOTAL CMN MILHOLLAND COMPANY: Engineering 6 Surveying: 205 West Center St.; Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 ; Phone: (501) 443-4724; Fax: (501) 443-4707; E-mail:EnarMCOaaol.com E-526: WATER, PAVING, SANITARY 6 STORM SEWER / COST SHARE PORTION Page 3 of 3 Date: September 12. 2000 Rev.: November, 27, 2000 , I „ 1 1 Iwo. \ 1 ` N ' f �\ 1------------- 7'- I 1 � ,NNE MORNE yVCNWDWE � 1 i 1 I ------------ i� I i i I y 1 1 1 'pG°d CHT.r 1 I I 1 , WR ------------- --------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14 -- ------------- 14 -------------------- --- - ------------------ � r &lad ��Com REGISTRATIONS: 61ineering & Su Veyiny PE: AR, OK, MO Melvin L. Milholland, PE, PLS PLS: AR, OK November 27, 2000 Project No. E526 Fayetteville 113 W. Mountain Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 ATTN: Mr. Jim Beavers, City Engineer RE: Cost Estimate for Paving and Storm Sewer Improvements - Cost Share Items Steele Blvd. and Van Asche Blvd. Dear Mr. Beavers: Attached is a revised, detail cost estimate of items to be cost shared between NANCHAR, Inc. and Marjorie S. Brooks and the City of Fayetteville. Additional cost share items that have been added include adjustments to striping (Cross walks, Stop bars and Solid Yellow hatching), drainage swales (exclusion of swales outside roadway stationing 18+00 to 30+00), rails on bridge (Steele Blvd bridge), and sewer line encasement on Mud Creek east of the Steele Blvd. bridge. The Earthwork and Appurtenances contract will pay for final seeding and mulching. Please contact me should you have any questions or require additional information. Respectful) Submitted Mil and ny Thomas M. Jefc a , ASLA Project Manager cc: CMN group 205 West Center Street; Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 ; Phone: (501 ) 443-4724; fax: (501) 443-4707; E-mail: EnerMCOno aol.com • STAFF REVIEW FORM • x AGENDA REQUEST x CONTRACT REVIEW VoGRANT REVIEW r the Fayetteville City Council meeting of December 5 , 2000 FROM: Jim Beavers Engineering Public Works ST Name 1)ivicinn department RL- � ACTION REQUIRED: FO 1 . Approval of a bid waiver for the negotiated construction costs for the City's share of the "50/50" cost-share for the final pavement, drainage and other construction for the boulevard sections of Steele Boulevard and Van Asche Drive* at the CMN development as previously agreed upon in principal by the City Council with the developer NANCHAR, INC. and Marjorie S. Brooks (CMN) in the amount of $623,654. 18 and further defined in the attached project map and November 27, 2000 correspondence from Milholland Company. The cost-share shall cover construction costs only. Engineering costs are not included in the cost share. All cost-shared improvements shall be located within the right-of-way or easements. 2. Approval of, and authorization for the Mayor to expend, a 10% project contingency in the amount of $627365.42. 3 . Approval of a budget adjustment in the amount of $378,553 .60. COST TO CITY: 686 019. 60 $355 .927 Steele cost share Cost of this Request Category/Project Budget (2000) Category/Project Name 4470-9470-5809.00 $48.461 Street Account Number Funs Used To Date (2000) Program Name 99029-0020 $307,466 Sales tax Project Number Remaining Balance (2000) Fund BUDGET REVIEW: x Budgeted Item Vistr4atilve Budget Adjutment Attached l�t�Budget Manager AdmSe t s Director CONTRACT/GRANT/LEASE REVIEW: GRANTING AGENCY: LJ" - v 1 a ctw �Sr„t L o f LS/ay Alntin er Date Internal Au ' or Date 1 . ? K -Od City Attome# Date ADA Coordinator Date Purchasing Officer Date Grant Coordinator Date OTAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval Page 2 STAFF REVIEW FORM *Description Steele cost share Meeting Date December 5, 2000 Comments: Reference Comments: Budget Manager Accounting Manager City Attorney rchasing Officer ADA Coordinator Internal Auditor Grant Coordinator •